A 60-year-old pedophile who claims to identify as a 5-year-old girl has avoided jail despite having beached a long-standing sexual harm prevention order by approaching and kissing two children.
Janiel Verainer, of Chatham, had an initial sexual harm prevention order imposed in 2016 after he was found kissing a small girl outside a restaurant. A subsequent police investigation also found child sexual exploitation images on Verainer’s devices. The man was sentenced to 15 months in prison, and a directive ordering him to stay away from children was implemented.
But in 2019, Verainer repeated his offense and breached the terms of his order, approaching two little girls and kissing them on the lips during a public gathering for which he was playing piano.
According to Kent Online, at a sentencing hearing held last week, Verainer was handed a seven-month jail term suspended for 18 months. He was also told to carry out 20 rehabilitation days with the probation service.
In the United Kingdom, a suspended sentence means the offender avoids jail completely and is instead released into the community and expected not to commit another offense within the timeframe of their conditions.
During the first hearing for the beach held in December of 2021, Verainer was dressed like an elf, wearing a green and red dress, red and white thigh-high stockings, and a festive sweater. He was also sucking his thumb throughout.

At a previous court appearance for his 2016 abuses, Verainer had adorned pig-tails and had been sucking on a pacifier, later also bringing a large stuffed doll into the courtroom. It was then that he first declared his identity as a 5-year-old girl named Jorven Seren.
A psychiatric evaluation was done on Verainer in 2021, with psychologists concluding he had personality issues, but no mental health problems. The court chose to affirm Verainer’s feminine self-identification by referring to him by ‘she/her‘ pronouns throughout his hearings. Some media outlets reporting on the case followed suit.
Verainer’s sexual harm prevention order has now been extended to 2030.
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