A notorious Irish criminal is has been found guilty of threatening to sexually assault and murder his mother.
Barbie Kardashian, born Alejandro Gentile, had pleaded not guilty to the charges, which initially included 11 total counts of threatening to kill or cause serious harm to his mother and a care worker at Coovagh House, the secure facility for children he had been staying at since being remanded to special care in 2012.
Kardashian was found not guilty on the four charges related to threats issued towards the care worker. but guilty on all seven counts of those towards his mother.
At the trial which took place last week, the former Deputy Social Care Manager from Coovagh House took the stand to testify, outlining that on multiple occasions in 2020, Kardashian had expressed a desire to rape and murder his mother.
“[He] clearly expressed [he] wanted to track her down, identify where she lived and kill her – to murder and rape her,” the witness stated, continuing that on a separate occasion, Kardashian “expressed a clear desire to rape and mutilate [his] mother’s genitals.”
The witness also noted: “It was a clear desire to murder [his] mother, [he] had a plan to do so and was frustrated that [he] no longer knew where [his] mother lives.”
Kardashian, 20, came under widespread notoriety in September 2020 after it was discovered he was being housed in the women’s section of Limerick Prison after being arrested for uttering the rape and murder threats he is now standing trial for.
Kardashian was the victim of sustained childhood abuse at the hands of his father, who also directed depraved abuses at his mother.
As a child, Kardashian’s father had prevented his mother from breastfeeding or holding him when he cried. The father physically and emotionally abused him throughout childhood, but eventually recruited him to join in the abuse of his mother.
In 2010, Kardashian’s mother fled with him to a domestic violence refuge. Aged 8 at the time, Kardashian would be taken into special care just two years later after carrying out a brutal attack against his mother. She was forced to move to another part of the country as Kardashian continued to express plots to rape and torture her.
In 2019, Kardashian failed to appeal the special care order, but was released in 2020 after turning 18 and aging out of the secure care unit for children he had been held in.

At the time, Gardaí issued a nationwide alert to members of the public to a “homicidal teenage girl” that was set to be enter the community, failing to mention Kardashian had changed his legal gender marker just weeks before he was set to be released and was not a biological female.
Despite the fact Guardaí were attempting to warn the public of Kardashian, news outlets were prevented from providing too many details on Kardashian’s identity, and platforms reporting accurate details on his appearance, sex, and history were censored. Gript Magazine, an independent Irish outlet, was forced to remove an article describing Kardashian as male.
Today, almost all outlets covering Kardashian’s verdict continued to affirm his identity, utilizing ‘she/her’ pronouns to address him. In an article published by the Irish Times, it was even insisted that Kardashian had a “certificate from the Department of Social Protection which recognizes [he] is female.”
The onslaught of headlines describing Kardashian as a “woman” left some people expressing disbelief and upset on social media.
To one article posted by NewstalkFM, many feminists took to utilizing the hashtag #notourcrimes to indicate displeasure with Kardashian’s actions being associated with women.
Other users noted the confusing logic behind both the media and court validating select components of Kardashian’s identity while ignoring the rest under the recognition that he was obviously mentally ill, having been diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder.
“This man is incredibly sick, hates his mother and wants to kill her, and brutally attacked a female care worker. But the fact he identifies as female and wants to be called Barbie Kardashian – that’s just fine to the law and the mental health “professionals” working with him,” journalist and activist Eva Kurilova wrote.
Kardashian had been held in the women’s section of Limerick Prison after being charged in 2020, and, if sentenced to prison time, may also be transferred to a women’s facility in accordance with Irish self-identification law. This is despite the fact he is not only violent, but has a particular affinity for brutalizing women.
After being admitted to secure care in 2012, Kardashian displayed “sexualized” and violent behavior towards female staff from the early age of 10.
According to court documents from 2018, at 13 years old, Kardashian attacked the female driver who had been transporting him from court after appearing on a bench warrant. Without warning, Kardashian grabbed the woman from the backseat, tore off her eyelids, and ripped out clumps of her hair.
After the incident, Kardashian expressed regret at having failed to kill the victim, telling Gardaí – the Irish national police – that it had been “music to [his] ears to hear [the care worker] scream and cry.”
In relation to today’s guilty verdict, Kardashian will be sentenced in late July. According to NewstalkFM, the Judge has apparently ordered a psychological assessment to be completed before then.
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