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Hombre que masacró a su familia por “disforia de género” consta como “mujer” en el sistema penitenciario de Maine.

El sistema penitenciario de Maine ha cambiado discretamente a “mujer” la clasificación de un hombre que declaró que la razón por la que había matado a su familia fue la falta de apoyo a su identidad transgénero, y lo ha trasladado a un centro mixto donde probablemente se aloje con mujeres.

A Andrew Balcer, que también se hace llamar Andrea, le faltaba un mes para cumplir los dieciocho años cuando asesinó a su madre, a su padre y al perro de la familia la noche de Halloween de 2016. Según los informes de la época, Balcer había despertado a su madre y le había dicho que tenía problemas para dormir. Alice Balcer le preguntó a su hijo si estaba pasando una mala noche, lo abrazó y, mientras intentaba calmarlo, él la apuñaló en la espalda nueve veces, matándola.

Balcer asesinó después a su padre, Antonio, y a su chihuahua, Lily. El único miembro de la familia al que Balcer perdonó la vida, fue a su hermano mayor, al que dejó huir tras decirle “no es tu día”.

Al parecer, Balcer se rió mientras describía sus crímenes a un agente de policía. Fue el propio joven quien llamó al 911 para confesar sus crímenes.

“Perdí el control. Cogí mi pequeño Ka-Bar [cuchillo de combate militar] y se lo clavé en la espalda a mi madre”, dijo Balcer. “Mi padre vino porque escuchó sus gritos y yo lo puto apuñalé. Ah, también maté al perro. Estaba ladrando”.

Durante los años que duró el proceso judicial, los abogados de Balcer citaron la falta de apoyo de su familia a su transición de género como móvil del crimen. Pero pocos días antes de que se declarara culpable, Balcer empezó a acusar de repente a su madre y a su padre de abusos físicos y sexuales. Balcer afirmó que su madre había abusado de él entre los 14 y los 16 años.

Su hermano mayor negó con vehemencia las espeluznantes declaraciones y rechazó por completo la acusación.

“No. No. No. No. No. Es lo más absurdo que he oído en mi vida. Ese hombre nunca nos pondría la mano encima”, dijo Christopher Balcer durante una entrevista sobre las acusaciones.

En la vista de sentencia, el hermano mayor de Balcer pidió al juez que no mostrara ninguna clemencia en la condena, y calificó a su hermano de “asesino sin remordimientos”. También redactó una desgarradora declaración de impacto sobre la víctima, y la leyó ante el tribunal, llamando a Balcer una “criatura inhumana”, y rechazando una vez más las afirmaciones de Balcer de haber sufrido abusos.

“Todavía escucho los gritos de nuestra querida madre, cada noche cuando me duermo. Cada mañana, cuando me despierto, resuenan en mi cabeza. Sus gritos mientras era apuñalada por el hijo al que adoraba, el hijo para el que solo deseaba lo mejor. Recuerdo las obscenidades de las que la acusaste y las miradas de horror en los rostros de la familia cuando se enteraron de ellas. Eres una criatura inhumana y el hecho de que continúes fingiendo lo contrario me enferma”.

Incluso su familia se manifestó en contra de las afirmaciones de Balcer. Su tío, Carl Pierce, cuestionó el motivo por el que Balcer no había sido “aceptado” por sus padres, y lo calificó de “insulto” a la comunidad LGBTQ. Se refirió a los crímenes de su sobrino usando pronombres femeninos y su nombre preferido.

“No hubo odio. No hubo malicia. No hubo mala voluntad. Hubo resignación, sin duda, pero al final hubo aceptación. Justificar estos asesinatos por creencias de identidad sexual o de disforia de género es realmente un acto cobarde. Andrea debería avergonzarse de sí misma por ello”, dijo Pierce.

Balcer se declaró culpable en virtud de un acuerdo que limitaba su condena a 55 años.

El juez que presidía el tribunal tuvo en cuenta su edad, la ausencia de antecedentes penales y sus buenas notas como factores atenuantes, pero se negó a considerar su alegación de disforia de género, diciendo que otros jóvenes se enfrentaban a los mismos problemas y que no debería usarse como excusa para el asesinato. Balcer fue condenado a 40 años de prisión el 4 de diciembre de 2018 y encarcelado en la Prisión Estatal de Maine, una cárcel de máxima seguridad para hombres.

Si bien Balcer fue registrado inicialmente como “varón” en el directorio del Departamento Penitenciario de Maine, ahora figura como recluso “mujer” y ha sido trasladado al Centro Penitenciario de Maine (MCC) en Windham, una instalación de media a mínima seguridad que alberga tanto a hombres como a mujeres. La mayoría de los reclusos de este centro han sido condenados a penas de prisión de 5 años o menos.

Balcer, que ahora tiene 24 años, mide 1,90 m y pesa 75 kg, según su perfil del MDOC. La alteración de su sexo legal sugiere que ahora está alojado con las reclusas del MCC.

El historial de Balcer con el Departamento de Prisiones de Maine.

Las solicitudes de la Ley de Libertad de Acceso al Departamento Penitenciario de Maine (MDOC, en sus siglas en inglés) no se fueron atendidas, y el Departamento citó “estatutos de confidencialidad” cuando se le pidió que confirmara que Balcer está ahora alojado con reclusas de sexo femenino y que especificara la fecha exacta en la que fue trasladado al Centro Penitenciario de Maine. No han respondido a una segunda solicitud en la que se les pedía que citaran los “estatutos de confidencialidad” que les impiden compartir esta información.

El traslado de Balcer fue probablemente el resultado de la legislación promulgada el año pasado relacionada con el alojamiento de reclusos transgénero.

LD 1044, un proyecto de ley patrocinado por la diputada Charlotte Warren (D-Hallowell), requiere que las prisiones de Maine “respeten y reconozcan la identidad de género de una persona encarcelada, independientemente de su anatomía o físico”. La ley especifica que los alojamientos deben ajustarse a la identidad de género declarada por el recluso, a menos que ello plantee “problemas significativos de gestión o seguridad” o amenace la salud y la seguridad del recluso.

El Lobby de Mujeres de Maine, la Coalición de Maine contra la Agresión Sexual y la ACLU de Maine enviaron representantes a la legislatura de Maine para testificar en apoyo del LD 1044. Ninguno de sus testimonios mencionó ningún riesgo potencial para las reclusas que serían alojadas con reclusos varones.

Según el Instituto Vera de Justicia, el 86% de las mujeres encarceladas en los Estados Unidos son sobrevivientes de violencia sexual. Mujeres encarceladas en otros estados con políticas de autoidentificación penitenciaria han denunciado haber sufrido traumas (artículo en español) al verse obligadas a compartir espacios confinados con reclusos varones, y algunas han descrito haber sido objeto de acoso sexual, amenazas físicas y agresiones sexuales. Algunas mujeres encarceladas incluso han declarado haber sido penalizadas por quejarse (artículo en español) del comportamiento de los hombres transferidos a sus instalaciones.

Al igual que Balcer, hay otro recluso violento actualmente encarcelado en la Prisión Estatal de Maine que podría ser clasificado en breve como recluso “de sexo femenino” y trasladado a la cárcel de mujeres.

Walter Moore, que ahora se hace llamar Nikki Natasha Petrovickov, mató a una mujer en 2002 atándola entre dos árboles y cortándole las muñecas y la garganta.

Moore demandó al MDOC en 2016, y exigió ser visto por un médico especializado en disforia de género, así como recibir terapia de reemplazo hormonal (TRH). En ese momento, amenazó con que si tenía que pasar el resto de su vida en una prisión para hombres, se haría un daño grave a sí mismo.

En 2018, la prisión comenzó a proporcionar HRT a Moore. Aunque seguía insatisfecho con el tipo y la dosis, un juez federal dictaminó en 2019 que su demanda era superflua ya que estaba recibiendo el tratamiento solicitado. A día de hoy, Moore sigue figurando en el sitio web de MDOC como hombre y sigue encarcelado en la Prisión Estatal de hombres, pero eso puede cambiar tan abruptamente como con Balcer.

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Man Dressed “As A Woman” Arrested After Allegedly Attempting To Take Lewd Photos in Women’s Washroom

A registered sex offender is once again in police custody after being caught attempting to take lewd photos of women in a shopping mall restroom.

Douglas Egan, 45, was arrested on Christmas Eve at the Hulen Mall in Fort Worth, Texas, after police were called and told he had threatened a witness with a gun. The confrontation began when the woman was using the mall restroom and noticed a cellphone being held beneath the partition to her stall. Alarmed, the woman exited the stall and confronted Egan, who attempted to flee.

According to Fox 4, Egan was reportedly “dressed as a woman” at the time of the incident.

A bystander noticed what was happening and supported the woman by trying to stop Egan from leaving the premises. The offender then pulled what appeared to be a gun and pointed it at the witness, then continued to run. The gun threat resulted in the mall shutting down early and remaining closed the remainder of the day.

More witnesses and good samaritans came together to keep an eye on where Egan was headed, with some watching him eventually stop to change out of the women’s clothes he was wearing and back into men’s clothes.

Officers arrested Egan at a nearby apartment complex. Upon inspecting his backpack, they found the weapon he had pulled was a pepper ball gun.

Prior to this incident, Egan was already a known sex offender, having been issued a lifetime registration for three disturbing incidents, one of which was against a teen girl.

Douglas Egan. Source: Texas Public Sex Offender Registry

Egan was deposed in 2010 and 2011 for indecent exposure, and in 2015 for indecency with a child by exposure. All three victims were female, and Egan received terms of incarceration for each offense, the shortest being 60 days for his 2011 offense, and the longest being 7 years for his 2015 offense.

The repeat offender is classified as a “high risk” sex offender, indicating he is considered to be a serious threat to the community, and is expected to engage in further criminal sexual conduct.

Egan is currently in custody at the Lon Evans Corrections Center, and is being held on charges of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and taking improper media in a bathroom. His bond is set at a combined total of $30,000 for the two charges.

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BRAZIL: Trans-Identified Male “Influencer” Investigated Following Brutal Attack On Woman And Baby

A trans-identified male influencer is under police investigation following a brutal attack on a young woman and a baby in Sobral, Brazil.

On December 25, Municipal Police announced that Jhoy Vanderwall was being investigated for causing intentional bodily injury to a woman he suspected of spreading “rumors” about him.

Vanderwall, a social media influencer with more than 14,000 followers on Instagram, was caught on a street security camera committing the violent attack. The CCTV has been released by police, and shows Vanderwall lingering on the curb of a street with three other men. A motorbike begins to drive down the narrow way, and, as it drives past, Vanderwall grabs the female passenger by the hair and rips her off of the bike.

The woman was holding a six-month-old baby as she was pulled from the vehicle and thrown to the pavement. After she hits the ground, Vanderwall is seen beating her repeatedly in the head with a bottle, which flies out of his hand from the force. He then begins to use his fist, still holding the woman’s hair and pummeling her in the head. The attack is quickly stopped by a group of people who rushed to hold Vanderwall back.

It is unknown at this time if the child sustained any injuries. The woman who was attacked had been holding the child during travel, but has not been identified as the mother.

According to Globo, Vanderwall is now under police investigation for causing intentional bodily injury, but many Brazilian netizens are decrying the cited charge as too lenient. Some are concerned a conviction would result in no jail time, and that Vanderwall should have been charged with attempted murder, as well as a crime against the child.

Following the release of the CCTV footage, Brazilian women on Instagram rallied to mass report Vanderwall’s account.

“Report the account. A creature that has the courage to do this without thinking about the baby should have no influence on absolutely anything,” @ketila_lyma wrote, with dozens of users sharing Vanderwall’s Instagram handle.

Vanderwall’s now-removed Instagram account.

“If it were the other way around, the LGBT gang would be on top saying it was prejudice,” one user said in response to the video footage uploaded to the Metrópole Instagram account.

Vanderwall’s account was active earlier today, though had been set to ‘private.’ The account appears to have now been taken down or deactivated, possibly due to the efforts of the women who had been mass-reporting it. He also has a relatively idle Twitter account, and some women have already taken to that platform to call him out for his crime.

This is the second incident of a trans-identified male committing a violent act against a woman out of Brazil in less than two weeks.

On December 16, Reduxx reported on disturbing footage taken at of the University of Brasília showing a bearded trans-identified male screaming at a female student who had confronted him while he was using the women’s restroom. Reduxx later conducted an interview with the student, who said she had been physically assaulted by the man after he chased her down to an administrative office.

Brazil is a hotbed of sex-based violence, with femicide rates increasing despite the country’s overall murder rate going down. Women’s rights movements appear to be falling flat in the country, which is now ranked among the most dangerous places in the world to be female.

Though little political progress is being made for sex-based rights, the nation has an extremely low rate of female political representation, and the “most voted for woman” during the 2020 elections was a trans-identified male. Following his election, Erika Hilton began pursuing criminal charges against a domestic violence survivor-advocate for calling him a “man.”

In October, a male won Glamour Brazil’s “Woman of the Year” award, sparking widespread outrage amongst feminists. Dozens of prominent women’s rights advocates were seemingly overlooked in order for the title to go to a transgender social media influencer who had previously claimed women did “not exist.”

Reduxx is your independent source of pro-woman, pro-child safeguarding news and commentary. We’re 100% reader-funded and rely upon your generosity to compensate the all-female team of writers and researchers who make these stories possible. Support our mission by joining our Patreon, or consider making a one-time donation.

Man Who Slaughtered Family Over “Gender Dysphoria” Now Marked As “Female” In Maine Prison System

A man who claimed his motivation for slaughtering his family was their lack of support for his transgender identity has been quietly marked a “female” in the Maine prison system, and has been transferred to a mixed-sex facility where he is likely being housed with women.

Andrew Balcer, who goes also by the name Andrea, was one month shy of his eighteenth birthday when he murdered his mother, father, and family dog on Halloween night in 2016. According to reports at the time, Balcer had woken his mother and told her that he was having trouble sleeping. Alice Balcer asked her son if he was having a rough night and embraced him and, while she was attempting to soothe him, he stabbed her in the back nine times, killing her.

Balcer went on to murder his father, Antonio, and their pet chihuahua, Lily. The only member of the family Balcer spared was his older brother, whom he allowed to flee after telling him “it’s not your day.”

Balcer reportedly laughed while describing his crimes to a police officer, with the young man calling 911 himself to confess his crimes.

“I snapped. I took my little Ka-Bar [military combat knife] there and I drove it straight into my mother’s back,” Balcer said. “My father came up because he heard her screams and I stabbed the fuck out of him. Oh, I killed the dog, too. It was barking.”

During the years-long court proceedings, Balcer’s attorneys cited his family’s lack of support for his gender transition as a motive for the crime. But just days before he was scheduled to plead guilty, Balcer abruptly began accusing his mother and father of physical and sexual abuse. Disturbingly, Balcer claimed his mother had molested him when he was between the ages of 14 and 16.

The shocking allegations were vehemently denied by his older brother, who rejected the entire claim.

“No. No. No. No. No. That is the most absurd thing I’ve ever heard in my life. The man never would have laid a hand on either of us,” Christopher Balcer said during an interview on the accusations.

At the sentencing hearing, Balcer’s older brother asked the judge not to show any leniency in sentencing, calling him a “remorseless murderer.” He also drafted a heart-wrenching victim impact statement, and read it out in court, calling Balcer an “inhuman creature,” and once again rejecting Balcer’s claims of having been abused.

“I still hear our dearest mother’s screams, every night as I fall asleep. Every morning as I awaken, they echo in my head. Her screams as she was stabbed by the son she doted on so much, the son she only wanted the world for, and would accept nothing less. I remember the foul things you accused her of, and the looks of horror upon the family’s faces as they heard about them. You are an inhuman creature and the fact that you continue to pretend otherwise sickens me.”

Even extended family came forward to take issue with Balcer’s claims. His uncle, Carl Pierce, disputed the motive that Balcer hadn’t been “accepted” by his parents, and called it an “insult” to the LGBTQ community. He addressed his nephew’s crimes while using feminine pronouns and his preferred name.

“There was no hatred. There was no malice. There was no ill will. There was resignation to be sure but ultimately there was acceptance. To justify these killings because of sexual identity or gender dysphoria beliefs is truly a cowardly act. Andrea should be ashamed of herself for it,” Pierce said.

Balcer pleaded guilty under an agreement that capped his sentence at 55 years.

The presiding judge took his age, lack of a criminal record, and good grades into account as mitigating factors, but refused to consider his claim of gender dysphoria, saying other young people faced the same struggles and it shouldn’t be used as an excuse for murder. Balcer was sentenced to 40 years in prison on December 4, 2018, and incarcerated at the Maine State Prison, a maximum security facility for men.

While Balcer was initially recorded as “male” in the Maine Department of Corrections directory, he is now listed as a “female” inmate and has been moved to the Maine Correctional Center (MCC) in Windham, a medium-to-minimum facility that houses both men and women. Most inmates at the facility have been sentenced to prison terms of 5 years or less.

Balcer, now 24, is described on his MDOC profile as being 6’1” and 245 pounds. The alteration made to his legal sex suggests he is now being housed with the female inmates at MCC.

Balcer’s record with the Maine Department of Corrections.

Freedom of Access Act requests to the Maine Department of Corrections (MDOC) went unfulfilled, with the Department citing “confidentiality statues” when asked to confirm that Balcer is now housed with female inmates and to specify the exact date he was transferred to the Maine Correctional Center. They have not responded to a second request asking them to cite the “confidentiality statutes” which prevent them from sharing this information.

Balcer’s transfer was likely the result of legislation signed into law last year related to the housing of transgender inmates.

LD 1044, a bill sponsored by Rep. Charlotte Warren (D-Hallowell), requires Maine prisons to “respect and acknowledge an incarcerated person’s consistently held gender identity irrespective of anatomy or physique.” The law specifies that housing placements must align with an inmate’s stated gender identity unless doing so would present “significant management or security problems” or threaten the health and safety of the inmate.

The Maine Women’s Lobby, the Maine Coalition Against Sexual Assault, and the ACLU of Maine all sent representatives to the Maine legislature to testify in support of LD 1044.  None of their testimony mentioned any potential risk to the female inmates who would be housed with male convicts.

According to the Vera Institute of Justice, 86% of incarcerated women in the United States are survivors of sexual violence. Incarcerated women in other states with prison self-identification policies have reported experiencing trauma when forced to share confined spaces with male inmates, and some have described being subjected to sexual harassment, physical threats, and sexual assaults. Some incarcerated women have even stated they have been penalized for complaining about the behavior of males transferred into their facilities.

Like Balcer, another violent male inmate currently incarcerated at the Maine State Prison may soon be classified as a “female” inmate and transferred.

Walter Moore, who now calls himself Nikki Natasha Petrovickov, killed a woman in 2002 by tying her between two trees and slitting her wrists and throat.

Moore sued the MDOC in 2016, demanding to be seen by a doctor specializing in gender dysphoria and given hormone replacement therapy (HRT). At the time, he threatened that if he had to spend the rest of his life in a men’s prison, he would severely harm himself.

In 2018, the prison began providing Moore with HRT. Although he remained unsatisfied with the type and dosage, a federal judge ruled in 2019 that his lawsuit was moot as he was receiving the requested treatment. As of today, Moore is still listed on the MDOC website as male and incarcerated in the men’s State Prison, but that may change as abruptly as with Balcer.

Reduxx is your independent source of pro-woman, pro-child safeguarding news and commentary. We’re 100% reader-funded and rely upon your generosityto compensate the all-female team of writers and researchers who make these stories possible. Support our mission by joining our Patreon, or consider making a one-time donation.

EXCLUSIVA: Dos sobrevivientes alegan que el personal de la organización benéfica escocesa LGBT Youth les hizo “grooming” y los explotó sexualmente.

Dos hombres que estuvieron metidos en LGBT Youth Scotland cuando eran menores de edad han hablado con Reduxx sobre lo que describen como una relación de pesadilla con la organización benéfica, que según ellos implicaba el grooming de menores y la explotación sexual. Sam Cowie y Daniel Nechtan, dos sobrevivientes de abuso, exigen una inspección a la organización y preguntan por qué no se inició una investigación cuando el CEO fue encarcelado por violar a un bebé.

LGBT Youth Scotland, anteriormente Stonewall Youth Project, es conocida como la organización benéfica nacional de Escocia para “jóvenes LGBTI”. La organización trabaja con jóvenes de 13 a 25 años y ofrece programas a escuelas, organizaciones y empresas. Fue fundada en 1989 y cambió de nombre en 2003, el mismo año en que un notorio pedófilo, James Rennie, se convirtió en el Director Ejecutivo.

En 2009, Rennie fue declarado culpable y se le impusieron órdenes de “restricción de por vida” tras descubrirse que dirigía lo que se describió como la “mayor red de pedofilia de Escocia”.

Rennie y un hombre llamado Neil Strachan eran considerados los cabecillas de la red, en la que participaban al menos otros ocho hombres que colectivamente tenían más de 125,000 piezas de material de abuso sexual infantil. La red fue desarticulada en 2007 tras una larga operación de la policía de Lothian and Borders.

Entre los detenidos figuran John Murphy, ex periodista de The Gay Times; Neil Campbell, instructor de un programa extraescolar, casado y con hijos, pero que llevaba una doble vida con un amante; y Craig Boath, que acababa de solicitar el ingreso en la policía como agente especial. El novio mucho más joven de Neil Strachan, Colin Slaven, también se encontraba entre los detenidos. Slaven era menor de edad cuando Strachan comenzó una “relación” con él.

Arriba, de izquierda a derecha: Neil Campbell, Neil Strachan, Ross Webber, John Murphy. Abajo, de izquierda a derecha: James Rennie, John Milligan, Craig Boath, Colin Slaven.

Además de distribuir material de abuso sexual infantil, Rennie también abusó sexualmente de su ahijado durante un período de cuatro años, desde que el niño tenía solo 3 meses. Durante el juicio también se descubrió que Rennie había usado el correo electrónico “kplover”, que significa “kiddie porn lover”, amante del porno infantil, para comunicarse con un asqueroso depredador de los Países Bajos que describió cómo le gustaría violar, torturar y asesinar a un niño. Los medios de comunicación calificaron el juicio como el “peor caso de abuso” de la historia de Escocia.

Mientras solicitaba material de abuso sexual infantil a otros pervertidos, Rennie envió en una ocasión un correo electrónico en el que pedía específicamente material multimedia en el que aparecieran “niños con síndrome de Down o con dificultades de aprendizaje”.

El cómplice de Rennie, Neil Strachan, también había abusado sexualmente de un niño de corta edad, intentando sodomizarlo siendo él seropositivo.

Mientras dirigía en secreto la red de pedofilia, Rennie logró convertirse en el CEO de LGBT Youth Scotland, una organización benéfica que le dio acceso a niños de tan solo 13 años. Rennie había sido un firme defensor de la adopción gay y, bajo su liderazgo, LGBT Youth Scotland presionó al Gobierno para que permitiera a las parejas del mismo sexo adoptar niños. En 2005, LGBT Youth Scotland recibió el Premio Phillip Lawrence a la seguridad comunitaria, y Rennie fue recibido en el parlamento.

Sorprendentemente, la condena de Rennie se redujo en apelación. En un principio se le impuso una pena mínima de 13 años de cárcel, pero se redujo a un mínimo de solo ocho años y medio antes de poder solicitar la libertad condicional.

Ahora se están planteando preguntas en las redes sociales sobre por qué el regulador de organizaciones benéficas de Escocia nunca investigó públicamente la organización para ver si Rennie abusó de su poder para acceder a niños vulnerables, y cómo la influencia de Rennie puede haber afectado a la cultura de la organización benéfica.

Mientras que LGBT Youth Scotland afirmó en su momento que “no había pruebas” de que Rennie hubiera abusado de los jóvenes asistidos por su agencia, dos sobrevivientes han denunciado ahora que sufrieron grooming y abusos sexuales después de unirse a la organización benéfica como miembros juveniles.

Hablando en exclusiva con Reduxx, Sam Cowie, un estudiante universitario de Glasgow, describió su experiencia con LGBT Youth Scotland y por qué ha decidido presentarse y exigir respuestas.

Sam Cowie. Foto de Twitter.

Cowie dijo a Reduxx que se había metido en la organización benéfica en 2010, justo un año después de la condena de Rennie. Describió cómo en ese momento tenía solo 15 años y estaba en hogares de acogida. Dice que un trabajador social lo remitió a la organización porque pensó que sería beneficioso para él conocer a otros jóvenes homosexuales.

“Al principio me pareció genial. Había un grupo muy diverso de jóvenes. Gente variopinta y personas que no se disculpaban por ser ellas mismas. Fue revelador y me dio mucho que pensar. El personal era amable y atento”, dice Cowie.

Pero ahora que es adulto, Cowie recuerda su paso por la organización benéfica con una perspectiva muy diferente.

El estudiante dice que hombres mayores de la organización benéfica le hicieron grooming, dándole privilegios especiales, cigarrillos y alcohol.

“La verdad es que no me di cuenta de que me estaban haciendo grooming hasta mucho más tarde. Empezaron dándome cigarrillos. Más tarde me llevaron a tomar algo y me dieron alcohol. Un empleado me dio un carné [falso] para entrar en locales para adultos. Me daban cosas que se consideraban especiales”, explica Cowie. “Un miembro del personal también me hizo enseñarle el torso en el baño”.

Cowie cuenta que el personal de la organización benéfica lo llevó a clubes gays en Edimburgo cuando era menor de edad. Allí conoció a un grupo de hombres mucho mayores que empezaron a ofrecerle dinero a cambio de sexo.

“Me daban alcohol gratis, me animaban a acostarme con hombres mayores y me daban dinero para realizar actos sexuales”, dice Cowie a Reduxx.

Cowie estuvo en la organización benéfica durante dos años, pero cortó los lazos a los 17 años. A raíz de su experiencia con la organización, siguió acudiendo a bares gay para adultos donde hombres mayores le daban alcohol gratis y abusaban sexualmente de él.

Tras reflexionar sobre su tiempo en la organización, Cowie ha decidido dar la cara después de meses esperando a que el Gobierno escocés respondiera a una solicitud de libertad de información para saber por qué el organismo regulador de organizaciones benéficas de Escocia no investigó a LGBT Youth Scotland tras la condena de Rennie. Cowie dice que también se ha puesto en contacto con miembros del Parlamento escocés, en particular Shona Robison, en vano.

Después de casi 7 meses de espera, Cowie ha hecho pública su historia, primero tuiteando algunos detalles de su terrible experiencia en Twitter a principios de esta semana.

Como resultado de haber hablado sobre su experiencia en LGBT Youth Scotland, se han presentado otros presuntos sobrevivientes que afirman tener experiencias similares con la organización benéfica.

Daniel Nechtan contó a Reduxx que se involucró por primera vez con la organización cuando todavía era conocida como Stonewall Youth Project.

“Me metí en ese grupo de manera informal cuando tenía 13 o 14 años. Tenía su sede en Edimburgo y era la forma más cercana de apoyo que pude encontrar como adolescente gay”, dijo Nechtan a Reduxx.

“Aunque yo era joven, muchas de las personas que formaban parte de esta organización benéfica estaban en la veintena y treintena y, por lo que yo sé, no había ningún tipo de protección ni nada. De hecho, parecía más una red social para poner en contacto a hombres mayores con adolescentes [a menudo vulnerables]”.

Nechtan dice que el personal de la organización lo había animado a usar “salas de chat gay” donde conoció a un hombre de 24 años que se hacía pasar por un niño de 16 años. Describe cómo el hombre mayor se convirtió en su “novio” y que conducía de Tranent a Kirkcaldy para visitarlo.

“Al parecer, le gustaban los niños con flequillo rubio, y me animó a dejarme crecer el pelo y peinarlo de esa manera, a teñirlo. Al cabo de un año o dos comenzamos a distanciarnos, comencé a darme cuenta de lo que era”, dice Nechtan, que revela que el hombre le mostraba material de abuso sexual infantil con niños prepúberes cuando lo visitaba.

“A través de él y otros que conocí a través del Proyecto Juvenil de Stonewall, conocí a otros jóvenes, así como a algunos hombres mayores que parecían proporcionar transporte y dirigir los grupos”.

Nechtan alega que los hombres mayores que conocieron a través de la organización benéfica los animaban a él y a otros chicos menores de edad vulnerables y que pasaban apuros económicos, a aceptar dinero a cambio de actos sexuales.

“Yo mismo y los chicos más jóvenes andábamos bastante escasos de dinero y los mayores nos animaron a ‘alquilarnos’ en la zona de los baños de la estación de autobuses de St. James”, relata Nechtan. “Dos de los mayores eran James Rennie y Neil Strachan”.

A pesar de que LGBT Youth Scotland afirma que Rennie no había agredido a ningún miembro juvenil, Nechtan cuenta a Reduxx una historia muy diferente, y dice que Rennie, que todavía era el CEO de la organización benéfica en ese momento, y Strachan le habían ofrecido alcohol a Nechtan a cambio de actividad sexual.

“Se juntaban con nosotros en verano, nos invitaban a beber y a consumir drogas, entablaban conversaciones muy sexualizadas y tenían contacto sexual con algunos de nosotros”, dice Nechtan. “Siempre se vestían más jóvenes de lo que eran. Ropa deportiva, zapatos Rockport, gorra de béisbol para tapar la calva de Strachan… Rennie me llevó una vez a un piso… dijo que no era su piso, así que tuvimos que hacer en la sala de estar lo que habíamos ido a hacer: a cambio me dio una botella de Buckfast”.

Nechtan describió cómo en otra ocasión, cuando tenía 17 años, Strachan le pidió que tuviera relaciones sexuales con su “novio” menor de edad, Colin Slaven. Slaven tenía entonces 16 años, y sería condenado más adelante como miembro de la red de abuso sexual infantil dirigida por Rennie.

Varios años después, tanto Strachan como Rennie fueron arrestados y condenados por dirigir una red de pedofilia.

“Los periódicos publicaron una noticia sobre una red de pedofilia que había sido objeto de una redada, y enseguida reconocí las fotos”, dice Nechtan. Al igual que Cowie, Nechtan se sorprendió de que nunca se investigara LGBT Youth Scotland tras el arresto de Rennie.

“Nunca se investigó adecuadamente a LGBT Youth Scotland, a pesar de que Rennie y otras personas relacionadas con la organización benéfica tenían acceso a niños y jóvenes vulnerables. También me enteré de que a Cowie, y a otros jóvenes de Edimburgo y Glasgow se les hizo grooming, se les dio alcohol y drogas y que fueron sexualizados, violados …”

Nechtan dice que nunca denunció los abusos de Rennie, creyendo que tenía que haber sido “lo suficientemente maduro” y que tenía que “haberse dado cuenta”. Pero después de la terapia, finalmente reveló su abuso al que es su pareja desde hace 18 años.

“LGBT Youth Scotland, anteriormente Stonewall Youth Project, bajo el pretexto de proporcionar un apoyo muy necesario para los jóvenes LGB en un ambiente inhóspito, facilitó el abuso de Dios sabe cuántos niños y jóvenes durante años”, alega Nechtan.

Reduxx se puso en contacto con el Scottish Charity Register (OSCR) para obtener comentarios sobre las medidas que habían tomado para garantizar que LGBT Youth Scotland cumpliera con las medidas de protección infantil, pero se le dijo que los archivos que pudieran haber existido, se habrían destruido.

En respuesta a la pregunta de Reduxx, John Fellows, miembro del personal de OSCR Communications, declaró: “Nuestra política es destruir todos los archivos de investigación 10 años después de que se hayan cerrado, por lo que no podemos establecer la existencia o los detalles de ninguna investigación reglamentaria que se haya concluido antes de diciembre de 2012”.

Reduxx también se puso en contacto con LGBT Youth Scotland, pero recibió una respuesta automática indicando que sus oficinas estaban cerradas por vacaciones.

En 2021, LGBT Youth Scotland recibió serio criticismo por parte de un miembro del partido Alba que los acusó de intentar “rebajar la edad de consentimiento a los diez años”. Esto se debía a que LGBT Youth Scotland firmó una “declaración” redactada por el Women’s Rights Caucus en la Comisión de la Condición Jurídica y Social de la Mujer de la ONU en marzo de 2020 que pedía el fin de la “criminalización y estigmatización de la sexualidad de los adolescentes”.

La candidata de Alba, Margaret Lynch, había argumentado que se suele considerar adolescentes a los jóvenes de entre 10 y 19 años

LGBT Youth Scotland abordó esta cuestión en su sitio web, declarando: “Destacar solo a las organizaciones LGBT+ de una larga lista de grupos conectados, haciendo suposiciones de que su objetivo es rebajar la edad de consentimiento, es un acto de prejuicio y discriminación que repite los mitos dañinos del pasado de que las personas LGBT+ son depredadores sexuales”.

Las acusaciones de Lynch fueron descritas como “profundamente homofóbicas y falsas” por el Partido Nacional Escocés (SNP). El portavoz del SNP describió a LGBT Youth Scotland como una organización con una buena reputación que ha tenido un impacto positivo en las vidas de muchas personas en Escocia.

A principios de este año, Safeguarding Our Schools Scotland denunció a LGBT Youth Scotland al registro de organizaciones benéficas por remitir a los niños de un chat a información sobre binders (compresores de pecho) de la organización benéfica británica Mermaids. Mermaids está actualmente bajo investigación de la comisión de caridad y Safeguarding Our Schools cuestionó por qué LGBT Youth Scotland estaba anunciando recursos de Mermaids en su sitio web antes de que concluyera la investigación sobre el enfoque de protección de la organización benéfica.

La Comisión de Caridad para Inglaterra y Gales ha anunciado una investigación formal sobre la polémica organización activista trans Mermaids (artículo en español). El anuncio se produjo apenas dos meses después de que se presentaran denuncias en respuesta a las revelaciones de que uno de sus administradores tenía opiniones favorables a los pedófilos (artículo en español), y que la organización había enviado compresores de pecho a niñas sin el consentimiento de sus padres.

LGBT Youth Scotland ha seguido promocionando recursos de Mermaids en su sitio web y en la función de sala de chat desde que se abrió el caso. Los miembros de la organización benéfica escocesa también respaldaron un tweet de apoyo a Mermaids el 6 de octubre de 2022.

Reduxx es una nueva plataforma en pro de los derechos de la mujer y de los menores de edad con noticias y artículos. Somos 100% independientes!Colabora con nuestro proyecto uniéndote a nuestro Patreon.

UK: Serial Pedophile Complains About Being “Misgendered” During SECOND Arrest For Child Sexual Predation

A serial child predator who identifies as transgender has been caught for the second time engaging in sexual communications with a child. Gemma Anne Hicks, 35, interacted in a sexually aggressive manner with a Facebook user he believed was a 12 year-old girl.

On December 13, Hicks was handcuffed and arrested outside of his residence in Wales following a sting by volunteer predator hunters. Children’s Innocence Matters (CIM), had established a decoy Facebook profile presenting as a 12 year-old girl.

Hicks initiated contact with the profile, and quickly launched into sexual discussions. He invited the girl to join him at a swimming pool, asked about her bra size, asked to see her underpants, and proclaimed to have an interest in entering female-only changing facilities to watch girls undress. 

Hicks also allegedly confessed to being a pedophile in one message that read, “I’ll be honest, I’m sexually attracted to little girls.” 

CIM confronted the predator at the location he had established to meet the child, and recorded the interaction for transparency and their own protection. While waiting for police to arrive, the group read his disturbing messages. Throughout, Hicks was standing casually, sometimes crossing his arms, rolling his eyes, and using a nicotine vape. He repeatedly said “I don’t care.”

Hicks also insisted multiple times he was a woman, and that he was being “assaulted” while being held awaiting police under the Police and Criminal Evidence Act, which allows for non-police arrests. He accused the volunteers of “misgendering” him, and warned that by doing so, they had committed a crime against him. 

“There you go again, misgendering. That’s classed as a hate crime,” Hicks asserted on several occasions.

The team member leading the sting asked Hicks to imagine what he might do if he had a relative who was underage and being targeted by a predator online. But Hicks shrugged off the scenario apathetically, saying: “I was taught to look out for number one.”

When confronted on being a reoffender and previously being handed a suspended sentence, Hicks said: “Yeah, I admit, I made a mistake. I had a mental breakdown, so what?” Hicks also bragged about his suspended sentence being over, and insisted he was not the one who had sent the messages to the child despite the communications coming from his Facebook profile.

When police arrived, a female officer told Hicks he was under arrest for sexual communication with a child under 16 years of age.

This was not Hicks’ first time engaging inappropriately with a minor. During the sting, predator hunters claimed this was his third time being nabbed for similar conduct, but news of only one other arrest and conviction under his “feminine” name is available.

In January 2021, Hicks, who was living in England at the time, received an 18-month sentence, suspended for two years, at Caernarfon Crown Court after attempting to engage in sexual communication with a child. In the United Kingdom, a suspended sentence allows a criminal to walk free and avoid prison completely so long as they maintain certain conditions of release.

At the time, Hicks’ defense lawyer argued that Hicks was a “damaged individual,” and that being taken into custody would not be conducive to his efforts to rehabilitate. Although the judge described the offense as “extremely disturbing and troubling” and acknowledged the court had the authority to issue a custodial sentence, she focused on the prospect of rehabilitation and declined to incarcerate him. 

Hicks was handed a Sexual Harm Prevention Order (SHPO) to last for 10 years, and police ordered his phone and SIM card to be destroyed.

Coverage of Hicks’ conviction was limited, and those outlets which did report on the case referred to Hicks as only a “woman” and used feminine pronouns for him, leading readers to believe a female had been caught in a predator sting.

On Facebook, the predator hunters who caught Hicks advised people to avoid “transphobic comments.”

It is unclear at this time when Hicks will be tried in court or how the court will handle the reoffender. The predator hunters have asserted they did not believe his suspended sentence was yet at a close despite what Hicks attempted to claim, but regardless of the status of the 2021 sentence, Hicks was still under an active Sexual Harm Prevention Order.

If Hicks is incarcerated, he may be sent to a women’s prison, with the decision likely contingent on whether he has a legal document known as a Gender Recognition Certificate.

Hicks is the third known trans-identified male caught by predator hunters in the United Kingdom since August of this year.

At the end of November, a self-proclaimed “sissy” was caught in a predator sting after sending graphic sexual messages and pornography to a decoy social media account he believed to belong to a young girl.

Shaun Hawkes, 30, of Kent, England, was arrested at his mother’s home on November 27 following a sting conducted by the Justice for Innocence Project (JIP). A JIP representative told Reduxx that Hawkes’ communications with he decoy was “one of the worst we have dealt with,” and included references to raping an animal.

In August, Jonathan Lea, 44, who also uses the name Emma Bella-Puttana, was caught in a sting by predator hunters after sending child sexual exploitation materials to a decoy account set up to appear to be a minor. During the operation, Lea reportedly also boasted of raping a 6 year-old.

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CANADÁ: Funcionaria de prisiones diagnosticada con trastorno de estrés postraumático tras ser obligada a vigilar a un hombre transidentificado en una cárcel de mujeres

Dos funcionarios de prisiones en una cárcel de Ontario, Canadá. Foto: Archivo / THE CANADIAN PRESS

Una funcionaria de prisiones de Canadá ha ganado un caso ante un tribunal laboral después de sufrir lesiones psíquicas mientras vigilaba a un recluso varón transidentificado que había sido trasladado a una cárcel de mujeres.

Según una sentencia judicial presentada el 3 de octubre, la funcionaria de prisiones tendrá derecho a prestaciones de compensación laboral después de que se le diagnosticara un trastorno de estrés postraumático (TEPT) que había adquirido al verse obligada a vigilar a un recluso varón transidentificado durante 12 horas sin descanso a pesar de su creciente ansiedad.

A la demandante, una mujer de 55 años que ha trabajado en prisiones durante 11 años, se le había asignado vigilar al recluso, que había sido puesto bajo vigilancia por suicidio en diciembre de 2019. La funcionaria hizo saber de inmediato a su empleador que tenía problemas de salud mental debido a un trauma sexual infantil, lo que le dificultaba la tarea.

Testificó que el 16 de diciembre de 2019 la habían enviado al módulo de máxima seguridad de la institución en la que trabajaba y le dijeron que se hiciera cargo de la vigilancia de un recluso varón transidentificado mientras estaba bajo vigilancia por suicidio. La tarea le exigía vigilar sin descanso una transmisión de video del interior de la celda del recluso.

Según las actas judiciales, la obligaron a sentarse sola en una oficina pequeña y oscura y tomar nota de todo lo que sucedía en la celda cada 15 minutos, incluso cuando el recluso iba al baño y se masturbaba.

Párrafos del documento judicial.

Si bien se desconoce la identidad del prisionero, los documentos judiciales indican que había estado encarcelado en una institución para hombres durante “años” antes de afirmar ser transgénero y conseguir el traslado a una prisión de mujeres.

La funcionaria solicitó en repetidas ocasiones que se la relevara de esta tarea, y comunicó a sus jefes que, en su opinión, debería ser un funcionario varón el encargado de realizarla, teniendo en cuenta que el recluso conservaba sus genitales masculinos, pero sus peticiones fueron denegadas y se le dijo que tenía que permanecer en su puesto.

Durante su turno, la agente se sintió cada vez más angustiada hasta que, finalmente, reveló a su supervisor que había sufrido abusos sexuales infantiles. Pero su jefe la amenazó con medidas disciplinarias o con el despido si no completaba la tarea que se le había asignado.

Aunque al principio estaba previsto que trabajara desde las 14.00 a las 23.00, la dirección no pudo encontrar a una agente dispuesta o capaz de asumir su puesto a la hora a la que ella debía acabar su turno, por lo que la trabajadora tuvo que permanecer en su puesto hasta las 2 a.m. Durante el turno de 12 horas, también se le había negado un descanso adecuado o un tiempo para ir al baño, ya que no había nadie que pudiera cubrir su puesto.

Al día siguiente de su turno, la agente solicitó asistencia de salud mental. Su médico le dio un certificado de baja hasta el 3 de enero, y finalmente se le diagnosticó trastorno de estrés postraumático en ese tiempo.

Según la sentencia: “La trabajadora testificó sobre el impacto en su vida desde el incidente. Declaró que no podía regresar al trabajo y que revivía constantemente los abusos sufridos en su infancia. Se sintió traumatizada de nuevo e ignorada por el empleador cuando trató de hablar con él. Sentía que no tenía opciones para poder negarse a hacer la tarea y se sentía paralizada. Declaró que fue devastador”.

Párrafos del documento judicial.

La Junta de Seguridad en el Trabajo y Seguros de Ontario (WSIB) denegó inicialmente la solicitud de prestaciones por TEPT de la trabajadora, alegando que entraba dentro de ciertas exenciones de las políticas de WSIB sobre Estrés Mental Traumático, Estrés Mental Crónico y Primeros Auxilios.

Pero el Tribunal de Seguridad en el Trabajo y Apelaciones finalmente falló a favor de la funcionaria, al considerar que verse obligada a vigilar al recluso durante un período prolongado de tiempo sin descanso “desencadenó recuerdos y una reviviscencia del trauma infantil”, y en última instancia provocó el trastorno de estrés postraumático de la trabajadora. Ahora tiene derecho a prestaciones laborales por el trauma que sufrió mientras trabajaba en la institución.

Desde diciembre de 2017, los reclusos en Canadá que reivindiquen una identidad “transgénero” pueden ser alojados en la instalación de su preferencia, independientemente de su anatomía física, a menos que “existan motivos imperiosos de salud o seguridad que no puedan resolverse”.

Aunque se desconoce en qué institución trabajaba la funcionaria de prisiones, los detalles del documento judicial sugieren que podía tratarse de un centro federal debido a la duración de la condena que cumplía el recluso. En Canadá, los reclusos condenados a penas de prisión de más de 2 años están bajo la jurisdicción de los Servicios Correccionales de Canadá, que opera solo una instalación para hombres que se dicen mujeres en Ontario: Grand Valley Institution for Women.

En los últimos años, este centro ha suscitado múltiples polémicas en torno al traslado de reclusos varones transidentificados.

En septiembre, las reclusas de Grand Valley Institution denunciaron que un violento necrófilo (artículo en español) había sido trasladado al centro tras comenzar a identificarse como transgénero. Catherine Lynn fue encarcelado por el asesinato de una mujer en 1995. Lynn apuñaló a la víctima hasta la muerte antes de violar su cadáver.

Heather Mason, una ex reclusa federal que cumplió su condena en Grand Valley Institution, ha estado en primera línea informando al público sobre la necesidad de mantener las prisiones en Canadá de un solo sexo.

Mason, que en la actualidad defiende los derechos de las mujeres, informó el año pasado que el 50% de los reclusos varones que solicitaban el traslado a prisiones de mujeres en Canadá habían sido condenados por delitos sexuales.

Los datos coinciden con las conclusiones de otros países.

En los Estados Unidos, se descubrió que casi el 50% de los reclusos varones de la Oficina de Prisiones que se identificaban como transgénero habían sido condenados por delitos sexuales. En el Reino Unido, el 60% de todos los reclusos varones transidentificados con documentos legales de cambio de género tienen al menos una condena por un delito sexual.

Las políticas de autoidentificación carcelaria en otros países también han dado lugar al acoso sexual e incluso a la violación de mujeres encarceladas por parte de reclusos varones que son trasladados a cárceles de mujeres.

A principios de este año, un recluso varón transidentificado en Rikers Island fue condenado por violar a una mujer encarcelada mientras se encontraba en el módulo femenino del complejo penitenciario de la ciudad de Nueva York. Semanas después, Reduxx reveló en exclusiva que un recluso varón transidentificado había agredido sexualmente (artículo en español) a una mujer en una cárcel de California.

Reduxx es una nueva plataforma en pro de los derechos de la mujer y de los menores de edad con noticias y artículos. Somos 100% independientes! Colabora con nuestro proyecto uniéndote a nuestro Patreon.o.

EXCLUSIVE: Two Survivors Allege They Were “Groomed,” Sexually Exploited By Staff at Scottish LGBT Youth Charity

Two men who had previously accessed services at LGBT Youth Scotland as minors have come forward to speak to Reduxx about what they describe as a nightmarish involvement with the charity – one they allege involved child grooming and sexual exploitation. Sam Cowie and Daniel Nechtan, two abuse survivors, are demanding an inquiry into the organization and asking why no investigation was launched after the CEO was imprisoned for raping a baby.

LGBT Youth Scotland, formerly the Stonewall Youth Project, is known as Scotland’s national charity for “LGBTI young people.” The organization works with youth aged 13 to 25, and delivers programs to schools, organizations and businesses. The charity was founded in 1989 and renamed in 2003, the same year a notorious pedophile, James Rennie, became the Chief Executive Officer.

In 2009, Rennie was found guilty and given “lifelong restriction” orders after it was discovered he was operating what was described as Scotland’s “largest pedophile network.”

Rennie and a man named Neil Strachan were considered the ringleaders of the network, which involved at least eight other men who collectively held over 125,000 pieces of child sexual abuse materials. The ring was broken up in 2007 after a lengthy operation by Lothian and Borders police.

Other men arrested include John Murphy, a former journalist with The Gay Times; Neil Campbell, an after-school program instructor who was married with children but led a double life with a male lover; and Craig Boath, who had just applied to become a special constable with police. Neil Strachan’s much younger boyfriend, Colin Slaven, was also amongst those arrested. Slaven had been a minor when Strachan began a “relationship” with him.

Top, from left: Neil Campbell, Neil Strachan, Ross Webber, John Murphy. Bottom, from left: James Rennie, John Milligan, Craig Boath, Colin Slaven.

As well as distributing child sexual abuse material, Rennie also sexually abused his godson over a four-year period starting when the child was just 3 months old. During court proceedings it was also uncovered that Rennie had used the e-mail handle “kplover,” standing for “kiddie porn lover,” to communicate with a sick predator in the Netherlands who described how he would like to rape, torture, and murder a child. The trial was labeled the “worst ever” abuse case in Scotland by media.

While soliciting child sexual abuse materials from other perverts, Rennie once sent an email specifically requesting media featuring “young Down’s syndrome or learning difficulty kids.”

Rennie’s accomplice, Neil Strachan, had also sexually abused an infant boy, attempting to sodomize him while being HIV positive.

While secretly operating the pedophile network, Rennie managed to become the CEO of LGBT Youth Scotland, a charity which gave him access to children as young as 13. Rennie had been a strong proponent for gay adoption, and, under his leadership, LGBT Youth Scotland lobbied the Government to allow same-sex couples to adopt children. In 2005, LGBT Youth Scotland received a Phillip Lawrence Award for community safety, and Rennie was welcomed in parliament.

Shockingly, Rennie’s sentence was reduced on appeal. He was originally ordered to serve a minimum of 13 years in jail, but this was reduced to a minimum of just eight-and-a-half years before he can apply for parole.

Questions are now being raised on social media about why the Scotland’s charity regulator never publicly investigated the organization to see if Rennie abused his power to access vulnerable children, and how Rennie’s influence may have impacted the culture of the charity.

While LGBT Youth Scotland claimed at the time that there was “no evidence” that the young people assisted by their agency were assaulted by Rennie, two survivors have now come forward to allege they were groomed and sexually abused after joining the charity as youth members.

Speaking exclusively with Reduxx, Sam Cowie, a university student from Glasgow, described his experience with LGBT Youth Scotland and why he has decided to come forward and demand answers.

Sam Cowie. Photo from Twitter.

Cowie told Reduxx that he first became involved with the charity in 2010, just one year after Rennie’s conviction. He described how at the time, he was just 15 years old and in foster care. He says he was referred to the charity by a social worker who felt it would be beneficial for him to meet other gay young people.

“At first I thought it was great. There was a diverse group of young people involved. Colorful people and people who were unapologetically themselves. It was eye-opening and a lot to take in. The staff were friendly and nurturing,” Cowie says.

But now an adult, Cowie looks back at his time within the charity with a very different perspective.

The student says he was “groomed” by older men at the charity, who would provide him with special privileges, cigarettes, and alcohol.

“I really didn’t realize I was being groomed until a much later date. It started with being given cigarettes. It later progressed to being taken for drinks and given alcohol. I was given a [fake] ID by a member of staff to gain entry into adult venues. I was given things that were considered special,” Cowie explains. “A staff member also made me show him my torso in the bathroom.”

Cowie recounts being taken by charity staff to gay clubs in Edinburgh while he was underage. He was exposed to a much older group of men who began offering the vulnerable teen money in exchange for sex.

“I was plied with alcohol free of charge, encouraged to sleep with older men and given money to perform sexual acts,” Cowie tells Reduxx.

Cowie was involved with the charity for two years, cutting ties at age 17. As a result of his experience with the charity, he continued attending adult gay bars where he was given free alcohol by older men, and sexually abused by them.

Having reflected on his time within the organization, Cowie has decided to come forward after months of waiting for the Scottish Government to respond to a freedom of information request into why Scotland’s charity regulator did not investigate LGBT Youth Scotland following Rennie’s conviction. Cowie says he’s also contacted Scottish Members of Parliament, in particular Shona Robison, to no avail.

After nearly 7 months of waiting, Cowie has now taken his story public, first tweeting some details of his ordeal on Twitter earlier this week.

As a result of Cowie becoming vocal about his time at LGBT Youth Scotland, other alleged survivors claiming similar experiences with the charity have come forward.

Speaking with Reduxx, Daniel Nechtan says he first became involved with the organization when it was still known as the Stonewall Youth Project.

“I was informally in contact with this group when I was 13 or 14. They were based in Edinburgh and it was the closest form of support I could find as a gay teenager,” Nechtan told Reduxx.

“Although I was young, many people involved in this charity were in their twenties and thirties, and, as far as I can tell, there was no safeguarding or anything. In fact, it seemed more like a social network to connect older men with [often vulnerable] teenagers.”

Nechtan says that charity staff had encouraged him to use “gay chatrooms” where he met a 24 year-old man pretending to be a 16 year-old boy. He describes how the older man became his “boyfriend,” and would drive from Tranent to Kirkcaldy to visit with him.

“Apparently, he had a thing for boys with blond curtains, and encouraged me to grow my hair and comb it that way, get it dyed. After a year or two we started to grow apart, I began realizing what he was,” Nechtan says, revealing that the man had been showing him child sexual abuse materials featuring prepubescent boys when he visited.

“Through him and others I met via [the Stonewall Youth Project], I met other young people as well as some older guys who seemed to provide transport and lead the groups.”

Nechtan alleges that he and other underaged boys who were vulnerable and struggling financially were encouraged by the older men they met through the charity to accept payment in exchange for sexual acts.

“Myself and the younger guys were all quite strapped for cash and were encouraged by the old ones to do ‘rent’ around the St. James bus station toilets,” Nechtan recounts. “Two of the older guys were James Rennie and Neil Strachan.”

Despite LGBT Youth Scotland claiming no youth members had been assaulted by Rennie, Nechtan tells Reduxx a very different story, and says that Rennie, who was still the CEO of the charity at the time, and Strachan had offered Nechtan alcohol in exchange for sexual activity.

“They would hang around with us in the summer, would buy us drink and drugs, engage us in highly sexualized conversation and had sexual contact with some of us,” Nechtan says. “They always dressed younger than they were. Sports clothes, Rockports, baseball cap to hide Strachan’s bald head… Rennie took me back to a flat once… he said it wasn’t his flat so we had to stay in the living room to do what we were doing – he gave me a bottle of Buckfast as a gift in return.”

Nechtan then described how on another occasion when he was 17, Strachan asked him to have sex with his underage “boyfriend,” Colin Slaven. Slaven was 16 at the time, and would later go on to be convicted as a member of the child sexual abuse ring run by Rennie.

Several years later, both Strachan and Rennie were arrested and convicted of operating a pedophile ring.

“There was a story in the papers about a pedophile ring that was raided, and I recognized the mug shots straight away,” Nechtan says. Like Cowie, Nechtan was shocked that LGBT Youth Scotland was never investigated following Rennie’s arrest.

“LGBT Youth Scotland was never properly investigated despite Rennie and others associated with the charity having access to children and vulnerable young people. I also learned that [Cowie], too, and other young people in Edinburgh and Glasgow were groomed, plied with drink and drugs, sexualized, raped…”

Nechtan says he never reported Rennie’s abuses, believing at the time that he should have been “mature enough” and “known better.” But after therapy, he finally disclosed his abuse to his partner of 18 years.

“LGBT Youth Scotland, formerly Stonewall Youth Project, under the guise of providing much-needed support for young LGB people in an inhospitable environment, facilitated the abuse of God-knows how many children and young people over years,” Nechtan alleges.

Reduxx reached out to the Scottish Charity Register (OSCR) for comment on any action they had taken to ensure LGBT Youth Scotland was compliant with child safeguarding measures, but was told any files that may have existed would have been destroyed.

Responding to Reduxx‘s inquiry, OSCR Communications staffer John Fellows stated: “Our policy is to destroy all inquiry files 10 years after they have closed, so we are unable to establish the existence or the details of any regulatory inquiry which was concluded prior to December 2012.”

Reduxx also reached out to LGBT Youth Scotland, but received an automatic reply stating their offices were closed for the holidays.

In 2021, LGBT Youth Scotland received backlash from an Alba party member who accused them of seeking to “lower the age of consent to ten.” This was due to LGBT Youth Scotland signing a ‘declaration’ drafted by the Women’s Rights Caucus at the UN’s Commission on the Status of Women in March 2020 which called for an end to the “criminalization and stigmatization of adolescents’ sexuality.”

The Alba candidate, Margaret Lynch, had argued that adolescents are usually considered to be youth between the ages of 10 and 19.

LGBT Youth Scotland addressed this on their website, stating: “To highlight only the LGBT+ organizations from a long list of connected groups, making assumptions that their aim is to lower the age of consent, is an act of prejudice and discrimination that repeats harmful myths from the past about LGBT+ people being sexual predators.”

Lynch’s accusations were described as “deeply homophobic and untrue” by the Scottish National Party (SNP). The SNP spokesperson described LGBT Youth Scotland as a reputable organization that has made a positive impact on the lives of many in Scotland.

Earlier this year, LGBT Youth Scotland was reported to the charity register by Safeguarding Our Schools Scotland for referring children on a chatroom to information about breast binders by the UK charity Mermaids. Mermaids are currently under investigation by the charity commission and Safeguarding Our Schools questioned why LGBT Youth Scotland was signposting resources by Mermaids on its website before the investigation into the charity’s safeguarding approach had concluded.

The Charity Commission for England and Wales has announced a formal inquiry into controversial trans activist organization Mermaids. The announcement came just two months after complaints were filed in response to revelations that one of their trustees held views sympathetic to pedophiles, and that the organization had sent breast binders to female children without parental consent.

LGBT Youth Scotland has continued to promote resources by Mermaids on its website and chat room function since the case opened. Members of the Scottish charity also endorsed a tweet supporting Mermaids on October 6, 2022.

Reduxx is your independent source of pro-woman, pro-child safeguarding news and commentary. We’re 100% reader-funded and rely upon your generosity to compensate the all-female team of writers and researchers who make these stories possible. Support our mission by joining our Patreon, or consider making a one-time donation.

GERMANY: Pregnant Woman Attacked by Trans Activists At Anti-Sex Trade Demonstration

A gang of trans activists gathered to protest an anti-sex trade lecture. Photo Credit: Weichreite TV / YOUTUBE

Women in Germany who attended an event critical of the sex industry were assaulted by trans activists in a coordinated counter-demonstration that resulted in multiple people, including a six-months pregnant mother, being attacked.

On Sunday, December 11, a conference was held at the Conne Island Cultural Center in Leipzig titled “The New Pseudo-Left.” The event, featuring communist author Jörg Finkenberger, was intended to criticize the political left’s acceptance of the sex industry, and its treatment and suppression of feminists critical of gender ideology.

In particular, the left’s support for legalized prostitution in Germany was called into question. At the end of August, an event in Berlin organized by survivors of prostitution was cancelled due to pressure from trans activists. Sisters advocates for women in the sex trade seeking to exit and promotes legislation commonly referred to as the “Nordic Model,” which penalizes pimps and sex buyers in an effort to reduce demand for sex trafficking rather than criminalizing the women forced into the industry.

In response to the event’s anti-sex trade discussion, trans activist group Linksjugend Leipzig Ost rallied its supporters to protest outside the venue on the basis of “transphobia” and “sex worker hostility.”

According to eyewitness reports, members of the group blocked the entrance to the building while shouting expletives about “TERFs” – an acronym for “trans exclusionary radical feminist” often used as a derogatory term for women who are critical of gender ideology.

Women were also insulted as “SWERFs,” a slur used to demean those who criticize the sex industry. The acronym stands for “sex worker exclusionary radical feminist,” and is frequently used in conjunction with “TERF.”

The group, consisting of approximately 40 black-clad individuals, made an effort to bar visitors from entering, and some went on to physically assault attendees.

A YouTuber who attended the talk to film the trans activists had bright lights shone into his camera, and was blocked by black umbrellas. Screenshot from a video taken by Weichreite TV.

One of the women who attended, a sex trade survivor named Marie, told Reduxx about the attacks on event participants.

Marie described how the aggression rapidly escalated as people attempted to enter the Conne Island center, and explained that all attendees were searched for weapons before being permitted admission on account of threats that had been made to the administrators of the venue.

According to Marie, one woman in particular had been a target for the activists – famed biologist and feminist Marie-Luise Vollbrecht.

Vollbrecht has become a lightning rod for trans activist aggression after a lecture that she was scheduled to present on the evolution of biological sex was cancelled earlier this year.

Her talk, titled “Gender is not the same as sex: Sex, gender and why there are only two sexes in biology,” was intended to demonstrate her research in her main area of academic interest, which includes neurobiology and animal physiology.

Marie explains Vollbrecht had been situated at the center of their group in order to protect her from serious injury due to calls for violence against her that had been circulating on social media.

“We knew they hate her the most and wanted see her hurt,” Marie says. “It started when we tried to enter. Marie-Louise [Vollbrecht] was hit in the ribs with an elbow. They were trying to shove us around.”

Outside of the venue, members of Linksjugend Leipzig Ost read a statement they had prepared which singled out Vollbrecht by name as a “TERF” and slammed Sisters as an association made up of “radical feminists who are anti-trans and anti-sex workers.”

Marie describes how a friend of hers who left the event early was assaulted on her way out of the building. The trans activist group congregated outside the entrance, and as she stepped outside, she was struck in the face by one of the men in the counter-demonstration.

“After that, my male friends went out to see what was going on. One of the protesters ripped the hat off of his head and threw it. That’s when things escalated.”

Marie says that one of her male friends was pepper-sprayed in the face by a trans activist dressed in all black who screamed at him for being a “cis” man.

Even a six-months pregnant woman was not spared the aggression, and was attacked as she attempted to leave the area.

As she was being shoved, the woman tried telling the trans activists that she was pregnant in an effort to have them stop aggressively manhandling her. But informing them did not stop the attack, and one of the protesters deliberately blew cigarette smoke into her face and stalked her in an intimidating manner as she fled towards her car.

Marie says that the woman’s boyfriend intervened, sparing her from serious injury.

“She was specifically attacked because she was a pregnant woman. It was not like they did not know she was pregnant,” Marie says.

Police were present outside the venue, but Marie says some women were reluctant to file reports due to their reputation, and others were hesitant due to their political stances. One woman who was hit in the face wanted to go to the police, but had a hard time finding people willing to substantiate her statement due to concerns for their own safety.

“Police don’t have the best reputation… And we’re all leftists. Some don’t want to go to the police and collaborate,” Marie says. “But now the venue has set up an e-mail address where they are soliciting messages from anyone who was harmed.”

In the days following the attacks, Linksjugend Leipzig Ost posted a thread on Twitter sarcastically mocking the women attendees, Vollbrecht in particular, with videos depicting soldiers lying dead and bloodied on a battlefield.

Marie added that those assaulted have been “framed as the aggressors” on social media by members of the trans activist association. Marie and other women attending the lecture brought male friends with them, she says, because they expected to be attacked – something that trans activists labeled an incitement to violence.

“These people are very dangerous, and they are doxxing us in their groups,” Marie added. “They know where we live, they know our names, and I know that some of them are johns. Some of them are porn consumers, and are very misogynistic and have a hatred of women.”

Marie explains that the hostility from trans activists has been increasing, and causing a climate of fear among women in Germany who oppose the sex industry and gender ideology.

“We do not feel safe going to any leftist events,” Marie says. She also noted how trans activists have been attending events organized by groups established to support women who have left the sex industry, or oppose the legal model of prostitution, in order to intimidate them.

The trans activist groups have been “massively threatening” the women with violence, Marie said, resulting in women being prevented from publicly protesting Germany’s notoriously extreme sex industry.

Germany is often referred to colloquially as the “brothel of Europe” for its massive legal prostitution market in which many eyebrow-raising practices have managed to become normalized.

In recent years, there have been documented cases of convicted rapists being granted permission to visit brothels with the explicit intention of “accumulating experience with women” as a form of therapy. Desperate migrant women have also been a target for solicitation into the “industry,” with some trans activist-run “sex worker” collectives having come under fire recently for attempting to appeal to Ukrainian women fleeing the conflict.

In March, Reduxx reported on how a trans activist “sex work” organization had been utilizing social media to solicit Ukrainian refugee women for information on entering the legal German sex trade.

Berlin-based Trans*Sexworks, which describes itself as “a peer-to-peer support structure and network for and made up of trans and non-binary sexworkers,” posted advertisements for counselling services targeting Ukrainian women who ‘need support/info on how to begin sex work in Germany.’

That same month, Berlin’s police force issued a statement warning the public about the presence of human traffickers attempting to lure refugees from Ukraine at the city’s central railway station.

Huschke Mau, an author and advocate for the Nordic model legislation, told Deutsche Welle: “Every day, 1.2 million men go to a prostitute here. Germany is the number one destination country for EU-wide human trafficking,” she said, adding that traffickers and pimps “know that the refugees can bring them a lot of money.”

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Arrestan a artista “queer no binario” por organizar la violación de un niño de 9 años y por distribuir material de abuso infantil

Advertencia de contenido: Este artículo contiene descripciones gráficas de material de abuso sexual infantil recogidos en una denuncia al FBI. Se agradece la discreción del lector.

Un artista “queer no binario” ha sido arrestado por intentar quedar con un niño de 9 años para relaciones sexuales. Efrem Zelony-Mindell, de 35 años, fue arrestado en Manhattan, Nueva York, el 16 de diciembre.

Según el Departamento de Justicia, Zelony-Mindell había comenzado a comunicarse con un agente infiltrado del FBI a principios de este año después de conocerlo en Scruff, una aplicación de ligue para hombres homosexuales. Durante esas conversaciones, Zelony-Mindell le acabó preguntando al agente si le gustaba “lo tabú” y declaró su interés en el “incesto padre hijo”. Luego expresó repetida y gráficamente su deseo de abusar sexualmente de niños, y envió al agente infiltrado material de abuso sexual infantil.

Perfil de Zelony-Mindell en Scruff, una aplicación de citas gay. Fuente de la foto: Declaración al FBI.

Aproximadamente un mes después, el agente infiltrado se ofreció a presentarle a Zelony-Mindell a otro agente que se hacía pasar por padre de un niño de 9 años dispuesto a dejarle violar a su hijo. El depredador se apresuró a acceder e informó al segundo agente de su deseo de abusar sexualmente del niño de 9 años. Luego hicieron arreglos a través de un servicio cifrado de mensajes de texto y de teléfono para que los dos se encontraran.

Zelony-Mindell fue arrestado al llegar al lugar que había acordado con el segundo agente infiltrado. Renunció a sus derechos Miranda y accedió a cooperar con la policía, admitiendo finalmente poseer y distribuir material de abuso sexual infantil y declarando su intención de abusar sexualmente de un niño.

Más tarde ese mismo día, el Fiscal Federal para el Distrito Sur de Nueva York, Damian Williams, y el Subdirector a Cargo de la Oficina del FBI en Nueva York, Michael J. Driscoll, presentaron cargos contra Zelony-Mindell.

Según el testimonio del FBI sobre los cargos de Zelony-Mindell, el depredador le había dicho al agente infiltrado que “le encantaba ver pederastas sexys” cuando le estaba pidiendo una foto de la otra persona.

El agente especial del FBI Aaron Spivack también señaló en un tribunal federal el viernes que la cuenta de Telegram que Zelony-Mindell usaba, utilizaba un número de teléfono que coincidía con el de su sitio web personal.

Zelony-Mindell también había enviado videos e imágenes de pornografía infantil al agente después de admitir su interés en la pedofilia. En la denuncia se proporcionaban descripciones gráficas del material que Zelony-Mindell había enviado al primer agente infiltrado.

Efrem Zelony-Mindell. Fuente de la foto: Testimonio al FBI.

En el material, había “un video que mostraba a un hombre adulto violando a un niño de aproximadamente 11 años penetrándolo analmente”, y una imagen de un niño pequeño obligado a practicar sexo oral a un hombre adulto. También había una imagen de “un hombre adulto atando a un niño de aproximadamente 12 años cuyo pene y ano estaban expuestos”.

Contenido perturbador adicional incluía múltiples imágenes de hombres adultos lamiendo los anos de niños de tan solo 8 años, imágenes de un niño de 10 años obligado a practicar sexo oral a un hombre adulto e imágenes de un hombre adulto “violando vaginalmente a una niña, de aproximadamente 8 años”.

Una vez puestos en contacto, Zelony-Mindell comenzó a mandar pornografía infantil al segundo agente infiltrado, el que se hizo pasar por padre de un niño de 9 años. Ésta incluía la imagen de un hombre adulto obligando a un niño a exponer su ano y genitales, y un video de “un niño menor de aproximadamente 10 años siendo violado por un hombre adulto que lo estaba penetrando analmente”.

Cuando se le preguntó de dónde había sacado ese material de abuso sexual infantil, Zelony-Mindell respondió que “solía estar en salas de chat”, tiene “un teléfono separado para cosas pervertidas ” y tiene “una tonelada de mierda en ese teléfono (sic)”.

Zelony-Mindell le dijo al segundo agente: “Quiero tener relaciones sexuales con tu hijo. De verdad, no puedo pensar en otra cosa. Tú, mirándonos”. Le dijo al agente que planeaba visitar Nueva York, ya que se había mudado previamente a Arkansas, y le preguntó: “¿De verdad quieres que le meta la polla a tu hijo? Porque si nos vemos, me lo voy a follar”.

Zelony-Mindell es conocido por ser un artista y activista, y ha colaborado con VICE en el pasado.

En su sitio web, Zelony-Mindell se describe a sí mismo como un “blanco queer no binario” y afirma que usa el pronombre “elle” (they/them).

Zelony-Mindell ha comisariado y pintado para varias exposiciones de arte “queer”, además de ser un ex colaborador de VICE.

En 2016, VICE publicó un artículo de Zelony-Mindell en el que se deshacía en elogios de la fotógrafa Mary Ellen Mark y sus fotos “icónicas” de una niña de 13 años traficada sexualmente llamada Erin Charles. La niña “se convirtió en un foco de agitación e intriga durante 30 años” para Mark, “en parte integral de su práctica artística”, describió Zelony-Mindell.

La contribución de Zelony-Mindell a VICE.

“Lo que comienza como el retrato de una niña con grandes sueños progresa a lo largo de los años hacia una vida que se ha desmoronado por culpa de las drogas, el abuso, diez hijos y otras crisis. ‘ ¿Lo lograrán?”, pregunta Tim Wride, uno de los comisarios de la exposición…, en referencia a las personas que Mark captura en la pantalla. “Probablemente no. ¿Se trata de eso? Probablemente no. Al mismo tiempo, creo que hay un giro optimista que fue crucial mostrar en el conjunto de obras”.

Una de las últimas publicaciones de Zelony-Mindell en su cuenta de Instagram es una fotografía tomada por Jimmy DeSana en 1989 titulada “Percha”, que presenta a dos hombres jóvenes desnudos con los culos expuestos.

En su sitio web, Zelony-Mindell enumera más de una docena de exposiciones que ha comisariado, incluyendo las de la Universidad de Ohio, la Universidad Tecnológica de Texas y el Centro Internacional de Fotografía-Bard.

En enero, Vogue elogiaba el libro de Zelony-Mindell Witness (Testigo) en un artículo que parece haber sido apresuradamente borrado tras la noticia de los cargos contra él. El perfil de Vogue elogiaba Witness como “un recurso” sobre las “complejidades de los artistas BIPOC y LGBTQIA+”.

Zelony-Mindell fue entrevistado para el artículo, en donde hablaba de los derechos humanos, el movimiento Black Lives Matter y las protestas y manifestaciones que sacudieron a los Estados Unidos en 2020.

“Después del asesinato de George Floyd y Breonna Taylor había un espectro colectivo que se cernía sobre los Estados Unidos y la especie humana. Una gran parte de ese peso violento era qué papel tuvieron la fotografía y el video en nosotros como individuos y comunidades. ¿Cómo decimos lo que pensamos colectivamente y cómo nos pronunciamos?”. Otra cita de Zelony-Mindell dice “¿Cómo necesitamos aprender a escuchar y reeducar? ¿Cómo el silencio y la supremacía han abierto un camino para la complacencia y la solidaridad blanca con el racismo, la intolerancia y la muerte?”.

El artista caído en desgracia se enfrenta a un mínimo de 10 años de prisión y a una sentencia máxima de cadena perpetua si es condenado por el delito de intento de incitar al falso niño de 9 años a participar en actividades sexuales ilegales. Se enfrenta a otro mínimo de cinco años y a un máximo de 20 años de prisión por el delito de distribución de pornografía infantil, y a otro máximo de 20 años de prisión por el delito de posesión de pornografía infantil.

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