Content Notice: This article contains graphic descriptions of human torture some readers may find upsetting. Reader discretion is appreciated.
A former Presbyterian minister and Boy Scout leader convicted for the possession of child sexual abuse materials was a member of an online community lauded by the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) in the organization’s most recent Standards of Care.
Jack Wayne Rogers, who is currently incarcerated at the Federal Corrections Institute in Miami, first came to the attention of the FBI in 2002 during a pedophile sting known as “Operation Candyman,” named after a Yahoo e-group where child sexual abuse content was being traded.
Rogers was initially detained for the possession and distribution of explicit child abuse materials, but was later identified as a suspect in the disappearance of Branson Kayne Perry, a 20 year-old in Skidmore, Missouri, who went missing in April of 2001.

Evidence gathered by law enforcement included Internet chat logs in which Rogers, using the screen names “BuggerButt,” “ohailsatan,” and “extremebodymods,” discussed various methods of torturing and mutilating children and swapped child abuse materials and snuff content with Michael Adam Davidson, a third-year medical student at the University of South Alabama.
On one occasion, Rogers bragged to Davidson in a chat that he had acted on his desires. Rogers boasted of having abducted, raped, tortured, and murdered a blonde-haired young man from Skidmore, Missouri, while describing the mutilation and murder in horrific detail. In April of 2003, Rogers was arrested on child pornography charges and became a suspect in the investigation of Perry’s disappearance.
While Rogers denied having committed the killing, he had been recounting the torture and slaying of an individual who matched Perry’s description at length.
“You can do it willingly by telling it you are going to let it go if it does what you want. Hope springs eternal until you smash it,” Rogers wrote, referring to the victim as “it” in his narrative.
“When it begs me to kill it—it doesn’t always happen—but when it does I know it is broken. Each mind is different and learning that mind is the real game to tearing down barriers. Destroying hopes. Building false ones.”
Rogers went on to say that he made the ordeal “an 18-hour experience” before disposing of the body by first removing the internal organs and sinking the corpse in a river.
He would never be convicted for the crime due to a lack of evidence, and Perry’s disappearance remains unsolved. One item connected Rogers to Perry: a turtle claw necklace that was believed to have belonged to the young man was retrieved from Rogers’ property.

However, during a search of Rogers’ home and devices, investigators uncovered at least 860 images of child pornography that included sexually explicit content involving prepubescent children. Rogers was found to have been sharing, via e-mail attachments, materials “showing male children engaged in sexually explicit content, including photographs of children chained and bound by ropes,” according to court records.
But upon further examination, investigators discovered numerous additional photographs of Rogers “posing with severed male genitals, wearing them on his head, placing them in his mouth and apparently chewing them, placing them in a coffee cup or on a plate, and attaching severed penises together.”
Surgical equipment, items used in bondage and torture, and a manual describing “how one could perform gender nullification” were found by authorities in Rogers’ home, office, and van. Officials also came upon a room Rogers had converted into an area for the practice of BDSM.
Photographs and other evidence led investigators to identify one of Rogers’ surgical ‘patients’ as Michael Abercrombie, a man who claimed to be transgender and used the feminine name Madison.
Rogers admitted to performing the makeshift “gender reassignment surgery” on Abercrombie in a hotel room. The two had met online, and Abercrombie paid $750 for the four-hour procedure wherein Rogers surgically removed his penis, scrotum, and testicles using only local anesthetics.
Rogers claimed to have performed over 100 similar procedures. He then took the severed organs and documented himself consuming them. Court records refer to the surgery as “nullification,” a term applied to the removal of male sex organs for fetishistic purposes among practitioners of BDSM. Abercrombie is referred to with feminine pronouns, with documents describing the removal of “her penis” and “her genitals.”
In addition to a 30-year sentence for child pornography and obscenity charges, Rogers was handed 17 years for first-degree assault and seven years for practicing medicine without a license.
According to Diane Fanning, a writer and researcher in the true crime genre, an employee who worked with Rogers recalled having seen him using office equipment to print copies of stories featuring acts of sadomasochism and mutilation with homosexual themes that he had written under the pseudonyms Jolly Rogers and BuggerButt. She told Fanning that he mailed these stories to prison inmates.
In July 2014, an alleged victim of Rogers came forward to accuse the would-be genital surgeon of sexually abusing him when he was a child, in 2000.
Kristopher Schondelmeyer claimed that the First Presbyterian Church of Fulton, where Rogers had worked with children as a pastor, knew that Rogers had previously been convicted on child pornography charges in 1992, and had put youth at risk “by placing Rogers in direct authority over minor children” and failing to provide supervision.
According to the lawsuit filed by Schondelmeyer, the alleged abuse took place during the Connection 2000 Youth Conference in Maryland, for which Rogers acted as a chaperone for Schondelmeyer and several other teenagers from Fulton.
Notably, Rogers’ digital footprint can be found in the early logs of the Eunuch Archive forum, interacting with academics who have contributed to research published and cited by WPATH, one of the world’s more powerful transgender lobby groups. WPATH has set medical guidelines which includes recommending protocols for the medical “transitioning” of children.

As previously reported by Reduxx, the Eunuch Archive is an online community of men who have a sexual interest in castration. Of the approximately 10,000 stories hosted in the site’s fiction archive, over 3,000 are tagged with the search term “minor.” These erotic stories depict the violent castration of young boys by surgical and chemical means. Many involve sadistic and pedophilic sexual acts, and some incorporate the concept of Nazi doctors experimenting on children.
The Eunuch Archive began in the late 1990s in collaboration with Body Modification E-zine (BME), which was founded by Shannon Larratt. The pornographic fiction stories were initially hosted on the same site. BME operated as a community for those with body modification fetishes and featured extreme sadomasochistic content, including of amputations and genital mutilation.
In the newsgroup alt.eunuchs.questions, members shared castration fantasies, offered services, traded castration photos and videos, sought to connect with young men to “feminize,” asked for advice on chemical castration, and recommended doctors willing to perform surgeries without psychiatric evaluations.
At least three academics who have been in leading roles within the Eunuch Archive for over twenty years have ties to WPATH. Surveys conducted with members of the Eunuch Archive have been published in The International Journal of Transgenderism, distributed by WPATH, and academics who gathered the anonymous responses regarding forum members’ sexual motivations for genital mutilation have spoken at conferences hosted by the transgender advocacy organization.
Thomas W. Johnson, a WPATH member and professor emeritus at California State University in Chico (CSUC), is also a formative member of the body modification fetish site, having joined in 2001. Johnson uses the name “Jesus” when interacting online, and has posted videos of genital surgery for other participants to use as pornography.
In one audio file obtained by Reduxx recorded in approximately 2008, Johnson can be heard joking about Viagra and eating testicles. “Smoked, barbecued, stewed, in a casserole … or pureed,” Johnson says in the recording.
Richard J. Wassersug has for over 20 years used the alias “Eunuchunique” on the forum. Wassersug was an honorary professor in the Department of Cellular and Physiological Sciences at the University of British Columbia, but has also been affiliated with Dalhousie and La Trobe Universities.
Krister H. Willette, who has been active in the community since 1998 and uses the screen name “Kristoff,” previously posted to the group’s Usenet community requesting “assistance in performing my castration by Burdizzo.”

Johnson, Wassersug, and Willette presented research they co-authored together at a 2009 conference in Oslo held by WPATH.
In May 2010, the contents of the Oslo presentation were published in The International Journal of Transgenderism, an academic journal issued by WPATH.
Wassersug, Willette, and Johnson were again invited to speak at a 2011 WPATH conference in Atlanta, Georgia. It was during this conference that the decision was made to declassify Gender Identity Disorder as a psychological condition. In its place, Gender Dysphoria would become the recommended terminology.
Johnson also spoke again at a WPATH conference in Quebec last year, where he presented on the topic of “choosing castration.” An academic paper published in 2015 that incorporated the views of Eunuch Archive forum members disclosed that among the most popular story themes on the site were children being forcibly castrated.

It was within the Eunuch Archive’s Usenet community that Jack Wayne Rogers can be seen interacting with multiple administrators and founding site members in a thread from 2000 discussing a snuff penectomy video, in which a man dies after undergoing genital mutilation.
The video, uploaded by a user who drafted the community’s original FAQ document in collaboration with Larratt, caused some controversy within the group. Rogers, as well as WPATH-sourced “researcher” Willette, interjected to defend the horrific content.
“If you don’t like it, don’t download it. Let’s stop giving sh*t to someone for posting what he believed was interesting. There were adequate warnings of the content. This is a free and open system,” Rogers wrote.
In response to one site member who objected to the obscene content, Willette responded, “Take your own advice and stop sh*tting on our group. None more sinful than the righteous.”

Eunuch Archive founding administrator Shannon Larratt also spoke up in defense of the snuff flick, saying, “Oh, who cares. At least it’s not the spam that 99% of the posts are. There is no clear place to post a penectomy video. Maybe he didn’t pick the perfect newsgroup, but we could argue endlessly about which one would be better.”
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