Trans Activist Known For Defending Violent Trans Inmate Reportedly Prepped Talk TV Journalist for Interview with Graham Linehan

A notorious trans activist known for sending pornographic images to woman critical of gender ideology reportedly prepared Talk TV presenter Rosanna Lockwood for her disastrous interview with Father Ted creator Graham Linehan. Rosanna Lockwood drew ample controversy after conducting what many described as an “ambush.”

Lockwood was blasted on social media following her interview with Linehan, a critic of transgender ideology, in which she called his views “extreme.” Linehan had appeared on Talk TV under the purported intention of discussing the cancellation of his comedy show due to his criticism of gender ideology.

During the segment, which is usually hosted by Piers Morgan, Lockwood repeatedly interrupted Linehan and fired off a number of hostile accusations at Linehan, leading social media users to criticize Lockwood as being “biased.”

Many noted that Lockwood did not treat other guests during the segment the same way, allowing infamous LGBT activist Peter Tachtell to speak uninterrupted. Despite calling into question the validity and appropriateness of Linehan’s views, Lockwood did not interrogate Tatchell on his history of pro-pedophilia sentiment.

Tatchell infamously called for lowering the age of consent, wrote chapters in two books where he argued that laws criminalizing adults for sexually abusing children do more harm than the abuse itself, and said during an interview that not all sex between adults and children is “harmful.” Tatchell has also been linked to members of the Pedophile Information Exchange, a now-defunct pedophile rights group.

While Lockwood failed to challenge Tatchell on his views, she also prevented Linehan from making the point himself by interrupting him repeatedly. After doing so, she allowed Tatchell to accuse Linehan of sending violent threats on twitter uninterrupted.

Following the online backlash, Lockwood addressed the criticism on the show the following day, instructing others to “keep it civilized.”

It has now been claimed that Lockwood spoke with notorious trans activist, Freda Wallace, prior to the controversial interview.

Wallace is speculated to have influenced Lockwood’s biased interview by sending her a Medium opinion piece he wrote on Linehan. The piece, which offers no examples or sources, includes a tweet which calls for Linehan to be arrested and accused him of “abuse, hatred, lies, defamation and libel … akin to Nazi dehumanization.”

Wallace admitted on social media that he was in communication with producers of UnCensored and Lockwood prior to Linehan’s interview.

GB News presenter Andrew Doyle stated that Wallace claimed he was in contact with Lockwood prior to the interview. Doyle had organized the cancelled comedy show Linehan was set to perform at, Comedy Unleashed.

On Twitter, Wallace also admitted to having worked with Talk TV to prepare Lockwood for her interview, boasting of the interview’s disastrous impression of Linehan.

Wallace also wrote an article which was published on Talk TV‘s website, addressing the cancellation of Linehan’s comedy show. In his article, he argued that the UK’s Equality Act 2010 protects “bigoted beliefs” but this does not mean venues are required to platform people with those beliefs.

Wallace is a trans-identified male and an outspoken trans-activist known for having a friendship with attempted murderer Sarah Jane Baker, another trans-identified male dubbed the UK’s longest-serving transgender inmate.

He appeared on Talk TV on August 11, speaking with Lockwood to argue in favor of gender self-identification in the UK, suggesting that the media used “rare” examples of trans-identified male sex offenders to oppose it.

Wallace has previously received backlash after he uploaded pornographic images to an X (formerly Twitter) conversation with a disabled woman and disabled rights campaigner.

Henrietta Freeman has received abuse and harassment from trans activists for being outspoken about disabled women’s right to request same-sex care. During one X dispute, Wallace sent her an image of himself receiving oral sex from another man in a fetish club. Wallace claims the photos were obtained from a fetish club website and were already public available online. He captioned the “Dads worship female penis.”

Wallace is also a known friend and supporter of Sarah Jane Baker. Baker has been labeled the UK’s longest serving trans-identified prisoner, having spent 30 years incarcerated for multiple violent crimes.

Baker was initially sentenced to 9 years for kidnapping and torturing his stepmother’s brother, but, while in prison, he received additional time for attempting to murder a cellmate. He is currently back in prison after he called for violence against women critical of gender ideology at a Trans Pride rally in London. At the rally, he took the microphone and shouted “If you see a TERF punch them in the fucking face.”

Wallace has used social media to alert people to Baker’s most recent arrest and initially uploaded footage of the arrest to YouTube, deleting it shortly after.

Wallace also wrote a Medium article in defence of Baker, arguing that TERF is not a “gendered term” so Baker was not calling specifically for violence against women.

“The language of the oppressed is often violent in tone. Even the popular phrase ‘smash the patriarchy’ could be read as incitement of violence against men with an unkind interpretation,” Wallace argued in defense of Baker.

Wallace also uploaded a remix of Bakers speech to Spotify titled “Sarah Bakers Bop.”

Baker, 54, is currently in a men’s prison and awaiting trial. A hearing is scheduled to be held at City of London magistrates court on August 31 in front of Deputy Chief Magistrate Tan Ikram.

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Shay Woulahan
Shay Woulahan
Shay is a writer and social media content creator for Reduxx. She is a proud lesbian activist and feminist who lives in Northern Ireland with her partner and their four-legged, fluffy friends.