Trans Activists Destroy Mexico City Congress Building In Protest Of Proposed Initiative To Prohibit Medical Transitioning Of Minors

Trans activists violently attempted to siege Mexico City’s Congress on Tuesday after an initiative was introduced to ban minors from accessing “gender affirming” surgery.

The initiative was first introduced by América Rangel, a representative from the conservative National Action Party (PAN), on February 9, and sought to both prohibit the interventions as well as punish medical providers who do not comply with the law.

Rangel is alleged to have been the target of the activist aggression, posting that she believed the activists were specifically attempting to get to her.

In disturbing footage circulated on Twitter from both inside and outside of the House of Congress, a hoard of screaming trans activists were seen smashing their way into the historic building by beating and breaking the glass window panels open. The building was further insulated by decorative cage-style doors which had been locked shut, but the activists managed to dislodge several of the bars and create a pathway for them to enter.

Victoria Sámano, a trans-identified male who had been directing the protest, was the first to jump through the entry, pushing his way through the security guards trying to defend the building and getting into a physical altercation with some of them. Other activists quickly followed Sámano’s lead, and began forcing their way through the passage they had created in the bars.

Once inside the building, more damage was done as the activists painted graffiti on the walls and destroyed windows. Activists got as close to their target as the doors of the Congressional hall, but were blocked by security personnel.

The protest was ultimately quelled by riot police, who responded to the scene and used fire extinguishing gas to disperse the activists.

Sámano took to Twitter and uploaded a video of himself complaining that the guards had fought back, and suggesting that the activists had simply been peacefully demonstrating for their rights when they were brutally attacked without reason.

“We were only demanding our rights and they started beating us, they hit me in the legs. Here are the marks of how they beat me for this city. [Representatives] are more important than trans people,” he says in the video.

According to some Mexican news outlets, the parliamentary coordinator for Morena, the left-wing governing party, has assured protestors that their deputies do not plan to file a criminal complaint for the damages caused to the building.

But, dissatisfied with the response from the Congress, América Rangel has filed her own report with the Prosecutor General’s Office of Mexico yesterday.

In a video uploaded to Twitter, Rangel said she had filed a criminal complaint against the demonstrators who sieged the Congress.

“I have just filed criminal complaints against the people who assaulted the Congress of Mexico City and tried to attack me,” Rangel said in her video. “Specifically, [I] have precisely identified three people, of whom we have already given all the evidence to the Prosecutor’s Office. We also request that the investigation be carried out to find the others. We hope that the authority does its job and does not cover up if there are people from Morena behind all this. There can be nothing and no one above the law.”

Trans activists in Mexico are known for being particularly aggressive and staging aggressive or hostile demonstrations against those they disagree with.

In July of 2022, a transgender politician violently disrupted a government conference aimed at tackling human trafficking after becoming offended at the implications abolitionist policies would have on trans “sex workers.”

Maria Clemente, a trans-identified male politician elected to Mexico’s Chamber of Deputies last year, called the suggestion that the sex trade be abolished for the protection of women and children “hate speech.” To a critic, Clemente said: “I am a woman, and I am a whore!  It’s my job and and how my family eats! I love it!”

Clemente was later exposed for having allegedly lied about being in the sex trade after his ex-husband issued a scathing rebuttal of his public persona in a public letter he posted in an effort to demand Clemente finalize their divorce.

Months later, trans activists at the National Autonomous University of Mexico staged a “coup” of one of the women’s washrooms on the campus in apparent retaliation for a lesbian pride mural having been painted nearby.

The activists claimed the mural made them feel “unsafe” and demanded another gender neutral washroom be established near the Samuel Ramos Library. Less than 24 hours later, the activists took over the largest women’s restroom in the building, littering the walls with threatening vandalism directed at women who are critical of gender ideology.

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