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BRASIL: la estudiante agredida por hombre transidentificado por cuestionar su presencia en el baño de mujeres, dice que “temió por su vida”.

La estudiante que vimos en un video siendo atacada por un hombre transidentificado en una universidad brasileña, ha hablado con Reduxx y ha proporcionado nuevos detalles inquietantes sobre el incidente.

El 14 de diciembre, imágenes de la Universidad de Brasilia (UNB) comenzaron a circular en las redes sociales y se hicieron virales rápidamente. Los videoclips, tomados con la cámara de teléfono, mostraban a un hombre grande y barbudo que llevaba un vestido puesto gritando muy alto en la cara de una estudiante, que parecía estar tratando de alejarse de él.

La mujer que fue atacada ha grabado otro video en donde se la puede escuchar señalando las características obvias del hombre.

“¡Pero eres un tío!” Dice la estudiante.

“¡No soy un tío! Nada me impide llevar mi mano a tu cara. ¡Chica, respétame! ¡Respétame!” Se le escucha gritar, usando una expresión coloquial que significa “abofetear”.

En algunos clips más largos, también se puede escuchar al estudiante varón transidentificado decir que era un “crimen” llamarlo hombre.

Reduxx confirmó la identidad del hombre transidentificado como un estudiante que se hace llamar Brigitte Lúcia. Lúcia, que parece identificarse como hombre homosexual además de como mujer transgénero, se había presentado para un puesto en el consejo estudiantil de la universidad.

Laura, un seudónimo, ya que está preocupada por su seguridad y desea permanecer en el anonimato, ha accedido a hablar con Reduxx sobre el incidente y proporcionar detalles adicionales sobre lo que sucedió ese día.

Laura ha sido estudiante de la UNB durante 3 años, pero dice que esta fue la primera vez que interactuó con Lúcia. Laura explica que no estaba al tanto de la política universitaria que permitía a los hombres que simplemente se identificaban como “mujeres” entrar en los baños de mujeres, incluso en los que no eran para todos los géneros.

“El baño donde sucedió todo es un baño de mujeres, para mujeres. Pero me informaron que la UNB tiene pautas que separan los baños por identidad de género, no por sexo. Es decir, cualquier persona que se identifique como mujer puede entrar en el baño de mujeres. Yo no sabía eso”.

Al entrar al baño y ver a Lúcia, Laura dice que se puso nerviosa. Explicó que había habido varios incidentes recientes de acoso sexual y violación en el campus, y que también ha habido hombres que iban a los baños de mujeres para filmar a las mujeres usando el baño.

“Esto me causó mucho pánico”, dice Laura, “así que le pregunté qué estaba haciendo allí, porque me di cuenta de que era hombre. Tiene barba, es alto, tiene una voz masculina. No parecía una mujer transgénero”.

Laura dice que ni siquiera se oponía a la idea de que los hombres transidentificados que han “transicionado completamente” usaran las instalaciones para mujeres, pero no podía entenderlo cuando Lúcia comenzó a insistir en que era una mujer.

“Tan pronto como me acerqué a él, me dijo que era una mujer… Pero no lo entendía, porque yo no veía más que a un hombre. Se me vino encima y me iba a atacar allí mismo en el baño, pero llegó otra chica y me defendió”.

La otra estudiante separó a Laura de Lúcia, rodeándola con un brazo y guiándola fuera del baño. Pero tan pronto como las dos entraron en la cafetería, Lúcia se acercó a ellas y empezó a gritarles frenéticamente.

“Empezó a llamarme transfóbica y a ponerme el dedo en la cara… Comenzó a gritarme, empujarme e insultarme. Me arrinconaba todo el tiempo y me intimidaba, como si quisiera que me defendiera … Tenía miedo de que me pegara allí mismo. En realidad tenía miedo de morir o algo”, dice Laura.

Laura dice que Lúcia la persiguió hasta la oficina de dirección de la universidad, y la empujó contra una pared de vidrio. Ella dice que se golpeó la cabeza y un brazo contra la pared y que se empezó a sentir mareada. Un empleado de la universidad finalmente la apartó de Lucía.

Laura ha presentado una queja ante la seguridad del campus y una denuncia ante el departamento de policía local por lesiones corporales. No ha vuelto a la cafetería por temor a encontrarse con Lúcia de nuevo, y le preocupa que intente arruinar su carrera académica.

Cuando se le preguntó si tenía un mensaje que transmitir a la audiencia internacional de mujeres que vieron el video de su ataque, Laura explica que ha reflexionado sobre las opiniones que tenía antes de su terrible experiencia con Lucía.

“Inicialmente, habría dicho que las mujeres deberían tener más cuidado y no ir solas a los baños o vestuarios debido a la amenaza de encontrarse con un hombre allí … En estas últimas horas, desde que salió la noticia [de lo que me sucedió], he estado reflexionando sobre cómo me acusan de transfobia simplemente por actuar según mi propia percepción de la realidad”.

Laura dice que, desde que el incidente se volvió viral, algunos estudiantes transactivistas han criticado su supuesta “transfobia” y han pedido su expulsión de la universidad.

“Simplemente le pedí a esa persona que saliera del baño de mujeres. Su respuesta fue insultarme, humillarme y agredirme. Creo que si estuviera tan seguro de su identidad, podríamos haber tenido una conversación sana sin todo el estrés. Pero si una simple pregunta que le hice, basada en mi propia percepción de la realidad, fue suficiente para provocarle a esa persona un ataque de ira, me gustaría entender por qué me acusan a mí de mala conducta y no a él”.

Y concluye: “Así que ya no voy a decirles a las mujeres que tengan cuidado … Mi mensaje es: Actuad. Si algo te hace sentir incómoda, di ‘no’. Di ‘No quiero’ o ‘No estoy bien’. Simplemente hazlo. Creo que podemos cambiar las cosas con nuestras acciones. A las mujeres se nos dice que seamos amables y pasivas, pero la acción es la mejor manera, en mi opinión, de cambiar los problemas que nos afligen”.

Reduxx es una nueva plataforma en pro de los derechos de la mujer y de los menores de edad con noticias y artículos. Somos 100% independientes! Colabora con nuestro proyecto uniéndote a nuestro Patreon.one-time donation.

“Non-Binary Queer” Artist Arrested After Arranging to Rape A 9-Year-Old Boy, Distributing Child Abuse Material

Content Warning: This article contains graphic descriptions of child sexual abuse materials as recorded in an FBI complaint. Reader discretion is appreciated.

A “non-binary queer” artist has been arrested after attempting to meet a 9-year-old child for sex. Efrem Zelony-Mindell, 35, was arrested in Manhattan, New York on December 16.

According to the Department of Justice, Zelony-Mindell had begun communicating with an undercover FBI agent earlier this year after meeting him on Scruff, a hook-up application for homosexual men. During these conversations, Zelony-Mindell slowly eased into asking the agent if he was “into taboo,” and expressed an interest in “yng incest dad son.” He then repeatedly and graphically stated his desire to sexually abuse children, and sent the undercover agent child sexual abuse material.

Zelony-Mindell’s profile on Scruff, a gay dating app. Photo Source: FBI Deposition.

Approximately one month later, the undercover agent offered to introduce Zelony-Mindell to another agent posing as a father of a 9-year-old boy willing to allow him to rape his son. The predator immediately jumped at the opportunity, and advised the second agent of his desire to sexually abuse the 9-year-old. Arrangements were then made for the two to meet after they had spoken both through an encrypted messaging service, text message, and on the phone.

Zelony-Mindell was arrested after arriving to the location he had agreed upon with the second undercover agent. He waived his Miranda rights and agreed to cooperate with law enforcement, ultimately admitting to possessing and distributing child sexual abuse material, and stating his intention to sexually abuse a child.

Later on that same day, U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, Damian Williams, and the Assistant Director in Charge of the New York Office of the FBI, Michael J. Driscoll, announced charges against Zelony-Mindell.

According to the FBI deposition on Zelony-Mindell’s charges, the predator told the undercover agent that he “loved seeing sexy pedo’s” while asking for a picture of the other person.

Special Agent for the FBI Aaron Spivack also noted in a federal court on Friday that the Telegram account Zelony-Mindell communicated through utilized a phone number that matched the one on his personal website.

Zelony-Mindell had also sent videos and images of child pornography to the agent after admitting his interest in pedophilia. Within the complaint, graphic descriptions of the materials Zelony-Mindell sent to the first undercover agent were provided.

Efrem Zelony-Mindell. Photo Source: FBI Deposition.

Among the media, were “a video depicting an adult male raping an approximately 11-year-old boy by penetrating him anally,” and an image of a toddler boy being forced to perform oral sex on an adult male. There was also an image of “an adult male restraining an approximately 12-year-old boy whose penis and anus were exposed.” 

Additional disturbing content included multiple images of adult men licking the anuses of boys as young as 8, media of a 10-year-old boy being forced to perform oral sex on an adult male, and images of an adult male “raping a young girl, approximately 8-years-old,” by vaginal penetration.

After being put in contact with the second undercover agent, the one posing as a father to a 9-year-old boy, Zelony-Mindell began distributing child pornography to that agent as well. This included an image of an adult male forcing a young boy to expose his anus and genitals, and a video of “a child under the age of approximately 10 years old being raped by an adult male who is penetrating the child anally.”

When asked where he got this child sexual abuse material, Zelony-Mindell responded that he “used to be in chat rooms,” has “a separate phone for perv atuff [sic],” and has “a shit ton on this phone.”

While communicating with the second agent, Zelony-Mindell stated: “I want to have sex with your son dude. It’s honestly all I think about. You watching us together.” He told the agent he was planning to visit New York, as he had previously moved to Arkansas, and asked, “You really want your kid to take my dick? Cause if we get together I’m absolutely going to fuck him.”

Zelony-Mindell is known for being an artist and activist, and has contributed to VICE in the past.

On his website, Zelony-Mindell describes himself as a “white non-binary queer” person and states his pronouns are “they/them.”

Zelony-Mindell has a history of painting and curating several “queer” art shows as well as being a former writing contributor to VICE.

In 2016, VICE published a piece by Zelony-Mindell in which he gushed about photographer Mary Ellen Mark and her “iconic” photos of a 13-year-old sexually trafficked child named Erin Charles. The girl “became a 30-year focus of turmoil and intrigue” to Mark, and the child “became integral to her artistic practice,” Zelony-Mindell described.

Zelony-Mindell’s contribution to VICE.

“What starts off as a portrait of a young girl with big dreams progresses over the years into a life that’s fallen apart through drugs, abuse, ten children, and other turmoil. ‘Will they make it?’ asks Tim Wride, one of the curators…, in reference to the subjects Mark captures on film. ‘Probably not. Is that the point? Probably not. At the same time, I think there is an optimistic edge that was so crucial to show with this body of work.’”

On his Instagram, one of Zelony-Mindell’s final posts is of a photograph taken by Jimmy DeSana in 1989 titled “Coat Hanger,” which features two nude young males with exposed bottoms.

On his website, Zelony-Mindell lists over one dozen shows he has curated, including at Ohio University, Texas Tech University, and the International Center for Photography-Bard.

In January, Zelony-Mindell’s book Witness was praised in Vogue in an article which appears to have been hastily deleted following the announcement of his charges. The Vogue profile praised Witness as “a resource” on the “intricacies of BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ artists.”

Zelony-Mindell was interviewed for the article, at one point signaling to human rights, and the Black Lives Matter movement and the protests and demonstrations that rocked the United States in 2020.

“After the murder of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor there was this collective specter hanging over the United States and the human species, really. A huge part of that violent weight was what role did photography and video play on us as individuals and communities. How do we collectively speak up and speak out?” Zelony-Mindell was quoted as saying. “How do we need to learn to listen and re-educate? How has silence and supremacy laid a pathway for complacency and white solidarity to racism, bigotry, and death?”

The disgraced artist is facing a mandatory minimum of 10 years in prison and a maximum sentence of life if he is prosecuted for his count of attempted enticement of the fake 9-year-old boy to engage in illegal sexual activity. He faces another minimum of five years and maximum of 20 years in prison for his count of distribution of child pornography, and another maximum of 20 years in prison for his count of possession of child pornography. 

Reduxx is a newly-launched independent source of pro-woman, pro-child safeguarding news and commentary. We’re 100% reader-funded! Support our mission by joining our Patreon, or consider making a one-time donation.

CANADA: Female Prison Guard Diagnosed With PTSD After Being Forced To Monitor A Trans-Identified Male In A Women’s Prison

Two correctional officers walk outside of a prison in Ontario, Canada. Photo: File / THE CANADIAN PRESS

A female correctional officer in Canada has won an employment tribunal case after she suffered a mental health injury while being assigned to monitor a trans-identified male inmate who had been transferred to a women’s prison.

According to a court ruling filed on October 3, the female correctional officer will be entitled to workers compensation benefits after being diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) she had acquired while being forced to monitor a trans-identified male inmate for 12 hours without relief despite her increasing anxiety.

The plaintiff, a 55-year-old woman who had been working in corrections for 11 years, had been assigned to monitor the inmate after he had been placed on suicide watch in December of 2019. The officer immediately made her employer aware that she had mental health concerns due to childhood sexual trauma, making the task difficult for her.

She testified that on December 16, 2019, she had been sent to the maximum security wing of the institution she was employed at and told to take over the monitoring of a trans-identified male inmate while he was on suicide watch. The assignment required her to unwaveringly monitor a video stream from inside the inmate’s cell.

According to the court records, she was made to sit in a small, dark office by herself and record what was happening in the cell every 15 minutes, including when the inmate went to the bathroom and masturbated.

Paragraphs from the court document.

While the identity of the prisoner is unknown, the court documents state he had been incarcerated in a men’s institution for “years” prior to claiming to be transgender and receiving a transfer to a women’s prison.

The officer repeatedly requested she be relieved of this duty, and advised her managers that she felt a male officer should have been responsible for the task considering the inmate was fully intact, but her requests were denied and she was told she had to remain at her post.

Throughout her shift, the officer became increasingly anxious, and ultimately divulged that she had survived child sexual abuse to her supervisor. But her boss threatened her with disciplinary action or termination if she did not complete the task assigned to her.

While she was originally scheduled to work from 2 p.m. to 11 p.m., management was unable to find a female officer willing or able to assume her post at the time she was supposed to leave, resulting in the worker having to remain at the station until 2 a.m. During the course of the 12-hour shift, she had also been denied a proper break or bathroom time, as no one was able to assume her post.

The day after her shift, the officer sought mental health assistance. She was given a note by her doctor to remain off work until January 3, and was ultimately diagnosed with PTSD within that timeframe.

According to the ruling: “The worker testified about the impact on her life since the incident. She testified that she could not return to work and was constantly reliving her childhood abuse. She felt re-traumatized and unheard by the employer when she tried to reach out. She felt like she had no options to get out of the assignment and felt numb. She testified that it was devastating.”

Paragraphs from the court document.

Ontario’s Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) initially denied the worker’s claim for PTSD benefits, claiming it fell under certain exemptions in WSIB’s Traumatic Mental Stress, Chronic Mental Stress, and First Responders policies.

But the Workplace Safety and Appeals Tribunal ultimately ruled in favor of the female officer, finding that being forced to monitor the male inmate for an extended period of time without break “triggered memories and a reliving of childhood trauma,” and ultimately caused the worker’s PTSD. She is now entitled to workplace benefits for the trauma she suffered while employed at the institution.

As of December 2017, inmates in Canada who claim a “transgender” identity can be housed in the facility of their preference regardless of physical anatomy unless “there are overriding health or safety concerns which cannot be resolved.”

While it is unknown what institution the female correctional officer was employed at, details from the court document suggest it may have been a federal facility due to the length of sentence the male inmate was serving. In Canada, inmates sentenced to prison terms in excess of 2 years are under the jurisdiction of the Correctional Services of Canada, which operates only one facility for incarnated women in Ontario — The Grand Valley Institution for Women.

The facility has had multiple controversies surrounding the transfer of trans-identified male inmates in recent years.

In September, female inmates at Grand Valley Institution reported that a violent male necrophiliac had been transferred to the facility after beginning to identify as transgender. Catherine Lynn was incarcerated for the 1995 murder of a woman. Lynn stabbed the victim to death before raping her corpse.

Heather Mason, a former federal inmate who served her time at the Grand Valley Institution, has been on the front-lines of providing information to the public on the necessity of keeping prisons in Canada single-sex.

Mason, now a vocal women’s rights campaigner, reported last year that 50% of male inmates seeking transfer to women’s prisons in Canada had been convicted of sex offenses.

The data is consistent with findings from other nations.

In the United States, it was found that almost 50% of male Bureau of Prison inmates who identified as transgender had been convicted of sex offenses. In the United Kingdom, 60% of all trans-identified male inmates with legal gender change documents have at least one conviction for a sexual offense.

Prison self-identification policies in other countries have also resulted in the sexual harassment and even rape of incarcerated women by male inmates who are transferred to women’s prisons.

Earlier this year, a trans-identified male inmate at Rikers Island was convicted of raping an incarcerated woman while in the female facility of the New York City prison complex. Weeks later, Reduxx exclusively revealed that a trans-identified male inmate reportedly sexually assaulted a female in a California institution.

Reduxx is a newly-launched independent source of pro-woman, pro-child safeguarding news and commentary. We’re 100% reader-funded! Support our mission by joining our Patreon, or consider making a one-time donation.

El mejor “jugadora” de Brasil es un hombre transidentificado acusado de mandar mensajes sexuales a una menor.

Alessandro "Flower" Ribeiro

Un jugador profesional de League of Legends de Brasil renunció a su asociación con deportes electrónicos (esports) debido a acusaciones de comportamiento de depredador sexual hacia una menor.

El 14 de diciembre, Alessandro Ribeiro anunció que se iba de la organización brasileña de esports paiN Gaming Female. Ribeiro, más conocido por su apodo “Flower Gardens”, había sido galardonado con el “MVP jugadora femenina” por League of Legends Sports Brazil a principios de este mes.

Ribeiro presentó su dimisión tras haberse filtrado los registros de chat de Discord que mostraban que había estado enviando mensajes íntimos a una niña de 14 años.

Las capturas de pantalla de las conversaciones entre Ribeiro, de 21 años, y la víctima fueron publicadas en Twitter y en ellas se puede leer que le dice a la niña que podía “usarla” “toda la noche”, y que la ataría y “jugaría” con su “cuerpecito, parte por parte”.

“Flower” recibe el premio MVP “Jugadora femenina” el 1 de diciembre.

Ribeiro supuestamente le pidió a la niña que lo llamara “papá”, a pesar de identificarse públicamente como “mujer” y participar en las divisiones de esports femeninos.

Tan pronto como se filtraron los mensajes, los detectives de Internet descubrieron cuentas privadas de Twitter pertenecientes a Ribeiro que tenían y compartían pornografía infantil animada. Las imágenes, dibujadas al estilo de los cómics japoneses, eran principalmente representaciones gráficas de niñas pequeñas siendo penetradas por genitales masculinos grotescamente grandes.

Poco después de que las capturas de pantalla comenzaran a circular en las redes sociales brasileñas, Ribeiro salió al paso de las acusaciones en su cuenta de Twitter y anunció que iba a renunciar a paiN Gaming para evitar dañar la reputación de sus compañeros de equipo.

En su breve hilo, Ribeiro no negó haber estado en contacto sexual con la niña de 14 años, pero se remitió a las leyes brasileñas, alegando que “no había ocurrido un crimen”. La edad de consentimiento en Brasil es de 14 años, sin restricciones en la actividad sexual o la edad de pareja.

Ribeiro dijo que las capturas de pantalla de sus conversaciones con la menor fueron compartidas sin “consentimiento” y de “mala fe” en un intento de “dar soporte a un estereotipo que a menudo vincula la pedofilia con la comunidad trans”. También se quejó de que la gente cuestionara su identidad de género, probablemente en referencia a que le había pedido a la niña que lo llamara “papá”.

Ribeiro insinuó que iba a emprender acciones legales contra quienes hicieran comentarios transfóbicos sobre él a raíz de las filtraciones.

La víctima menor de edad, comunicándose a través de terceros en Twitter, ha dicho que no va a presentar cargos penales contra Ribeiro debido a la preocupación por su familia, y ha dicho que no tenía la “capacidad emocional” para procesar el asunto en este momento. Las capturas de pantalla de las conversaciones de la víctima con Ribeiro se subieron inicialmente a las redes sociales con el consentimiento de ella, pero ahora ha pedido que se eliminen algunas de las conversaciones más gráficas con contenido altamente sexual por su propio bien. Respetando sus deseos, Reduxx ha optado por no reproducir las imágenes aquí.

El descubrimiento de las comunicaciones de Ribeiro con la niña se produce apenas dos semanas después de que él fuera nombrado mejor “jugadora femenina” de Brasil en una competición convocada por el organizador del campeonato nacional de League of Legends de Brasil. La competición estaba patrocinada por Riot Games, un importante desarrollador de videojuegos, y por el banco Santander de Brasil.

Los tres jugadores nominados a los primeros puestos en la categoría femenina por League of Legends eSports Brasil eran hombres transidentificados.

Por esas mismas fechas, Ribeiro fue seleccionado para el Premio Femenino eSports Brasil 2022 Breakthrough Athlete, junto con otros dos nominados. De los tres seleccionados, sólo uno era una mujer.

Las tres nominaciones para el Premio eSports Brasil 2022 Breakthrough Female Athlete.

Ambas competiciones están bajo el punto de mira de las mujeres brasileñas, muchas de las cuales recurrieron a Instagram para expresar la gracia que les hacía el asunto.

“¿Dónde están las jugadoras?” Una cuenta preguntó debajo del anuncio de League of Legends eSports Brasil de sus tres mejores seleccionados, y su comentario se repitió docenas de veces en otras respuestas.

“La inclusión que excluye a las mujeres de sus espacios duramente ganados … Pura misoginia”, escribió otra.

La organización matriz de paiN Gaming, la antigua organización de juegos profesionales de Ribeiro, se negó a hacer declaraciones a MCG Brasil y dijo que no iban a publicar ningún comentario sobre lo que había sucedido.

La polémica que rodea a Ribeiro no es más que la última de lo que parece ser un aumento de incidentes en Brasil relacionados con el impacto de la ideología de género.

La semana pasada, comenzaron a circular en las redes sociales imágenes de la Universidad de Brasilia (UNB) (artículo en español), en donde se podía ver a un hombre barbudo que se identificaba como “mujer” gritando muy alto a una estudiante después de una confrontación en el baño. La estudiante había cuestionado la presencia del hombre en el baño de mujeres, lo que resultó en que el hombre transidentificado se echara contra ella y acabara atacándolaLa estudiante habló con Reduxx y declaró que, a pesar de que el hombre transidentificado la había atacado físicamente, los transactivistas del campus pedían la expulsión de ella de la universidad por haber cuestionado la presencia del hombre en el baño de mujeres.

Apenas unas semanas antes, Reduxx (artículo en español) reveló que la propietaria de un gimnasio en Anápolis, Brasil, estaba siendo denunciada por la vía penal por negarse a aceptar a un hombre transidentificado como miembro de su gimnasio exclusivamente para mujeres.

En octubre, Glamour Brasil (artículo en español) dio a un influencer masculino el premio de “Mujer del Año”, a pesar de que dicho influencer había afirmado previamente que las mujeres “no existen.”

Reduxx es una nueva plataforma en pro de los derechos de la mujer y de los menores de edad con noticias y artículos. Somos 100% independientes! Colabora con nuestro proyecto uniéndote a nuestro Patreon.one-time donation.

Brazil’s Top “Female Gamer” Is A Trans-Identified Male Now Accused Of Sexting With A Minor

Alessandro "Flower" Ribeiro

A professional League of Legends player in Brazil has stepped down from his esports association following allegations he was sexually predatory towards a minor.

On December 14, Alessandro Ribeiro announced he was resigning from Brazilian esports organization paiN Gaming Female. Ribeiro, better known by his gaming handle “Flower Gardens,” had been awarded the “MVP female gamer” by League of Legends Sports Brazil earlier this month.

Ribeiro’s resignation was tendered following the leak of Discord chat logs showing that he had been sending intimate messages to a 14-year-old.

Screenshots of the conversations between Ribeiro, 21, and the victim were posted to Twitter in which he is seen telling the child he could “use” her “all night,” and that he would tie her up and “play” with her “little body, part by part.”

“Flower” being awarded the MVP “Female Gamer” award on December 1.

Disturbingly, Ribeiro reportedly requested the child call him “daddy,” despite identifying publicly as a “woman” and participating in women’s esports divisions.

After the messages were leaked, internet sleuths quickly uncovered private Twitter accounts belonging to Ribeiro which prominently featured and shared animated child pornography. The images, drawn in a Japanese cartoon style, were primarily graphic depictions of little girls being penetrated by grotesquely large male genitalia.

Shortly after the screenshots began circulating on Brazilian social media, Ribeiro addressed the accusations on his Twitter, and announced he was going to resign from paiN Gaming in order to spare his teammates damage to their reputations.

In his short thread, Ribeiro did not deny he had been in sexual contact with the 14-year-old, but instead deferred to Brazilian laws, claiming “a crime did not happen.” The age of consent in Brazil is 14 years old, with no restrictions on sexual activity or age of partner.

Ribeiro said the screenshots of his conversations with the minor were shared without “consent” and in “bad faith” as an attempt to “support a stereotype that often links pedophilia to the trans community.” He also complained about people questioning his gender identity, likely in reference to him having asked the child to call him “daddy.”

Ribeiro suggested he was going to take legal action against those making transphobic comments about him in wake of the leaks.

Communicating through a third party on Twitter, the minor victim has said she is not pursuing criminal charges against Ribeiro due to concerns for her family, and has said she had no “emotional capacity” to process this incident at the present time. Screenshots of the victim’s conversations with Ribeiro were initially uploaded to social media with her consent, but she has since asked for some of the more graphic conversations featuring highly sexual content to be removed for her own wellbeing. Reduxx has chosen not to reproduce the images here out of respect for her wishes.

The revelations regarding Ribeiro’s communications with the child come just two weeks after he was named the top “female” gamer in Brazil in a competition held by Brazil’s national League of Legends championship organizer. The competition was sponsored by Riot Games, a major video game developer, and Santander Bank of Brazil.

Of the three gamers nominated to the top spots in the women’s category by League of Legends eSports Brazil, all were trans-identified males.

Around the same time, Ribeiro was one of three nominees selected for the Premio eSports Brazil 2022 Breakthrough Female Athlete award. Of the three selected, only one was a woman.

The three nominations for Premio eSports Brazil’s 2022 Breakthrough Female Athlete.

Both competitions faced heavy scrutiny from Brazilian women, many of whom took to Instagram to voice their amusement.

“Where’s the female players?” One user asked beneath League of Legends eSports Brazil’s announcement of their top three picks, her comment echoed by dozens of other responses.

“Inclusion that excludes females from their hard-won spaces… Pure misogyny,” another wrote.

The parent organization of paiN Gaming, Ribeiro’s former professional gaming organization, refused comment to MCG Brazil and said they would not be putting out a statement on what had happened.

The controversy surrounding Ribeiro is just the latest in what appears to be a spike in incidents out of Brazil related to the impact of gender ideology.

Last week, footage out of the University of Brasília (UNB) began to circulate on social media, the clips showing a bearded male who identified as a “woman” violently screaming at a female student following a bathroom confrontation. The female student had questioned the man’s presence in the women’s restroom, resulting in the trans-identified male going on a rampage against her which culminated in an assault. The female student spoke to Reduxx and stated that, despite having been physically battered by the trans-identified male, trans activists on the campus were calling for her expulsion from the university for having questioned the man’s presence in the women’s restroom.

Just weeks prior, Reduxx revealed that a female gym owner in Anápolis, Brazil was being criminally charged after refusing to provide a membership to a trans-identified male who sought to use her women’s-only exercise facility.

In October, Glamour Brazil awarded a male social media influencer “Woman of the Year,” even though that influencer had previously claimed that women “do not exist.”

Reduxx is a newly-launched independent source of pro-woman, pro-child safeguarding news and commentary. We’re 100% reader-funded! Support our mission by joining our Patreon, or consider making a one-time donation.

BRAZIL: Female Student Assaulted by Trans-identified Male Over Washroom Access Says She Was “Afraid of Dying”

The female student seen being attacked by a trans-identified male at a Brazilian University has come forward to Reduxx and provide disturbing new details on the incident.

On December 14, footage taken at the University of Brasília (UNB) began to circulate on social media, quickly racking up viral attention. The camera-phone video clips showed a large, bearded male wearing a dress loudly screaming in the face of a female student, who appeared to be trying to get away from him. 

Additional video was taken by the woman being assailed, and she can be heard pointing out the man’s obvious characteristics.

“But you’re a dude!” The female student says.

“I am not a dude! Nothing is keeping me from bringing my hand to your face. Girl, respect me! Respect me!” He is heard screaming, using a colloquial expression for ‘slapping.’

In some extended clips, the trans-identified male student can also be heard claiming it was a “crime” to call him a man.

Reduxx confirmed the identity of the trans-identified male as a student named Brigitte Lúcia. Lúcia, who appears to identify as a homosexual man in addition to as a transgender woman, had previously attempted to run for a position in the university’s student council.

Laura, who is being referred to by a pseudonym as she is concerned for her safety and wishes to remain anonymous, has now come forward to speak to Reduxx about the incident and provide additional details on what happened that day.

Laura has been a student at UNB for 3 years, but says this was the first time she had ever interacted with Lúcia. Laura explains that she had been unaware of a university policy which allowed males who simply identified as “women” to enter the women’s washrooms, even where they were not gender-neutral.

“The bathroom where everything happened is a women’s bathroom, for women. But I was informed that UNB has guidelines that separates washroom by gender identity, not sex. That is, anyone who identifies as a woman can enter the women’s bathroom. I did not know that.”

Upon entering the washroom and seeing Lúcia, Laura says she became anxious. She explained that there had been several recent incidents of sexual harassment and rape on the campus, and that males had also been entering the women’s restrooms to film the women using the toilets.

“This caused me a lot of panic,” Laura says, “So I asked what he was doing there, because I realized he was male. He has a beard, he’s tall, he has a male voice. He didn’t look like a transgender woman.”

Laura says she wasn’t even opposed to the idea of “fully transitioned” trans-identified males using the women’s facilities, but couldn’t understand it when Lúcia began to insist he was a woman.

“As soon as I approached him, he told me he was a woman… But I didn’t understand, because I couldn’t see him as anything but male. He came at me and he was going to attack me right there in the bathroom, but another girl arrived and defended me.”

The other female student helped put distance between Laura and Lúcia, guiding her out of the bathroom with an arm around her. But as soon as the pair entered the cafeteria, Lúcia came barreling towards them, screaming furiously.

“He started calling me transphobic and pointing his finger in my face … He started yelling at me and pushing me and cussing me out. He cornered me all the time and intimidated me, as if he wanted me to fight back … I was afraid he was going to beat me right then and there. I was actually afraid of dying or something,” Laura says.

Laura says Lúcia pursued her all the way to the university administrator’s office, before he pushed her into a glass wall. She says her head and arm hit the wall, and she began to feel dizzy. A university employee ultimately pulled her away from Lúcia.

Laura has lodged a complaint with campus security, as well as filed a report with the local police department for bodily injury. She hasn’t been back to the cafeteria out of fear she’ll run into Lúcia again, and worries that he is going to attempt to ruin her academic career.

When asked if she had a message to convey to the international audience of women who saw the video of her being attacked, Laura explains that she has reflected upon the views she held prior to her ordeal with Lúcia.

“Initially, I would have said that women should be more careful, and not go to bathrooms or changing rooms alone due to the threat of running into a male there … In these last few hours, since the report came out [of what happened to me], I’ve been reflecting on how I’m being accused of [transphobia] simply for acting on my own perception of reality.”

Laura says that since the incident went viral, some student trans activists have condemned her supposed “transphobia,” and have called for her expulsion from the university.

“I simply asked that person to leave the women’s restroom. His response was to insult, humiliate, and assault me. I think if he was so sure of his identity, we would have a healthy discussion without all the stress. But if a simple question I asked, based on my own perception of reality, was enough to provoke that person into a violent rage, I’d like to understand why I’m being accused of wrongdoing and not him.”

She continues: “So, I’m not going to tell women to be careful… My message is: Take action. If something makes you uncomfortable, say ‘no.’ Say ‘I don’t want to,’ or ‘I’m not fine.’ Just do it. I think it’s through action that we change things. Women are told to be nice and passive, but action is the best way, in my opinion, to change the problems that afflict us.”

Reduxx is a newly-launched independent source of pro-woman, pro-child safeguarding news and commentary. We’re 100% reader-funded! Support our mission by joining our Patreon, or consider making a one-time donation.

BRUSSELS: Trans Activists Throw Feces During Event Critical of Gender Ideology

Photo Credit: Café Laïque / TWITTER

Trans activists disrupted a small child safeguarding event in Brussels, Belgium this past week, throwing cow feces in protest of the speakers holding views critical of gender ideology.

On December 15, child psychiatrist Caroline Eliacheff and professor Céline Masson held a talk at Café Laïque to discuss their latest gender critical publication. The two speakers read from their research, titled “La Fabrique de l’enfant transgenre,” roughly translated as “The Transgender Child Factory,” which expressed concerns over the “psychological conditioning” of youth claiming to be transgender.

But not long after the event had started, trans activists showed up to disrupt the talk.

While the venue was closed to the public and initially had locked doors to prevent disruptions, an individual who exited the space about 30 minutes into the event in order to make a phone call had left the door unlocked, inadvertently allowing the activists a way to enter.

Advertisements for the event.

According to Le Figaro, 20 hooded activists then stormed into Café Laïque. Calling themselves the “Ursula Collective,” the group confronted the attendees and began to throw terracotta pots containing garbage and cattle feces throughout the room. The majority of the activists appear to have been male. Some of them were holding signs which suggested that being critical of the medical transitioning of youth was a form of “conversion therapy.”

During their tirade, the disruptors also overturned chairs, jostled people, and tried to attack speakers Masson and Eliacheff while screaming obscenities. Attendees intervened and prevented the group from lunging at the speakers.

Prior to its official start, the event had received threats from anonymous trans activists promising “consequences” if it went ahead.

Florence Bergeaud-Blackler, who had organized Masson and Eliacheff’s talk, told Le Figaro that the threats had been reported to Belgian police in advance, but that officers had been preoccupied providing security for a European Union summit held in the same district.

The speakers decided to end the conference early, fearing for their safety.

One member of the group was arrested once police finally arrived, but the rest of the “Collective” fled.

During the disruption, the window of the building was vandalized, with the name of the venue being obscured by a collage which read “racist,” and “transphobic.”

While Café Laïque has been targeted in the past for its history of platforming controversial speakers, the violent interruption of the talk in this instance appears to have been solely motivated the appearance of Masson and Eliacheff. 

The two women are frequently referred to as “transphobic” and called “TERFs” – an acronym for ‘trans exclusionary radical feminist’ often used in a derogatory fashion.

Eliacheff in particular has faced event cancellations in the past due to threats of violence. In November, she was prevented from speaking at a conference in Lille, Belgium. At another event in Paris, she was forced to attend via video conference due to fears for her safety, and yet another event in Lyon was hastily moved due to threats of violence.

“I am no longer at peace anywhere,” Eliacheff has said. The celebrated psychiatrist believes the only way for her to continue speaking at events safely is for her presence to be unannounced and spontaneous.

Bergeaud-Blackler told Le Figaro that she has filed a police complaint regarding the incident, and noted that although journalists were present at the incident, the story has hardly been reported on by Belgian media. She also said that she had attempted to provide the activists a microphone in order to speak freely and civilly, but none had accepted her offer.

The disgusting disruption at Café Laïque this week follows a rising trend of violence against women around the world for their participation at events critical of gender ideology.

Author and women’s right’s advocate Kara Dansky led a peaceful protest earlier this month in Oakland, California which ended in the assault of some female attendees by angry trans activists. Women’s Liberation Front founder Lierre Keith spoke to Reduxx and said the protest had initially been off to a good start — with members of the public expressing support for the women. But the group was ultimately confronted and attacked by black-clad trans activists who had ambushed them. 

“One man rammed into Kara with an umbrella. Others attacked us by slamming things into our faces and heads. Kara also got eggs smashed into her head and body. There’s a photo of actual blood behind her ear from the force,” Leith told Reduxx.

The use of waste in protest by trans activists has also been documented in other incidents from this year.

In September, trans activists in London, UK staged a urine-filled protest outside of the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) to protest proposed plans to exclude some trans-identified males from women’s facilities.

Members of the organization Pissed Off Trannies gathered outside of the EHRC to leave bottles full of human urine around the perimeter. They also poured urine on themselves and onto the public sidewalk, prompting ample disgust from women’s rights advocates on social media.

Even more recently, trans activists suggested that an unidentified liquid they had sprayed at women’s rights campaigner Kellie-Jay Keen during a Speaker’s Corner event in London was urine.

Reduxx is a newly-launched independent source of pro-woman, pro-child safeguarding news and commentary. We’re 100% reader-funded! Support our mission by joining our Patreon, or consider making a one-time donation.

“¡Respétame!”: le chilla un hombre transidentificado a una estudiante al confrontarlo por haberse metido en el baño de mujeres

Han aparecido imágenes perturbadoras de una universidad de Brasil que muestran a un estudiante varón transidentificado gritando agresivamente a una estudiante que había cuestionado su presencia en el baño de mujeres.

El 14 de diciembre, imágenes tomadas en la Universidad de Brasilia (UNB) comenzaron a circular en las redes sociales y se hicieron rápidamente virales en el país. El video, grabado con un teléfono, mostraba a un hombre grande y barbudo con un vestido puesto, gritando muy alto en la cara de una estudiante, que parecía estar tratando de alejarse de él.

Las imágenes parecen haber sido tomadas en la cafetería de la Universidad, y el incidente fue causado por la presencia del hombre barbudo en el baño de mujeres. Según los informes, la estudiante había intentado cuestionar la presencia del hombre y expresar su incomodidad por su presencia allí. El hombre empezó a chillarle de forma agresiva y a perseguirla a gritos por el comedor.

En el video, se puede oír a la mujer que está siendo atacada señalar las características obvias del hombre.

“¡Pero eres un tío!” Dice la estudiante.

“¡No soy un tío! Nada me impide llevar mi mano a tu cara. ¡Chica, respétame! ¡Respétame!” Se le escucha gritar, usando una expresión coloquial para “abofetear”.

En algunos clips más largos, también se puede escuchar al estudiante varón transidentificado decir que era un “crimen” llamarlo hombre.

Los medios brasileños cubrieron el incidente hoy, ofreciendo un retrato comprensivo del estudiante varón transidentificado, a quien no identificaron. TV Globo también aplicó censura a las imágenes disponibles, oscureciendo el rostro y la voz del estudiante varón involucrado.

En una entrevista con el estudiante, TV Globo insinuó que fue víctima de transfobia, que describieron como “una forma de prejuicio contra las personas transexuales que puede resultar en violencia física, moral o psicológica”.

El estudiante transidentificado hizo las siguientes declaraciones: “Me sentí extremadamente ofendido, estaba siendo expuesto, estaba siendo humillado por una persona que me estaba filmando. Corrí para tratar de cogerle el teléfono, y perdí el control. Pero nadie debería pasar por esto solo por querer usar el baño”.

La estudiante involucrada en el incidente también hizo declaraciones, en donde explica que simplemente había tenido miedo cuando vio a un hombre usando las instalaciones de las mujeres.

“Pensé que era un hombre, ¿no? Porque vi la barba. Luego le pregunté qué estaba haciendo en el baño. Porque hay casos de acoso y violación que suceden dentro de la universidad y me dan mucho miedo estas cosas”, explicó.

En respuesta al artículo de TV Globo y a las imágenes virales, Ariadne Ribeiro, funcionario transgénero de ONUSIDA, declaró que era “esencial” que los hombres transidentificados estuvieran protegidos en entornos “colectivos”.

“Imagínese la angustia de un ser humano que no puede ir al baño simplemente por este tipo de violencia [y] agresión. ¿Qué podemos hacer, en términos de políticas públicas, para que un entorno público dentro de una institución privada garantice su seguridad? ¿O incluso un entorno público en una universidad pública?” Preguntó Ribeiro.

“Es importante que [las mujeres] sepan que el baño masculino para las mujeres trans es igual de violento a como se imaginan que sería si hubiera un hombre en su baño”.

Aunque los medios brasileños no revelaron la identidad del estudiante varón transidentificado, Reduxx puede confirmar que es Brigitte Lúcia.

Hoy, tras la publicación del artículo de TV Globo en el que se hizo la víctima, Lúcia publicó una foto de graffiti en una pared que decía “hay mujeres con penes, hombres con vaginas y tránsfobos sin dientes”. Lúcia subtituló la imagen con la frase: “para mí, es un HONOR no gustarte”.

En Instagram, los defensores de los derechos de las mujeres condenaron el comportamiento de Lúcia en la UNB y señalaron el incidente como un ejemplo de por qué los espacios de un solo sexo son necesarios.

Una publicación con las imágenes de Lúcia atacando verbalmente a la estudiante se subtituló así: “Por supuesto que tenemos miedo de personas como tú en nuestros espacios, tío. ¿Quién no lo tendría?”

En respuesta al video, muchas mujeres brasileñas expresaron frustración e incredulidad, y algunas usuarias describieron el comportamiento de Lúcia como violencia con “patrón masculino”.

“Hoy vi el caso de un hombre que mató a sus cuatro hijos para vengarse de su ex esposa. Luego veo a un tío como éste gritando y amenazando a una mujer. Nadie comenta que se trata de violencia masculina. Es un hombre consentido que cree que puede tener lo que le da la gana hasta que agreda a mujeres”, escribió una usuaria de Instagram en la sección de comentarios del video.

Otros usuarios cuestionaron si la estudiante estaba a salvo en las instalaciones y notaron la falta de intervención de los testigos.

“Nadie defiende a la mujer por miedo a ser juzgado y sufrir represalias”, observó una usuaria de Instagram, y otra responde: “Si alguien dice algo, lo arrestan por transfobia”.

Brasil se ha convertido en un foco de tensión en el debate sobre la ideología de género en los últimos meses, y muchos incidentes ocurridos en el país han adquirido atención e indignación internacional.

En julio de este año, un incidente similar tuvo lugar en una escuela secundaria en Maringá, Brasil. Imágenes violentas (artículo en español) que mostraban a estudiantes varones transidentificados agrediendo físicamente a compañeras de clase comenzaron a circular en las redes sociales, y rápidamente salió en los medios que el brutal ataque fue causado por las niñas que expresaron su preocupación por la posibilidad de que los hombres pudieran acceder a los baños femeninos dentro de la escuela.

En una toma de la perturbadora grabación, se puede ver a una estudiante siendo empujada al suelo. Su amiga intenta ayudarla, pero la agarran por el pelo y la tiran hacia un lado. Poco después, se ve como la golpean en la cabeza repetidamente. Más adelante en el clip, se podía escuchar a uno de los estudiantes varones transidentificados gritando: “¡La próxima vez que seas transfóbica, te rompo los huesos!”

Otros incidentes en el país incluyen a dos mujeres que se enfrentan a una posible pena de cárcel por “transfobia” criminal.

Isabela Cêpa, una conocida activista feminista del país, habló exclusivamente con Reduxx en junio (artículo en español) y reveló que estaba acusada de cinco delitos de “racismo social” por llamar “hombre” a un político varón transidentificado. Apenas unos meses después, la propietaria de un gimnasio en Anápolis (artículo en español), fue acusada de lo mismo por negarse a permitir que un hombre transidentificado se hiciera socio de su gimnasio exclusivamente para mujeres.

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“Los hombres son hombres”: artista noruega se enfrenta a cargos criminales y posible pena de cárcel por comentarios sobre el género

Una mujer en Noruega se enfrenta a cargos criminales y una posible condena de cárcel de hasta tres años por afirmar que los hombres no pueden ser lesbianas. La policía le comunicó el 17 de noviembre a Tonje Gjevjon, una artista lesbiana, que la estaban investigando por discurso de odio por una publicación en Facebook.

En esa publicación, Gjevjon criticaba a los hombres transidentificados que se llaman a sí mismos “lesbianas” y condenaba a los transactivistas que piden criminalizar a las mujeres que se oponen a la ideología de género.

“Es igual de imposible que los hombres se vuelvan lesbianas como que los hombres se queden embarazados”, escribió Gjevjon, “Los hombres son hombres independientemente de sus fetiches sexuales”.

La artista noruega Tonje Gjevjon se enfrenta a cargos de incitación al odio

Gjevjon destacó particularmente las acciones del conocido transactivista noruego, Christine Jentoft, un hombre que dice ser una madre lesbiana y que es actualmente el representante del principal grupo transactivista de la nación, Foreningen FRI.

Jentoft estuvo en el centro de un enfrentamiento entre activistas de los derechos de las mujeres y la legislación de discurso de odio de Noruega, que se revisó en 2020. Las enmiendas, que entraron en vigencia el año pasado, incluían la categoría de “identidad de género o expresión de género”, una medida que los defensores de los derechos de las mujeres del país advirtieron que coartaría la libertad de expresión, especialmente en relación con la realidad del sexo biológico.

A principios de este año, Jentoft presentó cargos penales contra Christina Ellingsen (artículo en español), representante de Women’s Declaration International (WDI) Noruega, por afirmar que los hombres no pueden ser ni lesbianas ni madres. Como informó Reduxx en mayo, se inició una investigación policial sobre la supuesta “transfobia” de Ellingsen y, al igual que Gjevjon, se enfrenta hasta a tres años de prisión si es declarada culpable.

Gjevjon dice que su publicación en Facebook había sido un intento deliberado de llamar la atención sobre la ley de discurso de odio. Lo hizo citando la primera publicación juzgada (artículo en español) como discurso de odio por la ley, donde un hombre fue condenado por el uso de la frase “hombres que viven permanentemente como si fueran niñas” en referencia a los hombres transidentificados.

Además de criticar a Jentoft, Gjevjon también dirigió su atención hacia los políticos noruegos que han apoyado la adopción legislativa de la “identidad de género” a expensas de los derechos de las mujeres. Una de esas políticas, Anette Trettebergstuen del Partido Laborista, es la actual Ministra de Cultura e Igualdad y la única política abiertamente lesbiana en el Parlamento de Noruega.

Durante un debate abierto organizada por el Partido Laborista el año pasado, Gjevjon se enfrentó a Trettebergstuen, cuestionando cómo pretendía proteger los derechos de las mujeres y las niñas, y si creía que los hombres podían ser lesbianas.

Notificación oficial de la investigación de la incitación al odio contra Tonje Gjevjon.

“Creo que es absolutamente necesario poner el sexo biológico como base en todos los contextos donde el sexo tiene relevancia legal, cultural o práctica, y que equiparar el sexo con la identidad de género tiene consecuencias dañinas y discriminatorias para las mujeres y las niñas, especialmente las lesbianas”, declaró Gjevjon en su turno de preguntas.

“¿Va a tomar medidas el Ministro de Igualdad para garantizar que se salvaguarden los derechos humanos de las mujeres lesbianas, dejando claro que no hay lesbianas con penes, que los hombres no pueden ser lesbianas independientemente de su identidad de género y arreglando el desastre de las políticas de género dañinas heredadas del gobierno anterior?”

Trettebergstuen respondió: “No comparto una interpretación de la realidad donde los únicos dos sexos biológicos deben entenderse como sexo. La identidad de género también es importante”.

El año pasado, cuando ocupaba el cargo de Ministra de Igualdad, Trettebergstuen apareció en un video que promovía el objetivo político de una categoría de “tercer género” sancionada por el gobierno. En el cortometraje salían mujeres vestidas con los uniformes vistos en la popular serie de televisión El Cuento de la Criada, que hacían de “vientres gestantes” para hombres homosexuales.

Gjevjon comenzó a expresar críticas a la ideología de identidad de género, que ella llama el “patriarcado queer”, en 2017 después de que a la escritora feminista inglesa Julie Bindel se le revocara la invitación para hablar en una universidad por acusaciones de “transfobia”.

Una vez que empezó a compartir sus puntos de vista “críticos de género”, Gjevjon entró en la lista negra de la comunidad artística de Noruega, un ambiente en el que antes florecía.

En un artículo para Klassekampen de febrero, Gjevjon detalló sus experiencias al ser rechazada por el mundo del arte y al ver sus exposiciones canceladas y etiquetadas como “peligrosas” por activistas trans.

Gjevjon es la creadora de un grupo de lesbianas llamado Hungry Hearts, un proyecto de arte que produce música, actuaciones en vivo e instalaciones artísticas. En 2017, el Museo de Arte Haugar invitó a Hungry Hearts de Gjevjon a participar en una exposición sobre la fluidez de género. Gjevjon advirtió al comisario de arte del museo que los transactivistas iban a presionar al director para que cancelaran el acto.

Tonje Gjevjon en el escenario con su grupo Hungry Hearts durante el festival Pride en Estocolmo en 2017 / FOTO: HUNGRYHEARTS.NO

Apenas unos días antes de la inauguración de la exposición, la dirección del museo informó a Gjevjon que habían recibido múltiples quejas sobre su trabajo y, en particular, la letra de una canción que había producido que hacía referencia a la anatomía de la vagina. El museo retiró sus contribuciones de la exposición con la excusa de que no podía garantizar su seguridad.

Un crítico, un hombre transidentificado que usa el nombre de Ingrid Frivold, llegó hasta a comparar a Gjevjon con un negacionista del Holocausto en un mensaje que envió al Museo de Arte Haugar, que decía: “a muchas personas trans esto nos parece tan prococador como si a David Irwing se le hubiera pedido que hablara en la inauguración de una exposición sobre el Holocausto”.

Frivold fue entrevistado con simpatía en un artículo en 2018 para el medio de noticias de Oslo Dagsavisen titulado “Un pene en el vestuario de mujeres” en el que comparó sus genitales con un “cameltoe” y argumentó que las mujeres deben sentirse cómodas al ver los genitales masculinos en los vestuarios y otros sitios donde la gente se cambia de ropa.

Ingrid Frivold, hombre transidentificado, quien ha argumentado que las mujeres y las niñas deben sentirse cómodas con la exposición a los genitales masculinos.

En 2020, Frivold fue nombrado miembro del consejo asesor del grupo activista trans Foreningen FRI. Actualmente es miembro de la junta de “representación queer” en el Museo Nacional de Noruega.

Gjevjon fue censurada en 2020 por el Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Kunstplass en Oslo, donde había sido invitada a comisariar una exposición individual con las obras de la fallecida artista lesbiana Marianne Rovas Olsen.

El comisario de arte del museo le dijo a Gjevjon que la razón para cancelar su invitación es que estar asociado con ella sería “un desastre para su reputación”. En noviembre de 2021, le cancelaron nuevamente la invitación para exhibir su propio trabajo en el Museo de la Mujer.

“He dicho que las mujeres son mujeres, que las lesbianas no tienen penes, que los niños no deberían ser responsables de decisiones de cuyo alcance no tienen la capacidad de comprender, y que silenciar a la gente es perjudicial para la democracia. Me han cancelado varias veces por estas opiniones”, escribió Gjevjon en Klassekampen.

Tonje Gjevjon está siendo investigada por un delito de incitación al odio por críticas a la ideología de género

Continuó diciendo que, después de más de 15 años participando en la escena artística y musical de Noruega, nunca había recibido tal censura hasta que comenzó a criticar la creencia de que un hombre puede identificarse como mujer.

“No estaba preparada para el grado en que las organizaciones, políticos y activistas queer demonizarían a una artista lesbiana que no estaba de acuerdo. Los transactivistas contactan con las personas con las que trabajo, me describen como odiadora y les advierten que estar asociadas conmigo tiene consecuencias”, dijo Gjevjon.

Gjevjon dijo a Reduxx que un funcionario del museo le había dicho directamente que estaba en la lista negra de la comunidad por sus opiniones, y que se había intentado que despidieran a su esposa.

Expresó su frustración con el ministro de Igualdad, Trettebergstuen, por negarse a apoyar los derechos de las lesbianas a estar atraídas hacia su mismo sexo, y enfatizó la cantidad de dinero y apoyo que el sistema de creencias de identidad de género recibe del gobierno.

“El Gobierno, junto con el Ministro de Igualdad y Cultura, otorga decenas de millones en apoyo estatal a organizaciones queer que llevan a cabo activismo LGBTQI que incluye la demonización de lesbianas y mujeres que piensan como yo”, dijo Gjevjon.

“La agenda de las organizaciones queer se basa en gran medida en el ansia de los hombres queer de tener un mayor acceso a los cuerpos de los niños y las mujeres: legalización de la subrogación, legalización del proxenetismo, glorificación y romantización de la prostitución, y la protección especial de los fetiches sexuales como el BDSM en la ley”, agregó.

Gjevjon señaló que es una cultura de “pornificación” y “cosificación” entrelazada con una “eliminación del lenguaje que describe con precisión lo que significa ser mujer”.

“Veo esto como la degradación y deshumanización de las niñas, las mujeres y las lesbianas. No creo en el concepto de identidad de género. Y los hombres no pueden ni ser, ni convertirse en mujeres o lesbianas”, dijo Gjevjon.

Desde 1997, Foreningen FRI estaba trabajando para la derogación de las parafilias sexuales y los fetiches como diagnósticos de salud mental tanto en Noruega como en el extranjero. En 2010, muchos diagnósticos relacionados con la parafilia fueron eliminados de la literatura médica noruega, y en 2018 la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) hizo lo mismo.

Las campañas de FRI fuero exitosas y dieron como resultado que el sadomasoquismo, el fetichismo travesti y el fetichismo general fueran reclasificados como variantes de la excitación sexual en la 11ª edición de la Clasificación Internacional de Enfermedades de la OMS.

El primer cargo de discriminación registrado por identidad de género fue presentado en 2017 por un hombre transidentificado contra una mujer que le había pedido que no se duchara en el vestuario de mujeres de un centro deportivo.

Aunque más tarde fue absuelta de todos los cargos en su contra, la mayoría de los miembros del tribunal involucrados en el caso reprendieron a la mujer por quejarse. El tribunal enfatizó “que las personas transgénero son vulnerables y necesitan protección especial contra el acoso”.

El hombre transidentificado que presentó el cargo de discriminación contra ella atribuyó el mérito de su identidad transgénero a la pornografía y al BDSM, y recientemente ha hecho un videojuego sobre matar brutalmente a mujeres.

En respuesta al creciente ataque a la libertad de expresión de las mujeres como resultado de los recientes cambios legislativos, WDI Noruega ha establecido un fondo legal. La representante Christina Ellingsen dijo a Reduxx que WDI Noruega ya ha ayudado a otras dos mujeres acosadas por transactivistas en el trabajo, donde sus empleadores o colegas recibieron cartas presionando para que las despidan.

“Respect Me!”: Trans-Identified Male Screams at Female Student After Being Confronted in Women’s Washroom

Disturbing footage has emerged out of a university in Brazil showing a trans-identified male student aggressively screaming at a female student who had questioned his presence in the women’s restroom.

On December 14, footage taken at the University of Brasília (UNB) began to circulate on social media, quickly racking up viral attention in the nation. The camera-phone video showed a large, bearded male wearing a dress loudly screaming in the face of a female student, who appeared to be trying to get away from him.

The footage can be traced back to the University’s cafeteria, and the incident was caused by the presence of the bearded man in the women’s restroom. The female student had reportedly attempted to question the man’s presence, expressing discomfort with him being there. The man then launched into a tirade of aggression, stalking the female student through the dining hall.

In video taken by the woman being assailed, she can be heard pointing out the man’s obvious characteristics.

“But you’re a dude!” The female student says.

“I am not a dude! Nothing is keeping me from bringing my hand to your face. Girl, respect me! Respect me!” He is heard screaming, using a colloquial expression for ‘slapping.’

In some extended clips, the trans-identified male student can also be heard claiming it was a “crime” to call him a man.

Brazilian media covered the incident today, offering a sympathetic portrayal of the trans-identified male student, who they did not identify. TV Globo also applied censorship to the available footage, obscuring the face and voice of the trans-identified male student involved.

In an interview with the student, TV Globo suggested he was the victim of transphobia, which they described as “a form of prejudice against transsexual people that can result in physical, moral or psychological violence.”

The trans-identified male student gave a statement, saying: “I felt extremely offended, I was being exposed, I was being humiliated by a person who was filming me. I ran to try to take her cell phone, and I lost control. But no one should go through this just because they want to use the bathroom.”

The female student involved in the incident similarly provided a statement, explaining that she had simply been afraid when she saw a male using the women’s facilities.

“I thought it was a man, right? Because I saw the beard. Then I asked him what he was doing in the bathroom. Because there are cases of harassment and rape that happen inside the university and I get very afraid of these things,” she explained.

In response to the TV Globo article and viral footage, Ariadne Ribeiro, a transgender officer at UNAIDS, stated it was “essential” that trans-identified males be protected in “collective” environments.

“Imagine the anguish of a human being who is unable to go to the bathroom simply because of this type of violence [and] aggression. What can we do, in terms of public policies, so that a public environment within a private institution guarantees security? Or even a public environment in a public university?” Ribeiro asked.

“It is important for [women] to know that the male bathroom for trans women is exactly as violent as they imagine it would be if they had a man in their bathroom.”

Though Brazilian media did not release the trans-identified male student’s identity, Reduxx can confirm him as being Brigitte Lúcia.

Earlier today, following the release of the TV Globo article in which he painted himself out to be a victim, Lucia posted a photo of wall graffiti which read “there are women with penises, men with vaginas, and transphobes with no teeth.” Lucia captioned the picture, “for me, it is an HONOR for you not to like me.”

On Instagram, women’s rights advocates condemned Lucia’s behavior at UNB, and pointed to the incident as an example of why single sex spaces are necessary.

One post featuring the footage of Lucia verbally attacking the female student was captioned: “Of course we are afraid of people like you in our spaces, dude. Who wouldn’t be?”

In response to the uploaded video, many Brazilian women expressed frustration and disbelief, with some users being quick to label Lucia’s behavior as “male pattern” violence.

“Today I saw a case of a man who killed his four children to take revenge on his ex-wife. Then I see a guy like this screaming and threatening a woman. Nobody comments on this being male violence. He’s a spoiled man who thinks he can have whatever he wants until he assaults women,” one Instagram user wrote in the comment section of the video.

Other users questioned whether the female student was safe at the facility, and noticed the lack of intervention from bystanders.

“Nobody defends the woman out of fear of being judged and suffering retaliation,” one Instagram user observed, with a reply stating: “If someone says something, they’ll be arrested for transphobia.”

Brazil has become a hot spot in the gender ideology debate in recent months, with multiple incidents out of the country sparking international attention and outrage.

In July of this year, a similar incident took place at a high school in Maringá, Brazil. Violent footage showing trans-identified male students physically assaulting female classmates began to circulate on social media, and it was quickly reported that the brutal attack was caused by the girls expressing concern about males being able to access the female washrooms within the school.

In one shot from the disturbing recording, a female student can be seen getting pushed to the ground. Her friend attempted to help her, but is grabbed by the hair and pulled to the side. Shortly after, she is seen being hit in the head repeatedly. Later in the clip, one of the trans-identified male students could be heard screaming: “Next time you’re transphobic, I’ll break your bones!”

Other incidents in the country include two women facing potential jail time for criminal “transphobia.” 

Isabela Cêpa, a notable feminist activist in the country, spoke exclusively to Reduxx in June and revealed that she was being charged with five counts of “social racism” after calling a trans-identified male politician a “man.” Just a few months later, a female gym owner in Anápolis was charged on similar grounds after refusing to allow a trans-identified male membership to her woman-only gym.

12/18/22: An update on this story is now available.

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