
murder - search results

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Toddler-Killer Quietly Moved to New York Women’s Prison

A trans-identified male convicted of torturing and killing a 4 year-old boy has been quietly transferred to a women’s prison in New York state....

Asesino transidentificado de niño de 4 años, trasladado a la cárcel de mujeres de Nueva York

Un hombre identificado como trans condenado por torturar y matar a un niño de 4 años ha sido trasladado discretamente a una prisión de...

Man Paid to Have His Wife Killed Over Lack of Sex: Lawyers

A Pennsylvania husband who hired a hitman through a porn site to kill his wife, allegedly because she wasn't sexually available enough, is now...

Crossdresser Charged After Exposing Himself to Teen Girls

A man in England who crossdresses to satisfy a transvestic fetish targeted teenage girls for sexual harassment, flashing his genitals at them and asking...

‘Hijra’ Charged With Sexually Assaulting Woman in Mumbai

A trans-identified male has been arrested in Mumbai after robbing and sexually assaulting a commuter in the women’s car of a commuter train. Prafulla Panchal, who uses the alias Sania, 23, brandished a fake gun while threatening to murder the victim.

OPINION: How to Erase Male Violence, Lessons from Edna Mahan Women’s Facility

It was recently revealed that there are 27 convicted male transfers being housed in New Jersey’s only correctional facility for women, Edna Mahan Correctional Facility for Women (EMCFW). Among them is a sadistic trans-identified male serving a 50-year sentence for the brutal murder of a sex trafficked immigrant woman.

Amazon Selling Horror Book About Killing “TERFs,” Features JK Rowling “Death”

One year after banning the sale of 'gender critical' book When Harry Became Sally, Amazon has listed a newly-released "LGBTQ Horror" novel, the plot of which is centered around trans-identified males graphically murdering feminists.

Sadistic Killer with a “Blood Fetish” Transferred to NJ Women’s Prison

A sadistic male convict who admitted to killing a prostituted woman to satisfy a “blood fetish” now identifies as transgender and has been transferred to Edna Mahan Women’s Correctional Facility.

Man Who Molested 4-Year-Old Girl and Was Denied Gender Change Among Transfers to California Women’s Prison

A man who molested a 4-year-old girl was amongst the males transferred to a women's institution in California following the implementation of S.B 132 despite the fact he was denied a gender change, Reduxx has learned.

Women May Be Cited With “Hate Incidents” if Objecting to Strip Searches by Trans Police Officers: New Guidance

A whistleblower has revealed new guidance issued to police forces across the UK which could potentially lead to the criminalization of female detainees unwilling to validate a transgender police officer's identity.