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SWITZERLAND: Two ‘Queer Youth’ Group Leaders Accused Of Sexually Exploiting Teen Boys, Offering Minors BDSM Gear

Holger Niggemann [L] and his husband Björn [R].

A gay couple who co-founded a Swiss LGBTQIA+ youth organization are being investigated by the public prosecutor after sexually exploiting two teenagers who were in their care. The men had created locations for their youth group, Sozialwerk.LGBT+, for children aged 13 and up in the city of Chur and in the municipality of Buchs, Switzerland.

While their identities were concealed by the press in Switzerland, Reduxx is naming the men involved as Holger Niggemann and his husband, Björn.

Holger, 42, is alleged to have had sexual contact with two 17-year-olds who had sought help for bullying with the organization. Holger was a board member of the group at the time, while his husband Björn was the business manager. The two men are said to have had a three-way sexual relationship with one of the teens, a 17-year old boy, according to a report by Tages-Anzeiger.

Numerous documents substantiate what happened in the group, including text messages, emails and voice messages, reports Tages-Anzeiger. Founded in 2020, Sozialwerk.LGBT has received public funding to set up facilities for at-risk youth as young as 13 who believe they are LGBT+.

During an investigation into the allegations, local media spoke to fifteen people close to the group to check the veracity of the allegations. The majority of those who came forward decided to remain anonymous.

One exception is Daniel Huber, a former board member of the association, who, with one other board member, reported the couple to public prosecutor Annina Grob, co-director of Avenir Social, the professional association for social work in Switzerland.

“For us, the behavior of the two is a total abuse of power, and the young people also felt that way. I brought it up again and again,” said Huber, who attended the meetings as a teenager before joining the board in a leadership role. “It is important not to look away from such behavior.”

According to statements from anonymous sources, the Niggemanns also took the 17 year-old boy on vacation to Germany with them.

Holger Niggemann, co-founder of Sozialwerk.LGBT. Source: Facebook

In one public post the teen made on social media, he reveals struggling with the situation: “I’m in a toxic, polyamorous relationship and it’s tearing me apart,” he wrote. “[Holger] wanted us to be a polyamorous couple and I said OK, because I was willing to do anything just to be with him, even though I don’t even like his husband.”

The teen continued: “He’s just taking advantage of me, nothing more. And I’m already traumatized by this shit. When this is over, I need to get my brain fixed.”

The relationship caused controversy within the organization, several board members told Tages-Anzeiger. “It was clear to everyone that this relationship was not possible at all from a professional and moral point of view. But [Holger] in particular could speak extremely well,” said one individual.

Björn also had sexual contact with a second underage teenager in a counseling room at the club, which was confirmed by the outlet via a text message sent from Holger. As conversations surrounding their leadership became more heated, Holger temporarily submitted his resignation as manager six months ago. However, he sent long messages to other group members justifying the couple’s sexual activity.

“In public child and youth work, it was common for a long time for youth workers to have sexual contact with young people,” Holger stated. “Until the 1990s, foster children in Berlin were referred to pedophiles because only these children could love them.”

Holger’s latter remark refers to the infamous Kentler Project, an experiment authorized and subsidized by the Berlin Senate which placed foster children in the homes of pedophiles for the explicit purpose of facilitating child sexual abuse. The Kentler Project began in 1969, and at the time of its termination in 1988, nearly two decades later, sexologist Helmut Kentler described the project as a “complete success” in a report he submitted to the Senate.

Three days after submitting his resignation, Holger decided he wanted to reverse his decision. After an argument within the club’s board, neither he nor Björn were removed from the association. Shortly afterwards, Daniel Huber and another former board member reported the men to the St. Gallen police.

Several anonymous individuals who spoke with the press highlighted a “sexualized basic atmosphere” that existed at the establishment in Chur. Topics of conversation often focused on sexual activity, and a box full of sex toys was kept on-site. The box contained dildos, leather straps and bondage gear, including whips and anal plugs. Holger was said to have “actively offered this box to young people.”

A box filled with BDSM equipment and sex toys was kept at the youth center in Chur.

A 2021 Facebook post by Holger Niggemann describes his preference for “puppy play,” a sexual fetish that involves pretending to be a dog during or near the time of intercourse, and the use of BDSM gear.

“A half-naked youth worker with a dog mask… something like that is disturbing and provocative. And that’s exactly why I chose this picture. The choice of image is about politics and not the politics of good taste,” Holger captioned the photo.

“Dogplay, or puppy play is very common in the queer scene. And yet it is often a taboo topic because it comes from the BDSM scene and is always equated with sex. [But] this is more about role models,” he continues.

“Animals have less value in our society. How we treat animal life, in slaughterhouses, factory farming and the like, is indicative of our attitude towards animals. Some of those opposed to marriage for all have taken this very stance, calling queers ‘pedophiles’ or comparing them to animals.”

“And what about nudity? In 2014 I was still working in the Zurich Oberland. This year, as I often do, I was in Ticino. And there in the swimming pool I met young people from my community. Just because I’m a youth worker, I can’t completely restrict my private life. Incidentally, I have already been hit on by community leaders in the public sauna.”

Holger Niggemann has also been the managing director of ‘queer youth’ center treff.LGBT, and has worked with children within the national education system.

Materials aimed at instructing children about “gender identity” created by Holger Niggemann and presented in Switzerland’s schools.

In a description on the website “Queer Goes to School” (Queer Macht Schule), which promotes his educational resources, Holger says, “I have been supporting young people with questions about queer topics for over 20 years. I have also been involved in the national specialist groups for child and youth work in Switzerland on the topics of gender and queer for years. This gives us a broad base of experience and knowledge a professional and needs-based discussion of queer topics in the classroom!”

Prior to news of the accusations of the sexual abuse of minors, Holger’s group treff.LGBT had received some criticism on social media for instructing supporters to use the term “front hole” in reference to female anatomy. The post was made to the organization’s Instagram account on March 31 to promote the International Trangender Day of Visibility.

This is not the first time that an LGBT-focused youth group has been accused of facilitating the abuse of vulnerable teenagers.

As previously exclusively reported by Reduxx, two Scottish men came forward to allege they had been groomed and sexually exploited as minors while accessing services at LGBT Youth Scotland.

LGBT Youth Scotland, formerly the Stonewall Youth Project, is known as Scotland’s national charity for “LGBTI young people.” The organization works with youth aged 13 to 25, and delivers programs to schools, organizations and businesses. The charity was founded in 1989 and renamed in 2003, the same year a notorious pedophile, James Rennie, became the Chief Executive Officer.

In 2009, Rennie was found guilty and given “lifelong restriction” orders after it was discovered he was operating what was described as Scotland’s “largest pedophile network.”

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EE. UU.: Un hombre violento que se dice “vampiro” y “transgénero”, es condenado por agredir sexualmente a una adolescente con discapacidad cognitiva

Un delincuente sexual en serie ha sido condenado por agredir a una adolescente con discapacidades en Wisconsin. Adam Hetke, que se identifica como una vampiresa llamada Sabrina, tiene un largo historial delictivo que incluye múltiples delitos sexuales contra mujeres y cargos pendientes relacionados con un homicidio.

Hetke, de 35 años, fue acusado en julio de 2021 de agresión sexual en primer grado por amenaza de uso de un arma peligrosa y agresión sexual en segundo grado a una víctima con una enfermedad mental. La agresión ocurrió en Waukesha contra una niña de 16 años con discapacidad cognitiva que Hetke había conocido en una gasolinera local.

Según la denuncia, Hetke aterrorizó a la niña, diciéndole que era un “vampiro” que le haría daño si no accedía a sus demandas. Luego la siguió hasta su casa y la agredió sexualmente. Durante la agresión, Hetke tuve en todo momento un cuchillo cerca y amenazó con usarlo para lastimarla, pero la niña consiguió saltar por la ventana de una habitación y huir en busca de ayuda.

En el momento de su detención, el travesti llevaba un traje de baño de una sola pieza debajo de la ropa y un cuchillo en la mano.

Durante el juicio, Hetke fue sometido a una serie de evaluaciones para determinar su capacidad para ser juzgado, pero fue declarado competente y se consideró que no podía acogerse a la declaración de demencia. El 11 de abril, Hetke fue declarado culpable de los dos cargos de los que se le acusaba, y su sentencia está prevista para el 7 de junio.

Hetke en 2024. Foto cortesía del Departamento de Policía de Waukesha.

Pero este no es el primer encontronazo de Hetke con las fuerzas del orden.

Hetke es un delincuente sexual registrado en el estado de Wisconsin, debido a una condena que se remonta a 2007 por agresión sexual en segundo grado. Por aquel entonces, Hetke estaba alojado en una residencia y doblegó físicamente a una empleada para manosearla repetidamente. La víctima pudo zafarse de él y escapar.

Por esa agresión, Hetke fue condenado a 8 años de prisión con 4 años de supervisión ampliada, y se le ordenó inscribirse de por vida en el registro de delincuentes sexuales.

Justo antes de su puesta en libertad el 26 de enero de 2016, el Departamento de Policía de Waukesha advirtió a la comunidad que Hetke tenía un “alto riesgo” de reincidencia. En el anuncio, señalaron que Hetke no tenía una residencia fija, pero que sería sometido a seguimiento mediante un rastreador GPS.

En 2019, Hetke fue condenado una vez más por agresión sexual a una víctima de sexo femenino y fue puesto en libertad en 2020. El boletín policial volvió a señalar que Hetke no tenía residencia fija y que sería sometido a seguimiento por GPS, pero también indicaba que Hetke había comenzado a identificarse como “mujer”.

Tras su segunda salida de prisión, Hetke estuvo presuntamente involucrado en un homicidio en Milwaukee, por el que aún no ha sido juzgado.

Según la denuncia de ese caso, Hetke supuestamente estranguló a un hombre con un cable eléctrico en abril de 2021, aunque parece que culpó del asesinato a un “demonio”. Dijo a la policía de Milwaukee que la víctima estaba “poseída por un demonio” y comenzó a apuñalarse en el pecho con unas tenacillas.

Hetke dijo que sólo intentaba exorcizar al demonio de la víctima, pero que el demonio hizo que la víctima se enrollara una cuerda alrededor de su propio cuello y tirara de los extremos. Pero un testigo de ese caso ha declarado que Hetke admitió haber asesinado al hombre porque le “faltó el respeto”, y que Hetke le dijo al testigo que era una encarnación de Satanás.

Hetke comparecerá ante el tribunal por ese caso el 30 de abril.

Según el Registro de Delincuentes Sexuales de Wisconsin, Hetke tiene varios alias, entre ellos Sabrina, Morrigan, Black Dragon, White Chocolate, Katie y Andre.

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EXCLUSIVE: UK Physiotherapist Leaders Announce Goal To “Eradicate” Critics Of Gender Ideology From The Profession

The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP), which is the “professional body” and trade union which represents member physiotherapists in the UK, has launched its first “definitive position statement on transphobia” with the publication of its “position statement on transphobia.” The publication has sent a chill through the profession, as anonymous whistleblowers express concerns about censorship.

The “transphobia” statement describes the aim of “eradicating [transphobia] from our profession” by instructing members that they “must raise concerns about colleagues” if they think that the colleague’s “personal values, biases and beliefs” have led them to “discriminate” against others, with discrimination including “denying” someone’s “gender identity or refusing to accept it.”

The publication was accompanied by an announcement by the CSP declaring that the “Transphobia statement is a milestone for the profession.”

In unpublished internal memos provided to Reduxx by an anonymous member, the CSP vows to prevent its “channels being used to spread transphobia” and urges members to report colleagues and comments to the Corporate Comms Team. 

The published definitions were created following a consultation process announced by the “LGBTQIA+ voice and network of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, Definitions of Transphobia Working Group,” with a “Statement of Intent” in January of 2023.

After a year of deliberations, the CSP announced on X that it had adopted its first “definitive position statement on transphobia.”

Stephanie Land, chair of the CSP LGBTQIA+ network, thanked staff and members for their “efforts and emotional labour” invested in creating the “pivotal piece of work.”

The position statement attempts to define “transphobia” for the “safety of transgender members and transgender patients” and describes it as “complex” and stating: “There is no definitive list of transphobic behaviours, but it includes, for example, the questioning of a transgender person’s gender identity.”

Citing a definition by “TransActual” the statement goes on to say:

 “The consequence of transphobia is that trans people struggle to live openly and comfortably in society. An ultimate outcome may be the erasure of trans people as a viable class of people. Transphobia includes, but is not limited to:

Attempting to remove trans people’s rights.

Misrepresenting trans people.


Systematically excluding trans people from discussions about issues that directly affect them.

Other forms of discrimination.

(Source: TransActual)”

Sarine Baz, chair of the CSP Equity, Diversity and Belonging committee, stated in the announcement that “transphobia,” as defined by the CSP, is “never acceptable” and that “’expressing negative attitudes or feelings towards transgender individuals, or other transphobic actions, can’t be tolerated.”  

The position statement lists CSP commitments with No.6 in the list describing the commitment for members to “show allyship by challenging transphobia outside the profession.” It also instructs member physiotherapists to take political stances, “including opposing so called “conversion therapy,” which has been under consultation in the UK for proposed new laws to enforce bans on “conversion therapy”  which, according to the BBC, “include practices aimed at transgender people.”

The CSP statement goes on to say that: “But in doing so we note the advice of the Equity, Diversity and Belonging Committee not to hold or take positions on the following issues: trans athletes, single sex services outside healthcare or gender recognition legislation.”

The Equity, Diversity and Belonging committee has members who specialize in sports and sex-specific sporting injuries and members who focus on the specific experiences of black and ethnic minority people.

The Position Statement also declares that it will censor comments from members and the public on forums where members discuss issues, stating “We will not allow transphobic comments to be published on the CSP website, on iCSP, in our e-bulletins or in Frontline.” 

While aiming to encourage “the development of safe spaces for education around transgender issues. Discussing discrimination can be challenging and people should feel safe to discuss how we address all forms of oppression … centred on the experience of those who are oppressed.”

The Position Statement includes reference to the new Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) standards of conduct which come into force in September 2024. The HCPC regulates registered physiotherapists who are members of the CSP. The provisions quoted include that members must “take action to ensure that your personal values, biases and beliefs do not lead you to discriminate against service users, carers or colleagues.” 

Reduxx has obtained unpublished internal CSP documents circulated to members, warning that “[the CSP] are seeking to prevent negative and transphobic voices pre-empting this statement” and that they alerted LGBTQIA+ Network members “via WhatsApp” so that members can “emotionally prepare” for the launch.

The briefing paper states that the CSP is “taking a position on trans rights” because it stands for “human rights and against all forms of discrimination and hatred” and states that “transphobia in the workplace and within healthcare is damaging and destructive for transgender and non-binary people… it is a barrier to the culture of safety needed to progress physiotherapy into an equitable, diverse and inclusive way.”

The paper also notes that there is “no legal or consensus definition of transphobia,” leading the CSP to have to develop one on their own.

Describing what action the CSP will take against the undefined transphobia, it states it will “challenge transphobia outside the profession” and the Equity, Diversity and Belonging Committee “will actively monitor progress.”

In a question on whether “transphobic members” would be penalized, the CSP says it is not the arbiter of professional complaints, and that the HCPC will instead decide on complaints. However, the updated CSP voluntary code will “inform that work” of the HCPC in making their judgement on complaints.

Members are told that the CSP commits to “preventing our channels being used to spread transphobia. We do not monitor posts in real time but will remove or edit comments which do not conform to the position statement as soon as we can. If you have concerns about anything you see on our channels please let the Corporate Comms Team (if you are staff) or [EMAIL] (if you are a member) as soon as possible.”

Members were instructed that following the statement “on 11 April supportive commentary on the statement, wider commentary showing allyship on trans issues, will be acceptable.”

When hypothetically asked how the CSP members should manage social media commentary they are advised that “there is a risk that people outside the profession may choose to get involved online… this may include very challenging behaviour which could be distressing.” They are told “do not get into protracted exchanges with those who don’t agree with us. Instead put our positive messages, without reference to the negatives, in order to counter them.”

After that, they are told to report hateful comments to the website administrators, social media companies and the police. 

CSP’s position statement garnered much attention on social media from those concerned with gender ideology’s impact on women’s rights. Notably, Maya Forstater, who won an Employment Appeal Tribunal that found that her “gender critical beliefs” were protected under UK equality law, highlighted her concerns with the new CSP Policy.

“Have you consulted a lawyer before producing this? Ask them about Meade v WCC & Social Work England,” Forstater asked, pointing to a recent case judgment in 2024 which found that a social worker named Rachel Meade was unlawfully harassed and discriminated against in the workplace by her employer on the basis of her “gender critical beliefs.”

The CSP statement on transphobia was published one day after the much-anticipated Cass Review which “demolished” the NHS’s “entire gender treatment model” and highlighted ideological guidelines on the discussion of “transgender” issues having detrimentally impacted health care professional’s behaviors and practices.

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Violent Transgender “Vampire” Convicted Of Sexually Assaulting Cognitively Disabled Teen Girl

A serial sex offender has been convicted of assaulting a disabled teen girl in Wisconsin. Adam Hetke, who identifies as a female vampire named Sabrina, has a lengthy criminal history involving multiple sex offenses against women and outstanding charges related to a homicide.

Hetke, 35, was charged in July of 2021 with first-degree sexual assault by threatening the use of a dangerous weapon and second-degree sexual assault of a mentally ill victim. The assault occurred in Waukesha, and involved a 16-year-old cognitively disabled girl Hetke had met at a local gas station.

According to the complaint, Hetke terrified the girl, telling her he was a “vampire” who would harm her if she did not comply with his demands. He then followed her to her nearby home and sexually assaulted her. During the assault, Hetke kept a knife nearby and threatened to use it to harm her before the girl jumped out of a bedroom window and fled for help.

When he was arrested, he was wearing a one-piece swimsuit under his clothes and was holding a knife.

During trial, Hetke underwent a number of assessments to determine his ability to stand trial, but was found to be competent and deemed ineligible for the insanity plea. On April 11, Hetke was convicted on both counts he was charged with, and is set to be sentenced on June 7.

Hetke as of 2024. Photo Courtesy of the Waukesha Police Department.

But this is not Hetke’s first run-in with law enforcement.

Hetke is a registered sex offender in the state of Wisconsin, dating back to a 2007 conviction for second degree sexual assault. At the time, Hetke had been staying at a residential facility, and he physically overpowered a female staff member before groping her repeatedly. The victim was able to escape his grip and get away.

For the assault, Hetke was sentenced to 8 years in prison with 4 years on extended supervision, and was ordered to the sex offender registry for life.

Just before his release on January 26, 2016, the Waukesha Police Department warned the community that Hetke was at “high risk” to reoffend. In the announcement, they noted Hetke had no fixed residence, but that he would be monitored by a GPS tracker.

In 2019, Hetke was convicted once more of sexual assault involving a female victim, and was released from prison in 2020. The police bulletin again noted that Hetke was homeless and would be subjected to GPS monitoring, but also indicated that Hetke had begun identifying as a “woman.”

Following his second release from prison, Hetke was allegedly involved in a homicide in Milwaukee, for which he has yet to stand trial.

According to the complaint in that case, Hetke reportedly strangled a man to death using a power cord in April of 2021, though he apparently blamed the murder on a “demon.” He told Milwaukee police that the victim was “possessed by a demon” and began stabbing himself in the chest with tongs.

Hetke said he was only trying to exorcise the demon from the victim, but that the demon caused the victim to wrap a cord around his own neck and pull the ends. But a witness in that case has testified that Hetke admitted to murdering the man because he “disrespected” him, and that Hetke told the witness he was an incarnation of Satan.

Hetke is set to appear in court for that case on April 30.

According to the Wisconsin Sex Offender Registry, Hetke goes by a number of aliases including: Sabrina, Morrigan, Black Dragon, White Chocolate, Katie, and Andre.

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EXCLUSIVE: Dutch Pro-Pedophile Academic Worked With Leading Transgender Medical Authority

Reduxx can reveal that a Dutch-American academic with a history of advocating for the normalization of adult-child sexual relationships has had a working relationship with the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH). Theodore Sandfort’s research has been presented at the organization’s symposium as recently as 2016.

Sandfort, a Columbia-affiliated academic and LGBT activist, previously worked with self-declared pedophiles in the Netherlands, documenting adult men’s sexual abuse of boys as evidence to support his theory that adult-child relationships are “predominantly positive.”

Prior to relocating to Columbia University, Sandfort received a PhD in Clinical Psychology from Utrecht University in the Netherlands. He was also the Chairman of the Interfaculty Department of Lesbian and Gay Studies at Utrecht University and Director of the Research Program “Diversity, Lifestyles and Health” at the Netherlands Institute of Social Sexological Research.

A faculty member at Columbia’s Mailman School of Public Health, Sandfort has also been employed as a Professor of Clinical Sociomedical Sciences, and worked at the university’s HIV Center alongside former WPATH president and Director of the institution’s Gender Identity Program, Walter Bockting. Like Sandfort, Bockting relocated to Columbia University from the Netherlands, having completed his doctoral degree in psychology from the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam.

Bockting and Sandfort also worked together in a professional capacity while acting as members of the editorial board for the academic journal Psychology and Sexuality in 2015.

The following year, in 2016, research co-authored by Sandfort was presented at a WPATH symposium in Amsterdam.

The paper, titled “Gender nonconformity and peer victimization: Sexual attraction and gender differences by age,” focused on the experiences of Dutch same-sex attracted adolescents aged 11 to 18. The study concluded that gender non-conforming youth were bullied by their peers, leading Sandfort and his colleagues to recommend that “key educational messages that address sexual and gender diversity should be delivered during childhood before early adolescence.”

However, Sandfort’s prior work dealt with sympathetic portrayals of pedophilic relationships between adult men and adolescent boys. In recent years, he has also had access to vulnerable youth in New York City’s foster care system, and, in 2020, he was dismissed from this position when his troubling research history dealing with the sexuality of children came to light.

In 1983, Sandfort authored an article for Youth and Society (Jeugd en Samenleving) titled “Erotic moments in working with children,” a small-scale study of sexual desires among five adult group leaders for the children in their care.

The men described deriving sexual pleasure from working with children, specifically when exercising together, bathing the children, or holding them on their laps. One man, identified as “Lex,” spoke of being aroused while “tickling” children aged “2 or 3,” wearing only his underwear, and proceeding to touch the toddlers’ genitals.

That same year, a study by Sandfort was published that positively portrayed adult-child sexual relationships.

“Pedophile relationships in the Netherlands: Alternative lifestyle for children?” concluded that “the partner and relationship, including sexual aspects, were experienced in predominately positive terms; evidence of exploitation or misuse was absent.”

Sandfort’s 1988 paper and dissertation, published through Utrecht University, “The importance of the experience: about sexual contacts in early childhood and sexual behavior and experience later in life,” (Het belang van de ervaring) deals with case studies of the sexual experiences of girls and boys under the age of sixteen.

Yet these were not the only instances where Sandfort expressed pro-pedophile leanings – rather, he has an extensive history of publishing writings and research sympathetic to pedophilia. While still living in the Netherlands, the psychologist and sexologist penned several academic texts on the topic of adult-child sexual relationships.

The psychiatrist was also listed as an editorial board member of an academic pro-pedophilia journal called Paidika, which was printed in Amsterdam from 1987 to 1995, alongside a founding member of the North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), Lawrence Stanley. Two editions of Paidika, in the 1993 and 1994 magazines, featured his research on the “sexual experiences of children”.

Sandfort’s 1987 publication, “Boys on Their Contacts with Men,” presented a study of 25 boys between the ages of 10 and 16 involved in sexual relationships with adult men.

The psychologist and sex researcher had reportedly recruited men from among members of the multiple pedophilia lobbying groups in the Netherlands at that time to solicit them for their views on adult-child sexual encounters.

“Why… should pedophiles, just as other humans with deviant sexual preferences, not have the right to express their sexual desires?” wrote Sandfort, while condemning the feminist movement as “moral dictators” for holding stances against child sexual abuse and pornography.

In several of the case studies documented by Sandfort, young boys are passed around from one adult man to another for sexual use. One of the boys interviewed by Sandfort, Simon, aged 12, describes how he came to know Ed, aged 32, at a community center through another man called Ton.

“Ton is also a pedophile that I first used to go to,” Simon told Sandfort. “He was a sort of Dracula – he sucked everyone in, and after he’d once done it he turned you loose a little later.”

“Did he do that to you?” Sandfort asked the boy. Simon replied, “Yes, he sure did!”

In his conclusion, Sandfort stated that he hoped to present evidence that not all children solicited for sex by adults were being sexually abused.

“Almost all previous research on sex between children and adults has been grounded on the reports of ‘victims’ seeking help or of people who, because of their sexual behavior, have come into contact with the police. The biased picture emerging from such research is to some extent counter-balanced by this investigation.”

Sexologist and psychologist Dr. John Money, known for having popularized the term “gender identity” – as well as his disturbing medical experiments on children – authored a foreword for Sandfort’s book, praising the text as having “great scientific merit.”

“Juveniles and teenagers are attracted to the way their older lovers treat them as equals,” wrote Money, before asserting that the book “constitute[s] that one wall on and around which more may be built.”

In 1991, Sandfort co-edited a compilation of essays defending pedophilia titled Male Intergenerational Intimacy. An introduction co-authored by Sandfort, “Man-Boy Relationships: Different Concepts for a Diversity of Phenomena,” reads:

Chart from Sandfort’s 1987 publication, “Boys on Their Contacts with Men”

“It is difficult to predict in the future with respect to man-boy relationships, child sexuality, the position of children in our society. Will pedophilia become a lifestyle for some people, based on their personally designed sexual orientation? Will society allow people to adopt such a lifestyle, or will society persist in seeing them only as child molesters?

Can sexual involvement between adults and children be only conceived as child sexual abuse, or will the professionals and the public come to realize that there are various kinds of intimate involvement between adults and children and that distinctions between voluntary involvement and forced involvement can be made?”

The book is composed of the writings of over a dozen pro-pedophilia activists, including an essay by David Thorstad, the founder of the North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), and Edward Brongersma, a Dutch politician who advocated for lowering the age of consent in the Netherlands with a specific focus on sexual relations between adult men and boys.

In 2020, after his previous pro-pedophile writings resurfaced, New York City’s Administration for Children’s Services issued a public statement cutting all ties with Sandfort, who had been working with foster youth aged 13 to 21 in order to conduct surveys.

The research, “Experiences and Well-Being of Sexual and Gender Diverse Youth in Foster Care in New York City,” concluded that more than one out of three youths in foster care identified as “LGBTQAI+” which was deemed “substantially higher” than the percentage found in the general population.

The child welfare agency spent roughly $416,000 in public and private funds over a period of five years for the survey project led by Sandfort.

The Administration for Children’s Services (ACS) spokesperson Marisa Kaufman stated, “The City of New York has zero tolerance for pedophilia. The health, safety, and well-being of children is our top priority, and those who endanger children are contrary to the values of our city. Our work with Dr. Sandfort began over five years ago and current ACS leadership was not aware of these previous writings until after the survey findings were released. ACS has severed all ties with Dr. Sandfort.”

In 2008, Sandfort received the John Money Award from the Society of the Scientific Study of Sexuality for his work – an organization that former WPATH president Bockting also had previously been involved with in a leadership position.

Sandfort served as President of the International Academy of Sex Research and the Dutch Society of Sexology, and was a fellow with the American Psychiatric Association (APA), the organization which produces the authoritative guide on psychiatric diagnoses, known as the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders (DSM).

In February, the APA issued a statement “affirming evidence-based care for transgender, gender diverse and nonbinary children, adolescents and adults” in response to recent efforts by US politicians to prevent children from being prescribed puberty-blocking drugs.

The position mirrors its 2008 Resolution on Transgender, Gender Identity, and Gender Expression Non-Discrimination, which cites WPATH. The amount spent by the APA on the creation of the latest DSM, the fifth edition, which incorporated research provided by WPATH leaders, is estimated to be between $20 – 25 million. According to a 2014 announcement, the APA generated approximately $86 million annually from the sale and licensing of APA publications and databases.

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CANADA: Non-Binary Diaper Fetishist Successfully Wins Case To Have The Government Fund Surgery That Will Construct Him A Penis And A Vagina

A trans-identified man and diaper fetishist in Canada who identifies as “non-binary” has won his legal case against the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) to have them pay for an experimental surgery that would leave him with both his penis and a “neo-vagina.” Ontario taxpayers will now be forced to spend up to $70,000 flying him to Texas for the surgery due to its unavailability in Canada.

The man, 33, was simply identified as KS in the lawsuit, and made international headlines last week after Ontario’s Divisional Court began deliberating on whether he was entitled to have an “penis-preserving vaginoplasty” covered by the province’s public health scheme.

This week, the court ruled 3-0 that KS was entitled to have the surgery funded by the taxpayer after finding that the province had incorporated standards written by the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) into its health insurance law. These international standards endorse radical “gender affirming” surgeries far beyond the scope of Canadian surgical guidance, including castration.

Reduxx has now learned that KS celebrated the result on a Reddit board dedicated to “bigenital” people, revealing his social media handles and providing insight into the man behind the lawsuit.

KS as seen in a Reddit post showing off a dress he purchased.

On Reddit, KS describes himself as a “non-binary disability advocate” and stated he may go offline at times due to suffering with bipolar disorder. As well as documenting his pursuit to obtain both a penis and a “vagina,” KS also regularly posts about his mental health issues and sexual fetishes.

In one post, KS asked the asexual community whether his lack of sex drive could be a result of depression and bipolar disorder.

“Like what if I felt better about myself? What if I wasn’t depressed 24/7? Would that be there? Is it because it’s muted? I have no idea. I have no way to know. I just struggle with these thoughts all the time. I have been depressed almost every single day since I was like 5 years old,” he wrote.

In another post, he asks if his sexual dysfunctions could be a side-effect or symptom of bipolar or the medication he is on. KS has also speculated about being schizophrenic in addition to having bipolar disorder.

As well as identifying as non-binary, KS also identifies as a “transgender baby” and a “little” who is attracted to diapers. In one post, he reveals that his bedroom is fashioned to look like that of an 8-year-old girl, and that he experiences spells where he is “obsessed” with incontinence.

Approximately 4 years ago, KS proposed a suggestive “moral conundrum” asking whether it would be ethical to seek government assistance after becoming voluntarily incontinent to the point of no longer being able to work.

KS also asked in the subreddit r/Incontinence if it was safe for him to have genital surgery if he suffers from incontinence, revealing that he also has Irritable Bowel Syndrome and sometimes defecates on himself.

KS has also expressed suicidal ideations, severe trauma as a result of childhood abuse, and how he was struggling to get adequate mental health support.

“I [don’t] know how else to say it… I really, truly need to die. I wish there was another way, but like…I am not able to take care of myself, or vouch for myself, and I’m just needlessly suffering… It’s been like that forever. I am physically and mentally suffering, and only people with advocates can get mental health treatment. My Np knew how I feel for ages… No one does anything. Literally no one [in real life] actually cares,” he wrote.

“I just am tired of being sick and going without treatment… I used to be full blown crazy, but like, now I’m just lonely. I have never had a partner or a real relationship or a family that loved me… no, just abused as a child and then now as an adult… I live alone and sadly that’s safer for me… they threaten me, so I can’t be near them… I just hate that I need to die, but that’s it, there’s nothing else I have the power to do…”

Despite his self-reported mental health issues, KS sought out genital surgery in the US, seeking a vaginoplasty without a penectomy in a clinic in Texas.

In June 2022, he applied to have the surgery covered under the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP), but OHIP denied his funding request. At the time, OHIP concluded that a vaginoplasty without penectomy is not an approved procedure in the Schedule of Benefits.

KS appealed the decision and the Health Services Appeal and Review Board granted his appeal. In a decision referring to him by feminine pronouns, the board argued that “[KS] is non-binary and having her penis removed would invalidate her non-binary identity” and that removal of his penis would leave him with orgasm dysfunction and was risky due to his pre-existing incontinence.

However, OHIP fought the boards appeal, presenting three arguments. They argued that vaginoplasty without a penectomy was not specifically listed as a service they fund, that the surgery was experimental, and that it did not meet the requirements for out-of-country coverage.

OHIP stated in their original denial letter that they would cover a vaginoplasty, but that a vaginoplasty by definition included a penectomy. During the appeal, they submitted evidence from Dr. Yonah Krakowsky, a leading vaginoplasty surgeon in Toronto, who argued that all of the methods used to perform a vaginoplasty in Canada involved the removal of the penis.

A prominent LGBT organisation in Canada, Egale Canada, also supported KS’s case. In a written submission to the court, they argued that such surgeries can profoundly improve a person’s quality of life and health-care providers shouldn’t assume what surgeries are medically necessary.

The superior court of Justice in Ontario’s Divisional court upheld the boards decision in April 2024. “I find the Board was correct to find that a vaginoplasty without an accompanying penectomy is a ‘specifically listed’ service in the Schedule of Benefits.” The decision read.

Based on the courts decision, OHIP are required to both fund the surgery and cover KS’s legal costs at a fixed cost of $20,000.

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AUSTRIA: Enfermero travesti condenado a 20 años de prisión por el brutal asesinato de un paciente paralítico

[Izq.] "Paul", en una foto censurada en las redes sociales. La foto no fue censurada por Reduxx. [Dcha.] "Paul en prisión. Crédito de la foto: PULS24

Un enfermero que se dice trans ha sido condenado en Austria a 20 años de prisión por el brutal asesinato de su paciente anciano. El agresor, un eslovaco de 24 años, apuñaló repetidamente a su paciente anciano el año pasado tras una disputa sobre su identidad de género.

El asesinato se produjo la noche del 5 de octubre en el domicilio de la víctima en Geretsberg, donde el enfermero estaba de guardia. Debido a las estrictas leyes de privacidad de Austria, no se conoce ni la identidad de la víctima ni la del agresor, pero Reduxx ha sabido que el enfermero (artículo en español) trabajaba bajo el nombre masculino de “Paul” y participaba activamente en grupos LGBT de Viena. A pesar de que legalmente es un varón, los testigos y la defensa se refirieron a “Paul” como “mujer” en el juicio.

Aunque al principio el motivo del crimen no estaba claro, más tarde se supo que el enfermero atacó al pensionista paralítico de 82 años después de que saliera a relucir el tema de la identidad de género del enfermero. El travesti fue a la cocina, cogió varios cuchillos y apuñaló al anciano once veces en la parte superior del cuerpo, el abdomen, la cara y la cabeza. Tras el ataque, “Paul” llamó a la hijastra de la víctima, quien inmediatamente alertó a la policía.

Los servicios de emergencia inicialmente encontraron al hombre con vida e intentaron estabilizarlo, pero la víctima murió a causa de sus heridas en el lugar de los hechos.

El enfermero fue detenido de inmediato, pero fue trasladado a la unidad psiquiátrica del Hospital Universitario Kepler de Neuromed después de demostrar una agresividad extrema y “enormes anomalías psicológicas”.

En un principio, el personal creyó que estaba bajo los efectos de las drogas debido a su comportamiento, pero un análisis de sangre solo encontró alcohol en su organismo. Aunque afirmó que había “perdido el conocimiento” durante el asesinato, finalmente se determinó que “Paul” no tenía ninguna enfermedad mental grave que pudiera afectar a su responsabilidad legal por sus actos.

Después de ser interrogado por la policía, el enfermero admitió inmediatamente haber cometido el asesinato y afirmó que el ataque había ocurrido porque la víctima se había “burlado” de él debido a su identidad de género y le había hecho comentarios transfóbicos. Un examen posterior también reveló que “Paul” se había separado de su novio ese mismo día, algo que se describió como un “desencadenante” de su comportamiento impulsivo.

Según Puls24, la experta psiquiátrica Adelheid Kastner declaró que “Paul” tenía un riesgo extremadamente alto de reincidencia y se recomendó su ingreso en un centro psiquiátrico-forense. Después de un breve juicio con jurado y un veredicto unánime, “Paul” fue condenado a 20 años de prisión el 26 de marzo.

Aunque actualmente está detenido en una prisión de hombres, “Paul” puede solicitar su eventual traslado a un centro de mujeres si consigue cambiar sus documentos legales y recibir la recomendación de un psicólogo.

En la actualidad, Austria evalúa a los reclusos que se dicen transgénero “caso por caso“, aunque el Gobierno ha reconocido que deben existir instalaciones separadas por sexo.

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AUSTRIA: Transgender Nurse Sentenced To 20 Years In Prison Following Brutal Murder Of Paralyzed Patient

[L] "Paul," as seen in a censored social media photo. Photo was not censored by Reduxx. [R] "Paul in prison. Photo Credit: PULS24

A trans-identified male nurse in Austria has been sentenced to 20 years in prison for the brutal murder of his elderly patient. The assailant, a 24 year-old from Slovakia, repeatedly stabbed his elderly patient last year after a dispute broke out over his gender identity.

The murder occurred on the evening of October 5 at the victim’s home in Geretsberg where the nurse was providing on-call care. Due to Austria’s strict privacy laws, neither the identity of the victim nor assailant is known, but Reduxx had learned that the nurse had been working under the masculine name “Paul” and was active in LGBT groups in Vienna. Though he is legally a male, “Paul” was referred to as a “woman” in court by witnesses and the defense.

While the motive for the crime was initially unclear, it was later revealed that the nurse attacked the 82-year-old paralyzed pensioner after the topic of the nurse’s gender identity was brought up. He went to the kitchen and retrieved multiple knives, stabbing the man eleven times in the upper body, abdomen, face and head. Following the attack, “Paul” called the victim’s stepdaughter, who immediately alerted the police.

Emergency responders initially found the man alive and attempted to stabilize him, but the victim died of his injuries at the scene.

The nurse was immediately arrested, but was taken to the psychiatric unit at the Kepler University Hospital at Neuromed after demonstrating extreme aggression and “massive psychological abnormalities.”

Staff initially believed he was under the influence of drugs due to his behavior, but a blood test only found alcohol in his system. While he claimed to have effectively “blacked out” during the killing, it was ultimately determined that “Paul” had no serious mental illness which would have impacted his legal accountability for his actions.

After being interrogated by police, the nurse immediately admitted to the killing, and claimed the attack had been the result of the victim “teasing” him due to his gender identity and making transphobic remarks. Later examination also revealed that “Paul” had separated from his boyfriend earlier that day, something that was described as a “trigger” for his impulsive behavior.

According to Puls24, psychiatric expert Adelheid Kastner testified that “Paul” had an extremely high risk of recidivism, and admission to a forensic-psychiatric center was recommended. After a short jury trial with a unanimous verdict, “Paul” was sentenced to 20 years in prison on March 26.

While he is currently being held at a men’s prison, “Paul” may seek eventual transfer to a women’s facility if he is able to change his legal documents and receive a recommendation from a psychologist.

Austria currently assesses transgender inmates on a “case-by-case” basis, though the Government has acknowledged that sex-segregated facilities must exist.

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REINO UNIDO: Un travesti se libra de la cárcel a pesar de amenazar con matar y descuartizar a mujeres críticas con la ideología de género

Un hombre que se dice trans, que se libró de una pena de prisión tras amenazar con aporrear a un hombre con un martillo de orejas, ha vuelto a evitar la cárcel después de amenazar con matar a defensoras de los derechos de las mujeres. Layla Le Fey, de 44 años, recibió una sentencia suspendida combinada de 20 semanas por las violentas amenazas que envió a Helen Joyce y Kellie Jay Keen, dos conocidas mujeres críticas con la ideología de identidad de género, en las que fantaseaba con matarlas y descuartizarlas.

El año pasado, Le Fey envió esos mensajes violentos a través de una cuenta ahora cerrada en X (antes Twitter) entre marzo y junio. Usando el alias @laylalefey1, Le Fey declaró que estaba “interesado en prender fuego” a la casa de Keen con ella dentro.

Le Fey también había comunicado su deseo de “darle una paliza de cojones”, arrancarle los ojos y romperle la columna vertebral en un extraño intento de “demostrar su punto de vista” de que “algunas personas trans son extremadamente violentas”. Ese mismo día, Le Fey declaró que disfrutaría viendo a Keen brutalmente asesinada por un “psicópata misógino” o cometiendo el asesinato él mismo.

Le Fey también atacó a la escritora Helen Joyce, firme crítica de la ideología de identidad de género y Directora de Defensa de la organización benéfica por los derechos de las mujeres Sex Matters.

Le Fey se declaró culpable ayer en un tribunal de Brighton de cuatro delitos tipificados en la ley de comunicaciones, entre ellos amenazas de incendio.

“Dios, cómo me gustaría arrancarte los ojos, cortarte las manos y destrozarte la cara”, le dijo Le Fey a Joyce el 20 de marzo. Su macabro comentario respondía a la publicación de Joyce de 2022, en la que anunciaba la publicación de su libro, Trans: When Ideology Meets Reality.

Mientras leía una declaración de impacto de la víctima ante el tribunal, Joyce dijo: “Estoy acostumbrada a debates fuertes y desagradables en línea. Nunca entro en discusiones y acepto que otras personas tienen derecho a criticar lo que digo. Pero ver las cosas que estaban expresando, describiéndome lo mucho que le gustaría cortarme, es algo completamente diferente”.

Layla Le Fey en 2013. Fuente: Facebook

Keen, al presentar su declaración de impacto como víctima, enfatizó que Le Fey es un hombre que aterroriza a las mujeres. “Un hombre violento cometió un crimen”, dijo. “Las amenazas violentas tuvieron un impacto mucho mayor en mi marido y mis hijos que en mí. Están muy preocupados por mi seguridad”.

“La intención de este hombre era aterrorizar a las mujeres para que guarden silencio. Quiero dejar claro que este crimen lo cometió un hombre”, continuó. “Esto es lo que pasa cuando las mujeres hablan. No quería realzar los comentarios de esta persona, así que no respondí. Estos tuits me perturbaron y no tengo la menor duda de que, dada la oportunidad, esta persona hubiera llevado a cabo esas amenazas… A menudo se conoce mi paradero y no tengo ninguna duda de que, si tuviera la oportunidad, esa persona sería una amenaza para mi seguridad”.

La abogada defensora de Le Fey, Cathy Walker, se refirió a él con pronombres femeninos mientras argumentaba que tenía problemas de salud mental cuando hizo las amenazas. Walker también afirmó que no tenía intención de llevarlas a cabo. Le Fey fue condenado a 10 semanas consecutivas por las amenazas contra Keen, y otras 10 semanas concurrentes por los mensajes que envió a Joyce.

Además, se le ha impuesto una orden de alejamiento de 18 meses que le prohíbe ponerse en contacto o asistir a eventos en los que estén Keen o Joyce, y se le ha ordenado participar en un programa de rehabilitación de 25 días.

Tras la serie de mensajes violentos del año pasado, la policía de Sussex detuvo a Le Fey en junio después de una protesta masiva de seguidores preocupados por Keen y Joyce.

Le Fey tiene un historial de violencia y, según el Daily Mail, también un largo historial criminal. Ha sido condenado por más de 50 delitos anteriores, incluidos varios por empuñar armas en público.

Le Fey también había evitado previamente una pena de prisión como resultado directo de su estatus de transgénero. En 2020, Le Fey fue condenado por agresión común y posesión de un arma ofensiva después de intentar robar vino en un Budgens de Brighton. Durante el incidente, que tuvo lugar el 6 de noviembre de 2019, Le Fey blandió un martillo de orejas y lo usó para amenazar al cajero. La policía lo detuvo después de que robara otra botella de vino e intentara huir.

Durante el proceso judicial, el juez Stephen Mooney calificó en un principio el delito de Le Fey como “inexcusable” y lo condenó a cumplir una pena suspendida de seis meses de prisión, junto con una orden de terapia de rehabilitación de 30 sesiones. Pero al cabo de una hora, el juez Mooney revocó su propia decisión, alegando falta de pruebas del cambio de género de Le Fey.

Debido a que el tribunal no pudo establecer si Le Fey se había sometido a cirugía genital, se argumentó que una pena de prisión presentaba una situación inhumana que no podía resolverse fácilmente.

Le Fey ha usado varios nombres diferentes, como Marcus Smith, Adam Hodgson y David.

Le Fey, 2023. Fuente: Facebook.

Como Le Fey carecía de un documento legal conocido como Certificado de Reconocimiento de Género (GRC), la abogada de Le Fey, Rebecca Upton, señaló: “La única forma en que Le Fey podría probar su nuevo género sería un ‘examen indigno’, que el personal del tribunal no estaba dispuesto a hacer”.

Sin un GRC o un examen físico, Le Fey, considerado una minoría vulnerable según la ley, se habría visto obligado a cumplir su condena en la prisión de Lewes, un centro penitenciario para hombres. El juez Mooney se negó a ello y comentó que no podía permitir que Le Fey cumpliera su condena en un centro masculino.

“Vivimos en una sociedad que reconoce y acepta la diversidad y permite y anima a las personas a vivir la vida que desean. A veces la sociedad no hace los ajustes necesarios o apropiados en todos los sentidos posibles para reflejar los ajustes de la sociedad en su conjunto”, dijo el juez Mooney.

“Después de haber reflexionado de nuevo sobre el impacto que tendría una pena privativa de libertad inmediata, las dificultades que existen y los problemas insolubles a los que se enfrentaría el servicio penitenciario, he reconsiderado si el encarcelamiento debe ser inmediato”, añadió. “A la luz de esta información, he llegado a la conclusión de que, en tu caso particular, me permito esperar algún tipo de rehabilitación”.

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EXCLUSIVA: Transactivista ‘MAP’ vinculado a un grupo pro-pederastia que influye en la investigación académica

Un hombre que se dice trans, que se identifica como “persona atraída por menores” y que ha estado dirigiendo una tienda de productos “MAP” en Internet, también colabora con un destacado grupo pro-pederastia que ha consultado a académicos. Katie Cruz, un seudónimo utilizado por un hombre que se hace llamar Cali Miller, ha estado “trabajando entre bastidores” con el grupo activista B4U-ACT, que hace campaña para que se reconozca la pederastia como una orientación sexual, y que ha contribuido a investigaciones académicas en algunas de las principales universidades de Norteamérica.

El término ‘MAP’ es un acrónimo que significa ‘Persona Atraída por Menores’, y se utiliza en las comunidades pro-pederastia en línea como una forma de reducir el estigma contra los individuos que buscan abusar sexualmente de menores. Fue acuñado por el cofundador de B4U-ACT, el violador de menores convicto Michael Melsheimer. Melsheimer declaró explícitamente que el propósito de la organización (artículo en español) era normalizar la pederastia allí donde la Asociación Nacional de Amor Hombre-Niño (NAMBLA) no lo había conseguido.

En Patreon, Cruz ha declarado que su “edad de atracción” es entre los 9 y los 13 años. También afirma identificarse con una “edad trans” de entre “13 y 17 años, más o menos”.

Katie Cruz, también conocido como Cali Miller, un travesti que aboga por la legalización de la pederastia.

En un blog escrito por Cruz titulado “Un MAP enamorado”, afirma que está “perdidamente enamorado de las niñas pequeñas” y explica que tiene “ideas radicales de legalizar las relaciones entre adultos y niñas preadolescentes”.

“Hace tiempo que sé que soy un amante de las niñas. Siempre me han parecido deseables las niñas jóvenes, a nivel emocional y físico”, escribió Cruz en 2019. Describió cómo, en 2007, “en medio de una crisis solitaria”, descubrió la defensa de la pederastia y las comunidades en línea.

“Leí sus sinceros mensajes sobre lo mucho que aman y les importan las niñas. Lo que escribían era exactamente lo que yo sentía. Y lo que predicaban nunca cambió. Todos aman de verdad a las niñas, al igual que yo”, dijo Cruz.

También afirma que abogar por los compañeros que se autoidentifican como ‘MAP’ es su misión en la vida.

“Cada vez que ayudo a otro MAP, me siento muy realizado. Por fin encontré mi propósito en la vida. Yo mismo sigo en este viaje MAP. Sigo aprendiendo. Creo que puedo tomar esta experiencia y usarla para el bien en este mundo. La comunidad MAP es el lugar al que pertenezco. Y ayudar a la gente con esta orientación es mi ministerio”.

En noviembre de 2022, Cruz escribió una entrada de blog titulada “Nuestro Stonewall se acerca” en la que predice que pronto habrá “un ajuste de cuentas social al nivel de Stonewall, para la comunidad MAP”.

“Habrá más retórica dañina comparando a la comunidad LGBTQ con los pederastas. Esto fomentará la violencia hasta que lleguemos a un punto de ruptura como nación… Va a depender de nosotros como MAPs el ayudar a dar forma a la narrativa”, escribió Cruz.

“Tendremos que usar nuestras voces colectivas para decir nuestra verdad y convencer a quienes están hartos del odio de la extrema derecha. Cuando dos grupos marginados tienen un enemigo común que está causando tanto terror, estarán más dispuestos a escucharse mutuamente y aprender. Depende de nosotros usar la ciencia y mostrar nuestra humanidad para convencerlos a ellos y al mundo de que no somos inherentemente peligrosos”.

Cruz también gestiona una “tienda de merchandising MAP” que tiene a la venta diversos artículos con símbolos a favor de la pederastia, así como banderas del orgullo MAP y productos del orgullo transgénero.

Otras cuentas de redes sociales pertenecientes a Cruz, bajo el nombre de Cali Miller, fueron conectadas por Seara Adair, una sobreviviente de abuso sexual infantil que denuncia la captación de menores por Internet. Adair revisó miles de publicaciones públicas hechas por Miller y Cruz, documentando múltiples similitudes entre las imágenes compartidas en ambas cuentas para demostrar que se trataba de la misma persona. Sin embargo, a lo largo de una serie de videos que Adair hizo sobre el tema, ella constantemente tratba a Cruz como “mujer” y se refería a él con pronombres femeninos.

Y ello a pesar del hecho de que, bajo el nombre alternativo de Cali Miller, Cruz ha revelado que dice ser transgénero y ha abogado por la “transición” médica de menores mediante fármacos para detener la pubertad.

“Nací con una anatomía con la que no me identifico. Me criaron en el género equivocado y me obligaron a pasar por la pubertad equivocada”, escribió Cruz en 2016.

“Pero lo que más me preocupa es mi deseo de tener compañía. Es todo lo que siempre he querido desde que era pequeño. Por aquel entonces, quería a alguien a quien abrazar y con quien jugar. Según crecía, se convirtió en un anhelo el tener alguien a quien abrazar y con quien ver el mundo”.

En febrero de 2022, Cruz asistió a una protesta en apoyo a la “infancia trans” en la Cámara de Representantes de Indiana. El evento, titulado “Rally for Hoosier Youth”, fue organizado en oposición al Proyecto de Ley 1041 de la Cámara de Representantes, que garantiza la protección de los deportes femeninos separados por sexo.

Al escribir sobre el evento para su blog, Cruz dice que se ve a sí mismo como un modelo a seguir para la “infancia trans” y que siente que es su responsabilidad abogar por su “igualdad de derechos”.

“Nunca tuvimos ancianos trans, porque muchos de ellos fallecieron hace mucho tiempo debido a la epidemia de SIDA y todo el estigma asociado con las personas LGBTQ que los mantuvo fuera de la corriente convencional. Pero ahora somos nosotros los ancianos. Es nuestro deber defender a la próxima generación de menores trans. Somos los modelos a seguir, y nos corresponde a nosotros luchar para protegerlos y luchar por su futuro y por la igualdad de derechos. Y eso es lo que haremos”.

Cruz es muy activo en varios foros en línea a favor de la pederastia donde los participantes hablan sobre su “atracción” hacia menores. Está involucrado en comunidades que se centran tanto en niñas como en niños. Uno de los foros en los que participa Cruz está dirigido por la organización de defensa de la pederastia B4U-ACT.

En el blog de Cruz se puede encontrar una lista de “Objetivos de PMA”. Esos objetivos incluyen la expansión de la “comunidad MAP” a través de la divulgación, el logro del estatus legal de grupo minoritario protegido y la eliminación del “trastorno pedófilo” del Manual Diagnóstico y Estadístico de los Trastornos Mentales (DSM), elaborado por la Asociación Americana de Psiquiatría (APA) y la Clasificación Internacional de Enfermedades (CIE) publicada por la Organización Mundial de la Salud.

Es significativo que Cruz haya señalado la Quinta Edición del DSM para apoyar su afirmación de que la pederastia es una orientación sexual.

“La atracción hacia menores es una orientación. Es una atracción programada, que generalmente se descubre alrededor de la pubertad, al igual que otras orientaciones como la heterosexualidad y la homosexualidad”, publicó en su blog en 2022.

“Muchos profesionales de la salud mental han llamado orientación a la atracción hacia menores. El DSM-5 establece que si el sujeto no hace algo ilegal acerca de sus sentimientos sexuales hacia menores, y no está angustiado por esos sentimientos, se trata de una orientación y no de un trastorno”.

Mientras que el ex cofundador Melsheimer se suicidó en 2010, el cofundador y actual jefe de B4U-ACT, Richard Kramer, que usa un seudónimo para ocultar su identidad, también tiene un largo historial de cabildeo a favor de la pederastia y ha admitido tener una atracción sexual por los niños. Antes de su participación en B4U-ACT, Kramer dirigía un sitio web llamado Centro de Información sobre la Atracción Homosexual Masculina hacia Menores, que aboga por lo que Kramer describe como “sentimientos de atracción sexual que algunos hombres tienen por niños menores de edad”. El sitio web hace referencia a un simposio anterior que abordó la cuestión de la eliminación del “trastorno de identidad de género y las parafilias” del DSM.

B4U-ACT ha hecho campaña durante años para cambiar y, en última instancia, eliminar la entrada sobre la pederastia del Manual Diagnóstico y Estadístico de los Trastornos Mentales (DSM). Durante un simposio de 2011 titulado “Pederastia, personas atraídas por menores y el DSM: cuestiones y controversias“, organizado por B4U-ACT, Kramer utilizó los resultados de encuestas anónimas realizadas con la participación de miembros de B4U-ACT en un intento de establecer que la pederastia es una identidad innata que surge en la infancia.

B4U-ACT también mantiene un sólido catálogo de redes dentro de las principales universidades de todo el mundo. En su sitio web, enumera las instituciones que han llevado a cabo investigaciones bajo su dirección o con su colaboración. Gran parte de esta investigación tiene que ver con acabar con la estigmatización de las “personas atraídas por menores”.

Más recientemente, B4U-ACT se asoció con una investigadora (artículo en español) de la Universidad McGill en Canadá, que realizó una encuesta destinada a obtener información de los “amantes de menores” en las comunidades pederastas en línea en un intento de obtener datos sobre la “atracción romántica hacia menores”. La encuesta indagagaba sobre los delitos sexuales contra menores de edad, al tiempo que prometía total anonimato y privacidad a los encuestados.

El planteamiento de presionar para la despatologización de la pederastia a través de la literatura diagnóstica refleja la estrategia emprendida por los transactivistas en su campaña para que el término “trastorno de identidad de género” sea desclasificado como un trastorno mental.

Como ya reveló en exclusiva Reduxxlos participantes anónimos en un foro fetichista (artículo en español) en donde se escribía erótica sobre cómo detener la pubertad de los niños mediante la castración, junto con fantasías gráficas de abusos sexuales a menores, afirman haber estado involucrados en el proceso de cambiar el término “trastorno de identidad de género” por el de “disforia de género” en la Quinta Edición del DSM. Este manual se considera la guía autorizada para el diagnóstico de los trastornos mentales en Estados Unidos, pero los profesionales de la salud mental también lo consultan a escala internacional.

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