Reddit Moderator Boasts of Being Gifted His Daughter’s Nipples Following “Top Surgery”

A disturbing post on Reddit has surfaced in which a father boasts that his trans-identified female child gifted him her nipples for Christmas after they fell off during recovery from “top surgery.”

A post was first shared on January 5 through the subreddit r/CisParentTranskid, which is a board for non-transgender parents who claim to have transgender children. The parents often share stories, support, and request resources amongst themselves. But the post, made by a father using the handle “Pedantichrist,” was of a distinctly different tone.

The user, who is a Reddit power moderator, claimed to be the parent of a transgender “son,” a female child who identified as a boy. He described how part of his child’s nipples fell off during recovery from an elective double mastectomy, commonly referred to as “top surgery.”

“After top surgery, [she] retained [her] original nipples, but they obviously need to be moved and they scab up and a layer falls off. [Her] Christmas present to me was the left one, framed and mounted (the right one broke into small pieces),” the father described on Reddit, using male pronouns to refer to his child.

A screenshot of the post made on r/CisParentTransKid.

The father then described how, although he did not expect the gift, he was nonetheless still pleased.

“And yes, it is weird as fuck, but it is not that far outside my normal sense of humour. I have hung it on my wall,” he said. His post history on Reddit suggests he is the father of three young children. In addition to being a user on r/CisParentTransKid, Pedantichrist moderates several subreddits — including the 9-million strong r/Unexpected, as well as a local community board for residents of Devon, United Kingdom.

His post was met with positive responses on the r/CisParenTransKid subreddit. At the time of this writing, the post has 112 “upvotes” with 98% of the total votes being positive.

“Beautiful, This story gave me euphoria,” one reddit user, said responding to the post. The term ‘gender euphoria‘ has frequently been used to describe a state of sexual arousal prompted by a transgender individual being “affirmed” in their gender.

“I love this!!! All I got after my kid had his was his bras for a good old fashion bra burning in our back yard,” responded another parent, referring to their trans-identified female child burning her undergarments following his elective double mastectomy.

Another user chalked up the stunt to typical “boy humor” from the female child.

Cosmetic mastectomies have become front-and-center in the recent debates surrounding gender ideology and its impact on children.

There has been a dramatic increase in young girls seeking double mastectomies after adopting a “trans” or “non-binary” identity.  A recent study found that the number of “top surgeries” carried out on girls under 18 in the United States has increased by 13-fold in the last decade. The same study found that the majority of girls seeking the procedure had a history of mental health concerns, with around 60 percent having anxiety and/or depression. An additional 11 percent had history of an eating disorder.

Increasing concerns about the transitioning of youth has made its way into the medical community, with several prominent health authorities making statements last year cautioning against surgical or chemical interventions where a minor presents with gender dysphoria.

Last February, the National Academy of Medicine in France issued a press release urging practitioners to take “great medical caution” in the treatment of children and adolescents who claim to be transgender. The Academy noted that there had been a dramatic uptick in the number of youths reporting transgender or non-binary identities. One example it used was from the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne, Australia where, in 2003, only one child had been diagnosed with gender dysphoria, while a short few years later it was treating nearly 200 “dysphoric” kids.

Similar guidances out of Sweden and various U.S. states have similarly been reported.

In 2022, “no-nipple” cosmetic mastectomies became a topic of widespread backlash, with a TikTok trend emerging of females who identified as transgender or non-binary discussing having undergone “nipple-less top surgery.”


also!! if you want the look of nipples- there are people that can do really realistic nipple tattoos. you could even get heart nipples 😎 i plan to get really cool tattoos on my chest hehe :3 #postopsurgery #topsurgery #topsurgerypostop #topsurgeryrecovery #nonbinary #lgbt #lgbt #gendereuphoria #nonips

♬ original sound – hannahschaos ♡

Some individuals who previously identified as transgender have begun to vocalize their regret surrounding the “affirming” medical interventions they were allowed to access as minors.

Chloe Cole, 18, is one of dozens of young women who previously identified as transgender and has become a vocal advocate for those who call themselves “detransitioners.” After identifying as a boy in her youth, Cole underwent an elective double mastectomy at just 15 years old.

On January 28, Cole will be speaking at rally in Murfreesboro, Tennessee on her experiences as a detransitioner. The “Teens Against Gender Mutilation” event will be led by teenagers like Cole who were impacted by gender ideology.

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Shay Woulahan
Shay Woulahan
Shay is a writer and social media content creator for Reduxx. She is a proud lesbian activist and feminist who lives in Northern Ireland with her partner and their four-legged, fluffy friends.