AUS: Liberal Party To Expel Female Politician For Attending Pro-Woman Rally

An Australian politician is set to be expelled from the Liberal Party after she attended a pro-woman rally critical of gender ideology this week. Moira Deeming, who represents the Western Metropolitan Region in the Parliament of Victoria, is being scrutinized by her own party after attending a public Let Women Speak event in Melbourne on March 18.

The rally Deeming attended was part of the Australian “Let Women Speak” tour hosted by British women’s rights campaigner Kellie-Jay Keen, the founder of Standing for Women. Keen has hosted rallies across the UK, USA, and Australia encouraging women to use her platform to speak about how gender ideology has impacted their lives.

Keen’s events typically draw both counter-protesters and detractors, and the event in Melbourne this week was no different. The rally was faced down by trans activists and required a heavy police presence to keep the protesters at bay. Violent trans activists reportedly attacked police horses, punching them in the stomach, attempting to get at the female speakers.

During the rally, a trans activist rushed the stage and seized the microphone as one woman spoke about women’s suffrage in Australia and explained that Aboriginal women did not gain the right to vote until 1962. The activist, who was male and wearing a wig, was quickly restrained by private security.

Due to the threat of violence presented by the counter-protesters, police shut the rally down early.

Just after the rally concluded, Keen said in a YouTube livestream that the police appeared to be genuinely concerned about the rapidly escalating aggression during the event.

“We needed more police than I’ve ever seen to stop violent trans activists getting to us, who punched horses in the stomach,” Keen said in a video posted the next day.

A separate demonstration was held by a group of around 20 men who were reportedly members of the National Socialist Network, a neo-Nazi group. According to witnesses who were on the ground, the men had attempted to antagonize the trans activists, chanting “pedophile” and “communist” at the crowd while raising their arms in a Nazi salute.

Without any consultation from the women’s side, police onsite allegedly allowed the far-right group onto the steps of the Parliament building where they remained for around 15 minutes, posing with their hands in the air and holding a banner that read, “Destroy [Pedo] Freaks.”

Deeming appeared in a livestream with Keen after the rally where they discussed the day’s events. During the stream, Deeming spoke positively about the event, which she said allowed women to unite for their “basic human rights.” She also expressed concern about the police seemingly allowing the neo-Nazi group into the pro-woman area.

“There was a group of masked men who came in … we didn’t know who they were,” Deeming said during the livestream. “The police, for some reason that I do not understand, ushered them in and let them take photos on the steps next to us.” She went on to say she was horrified when she witnessed the men give a Nazi salute.

Following the event, Deeming took to her Twitter to condemn the far-right group and express disappointment in the police for allowing them to get so close the women’s rally.

Despite Deeming’s condemnation of the neo-Nazi detractors, John Pesutto, the Leader of the Australian Liberal Party, released a statement accusing Deeming of being part of the neo-Nazi demonstration.

“Yesterday afternoon, Victorians witnessed an abomination on the steps of the Victorian Parliament when neo-Nazi protesters engaged in an affront to the values we should all hold dear as Victorians,” Pesutto said in the statement.

“The violence, prejudice and hate that these protesters conveyed by their odious actions will never be acceptable in our State. I condemn them and commit to opposing such hate wherever it may exist.”

He then explained how he confronted Deeming about her involvement and was moving to expel her from the Liberal Party despite her repeatedly stating she had no involvement with the separate far-right demonstration.

The women attending the Let Women Speak event had also not committed any illegal acts and had formal permits for their rally. Many of the women also experienced violence and aggression from counter-protesters, including Deeming, who reported being kicked in the shin by a trans activist.

Later, Deeming released a further statement addressing the situation.

“I have been informed that there will be a vote in the Liberal Party room to determine whether I should be allowed to remain or be expelled from the Parliamentary Party. Let me be clear – I have done nothing wrong. Those who organized the Let Women Speak event on the weekend have done nothing wrong,” Deeming said in the opening of her statement published on Twitter.

She then went on to explain that Standing for Women is a reputable group supported by women around the world, from many different political backgrounds and religious orientations.

“I and the other attendees were horrified to see masked men all clad in black inside the buffer zone. We thought that we were going to be attacked. However, the police did not seem worried and were talking with them over at the edge of the line.”

Deeming continued: “After the event I was informed that these masked men had in fact mounted Parliament House steps outside of our view on the other end and performed a Nazi salute, and that members of the [Standing for Women] group asked the police to make them leave, but were informed that the Police had no powers to move them on due to Labor’s removal of those powers.”

She denied any assertions that the attendees or organizers were affiliated with the Nazi detractors, and condemned their actions.

“I completely reject the beliefs of National Socialists (Nazis) and I have seen first-hand the impact that the Holocaust had on a family member. None of those organising the event had any involvement with these men, as has been confirmed by Victoria Police, the Australian Jewish Association and all the organisers themselves.”

In addition to Deeming refuting any association with the neo-Nazi contingency, the group associated with the far-right similarly denied any involvement with the women’s rally.

During the rally, a member of the public confronted the group about their reasons for marching, one of the neo-Nazis expressed a lack of support for both the pro-trans side and the pro-women side. He called the pro-trans side “pedophiles” and “pedophile supporters.”

When asked what he thought of Let Women Speak, he said: “What rights don’t women have these days? We’re here for the little boys.” He then claimed that due to feminism, boys as young as 7 are forced to stand up in school and apologise for rape.

A member of the National Socialist Network, David Hiscox, published an article on his blog denying support for Kellie-Jay Keen, and calling her an “atheist radical feminist” who promotes “lesbianism.”

In an article published by XYZ, an influential propaganda outlet for the broader neo-Nazi movement in Australia, Hiscox claimed Keen’s intention was to reduce the white birth rate. Hiscox also stated his Neo-Nazi group’s goal for turning up at the rally was to hijack Keen’s fight against gender ideology as she was “misdirecting them to reinforce the progress of Liberalism and maintain support for Israel.”

Hiscox wrote: “Both the groomer ideology of ‘trans’ activists and the lesbianism promoted by Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull are forms of Liberalism directed by the Globohomo regime at White people in order to undermine white families, birthrates and social cohesion.”

On Hiscox’s Twitter account, he celebrated the National Socialist Network’s successful hijacking of the event saying: “The rightful pushback against groomer propaganda cannot be allowed to be dominated by radical feminist atheists who will merely reinforce the gains of cultural Marxism.”

Despite efforts by trans activists to link the neo-Nazis to Keen and her rally, the Australian Jewish Association (AJA) condemned the far-right men as invaders who “saw an opportunity to hijack the event for their own publicity.” The AJA also called out the police for allowing the men to access the steps of Parliament undeterred.

In a statement on their Facebook page, the AJA wrote: “Yesterday a ‘Let Women Speak’ rally was held in Melbourne featuring visiting British women’s advocate Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull (also known as Posie Parker) as well as local women. This movement is concerned that biological men are undermining the integrity of women’s sport and spaces such as bathrooms … AJA unreservedly condemns the Nazis who invaded the rally. These ugly thugs likely saw an opportunity to hijack the event for their own publicity.”

The statement continued: “There was some very odd policing. While the Victorian police held back the trans activists who arrived to disrupt the rally, they did not do the same to the Nazis.”

The AJA then slammed politicians for associating the women’s movement with the Nazis, saying Let Women Speak had nothing to do with them.

“The Nazis were condemned by the women’s rally organizers – one contacted AJA in distress explaining what had happened. The ‘Let Women Speak’ organizers had nothing to do with the Nazis. It is shameful that some politicians and media are now trying to smear this women’s movement with the false accusation of involvement with Nazis.”

Despite credible evidence to the contrary, many Australian politicians have continued to claim that the ‘Let Women Speak’ rally was associated with the neo-Nazis, particularly members of the Australian Green Party.

In a now-deleted tweet, party leader Adam Bandt wrote: “I’m disgusted by the anti-trans rally in Melbourne yesterday, protected by their allies: saluting neo-Nazis. The banners they march under and the hate they espouse have no place here or anywhere.”

In the wake of the public outcry over the presence of neo-Nazis close by the women’s rights event, it has come to light that the Australian Greens of Victoria recently investigated a transgender member of the party for statements that were reportedly supportive of pedophilia and Nazism.

Just days before the rally, Australian lawyer Nina Vallins condemned the Greens for not adequately disciplining Bianca Haven, a trans-identified male who has held senior positions in the party, after he defended pedophilia and incest and expressed views sympathetic to the Nazis on his personal Twitter account. After an internal investigation, Haven was only censured, prompting anger from some who had called for suspension or expulsion.

Vallins was present at the rally and used her microphone time to explain that the Greens had failed to suspend Haven for his tweets, but had suspended her for 6 months after she tweeted that domestic violence survivors were entitled to single-sex resources.

Responding to the criticism, Keen has urged her followers to not get distracted.

“I promote women’s voices, without distraction, because contrary to popular belief women are enough,” Keen said on Twitter while sharing one of the speeches from a woman at her rally which went viral.

Speaking with NZ Herald, Keen stated, “They’re absolutely not associated with me whatsoever. I absolutely abhor anything to do with Nazis. It’s preposterous they even exist in 2023.”

She also expressed support for Deeming after it was announced the Liberal Party of Australia had expelled her.

Keen’s rallies have on several occasions drawn crowds of trans activists who have either threatened violence or physically harmed participants.In November 2022, two women were assaulted by a man at a London rally in Hyde Park.

In May 2022, another woman was assaulted by a black-clad trans activist in Manchester. After her rally in Bristol, a gang of men in all black, who were primarily members of Bristol Anarchist Federation, followed a group of women to a local pub and blocked them in.

During the US leg of her tour, at least nine people were arrested in Manhattan during protests that broke out in opposition to the Let Women Speak event.

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Shay Woulahan
Shay Woulahan
Shay is a writer and social media content creator for Reduxx. She is a proud lesbian activist and feminist who lives in Northern Ireland with her partner and their four-legged, fluffy friends.