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Una destacada revista acadĆ©mica publica un artĆ­culo que afirma que “las relaciones sexuales entre menores y adultos” no son perjudiciales

Una destacada revista acadƩmica ha publicado un artƭculo que cuestiona la necesidad de leyes sobre la edad de consentimiento y afirma que los debates...

Leading Academic Journal Publishes Paper Claiming “Sexual Relations Between Youths and Adults” Are Not Harmful

A leading academic journal has published an article questioning the need for age of consent laws and claiming that discussions of "youth sexuality" are...

NORUEGA: Un mĆ©dico que se dice trans, cuya licencia fue suspendida por “transicionar” a menores en privado, recibe un premio a su trayectoria feminista

Un mĆ©dico de gĆ©nero y sexĆ³logo que recientemente vio suspendida su licenciaĀ mĆ©dicaĀ a raĆ­z de una investigaciĆ³nĀ de la Autoridad Sanitaria Noruega (NHA)Ā recibiĆ³Ā unĀ premioĀ queĀ llevaĀ elĀ nombreĀ de una prominente feminista...

NORWAY: Transgender Doctor Whose License was Suspended After Privately Transitioning Minors Given Feminist Achievement Award

A gender clinician and sexologist who recently had his medical license suspended following an investigation by the Norwegian Health Authority (NHA) has been granted...

EXCLUSIVE: Sadistic Pedophile Was Member Of Forum Cited By Transgender Medical Authority

Content Notice: This article contains graphic descriptions of human torture some readers may find upsetting. Reader discretion is appreciated. A former Presbyterian minister and Boy...

NORWAY: Woman Fired for Criticizing Medical Transitioning of Youth Takes Her Former Employers To Court

A woman in Norway has taken her employer to court after she was dismissed in apparent retaliation for statements she made on social media...

El hombre al que USA Today nombrĆ³ “Mujer del AƱo” anima a los menores a “limitar el contacto” con sus padres

Un hombre que se dice trans y que redactĆ³ un proyecto de ley declarando Minnesota "estado refugio" para la transiciĆ³n mĆ©dica de menores, ha...

USA Today’s Male “Woman Of The Year” Encouraged Minors To “Limit Contact” With Parents

A trans-identified male who drafted a bill declaring Minnesota a "refuge state" for the medical transitioning of minors has been awarded the title of...

NORUEGA: Proxeneta convicto lleva una tienda para jĆ³venes “trans” promovida por el gobierno.

Reduxx ha sabido que un proxeneta condenado en dos ocasiones, es el propietario de un sitio web respaldado por el gobierno noruego que fomenta la...

NORWAY: Convicted Pimp Running Government-Promoted Trans Youth Shop

Reduxx has learned that a website endorsed by the Norwegian Government which promotes the medical transitioning of children is owned by a twice-convicted pimp....
