BREAKING: Iowa BANS Males from Competing in Women’s Sports

Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds has signed a law that bans biological males in the state from competing in women’s sports.

The measures apply to public and private K-12 schools and community colleges, as well as colleges and universities affiliated with the National Collegiate Athletics Association and the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics.

Taking place just hours ago, Iowa Governor Reynolds signed into law Bill HF2416, surrounded by young female athletes and Republican lawmakers who supported the legislation at the state Capitol building in De Moines. The bill takes effect immediately.

“Our state has an impressive legacy of advancing women’s equality. As Iowa’s first female governor, this aspect of our state’s character fills me with gratitude and pride,” Reynolds said at the signing event, listing off a number of important historical female figures before noting that “great things happen when women have access to the fair and equal playing field they deserve.”

Reynolds said that it worried her that the bill was needed at all, stating: “It’s hard to imagine how anyone who cares about the rights of women and girls could support anything less.”

Reynolds introduced young female athlete Ainsley Erzen to speak on the bill’s necessity. Erzen is a senior at Carlisle High School who won the 800 meter girl’s national championship and broke the girl’s running record.

Erzen has been vocal about keeping sports sex-segregated, and published an open letter to the Iowa Girls High School Athletic Union calling for the protection of girls’ sports in the De Moines Register in February.

“I don’t think words would ever be enough to describe how much this bill means to me and all other female athletes,” Erzen said at the podium, “This past month, I’ve gotten to experience first hand just how much people hate the truth and people who speak it.”

Erzen’s short speech was met with uproarious applause from those in attendance, though a single individual was seen in the background of the presser holding what appeared to be a transgender pride flag.

“Women deserve the same opportunity as men to develop their talents and strive for excellence,” Reynolds said in her closing remarks just prior to sitting down to sign the bill into law.

“The principle of equal opportunity justifies virtually all progress women have made over the centuries. From the opportunity to go to college, to the opportunity to serve in elected office, and so much more.”

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