Reduxx has learned that one of New Zealand’s most prominent trans activists has been sharing disturbing fetish content on social media. Lexie Matheson, who claims to be a “lesbian,” has had a significant influence on national and local policies surrounding gender self-identification and currently competes in women’s sports competitions.
On January 14, New Zealand outlet Stuff positively profiled Matheson in response to an ongoing debate surrounding the admission of men who claim to be transgender into women’s sporting competitions. During the interview, Matheson, who has been involved in women’s karate and has won women’s titles, revealed that he had been using the women’s changing rooms and restrooms for more than twenty years.
Matheson was involved in drafting Sport New Zealand’s “transgender inclusion guiding principles,” which were released in late 2022 and prioritize self-declared “gender identity” over biological sex.

He has also been recognized on a national level, and was an honoree in the 2016 Queen’s Birthday Honours List, where he was made an Officer of the New Zealand Order of Merit for his LGBTQ advocacy. Matheson is also a founding member of Auckland Pride Festival, Inc.
But Reduxx has now located a social media account belonging to Matheson revealing his interest in fetishistic cross dressing, as well as his apparent affinity for an animated pornography genre that involves depictions of children.
In a Pinterest folder titled ‘My Obsessive Stuff,’ Matheson has shared multiple images of “loli” illustrations, which are Japanese animations intended to depict young girls.

In addition to loli images, Matheson has curated a collection of lesbian pulp erotica book covers, some of which feature an element of sadomasochistic bondage, such as in one “retro-style” illustration showing one schoolgirl straddling another and tying her victim’s hands behind her back using a ribbon.
In close proximity to the pornographic content are photos of actual children, including one of an unidentified girl aged approximately six years old posing in a ballerina outfit.

Through his Pinterest account, Matheson has followed dozens of profiles associated with and belonging to lesbian women. Still another folder, ‘My Parenting Stuff,’ contains images of lesbian mothers with young children and infants.
Another folder, labeled ‘My Trans Stuff,’ contains fetish images in the theme of forced feminization, a pornography genre which depicts men or young boys being ‘transformed’ into women by being made to wear items such as lingerie, makeup, and high heels, or being forced to begin taking female hormones.
One of the images features a young boy being encouraged in his feminization by an older woman suggested to be his mother. Part of the image was ostensibly stolen from a lingerie website, with the tan-complexioned female model edited to have white skin and her entire head replaced by that of a young boy.

In 2017, The Spinoff reported that Matheson was “a key figure in instigating transgender-friendly toilets at Marlborough Girl’s High School.” During an interview with the outlet, Matheson said he had been personally invited to the school via a phone call from the Ministry of Education, who requested his presence to address the recent admission of a trans-identifying male student to the girls’ school.
“By lunchtime I was thinking, ‘Wow, if they offered me a job I would definitely work here,'” Matheson remarked.
“I met the student and her Mum and we sat down and talked about things like hormone replacement and all the different processes to go through to transition,” he added.
Before getting involved in trans activism, Matheson had worked with children within the education system, both in primary and secondary school.

Matheson, formerly known as Lex, began to declare a transgender status in 1998 at the age of 53, after many years of cross-dressing privately and developing an alter ego he called “Sally.”
In a 2018 guest article for The Spinoff titled “I was Reborn on Valentine’s Day,” he describes how he began to see a counsellor the year prior to “come to terms” with childhood sexual abuse he alleges to have suffered.
“We both knew there was something else… It emerged in a conversation between my cross-dressing persona and this person called Lex, the male me. My counsellor asked, after the exercise was over and the tears had stopped, who was most real. It was a no-brainer, and I’d found who I really was buried beneath the 50-year deep façade of maleness… This was my ecstatic male martyrdom… I began my first ever real romance – with myself,” he wrote.
“I’d been a secret cross-dresser for years and I knew this was a problem because it was when I was ‘dressed’ that I felt most myself. I feared ‘dressing’ would take me over and I’d be discovered, and living a double life with that level of anxiety was sufficient to cause me to ‘purge’ – burn my clothes and shoes, ditch my makeup – and promise myself I’d really be a man this time.”
He continued: “I can’t remember how many times I did this but it was dozens. It didn’t work, it never worked, it was never going to, and now I understand why. Talking to other trans women since, I have discovered that I wasn’t alone in this behavior, far, far from it.”

Responding to critics who oppose policies which prioritize a subjective gender identity over biological sex, Matheson has said: “One of the big problems we face at the moment is fighting back against this idea that transgender people are unsafe to have in bathrooms. There has not been a single case anywhere in the world of an assault or a sexual assault by a transgender person in a bathroom. They would have you believe that every pervert in the country is going to put a dress on and go have a perve on women in the bathroom.”
Matheson is the author of two blogs: and A series of posts written by Matheson for dykiegirl discuss the representation of “sex, sexuality and gender” in hard core pornography, with a particular focus on voyeurism.
“A standard view of voyeurism assumes it is a component of genital pleasure satisfying the role of ‘foreplay’, on an understanding that consumers of pornography will feel cheated when they don’t get what they expect,” he writes.
“The 21st century has, so far, legitimized social voyeurism in ways that would have horrified 1970’s feminists who may well have thought that the battle for ownership of the gaze as it relates to the female body was won — and that merely talking about it was enough to remove it as a sexism concern.”
He continues: “Hard core narrative involved many-layered dramas of arousal and climax and, while the emphasis was firmly on the penis, the opportunity was there for the male viewer to project his female elements into the action.”

Source: Facebook
Matheson has been working as a leader and gender consultant within several areas related to karate and archery. According to his LinkedIn profile, Matheson was an event organizer for the World Goju Ryu Karate Federation (WGKF) Championships for over two years.
In 2017, during the Championships held in Bucharest, Matheson took a bronze medal in the women’s karate division, beating out Austrian national Monika Hipsch.
In 2022, he again placed in the WGKF Championships, this time taking a silver medal.
From 2018 to 2022, Matheson held leadership roles on the board at New Zealand Archery. In 2020, he was appointed to the World Archery Federation Gender Equity Committee. In 2023, Matheson was the Archery New Zealand Team Manager for the Oceania Championships and the Asian Cup. He was also selected by the World Archery Board to attend the Association of Summer Olympic International Federations (ASOIF) ‘Women in Sports Leadership Masters Programme’ in 2022.
Matheson was featured in an exhibition celebrating the 125th anniversary of women’s suffrage in New Zealand last spring titled “Are We There Yet?” His photo appeared next to a statement he had written advocating for a self-declared gender identity to be made a protected characteristic under the National Human Rights Act.
In 2015, Matheson was appointed to the Auckland City LGBTQI Rainbow Advisory Panel. While acting in a leadership role for Auckland Pride, Matheson assisted in organizing a protest last March against British women’s rights campaigner Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull, where protesters at the event mobbed her and assaulted her by throwing tomato juice in her face.
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