Woman Cuts Off Husband’s Penis After Recording Him Abusing Her Daughter

A mother in Northwest Vietnam turned herself in to local police after cutting off her husband’s genitals in retaliation for sexually abusing her daughter.

Ha Thi N., 36-years-old, had set up video cameras in the residence after her 15-year-old daughter claimed the man, who was her stepfather, was sexually abusing her. Ha had approached her husband regarding the accusations prior to setting up the cameras, but the man had denied any wrongdoing. On March 18, Ha caught video evidence of the crime being committed, and retaliated.

According to Vietnamese media, the distressed mother sliced the man’s penis off just after midnight on March 20, throwing the organ away before turning herself into police. Nguyen Van H., 29-years-old, was then rushed to Son La General Hospital in a state of severe blood loss-based shock. The hospital reports that the wound was “extremely complex” with Nguyen having no remaining penis, severed testicles, and a flayed section of flesh on his belly.

Police were unable to locate Nguyen’s penis, so reconstruction could not occur. Instead, surgeons closed the wounds and created a urethral flap through which he could urinate.

Though some outlets reported Ha had acted due to a petty “marital dispute,” local police have confirmed they seized a camera from the girl’s bedroom which is believed to contain the video of Nguyen’s crime.
Ha’s lawyer has also reported that the 15-year-old was taken in for a forensic examination in order to collect additional evidence.

The lawyer also said that if police determine the abuse had taken place in a manner consistent with Ha’s claims, her culpability for the crime may be reduced. She is currently in temporary detainment while the investigation continues. 

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Anna Slatz
Anna Slatz
Anna is the Co-Founder and Editor-in-Chief at Reduxx, with a journalistic focus on covering crime, child predators, and women's rights. She lives in Türkiye, enjoys Opera, and memes in her spare time.