Two “gender critical” events in San Francisco were stormed by protesters this weekend, where trans activists showed up with signs threatening to murder women critical of gender ideology. At one conference held at a Hilton hotel, an employee was assaulted while trying to prevent damage to the property.
Approximately 100 members of the US chapter of Women’s Declaration International (WDI), a global group of volunteers who campaign for women and girls’ sex-based rights, were in attendance for the conference, held on Saturday at the Hilton. Speakers presented on topics such as women’s right to free speech in academia and issues concerning lesbians, black women, and desisted or “detransitioned” women – females who previously identified as transgender, but no longer do.
But attempts were made to sabotage the conference when trans activists began to gather outside of the property in protest, some of whom held signs calling for women critical of gender ideology to be murdered.
Kara Dansky, an outspoken women’s rights activist and president of WDI USA, sent Reduxx footage of the trans rights activists from inside her hotel room. The video shows a group of protestors who had gathered directly in front of the hotel’s entrance.

Photo: Belissa Cohen
“The people outside don’t like it that the US Chapter of WDI wants to have a meeting of women where we gather to talk about our rights,” Dansky was heard narrating in the video.
The demonstration was described as “fairly normal” in the beginning, but Dansky explained that the protesters began entering the hotel and “essentially terrorizing hotel guests and security alike.”
Trans activists were attempting to enter the building through a third-floor entrance, prompting hotel security to corral them and expel them from the proximity of the doors. In order to prevent them from entering again, hotel staff locked nearly all doors and access points. Only the front door remained open for hotel guests to freely enter and exit the building, while security attempted to keep at bay the protesters who tried to enter.
Police later arrived to secure the entrance to the building, with footage showing four officers guarding an indoor bridge that connected the hotel to its conference center.
Despite the presence of police and security, multiple incidents of vandalism occurred. Belissa Cohen, a women’s rights advocate in attendance, shared photos of stickers and flyers placed in the vicinity of the hotel by protestors.
Slogans such as “Arm trans women, disarm cops,” and “Dykes hate TERFs,” were seen plastered on the Hilton signage and in surrounding areas, as well as stickers featuring the Antifa logo.

But the trans activist detractors didn’t stop at vandalism, and continued to escalate the situation by taking a hammer to the Hilton’s outdoor sign.
Dansky explained to Reduxx that a hotel manager saw the destruction, and attempted to intervene to prevent further damage. In response, one of the protestors physically assaulted him, reportedly punching the staff member in the head.
Reduxx reached out to the Hilton for comment but did not receive a response in time for publication.
But this wasn’t the only event critical of gender ideology that was targeted in San Fransisco that day.
On Saturday evening, a nearby venue was hosting an art exhibit titled “A Nasty Piece of Work: The Art of Dissident Feminists.” The event was intended to host the art of women impacted by gender ideology, and included the work of detransitioned women.
At an unknown time on Saturday evening, trans activists spray-painted the exterior of the venue with anarchism symbols and the threatening message, “No TERFs on our turf!”
TERF, an acronym meaning “trans exclusionary radical feminist,” is frequently used to incite violence against women critical of gender ideology.
The art exhibit was held Acceleration Place, and WDI USA conference attendees were made aware of the show and invited to its opening reception.
Laura Becker, a detransitioned woman, had her art featured alongside the works of other feminist creators. She presented a self-portrait of her chest, scarred by a double mastectomy surgery, to promote awareness around the medical risks associated with so-called “gender affirming” surgeries. Becker has previously had her work censored by online DIY retailer Etsy for advocating against gender identity ideology
Other curators of the show included feminists, artists, and art collectors who are members of San Fransisco-based group Women Are Real.
A Women Are Real representative confirmed that police were contacted and a report was made Sunday morning when the graffiti was discovered.
She told Reduxx: “I was saddened, but not surprised when I saw the vandalism. [Due to the] violence and property damage to the [Hilton] hotel during the daytime on Saturday…it seemed unlikely the gallery would remain unscathed.”
The roaming show is still set to run until October 15, and will be in Los Angeles as its next stop.
Women Are Real will be at San Fransisco City Hall on September 18 to perform a demonstration and have said they are prepared for violence. The demonstration will be live-streamed.
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