
WPATH - search results

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CrĆ­ticas a la OMS por trabajar con un hombre que se dice trans que promueve la supresiĆ³n de la pubertad como “opciĆ³n predeterminada”

La OrganizaciĆ³n Mundial de la Salud (OMS) estĆ” siendo objeto de crĆ­ticas por haber elegido a un grupo de transactivistas para elaborar su primera...

WHO Slammed For Working With Trans-Identified Male Who Pushes Puberty Suppression As A “Default Option”

The World Health Organization is under fire for choosing a group of trans activists to develop its first global guide to "gender-affirming care," with...

Reino Unido: Un acadĆ©mico que se dice trans que restĆ³ importancia a la violencia contra las mujeres revisarĆ” la Ć©tica de los terapeutas

Un acadƩmico que se dice trans que fue criticado anteriormente por afirmar que "no importarƭa" que las mujeres fueran asesinadas a causa de las...

Denuncian a un “nudista” que se dice trans a ProtecciĆ³n de Menores tras un inquietante vĆ­deo que provocĆ³ indignaciĆ³n

Nota de la editora: Reduxx ha enviado un informe detallado sobre el tema de este artĆ­culo a CyberTip, una organizaciĆ³n digital lĆ­der en protecciĆ³n...

Transgender “Nudist” Reported To Child Protective Authorities After Disturbing Video Sparks Outrage

Editor's Note: Reduxx has submitted a detailed report on the subject of this article to CyberTip, a leading digital child protective authority which connects...

UK: Transgender Academic Who Downplayed Violence Against Women Revising Ethics for Therapists

A trans-identified male academic who was previously criticized for stating that it "would not matter" if women were killed as a result of gender...

Un estudiante varĆ³n que se dice trans gana el premio de “Chica MĆ”s RĆ”pida” en una carrera en Maine, EEUU

Un estudiante de secundaria que se dice trans ganĆ³ el premio a la chica de segundo curso de instituto (sophomore) mĆ”s rĆ”pida en una...

Trans-Identified Male Student Wins “Fastest Sophomore Girl” Title At Maine Race Meet

A trans-identified male high school student has won the Fastest Sophomore Girl award at a race meet in Belfast, Maine this past weekend. Soren...

EXCLUSIVA: SexĆ³logo noruego vinculado a la principal autoridad de salud transgĆ©nero trabajĆ³ en el pasado con un grupo de presiĆ³n pro-pedofilia

Un prominente psicĆ³logo noruego con conexiones con la AsociaciĆ³n Mundial de Profesionales para la Salud TransgĆ©nero (WPATH) estuvo asociado en el pasado con grupos...

EXCLUSIVE: Norwegian Sexologist Linked to Leading Transgender Health Authority Previously Worked With Pro-Pedophilia Lobby Group

A prominent Norwegian psychologist with connections to the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) was previously associated with multinational pro-pedophile groups which lobbied...
