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OPINION: The Monsters in the Library, A Rant on Priorities

Like many, I was both entertained and somewhat confused by the New York Times' decision to run advertisements in the D.C. Metro featuring an...

Man Who Slaughtered Parents Seeks Name, Sex Change in Jail

A man convicted of brutally murdering his mother and father in a case that shook the state of Oregon is being represented in part...

Trans Writer Who Fantasized About “Cis” Rape Calls Joe Rogan “Transphobic”

A transgender writer with a history of disturbing, sexually violent rhetoric directed at females has published an article calling Joe Rogan "transphobic." Ana Valens, also...

OPINION: On Porn and Its Many Tragedies

Since 2020, there has been an arguably steady increase of pressure on the porn industry. This renewed criticism appears to be having a substantive...

Behind the Profile: Unmasking a Twitter Pedophile

There are no shortage of disturbing things on the internet. And while much of the dirtier side of the world wide web had once...

Daily Dot Writer Who Wrote Of Rape Fantasies Sitting on Trans Media Advisory Committee

A trans-identified male who creates VR pornography and has posted rape fantasies to his social media is involved in producing style guides which advise...

Trans Serial Killer Arrested on Sex Crime Allegations

A trans-identified male in Australia previously convicted of multiple murders has been re-arrested on several incidents of "sexual touching." Regina Kaye Arthurell, born Reginald Kenneth...

Un pederasta se convierte en un galardonado activista de los derechos trans.

Un delincuente sexual infantil convicto está realizando actividades de divulgación comunitaria para una organización que asesora a hombres encarcelados sobre cómo declararse transgénero y cambiar legalmente su...

Toddler Rapist Now Award-Winning Trans Rights Activist

A convicted child sex offender is performing community outreach for an organization that advises incarcerated men on how to declare a transgender status and...

New York Gov. Proposes Gender “Inclusive” Prison Policies

New York Governor Kathy Hochul has proposed a policy to allow trans-identifying male inmates to be transferred into women’s prisons on the basis of...