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AUSTRALIA: Councilor Facing Tribunal Inquiry and “Inciting Hatred” Charges for Stating “Trans Women are Men”

A Hobart City Council member is under investigation by the Anti-Discrimination Commissioner for "inciting hatred" after declaring "trans women are men." Louise Elliot is...

Hombre que se dice trans y que domina las competiciones de ciclismo femenino, tiene el fetiche de la “feminizaciĆ³n forzada”

Un hombre que se dice trans, que recientemente hizo la "transiciĆ³n", ha estado dominando las competiciones de ciclismo femenino por toda la costa este...

Trans-Identified Male Dominating Women’s Cycling Competitions Has “Forced Feminization” Fetish

A trans-identified male who recently transitioned has been dominating women's cycling events along the east coast while working with the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion...

Males Seize Gold and Silver At Women’s Cycling Championship In Illinois

Two trans-identified males dominated a women's category at the Illinois State Cyclocross Championships yesterday, leading many womenā€™s rights advocates to condemn the tournament for...

EXCLUSIVA: Un padre cuenta que su hija sufriĆ³ una conmociĆ³n cerebral cuando jugaba al voleibol en el instituto contra un estudiante varĆ³n que se...

Un preocupado padre de California ha revelado que su hija sufriĆ³ una conmociĆ³n cerebral traumĆ”tica despuĆ©s de jugar al voleibol en el instituto contra...

EXCLUSIVE: Father Says His Daughter Suffered A Concussion While Playing School Volleyball Against Trans-Identified Male Student

A concerned father in California has come forward to reveal that his daughter sustained a traumatic concussion after playing high school volleyball against an...

CANADƁ: Un museo de Ontario retira a una levantadora de pesas de una exposiciĆ³n tras sus llamamientos al juego limpio en el deporte femenino

Un museo de London, Ontario, retirĆ³ a una levantadora de pesas de una exposiciĆ³n sobre resiliencia en aparente represalia por su firme oposiciĆ³n a...

El futbolista travesti que amenazĆ³ con demandar a la Liga Femenina cuando las jugadoras adolescentes se negaron a jugar contra Ć©l, tiene el fetiche...

Han salido a la luz nuevos e inquietantes datos sobre el caso de un hombre de 30 aƱos que se dice trans que amenazĆ³...

Reino Unido: Un travesti amenaza con presentar una demanda por “discriminaciĆ³n” porque las mujeres se negaron a jugar contra su equipo por motivos de...

Un hombre que se dice trans ha amenazado con demandar a unos clubes de fĆŗtbol rivales por "discriminaciĆ³n" despuĆ©s de que las jugadoras se...

Transgender Footballer Who Threatened To Sue Women’s League After Teenage Female Players Refused To Compete Against Him Is “Schoolgirl” Fetishist

Disturbing new information has come to light in the case of a 30-year-old trans-identified male threatening legal action against a women's football league after...
