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EXCLUSIVE DETAILS: Indiana Department Of Corrections Ordered To Arrange Transgender Baby Killer’s “Gender Surgeries” After ACLU-Backed Lawsuit

The ACLU has successfully fought to have a transgender baby killer be given taxpayer-funded “gender affirming” surgeries. Yesterday, the United States District Court of Indiana ruled that Autumn Cordellioné, born Jonathan C. Richardson, had been subjected to “cruel and unusual punishment” by being denied the various plastic surgeries he had demanded.

Richardson is currently serving a 55-year sentence for the murder of his 11-month-old stepdaughter. As previously reported by Reduxx, Richardson had been left to care for the child while her mother was at work. That night, he was visited by friends who observed he was “acting strangely” and refused to invite them in the house as he normally would.

Despite claiming the little girl was sleeping, Richardson had loud music playing in the home, and his guests noted that he appeared to have a fresh, bleeding tattoo of the child’s name carved into his arm. Shortly after his friends left, Richardson went to a neighbor’s home and asked them to call 911, claiming the child was unresponsive. The baby would later die at the hospital, with the cause of death determined to be asphyxiation by manual strangulation.

Richardson was booked awaiting a court hearing, and would later tell a prison official “all I know is I killed the little fucking bitch.” The following year, he was found guilty and sentenced to 55 years in prison.

In 2020, while incarcerated at the The Correctional Industrial Facility (CIF) in Madison, Richardson began identifying as transgender and taking estradiol, a synthetic estrogen, and anti-androgen spironolactone. Two years later, Richardson lodged a sexual harassment complaint claiming that he had been raped by his cellmate in 2005, and that he stabbed the inmate in retaliation.

Despite the brutal nature of his crime, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) in Indiana took up his case and launched a human rights lawsuit against the Indiana Department of Corrections (IDOC).

In the suit, which was filed in August of 2023, ACLU lawyers refer to Richardson as an “adult transgender female prisoner confined in a male institution,” and complains that “the total ban on gender-affirming surgery violates [his] right to be free from cruel and unusual punishment under the Eighth Amendment.”

The suit was intended to challenge a recently-adopted policy stipulating that the IDOC cannot provide transgender surgeries to inmates. House Bill 1569, which took effect in July of 2023, bans the spending of state or federal dollars on sexual reassignment surgery for inmates. The bill, the ACLU argues, “mandates deliberate indifference to a serious medical need and therefore violates the Eighth Amendment.”

Among a list of demands prepared by Richardson and presented as evidence in court was a document titled “Surgeries to Reach My Ideal Self.” The first item on the list, the court heard, was a “vagina,” followed by: breast implants, a brow lift, a brow reduction, a tummy tuck, gluteal implants (BBL), a uterus transplant, hair removal, and wigs.

However, during court proceedings Richardson stated that he had amended his demands to two surgeries, an orchiectomy and a penile inversion.

In addition to identifying as transgender, Richardson identifies as “Muslim,” and is currently engaged in a separate lawsuit against his prison’s chaplain for being denied a hijab.

During his deposition, Richardson told the legal counsel for the IDOC, Alex Carlisle, that in 2018, he had been informed about gender identity by another male inmate at CIF who went by the name of “Pearl.” According to Richardson, Pearl had brought in pamphlets from California state prisons that explained the concept of “gender identity” and introduced to him, for the first time, the idea of taking feminizing hormones.

“I always knew I was a girl, didn’t know that term applied. Because until I talked to Pearl I didn’t even really know transgender was the name for it. I was hearing at the time that it was transsexualism and that didn’t seem to fit me because it was apparently people that like to wear girl clothes to have sex,” Richardson said in his deposition.

However, Richardson also stated that while briefly married to the mother of the infant he murdered, he had been working in an “adult bookstore” that sold pornographic videos. While employed as a janitor, Richardson would have sex with various male customers while pretending to be a “girl.”

Richardson further testified that he had taken the feminine name “Autumn” after his high school girlfriend, and said that he used to steal his sister’s clothing and his mother’s makeup as a youth. “When I put on the clothes, I could for a second realize the girl inside,” he said.

“I felt I was only a woman when a man used me,” Richardson remarked. “It was the only acceptable time to be a woman so it brought me a certain amount of satisfaction that I was pleasuring a man like a woman would and I got to express who I was.”

But the mother of the baby girl Richardson strangled to death opposed his legal bid to obtain surgery. Linda Thomas submitted a brief statement expressing her concern that his identity may be concealed from her when he is released from prison.

“On the day he murdered my child, I personally observed Plaintiff with a fresh bleeding tattoo of my child’s name on his arm while I was at the hospital that evening,” Thomas said. “I live in fear for myself and my children of the day [Richardson] is released from prison, which largely increases at the thought that [his] identity may be concealed upon release.”

ACLU attorneys under the leadership of Kenneth Falk attempted to have Thomas’ testimony dismissed as court evidence on the basis that “Ms. Cordellioné objected to the relevance of this declaration.”

During court proceedings, Kate Meltzer, a legal representative for the Office of the Attorney General, emphasized an issue of “timeliness” related to Richardson’s attempts to secure an early release.

On January 4th, Richardson had lodged a pro se request seeking a reduction of his sentence. According to Meltzer, Richardson’s request claimed that the “circumstances that resulted in the crime are no longer present,” as the motivation for the murder of the young girl was “tied to [his] transgender identity and [his] gender dysphoria.”

The court also heard testimony from Stephen B. Levine, a psychiatrist who specializes in sexual dysfunction and transsexualism, who founded the Case Western Reserve Gender Identity Clinic in Cleveland during the 1970’s. Levine was Chair of the fifth edition of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health’s (WPATH) Standards of Care in 1998. He also served on the American Psychiatric Association DSM-IV Subcommittee on Gender Identity Disorders.

In March of this year, while the case was ongoing, Levine emailed the Attorney General’s counsel Alexander Carlisle pleading with him to empathize with Richardson. According to Dr. Levine, Richardson’s condition “is a product of the need to find coherence, consistency, and stability”. The “countless traumas” experienced by Richardson, the gender clinician said, “began with her birth (actually with her pregnancy)”, indicating his belief that a transgender identity develops in utero.

As noted in court documents, in recent years Dr. Levine derived between 40% to 50% of his income from serving as an expert witness in litigation regarding the treatment of patients with “gender dysphoria”.

The ruling issued by Judge Richard Young on September 17 has far-reaching implications and sets a precedent for further surgeries and hormones to be doled out at taxpayers’ expense. The verdict declares that the statute added to Indiana’s legal code in 2023 barring the DOC from facilitating “medically necessary gender-affirming” surgeries for inmates qualifies as “sex discrimination.”

In a statement on Richardson’s legal win, ACLU of Indiana Legal Director Kenneth Falk said: “Today marks a significant victory for transgender individuals in Indiana’s prisons. Denying evidence-based medical care to incarcerated people simply because they are transgender is unconstitutional. We are pleased that the Court agreed.”

The ACLU has pursued multiple lawsuits in several states against the US prison authorities on behalf of men convicted of horrific crimes. As revealed by Reduxx, a 2019 ACLU lawsuit against the New Jersey Department of Corrections which required the state to allow violent male inmates to self-identify into the Edna Mahan Correctional Facility for Women was lodged on behalf of a self-admitted diaper fetishist and convicted terrorist.

Last year, the ACLU of Florida criticized officials for not providing “gender-affirming care” to a convicted rapist and murderer prior to his execution. Duane Owen had been handed a death sentence after brutally murdering a 38-year-old mother and a 14-year-old girl in 1984. Owen claimed that he sexually assaulted women as part of a ritual to harvest their hormones, and that he was a transsexual who carried out the sexual violence to “turn himself into a female.”

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UK: Violent Transgender Child Rapist Has Prison Sentence Increased After Threatening to Mutilate Warden’s Genitals

A trans-identified male currently in prison after being convicted of the rape of two young girls has had his sentence extended by 33 months for threatening to murder and maim the genitals of officers. Marcia Walker, born Mark, 51, sent a series of voicemails, emails, and letters to prison staff in which he threatened to cut off a man’s penis, place his genitals in a blender, bomb and cut the brakes on his car, and burn down his house.

Last week, Guildford Crown Court heard how Walker phoned Crimestoppers from HMP Frankland in Durham on January 24 and falsely claimed there was a bomb in the staff parking lot. He also sent numerous threatening communications to staff, including one in which he said he wanted to murder the warden.

Walker had also physically assaulted two prison officers.

He was charged with two counts of racially aggravated public disorder, two counts of assaulting an emergency worker, two charges of sending malicious communications, as well as sending a communication threatening serious harm. He also admitted communicating false information about the bomb with intent. The total amount of time added to his sentence adds up to 33 months.

One prison employee told The Daily Mail that Walker is kept isolated for the safety of those around him. The outlet utilized “she/her pronouns for Walker throughout the article.

“[He] makes life difficult for [himself],” said the employee. Both the source and the publication referred to Walker with feminine pronouns. “If [he] just tried to get on with people, [his] time inside would go a lot quicker.”

Walker is legally recognized as “female” by prison authorities, and though he has made attempts to be transferred to a women’s correctional facility, he has been deemed to dangerous to be among women.

The Sun has previously revealed that prison administration is unwilling to transfer Walker due to the extreme danger he poses, and that he is instead being kept in total segregation in the high-security men’s facility.

An anonymous source at HMP Frankland told the Sun that the male inmates are “furious” over Walker’s treatment, as the rest of the inmates must be kept locked in their cells while Walker is eating or bathing.

Using feminine pronouns for Walker, the source stated: “She has to be treated as a woman but cannot be moved to a female prison because she poses a risk. And, as she’s legally a woman, she must be kept apart from male inmates.”

Marcia Walker, born Mark Walker, was sentenced to 13 years in prison for the 2003 rape of two young girls — one of whom was just 4 years old at the time. In addition to the assaults, he was also convicted on multiple counts related to the creation and distribution of child sexual abuse images.

Since his initial sentencing, Walker has repeatedly received additional prison time for bomb and death threats made against government officials and the prisons he has been incarcerated at.

Walker was released from prison in 2012, just 8 years into his sentence, and sent to a half-way house in Windsor. While there, he claimed there was a bomb in the residence, and was taken back to prison for his malicious hoax. After arriving, he called in a number of other death threats and bomb hoaxes, including one against then-Home Secretary Theresa May. In 2013, he was handed an additional 6-year sentence as a result of his violent threats.

In 2015, he would be given another 4 years time after making similar threats while incarcerated at Parkhurst prison, calling Crimestoppers and claiming there was a nail bomb in the parking lot, and a bomb at the Prison Governor’s home.

Two years later, Walker, suddenly identifying as a woman, made even more bomb threats while incarcerated at HMP Long Lartin, claiming it was due to a delay in getting “gender affirming” care. He was sentenced to an additional 5 years.

In 2021, Walker made headlines for assaulting prison staff after they confiscated multiple prohibited items from his cell at the maximum security Frankland institution in Durham.

Walker became enraged prison staff confiscated National Geographic magazines from him after they were found to contain naked depictions of children. Due to the violent threats he made, prison officers then objected to Walker having razorblades in his cell, concerned for the safety of staff and inmates. Walker then physically attacked a guard, claiming his “gender dysphoria” would be exacerbated if he was not allowed to shave.

However, Walker was not initially given additional time in custody after the assault, but was instead released into the community on a 15-month suspended sentence and sent to a halfway house in Surrey.

Just weeks later, Walker was arrested once again and sent back to prison for breaching the conditions of his release after seeking out images of naked babies in an Oxford bookstore.

EXCLUSIVA: Violento recluso travesti en libertad condicional tras cumplir su condena calladamente en una prisión de mujeres en Canadá

Un recluso violento que se dice trans ha quedado en libertad condicional tras cumplir su condena en una prisión federal de mujeres en Canadá. Cassidy Honsinger, de 29 años, apuñaló repetidamente a una adolescente en un parque en Cornwall, Ontario.

Honsinger fue detenido el 10 de septiembre de 2022, después de atacar a una joven de 17 años con la que no había tenido interacciones previas. Según los documentos de la Junta de Libertad Condicional de Canadá proporcionados a Reduxx, la chica estaba sentada con una amiga en un parque local cuando vio a Honsinger montando en bicicleta cerca. Por razones que no están claras, comenzó a llamar a Honsinger, que respondió acercándose a ella, sacando un cuchillo de carne y apuñalándola repetidamente. Se llamó a la policía de inmediato.

Los testigos observaron a Honsinger caminar despreocupadamente del parque a su casa, en las cercanías, y luego salir poco después para deshacerse de su cuchillo en una alcantarilla de la calle. Honsinger fue detenido poco más tarde, y se recuperó el cuchillo de la alcantarilla.

Aunque la víctima sobrevivió al ataque tras ser trasladada de urgencia al hospital y tratada por puñaladas de un cuarto de pulgada que tenía por el cuerpo, más tarde haría una declaración de impacto ante el tribunal en la que reveló que sufría limitaciones en el uso de una de sus manos como consecuencia de las heridas. También habló de su miedo a salir a la calle después del ataque, y contó que tuvo que comenzar un régimen de medicación para combatir los terrores nocturnos que sufría debido al trauma.

Honsinger fue finalmente condenado a dos años de prisión federal por asalto con agravantes. Durante la vista, se supo que tenía una designación previa de “no responsable penalmente”, ya que tenía una serie de “problemas de salud mental”. La designación se aplicó en 2014, después de que Honsinger fuera acusado de cuatro cargos de agresión por intentar estrangular a su propia madre.

El documento de la Junta de Libertad Condicional de Canadá revisado por Reduxx señala que Honsinger había sido diagnosticado formalmente con “esquizofrenia, ansiedad, trastorno de estrés postraumático (TEPT), trastorno antipersonal, funcionamiento intelectual límite, trastorno por consumo de cannabis (posiblemente en remisión) y trastorno por déficit de atención”. En el documento se lee, además, que cuando no toma la medicación, Honsinger se vuelve “paranoico, experimenta alucinaciones auditivas y visuales, y se vuelve violento hacia los demás y hacia cosas”. Agrega que ha expresado amenazas de violencia y muerte a otras personas.

Pero Reduxx ha sabido ahora que Honsinger había estado internado en la Institución para Mujeres de Grand Valley durante una parte de su condena.

Según Heather Mason, defensora canadiense de los derechos de las mujeres encarceladas, una fuente de Grand Valley le dijo que las reclusas “andaban con pies de plomo” en torno a Honsinger.

“Mi fuente reveló que tenía graves problemas de salud mental, como esquizofrenia, y que las mujeres temían que sufriera un ataque y se volviera violento con ellas”, explicó Mason. “Señaló que estaban extremadamente atentas y mantenían sus distancias, cambiando sus rutinas y comportamiento para minimizar el contacto y evitar provocarlo”.

Mason dice que se enteró de la presencia de Honsinger en Grand Valley, una cárcel federal femenina, en otoño de 2023. Los documentos de libertad condicional de Honsinger indican una liberación estatuaria, que ocurre después de completar dos tercios de la sentencia, lo que sugiere que cumplió al menos 16 meses.

Antes de ser enviado a Grand Valley, Mason dice que le habían informado que Honsinger había estado internado en un hospital psiquiátrico de Quebec.

Después de enterarse de que había salido en libertad condicional, Mason dice que comenzó a preocuparse por la seguridad de la gente del entorno del hombre.

“En mi opinión, supone un riesgo importante para los demás debido a su pasado violento, que incluyen ataques a su madre, a funcionarios de prisiones y a profesionales sanitarios de la comunidad”, dice. “Además, su historial revela el incumplimiento de la supervisión comunitaria y una estancia prolongada en un hospital psiquiátrico, donde no fue constante con la medicación y exhibió un comportamiento violento recurrente”.

Mason continúa criticando las políticas que permiten a los hombres identificarse como mujeres para acceder a las cárceles femeninas en Canadá.

“La inclusión de hombres violentos identificados erróneamente como mujeres en programas e instituciones femeninas suscita preocupación, ya que oculta las experiencias e historias únicas de las mujeres al incorporar estadísticas de hombres que se dicen trans, que pueden representar incorrectamente las trayectorias de comportamiento delictivo de las mujeres y tener graves repercusiones al incorporar estos datos a las medidas de riesgo, la clasificación de seguridad, la reclasificación, la programación y la libertad condicional”, explica.

“Estas mujeres han sido castigadas con una pena de prisión y no deberían ser sometidas a un nuevo castigo de vivir con miedo a sufrir ataques violentos, como ser golpeadas o apuñaladas, por un recluso que representa una amenaza significativa debido a su inestabilidad mental y su historial de violencia”.

Un informe publicado por el Servicio Penitenciario en 2022 reveló que el 82% de los presos de “género diverso” de Canadá con antecedentes de delitos sexuales eran hombres que se identificaban como transgénero. Casi todos habían cometido sus delitos antes de declararse transgénero. La inmensa mayoría cometió delitos que causaron la muerte o daños graves a sus víctimas, más de la mitad de las cuales eran mujeres o menores.

En junio de 2017, la categoría de “identidad de género” se convirtió en una característica protegida tras su inclusión en la Ley de Derechos Humanos de Canadá a través de un polémico texto legislativo conocido como Proyecto de Ley C-16.

El gobierno canadiense afirmó que se había evaluado el impacto del proyecto de ley en las mujeres antes de su aprobación, pero se ha negado reiteradamente a dar a conocer los resultados de la evaluación.

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Académico sueco que escribió un trabajo de investigación sobre “la masturbación” publica un libro sobre “niños guapos” en la pornografía infantil de dibujos animados

Un académico sueco, que provocó una gran reacción negativa del público tras escribir su tesis doctoral sobre masturbarse con material de fantasía de abuso sexual infantil durante tres meses, publica ahora un libro sobre el tema. Karl Andersson, ex estudiante de doctorado en la Universidad de Manchester en el departamento de estudios japoneses, anunció la publicación de su nuevo libro Niños Increíblemente Guapos: El Poder Curativo de los Comics Shota en Japón, en un reciente video de YouTube donde afirma que el texto incorpora su “filosofía de adoración a los niños”.

Shota, una versión abreviada del complejo shōtarō, se refiere a los cómics, dibujos animados y otras formas de medios visuales que se centran en niños pequeños en situaciones eróticas y sexualizadas. Los niños son representados principalmente como prepúberes, a menudo con cuerpos sin pelo y rasgos muy pequeños.

Este medio se considera en gran medida una forma de material de fantasía de abuso sexual infantil y, por tanto, es ilegal en muchos países, incluidos Canadá y Australia. También es ilegal en el Reino Unido, donde Andersson cursó su doctorado.

Andersson explica en el vídeo de YouTube donde presenta su libro: “Es mi investigación, básicamente. He estudiado shota durante más de diez años, pero más recientemente en forma de doctorado, y en forma de trabajo de campo que realicé en Japón en 2023. Así que, básicamente, me asocié con mucha gente a la que le gusta el shota“, dice.

Andersson olvida mencionar que hace dos años (artículo en español), tras un intenso escrutinio público, la Universidad de Manchester inició una investigación sobre las circunstancias de su investigación doctoral y la publicación de esta. En el artículo, publicado en abril de 2022 en la revista académica Qualitative Research, Andersson admite que el método de “investigación” que eligió fue masturbarse con material de fantasía de abuso sexual infantil durante tres meses. En el artículo de 4.000 palabras, titulado “No estoy solo, estamos todos solos: Uso de la masturbación como método etnográfico en la investigación sobre la subcultura shota en Japón”, Andersson detalla el uso de su “método experimental” de masturbarse con pornografía shota.

Aunque Andersson no revela las edades de los menores en los cómics sexuales con los que se masturbaba, sí se refiere a ellos como “niños pequeños”. Más adelante, en el artículo, Andersson describe algunos de los cómics que leía con la frase “personajes de niños muy jóvenes saltaban con avidez sobre la primera polla que se les presentaba”.

El verano pasado, un portavoz de la Universidad de Manchester declaró a la prensa: “La reciente publicación en Qualitative Research del trabajo de un estudiante, ahora matriculado en un doctorado, ha suscitado graves preocupaciones y quejas que nos estamos tomando muy en serio. Actualmente estamos llevando a cabo una investigación detallada sobre todos los aspectos de su trabajo, los procesos en torno al mismo y otras cuestiones planteadas. Es muy importante que analicemos los problemas en profundidad”.

Andersson describe el formato de su nuevo libro. Fuente: YouTube

Andersson fue expulsado poco después del programa de doctorado, y la Universidad de Manchester dictaminó que su trabajo había causado un “daño significativo a la reputación” de la universidad. Sage, la editorial de Qualitative Research, retiró el trabajo de Andersson, y un representante explicó que la decisión se tomó “después de que una investigación determinara que hubo una falta de supervisión ética institucional y una falta de revisión ética adecuada y apropiada antes de la publicación”.

Sin embargo, en su nuevo libro, Andersson dice haber recibido sólo elogios de sus compañeros académicos por su artículo antes de publicarlo.

Su propio supervisor académico, afirma Andersson, elogió el artículo, calificándolo de “muy bueno” y lo describió como su “mejor trabajo escrito”. Además, un revisor de la publicación académica Qualitative Research destacó que la justificación del uso de la masturbación como método de investigación estaba “bien justificada”, y dijo del académico obsesionado con el shota: “El autor ha llevado a cabo una investigación provocadora mediante una aplicación muy audaz e innovadora de la autoetnografía. Lo mejor de todo es que el autor lo ha hecho extremadamente bien”.

Según él, el coordinador anónimo de un curso de doctorado en “autoetnografía queer” donde se redactó el artículo alabó la investigación sobre pornografía infantil, definiéndola como un “ensayo maravillosamente escrito, reflexivo, analítico e intrigante sobre la masturbación ‘en el campo'”, y agregó: “Esto ya es muy publicable, si así lo desea. Bravo”.

Este comentario parece describir la reacción de Elisabeth Lund Engebretsen, profesora de estudios de género afiliada a la Universidad de Stavanger, en Noruega. En su tesis doctoral, Andersson agradeció explícitamente a la profesora Engebretsen “sus comentarios en una primera versión de este artículo”.

Curiosamente, la propia Engebretsen ha publicado una “investigación” cuestionable, ya que es autora de un artículo académico sobre “campañas antigénero en las redes sociales” que nombraba y vilipendiaba específicamente a las mujeres críticas con la ideología de género y las llamaba “feministas transexcluyentes”.

Sin embargo, Engebretsen ha negado cualquier implicación con el trabajo de Andersson, diciendo: “He dado mi opinión sobre un ensayo escrito para un curso de doctorado que impartí. No tuve nada que ver con el proyecto de investigación en sí ni con la revisión por pares del artículo que se publicó”.

Cuando en 2022 empezaron a circular noticias del trabajo de doctorado de Andersson, también salió a la luz que era responsable de dos inquietantes proyectos de medios visuales centrados en la sexualización de niños jóvenes: Destroyer Magazine y Breaking Boy News.

Andersson creó Destroyer Magazine cuando vivía en Praga y publicó esta revista gráfica en la República Checa, justo después de graduarse en la Universidad de Estocolmo. La publicación erótica se anunciaba a sí misma como “la principal revista internacional para chicos adolescentes”. Aunque Destroyer fue ridiculizada en Suecia por su contenido perturbador, Out, un medio internacional de noticias gay, informó favorablemente sobre Andersson en 2012.

Aunque no eran explícitamente pornográficas, las revistas de Andersson giraban en torno a la erotización de chicos jóvenes y su comportamiento. Breaking Boy News se centraba en adolescentes aún más jóvenes y en contenido más truculento, y las historias ponían de relieve con entusiasmo a niños jóvenes que cometían actos violentos contra animales, mujeres y entre sí, con especial énfasis en el dolor y la degeneración.

Durante una entrevista concedida en 2012 al ahora desaparecido medio Vice, Andersson no rehúye la etiqueta de “boy lover” (“amante de niños”) y describe su atracción por los menores.

“El niño es el que hace todas las cosas que más tarde en nuestras vidas aprendemos a no hacer. Descubre cosas, pone a prueba los límites, ayuda a la gente, pero también roba, viola o incluso asesina. Y son preciosos, por supuesto. Los niños son como gatitos, es difícil quitarles los ojos de encima”.

La revista Destroyer, de Andersson, recibió los elogios de un académico a favor de la pederastia (artículo en español), Jacob Breslow, que dimitió de su puesto de profesor asociado en la London School of Economics a finales de 2022. Breslow, que fue miembro del consejo de administración de la organización transactivista Mermaids, con sede en el Reino Unido, que aboga por detener la pubertad infantil, describió a Destroyer como “una revista dedicada a la belleza del niño” y aprobó la “crítica (más o menos) académica y la apreciación estética de la niñez masculina, la perversión y la comunidad LGBT” de Andersson.

Es de destacar la intervención de Breslow en una conferencia organizada por la organización de defensa de la pedofilia B4U-Act, en un intento de presionar a la Asociación Estadounidense de Psiquiatría para que modificara la definición diagnóstica de la pederastia con el fin de “reducir el estigma” contra las “personas atraídas por menores” (MAP).

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EXCLUSIVE: Violent Transgender Inmate Released On Parole After Quietly Serving His Sentence In A Women’s Prison In Canada

A violent transgender inmate has been released on parole after serving his sentence in a women’s federal prison in Canada. Cassidy Honsinger, 29, stabbed a teenager repeatedly in a park in Cornwall, Ontario.

Honsinger was first arrested on September 10, 2022, after attacking a 17-year-old girl he had no prior interactions with. According to Parole Board of Canada documents provided to Reduxx, the girl had been sitting with a friend at a local park when she saw Honsinger riding his bike nearby. For reasons that are unclear, she began to call at Honsinger, who then responded by approaching her, pulling out a steak knife, and stabbing her repeatedly. Police were immediately called.

Witnesses observed Honsinger casually walking to his nearby home from the park, exiting shortly after to dispose of his knife in a sewer drain on the street. Honsinger was arrested shortly after, and the knife was retrieved from the sewer.

While the victim survived the attack after being rushed to hospital and treated for quarter-inch punctures on her body, she would later provide an impact statement to the court revealing that she was suffering from limitations in using one of her hands as a result of her injuries. She also spoke about her fear of going out following the attack, and had to begin a medication regimen to combat the night terrors she suffered due to trauma.

Honsinger was ultimately sentenced to two years in federal prison for aggravated assault. During the hearing, it was learned he had a previous “not criminally responsible” designation as he had a number of “mental health challenges.” The designation was applied in 2014, after Honsinger was charged with four counts of assault for strangling his own mother.

The Parole Board of Canada document reviewed by Reduxx notes that Honsinger had been formally diagnosed with “schizophrenia, anxiety, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Anti-Personality Disorder, Borderline intellectual functioning, Cannabis Use Disorder (possibly in remission), and Attention Deficit Disorder.” It goes on to state that, when not on medication, Honsinger becomes “paranoid, experiences auditory and visual hallucinations, and becomes violent toward others and property.” It adds that he has expressed threats of violence and death to others.

But Reduxx has now learned that Honsinger had been housed at the Grand Valley Institution for Women for a portion of his sentence.

According to Heather Mason, a Canadian advocate for incarcerated women’s rights, a source at Grand Valley told her that female inmates had been “walking on eggshells” around Honsinger.

“My source revealed that he had significant mental health problems, including schizophrenia, and the women were concerned that he might experience an episode and become violent towards them,” Mason explained. “She pointed out that they were extremely vigilant and kept their distance from him, changing their routines and demeanor to minimize contact and prevent provoking him.”

Mason says that she was first made aware of Honsinger’s presence at Grand Valley, a female federal penitentiary, in fall of 2023. Honsinger’s parole documents indicate a statutory release, which occurs after completing two-thirds of the sentence, suggesting he served at least 16 months.

Prior to being sent to Grand Valley, Mason says she had been informed that Honsinger had been detained at a psychiatric hospital in Quebec.

After learning he was released on parole, Mason says she began to have concerns for the safety of those around him.

“Based on my opinion, he poses a substantial risk to others due to his violent past, including altercations with his mother, correctional officers, and community health professionals,” she says. “Additionally, his history reveals non-compliance with community supervision and an extended psychiatric hospital stay, where he struggled with medication adherence and exhibited recurrent violent behavior.”

Mason goes on to condemn the policies which enable males to self-identify into women’s prisons in Canada.

“The inclusion of violent males misidentified as women in female programming and institutions raises concerns, as it obscures women’s unique experiences and histories by incorporating trans-identified male statistics, which can inaccurately represent women’s criminal behaviour pathways and have severe repercussions as this data is incorporated into risk measures, security classification, reclassification, programming, and parole,” she explains.

“These women have been punished through their prison sentence and should not be subjected to further punishment by living in fear of violent attacks, including being beaten or stabbed, by a male inmate who poses a significant threat due to his mental instability and history of violence.”

report released by the Correctional Service in 2022 revealed that 82% of “gender diverse” prisoners in Canada who had a history of sexual offending were men who identified as transgender. Almost all had committed their crimes prior to claiming a transgender status. The overwhelming majority committed offenses that caused death or serious harm to their victims, over half of whom were women or children.

In June of 2017, the category of “gender identity” was made a protected characteristic after it was added to the Canadian Human Rights Act via a controversial piece of legislation known as Bill C-16.

The Canadian government claimed the bill had been assessed for its impact on women prior to approval, but has repeatedly refused to release any details of the assessment’s findings.

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EXCLUSIVA: Al menos CINCO reclusos varones fueron trasladados a la cárcel de mujeres de Minnesota, entre ellos dos pederastas convictos

Un total de cinco reclusos varones fueron trasladados a una prisión sólo para mujeres de Minnesota después de que el Departamento Penitenciario adoptara una política de identidad de género en enero de 2023. Dos de los hombres que ahora están recluidos en MCF-Shakopee, una cárcel femenina, son depredadores sexuales que cumplen condenas relacionadas con el abuso de menores.

Entre ellos se encuentra Elijah Thomas Berryman, de 26 años, que fue detenido en abril de 2022 y acusado de abusar sexualmente de un menor en múltiples ocasiones. Se declaró culpable de cuatro cargos de conducta sexual criminal en primer grado en marzo de este año y, según el sitio web del Departamento Penitenciario de Minnesota, actualmente cumple su condena de 25 años en la cárcel de mujeres.

Otro, Sean Windingland, de 35 años, agredió sexualmente a dos niñas de 6 años de su familia y colgó videos del abuso y del grooming en sitios web pornográficos y pro-pedófilos.

Windingland admitió haber tenido contacto sexual con las niñas en un interrogatorio con la policía, pero afirmó que ellas habían dado su consentimiento. Se declaró culpable de dos cargos de conducta sexual criminal en primer grado en 2019. Windingland cumple ahora su condena de 36 años de prisión entre mujeres en MCF-Shakopee.

El tercero, Bradley Richard Sirvio, es un asesino convicto que cumple cadena perpetua. Sirvio, de 52 años, mató a golpes a un hombre con un martillo para luego prenderle fuego a su casa en noviembre de 1995. Sirvio, un delincuente reincidente, tiene otras condenas que incluyen múltiples cargos por agresión, robo con allanamiento de morada y hurto. Fue trasladado discretamente a MCF-Shakopee en noviembre de 2023, cinco meses antes de la fecha prevista para la entrada en vigor de una nueva política de identidad de género.

Bradley, Richard Sirvio. Fuente: Departamento Penitenciario de Minnesota

Los otros dos hombres, que Reduxx pudo confirmar que han sido trasladados a la cárcel de mujeres, son Nathan Charles Johnson, que cumple dos años por complicidad en un robo, y un hombre que se dice trans que usa el nombre de Christina Suzanne Lusk, pero nació Craig Lusk.

En junio de 2022, Lusk interpuso una demanda por discriminación contra el Departamento Penitenciario de Minnesota que finalmente dio lugar a la aplicación de medidas que permiten alojar a reclusos varones en centros para mujeres. Lusk, que cumplía una condena de cinco años por posesión de metanfetamina en el centro penitenciario para hombres de Moose Lake, contó con el respaldo de la organización transactivista sin ánimo de lucro Gender Justice, que recientemente se descubrió que había recibido casi 500.000 dólares de los contribuyentes de la administración del gobernador Tim Walz.

La oficina del candidato demócrata a la vicepresidencia entregó 448.904 dólares a Gender Justice justo un año después de que la organización presentara la denuncia por discriminación sexual contra el Departamento Penitenciario de Minnesota en nombre de Lusk, según una revisión de los registros públicos publicada por el grupo de vigilancia de los contribuyentes OpenTheBooks.com.

Lusk fue detenido por dos delitos graves relacionados con drogas, pero finalmente sólo fue condenado por uno tras llegar a un acuerdo con la fiscalía. Se declaró culpable de posesión en primer grado de una sustancia controlada y fue condenado a 98 meses de prisión. La ficha del acusado indica que el género de Lusk es “masculino”, aunque había cambiado su nombre registral el año anterior.

Lusk tenía una condena previa por delito grave por robo en primer grado.

La demanda legal, que prosperó en los tribunales, exigía que Lusk fuera trasladado a MCF-Shakopee, se refería a él como “una mujer a la que se le asignó el sexo masculino al nacer”, y utilizaba pronombres femeninos en todo momento.

“La identidad de género se refiere al sentido innato de una persona y a su profunda comprensión de su propio género. Todo el mundo tiene una identidad de género”, reza la denuncia. Lusk comenzó a tomar hormonas femeninas en 2009 y recibió implantes de pecho en 2017.

Gender Justice exigió además que se le diera a Lusk “ropa interior femenina” y afirmó que el Departamento Penitenciario “castigó a la Sra. Lusk por tener pechos y por usar ropa de mujer”. También se afirmaba que Lusk había sido “repetidamente malgenerizado y llamado por el nombre equivocado”.

Craig ‘Christina’ Lusk poco después de someterse a un procedimiento de implante de pecho en 2017.

Como ya informó Reduxx (artículo en español), una cuenta de Facebook perteneciente a Lusk mostró que publicaba de manera obsesiva sobre la búsqueda de parejas sexuales femeninas y que quería “una novia de Japón”.

Como resultado de un acuerdo entre Gender Justice y el Departamento Penitenciario, Lusk recibió un pago de 495.000 dólares, de los cuales aproximadamente 250.000 se designaron a cubrir el costo de los honorarios legales. El Departamento Penitenciario también puso en marcha una nueva política que agilizaría el proceso de traslado de los convictos varones a la prisión de mujeres.

El equipo jurídico encargado de defender el caso de Lusk fue galardonado con el título de “Abogados del Año” por la publicación legal Minnesota Lawyer.

La nueva política de reclusos que se dicen transgénero, que se revisó en abril del año pasado y que entró en vigor a principios de abril de 2024, estableció un Comité de Agencia de Identidad de Género con el fin de identificar y hacer recomendaciones de alojamiento para “personas encarceladas que sean transgénero” o “de género diverso”. El documento cita como autoridad a la Asociación Profesional Mundial para la Salud Transgénero (WPATH), un grupo de presión que Reduxx ha relacionado en repetidas ocasiones con delincuentes sexuales (artículo en español) y sexólogos afines a pederastas (artículo en español).

Christina Lusk.

Esta semana, una mujer que trabajó para el Departamento Penitenciario de Minnesota declaró a Alpha News que había dimitido en protesta por la nueva política que permite que los hombres que afirman ser transgénero sean transferidos a cárceles femeninas. Alicia Beckmann, que trabajó como profesora de GED (Desarrollo de Educación General, equivalente a la secundaria) en MCF-Shakopee, dice que la política que da prioridad a la “identidad de género” sobre el sexo biológico crea un “entorno peligroso”.

“Creo que ha creado mucho riesgo, mucha confusión desconocida, frustración, ira”, dijo Beckmann. “Simplemente, es un ambiente que no sienta bien a muchas de nosotras que trabajamos en Shakopee porque somos un correccional para mujeres”.

“Albergamos todos los niveles de custodia. Tenemos las que se considerarían delincuentes de bajo nivel que están allí por cargos de conducir ebrias, cargos de robo, posesión de drogas. Luego metes a hombres biológicos violentos, que estarían en un centro de custodia de nivel cuatro. Considero que estamos revictimizando a algunas de estas mujeres, retraumatizándolas. Están en la cárcel, pero todas tienen un pasado y gran parte de su pasado incluye abusos físicos, sexuales y emocionales. Creo que permitir que hombres vivan entre estas mujeres es traumatizante y también es peligroso para el personal”, agregó.

Beckmann señaló que esta política había provocado un clima de miedo entre el personal de la prisión de mujeres. “Tenemos miedo de decir algo. Llevo unos meses fuera del Departamento Penitenciario y todavía temo algún tipo de represalia por parte de la agencia por hablar, y hablo por estas mujeres que merecen la oportunidad de rehabilitarse y regresar a la sociedad. Simplemente, no creo que la forma en que lo están haciendo sea apropiada”.

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Swedish Academic Who Wrote “Masturbation” Research Paper Releases Book About “Cute Boys” in Cartoon Child Porn

A Swedish academic who triggered severe public backlash after writing his PhD thesis about masturbating to fantasy child sexual abuse material for three months has now released a book on the topic. Karl Andersson, previously a PhD student at the University of Manchester in the Japanese studies department, announced the publication of his new book, Impossibly Cute Boys: The Healing Power of Shota Comics in Japan, in a recent YouTube video where he states that the text incorporates his “philosophy of boy worship.”

Shota, a shortened version of shōtarō complex, refers to comics, cartoons, and other forms of visual media which focus on young boys in erotic and sexualized situations. The boys are primarily depicted as prepubescent, often having hairless bodies and very small features.

The medium is largely regarded as a form of fantasy child sexual abuse material, and is illegal in many countries including Canada and Australia as a result. It is also illegal in the United Kingdom, where Andersson’s PhD program was based.

In the YouTube video where Andersson introduces his book, he explains, “It is my research, basically. I have studied shota for over ten years, but most recently in the form of a PhD, and in the form of field work I conducted in Japan in 2023. So basically I associated with a lot of people who like shota,” he says.

Andersson neglects to mention that two years ago, following intense public scrutiny, Manchester University launched an inquiry into the circumstances of his PhD research and its publication. The paper, published in April 2022 in the academic journal Qualitative Research, sees Andersson admitting to masturbating to fantasy child sexual abuse material for three months as his chosen method of “research.” In the 4,000-word article, titled “I am not alone — we are all alone: Using masturbation as an ethnographic method in research on shota subculture in Japan,” Andersson details undertaking his “experimental method” of masturbating to shota pornography.

While Andersson does not reveal the ages of the youth in the sexual comics he masturbated to, he does refer to them as “young boys.” Later in the paper, Andersson writes that “very young boy characters would greedily jump over the first cock that presented itself” in a description of some of the comics he read.

Last summer, a University of Manchester spokesperson told the press: “The recent publication in Qualitative Research of the work of a student, now registered for a PhD, has raised significant concerns and complaints which we are taking very seriously. We are currently undertaking a detailed investigation into all aspects of their work, the processes around it and other questions raised. It is very important that we look at the issues in-depth.”

Andersson describes the format of his new book. Source: YouTube

Andersson was soon expelled from the PhD program, with the University of Manchester ruling that his work had caused “significant reputational harm” to the university. Sage, the publisher of Qualitative Research, retracted Andersson’s paper, and a representative explained that the decision was made “after an investigation determined that there was a lack of institutional ethical oversight and a lack of adequate and appropriate ethical review ahead of publication.”

Yet in his new book, Andersson claims to have received only praise for his paper from his academic peers prior to its publication.

His own academic supervisor, Andersson claims, complimented the paper as “pretty damn good” and described it as his “best piece of writing”. Additionally, one reviewer for the academic publication Qualitative Research emphasized that the rationale behind using masturbation as a research method was “well justified”, and said of the shota-obsessed academic: “The author has conducted provocative research by use of a highly bold and innovative application of autoethnography. Best of all, the author has done this extremely well.”

According to him, the unnamed convener of a PhD course in “queer autoethnography” where the paper was drafted celebrated the child pornography research as a “wonderfully written, reflective, analytical and intriguing essay on masturbation ‘in the field’”, and added: “This is already very publishable, should you so desire. Bravo.”

This remark appears to describe a reaction from Elisabeth Lund Engebretsen, who is a professor of gender studies affiliated with the University of Stavanger, in Norway. In his PhD paper, Andersson explicitly thanked Prof. Engebretsen “for commenting on an early version of this article.”

Curiously, Engebretsen has published questionable “research” herself, having authored an academic paper about “anti-gender campaigns on social media” which specifically named and vilified women critical of gender ideology as “trans-exclusionary feminists.”

However, Engebretsen has denied any involvement with Andersson’s work, saying, “I have given feedback on an essay written for a PhD course I taught. I had nothing to do with the research project itself or the peer review of the article that was published.”

As news of Andersson’s PhD paper began to circulate in 2022, it also came to light that he was responsible for two disturbing visual media projects which focused on the sexualization of young boys: Destroyer Magazine and Breaking Boy News.

Andersson created Destroyer Magazine while living in Prague and published the graphic magazine out of the Czech Republic, just after he graduated from Stockholm University. The erotic publication billed itself as “the leading international teenage boy magazine!” While Destroyer was derided in Sweden for its disturbing content, Andersson was sympathetically covered by Out, an international gay news outlet, in 2012.

While not explicitly pornographic, Andersson’s magazines revolved around eroticizing young boys and their behavior. Breaking Boy News focused on even younger teens and more gruesome content, with the stories eagerly highlighting young boys committing violence against animals, females, and each other, with a particular emphasis on pain and degeneracy.

During a 2012 interview with the now-defunct outlet Vice, Andersson doesn’t shy away from the label “boy lover,” and describes his attraction to minors.

“The boy is the one who does all the things we learn later in life not to do. He discovers things, tests limits, helps people, but he also robs, rapes or even murders. And they’re cute, of course. Boys are like kittens, it’s hard to take your eyes off them.”

Andersson’s Destroyer magazine received praise from pro-pedophile academic Jacob Breslow, who resigned from his post as an Associate Professor at the London School of Economics in late 2022. Breslow, who was a trustee for UK-based trans activist organization Mermaids, which advocates the halting of children’s puberty, described Destroyer as “a magazine dedicated to the beauty of the boy” and approved of Andersson’s “academic(ish) critique and aesthetic appreciation of boyhood, deviance, and the LGBT community.”

Notably, Breslow had previously spoken at a conference hosted by the pedophile advocacy organization B4U-Act, in a bid to lobby the American Psychiatric Association for changes to the diagnostic definition of pedophilia in order to “reduce stigma” against “minor-attracted people” (MAPs).

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EXCLUSIVE: At Least FIVE Male Inmates Transferred To Minnesota Women’s Prison, Including Two Convicted Pedophiles

A total of five male convicts were transferred to a Minnesota’s women-only prison following the adoption of a gender identity policy by the Department of Corrections in January of 2023. Two of the men who are now being held at MCF-Shakopee, a female correctional center, are sexual predators serving sentences related to the abuse of children.

Among them are Elijah Thomas Berryman, 26, who was first arrested in April 2022 and accused of sexually abusing a minor multiple times. He pleaded guilty to four counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct in March of this year, and according to the Minnesota DOC website, is currently serving his 25-year sentence at the women’s prison.

Another, Sean Windingland, 35, sexually assaulted two 6-year-old relatives and posted videos of the abuse and grooming on pornography and pro-pedophile websites.

Windingland admitted to engaging in sexual contact with the young girls when questioned by investigators, but claimed that the children had consented. He pleaded guilty to two counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct in 2019. Windingland is now serving his 36-year prison sentence among women at MCF-Shakopee.

The third, Bradley Richard Sirvio, is a convicted murderer who is serving a life sentence. Sirvio, 52, beat a man to death with a hammer before setting his house on fire in November of 1995. A repeat offender, Sirvio has several other convictions that include multiple charges of assault, burglary, and theft. He was quietly transferred to MCF-Shakopee in November 2023, a full five months ahead of the date that a newly-drafted gender identity policy was set to take effect.

Bradley Richard Sirvio. Source: Minnesota DOC

The two remaining men confirmed by Reduxx to have been transferred into the women’s prison are Nathan Charles Johnson, serving two years for aiding and abetting a burglary, and a trans-identified male who uses the name Christina Suzanne Lusk, but was born Craig Lusk.

In June 2022, Lusk launched a discrimination lawsuit against the Minnesota Department of Corrections which ultimately resulted in the implementation of measures permitting male convicts to be housed in the female estate. Lusk, who was serving a five-year sentence for the possession of methamphetamine at the Moose Lake correctional facility for men, was backed by the trans activist non-profit organization Gender Justice – which was recently revealed to have received nearly $500,000 in taxpayer funds from the administration of Governor Tim Walz.

The Democratic vice presidential nominee’s office handed out $448,904 to Gender Justice just one year after the organization filed the sex discrimination complaint against Minnesota’s DOC on behalf of Lusk, according to a review of public records published by the taxpayer watchdog group OpenTheBooks.com.

Lusk was arrested on two drug-related felonies, but was ultimately only convicted on one after striking a plea deal. He pleaded guilty to first degree possession of a controlled substance, and was sentenced to 98 months in prison. The defendant fact sheet lists Lusk’s gender as “male,” though he had changed his legal name the year prior.

Lusk had a previous felony conviction for first-degree robbery.

The legal claim, which was successful in court, demanded that Lusk be transferred to MCF-Shakopee and refers to him as “a woman who was assigned male at birth”, using feminine pronouns throughout.

“Gender identity refers to a person’s innate sense and deeply held understanding of their own gender. Everyone has a gender identity,” reads the complaint. Lusk began taking female hormones in 2009 and received chest implants in 2017.

Gender Justice further demanded that Lusk be given “women’s undergarments,” and claimed that DOC “punished Ms. Lusk for having breasts and for wearing women’s clothing.” Additionally it was stated that Lusk was “repeatedly misgendered and misnamed”.

Craig ‘Christina’ Lusk shortly after undergoing a chest implant procedure in 2017.

As previously reported by Reduxx, a Facebook account belonging to Lusk showed that he was obsessively posting about seeking female sexual partners, and that he wanted “a bride from Japan”.

As a result of a settlement between Gender Justice and the DOC, Lusk was awarded a $495,000 payout, of which approximately $250,000 was allocated to cover the cost of legal fees. The DOC also rolled out a new policy that would streamline the process for male convicts to transfer into the women’s prison.

The legal team responsible for arguing Lusk’s case was honored with the title “Attorneys of the Year” by law publication Minnesota Lawyer.

The new transgender inmate policy, which was revised in April last year and came into effect at the beginning of April 2024, established an Agency Gender Identity Committee in order to identify and make placement recommendations for “incarcerated people who are transgender” or “gender diverse”. The document cites as an authority the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), a lobbying group that Reduxx has repeatedly connected with sex offenders and sexologists sympathetic to pedophiles.

Christina Lusk.

This week, a woman formerly employed at the Minnesota Department of Corrections came forward to tell Alpha News that she had resigned from her post in protest of the new policy allowing men who claim a transgender status to be transferred into the female prison estate. Alicia Beckmann, who worked as a GED instructor at MCF-Shakopee, says the policy which prioritizes “gender identity” over biological sex creates an “unsafe environment.”

“I think it has just created a lot of risk, a lot of unknown confusion, frustration, anger,” Beckmann said. “It just has a vibe that doesn’t sit right with a lot of us who work at Shakopee because we are a women’s correctional facility.”

“We house every custody level. We have what would be considered low-level offenders who are there on DWI charges, theft charges, drug possession. Then, you bring in biological males who are violent, who would be housed at a custody level four facility. I just believe we’re re-victimizing some of these women, re-traumatizing them. They are incarcerated, however, they all have a past and a lot of their past includes physical, sexual, and emotional abuse. I think allowing men to live amongst these women is traumatizing and it’s also unsafe for staff,” she added.

Beckmann remarked that the policy had caused a climate of fear among staff at the women’s prison. “We just fear saying anything. I’ve been away from the DOC now for a few months and I still fear any kind of retaliation from the agency for speaking out, and I’m speaking out for these women who deserve a chance to be rehabilitated and returned to society. I just don’t think the way they’re doing it is appropriate.”

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“Una paga por ser trans”: transactivistas españoles provocan indignación al reunirse con políticos para proponer una “pensión transgénero”

Una destacada organización transactivista española ha presentado una propuesta de ley que garantizaría a las personas que se dicen transgénero una pensión al cumplir 65 años. Las pensiones se concederían independientemente de si el solicitante que se dice transgénero hubiera cotizado alguna vez a lo largo de su vida.

La Federación Plataforma por los Derechos Trans presentó la propuesta la semana pasada a los grupos parlamentarios del Congreso de los Diputados. El grupo, conocido coloquialmente como Plataforma Trans, se fundó en 2015 “con el objetivo de aunar a los colectivos y entidades específicamente trans y de luchar por una nueva ley trans que reconozca la autodeterminación de género y despatologice las identidades trans”. Todos los partidos enviaron representantes, excepto el Partido Popular y Vox, derecha y extrema derecha, respectivamente.

Bautizada como “Ley de Memoria Trans”, otorgaría a las personas que se identifican como transgénero una pensión vitalicia, además de acceso prioritario al parque público de vivienda y a los programas de ayuda a acceso a la vivienda.

Esta fue la segunda reunión en la que participaron la Federación Plataforma por los Derechos Trans y altos cargos políticos españoles, lo que indica que el grupo podría ver pronto materializados sus planes.

Durante la reunión anterior, la Plataforma Trans se reunió con representantes del Partido Socialista Obrero Español, SUMAR, Unidas Podemos y el Partido Nacionalista Vasco, entre otros, y les pidió que registraran conjuntamente la Ley de Memoria Trans.

En dicha reunión, se abordó la “necesidad histórica” de una Ley de Memoria Trans, “que viniese a reconocer y reparar la violencia sufrida por las personas trans y disidentes de género, por la dictadura y el post franquismo”. 

El presidente de la Plataforma Trans, un travesti que se hace llamar Mar Cambrollé, declaró por aquel entonces que “la Dictadura franquista y el post franquismo vulneró los derechos más fundamentales a las personas trans y género diversas, que no solamente sufrieron los peores envites del franquismo y el post franquismo, con privación de la libertad, sino que además sufrieron el sexilio”. Cambrollé afirmó que las personas transidentificadas sufrían una “pobreza extrema” como consecuencia del legado de Francisco Franco, el líder fascista que gobernó España hasta 1975.

Cambrollé añadió que “una sociedad avanzada y democrática ha de reparar esta vulneración sistemática a una población olvidada, que pusieron el cuerpo y que con su visibilidad contribuyeron, también, a traer la democracia, ensanchándola desde la pluralidad y la diversidad”.

La pensión vitalicia propuesta por la Plataforma Trans exige que el valor represente una prestación económica de la misma cuantía “que la pensión mínima de la Seguridad Social para pensionistas mayores de 65 años sin cargas familiares”, alegando como motivo que “la situación vivida por las personas trans, gais y lesbianas que no se ajustaban a los roles normativos impuestos para hombres y mujeres en el franquismo desencadenó persecuciones, encarcelamientos, estigma y negación de derechos fundamentales”.

La pensión podría cobrarse además de cualquier otra prestación, ingresos laborales, patrimonio personal o societario, o actividades comerciales, y la cuantía se incrementaría en un 50% para aquellos que hubieran sido encarcelados anteriormente con arreglo a la ley de Vagos y Maleantes, que perseguía “vagos habituales”, proxenetas, mendigos profesionales, prostitutas, borrachos, drogadictos y a aquellos que suministren bebidas alcohólicas a menores de 14 años en lugares públicos o instituciones educativas.

Introducida inicialmente en 1933, la ley siguió en vigor durante la dictadura franquista, pero no hacía referencia alguna a homosexuales hasta una reforma introducida en 1954. Sin embargo, el término “transgénero” no se menciona en la ley en absoluto.

El colectivo cuenta a The Objective que las personas que se identificaban como trans fueron “discriminadas, apartadas y durante mucho tiempo olvidadas, y, por tanto, relegadas al olvido” durante este tiempo.

“Estas condiciones, que tuvieron carácter estructural, les impidieron tener las mismas oportunidades que el resto de la ciudadanía, abocándolas a los márgenes sociales y a la exclusión social, teniendo un gran impacto en su salud física y psíquica. Hoy, en el ocaso de sus vidas, de nuevo les golpea la precariedad extrema derivada de un régimen dictatorial que fue inmisericorde y del olvido de la democracia”, dijo el grupo en un comunicado.

La propuesta causó un gran revuelo en las redes sociales, donde muchos usuarios españoles de X denunciaron el aparente trato preferencial que las personas que se dicen trans iban a recibir de los políticos.

Llamándola “una paga por ser trans”, una usuaria de X añadía: “Y de rebote, prioridad en el parque público de vivienda, porque más vulnerable que ‘elles’ no hay nadie. Con dos cojonazos.”

“Pensiones especiales para trans* por el mero hecho de serlo. Y al margen de sus ingresos. Acceso prioritario de las personas transgénero al parque público de vivienda y a los programas de ayuda. Lo que pide Plataforma Trans se llama privilegios”, remarcó otra.

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“A Salary For Being Trans” : Trans Activists In Spain Prompt Outrage After Meeting With Politicians To Forward A “Transgender Pension”

A prominent trans activist organization in Spain has put forward a proposal for legislation that would guarantee transgender people pensions upon reaching 65. The pensions would be issued regardless of whether the transgender applicant had ever paid into the pension throughout their life.

The proposal was put forward by Federation Platform for Trans Rights, who presented it last week to the parliamentary groups of the Congress of Deputies. The group, known colloquially as Plataforma Trans, was founded in 2015 “with the aim of uniting specifically trans collectives and entities and to fight for a new trans law that recognizes gender self-determination and depathologises trans identities.” During the meeting, all parties sent representatives except the right-wing Popular Party and Vox Party.

Calling it the “Trans Memory Law,” the policy would grant people who identify as transgender a lifetime pension, along with priority access to public housing and housing assistance programs.

This was the second meeting involving the Federation Platform for Trans Rights and top Spanish politicians, indicating the group may soon see their plans realized.

During the previous meeting, the Federation Platform met with representatives from the governing Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party, the SUMAR Coalition, the United We Can Change Europe Party, the Basque Nationalist Party, among others, and asked them to jointly register the Trans Memory Law.

The “historic need” for the law was discussed during the meeting, to provide a form of reparations for “the violence suffered by trans and gender-dissident people during the dictatorship and post-Franco regime.”

The president of the Federation Platform, a trans-identified male named Mar Cambrollé, declared at the time that “the Franco dictatorship and post-Francoism violated the most fundamental rights of trans and gender-diverse people, who not only suffered the worst effects of Franco and post-Francoism with deprivation of freedom, but also suffered [exile].” Cambrollé claimed that trans-identified people were suffering from “extreme poverty” as a result of the legacy of Francisco Franco, a fascist leader who ruled Spain until 1975.

Cambrollé added that “an advanced and democratic society has to repair this systematic violation of a forgotten population, who put their bodies and who, with their visibility, also contributed to bring democracy, widening it with plurality and diversity.”

The lifetime pension proposed by the Federation Platform demands the value represent an economic benefit of the same amount “as the minimum Social Security pension for pensioners over the age of 65 without family responsibilities,” alleging that “the situation experienced by trans, gay and lesbian people who did not conform to the normative roles imposed on men and women during the Franco regime unleashed persecution, imprisonment, stigma and denial of fundamental rights.”

The pension would be able to be collected in addition to any other benefits, employment income, personal or corporate assets, or commercial activities, and would be increased by 50% for those who had previously been imprisoned under the Vagrants and Criminals Act, which targeted “habitual vagrants,” pimps, prostitutes, drunks, drug addicts, and those who supplied alcohol to minors.

Initially introduced in 1933, the law remained in force during Franco’s dictatorship, but made no reference to homosexuals until a reform introduced in 1954. The term “transgender,” however, is not referenced in the law.

The group tells The Objective that people who identified as trans were “discriminated against, pushed aside and for a long time forgotten, and thus consigned to oblivion” during this time.

“These conditions, which were structural in nature, prevented them from having the same opportunities as the rest of the population, pushing them to the margins of society and social exclusion, with a major impact on their physical and mental health. Today, in the twilight of their lives, they are once again hit by the extreme precariousness resulting from a dictatorial regime that was merciless and the neglect of democracy,” it said in a statement.

The proposal caused quite a stir on social media, with many Spanish X users denouncing the apparent preferential treatment trans-identified individuals were set to receive from politicians.

Calling it a “salary for being trans,” one X user added: “And to top it all, priority in public housing, because there is no one more vulnerable than “they/them.”

“Special pensions for trans* people just because they are trans*. And regardless of their income. Priority access for transgender people to public housing and support programmes. What Plataforma Trans are asking for is called privileges,” another remarked.

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