Antifa Targets Mother Following Appearance at ‘Let Women Speak’ Event

A women’s rights campaigner is being terrorized by Antifa after attending a freedom of speech event focused on sex-based rights.

Jeanna Hoch, a mother and founder of the CannaMamma Clinic, was first targeted after attending a Let Women Speak event in Tacoma, Washington. Let Women Speak is part of a US tour organized by popular British advocate Kellie-Jay Keen, and is centered around mirroring the Speaker’s Corner events Keen has held in the United Kingdom for years.

Hoch had first attended Keen’s event in San Fransisco on October 22. Three days later, she followed the tour to Portland, Oregon, where the scheduled event was canceled due to credible threats of violence. Despite the cancellation, Hoch and a number of other women continued on without Keen being present as a show of resistance.

During the unofficial demonstration in Portland, multiple women were pelted with whipped cream pies by trans activists as they peacefully spoke on sex-based rights.

The next day, Hoch attended the Let Women Speak event at Tollefson Plaza in Tacoma, Washington.

The gathering, which included a small group of women peacefully speaking on behalf of their sex-based rights, was quickly derailed by violent trans activists and Antifa. Multiple physical altercations were recorded at the Tacoma event, with some trans activists showing up wearing brass knuckles and attempting to grapple female speakers to the ground.

In a video of a particularly intense altercation that quickly began to circulate on social media, Hoch was seen using self-defense spray against a group of three adult male trans activists who had flanked her, one of which attempted to spit directly into her face.

Jeanna Hoch, in white and blue hat, holding a sign to separate herself from a trans activist.

Since the footage of Hoch defending herself at the rally went viral, she has become a target for Antifa groups who are attempting to spread her personal information in order to intimidate her.

A Colorado Springs-based Antifa group has been the most vocal against Hoch. The groups describes themselves as a “a collective of private citizens who are engaged in the fight against fascism, racism, sexism, xenophobia, homophobia, and transphobia. [And are] committed to the complete destruction of the white supremacist, capitalist patriarchy.” 

Although purportedly “committed to fighting against sexism,” the group has been putting Hoch and her family in danger for her participation in women-led events.

On October 29, three days after the Tacoma demonstration, Colorado Springs Antifa published a blog post about Hoch on their official website.

Her home address is offered at the top of the post, as well as a link to a flyer with her photo, full name, age, and address. The flyer also features a QR code and a link to the blog post itself, which paints Hoch and the other women who attended the Tacoma event out to be far-right fascists. On November 6, Antifa members distributed physical copies of the flyer in Hoch’s neighborhood and showed up at her home.

Antifa members also took pictures of one of her vehicles and posted her license plate online. One of her vehicles was also vandalized during the visit, with one Antifa member gluing a death threat to the driver’s side front windshield of her car.

Speaking to Reduxx, Hoch says she travelled to go to the pro-woman events because she was inspired by Kellie-Jay Keen.

“I chose to join the tour because I’d wanted to do a Speaker’s Corner event inspired by Keen and the UK in Colorado for a long time, but hadn’t for a number of reasons — most of all, safety,” Hoch explains, noting that she had first met Keen in New York City, and then again during a protest in Atlanta against Lia Thomas competing in women’s sports. “I’ve followed [Keen] since about 2017 or so. She is every bit as dedicated, intelligent, witty, and admirable as she comes off online.”

Hoch says it was actually after her appearance at the Portland event on October 25 that Antifa groups first began attempting to dox her, but the Colorado Springs faction became involved after Tacoma.

“After Tacoma, every social media account I manage – especially Facebook and Instagram – became overrun with hateful comments and threats for a solid week. They also used my website’s contact forms to send me hate mail. I received a couple prank calls. The fliers happened about 10 days after the event.”

Hoch has three children, and she told Reduxx she was concerned for their well-being. She has two kids aged two and eight who she believes she can protect, but her oldest, a high school senior, can’t miss school.

“He’s been instructed to stay on high alert, carry a [self-defense item], and be willing to defend himself. Yes, I believe we are in danger, and at the very least, they want us to believe we are in danger.” 

Colorado Springs Antifa has also been spreading information about Hoch’s life in an attempt to discredit her within the feminist movement, including that she has experience in the sex trade and supports the use of medicinal cannabis. But Hoch is unbothered, and instead points to the group’s hypocrisy.

“I gave Meghan Murphy an interview about my involvement in sex work … Antifa is the biggest group of organized and hypocritical incels in existence. They claim to hate SWERF, and didn’t know how to act when their equally-hated TERF is also a sex worker,” Hoch says. “It wouldn’t be the first time how I made money has been used against me, to attack me. Radical feminists do it too. I’m used to it.”

SWERF is an acronym for “Sex Worker Exclusionary Radical Feminist,” and TERF is the acronym for “Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist.” Both terms are colloquially used as slurs against women who express views of either “sex work,” trans ideology, or both. 

Though its clear Antifa is attempting to force her into silence through intimidation tactics, Hoch says she isn’t particularly worried about financial or social losses due to the campaign, as she has been open about her politics with her family and friends.

“Women have always been abused and silenced when we try and speak up for ourselves and our children. These Antifa agents aren’t doing anything new or special. They aren’t fighting back against an oppressive system. They are oppressors.”

Hoch invokes Grey Panthers founder and Women’s Hall of Fame inductee Maggie Kuhn in advice she has for other women, quoting her iconic line: Speak, even if your voice shakes.

“None of the threats, the actual danger or fear in my head, matter more than words of thanks and encouragement I have received from the people my work was meant to help.”

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Yuliah Alma
Yuliah Alma
Yuliah is a former researcher and journalist at Reduxx. She lives on the American east coast, and is an avid reader and book collector.