UK: Transgender Pedophile Who Abducted, Sexually Abused Girl Seeks Reduction of “Excessive” Sentence

A Scottish trans-identified pedophile who abducted and sexually abused an 11 year-old girl is seeking to have his 20-year prison sentence reduced on the basis that he was “living as a woman” before committing the crime, and claiming that the prosecution placed “too much weight” on his transgender identity.

Andrew George Miller, who identifies as a “woman” named Amy George, was handed a 28-year extended sentence last October, comprising 20 years behind bars and a further eight in the community under supervision, after pleading guilty to the chilling abduction and sexual assault of a young girl.

Miller was initially arrested in February in connection with the disappearance of an 11-year-old girl who he abducted “while dressed in female clothing,” according to the Edinburgh High Court.

On February 5, 2023, Miller approached the girl and offered her a drive home while wearing women’s clothes. After winning the victim’s trust, Miller took her to his own residence and confined her in his bedroom, where he repeatedly sexually abused her over a 27-hour period.

The child asked to be allowed to go home, at which point Miller told the girl he intended to keep her in captivity and that he was her “new family.” According to court records, Miller exposed his genitals to the victim and forced her to watch pornography and “fetish videos.”

Police Scotland announced that the girl had been found on February 7 in the village of Gattonside, and she was promptly returned to her family. Later that same day, law enforcement announced Miller’s arrest in connection to the girl’s disappearance. The girl had managed to locate a landline telephone while Miller slept and called the police.

Officers arrived on the scene quickly, where they found Miller wearing a bra with silicone breasts, women’s underwear, and tights. CCTV footage later recovered by law enforcement showed Miller abducting the girl. Upon further investigation, police also found that Miller had been in possession of horrific child sexual abuse materials.

Last May, Miller pleaded guilty to charges of abduction, sexual assault, watching pornography in the presence of the child under the age of 13, and possessing 242 indecent images of children. In October, the disturbed predator was sentenced to 20 years in prison, with an extension period of eight years.

On January 19, the appeal court in Edinburgh was told that Miller had lived as a woman for six years prior to committing the sadistic crime, and that he is now supporting other trans prisoners — factors which he argued ought to be considered in his bid to have his “excessive” sentence reduced.

Defense attorney Victoria Dow told the court on Friday that Miller lived as a woman “for many years,” and his “transgender identity had been a factor throughout his life.”

“Too much weight has been attached to that factor. It is clear the appellant has experienced psychological difficulties throughout his life. This is his first offense for such a serious matter,” Dow told the court.

Andrew Miller as ‘Amy George.’ Source: Facebook

“Prior to the offense he was struggling to cope with a number of factors in his life. He was soothed by the feeling of control… No criminal justice social work report was carried out. There simply wasn’t one. The headline sentence was excessive.”

During sentencing last fall, presiding judge Lord Arthurson commented on Miller’s “nauseating” depravity.

“Dressed and presenting as a female, you offered the child a lift, drove past the area of her home, took her into your house and removed her phone. You assaulted her on arrival, carried her into the bedroom, removed her lower clothing and immediately commenced her ordeal of deplorable penetrative sexual offending. You made her wear tights, in keeping with your long standing perverted fetishistic interests,” the judge said.

Lord Arthurson further questioned whether the victim would have trusted him had he not altered his appearance to resemble a woman.

“One only has to ask oneself the simple question: would an 11 year old girl have willingly entered your car had you presented as a man? The answer is that obviously she would not. Your intentions were wicked and predatory, and clearly involved a substantial component of planning.”

In his defense, Miller claimed that the abduction and sexual abuse of the child was a “game,” and argued that he had acted in a “motherly way” towards the young girl. The Risk Management Authority, in an assessment report, noted that Miller appeared to place responsibility for his sexual offending on the victim.

During the course of the investigation, it was revealed that Miller had ten previous convictions, but that he had “never before received a custodial or even a community‑based sentence.” In addition to pleading guilty to the charges of abduction and sexual abuse of a minor, Miller also admitted to the possession of multiple indecent images of children, including media depicting the anal rape of a young child. He curated his sick collection over the course of 19 years.

Reduxx has previously located two Facebook profiles belonging to Miller, one of which utilizes a “female” identity under the name “Amy George.” Miller appears to have operated the accounts simultaneously, posting on both his “male” and “female” identified accounts regularly.

In January of this year, Miller made a post on his “male” account alluding to the debacle surrounding Scotland’s Gender Recognition Act.

“Silly Billys [sic] in Westminster… Never mess with Scottish Transgender Issues,” Miller wrote just days after the UK Government moved to block a piece of Scottish legislation which sought to significantly relax the requirements for individuals to change their legal sex in Scotland.

In January of 2020, Miller posted on teaching children to explore their identities.

“That simple question that we ask ourselves… who am I? Deliver that same question to your children. Let them be themselves. Guide them, but not with boundaries. Teach them, but not with misguided morals. Love them and let them know and feel that they are loved, because that is the greatest gift of all,” Miller posted as “Amy George.”

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Genevieve Gluck
Genevieve Gluck
Genevieve is the Co-Founder of Reduxx, and the outlet's Chief Investigative Journalist with a focused interest in pornography, sexual predators, and fetish subcultures. She is the creator of the podcast Women's Voices, which features news commentary and interviews regarding women's rights.