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Trans Artist with Diaper Fetish Speaking at Canadian Elementary Schools

A trans-identified male cartoon artist who came under fire last year for creating diaper fetish art based on real babies has been speaking at Canadian elementary schools as part of a North American book tour.

German Declares He Is A “Lesbian Man,” Seeks to Raise Awareness for Other “Lesbian Men”

A heterosexual man in Germany has declared his sexual orientation as "lesbian" in a gushing new profile looking to raise awareness of the "rare phenomenon" of "lesbian men."

UN Women Sponsored Event By Charity Promoting Medical Transition of Children

The UK branch of United Nations Women has sponsored an art exhibition that will see a percentage of proceeds donated to Mermaids, an organization that promotes the medical transitioning of children.

Outcry As Man Wins NCAA Women’s Swimming Title

University of Pennsylvania swimmer Lia Thomas became the first male athlete to win a Division I national championship in a women’s sport by self-declaring his gender identity.

Trans-Identified Male Charged In Murder of Colorado Springs Mother

A trans-identified male with a history of abusing animals has been found guilty of the April 2020 murder of his partner’s mother. Cohen Ellis “Vinn” Heath, 21, of Colorado Springs, pleaded guilty last Friday to first-degree murder in the killing of nurse Bridget Kenner, and received the mandatory term of life in prison.

New Genderfluid Dept. of Energy Hire is Public Kink Enthusiast

The newest Department of Energy hire is a genderfluid kink enthusiast with a penchant for leather puppy play and public displays of BDSM. In January,...

Trans Writer Who Fantasized About “Cis” Rape Calls Joe Rogan “Transphobic”

A transgender writer with a history of disturbing, sexually violent rhetoric directed at females has published an article calling Joe Rogan "transphobic." Ana Valens, also...

Daily Dot Writer Who Wrote Of Rape Fantasies Sitting on Trans Media Advisory Committee

A trans-identified male who creates VR pornography and has posted rape fantasies to his social media is involved in producing style guides which advise...

Disabled Woman Arrested, Interrogated Over Domestic Violence Stickers

Twitter users are outraged today after it was revealed that a disabled woman was arrested by Gwent Police in South Wales for posting stickers...

Trans Swimmer Intentionally Lost Race, Alleges Teammate

A teammate of trans-identified male swimmer Lia Thomas has come forward to anonymously disclose that she believes Thomas colluded with another swimmer to intentionally...
