The government-backed Dutch Human Rights Institute has come to the defense of a trans-identified male who reported a woman to police for requesting he stay out of women’s spaces. Alexandra Erné, who regularly posts exhibitionist and BDSM photos on publicly-accessible websites, previously reported women’s rights advocate Lydia Daniel to authorities after she criticized him on social media.
Erné is a vocal trans activist who frequently boasts about his legal right to utilize women’s spaces. He gained some notoriety in 2022 after he went public with his human rights claim against a fitness center for refusing him access to the women’s facilities. At the end of 2021, the Dutch Institute for Human Rights declared that Erné has been discriminated against on the basis of gender identity when a fitness center intially declined to allow him to use the women’s locker room.
But Erné renewed criticism earlier this year after it was learned that he reported women’s rights campaigner Lydia Daniel to authorities for criticizing both himself and gender ideology in general.
As previously reported by Reduxx, Erné filed a police report against Daniel after accusing her of making “insulting statements in public.” As part of the report, Erné provided police with a video of a speech Daniel gave at an International Women’s Day event that she shared to her X (formerly Twitter) account.
In the police report, Erné wrote that Daniel “made discriminatory statements towards transgender women,” continuing: “She said that transgender women were not women, but men. I am a transsexual and feel like a woman and also am a woman even though I was not born with a uterus. The statements Lydia makes in these videos hurt me as a woman and I find them downright discriminatory.”
Undeterred, Daniel continued to condemn Erné for his brazen use of women’s spaces, also calling attention to the fact he was a self-avowed BDSM and exhibitionism fetishist — the latter comprising of individuals who enjoy subjecting unwilling members of the public to sexual displays.
Reduxx reviewed several publicly-accessible profiles belonging to Erné demonstrating a lengthy history of uploading sexual content to the internet, some of which was taken in public spaces.
But Daniel is once again facing criminal and social scrutiny after criticizing the Dutch Institute for Human Rights following the government-funded organization’s defense of Erné.
On November 8, the Institute issued a statement asserting that violence against women impacted victims based on “gender identity” and “gender expression” rather than biological sex. In response, Daniel wrote:
“Men who admit that they get a kick out of voyeurism and exhibitionism given access to our locker room, THAT is also violence,” she said, emphasizing her point by uploading some fetish photos first posted by Erné. “You did that. And it is inequality based on sex, not gender. You can’t even name what’s going wrong.”
The Institute then responded to her criticism and accompanying photos by claiming that the images may have been “manipulated” in order to “humiliate” Erné, while referring to him as a woman.
“Freedom of expression is important. That largely means saying and writing what you want. It is okay to be angry and frustrated or cynical at times. But there are limits. Spreading hate, calling for violence, insulting, humiliating and excluding are not part of this.”
“The photos are placed in a context with the aim of humiliating and belittling. Whether it concerns the rights of trans women or any other topic, the tone of these types of messages falls outside freedom of expression. We do not know the origin of these photos. So we don’t know if they are real or manipulated,” the human rights organization continued.
“If they are real, it is very questionable whether this woman would appreciate seeing her photos in this way. This is a warning. Next time we will report you and block you.”
Daniel was incredulous at the threat, which appeared to suggest a report to both social media and police.
“Once again, their only concern is about what this man wants,” Daniel told Reduxx. “They have absolutely nothing to say about the grave mistake they made: allowing a voyeurist and exhibitionist into women’s changing rooms. In any case, censoring me will have the opposite effect. I will only fight them harder.”
Though she is facing a potential criminal investigation for her previous statements, Daniel has become increasingly outspoken about gender ideology in recent months.
In June, she appeared on talk show The New World TV (De Nieuwe Wereld TV) and told host Marlies Dekkers, “They (‘trans women’) are men. Society knows exactly who are the men and who are the women when they give rights to them and say no to us.”
“A lot of men have respect for the fact women need separate spaces. In my view it’s a certain type of men who want to cross these boundaries. Policy makers know the dangers; in the UK, at least seven women have been raped in women’s prisons before they decided to review these policies,” Daniel explained.
“Everything starts with calling them women. Because if they are women, then of course they should be included in women’s spaces. But at the same time, they are being treated differently from real women. When they say they don’t feel safe in men’s spaces everybody says, ‘Poor thing, why don’t you go to women’s spaces.’ But when we say, ‘We don’t feel comfortable with him’ we are called hateful. So we are treated different even though we both supposedly are women,” Daniel added.

Source: Noordhollands Dagblad
Last March, Noordhollands Dagblad sympathetically profiled Erné’s discrimination suit against BigGym in Alkmaar, where he fought to gain access to the women’s locker room after having a sudden realization about his gender identity. Erné told the press that he decided to ask staff if he could use the women’s locker room on the basis that he was uncomfortable being around naked men, but was denied.
In response, Erné called the BigGym management “old-fashioned, narrow-minded and discriminatory,” then told staff he would be undressing down to “panties” in the men’s room, and would forward any complaints from male patrons to them.
Days later, he sent a follow-up email to BigGym management asserting that he would be using the women’s locker room, and if any staff member attempted to prevent him, he would file a legal claim. BigGym replied that they would not deny him access “as long as appropriate behavior is shown.”
Despite this, he proceeded to make a formal complaint, and at the end of 2021, the Dutch Institute for Human Rights declared that Erné has been discriminated against on the basis of gender identity. In its judgment, the Dutch Institute for Human Rights set a precedent in which men could self-identify into women’s changing areas.
Reduxx previously revealed that Erné has admitted to having disturbing fetishes involving the sexualization of his transition, his “lesbianism,” and his continued access to women’s spaces. Over the years, he has posted over 100 pictures and several videos to his publicly-accessible FetLife profile, which include images of himself wearing a chastity device or bound with ropes. Other images depict sex toys, or Erné naked or nearly naked in public spaces, and there are several photos of his post-operative genitals.
In addition to the photos and videos, Erné has made several blog entries on FetLife. In some of his blog posts, dating back to August 5, 2016, he jokes about waiting for his wife to “be away from the house” so that he can steal her belongings and use them for his sexual gratification.
Later blog entries by Erné described his excitement at going bra shopping “like a teenage girl” and attempting to “grow breasts” by taking fenugreek and massaging himself.
The Netherlands added the concepts of “gender identity” and “gender expression” to anti-discrimination legislation in 2019, and the following year, added the automatic recognition of legal parenthood for homosexual male spouses after surrogate childbirth. One of the main political parties promoting gender identity policies in the Netherlands is D66, which initially proposed the addition of the terms to the law in 2017.
In 2021, D66 Member of Parliament Sidney Smeets resigned amid controversy that he had been sexually inappropriate with several young boys. The post which kicked off the controversy was made by a 17-year-old speaking up on behalf of the victims. He stated that Smeets would “often reach out to underage boys” on Twitter, and said that he had known “dozens of boys” approached by him. The teen further lamented the fact that Smeets, who he called a “pedo,” was representing “LGBTI rights” in an official capacity.
Earlier this year, it came to light that the official website for the Young Democrats, the “independent” youth wing of the Dutch Democratic Party (D66), had published statements sympathetic to pedophilia, endorsing the production of “virtual child pornography,” and even teaching pedophilia as a sexuality in schools.
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