UK: Transgender Child Sex Offender Sentenced To 3.5 Years After Breaching Court Order Following Release From Prison

A trans-identified male predator is headed back to prison for 3.5 years shortly after completing a prison sentence for a series of disturbing sex offenses against children. Despite being barred from accessing the Internet, “Abigail” Waller began messaging minor girls on Facebook using a fake account from his wife’s phone in breach of a Sexual Harm Prevention Order which forbade him from contacting anyone under 18.

Born Jamie Kevin Harold Waller, the 29-year-old was originally sentenced to 5 years in prison in 2020 for a string of sickening abuses against children. Among them, he admitted to making and distributing indecent images of children, inciting a girl to engage in sexual activity, and sexual communication with a child.

One of the incidents included Waller grooming and blackmailing a 13-year-old girl into sending him lewd images and instructing her to refer to him as “Sir” and “Daddy.” Police also recovered 864 indecent abuse images of children from Waller’s devices, including images of a girl as young as 5 being raped by men.

At the time of his conviction for the crimes, Waller identified as male and was charged under his birth name.

In 2021, while incarcerated, Waller began identifying as a “woman,” and using the name Abigail or “Abi.” He also demanded prison staff refer to him using “she/her” pronouns. Waller served time in HMP The Verne on the Isle of Portland, Dorset, and HMP Winchester, Hampshire. He was released two years into his five year sentence, and handed a Sexual Harm Prevention Order which banned him from having any contact with minors.

The order also barred him from using devices connected to the internet unless police were notified. Around this time, Waller moved back in with his wife, Lucy. But within 3 months, he had begun using a spare phone belonging to his wife without her knowledge while she was at work, setting up an alias account on Facebook.

Waller began messaging minor girls, including two 14-year-olds and one 13-year-old, while posing as a teen boy named “Jack.” He sent romantic messages to the youth, telling them they were “beautiful” and “pretty.”

But, during a police visit to the couple’s residence in August of 2022, they spotted a Samsung phone hidden in Waller’s lap. The phone was assessed and Waller ultimately admitted to one count of breaching the court order for failing to notify police of a new alias and was sentenced to 6 months in prison.

In November of 2023, a three-day trial was held which found Waller guilty of 4 additional counts of breaching the Sexual Harm Prevention Order for messaging the girls.

During the trial, the courts recognized Waller’s new gender identity, referring to him as “Abi” and with she/her pronouns. Waller told the jury he had started identifying as a “woman” in 2021 and was waiting for treatment at a gender clinic.

He also claimed that his wife had been responsible for the messages he had sent the girls in an effort to frame him, an allegation the court rejected.

According to the Daily Mail, which used “she/her” pronouns to refer to the pedophile, Waller’s defense lawyer, Ellie Fargin, attempted to use his transgender identity to help him avoid prison time.

“We ask you to bear in mind the conditions in prison and the issues Ms. Waller will face in prison due to her ADHD and autism and because of her gender identity matter which she is awaiting treatment for,” Fargin stated during Waller’s trial. At the courthouse, Waller was reportedly wearing a pink floral dress.

However, the courts didn’t buy Wallers defense and found him guilty of four counts of breaching his SHPO. The presiding judge, Michael Bowes, called his actions “a pre-cursor” referring to Wallers previous conviction of blackmailing children for sexual images.

“The messages themselves would appear to be fairly innocuous, but I am satisfied they were part of a grooming process,” Judge Bowes said.

“[The messages] were to gain their trust, with a view to take matters further and that’s part of the gravity of these offences. At your trial, you denied matters, seeking to blame your wife, but the jury convicted you.”

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Shay Woulahan
Shay Woulahan
Shay is a writer and social media content creator for Reduxx. She is a proud lesbian activist and feminist who lives in Northern Ireland with her partner and their four-legged, fluffy friends.