Recent landslide victories secured by a women’s football team with five trans-identified male players have sparked controversy, leading one club manager to reveal that at least 20 female players have excluded themselves from the sport in recent weeks in order to avoid competing against the men.
Frank Parisi, president of St. Patrick’s Football Club, spoke with Reduxx and revealed a range of problems that had arisen as a result of men playing in women’s football matches, as well as an incident in which a female player’s leg was broken in two places.
The Flying Bats Football Club in North West Sydney, Australia, has on its team five males who identify as transgender. The team was awarded a $1,000 prize after winning the North West Sydney League pre-season Beryl Ackroyd Cup on March 24, following a season of winning every game they played in the Women’s Premier League matches, 10-0.
As previously revealed by Reduxx, one of the five men on the women’s football team is trans activist Riley Dennis, who was previously accused of severely injuring women while participating on another women’s team. However, the problems created by the male players on The Flying Bats team aren’t limited to safety risks and fair sport for women. Female players have been self-excluding from the sport by the dozens, says Parisi, in order to avoid competing against the trans-identified men.
The information first came to light when an audio recording of Parisi speaking during a meeting on the evening of March 20 was leaked on social media.
Frank Parisi of the St. Patrick's Football Club spoke about how many players he had lost during a recent North Sydney Football Association meeting.
— REDUXX (@ReduxxMag) April 2, 2024
Parisi also revealed that one woman was suspended for making a transphobic remark after her friend was injured by a male player.
The meeting, held at Christie Park, was organized by the Northwest Sydney Football Association in response to an informal discussion among football club presidents that had taken place three days prior. That initial gathering was convened on March 17 in order to address “concerns around how implausible it has become for any team to win against the Flying Bats as well as physical safety concerns.”
In the audio clip, Parisi can be heard describing an incident that took place “a couple of years” prior in which a female player was so severely injured by a trans-identified male player that she was no longer able to participate in the sport.
“A couple of year ago, one of the Flying Bats players broke one of our players’ legs in a game. It was a clumsy tackle from behind. Our player had her leg broken in two places and she’s no longer playing football. It was a direct result of a real bad, tall player… he didn’t get a red card. Accidents happen, but this could have been avoided,” Parisi said at the meeting.
“One of our players rushed over to try to help her, she was screaming in so much pain. At that time, she made a derogatory remark to the Bats player, which we apologized for. [She was] suspended. The Bats player, nothing happened to [him].” Parisi clarified that following this incident, the player was suspended from matches for a total of eight weeks.
Parisi further revealed that 24 women had recently withdrawn their registration with his football club as a “direct result” of the possibility of competing in a match against the males on the Flying Bats team. “They’ve all said to me, ‘Frank, we do not want to play against the Bats players.’ I’m going to say it straight, there’s men playing in a women’s competition. And that’s wrong.”
Speaking with Reduxx, the president of St. Patrick’s Football Club confirmed that the player who had broken the female player’s leg was a male playing on a Flying Bats team in the 2022 season, but was unable to provide the personal identities of those involved. He emphasized that the male player could not have been Dennis, despite his history of injuring female opponents, as at the time he had not yet transferred to the Flying Bats from Inter Lions, and that the injury occurred in a different division.
Parisi also explained that of the total of 24 women who deregistered from the St. Patrick’s Football Club within the past several weeks, at least 20 stated that they had done so in response to becoming aware that they would be expected to play against The Flying Bats’ male team members.
“There’s a massive impact. I’m a very small club, we’ve only got seven teams in my club, and now I’ve lost both my women’s teams, and it was a direct result of members of The Flying Bats who were male playing in a female competition,” Parisi told Reduxx, though emphasizing that he was hopeful for an eventual resolution.
There are a total of at least nine trans-identified males playing football within the women’s leagues, “not just the five” in The Flying Bats Women’s Premier League, Parisi added, citing a comment made by another of the club presidents in attendance at the March 20 meeting.
According to regulations put forward by the North West Sydney Football Association (NWSFA), “players may register and participate on the basis of their gender identification.”
“This is not about the sexuality of the players, because I have had a lot of players on my team who are lesbians. So it’s got nothing to do with that. It’s the fact that there is a number of males… It’s more than five. And everyone is just remaining silent on this, and it’s just so wrong in so many ways.”
Last year, after winning a title, one of Parisi’s women’s teams turned down the opportunity to be promoted to the Women’s Premier League, the highest level before players can enter state-based competitions.

“Our girls played in Women’s All Age One, where there were no Flying Bats players. We then by winning that competition should have been promoted up to Women’s Premier League, and our girls rejected that. They didn’t want to play up in the women’s Premier League, because there was that Flying Bats team stacked full of male players.”
He continued: “I told the association, no, that I’ve lost a lot of players, and we can’t do that. They said, Okay, we’ll put you into All Age One, which is the next level down, a competition that we won last year.”
In 2022, the year in which a female player for St. Patrick’s FC had her leg broken by a trans-identified male associated with The Flying Bats, club president for the latter group, Jen Peden, was honored with a Fair Play award presented by the NWSFA – a fact announced to the club’s Facebook page with the comment, “We play nice.”
Last week, massive public outcry ensued after news broke of the five trans-identified players on the WPL Flying Bats team. In response, LGBTI Rights Australia, a Facebook community with over 250,000 followers, made a public statement mocking “TERF Nazis.”

“Congratulations to The Flying Bats Women’s Soccer Club who recently won the Beryl Ackroyd Cup! Transgender women have been proudly part of the Bats for 20 years, yet it took TERF Nazis up until this week to take notice,” reads the post. An image accompanying the statement is captioned, “To all the transphobes complaining, we suggest you train a bit harder.”
Flying Bats president Jen Peden told Daily Mail Australia last week: “As a club, the Flying Bats FC stand strongly for inclusion, and pride ourselves on safe, respectful and fair play, the promotion of a supportive community for LGBTQIA+ players, officials and supporters, and the significant physical, social and mental health benefits that participation in sport brings, especially to marginalized members of the LGBTQIA+ community. We are a club that values our cisgender and transgender players equally.”
She continued: “We strongly support the Australian Human Rights Commission’s guidelines for the inclusion of transgender and gender diverse people in sport.”
During the March 20 meeting, which was attended by CEO of Football NSW John Tsatsimas and convened by CEO of NWSF, Matthew Geracitano, attendees were told that a decision to boycott participation by forfeiting matches against The Flying Bats would result in “disciplinary action” being issued.
“If there was a concerted effort by teams to forfeit games against a particular opposition that would be viewed as an act of discrimination,” said Chris Salmon, Chair of the Board of Directors for NWSF. While incidents of discrimination are weighed on a case-by-case basis, possible penalties include suspensions, from as little as two months to two years.
Football Australia’s Anti-Discrimination Policy defines “excluding people on the basis of their sex and / or gender identity status from participation in a competitive sporting activity” as a prohibited form of discrimination.
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