Non-Binary German “Anti-Fascist” Who Went On Hammer Rampage In Budapest Claims Extradition To Hungary Is “Transphobic”

A German left-wing extremist who attacked multiple innocent people in Budapest after mistaking them for “Nazis” claimed to be “non-binary” in an effort to avoid extradition to Hungary. Simeon Ravi Trux is now demanding to be returned to Germany on the basis that Hungary is “gender-, homo-, and trans-hostile.”

Trux, 23, is a member of a left-wing militant group called “Hammerbande,” which was established in Leipzig, Germany, in 2017. The group is known for assaulting individuals they label as “right wing” with hammers and batons. Often, they have no basis for associating their targets with the “far-right” beyond unconfirmed assumptions.

On February 9, 2023, Trux travelled from his home in Jena, Germany, to participate in an assault on three people in front of a café in Budapest, Hungary. The attackers injured the victims by bludgeoning them with their weapons, causing them to suffer bruises, contusions, and fractures.

These attacks occurred around the so-called “Day of Honor” in Hungary, when neo-Nazis and right-wing extremist groups from all over Europe travel to glorify the failed breakout attempt by the German Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS from Budapest, besieged by the Red Army in 1945. However, Trux and his associates are said to have assaulted random people who they believed to be far-right simply on the basis of their clothing colors.

Following the attack, Trux fled back to Germany.

Hungarian law enforcement issued a European arrest warrant against Trux for membership in a criminal organization and grievous bodily harm. He was finally apprehended by German law enforcement in December of 2023 and placed in pre-trial detention in Dresden. At that time, public broadcasters like Tagesschau reported him as being a “man” named “Simeon T.”

In February of 2024, the Federal Prosecutor’s Office took over the investigation against “the German national Simeon T.” and obtained an arrest warrant from the Federal Court of Justice against him. The case was taken over by federal prosecutors due to its particular significance, as Trux is a member of a criminal organization which, according to the investigative authorities, promotes a “militant left-wing extremist ideology” that sought to use “violence against members of the political right-wing spectrum.”

However, during his pre-trial detention, Trux began claiming to be a “non-binary person” and using the name “Maja.”

Trux’s lawyers submitted a comprehensive statement arguing that Trux would not receive a fair trial in Hungary due to his gender identity. Trux’s attorney, Maik Elster, obtained an interim injunction from the Federal Constitutional Court in June 2024, preventing Trux’s extradition to the Republic of Hungary, arguing that Hungary has “gender-, homo-, and trans-hostile policies.”

The court responsible for Trux’s extradition to Hungary was urged to not rely on “information provided by the Hungarian authorities,” and stressed that the Hungarian prison system “does not maintain a register of prisoners’ gender identity,” but only records their sex. They argued that Trux would be classified as a male in the system, placing him at risk of harm.

However, the injunction from the Federal Constitutional Court was granted slightly too late, and was imposed just a few hours after Trux had already been transferred to Austria as the first leg of his transport to Hungary.

According to Die Welt, Trux was flown to Austria by helicopter at 2 AM by the State Criminal Police Office because authorities feared attacks by militant left-wing extremists who had threatened to prevent his extradition “by any means.”

As reported by Tagesspiegel, left-wing extremists called for violence against judges and officials following the news Trux had already been sent to Hungary. The activists claimed that “the time for demonstrations was over,” and that no one involved in the process “should be able to sleep peacefully.”

Since Trux was extradited to Hungary, there have been repeated marches by violent left-wing extremists, particularly in strongholds of left-wing autonomists like Hamburg, Berlin, and Leipzig.

They have adopted the chat “Free Maja,” referring to Truss’s newfound “non-binary” identity, and are accusing the German state of putting him in harm’s way by sending him to a country that does not recognize his gender identity.

Trux’s lawyers have also successfully filed a constitutional complaint, claiming that the extradition was a violation of Article 4 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (CFREU), as determined by the Federal Constitutional Court in its decision on February 6, 2025. According to the ruling, the court did not do enough to assess whether or not Trux would be safe, as a non-binary person, in a Hungarian prison.

The first Hungarian hearing in the Trux case is scheduled for February 21, 2025, and, after a possible conviction, he may be returned to Germany.

When Trux was arrested and extradited to Hungary, the Self-Determination Act had not yet come into force in Germany, meaning he would have been charged under his birth sex and name. But since November 1, the process for changing legal name and sex markers on official documents has been dramatically eased, and even criminals are able to obtain new documents upon request.

Since the implementation of the Act, almost 15.000 individuals in Germany have altered their legal sex, a figure which significantly surpasses the initial estimate of 4,000 total changes per year. 

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Marielena Meder
Marielena Meder
Marielena is a contributor and German-language translator at Reduxx. A fierce defender of women's rights, Marielena is fighting to protect women's spaces and safeguard youth in her native land of Germany.