EXCLUSIVE: Transgender Coach At Pennsylvania High School Who Was Previously Accused Of Undressing In Front Of Teen Girls RESIGNS After Starring In Porn While Smoking Meth

A transgender sports coach has quietly resigned from a Gettysburg, Pennsylvania high school, leaving some members of the community scrambling for answers. Reduxx has now learned that Sasha Yates was found starring in pornography while smoking methamphetamine, and has now been reported to the statewide child protective services program for undressing in front of teen girls in their locker room.

As previously reported by Reduxx last year, Yates had initially been hired by Gettysburg Area School District in 2018 while still identifying as a male, but in 2022, he began using the name Sasha after he declared that he was transgender. Yates has three children, two of which appear to live in the United Kingdom with their mother, and one young daughter who lives with him in Pennsylvania.

In the fall of 2022, shortly after Yates began “identifying” as female and using women’s facilities, he stripped down to “a bra and panties” in the girls’ locker room where the teen soccer team was changing.

While in the locker room, Yates questioned the young girls on their menstrual cycles and “what type of panties they like to wear.” The girls later reported that they were able to see that Yates was still intact, indicating his penis was visible.

The incident first came to public attention after Gettysburg Area School District board member Michelle Smyers reviewed internal documents related to Yates’ use of the girls’ restrooms and locker rooms.

School board member Michelle Smyers. Photo Credit: GASD

In response to the public outcry, the district quietly hired an attorney to do an investigation into the allegations that Yates had exposed himself to the female students. The attorney, Christopher Harris, determined that the allegations were unsubstantiated despite never interviewing the girls who had reported seeing Yates’ genitals. In a bizarre twist of events, Harris was recently arrested on child pornography charges.

The initial reports on Yates’ conduct came just as his contract with the district was up for renewal. And though two of the young girls who had been exposed to Yates’ inappropriate behavior were daughters of school board members, the District voted to renew his contract.

But on October 1, local Gettysburg news reported that that Yates had stepped down citing “ongoing health reasons.”

Reduxx can now reveal that Yates’ resignation appears to have come after starring in home-made pornography, including in a video showing him smoking methamphetamine from a glass pipe.

Speaking to Reduxx, board member Michelle Smyers explained that on the evening of September 29, she received an email from a “concerned parent” featuring two attachments. Both were home-made pornography videos of Yates engaged in disturbing sexual conduct.

“One video is [Yates] sitting there with some tight woman’s shirt on, but nothing on his bottom, smoking what I thought was a crack pipe. But it was meth. How do I know that? Because he says, ‘Am I a good meth whore?’ in the video,” Smyers explains. “After seeing that, I opened the next video. And there he was, wearing a bra, bent over a sink or something, with a black male wearing a full hood over his head behind him performing anal sex on him… He was looking directly at the camera the whole time.”

A screenshot from the video showing Yates smoking from a glass pipe. Reduxx has not seen the videos in full.

Horrified, Smyers immediately contacted the school district’s Police Chief and reported having received the videos. She then called the school board president, who assured her that Yates would be “gone” the next day.

Disturbingly, Yates appears to have known that Smyers received the videos, and contacted her via text message the next day to assure her that he would tender his resignation. Smyers says she believed this was a gesture intended to get her to “keep quiet” on the videos.

But Smyers instead escalated her concerns, filing a formal complaint with Pennsylvania’s Child Line, the state’s child protective authorities.

“I told them who I am and who I was reporting and gave them a whole history, including the locker room and restroom incidents they should have gotten a report on two years ago but never did,” Smyers says, referring to the incidents involving Yates undressing in front of teen girls in the locker rooms. “I do not believe anyone from my district ever made that call, even though they are mandated reporters, so I did.”

Smyers says Child Line followed up on the report yesterday, and asked her to forward them the videos of Yates smoking methamphetamine. “I actually had the woman promise I wouldn’t get into trouble for forwarding them because it’s essentially disseminating pornography,” she says.

Smyers, who has been advocating against Yates’ employment with the district for a number of years, says the situation is “somewhat” vindicating.

“Really the vindication belongs to those girls. The ones no one listened to or cared enough about to believe them or feel like they mattered,” Smyers says.

“I did say all along he was not the person people were defending him as being,” she continues. “This man knew what he was doing in those locker rooms. He supposedly made comments about being a lesbian. He sat at the sidelines of the soccer games looking at kids. He showed up at plays and musicals and tried to get his mug in the photos with the casts. I know that because my kid was in the plays and musicals. There was always something way off. But yet I was the bigot.”

Despite the school district now being aware of Yates’ conduct, Smyers does not believe they will offer an apology.

“No, they won’t say a word. They are probably hoping I don’t say a word, and if I do they will chastise me and say this is a personnel issue and I shouldn’t talk about it. Well I didn’t ask for those videos to be sent to me either, but there they were. So as far as I’m concerned, this is now MY story to tell.”

Reduxx reached out to the Gettysburg Area School District for comment, but did not receive a response in time for publication.

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Anna Slatz
Anna Slatz
Anna is the Co-Founder and Editor-in-Chief at Reduxx, with a journalistic focus on covering crime, child predators, and women's rights. She lives in Türkiye, enjoys Opera, and memes in her spare time.