SCOTLAND: Transgender Butcher Pleads Guilty to Abducting and Sexually Abusing Schoolgirl

A Scottish butcher charged with the abduction and rape of an 11 year-old girl has pleaded guilty to the grisly crimes at the High Court in Edinburgh today. Andrew Miller, 53, who also uses the female persona Amy George, has admitted to kidnapping the child before sexually abusing her at his home in the Scottish Borders.

Miller offered the young girl a lift to her home in February of this year, while dressed as a woman. Instead, the man drove her to his own home, where he locked her in a bedroom and held her captive. He then proceeded to repeatedly sexually assault her over the course of the day.

The bedroom the child was kept was described as being in the attic, which was only accessible through a cupboard in the hall.

Andrew Miller, also known as Amy George, pictured in 2010. Photo: Facebook

The prosecution stated that the child was only able to escape and call law enforcement after Miller fell asleep.

According to BBC, the girl repeatedly asked to be taken home but Miller told her that he intended to keep her for a week and that she was his new family.

It was only by “complete fortune” that the child was able to escape once Miller fell asleep.Ā 

The girl, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was first reported missing from Galashiels in the Scottish Borders area on the evening of Sunday, February 5, after failing to return home following a play date with friends. Police said she was around a ā€œ20 minute walk from homeā€ before she disappeared without a trace, prompting a massive multi-agency operation into locating the child. Countless volunteers took to the streets in a bid to find the youngster.

Police Scotland announced that the girl had been found on February 7 in the village of Gattonside, and she was returned to her family. Later that same day, law enforcement announced Miller’s arrest in connection to the girlā€™s disappearance.

While the child was initially reported as having been found uninjured, it was quickly revealed that she had suffered sexual abuse while in Miller’s captivity.

As previously reported by Reduxx, Miller is is a local butcher who, over the years, became known in his community for his increasingly bizarre behavior.

A neighbor of Miller’s toldĀ ReduxxĀ that he had been labelled ā€œtranny Millerā€ while in high school because of his proclivity for crossdressing, and that he had been known as a ā€œknicker pincherā€ as a student for stealing women’s underwear.

After graduating from high school, Miller apparently began occasionally dressing in womenā€™s clothes both in the community and in his butcher shop. Two sources independently claimed that Miller had past contact with police for stealing womenā€™s undergarments from clotheslines.Ā 

Miller also allegedly has a wife and children, but their current whereabouts are unknown.

ā€œI think they split up years ago! Donā€™t think he sees his kids. They are adults now. He was dressing full-time as a woman for a while. Latterly, when his butcherā€™s shop was open, he was always dressed as Amy, not Andrew,ā€ one member of the community toldĀ Reduxx.

ReduxxĀ has previously located two Facebook profiles belonging to Miller, one of which utilizes a ā€œfemaleā€ identity under the name ā€œAmy George.ā€ Miller appears to have operated the accounts simultaneously, posting on both his ā€œmaleā€ and ā€œfemaleā€ identified accounts regularly.

Miller’s “male” Facebook account [L] and the photo he used while posting as “Amy George” [R].

Despite also operating his “male” Facebook account at the same time, Miller occasionally re-affirmed his ā€œfeminineā€ identity on the ā€œAmy Georgeā€ account, declaring his name and gender identity. In January of 2020, Miller posted on teaching children to explore their identities.

ā€œThat simple question that we ask ourselvesā€¦ who am I? Deliver that same question to your children. Let them be themselves. Guide them, but not with boundaries. Teach them, but not with misguided morals. Love them and let them know and feel that they are loved, because that is the greatest gift of all,ā€ Miller posted as ā€œAmy Georgeā€ in January of 2020.

In January of this year, Miller made a post on his “male” account alluding to the debacle surrounding Scotlandā€™s Gender Recognition Act.

ā€œSilly Billys [sic] in Westminsterā€¦ Never mess with Scottish Transgender Issues,ā€ Miller wrote just days after theĀ UK Government moved to blockĀ a piece of Scottish legislation which sought to significantly relax the requirements for individuals to change their legal sex in Scotland.

Just prior to entering his plea today, the court heard that Miller identifies as transgender and is in the process of medically “transitioning.” Miller pleaded guilty to charges including abduction, sexual assault, possession of indecent images of children and intentionally causing a child under the age of 13 to look at a sexual image.

Miller is set to be sentenced in August.

Some research suggests that men with crossdressing fetishes, also referred to as transvestic fetishism, are more likely to be sexually violent as compared with other men.

A study published in the American Journal of Psychiatry found that ā€œfetishism and cross-dressingā€ are more often associated with sexual aggression than other paraphilias.

ā€œNot only is transvestism associated with other paraphilias, it may go hand-in-hand with dangerous sexuality,ā€ the authors wrote, noting that a 1989 study of serial sexual murderers found that 25% had engaged in cross-dressing, and 25% had engaged in acts of indecent exposure prior to committing an act of murder.

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