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EXCLUSIVE: Cal State “Gender” Academic Inspired Pedophilic Fantasy On Castrating, Enslaving Young Boys

CONTENT NOTICE: This article contains graphic mention of child sexual abuse and child physical abuse. Reader discretion is appreciated. Reduxx has learned that a Professor...

Norwegian BDSM Activist Behind WHO Decision To Remove Transvestic Fetishism And Sadomasochism From Psychiatric Diagnoses

Reduxx can reveal that the man who led a decades-long campaign pressuring the World Health Organization (WHO) to destigmatize fetishism, sadomasochism, and fetishistic transvestism,...

Una infografĆ­a del Proyecto Mujeres y Justicia sobre la “discriminaciĆ³n” a la que se enfrentan las personas que se dicen trans cita a un...

Un violador de niƱas pequeƱas aparece en un sitio web dedicado a reclusas, y sus citas se pueden ver en un lugar destacado a...

Condenado a cadena perpetua un activista noruego de la diversidad de gĆ©nero que difundĆ­a pornografĆ­a sobre mutilaciĆ³n genital

El hombre responsable de un lucrativo sitio web de modificaciĆ³n corporal extrema dedicado a difundir imĆ”genes "espeluznantes y truculentas" de castraciones y amputaciones de...

Norwegian Gender Diversity Activist Who Streamed Genital Mutilation Pornography Sentenced To LIFE In Prison

The man behind a lucrative extreme body modification website dedicated to streaming "grisly and gruesome" footage of castrations and limb amputations has been jailed...

EXCLUSIVA: Un acadĆ©mico holandĆ©s a favor de la pederastia trabajĆ³ con una importante autoridad mĆ©dica transgĆ©nero

ReduxxĀ puede revelar que un acadĆ©mico holandĆ©s-estadounidense con un historial de defensa de la normalizaciĆ³n de las relaciones sexuales entre adultos y criaturas ha tenido...

CANADƁ: Fetichista del paƱal que se dice “no binario” gana un pleito para que el gobierno le financie una operaciĆ³n que le “crearĆ”” una...

Un travesti y fetichista del paƱal de CanadƔ que se identifica como "no binario" ha ganado su caso legal contra el Plan de Seguro...

EXCLUSIVE: Dutch Pro-Pedophile Academic Worked With Leading Transgender Medical Authority

Reduxx can reveal that a Dutch-American academic with a history of advocating for the normalization of adult-child sexual relationships has had a working relationship...

CANADA: Non-Binary Diaper Fetishist Successfully Wins Case To Have The Government Fund Surgery That Will Construct Him A Penis And A Vagina

A trans-identified man and diaper fetishist in Canada who identifies as "non-binary" has won his legal case against the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP)...

EXCLUSIVE: Transgender ‘MAP’ Activist Connected to Pro-Pedophile Group Influencing Academic Research

A trans-identified male who identifies as a "minor-attracted person" and has been running a "MAP" merchandise shop online is also working with a prominent...
