Twitter To Treat “Cis” And “Cisgender” As Slurs, May Suspend Trans Activists Who Harass Others Using The Terms

Twitter owner and chairman Elon Musk has stated that the words “cis” and “cisgender” may be considered slurs as per Twitter’s new Terms of Service, and that users could face suspension for using them.

“The words ‘cis’ or ‘cisgender’ are considered slurs on this platform,” Musk tweeted on Wednesday. “Repeated, targeted harassment against any account will cause the harassing accounts to receive, at minimum, temporary suspensions.”

Musk’s response was made to a tweet posted by “gender critical” commentator James Esses noting that he had faced abuse for stating that he did not wish to be called “cis.”

The term is frequently used by trans activists seeking to ridicule or threaten those who do not agree with gender ideology.

In reply to Musk’s statement, Reduxx co-founder and writer Genevieve Gluck noted that “cisgender” as an antonym to “transgender” was coined by a German sexologist who was sympathetic to pedophilia.

Musk acknowledged Gluck’s reply, and called Sigusch, who died in February, a “contemptible creep.”

Sigusch is credited with the first published instance of using the term “cisgender” as an antonym to “transgender” in a 1991 publication Transsexuals and our Nosomorphic View.

Prior to his death earlier this year, Sigusch was a well-known sexologist, physician, and sociologist who served as the director of the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft (Institute for Sexual Science) at the clinic of Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, from 1973 to 2006.

“Cisgender” is now widely used to refer to people who are said to have a “gender identity” that matches their sex. While the more literal translation from Sigusch’s German coinage “zissexuell” is “cissexual,” the component of “sex” — referring to either sex organs or sexuality — has been replaced by the vague and subjective term “gender.”

Sigusch wrote: “Speaking of cissexuals. If there are transsexuals, logically there must be cissexuals. One is not to be thought without the other at all. I have allowed myself to introduce the terms cissexualism, cissexuals, cisgender etc.”

“The genuinely neological characteristic of transsexualism is that it casts what I have referred to as cissexualism, actually its logical counterpart, in a highly ambiguous light. For if there is a trans‚ a beyond (physical gender)‚ there must be a cis‚ a this-side -of‚ as well,” Sigusch wrote again in 1998, referring to his 1991 article.

But, disturbingly, the sexologist’s views also included controversial opinions on pedophilia.

In his work on “minor attraction,” Sigusch distinguished between pedophiles who abuse children, and “pedosexuals,” who have a sexual attraction to children they might not necessarily indulge. But Sigusch’s sympathies towards pedophilia did extend into believing there was “nothing wrong” with exposing children to highly sexual contact.

According to Dagmar Herzog, author of Sex after Fascism: Memory and Morality in Twentieth-Century Germany, Volkmar Sigusch and his colleague Gunter Schmidt, with whom he published research on child sexuality in the 70’s, also argued that exposing children to pornography – a well-known grooming tactic of pedophiles – was completely harmless.

“Volkmar Sigusch and Gunter Schmidt argued provocatively that the representation of sex, per se, did no damage to youth or children, and that the kind of pornography in which sex was ‘represented without prejudices as a pleasure-filled social activity … is exactly the kind that one could without worries give to children and adolescents,’” Herzog wrote.

In 2010, Sigusch published “sexology theses on the abuse debate” wherein he lauded the “paradise of childhood,” and claimed that “adding taboos to childish eroticism creates what we all want to prevent: sexual violence.”

“There is nothing wrong with pedophilia in the sense of the word, that is, against liking, even loving, children,” wrote Sigusch. “The sensuality that spontaneously unfolds between a child and an adult is something wonderful. Nothing can remind us more intensely of the paradises of childhood. Nothing is purer and more harmless than this eroticism of the body and the heart. Childish eroticism is not only full of delights, it is also necessary.”

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