Convicted Pedophile Changes Pronouns To “She/Her” During Sentencing For Abuse Of 7-Year-Old Child

Content Warning: This article contains graphic descriptions of child sexual abuse as reported in court testimony. Reader discretion is appreciated.

A convicted pedophile appears to have declared a transgender identity while being sentenced for the horrific sexual abuse of a young girl.

On February 23, Robert William Perry II was sentenced to life in federal prison following a conviction for the aggravated sexual abuse of a minor. The victim, a 7-year-old girl for whom Perry was responsible, was abused over the course of one year while in Perry’s care.

According to the U.S. Department of Justice, Perry would coerce the girl into performing sex acts in exchange for candy, toys, and the opportunity to play video games in what Perry termed as a “man cave,” a closet where he regularly played video games and watched pornography. The abuses took place from 2017 to 2018 on the Muscogee Nation reserve in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Robert William Perry II

The child eventually divulged some of the details of her ordeal to a school friend, and the conversation was overheard by another student who immediately went to a teacher and reported what she had heard. The Oklahoma Department of Human Services was contacted, and the victim was interviewed by a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner. The girl was hesitant to speak about what had happened because Perry had told her to “keep secrets,” but she would go on to draw pictures of what had happened to her.

Perry was initially arrested and charged in 2018 and he was convicted in an Oklahoma state court in 2020, but the conviction was later dismissed because the state lacked the jurisdiction to prosecute the case. In the United States, only the federal government or tribal councils have jurisdiction to prosecute cases that occur in Indian Country that involve Native American defendants. Because Perry is Indigenous and the crime had been committed on Muscogee land, the case was turned over to the federal government.

During a hearing in May of 2022, his victim testified in federal court as to what had happened to her.

Reduxx has reviewed a transcription of the child’s testimony and is withholding identifying details out of respect for her privacy.

While in court, the girl explained that Perry had a closet where he played video games and smoked. Perry would take her into the closet when there was no one else in the home.

The child detailed that Perry would tell her to strip naked and kneel on the floor, and she would be instructed to take his genitals into her mouth. The girl, who was 11 when she gave her testimony, said Perry would force his penis into her throat and it cause her to choke, among other abuses which included Perry touching and licking her genitals. After sexually abusing the girl, Perry would give her Jolly Ranchers or Starburst. The abuses happened regularly after school.

A segment from the U.S. Attorney’s examination of the victim.

Perry was found guilty on counts of aggravated sexual abuse of a minor in Indian Country and for abusive sexual contact of a minor in Indian Country.

Perry was sentenced in February of 2023, and, shortly after, the U.S. Department of Justice amended their press release, noting that Perry now went by “she/her” pronouns. Previous releases had described Perry as a “man.”

Court documents reveal that Perry’s change in gender identity appears to have been declared around the same time he was being sentenced to life in prison for his crimes. A sentencing outcome signed by the judge in the case requested Perry be sent to a medium security facility in the Tulsa area with explicit provisions for “gender-care treatment programs.”

Other than the sentencing document, Perry’s gender identity was never mentioned during the trial.

Perry has been placed under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Prisons due to the fact his crimes were committed on the Muscogee Nation reservation. Under current Bureau of Prisons guidelines, Perry would be able to request housing on the basis of his self-declared gender identity.

On January 13 of 2022, the Bureau of Prisons revised its Transgender Offender Manual, which included guidelines previously scrubbed by the Trump administration with respect to gender self-identification for federal inmates. Under Trump, inmates were housed based on biological sex as a sole consideration, but the Biden administration re-invoked Obama-era guidelines requiring gender identity be considered when making housing assignments.

There are currently 1,500 federal inmates who identify as transgender. According to Keep Prisons Single Sex USA, almost 50% of trans-identified male federal inmates are in custody for sex offences. This is compared to just 11% of the non-trans male federal inmate population.

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Anna Slatz
Anna Slatz
Anna is the Co-Founder and Editor-in-Chief at Reduxx, with a journalistic focus on covering crime, child predators, and women's rights. She lives in Türkiye, enjoys Opera, and memes in her spare time.