Trans Serial Killer Arrested on Sex Crime Allegations

A trans-identified male in Australia previously convicted of multiple murders has been re-arrested on several incidents of “sexual touching.”

Regina Kaye Arthurell, born Reginald Kenneth Arthurell, has been charged with four counts of sexual touching, the victim being a 55 year-old man who was in a crisis shelter with Arthurell.

Arthurell has an extensive criminal record, having committed multiple murders. He first killed in 1974, his victim his own step-father, Thomas Thornton. Arthurell murdered the man using a carving knife and then went on the run, and was not apprehended until he killed again.

Just 7 years later in 1981, Arthurell murdered naval officer Ross Browning in the midst of a robbery. Browning was beaten to death and his body was mutilated and discarded near a creek. Arthurell was finally apprehended and sentenced to 11 years for both killings.

Arthurell was released in 1995 into the care of Venet Mulhull, a deeply religious woman who had befriended him while he was in prison and became his parole sponsor. Mulhull and Arthurell became romantically involved, and he was released into her home just 3 years into his 11-year sentence. Just weeks later, Arthurell beat Mulhull to death with a plank of wood. He would later take a selfie in one of her floral dresses.

In 1997, Arthurell was sentenced to 24 years in prison after a lengthy trial, but would receive early release once again in 2020. Just before his release, Arthurell revealed he had begun identifying as a woman and declared his intention to seek “gender-affirming” surgeries.

Arthurell is suspected of two additional murders dating back to the 1970s.

On January 27, Arthurell was apprehended in Sydney, Australia after a man reported him to police for sexually molesting him. He was charged with four counts of sexual touching, a crime that comes with a maximum sentence of 5 years. However, in cases where the victim had a cognitive or physical impairment, the maximum sentence can be up to 7 years.

If imprisoned, Arthurell could spend his sentence in a women’s estate based on the current explicit self-identification laws that exist for transgender inmates in New South Wales. According to Women’s Forum Australia, inmates in the region are housed based solely on their gender declaration, “unless there are safety concerns or doubts around the authenticity of the prisoner’s gender identification.”

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