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UK: Transgender Child Sex Offender Sentenced To 3.5 Years After Breaching Court Order Following Release From Prison

A trans-identified male predator is headed back to prison for 3.5 years shortly after completing a prison sentence for a series of disturbing sex...

NZ: Prominent Trans Activist And ‘Gender Equity’ Advisor Sharing Fetish Content On Social Media

Reduxx has learned that one of New Zealand's most prominent trans activists has been sharing disturbing fetish content on social media. Lexie Matheson, who...

Un golfista varĆ³n gana el trofeo de NXXT Women’s Classic, y es el actual nĆŗmero 1 del Pro Tour femenino

Un hombre que se dice trans se hizo con el trofeo de un torneo de golf profesional femenino en Florida. Hailey Davidson, de 30...

Male Golfer Takes Home Trophy At NXXT Womenā€™s Classic, Currently Ranked #1 In The Women’s Pro Tour

A trans-identified male has taken home the trophy at a women's professional golfing tournament in Florida. Hailey Davidson, 30, emerged victorious at the NXXT...

Muslim Girls Basketball Team Reportedly CANCELED Game After Being Made Aware That The Competing Team Included A Transgender Player

A girls basketball team from a Muslim high school in California may have canceled a game after the school's board was made aware that...

Transgender Disc Golfer Wins Settlement Forcing Professional Association To Drop New Restrictions On Male Participation In Women’s Categories

The Professional Disc Golf Association (PDGA) has been forced to drop their new regulations on men who want to participate in women's competitions after...

EXCLUSIVA: Un deportista que se dice trans se compromete verbalmente a apoderarse de una de las doce becas de voleibol femenino de la Universidad...

Reduxx se ha enterado de que un jugador de voleibol de California estĆ” a punto de convertirse en el primer hombre conocido que recibe una...

EXCLUSIVE: Transgender Athlete Makes Verbal Commitment To Seize One Of Just Twelve Women’s Volleyball D1 Scholarships At The University of Washington

Reduxx has learned that a volleyball player from California is reportedly set to become the first known male recipient of a women's Division 1...

Un hombre que se dice trans se hace con el tĆ­tulo nacional femenino de Ciclocross de EE. UU.

Un ciclista varĆ³n que se dice trans ha ganado el tĆ­tulo nacional femenino de Singlespeed en el Campeonato Nacional de Ciclocross de Ciclismo de...

Trans-Identified Male Seizes Top Women’s Title At USA Cycling Cyclocross National Championships

A trans-identified male cyclist has won the Women's Singlespeed national title at the 2023 USA Cycling Cyclocross National Championships, outraging women's rights advocates. Kylie...
