EXCLUSIVE: Transgender Domestic Terrorist Sues Federal Bureau Of Prisons For Transfer To Women’s Prison, Cites Sexual Harassment By Men

A trans-identified male serving a 53-year sentence for multiple domestic terrorism charges is suing the Bureau of Prisons, demanding transfer to a women’s prison. Emily Claire Hari, formerly known as Michael Hari, led a ragtag right-wing militia called Patriot Freedom Fighters, later re-named to the White Rabbits.

Hari, along with the small group, began engaging in criminal activity in 2017 with the intention of carrying out acts of domestic terrorism. In August of that year, Hari’s group set an improvised incendiary device near the Imam’s office of the Dar-al Farooq Islamic Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota. One of Hari’s associates, Micheal McWhorter, would later confirm the purpose of the attack was to “scare Muslims out of the United States.” No one was injured in the attack.

In November of 2017, Hari and his “soldiers” targeted the Women’s Health Practice in Champaign, Illinois, where they threw a pipe bomb into the building. The bomb did not detonate and was found by a receptionist of the clinic who called police to safely extract the device from the facility. 

Hari in Sherburne County Jail in 2021.

Hari and his militia would go on to engage in a series of petty crimes in an attempt to gather the funds to continue their operations, including robbing a Hispanic man and holding up two local Walmarts in Clarence, Illinois in December of 2017.

In early 2018, Hari and his ‘militia’ attempted to sabotage railroad tracks near Effingham, Illinois with a bomb. After the attack, the group sent ransom emails demanding $190,000 in cryptocurrency under threat they would damage the railway further. 

Shortly after, Hari tried to frame another individual for the crimes, but the effort would only lead to Federal Investigators more easily tracking him and the members of his militia down.

Hari and his colleagues were ultimately arrested, and, in 2021, Hari was sentenced to 53 years for his role in the Dar al-Farooq bombing. He later received an additional 14 years in 2022 on a number of other charges related to his domestic terrorist activity and the attempted bombing of the women’s clinic. The 14 years is to be served concurrently with the 53-year sentence.

During his trial, it was revealed that Hari identified as a transgender “woman.” While leading the White Rabbit militia, he had been searching terms such as ‘sex change,’ ‘transgender surgery,’ and ‘post-op transgender’ on the internet. Hari allegedly planned on fleeing to Thailand to get ‘gender affirming’ surgeries.

Hari had asked the court to take his gender dysphoria into consideration, and made a request for an amended federal prison placement based on his identity. The details of his request were placed under a seal and the presiding judge stated he would defer to the Bureau of Prisons to make the final call.

But Reduxx has now learned that the judge in the case recommended Hari be placed at FMC Carswell, a female institution, but that Bureau of Prisons instead sent him to a men’s facility. As a result, Hari launched a lawsuit agains the Bureau of Prisons in late 2022 in a case that has been quietly making its way through the US District Court in the Central District of Illinois.

Hari is seeking transfer to a women’s prison under the Bureau of Prison’s transgender policy, which was amended in February of 2022 to make a transgender inmate’s “personal safety” and gender identity a priority when determining housing.

In his complaint, which was hand-written, Hari claims he has been subjected to sexual harassment by “dangerous tranny chasers,” and made fun of for his gender identity. He has since filed over two dozen “exhibits,” attempting to show the court he does not belong in a men’s prison. Among these exhibits include photos of himself wearing a dress-like inmate uniform.

Hari formally applied for transfer to a women’s prison in October of 2023, attempting to exhaust his internal remedies.

In an email exchange dated January 10, 2024, the Transgender Executive Council, which makes housing decisions, re-affirmed his placement at the men’s facility and told Hari his case would be re-reviewed in November — something Hari had been told repeatedly in the past.

In a Motion for Miscellaneous Relief, Hari claimed that if he were not transferred to a women’s prison in November, he would go on a hunger strike and slice off his own penis.

“The hunger strike is a political protest against both the conditions that I have been held under, and the conditions that my transgender sisters have been held under in BOP custody,” Hari wrote. “If I am not given some reasonable assurance that I am to be moved to a gender affirming housing by November 5, I will initiate a hunger strike and auto-castration on that date.”

From the motion for miscellaneous relief filed on November 13, 2023.

Hari is currently housed at Allenwood USP, a high-security facility in Pennsylvania for male offenders. While he is classified as a “male” inmate, his name in the BOP system has been changed from “Michael” to “Emily.”

If Hari is moved to FMC Carswell, he will be one of several dangerous trans-identified males held at the facility.

As previously broken by Reduxx in December, a trans-identified male convicted of rape and child sexual abuse was transferred FMC Carswell after launching a lawsuit against the Bureau of Prisons claiming “discrimination.” July Justine Shelby, born William McClain, was convicted on multiple counts of child pornography trafficking after being caught distributing photos of infants being sexually abused.

According to Keep Prisons Single Sex USA, there are approximately 1,980 transgender offenders in the federal system, of which 1,295 are trans-identified males. Of them, almost 50% are in custody for sex offenses. This is compared to just 12% of the general federal inmate population, meaning that trans-identified males are incarcerated for sex offenses at a rate of almost four times that of non-transgender inmates.

Between 2022 and 2023, there was an almost 23% increase of federal inmates who identified as transgender.

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Anna Slatz
Anna Slatz
Anna is the Co-Founder and Editor-in-Chief at Reduxx, with a journalistic focus on covering crime, child predators, and women's rights. She lives in Türkiye, enjoys Opera, and memes in her spare time.