A violent male serial killer who murdered three women is currently being housed at the Washington Correctional Center for Women after securing a transfer under self-identification laws.
Donna Rebecca Perry, born Douglas Robert Perry, murdered three prostituted women in a four-month timeframe in 1990.
Yolanda Sapp, 26, Nicki Lowe, 34, and Kathleen Brisbois, 38, were all murdered with a gun and their naked bodies were found disposed near the Spokane River.

Perry avoided suspicion following the heinous murders, and fled to Thailand in 2000 to undergo gender reassignment surgeries, after which he successfully concealed his identity for years.
It wasn’t until a 2012 DNA test following a conviction for illegal firearms possession that Perry was forensically connected to all three women’s murders.
During the trial proceedings, prosecutors contended that Perry had only undergone his gender changes to avoid suspicion for the murders and shirk justice. This was in part fueled by the fact Perry referred to his “male” and “female” identities in separate contexts, accusing his “male” side of having committed the crimes while his “female” identity was innocent of them.
Perry was ultimately found guilty in 2017 after a lengthy trial, and given three life sentences without the possibility of parole. Media coverage during Perry’s sentencing uniformly referred to him as a “woman” and by “she/her” pronouns.
Some news reports also suggested that males who transition experience a “downturn in violence” after identifying as a woman – a claim that was debunked by a peer-reviewed long-term study published by Swedish researchers in 2011 which found that trans-identified males who underwent a full surgical transition “retained a male pattern regarding criminality.”
While Perry was only convicted of the three murders, he claims to have killed nine prostituted women total. In 1998, during a prison stint for an unrelated charge, Perry allegedly told a fellow inmate that he wanted to kill prostitutes “because [he] couldn’t breed and the women had the ability to have children [but] they were wasting it being “pond scum.”‘
In May 2021, a whistleblower at the Washington Corrections Center for Women (WCCW) revealed that Perry had been transferred to the women’s estate, and was just one of over 150 males in line for the same move. He now appears on the inmate roster for WCCW.

Perry appealed his conviction for three counts of first degree murder in 2020, and the appellate court chose to “use masculine pronouns when describing Perry before 2000 and feminine pronouns when describing Perry after the gender reassignment.” His appeal was ultimately denied.
In December 2021, a female ex-inmate at the WCCW anonymously came forward and reported that the institution had been experiencing a wave of sexual assaults on vulnerable female inmates by trans-identified males who received transfers to the facility after identifying as female.
One such assault was committed by Princess Zoe Andromeda Love, a biological male with a criminal history that included the rape of a 12-year-old girl. Love sexually assaulted a developmentally disabled female inmate just prior to his release, according to Scott Flemming, a former correctional officer at the WCCW.
Speaking to National Review in November of 2021, Flemming noted that the relationship between Love and the female inmate had been described by the witnessing officer as one of “predator-victim” rather than “two inmates in love, after having consensual intercourse,” which is how it had initially been written off by the prison.
According to Flemming, the incident report on the interaction between Love and the female inmate had been “erased” from the system when the witnessing officer went to check on it one month after submitting it. Flemming noted that it was likely “part of a coverup” as the Washington Department of Corrections faced a lawsuit barring the release of information on inmate gender identity following the first whistleblower’s initial appearance on the radio program in May of 2021.
On February 18, 2022, Women’s Liberation Front Executive Director Dr. Mahri Irvine submitted written testimony in opposition of to a Washington State bill which would disallow disclosures of information that could reveal an innate’s transgender or nonbinary status. If enacted, it could prevent the public from obtaining information about how many male inmates are being housed in women’s institutions.
Washington State residents can provide their opinion on SB-5859 by filing a comment form through the Washington State Legislature website.
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