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EXCLUSIVE: UK Physiotherapist Leaders Announce Goal To “Eradicate” Critics Of Gender Ideology From The Profession

The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP), which is the “professional body” and trade union which represents member physiotherapists in the UK, has launched its...

EXCLUSIVE: Transgender ‘MAP’ Activist Connected to Pro-Pedophile Group Influencing Academic Research

A trans-identified male who identifies as a "minor-attracted person" and has been running a "MAP" merchandise shop online is also working with a prominent...

GERMANY: Balding Trans-Identified Male Becomes First To Join Women’s District Football League

A trans-identified male in Germany has become the first to be approved by the Bavarian Football Association (BFA) to play in a women's football...

EXCLUSIVE: 24 Women Drop Out of Australian Football Division After FIVE Trans-Identified Males Dominate Women’s League, Leave Female Players Injured

Recent landslide victories secured by a women's football team with five trans-identified male players have sparked controversy, leading one club manager to reveal that...

EXCLUSIVE: Transgender YouTuber Who Injured Female Athletes Among Five Males On Australian Women’s Soccer Team

Reduxx can confirm that a trans activist YouTuber is among five trans-identified males currently participating on a women's football team in North West Sydney,...

NETHERLANDS: Two Female Darts Players Leave Dutch Women’s Team In Response To Participation Of Trans-Identified Male

Two female darts players from the Netherlands have dropped out of the Dutch Women's Team in response to the participation of a trans-identified male....

Una compañía norteamericana de viajes compartidos se asocia con un travesti para promocionar su nueva función de seguridad “Mujeres+”

Un conductor de sexo masculino que se dice trans de Lyft (empresa norteamericana que ofrece soluciones para el transporte de pasajeros a través de...

Lyft Partners With Trans-Identified Male To Promote New “Women+” Safety Feature

A trans-identified male lyft driver has been given a paid partnership with Lyft to promote their Women+ Connect feature on his social media. Launched...

Oregon Woman Convicted Of “Hate Crime” After Misgendering Trans-Identified Male During Confrontation

An off-duty bartender has been convicted of a "hate" motivated crime after shoving and misgendering a trans-identified male in the washroom of a bar....

EXCLUSIVA: Dos varones que se dicen trans competirán en la división femenina del Campeonato de Atletismo de Nueva Inglaterra 2024

Reduxx ha sabido que un segundo varón que se dice trans va a participar en la división femenina del próximo Campeonato Interescolar de Atletismo de...
