A trans-identified male who identifies as a “minor-attracted person” and has been running a “MAP” merchandise shop online is also working with a prominent pro-pedophilia group that has consulted academics. Katie Cruz, a pseudonym used by a man who calls himself Cali Miller, has been “working behind the scenes” with activist group B4U-ACT, which campaigns to have pedophilia recognized as a sexual orientation, and which has contributed to academic research at some of North America’s top universities.
The term ‘MAP’ is an acronym which stands for ‘Minor-Attracted Person,’ and is used in online pro-pedophile communities as a way to reduce stigma against individuals who seek to sexually abuse children. It was coined by the co-founder of B4U-ACT, convicted child rapist Michael Melsheimer. Melsheimer explicitly stated that the purpose of the organization was to normalize pedophilia where the National Association of Man-Boy Love (NAMBLA) had failed to do so.
On Patreon, Cruz has stated that his “age of attraction” is between 9 and 13 years old. He also claims to identify as having a “trans age” of between “13 and 17ish.”

In a blog written by Cruz titled “A MAP in Love,” he states that he is “hopelessly in love with little girls” and explains that he holds “radical ideas of legalizing relationships between adults and tween girls.”
“I’ve known for a long time that I was a girl-lover. I’ve always found young girls to be desirable, on an emotional and physical level,” Cruz wrote in 2019. He described how, in 2007, “in the midst of lonely turmoil,” he discovered pro-pedophile advocacy and communities online.
“I read through their heartfelt messages about how much they love and care about little girls. What they were writing was exactly how I felt. And what they preached never changed. They all truly love little girls, just as I do,” Cruz said.
He also claims that advocating for fellow self-identified ‘MAPs’ is his mission in life.
“Every time I help another MAP, I’m so fulfilled. I finally found my purpose in life. I’m still on this MAP journey, myself. Still learning. I believe I can take this experience, and use it for good in this world. The MAP community is where I belong. And helping people with this orientation is my ministry.”
In November of 2022, Cruz authored a blog entry titled “Our Stonewall is Coming” in which he predicts that there will soon be “a societal reckoning on the level of Stonewall, for the MAP community.”
“There will be more harmful rhetoric comparing the LGBTQ community to pedophiles. This will spur violence until we get to a breaking point as a nation… It’ll be up to us as MAPs to help shape the narrative,” Cruz wrote.
“We will have to use our collective voices to speak our truth to sway those who are fed up with the far right’s hatred. When two marginalized groups have a common enemy that is causing so much terror, they’ll be more willing to listen to each other and learn. It’s up to us to use science and show our humanity to convince them and the world that we are not inherently dangerous.”

Cruz also operates a “MAP Merch Shop” which offers various items for sale featuring pro-pedophilia symbols, as well as MAP pride flags and transgender pride products.
Cruz’s alternative social media accounts, under the name Cali Miller, were first connected by Seara Adair, a survivor of child sexual abuse who speaks out against online grooming. Adair combed through thousands of public posts made by Miller and Cruz, documenting multiple similarities between images shared to both accounts in order to prove that they are the same person. However, throughout a series of videos Adair made on the topic, she consistently labeled Cruz a “woman” and referred to him with feminine pronouns.
This is despite the fact that under the alternative name Cali Miller, Cruz has revealed that he claims to be transgender, and has advocated for the medical ‘transitioning’ of children via puberty-halting drugs.

“I was born with anatomy in which I don’t identify. I was raised as the wrong gender, and forced to go through the wrong puberty,” Cruz wrote in 2016.
“But the one thing that troubles me the most is my desire for a companion. It’s all I’ve ever wanted since I was a toddler. Back then, I wanted someone to cuddle and play with. As I got older, it became a longing for someone to cuddle and see the world with.”
In February 2022, Cruz attended a protest in support of “trans kids” at the Indiana Statehouse. The event, titled “Rally for Hoosier Youth,” was organized in opposition to House Bill 1041, which secures single-sex protections for girls’ sports.
Writing about the event for his blog, Cruz says that he sees himself as a role model for “trans kids,” and that he feels it is his responsibility to advocate for their “equal rights.”
“We never had trans elders, because a lot of them passed away long ago due to the AIDS epidemic, and all the stigma associated with LGBTQ people that kept them out of the mainstream. But we’re the elders now. It’s our job to stand up for the next generation of trans kids. We’re the role models, and it’s up to us to fight to protect them and to fight for their future, and equal rights. And that’s what we’ll do.”
Cruz is active in multiple online pro-pedophile forums where participants discuss their “attraction” to children. He is involved in communities that focus both on young girls, as well as young boys. One of the forums Cruz participates in is run by pedophile advocacy organization B4U-ACT.

A list of “MAP Goals” can be found on Cruz’s blog. Objectives include expanding the “MAP community” through outreach, achieving the legal status of a protected, minority group, and removing “pedophilic disorder” from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders (DSM), produced by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) and the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) published by the World Health Organization.
Significantly, Cruz has pointed to the Fifth Edition of the DSM to support his claim that pedophilia is a sexual orientation.
“Minor attraction is an orientation. It is a hardwired attraction, usually discovered around puberty, just like other orientations such as heterosexuality and homosexuality,” he posted to his blog in 2022.
“Many mental health professionals have called minor attraction an orientation. The DSM-5 states that if the subject doesn’t act illegally on their sexual feelings for minors, and is not distressed by those feelings, it is an orientation rather than a disorder.”

While former co-founder Melsheimer died in 2010, the co-founder and current head of B4U-ACT, Richard Kramer, who uses a pseudonym to conceal his identity, also has a long history of pro-pedophilia lobbying and has admitted to having a sexual attraction to boys. Prior to his involvement with B4U-ACT, Kramer operated a website called the Male Homosexual Attraction to Minors Information Center, which advocates favorably for what Kramer describes as “feelings of sexual attraction that some men have for underage boys.” The website notes a previous symposium addressing the issue of removing “gender identity disorder and the paraphilias” from the DSM.
B4U-ACT has campaigned for years to change and ultimately eliminate the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) entry on pedophilia. During a 2011 symposium titled “Pedophilia, Minor-Attracted Persons, and the DSM: Issues and Controversies,” hosted by B4U-ACT, Kramer used results of anonymous surveys conducted with the participation of members of B4U-ACT in an attempt to establish that pedophilia is an innate identity that emerges in childhood.
B4U-ACT also maintains a robust catalogue of networks within major Universities around the world. On its website, it lists institutions that have carried out research under its guidance or with its cooperation. Much of this research has to do with ending the stigmatization of “minor-attracted persons.”
Most recently, B4U-ACT partnered with a researcher at McGill University in Canada, who then conducted a survey aimed at gaining insight from “child lovers” in online pedophile communities in an effort to attain data on “romantic attraction to children.” The survey inquired about sexual offending against minors while promising complete anonymity and privacy to respondents.
The approach of lobbying for the depathologizing of pedophilia via diagnostic literature mirrors the strategy undertaken by trans activists in their campaign to have the term ‘gender identity disorder’ declassified as a mental disorder.
As previously revealed exclusively by Reduxx, anonymous participants in a fetish forum producing written erotica about halting children’s puberty through castration – along with graphic fantasies of sexually abusing children – claim to have been involved in the process of altering the term ‘gender identity disorder’ to ‘gender dysphoria’ in the Fifth Edition of the DSM. The manual is regarded as the authoritative guide to the diagnosis of mental disorders in the United States, but is also referenced internationally by mental health professionals.
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