A French gynecologist has been sanctioned by medical authorities after a trans activist group reported him to the Minister of Equality for comments which they deemed to be “transphobic.” Dr. Victor Acharian, who operates in the Pau region, has been prohibited from practicing medicine for five months, with an additional one-month probationary period.
In August 2023, a trans-identified male and his partner visited Dr. Acharian’s office in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques. After a few minutes of waiting, the secretary told the man that the doctor had refused to see him.
“I told her that I’m not competent, but I can guide you. I can refer you to services that can take better care of you. But after I said that, things went south,” gynaecologist Victor Acharian told Euronews, while referring to the trans-identified male with feminine pronouns.
“I thought I was being honest when I said it wasn’t my speciality. I don’t know how to treat them,” he added, while stating that this was the first time someone claiming to be transgender had requested an appointment at his office.
The trans-identified male allegedly shouted, “You’re transphobic!” while leaving the clinic. According to Dr. Acharian, the patient then began reacting violently to the refusal and insulted the staff.
The trans-identified male’s partner left a negative Google review for the gynecologist’s clinic, complaining that Acharian refused to provide services to him. “It was my trans partner’s first appointment. He refused to see her, his secretary threw us away coldly. I advise against [visiting]. Never again,” the review stated.
In response, the doctor remarked that his practice was only open to patients who were “real women.”
“SIR, I am a gynecologist, and I take care of real women. I have no skills to take care of MEN, even if they have shaved their beards and come to tell my secretary that they [have] become women. My GYNECOLOGICAL examination table is not suitable for examining men. You have specialized and very competent services to take care of men like you,” Acharian wrote, emphasizing his text with capitalized letters. “Thank you for informing TRANS people to never come for consultation with me.”

The trans-identified male who had attempted to set up an appointment with the gynecologist then contacted the Conseil National de l’Ordre des Médecins to complain about the incident. Soon after, trans activist organization SOS Homophobie made a public statement condemning the doctor as “transphobic.”
“We denounce the transphobic and discriminatory remarks of gynaecologist Victor Acharian in Pau. Transphobia is a reality with serious consequences, particularly in access to health. It affects the entire territory.” The organization also tagged Bérangère Couillard, France’s Minister of Equality between Women and Men and the Fight against Discrimination, in an apparent effort to have Dr. Acharian investigated.
After the incident became widely publicized, Dr. Acharian defended himself while apologizing for his emotional reply.
“I reacted spontaneously, out of anger, and I felt I’d been unfairly attacked. I reacted with very clumsy words that may have offended. I’m well aware of that, I’ve expressed my regrets on several occasions,” said Dr. Acharian, while adding, “Just because it’s a cavity doesn’t mean it’s a classic vagina.”
In 2021, Acharian had made a similar comment to an individual who used the name using the name Tuncay CILGI, after they had left a one-star review without comment. Acharian responded: “Dear Sir. I do not know you. You cannot know me, since I am a gynecologist, and I only treat women. As for your political militancy, that does not concern me.”
On December 16, 2024, the Conseil National de l’Ordre des Médecins sentenced Acharian to a five-month suspension, followed by a one-month probationary period. During that time, if the gynecologist is found to have engaged in transphobia or denied another trans-identified male patient, he would be sanctioned again.
“We are pleased to have confirmation that what happened that day was totally abnormal,” the trans-identified male’s lawyer said.
Trans activist organization SOS Homophobie posted a statement to their website suggesting that the doctor’s actions were potentially “also punishable by criminal sanctions.”
Women’s rights advocate Margeurite Stern, who has also been harshly criticized by SOS Homophobie, commented on the situation on X. “Gynecologists are trained to treat WOMEN’s genitals. Not inverted penises or cavities created using pieces of colon or peritoneum,” Stern said. “We live in a world of lunatics.”
Vous vous souvenez de ce gynécologue qui s’était dit incompétent pour soigner le sexe d’une “femme trans” ?
— Marguerite Stern (@Margueritestern) January 29, 2025
Eh bien voilà ⬇️
2 mois d’interdiction d’exercer dont 1 ferme.
Pour rappel, les gynécologues sont formés pour soigner des sexes de FEMMES. Pas des pénis inversés ou des… pic.twitter.com/D45lMaFIRY
Last September, Stern endured a terrifying ordeal after an explosion was set off at a building where she was scheduled to speak as part of a conference, titled Comment L’idéologie Transgenre Détruit des Vies? (How Transgender Ideology Destroys Lives). The event sought to discuss the harms of both medical transitioning and the aggression of trans activism. But even before the event was set to officially begin, the venue – a private school founded by right-wing Member of Parliament Marion Maréchal-Le Pen – was targeted for sabotage.
Security camera footage caught one unidentified individual setting off an explosive device. The explosion set fire to the electrical meter of the adjacent building, resulting in a power outage for some local residents. This occurred while trans activists had been vandalizing the front of the institute with threatening slogans.
Vandalism on the ISSEP building’s front read: “Dirty TERF,” an acronym which stands for ‘trans-exclusionary radical feminist’ and is often used as a pejorative to harass or threaten violence against women who oppose gender identity ideology.
The explosion and threatening message occurred after police cancelled a demonstration organized by over a dozen various trans activist and so-called feminist organizations, including SOS Homophobie, as well as NousToutes Rhône, Solidaires Rhône, Ensemble ! 69, VIFFIL-SOS Femmes, PS du Rhône, Filactions, Les Ecologistes 69, SOS Homophobie, Jeune Garde, and le Planning Familial.
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