A major networking conference focused on centering women in computing is facing backlash from some participants after a flood of males were allowed to attend, reportedly due to the event’s inclusivity policies.
Created in 1994 and inspired by the legacy of Admiral Grace Murray Hopper, the AnitaB.org Grace Hopper Celebration purports to “bring the research and career interests of women in computing to the forefront.” While the conference was historically focused on women, recent developments in its gender inclusivity policy saw its branding open up to “non-binary” participants as well.
In its most recent Press Release on the conference, AnitaB.org deemed it “the world’s largest gathering of women and non-binary technologists.”
But the week-long conference, which costs $650 to attend for students and academics but over $1,200 for the general public, is facing heat this year after some female attendees noticed a “significant number of men” attending the event.
In a now-scrubbed Change.org petition, one female attendee calls on the Grace Hopper Committee (GHC) to provide women who purchased the pricy tickets a full refund, and commit to banning men in the future.
“GHC (2023) is named after our pioneering female programmers, who have paved the way for gender equality within the tech industry. This event was established with the intention of empowering women by creating a safe space where they can connect, learn, and thrive. However, by allowing men to participate, GHC fails to uphold its own mission,” petitioner Agnes Lu wrote in the description.
The petition was uploaded on September 26, but deleted on September 27. A cached version of the page shows that it had collected over 2,700 signatures in the 24 hours it had been active. The reasons for removal are currently unknown.
Similar sentiment was shared on Reddit as a conference attendee posted “why are there so many men at Grace Hopper?”
Posted two days ago, the user wrote: “I’m seeing entire groups of just men, at a conference that’s sole purpose is to give opportunities to WOMEN and non-binary individuals in a male dominated field. I attended last year and did not [see] any male identifying student attendees. This is genuinely infuriating.”
The user goes on to articulate in the replies that there are a limited number of networking slots available and internships are fiercely competitive.
Like in the petition, the user claimed there was an obvious discernible difference between males and “non-binary” individuals, an issue that quickly became a point of contention in the comments.
“They could just be non-binary, gender queer, etc, or that could just be men trying to get a leg up. No way to know,” one user wrote in response, to which the original poster replied: “They all have he/him on their lanyards and it’s extremely clear they identify as men and are here to take opportunities away from the actual women and [non-binary] attendees.”
But the attempted defense was quickly undermined, with some users calling the original poster a “TERF” for failing to include gender-diverse non-binary people.
“Nonbinaries, including he/him nonbinaries, belong at grace hopper and are welcome there. TERFs like you are the ones who shouldn’t be there,” one comment reads.
“Lots of NB go as he/him. The only way you could possibly know is if you asked them,” another claimed.
On X (formerly Twitter), users debated how males could be “gate-kept” from the conference without being exclusionary, to which few solutions were provided.
The conference was held in Orlando this year, in tradition with previous years, but has announced it will relocate for the next iteration due to changes to recent state legislation regarding LGBT people.
In a statement on their site, AnitaB.org claims that Florida has introduced an “onslaught of legislation that not only devalues women and non-binary people and, at the intersections, those who live as members of the LGBTQIA+ community but is also aimed at erasing Black history.” It states that the 2024 conference is being arranged to be held in another location.
One of the featured speakers this year was trans-identified male Sasha Costanza-Chock, who describes himself as a “researcher and designer who works to support community-led processes that build shared power, dismantle the matrix of domination, and advance ecological survival.”
Costanza-Chock spoke on a panel with Alejandra Caraballo, a trans-identified male attorney, on the “Intersection of Tech and Social Justice.” The panel was described as “diving into the critical intersection of technology and social equity and explore how technology can inadvertently become a barrier for underserved groups.”
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La Comisión de Derechos Humanos de Australia ha hecho público un fallo preliminar que prohíbe a las lesbianas celebrar eventos para mujeres debido a la exclusión de los hombres que se identifican como “mujeres”. La decisión de la Comisión se produce después de que un grupo de derechos de las lesbianas solicitara una exención en virtud de la Ley de Discriminación Sexual de 1984.
La solicitud a la Comisión fue presentada por Jean Taylor, una veterana activista australiana por los derechos de las mujeres, en su nombre y en el de las integrantes del Grupo de Acción Lésbica (Lesbian Action Group), un colectivo creado para hacer frente a la discriminación que sufren las lesbianas. La solicitud ofrecía una descripción general de la organización y de las reuniones de lesbianas en Victoria desde principios de la década de 1970, argumentando que “muchos miles de lesbianas se beneficiaron del sentimiento de orgullo, reconocimiento y bienestar que una reunión grande, bien publicitada y específica de lesbianas fomenta en las participantes”.
Sin embargo, esto comenzó a cambiar en 2003 cuando los transactivistas se enfrentaron a los organizadores del Festival Lésbico de 2004, acusando a los espacios sólo para mujeres de ser discriminatorios según la ley. Esto hizo que las organizadoras del festival solicitaran y consiguieran una exención que les permitiera invitar y permitir el acceso sólo a “lesbianas nacidas mujer”.
La exención fue revocada por un tecnicismo, lo que dio lugar a que las reuniones de lesbianas en Australia pasaran a la clandestinidad y allí continuaran durante casi dos décadas para evitar más enfrentamientos con la comunidad transgénero.
La Ley de Discriminación Sexual se modificó en 2013 para incluir la identidad de género, lo que dificulta aún más la organización de eventos segregados por sexo.
Frustradas por la situación, las integrantes del Grupo de Acción Lésbica intentaron organizar un evento lésbico sólo para mujeres en el Victorian Pride Centre el pasado agosto. El acto se iba a celebrar el Día Internacional de las Lesbianas el 15 de octubre de 2023, pero el Pride Centre rechazó la reserva, alegando que era excluyente y entraba en conflicto con el objetivo de la organización de apoyar “la igualdad, la diversidad y la inclusión”.
En consecuencia, el Grupo de Acción Lésbica solicitó una exención de 5 años a la Comisión Australiana de Derechos Humanos con la intención de proponerle a otro local que acogiera el evento del Día Internacional de las Lesbianas si se le concedía la exención. El grupo también tenía la intención de celebrar posteriormente eventos regulares exclusivamente para lesbianas del sexo femenino durante el período de exención.
Después de recibir la solicitud, la Comisión solicitó más información al Grupo de Acción Lésbica, y les pidió más detalles sobre por qué es “razonable y necesario excluir a los grupos relevantes mencionados en la solicitud y restringir el evento a las lesbianas nacidas mujeres”.
El Grupo cumplió con lo pedido y proporcionó un documento de información adicional en el que explicaba en más detalle la importancia de que grupos minoritarios, como las lesbianas, tuvieran la libertad de asociarse entre sí y celebrar sus propios eventos.
La Comisión recibió un total de 236 alegatos sobre la solicitud de particulares y grupos antes de la fecha límite del 1 de septiembre de 2023. De ellos, 123 particulares y 15 organizaciones se mostraron a favor de la exención, mientras que 82 particulares y 14 organizaciones se opusieron.
Uno de los alegatos en contra de la exención procedía de Equal Opportunity Tasmania y se refería a la resolución del Comisionado contra la Discriminación de Tasmania, de finales del año pasado, según la cual los eventos sólo para mujeres son discriminatorios hacia los hombres que se declaran mujeres.
En su resolución, el Comisionado de Tasmania escribió que “Las solicitantes proponen excluir a los ‘hombres biológicos’ de su evento … La exclusión de tales personas contraviene las disposiciones de la ley que prohíben la discriminación directa por motivos de género e identidad de género”.
Al igual que el Comisionado contra la Discriminación de Tasmania, la opinión preliminar de la Comisión Australiana de Derechos Humanos es que no concederá la exención temporal de 5 años solicitada por el Grupo de Acción Lésbica para celebrar su acto del Día Internacional de las Lesbianas ni para celebrar eventos posteriores sólo para lesbianas.
Si bien la Comisión reconocía que “las lesbianas en Australia se han enfrentado a una discriminación estructural y arraigada” y que “puede ser importante y beneficioso para las lesbianas reunirse como comunidad”, no estaba convencida de que fuera apropiado o razonable “hacer distinciones entre mujeres basadas en su experiencia cisgénero o transgénero”.
La resolución continuaba así:
“La Comisión observa que la concesión de esta exención puede conducir a una mayor exclusión y discriminación contra las mujeres transgénero atraídas por personas de su mismo sexo. Las mujeres transgénero son un grupo que ha sufrido y sigue sufriendo discriminación, acoso y exclusión social”.
“A las lesbianas australianas se les niega la justicia”, escribió. “Se les niega su humanidad. Estoy muy avergonzada de mi país”.
En declaraciones a Reduxx, Inglis dijo que Victoria se une ahora a Tasmania para “forzar a las lesbianas a pasar a la clandestinidad y a salir de la esfera pública”.
Inglis calificó de “dura crítica contra Australia” el hecho de que tanto la legislación federal como la Comisión de Derechos Humanos hayan prohibido a las lesbianas celebrar eventos segregados por sexo.
“Las enmiendas de género a la SDA [Ley de Discriminación Sexual] deben ser derogadas. Nuestra Comisión de Derechos Humanos ha demostrado no ser adecuada para su propósito y debe disolverse si ya no puede distinguir entre hombres y mujeres debido a una legislación fraudulenta”, explicó. “Una verdadera Comisión de Derechos Humanos trabajaría para derogar esas enmiendas y restaurar los derechos de las lesbianas a ser reconocidas por derecho propio”.
En X, Inglis también pidió a la gente que considerara presentar un escrito para responder a la opinión preliminar de la Comisión antes de la fecha límite del 3 de octubre de 2023.
“La guerra contra las mujeres está ganando terreno en Australia”, agregó. “Australia está tan hundida en la madriguera del conejo de género que es realmente aterrador”.
The preliminary decision of Australia's Human Rights Commission is that lesbians in Victoria will NOT be allowed to organise in public to the exclusion of all males, including those males who identify themselves as lesbians. They are calling for submissions regarding their… https://t.co/LZuqG4hMlYpic.twitter.com/BgGjDoooFj
Esta no es la primera vez que las mujeres australianas tienen problemas con la ley en relación a la identidad de género.
En mayo de este año, una mujer recibió la visita de la policía de Nueva Gales del Sur (artículo en español) después de hablar con los medios de comunicación sobre un transactivista llamado Riley Dennis que, según los informes, estaba lesionando a jugadoras de una liga de fútbol femenino. La mujer recibió una Orden de Detención por Violencia que le obligaba a no hablar sobre Dennis. El Comisionado Australiano de eSafety también se puso en contacto con Reduxx y le aconsejó que censurara o eliminara un artículo en el que nombraba a Dennis.
Además de ponerse en contacto con Reduxx, el Comisionado de eSafety de Australia también se puso en contacto con Twitter y solicitó que se retirara nuestro artículo por "violar la(s) ley(es) de Australia".
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CONTENT NOTICE: This article contains graphic references to child sexual abuse and domestic violence some might find upsetting. Reader discretion is appreciated.
A woman has come forward to allege sickening abuse suffered at the hands of her trans-identified male ex-partner, and accuse police and prosecutors of refusing to act on his campaign of pedophilia because of his gender identity. Maya, whose name and location in the United Kingdom are being withheld for her protection, claims she was told she would have to refer to her abuser by “she/her” pronouns in court if called to testify against him while he was facing charges of sexually abusing his own daughter.
Maya says that she first met 45-year-old father-of-two Phil Bush in 2009 when she was just 16.
“He was my friend’s father” she says. “And my friend’s house was a bit of an escape for me. He was very nice to me at first.”
The relationship, Maya says, started as grooming. She reports that Bush began making sexual advances towards her whenever she was at his home, something that initially made her feel “special” and cared for.
“One time, me and my friend were going out, and he made a couple of comments about my figure. Next time I was there it was a hand brushed against my bum, then another time my boob.”
But things quickly began to escalate after she moved into his home.
“I was having a terrible time at my own home, and he told me I could stay with him and his eldest daughter, who lived with him. I initially went there for a weekend, but that turned into two weeks, and eventually I had just moved in,” Maya says. “He told his daughter we were together. He told my social worker we were together. And I was stuck. I couldn’t go home, and I had nowhere to go.”
Maya alleges that Bush began sexually abusing her while she was in his unofficial care. She learned that Bush’s ex-wife had reported him to police for sexual abuse, but nothing had ever been done and Bush was allowed to retain custody of his two daughters.
Over the years, Maya says, she suffered immense abuse and trauma. But with no social support or financial resources, she felt that she had nowhere else to turn.
Speaking to Reduxx, Maya recounts an incident in which Bush raped her in front of his own 15-year-old daughter before turning his attention on the other girl.
“One time, me and his daughter had set up the floor with mattresses, pillows, blankets and snacks. I thought it was so cool they had Sky TV,” she says. “He came in, and laid behind me, and forced himself inside me. He raped me. Whilst I was laying next to his daughter. Then he got in the middle and sexually assaulted us both.”
In 2012, Maya became pregnant by Bush and gave birth to a baby girl.
“I was scared but I was excited. I think I was hoping that the abuse would stop,” Maya says. But soon after her daughter was born, Bush began to try and ‘parent’ the child in increasingly concerning ways. The new mother, just 19 at the time, began to recognize she needed to escape.
“I went home, picked my daughter up and we left with what we were wearing, £7 in my bank, and my phone.”
In September of 2015, Maya took her daughter to a domestic violence refuge and reported Bush to police for the abuse she had suffered. He was arrested and bailed, but she felt as though police were actively discouraging her from proceeding with the case.
“I felt like a suspect while being questioned, and then they kept saying it would take two years if it went to trial. The stress and anxiety I felt was too much,” she says. “After a week or two, he got word to me that if I dropped everything, he would leave my daughter to me. That he wouldn’t fight for custody of her. If not, he would go for full custody.”
Mistreated by police and frightened by Bush’s threats, Maya backed down. She and her daughter spent the next year cycling through temporary housing arrangements and shelters while keeping their distance from him.
In April of 2016, just months after fleeing, Maya’s daughter, then just 3 years old, began to articulate that something terrible had happened to her.
“She had limited language. While she was trying to potty train, and was trying to get her doll on the mini potty, she said that her dad hurt her. [She] pointed to the doll’s privates, and said ‘here.'”
Maya alleges that the child had seen Bush abuse and sexually assault her, and also noted that her daughter had developed distressed behavior around toilets after he attempted to “potty train” her.
“She had big aversions to potty training and took to urinating in pots, trays, even crisp packets.”
Children and Young Persons Services were notified and conducted an investigation, but the outcome was disappointing.
“They determined it didn’t meet the threshold for an investigation because of her age, her level of communication, and the time lapsed since the offenses took place,” Maya explains. “I had been signposted to various support networks for children to cope with sexual abuse trauma, and I started to work with them with the help of a community health visitor.”
Maya’s daughter is currently receiving trauma stabilization therapy for complex developmental issues she believes is related to her abuse.
“He has scarred her for life, mentally. She has serious mental health issues because of him. She can’t attend school due to anxiety,” Maya says.
In 2019, Bush discovered where Maya and her daughter were living, sending the two fleeing back into refuges out of fear. It was around this time that Maya learned Bush had transitioned.
“He emailed me out of the blue acting as if he were my best friend,” Maya says. “It was bizarre. I laughed. It made me so angry that he’d sexually assaulted girls and women but now he can put on his frock and make-up and claim to be a woman.”
Maya provided Reduxx a copy of the e-mail Bush had sent in which he revealed his transition.
“I am starting down the path of changing to a woman, the woman that I have known all my life that I should have been,” Bush wrote, adding that he had been referred to the Gender Identity Clinic.
“I love women and will continue to love women once I have fully transitioned… then I will be gay as I will be a lesbian,” he continued in an e-mail littered with comical emojis. “But now I can dress in nice things, let my feelings show, and all that stuff! Make-up at the moment is a bit hit and miss. I will have to change my name on everything in the near future but haven’t really found one that I like yet.”
The news of Bush’s new gender identity coincided with a police report filed against him by his eldest daughter for the sexual abuse she’d endured throughout her life.
At the time, Maya was approached to provide a witness testimony on behalf of the victim, but, disturbingly, was told she would have to affirm Bush’s new identity if the case made it to court.
“I was told that if it went to court, I would have to address him as ‘she’ and could be looked down upon if I refused,” Maya says. “How the hell do you sit in court and say ‘she raped me with her penis?’ It is lying.”
But despite having multiple witness testimonies and additional evidence, the Crown Prosecution Service abruptly dropped the case. Maya believes Bush’s newfound gender identity may have played a part.
“There was a lot of evidence against him. The police officer was sure it would go to court,” she said. “I really think that they didn’t want to take it further because he’s trans.”
Maya came forward to Reduxx after losing hope in the criminal justice system.
“I don’t think I, or any of his other victims, will ever get justice. I’ve tried. Others have tried, and nothing. The police aren’t interested,” she explains. “I find it so unfair that the effects of his crimes will last on his victims for the rest of our lives. Yet he can just go around pretending he’s never done anything. And people won’t know.”
Disturbingly, Maya says that Bush “absolved” himself of his past behavior by deferring to his new, feminine persona.
“Once, I tried to tell him how his abuse had affected me. He said ‘Phil is dead now, I’m Jean,” Maya recounts. “So he thinks he can put on a frock and it absolves everything he did. I just don’t understand how someone can get away with it for so long, and nothing happens. How many more men out there like him are there?”
Though she does fear retribution from Bush, Maya says her desire to inform others about her experience outweighs her concern.
“I want people to know. I want them to know that children aren’t protected by the justice system. I want them to know what he has done. I want people to realize this is the truth. I lost family and friends because of him, I had to leave my old life behind while he creates a new life for himself,” she says.
“And honestly, there isn’t anything he could possibly do to me that would be any worse than what he’s already done. I’ve spent 8 years protecting us, and I will carry on. I will go to the ends of the Earth to keep us safe.”
“I have been in contact with a couple hundred women over the years whose husbands cross-dressed or transitioned. Domestic abuse is not uncommon in these situations as these men are often very narcissistic and controlling and they often resent their wives for standing in the way of their ultimate fantasy which is to be like them or, even worse, to be them,” Shannon says.
Shannon is a transwidow — a label adopted by women whose husbands or male partners transitioned. She’s been involved in transwidow advocacy for years, since before there was a name for the phenomenon, and has led a pro-family organization for 4 years.
“It is incredibly hard for a woman to face her abuser. It is that much harder when the state, in its commitment to prioritizing sexual fetishists’ feelings over the basic right of conscience, insists on the use of pronouns that align with the new state-ordained ‘woman,'” Shannon explains, referring to Maya’s assertion that she was told she would have to use “she/her” pronouns to refer to her abuser.
“From a transwidow perspective, this case illustrates the systemic bias that prioritizes the feelings of men with sexual fetishes over the rights of everyone else. In this case, a woman’s right of conscience is being violated as the court would require the witness to address the man she was in a relationship and had a child with as if he were a woman.”
Shannon continues that she believes it is “the height of psychopathy” for a man to feel as though he were absolved of past wrongdoing due to his new gender identity, but that it speaks to a wider issue with self-identification.
“I don’t think any man should be changing his identity, but it should be common sense that it is not in the best interests of women or the public for a man accused felonious domestic abuse to be able to identify as a female which will give him greater access to women’s spaces,” she says.
“As long as governments allow men to legally identify as women all rights are at risk and the safety of women is at risk as well. A man with a history of abuse does not become less abusive by slipping into a dress and taking a cocktail of hormones.”
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A trans-identified male who works for a UK-based charity to provide “diversity training” has been honored with the Outstanding Female LGBTQIA+ Champion 2023 award. Katie Neeves, formerly Martin, has previously prompted criticism for stating during a training session that he used to steal his sister’s underwear.
The Outstanding Female LGBTQIA+ Champion award given to Neeves was presented at the at the East and West Midlands Women’s Awards on September 22. According to its official website, the purpose of the Women’s Awards is “to raise awareness, recognize and honor the hard work and valuable contribution women of all cultures, communities, races, and beliefs, in all sectors make.” Among the event’s sponsors are Loughborough University and the University of Leicester School of Business.
In social media posts where Neeves shared the news, he also boasted about several other awards he’d received in the past twelve months.
“It’s been the most amazing year for me, as in the last 12 months I have won the British Diversity Awards Hero of the Year 2023, the Trans in the City Trans Community Champion Award 2022 and the This is Us Awards Training & Development Award 2023. Also, I was listed on the DIVA Power List 2023, I was a DIVA Awards Unsung Hero of the Year Finalist 2023 and I was named as a LinkedIn Top Voice as well as becoming a co-presenter of BBC Sounds series ‘Time for some LGBTea,'” Neeves wrote.
Neeves began to identify as a “woman” in 2018 at the age of 48, and soon after started to promote himself as a “trans ambassador” via his Youtube channel, Cool2BTrans, and through his blog of the same name.
Prior to launching Cool2BTrans, Neeves had worked as a professional photographer and, according to Leicester Live, had “photographed the Queen at Buckingham Palace, covered wars and attended Princess Diana’s funeral for IPC magazines.”
Neeves announced his new identity very publicly and created a series of videos that he sent to all of his photography clients. In one video, Neeves describes how he began crossdressing as a fetish and “envied the girls,” but began to “embrace” it as a “hobby” during his twenties.
He explains that he was first able to “admit” to himself that he is actually a woman after speaking with a “clairvoyant” who consulted with a “spirit.” He also describes the manner in which he intended to “go full-time” as female.
“My transition is going to be very public, very bold, and very out there. No apologies for that. I’ll be starting on HRT soon, which should start to give me the feminine curves that I would like, and I need, in order to be happy,” said Neeves at the time.
“It’s a slow progress, so I’m not going to all of a sudden be turning up with massive, great big double-E breasts,” he says, laughing. “Hopefully the HRT will reverse some of my male-pattern baldness. I really hope it does. It’s something I’m very worried about.”
Neeves has on several occasions elaborated on how his cross-dressing fetish led him to pursue a transgender identity. In an interview announcing his self-declared identity, Neeves told Leicester Live, “My earliest memory is when I was about three, I preferred to wear my sister’s knickers, not realizing this was anything to bother about – until mum found out and chastised me.
“I still kept borrowing my sister’s clothes (and my girlfriend’s), in secret though, all through until my early 20s,” Neeves added. The interview describes Neeves as having “soft skin” as a result of taking female hormones, and as “a naturally slightly-built person” with “an enviable figure.”
Last year, one woman who attended a training session hosted by Neeves leaked video clips of him discussing instances in which he had stolen his sister’s underwear in his youth. Sarah Summers explained that the webinar was delivered to “a large, London-based corporation as part of LGBT history month.”
In the leaked video clips, Neeves could be heard saying, “In my childhood, I used to secretly dress in my sister’s clothes whenever I had the opportunity. And whenever I did it, it felt so right. But then those feelings of being right were very quickly overtaken by feelings of guilt, shame, and self-loathing. Because what I was doing was wrong, it was dirty, it was naughty, and not what respectable people did.”
Neeves also told the employees during the diversity training webinar that he was a lesbian woman.
“In my case, I’ve always been attracted to women, and I still am. It’s been one of the constants in my life. It’s just that for me, the labels changed. Previously, I was labeled as a heterosexual man, now I’m labeled as a lesbian.”
Identifying as a lesbian, Neeves suggests, caused a rift in his marriage: “As for my wife, her label hadn’t changed,” he said.
Neeves had previously disclosed how his relationship with his wife deteriorated as a result of his sexual fetish. Speaking with Leicester Live, he describes the moment he confessed to his wife while watching a television program about a woman whose husband was a cross-dresser: “My wife at the time said jokingly, you’d never do that to me would you? I said, ‘well actually, I do’ … We patched it over and managed 13 years together but it was always there, and we finally divorced,” said Neeves.
In recent years, Neeves has repeatedly mentioned his cross-dressing history and the theft of his sister’s underwear. In 2021, he told DIVA, a publication aimed at lesbians, that his “need” to cross-dress had manifested as young as his childhood.
“I remember around the age of four I was caught trying on my sisters clothes and when I did it, I felt right. But when my mum caught me she told me off. For the next week, every day she would pull my shorts down to check if I had them on and it was very humiliating,” he said.
In a video Neeves shared in 2019 titled “Losing Family & Friends for Being Transgender,” he discusses how his sister has refused to accept his self-declared female identity. He then reads aloud a letter he sent to his sister which states that he is “sad” that she “doesn’t accept” his transgender status.
The letter continues with Neeves telling his sister that if he hadn’t been able to identify as a woman, he “likely” would have “spiraled into depression.”
“That’s why the trans suicide rate is so high,” Neeves says. He then lists off statistics put forward in 2012 by UK charity Stonewall which claim that 48% of trans-identified people have attempted suicide. The findings of the report have been criticized for its sample size of just 27 individuals.
In 2020, Neeves published an open letter to J.K. Rowling in response to her essay expressing concern at the clash between gender ideology and women’s rights. He accused the renowned author of “peddling anti-trans misinformation” and made an unfounded claim that her “diatribe directly caused some trans children to self-harm and others to attempt suicide.”
Neeves has also publicly campaigned against the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) for its stance that gender identity presents a conflict to women’s sex-based rights. In February last year, he shared a petition created by Stonewall which declared that “the EHRC is not fit for purpose.”
The month prior, the EHRC had told the Scottish government that proposed reforms that allow for a self-declaration of sex do not adequately take into account the rights of women.
Earlier this month, Neeves delivered an 8-part “trans awareness session” at Leicestershire Partnership National Health Service Trust, in which he taught public hospital staff that biological sex existed on a spectrum.
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Australia’s Human Rights Commission has released a preliminary decision prohibiting lesbians from holding events for females due to the exclusion of men who identify as “women.” The Commission’s decision comes after a lesbian rights group applied for an exemption under the Sex Discrimination Act 1984.
The application to the Commission was submitted by long-time Australian women’s rights activist Jean Taylor on behalf of herself and the members of the Lesbian Action Group, a collective established to address discrimination experienced by lesbians. The application provided an overview of lesbian organizing and gatherings in Victoria since the early 1970s, arguing that, “many thousands of lesbians benefited from the sense of pride, recognition and wellbeing that a large, well [publicized], public lesbian specific gathering encourages in the participants.”
However, this started to change in 2003 when trans activists challenged the organizers of the 2004 Lesbian Festival, accusing female-only spaces as being discriminatory under the law. This caused the festival organizers to seek and be awarded an exemption that allowed them to invite and only allow access to “lesbians born female.”
The exemption was revoked on a technicality, resulting in lesbian gatherings in Australia being driven underground for almost two decades in an effort to avoid more challenges from the transgender community.
The Sex Discrimination Act was then amended in 2013 to include gender identity, making it even more difficult to organize single-sex events.
Frustrated by the situation, the Lesbian Action Group attempted to organize a female-only lesbian event at the Victorian Pride Centre this past August. The event was meant to celebrate International Lesbian Day on October 15, 2023, but the Pride Centre declined the booking, claiming that it was exclusionary and conflicted with the organization’s aim of supporting “equality, diversity and inclusion.”
As a result, the Lesbian Action Group applied for a 5-year exemption with the Australian Human Rights Commission with the intention of approaching another venue for the International Lesbian Day event if the exemption was granted. The group also intended to subsequently hold regular female-only lesbian events during its exemption period.
After receiving the application, the Commission requested further information from the Lesbian Action Group, asking for more details about why it is “reasonable and necessary to exclude the relevant groups mentioned in the application and restrict the event to female born lesbians.”
The Group then complied and provided a document of additional information further explaining the importance for minority groups like lesbians to have the freedom to associate with one another and to hold their own events.
The Commission received a total of 236 submissions on the application from individuals and groups by the closing date of September 1, 2023. Of those submissions, 123 individuals and 15 organizations were in favor of the exemption while 82 individuals and 14 organizations were opposed.
One of the applications opposed to the exemption came from Equal Opportunity Tasmania and referred to the Tasmanian Anti-Discrimination Commissioner ruling late last year that women-only events are discriminatory towards men who claim they are women.
In its ruling, the Tasmanian Commissioner wrote that “The applicants propose to exclude ‘biological males’ from their event… The exclusion of such persons engages the provisions of the act prohibiting direct discrimination on the basis of gender and gender identity.”
Like the Tasmanian Anti-Discrimination Commissioner, the Australian Human Rights Commission’s preliminary view is that it will not grant the temporary 5-year exemption sought by the Lesbian Action Group to host its International Lesbian Day Event or to hold subsequent female-only lesbian events.
While the Commission recognized that “lesbians in Australia have faced structural and entrenched discrimination” and that “it may be important and beneficial for lesbians to gather together as a community,” it nevertheless was not persuaded that it is appropriate or reasonable to “make distinctions between women based on their cisgender or transgender experience.”
The ruling continued:
“The Commission notes that the grant of this exemption may lead to the further exclusion of and discrimination against same-sex attracted transgender women. Transgender women are a group who have and continue to experience discrimination, harassment and social exclusion.”
“Australian lesbians are being denied fairness,” she wrote. “They are being denied their humanity. I am so ashamed of my country.”
Speaking to Reduxx, Inglis said that Victoria is now joining Tasmania in “forcing lesbians underground and out of the public sphere.”
Inglis called it a “damning indictment of Australia” that both federal legislation and the Human Rights Commission have barred lesbians from holding single-sex events.
“The gender amendments to the SDA [Sex Discrimination Act] must be repealed. Our HRC has proven itself unfit for purpose and must be disbanded if it can no longer distinguish between men and women because of shonky legislation,” she explained. “A true HRC would be working to repeal those amendments and restore the rights of lesbians to be recognised in their own right.”
On X, Inglis also called on others to consider making a submission to respond to the Commission’s preliminary view before the October 3, 2023 deadline.
“The War on Women is gaining pace in Australia,” she added. “Australia is so far down the gender rabbit hole it’s truly frightening.”
This is not the first time that Australian women have run into issues with the law in regard to gender identity.
In May of this year, a woman was visited by New South Wales Police after she spoke to media about a trans activist by the name of Riley Dennis who was reportedly injuring female players in a women’s football league. The woman was given an Apprehended Violence Order which required her not to discuss Dennis. Reduxx was also contacted by the Australian eSafety Commissioner and advised to censor or delete an article naming Dennis.
Later that month, two women in Australia were contacted by Twitter and informed that they had broken Australian law by criticizing a trans-identified male for breastfeeding a child.
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La ciudad de Berlín ha provocado la indignación de sus ciudadanos tras ofrecer a los menores un libro ilustrado gráfico sobre prostitución a través de su sitio web oficial. El libro, titulado Rosi Se Busca La Vida (Rosi sucht Geld), se anuncia como un recurso para criaturas de 6 a 12 años.
Según la responsable de Igualdad de Oportunidades, Kerstin Drobick, el libro está pensado para explicar la prostitución a hijos e hijas de familias que residen en un barrio rojo de Berlín, situado en Kurfürstenkiez, conocido como Kurfürstenstraße.
“En los años en que las oficinas de gestión del vecindario de Tiergarten Süd y Schöneberger Norden se ocupaban del tema de la prostitución callejera y estaban en estrecho contacto con los residentes, este era uno de los temas: ¿Qué le digo a la criatura? La administración del distrito de Tiergarten Süd lo afrontó con valentía”, dice Dobrick en su defensa del libro.
“Se encargó un libro infantil que tratara de explicar a las criaturas lo que ocurría allí. Curiosamente, una extensa investigación ha demostrado que los libros educativos para mayores de 10 años evitan esta explicación”.
Drobick también explica que el libro sobre prostitución, que cuenta con ilustraciones gráficas, fue creado con la participación de “niñas y niños de primaria y otras personas” como parte de un proyecto comunitario.
The City of Berlin is handing out this book on prostitution to children ages 6-12. "Rosie needs money" is about a mother from bulgary, who is forced to leave her kids behind to go to Berlin and have german men rape her for money.
Rosi Se Busca La Vida está escrito desde la perspectiva de una niña llamada Maryam, cuya familia se mudó a Alemania desde Siria.
Maryam narra como ella y su compañero de clase, Martin, buscan a Rosi, una mujer de Bulgaria que está sufriendo explotación sexual. Maryam dice que su madre le dijo que Rosi está a menudo “buscando dinero” en la calle. Según cuenta, Rosi tiene muchas amigas que también son mujeres migrantes de Bulgaria, Rumanía, Rusia y Lituania.
“Pero no parecen encontrar mucho dinero. No les alcanza para ropa. Se les tienen que congelar los pechos y las piernas en invierno”, observa Maryam. “Hoy decidimos finalmente preguntarle a Rosi qué es lo que hace con los hombres. En realidad, ya lo sabemos. Le dan dinero y quieren hacer el amor”.
Martin luego parece referirse a la pornografía, diciendo: “Es diferente de mamá y papá. Mamá hace el amor con papá, pero los hombres de Rosi no hacen el amor, hacen sexo como en la tele”.
En el libro, Rosi sugiere que los hombres usan prostitutas debido a la soledad, y promociona la industria del sexo como un campo legítimo e importante.
“¿Quieres saber qué tiene que ver esto con el amor y el sexo? Todo el mundo actúa como si el amor y el sexo fueran siempre lo mismo. Los hombres me lo dicen a mí y a sus esposas en casa. Pero a veces el amor desaparece. O el sexo. Por eso mis clientes sólo quieren hablar conmigo y me dan dinero a cambio”, dice Rosi a las criaturas, para luego explicar cómo tiene relaciones sexuales con los clientes de una manera frívola.
“La mayoría de las veces es así: los hombres quieren meterme el pene en la vagina. Unas cuantas veces dentro y unas cuantas veces fuera, y ya está. No es más que eso”.
El libro también explica que Rosi les da condones a los hombres, que “se los ponen en el pene para tener sexo”. Esto se hace para evitar embarazos y como “protección contra enfermedades”, una afirmación que va acompañada de un inquietante dibujo infantil de un pene sonriente con un condón rosa.
Curiosamente, el libro concluye con citas de criaturas y jóvenes que viven en áreas donde se ejerce la prostitución callejera. La mayor parte de las opiniones son abrumadoramente negativas, y se presentan como ejemplos de actitudes hacia la prostitución en la juventud que requieren debate.
“Me da vergüenza vivir aquí … No puedo dormir bien por la noche … ¿Por qué no hay prostitución al lado de un ayuntamiento?”, se pregunta una criatura.
“Tengo miedo de los puteros. Aunque tengo cortinas, tengo miedo de cambiarme en mi habitación. ¿Por qué los vecinos y las mujeres tenemos que sufrir sólo porque los hombres no pueden encontrar una esposa?”, se pregunta otra.
En declaraciones a Reduxx, Elly Arrow, una defensora alemana de la abolición de la industria del sexo, califica todo el libro de “esquizofrénico”, y señala que las criaturas citadas en el libro claramente no quieren ver esa industria normalizada.
“Están sufriendo, tienen miedo de los puteros y de los proxenetas”, dijo Arrow. “Una niña comenta astutamente que casualmente la prostitución no se da al lado del Ayuntamiento. Los políticos alemanes están encantados de permitir la prostitución y pasar por alto los elementos delictivos, siempre y cuando puedan recaudar euros en impuestos, no ocurra en su patio trasero, y sean mayoritariamente las madres e hijas de familias empobrecidas de Europa del Este las que estén de pie en las aceras”.
“Berlín se enorgullece de la tolerancia y la inclusión, sacrificando a niñas y mujeres de minorías -por ejemplo, de la minoría romaní- o niños y jóvenes refugiados de Siria, a los caprichos de hombres sádicos alemanes. Y cualquiera que use la calle es probable que tenga una vena sádica, ya que la miseria humana es muy palpable”, agregó.
“El folleto es increíblemente irresponsable. Está bien enseñar a los niños a no faltar el respeto a las mujeres que están siendo prostituidas en la calle, ¡pero el folleto da a entender que esas mujeres podrían convertirse en amigas de una criatura! Debido a la barrera del idioma y la presencia de compradores de sexo y proxenetas, esto es inverosímil y peligroso. En la última parte del folleto, las criaturas llegan a afirmar que toda la situación les da miedo, pero el folleto trata activamente de quitarles ese miedo”, explica Arrow a Reduxx.
“Los jóvenes [en el barrio rojo] ya están expuestos al consumo visible de drogas, ven a mujeres extremadamente cosificadas, apenas vestidas, y a hombres que las intimidan y acosan. Las citas de las niñas indican que se dan cuenta de que los hombres pueden mirarlas igual y querer hacerles lo mismo que les hacen a las mujeres. Eso por sí solo es muy destructivo para la autoimagen y la imagen corporal de las niñas”, dijo.
Además del libro infantil, los funcionarios del ayuntamiento de Berlín ya habían hecho una presentación titulada “El Trabajo sexual y el barrio en Kurfürstenkiez” para los miembros de la comunidad que usan las instalaciones de una escuela primaria local.
Arrow dijo que la despenalización del comercio sexual en Alemania ha dado lugar a la explotación de mujeres migrantes, así como de niños y jóvenes, y subrayó que se había producido un aumento reciente en el número de mujeres procedentes de Ucrania que han huido de su país de origen tras la invasión rusa. Según las estadísticas del gobierno, la cantidad de mujeres ucranianas registradas como “prostitutas” se duplicó entre 2021 y 2022.
El año pasado, Reduxx informó que las búsquedas en Google de términos como “chicas ucranianas”, “porno ucraniano” y “porno de guerra” se dispararon durante la primera semana del conflicto.
Más tarde se supo que una agencia de defensa del “trabajo sexual” con sede en Berlín “compuesta por trabajadores sexuales trans y no binarios” utilizó las redes sociales para solicitar a las mujeres refugiadas ucranianas información sobre cómo entrar en el comercio sexual legal alemán.
Reduxx es una nueva plataforma a favor de los derechos de las mujeres y de los menores con noticias y artículos. ¡Somos 100% independientes! Colabora con nuestro proyecto uniéndote a nuestro Patreon.
The city of Berlin has prompted outrage from locals after offering a graphic picture book on prostitution to children via its official website. The book, titled Rosie Needs Money (Rosi sucht Geld), is advertised as a resource for youth aged 6 to 12 years old.
According to Equal Opportunities Officer Kerstin Drobick, the book is designed to explain prostitution to children of families residing in a red-light district of Berlin, located in Kurfürstenkiez, known as Kurfürstenstraße.
“In the years in which the Tiergarten Süd and Schöneberger Norden neighborhood management offices dealt with the issue of street prostitution and also had many conversations with residents, this was one of the topics: What do I say to the child? The Tiergarten Süd district management has faced this courageously,” Dobrick says in her defense of the book.
“An order was placed for a children’s book that tried to explain to the children what was happening there. Interestingly, extensive research has shown that educational books for children aged 10 and over avoid this explanation.”
Drobick also explains that the book on prostitution, which features graphic illustrations, was created with the participation of “primary school children and other people” as part of a community project.
Rosie Needs Money is written from the perspective of a child named Maryam, whose family relocated to Germany from Syria.
Maryam narrates as she and her equally-young schoolmate, Martin, look for Rosie, a woman from Bulgaria who is in the sex trade. Maryam says that her mother told her that Rosie is often “looking for money” in the street. Rosie is described as having many friends who are also migrant women from Bulgaria, Romania, Russia, and Lithuania.
“But they don’t seem to find much money. Their clothes are not enough. Their breasts and legs must freeze in winter,” observes Maryam. “Today we decided to finally ask Rosie what she does with men. Actually, we already know. They give her money and want to make love.”
Martin then appears to reference pornography, saying: “It’s different from mom and dad. Mom makes love to dad, but Rosie’s men don’t make love, they make sex like on TV.”
In the book, Rosie suggests that men use prostitutes due to lonliness, and advertises the sex trade as a legitimate and important field.
“You want to know what this has to do with love and sex? Everyone acts as if love and sex are always the same. Men say this to me and to their wives at home. But sometimes love is gone. Or the sex. That’s why my customers just want to talk to me and they give me money in return,” Rosie tells the children, before explaining how she has sex with clients in a flippant way.
“Most of the time it’s like this: Men want to put their penis in my vagina. A few times in and a few times out – and you’re done. There’s nothing more to it than that.”
The book also explains that Rosie gives condoms to the men which they “put over their penises for sex.” This is done to prevent pregnancy and as “protection against disease,” a statement that is accompanied by a disturbing child-like drawing of a smiling penis with a pink condom on it.
Bizarrely, the book concludes with quotes from children and young people who live in areas where street prostitution takes place. Most of the sentiment is overwhelmingly negative, and presented as examples of attitudes towards prostitution in youth which require discussion.
“I’m ashamed to live here… I can’t sleep well at night… Why is there no prostitution next to a town hall?” wonders one youth.
“I’m afraid of the johns. Even though I have curtains, I’m afraid to change in my room. Why do we residents and the ladies have to suffer just because the men can’t find a wife?” asks another.
Speaking to Reduxx, Elly Arrow, a German advocate for the abolition of the sex industry, calls the whole book “schizophrenic,” noting that the children quoted in the book clearly don’t want to see the industry normalized.
“They’re suffering, scared of johns and pimps,” Arrow said. “One girl astutely comments that somehow prostitution is not happening next to City Hall. German politicians are happy to enable prostitution and overlook criminal elements, as long as they can rake in tax euros, its not happening in their backyard, and it’s overwhelmingly the mothers and daughters from impoverished Eastern European families standing by the street side.”
“Berlin prides itself on tolerance and inclusion, sacrificing minority girls and women – for example, from the Roma minority – or refugee boys and young men from Syria, to the whims of sadistic German men. And anyone who uses the street is likely to have a sadistic streak as the human misery is so palpable,” she added.
“The brochure is unbelievably irresponsible. It is right to teach kids to not disrespect women in street prostitution but the brochure makes it out that these women could become a child’s friends! Due to a language barrier and the presence of sex buyers and pimps this is implausible and dangerous. Kids in the latter part of the brochure even state the whole situation makes them afraid but the brochure tries to actively remove that fear,” Arrow told Reduxx.
“Youth in [the red light district] are already exposed to visible drug use, witnessing highly objectified, barely clothed women, and the men intimidating and harassing them. The quotes from girls indicate they realize that men might look at them and want to do to them what they do to the women. That alone is highly destructive to girls’ self image and body image,” she said.
In addition to the children’s book, Berlin government officials have previously given a presentation titled “Sex work and neighborhood in the Kurfürstenkiez” for community members using the facilities at a local elementary school.
Arrow said that the decriminalization of the sex trade in Germany has resulted in the exploitation of migrant women, as well as boys and young men, and emphasized that there had been a recent increase in the numbers of women from Ukraine who had fled their home country after the Russian invasion. According to government statistics, the amount of women from Ukraine registered as “prostitutes” doubled between 2021 and 2022.
Last year, Reduxx reported that Google searches for terms such as “Ukrainian girls,” “Ukrainian porn,” and “war porn” spiked during the first week of the conflict.
It was later learned that a Berlin-based “sex work” advocacy agency “made up of trans and non-binary sexworkers” used social media to solicit Ukrainian refugee women for information on entering the legal German sex trade.
UPDATE 09/26/23: German residents are now reporting that the PDF file featuring the book on the Berlin Government’s website has been removed.
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Un tribunal alemán ha amonestado a una mujer por comparar la recientemente adoptada mascota de una organización transgénero con un conocido símbolo usado por los pederastas. Rona Duwe, una activista por los derechos de las mujeres, ha recibido una orden del Tribunal Regional Superior de Colonia que le prohíbe seguir haciendo comparaciones.
La denuncia, presentada contra Duwe en marzo, se refería a una serie de comentarios que había hecho en línea criticando la distintiva mariposa rosa y azul que utilizaba como mascota un miembro de la junta de la Sociedad Alemana para la Transidentidad y la Intersexualidad (DGTI – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Transidentität und Intersexualität).
La mariposa, que ha sido bautizada como Fiely, es la mascota del grupo de autoayuda trans del norte de Alemania Fielappers, una palabra en bajo alemán que se traduce como “mariposas”. Julia Steenken, miembro de la junta directiva de DGTI y hombre que se dice trans, ha aparecido enseñando la mariposa en situaciones públicas y, según Duwe, la mascota ha estado presente en fotos tomadas en varios procesos judiciales, en reuniones del parlamento nacional o Bundestag, en clínicas, en eventos con familias y con la policía.
Fiely se ve a menudo posando entre otros juguetes infantiles en su propia página de Facebook.
Duwe cuestionó en las redes sociales y en su blog el significado de la mariposa, y preguntó específicamente por qué Steenken, que era miembro de la junta directiva de DGTI en aquel momento, mostraba el juguete rosa pastel, azul cielo y blanco en una foto histórica para la prensa. En la foto aparecían otros cuatro hombres que se dicen trans: Jeanne Riedel, Ann-Kathrin Bürger, Petra Weitzel y el diputado del Partido Verde Markus «Tessa» Ganserer.
La foto de prensa ya había sido objeto de muchos debates en las redes sociales, y Duwe compartió sus opiniones en X (antes Twitter) después de participar en un debate en Facebook, sugiriendo que la mariposa mascota tenía cierto parecido con un logotipo conocido por estar asociado con el movimiento “amante de los menores”. Ahondó en sus ideas en una publicación de su Substack.
“La mariposa con alas en forma de corazón azul claro y rosa también es conocida internacionalmente como un símbolo de ‘amante de los menores'”, escribió Duwe. “Estos símbolos son utilizados por el FBI estadounidense como un marcador de identificación de las redes de pederasta. Además de a adultos, Fielappers también asesora a familiares y progenitores de ‘niños trans’ y reparte folletos.
Según el sitio web de Fielappers, la mariposa de ganchillo se inspiró en otros juguetes infantiles de ganchillo, y “puede … ser hombre, mujer o cualquier otro género o identidad de género”.
En 2016, el FBI desclasificó información sobre la simbología que utilizan los pedófilos para indicar qué les atrae. Entre los logotipos aparentemente abstractos, se denunció que una mariposa rosa y azul con alas en forma de corazón es un símbolo utilizado por pederastas sin una “preferencia de género” de los menores de los que intentan abusar.
Duwe le dijo a Reduxx que poco después de publicar el post, recibió un aviso de cese y desistimiento de la oficina legal del Dr. Jasper Prigge el 6 de marzo, que decía que estaba siendo “advertida” de que no hiciera “ninguna otra declaración sobre nuestra clienta Julia Steenken”. El aviso destacaba una cita específica “altamente difamatoria” del post de Duwe en Substack en la que afirmaba que la “mascota … también se atribuye a redes de pedofilia”.
El 19 de abril, Duwe compareció en un tribunal de Düsseldorf para defender sus declaraciones. Steenken no estuvo presente, y en su lugar acudió su representante legal, Prigge, para acusarla de difamación en su nombre.
Cuatro meses después, tras una costosa batalla legal, el Tribunal Regional Superior de Colonia afirmó que los comentarios de Duwe, aunque no difamatorios, requerían moderación. En la sentencia se advertía a Duwe y a otros de que no hicieran en el futuro fuertes comparaciones entre el logotipo y Fiely, aunque se admitía que ambos guardaban cierta similitud.
Sin embargo, a pesar de declarar que Duwe no había hecho nada malo en un sentido legal, el costo de las tasas judiciales se dividió en partes iguales entre Steenken y Duwe, a pesar de que había sido él quien inició el litigio. Duwe le dijo a Reduxx que, en total, se vio obligada a gastar aproximadamente 7.000 € (aproximadamente 7.400 US $) en su defensa.
El 10 de septiembre, en respuesta a la decisión del tribunal, se publicó una foto de Fiely junto a un anuncio en el que se afirmaba que no iban a cambiar la mascota del grupo.
Aunque el tribunal de Colonia dio la razón a Duwe en que los símbolos se parecen, transactivistas y miembros de la prensa alemana han utilizado la sentencia como advertencia a los críticos de la ideología de género para que no hagan declaraciones similares.
El abogado de Steenken, Jasper Prigge, emitió un comunicado de prensa el 3 de septiembre indicando que el que replique las declaraciones de Duwe podría enfrentarse a acciones legales.
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La publicación pro-LGBT Queer.de fue un paso más allá y sacó un artículo con el titular: “No se le permite a una bloguera asociar a una mujer trans con la pedofilia”, y comparó a Duwe con el movimiento político de extrema derecha del país.
Steenken es un miembro prominente de la comunidad transactivista de Alemania, y es conocido por haber contribuido al borrador de un proyecto de ley de autoidentificación de género que se aprobó recientemente.
En 2019, el gobierno alemán compartió con DGTI un borrador del proyecto de ley de autoidentificación de género, invitando su aportación. Steenken respondió entonces con una propuesta de revisión en nombre de la junta de DGTI.
En particular, una fuente citada por Steenken en la propuesta de revisión es el sexólogo Gunter Schmidt, quien previamente ha hecho declaraciones a favor de la pedofilia. En un artículo de 1991 para el Journal of Homosexuality, Schmidt escribió: “La edad de una persona, o la diferencia de edad entre los miembros de la pareja, dice demasiado poco sobre la naturaleza y la calidad de su relación como para justificar la promulgación de leyes contra dichas parejas simplemente basándose únicamente en esa información. Las relaciones pedófilas son extremadamente variadas, a pesar de sus características comunes, demasiado variadas como para permitirnos usar el término ‘abuso sexual’ como sinónimo sin ser culpables de discriminar y difamar a todo un grupo de personas”.
En marzo de 2020, mientras se le consultaba de nuevo sobre el borrador del proyecto de ley, Steenken pidió la eliminación total de todo requisito que exija un diagnóstico médico para cambiar de sexo legal. Escribiendo en nombre de toda la junta de DGTI, Steenken también declaró que no veía “ninguna justificación” para poner un límite de edad.
Reduxx es una nueva plataforma a favor de los derechos de las mujeres y de los menores con noticias y artículos. ¡Somos 100% independientes! Colabora con nuestro proyecto uniéndote a nuestro Patreon.
A woman in Germany has been warned by a court after comparing a transgender organization’s recently-adopted mascot and a symbol known to be used by pedophiles. Rona Duwe, a women’s rights campaigner, has received an order from the Higher Regional Court in Cologne barring her from further comparisons.
The initial complaint, lodged against Duwe in March, referred to a series of comments she had made online criticizing the distinct pink and blue butterfly being utilized as a mascot by a board member of the German Society for Transidentity and Intersexuality (DGTI – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Transidentität und Intersexualität).
The butterfly, which has been named Fiely, is a mascot of the northern German trans self-help groupFielappers – a low-German word translating to “butterflies.” Trans-identified male DGTI board member Julia Steenken has appeared holding the butterfly in public situations, and, according to Duwe, the mascot has been present in photos taken at several court proceedings, at meetings of the national parliament or Bundestag, in medical clinics, at events with families, and with the police.
Fiely is often seen posed amongst other childlike-toys on its dedicated Facebook page.
On social media and her blog, Duwe questioned the meaning behind the butterfly, specifically asking why Steenken, who was a board member at DGTI at the time, was displaying the pastel pink, blue and white toy in a historic press photo. The photo featured four other trans-identified males: Jeanne Riedel, Ann-Kathrin Bürger, Petra Weitzel and Member of Parliament for the Green Party, Markus “Tessa” Ganserer.
The press photo had already been subject to much discussion on social media, and Duwe offered her own thoughts on X (formerly Twitter) after taking part in a discussion on Facebook, suggesting that the butterfly mascot had some resemblance to a logo known to be associated with the “child lover” movement. She articulated her thoughts further in a post on her Substack.
“The butterfly with light blue and pink heart-shaped wings is also known internationally as a symbol for ‘child lover,'” Duwe wrote. “These symbols are used by the US FBI as an identification marker for pederast rings. In addition to adults, Fielappers also advises relatives and parents of ‘trans children’ and offers a brochure.”
According to the Fielappers website, the crocheted butterfly took inspiration from other crocheted children’s toys, and “can … be male, female or any other gender or gender identity.”
In 2016, the FBI declassified information on the symbolism pedophiles utilize to indicate their attraction. Amongst the seemingly abstract logos, a pink-and-blue butterfly with heart shaped wings was reported as a symbol used by pedophiles with “no gender preference” for the children they sought to abuse.
Duwe told Reduxx that shortly after publishing the post, she received a cease and desist notice from the law office of Dr. Jasper Prigge on March 6, which stated that she was being “warned” against “any further statements about our client Julia Steenken.” The notice highlighted a specific “highly defamatory” quote from Duwe’s Substack post in which she stated that the “mascot … is also attributed to pedophile rings.”
On April 19, Duwe appeared in a Düsseldorf court to defend her statements. Steenken was not in attendance, and instead his legal representative, Prigge, was present to accuse her of defamation on his behalf.
Four months later, after a costly legal battle, the Higher Regional Court in Cologne affirmed that Duwe’s comments, while not defamatory, required restraint. The court ruling warned her and others against making strong comparisons between the logo and Fiely in the future, though admitting the two bore some similarity.
Yet despite the fact Duwe was found to have done nothing wrong in a legal sense, the cost of court fees were split equally between Steenken and Duwe, even though he had been the one to initiate the litigation. Duwe told Reduxx that in total, she was forced to spend approximately €7,000 (approx. $7,400 USD) in order to defend herself.
On September 10, in response to the decision from the court, a photo of Fiely was posted alongside an announcement stating that the group’s mascot would not be changed.
Though the Cologne court did agree with Duwe that the symbols bear a resemblance to each other, trans activists and members of the German press have used the ruling to warn those critical of gender ideology against making similar statements.
Steenken’s lawyer, Jasper Prigge, issued a press release on September 3 suggesting anyone who replicated Duwe’s statements could face legal action.
Pro-LGBT publication Queer.de went a step further, releasing an article with the headline, “Blogger is not allowed to associate trans woman with pedophilia,” and compared Duwe to the nation’s far-right political movement.
Steenken is a prominent member of Germany’s trans activist community, and is known for having contributed to the draft of a gender self-identification bill that was recently passed.
In 2019, the German government offered DGTI a draft of the proposed gender self-identification bill, inviting their input. Steenken then responded with a revision proposal on behalf of the DGTI board.
Notably, one source cited by Steenken in the revision proposal is sexologist Gunter Schmidt, who has previously made statements sympathetic of pedophilia. In a 1991 article for the Journal of Homosexuality, Schmidt wrote, “A person’s age, or the difference in age between the partners, says too little about the nature and quality of their relationship to justify making laws against such partnerships merely on the strength of this information. Pedophile relationships are extremely varied, despite their common features, too varied to allow us to use the term ‘sexual abuse’ as a synonym without being guilty of discriminating against and defaming a whole group of people.”
In March of 2020, while being consulted on the draft of the bill once again, Steenken called for the total removal of any requirements necessitating a medical diagnosis in order to change one’s legal sex. Writing on behalf of the entire DGTI board, Steenken also stated that he saw “no justification” for an age limit.
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La semana pasada, un hombre que se dice trans lideró un grupo de transactivistas en el saqueo del bar de una importante sala de cine de México en protesta por haber sido expulsado de los aseos femeninos.
El 12 de septiembre, un hombre que se hace llamar “Laura Glover” recurrió a las redes sociales para denunciar que lo habían expulsado físicamente del baño de mujeres de la Cineteca Nacional en la Ciudad de México, el cine y archivo cinematográfico de mayor relevancia cultural del país.
Después de su expulsión, el Sr. Glover fue a quejarse a una de las oficinas del cine, donde un empleado le pidió que se calmara y se refirió a él como “señor”, lo que, según sus palabras, “invalidó su identidad de género”.
A continuación, Glover fue grabado por su amigo enfrentándose al equipo de seguridad a las puertas de la Cineteca, increpando agresivamente a un guardia por el comportamiento de la guardia de seguridad que le había pedido que abandonara las instalaciones femeninas.
“Este es un acto de discriminación por parte de la Cineteca Nacional de México”, exclamó Glover en el video. “Las mujeres estamos cansadas. Esta pendeja pateó mi puerta y le pegó con mucha fuerza y esto pasó aquí, en la Cineteca Nacional”.
Hacia el final del corto clip, inicialmente subido a Instagram, se ve a Glover agrediendo verbalmente a la guardia de seguridad, insultándola con calificativos sexistas e intentando acosarla por el camino de entrada mientras ella intentaba mantener las distancias: “dónde está esa pendeja, ven para acá, idiota, ven”.
The National Cinematheque of Mexico has apologized to a trans-identified male who was forcibly removed from the women's washroom and called “sir” by their private security.
In video from the incident, "Laura" is seen verbally attacking the female guard who first confronted him. pic.twitter.com/QNEvjpKmCf
Pocas horas después de que el clip se hiciera viral en las redes sociales, la Cineteca emitió un comunicado disculpándose por los hechos ocurridos y ratificando su compromiso con la “no discriminación”.
En la disculpa, subida a la cuenta oficial de X de la Cineteca, el recinto cultural, “con la finalidad de garantizar, sensibilizar y concientizar a todo el personal”, se compromete a mandar a sus empleados a “cursos de capacitación, sensibilización y profesionalización en materia de derechos humanos, derecho a la no discriminación y derecho a la igualdad”.
Pero a pesar de la disculpa oficial y del despido de las guardias de seguridad involucradas en el incidente, Glover convocó una protesta en la Cineteca para el 16 de septiembre, denominada #ConNosotransNo, exigiendo la renuncia del director del recinto cultural, Alejandro Pelayo.
Según Excélsior, a la protesta asistieron aproximadamente “500 integrantes de la comunidad trans y no binaria, así como de las disidencias LGBT+”. Glover utilizó un altavoz para calificar a la Cineteca de transfóbica, y más tarde fue visto animando a los miembros de su banda a saquear y robar en el bar del cine.
Durante la protesta, el Sr. Glover presentó una petición que incluía, además de la exigencia de renuncia de Alejandro Pelayo, director de la Cineteca Nacional, la demanda de un cupo laboral para personas que se dicen trans del 30%, incluyendo puestos directivos.
Una de las manifestantes involucradas en el vandalismo había sido grabada en otra ocasión gritándole al representante del rector de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México “Me matan a mis hermanas ¿y tú quieres que esté tranquilo? ¿A quién te mato para que estés tranquilo?” en una protesta en respuesta a un foro virtual sobre los derechos de las mujeres celebrado en la UNAM.
Aquí tenemos, un año y medio más madura, a la que gritaba "¿A quién te mato para que estés tranquilo?" en el amago de linchamiento al representante del rector de la UNAM, de lo que ningún medio dijo ni pío https://t.co/qrC8q0XUb8https://t.co/b1TrRvzKWx
Glover ha amenazado con otra protesta en la Cineteca el próximo sábado, quejándose de que los administradore aún no han atendido sus demandas.
Los transactivistas mexicanos son conocidos por ser especialmente violentos y por organizar manifestaciones agresivas u hostiles contra aquellos con quienes no están de acuerdo.
A principios de este año, transactivistas intentaron asediar violentamente (artículo en español) el Congreso de la Ciudad de México después de que se presentara una iniciativa para prohibir que los menores tuvieran acceso a la cirugía de “afirmación de género”. En unas perturbadoras imágenes que circularon por X desde el interior y exterior del Congreso, se veía una multitud enardecida de transactivistas irrumpiendo en el edificio histórico a golpes y rompiendo los cristales de las ventanas.
Activistas trans causan destrozos en el Congreso de la Ciudad de México en protesta por la presentación de una iniciativa para prohibir que los menores accedan a cirugías de "afirmación de género".
María Clemente, un político que se dice trans que fue elegido para la Cámara de Diputados de México el año pasado, calificó de “discurso de odio” la sugerencia de que se aboliera el comercio sexual para la protección de mujeres y menores. Clemente gritó a una detractora: “¡Pues yo soy mujer, y soy puta! ¡Es mi trabajo y cómo come mi familia! ¡Me encanta!”
Clemente fue desenmascarado más tarde (artículo en español) por haber mentido sobre estar en el comercio sexual después de que su ex esposo emitiera una mordaz refutación de su imagen pública en una carta pública que publicó para exigir a Clemente que finalizara su divorcio.
Los transactivistas decían que el mural les hacía sentir “inseguros” y exigieron que se creara otro baño de género neutro cerca de la Biblioteca Samuel Ramos. Menos de 24 horas después, los activistas habían tomado el baño de mujeres más grande del segundo piso de la Facultad de Filosofía, llenando las paredes de pintadas amenazadoras dirigidas a las mujeres críticas con la ideología de género.
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