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EXCLUSIVE: Rapist Quietly Transferred to Washington Women’s Prison

A man convicted of the horrific sexual abuse of a young girl has been quietly transferred to a correctional facility for women in Washington state, and is reportedly boasting to female inmates that he identifies as “a man.”

Brett David Sonia, who also goes by the name Brooke Lyn Sonia, was convicted in 2005 and 2006 on dozens of charges related to the sexual exploitation of a young girl. Sonia had first initiated contact with the child in Dover, New Hampshire, where he began sexually abusing the girl and photographing the lewd acts, but would later take the victim across state lines to Los Angeles County, California where he would continue to sexually exploit her.

Reports from the case suggest the girl, who was 13 at the time, had been groomed by Sonia. The older man had initially convinced her he was going to help her make money in “modeling,” but later pressured her into removing her clothes and performing sex acts on him while he took photos.

As a result of Sonia committing his extensive crimes in two separate jurisdictions, he stood trial in both California and New Hampshire.

In 2005, he was convicted of 20 combined counts of committing a lewd act upon a child and possessing child pornography in Los Angeles County, California. The next year, he was convicted in Strafford County, New Hampshire, on charges of repeatedly raping the young girl and photographing the assaults. Many of the crime’s details were considered so graphic they were deemed “not fit for print.”

Jury selection in Strafford County was said to be “difficult,” with over one dozen potential jurors admitting they would not be able to sit on the case due to its highly disturbing nature.

Sonia was ultimately handed sentences in both California and New Hampshire, with the latter taking the lead in his prison term. After a minimum of 22.5 years are served towards his New Hampshire sentence, which maxes out in 2047, a Los Angeles County court will decide whether he is to serve additional time in California.

But after being incarcerated, Sonia wasn’t kept in New Hampshire.

Sonia in August of 2021. Photo: PenpalsForPrisoners/FACEBOOK

As part of the Interstate Corrections Compact (ICC), Sonia was sent to Washington to serve a portion of his sentence in 2016, one year after beginning to identify as transgender. The ICC allows states to share correctional resources, and move inmates to cross-border facilities which may be better suited to their needs. Sonia was moved between multiple male facilities in Washington, and left a trail of complaints with regards to not being given adequate access to “gender affirming care,” such as women’s underwear and laser hair removal.

In July of 2020, Sonia filed a grievance, claiming he was at risk of “male aggression” while serving at the Airway Heights Correctional Center, and requested a transfer to a women’s institution. A court document from the following year names Sonia “a vulnerable, transgender female inmate” who was pursuing the New Hampshire Department of Corrections on the basis that his transfer to an “unsuitable” Washington facility had resulted in a violation of his Eighth Amendment rights.

Part of Sonia’s complaint was that he had been placed in a cell with “predatory male inmates.”

From Gibbs et al v. New Hampshire Department of Corrections.

Sonia’s demand for a transfer appears to have been granted recently, with female inmates at the Washington Correctional Center for Women (WCCW) reporting that Sonia is now at the facility.

Speaking to Reduxx under the condition of anonymity, Shawn, who has a close family member incarcerated at WCCW, says he’s “deeply concerned” for the safety and privacy of the women inside. Both Shawn’s actual name, and his specific relationship to the source within WCCW, are being obscured in order to address what he describes as a fear of retaliation from the institution.

Shawn tells Reduxx that women in the facility have passed on that Sonia frequently changes his gender identity, and has reportedly told some of the female inmates that he identifies as a man.

“He was saying that he’s both… Identifies as a man sometimes, and a woman sometimes,” Shawn explains. “I know he looks like a regular middle-aged man with glasses. My relative says he doesn’t look trans at all. His mannerisms are manly, no makeup, nothing to suggest he’s trans … Then another individual approached my relative and informed her that Sonia is identifying as a man. She also said at least one woman is terrified and uses a buddy system to visit the bathroom. She always brings a friend.”

Shawn says that the women inside have been warning each other to “stay away” from Sonia, believing him to be a risk to them.

“I know because he looks so manly, no makeup or feminine characteristics, it makes him more ominous,” Shawn says. “Some of the early transfers were a little more [feminine] with long hair, makeup and everyone knew they wore women’s undergarments… But the ones coming in now don’t even try to be like women.”

But Sonia is far from the only male transfer in the facility.

Shawn provided Reduxx a list of eight male inmates that the incarcerated women have reported are currently at WCCCW – among them, Donna Perry, a serial killer who murdered 3 women in 1990, and Nonnie Lotusflower, who raped and murdered a young woman in 2007. The majority of the men Shawn says are at WCCW have committed violent crimes, many of which were against women or girls.

Obtaining official information on male transfers to WCCW was recently made impossible by the Washington state legislature.

On March 31, a bill was passed which ended public disclosures on currently and formerly incarcerated people’s transgender status, effectively obscuring the current number of trans-identified males housed in the state’s female facilities. As a result, whistleblowers speaking to press have been the only way to scale the extent of the problem.

Shawn believes some male inmates would be motivated to seek transfer to WCCW because it is perceived as being significantly more comfortable than the alternatives.

“WCCW is known as ‘camp cupcake’ because it’s easy to do time there. Men want to be there,” Shawn says. “The trans person can give all sorts of suggestions and demands about where they live but the women clearly don’t have a choice.”

Shawn also showed Reduxx an excerpt from a message he received from one of the other women inside the facility, in which she says that “there are some very aggressive men coming in here” and “all of them are having sex with women.” The inmate also explains that the women are reluctant to report incidents involving the trans-identified males, saying that doing so “just causes an uproar, and they are always claiming to be targeted.”

Asked if he is anxious about his family member’s safety, Shawn says it is a constant concern.

“I worry about this issue all the time. I’m aware of the story of the women being raped at Rikers by a trans inmate. I am aware of the threatening behavior by many in California [women’s] prisons. And I am aware of the pregnancies in New Jersey,” Shawn says, referencing several high profile cases of trans-identified male inmates targeting women following transfers to female correctional institutions.

“I worry about [my relative] being alone in the restroom, and the prison trying to force her share a cell with a man. The rates of HIV in this community are 40-50 percent. So, the risks are so high. A sexual assault could lead to HIV and pregnancy.”

Shawn explains that his worry extends to all of the female inmates in the facility, noting the high rates of trauma amongst incarcerated women. According to the National Resource Center on Justice Involved Women, up to 98% of incarcerated women have experienced or witnessed domestic or sexual violence in their lives. Of all women imprisoned nationwide, only 3% were convicted of a violent crime.

“These [incarcerated] women have profound trauma histories, mostly at the hands of men. As my family member explains, the Washington Department of Corrections is saying they don’t matter and it’s ok to re-victimize them and cause them further trauma. They are saying they don’t matter.”

Reduxx is a newly-launched independent source of pro-woman, pro-child safeguarding news and commentary. We’re 100% reader-funded! Support our mission by joining our Patreon, or consider making a one-time donation.

Estudiante trans acusado de agredir a dos compañeras en el baño de la escuela

Escuela Secundaria Edmond Memorial. Foto/THE EDMOND WAY

Dos estudiantes han resultado heridas tras haber sido agredidas por un estudiante transidentificado en el baño de mujeres en una escuela secundaria en Edmond, Oklahoma.

Reduxx ha obtenido un informe policial relacionado con un asalto violento que tuvo lugar en un baño de mujeres en Edmond Memorial High School. El informe, del 26 de octubre, revela que un estudiante transidentificado recibió una citación policial después de que dos estudiantes sufrieran lesiones en una pelea que supuestamente él había empezado con ellas en el baño de mujeres.

El 26 de octubre, aproximadamente a las 8 a.m., la policía respondió a una pelea que había estallado en Memorial High School en la pequeña comunidad de Edmond, Oklahoma. Al llegar, la policía encontró a una estudiante con lesiones en la cara y en la cabeza en la estación de enfermería.

El policía que acudió a la llamada notó que la víctima tenía “varias zonas rojas” en la cara, y que ambos ojos se le estaban empezando a hinchar. El policía le hizo una entrevista a la víctima, cuyo nombre completo está editado debido a su edad.

La estudiante declaró que un estudiante transidentificado, al que se nombra con la inicial A, se le había acercado en el baño de mujeres cuando estaba hablando con unas amigas. Ella explicó que A había intentado hablar con ella y ella lo había ignorado, por lo que A comenzó a enojarse y le preguntó si “quería pelear” mientras se le acercaba con los puños cerrados.

La víctima dijo que el estudiante transidentificado la golpeó en la cara, e indicó en su declaración que no fue lo suficientemente fuerte como para defenderse debido a la fuerza del golpe.

El estudiante transgénero le tiró del pelo a la niña y la arrojó al suelo, para luego darle patadas en la cara y golpearla repetidamente.

Las amigas de la víctima, que estaban en el baño en ese momento, presenciaron el incidente y le suplicaron a A que detuviera el asalto. Una de las otras estudiantes intentó intervenir, y el agresor le dio dos puñetazos en el lado izquierdo de la cara.

Una testigo indicó que la niña había tratado de intervenir porque A “es un hombre”, y le pareció que la vida de su amiga estaba en peligro.

Del informe policial proporcionado a Reduxx por el Departamento de Policía de Edmond.

La estudiante que intervino aparece en el informe como víctima de lesiones en “ojo, cara y cabeza con una posible conmoción cerebral”.

Otras dos testigos parecen corroborar la historia de la víctima, y una afirmó que el estudiante transgénero golpeó a la víctima repetidamente y “la dejó inconsciente en el suelo” sin que pudiera responder a los golpes. Otra de las testigos también declaró que había querido intervenir, pero no figura como víctima en el informe.

Una declaración del estudiante transgénero indica que había iniciado una conversación con la víctima porque estaba tratando de “devolverle el dinero” por la ropa que le había robado. El estudiante también contradice las declaraciones de la víctima y las testigos, y proporciona detalles que son inconsistentes con las lesiones de las niñas, según los informes de la policía.

El policía informó que había una gran confusión sobre la identidad de género de A, y que había buscado más información de la administración de la escuela debido a los datos contradictorios sobre el sexo biológico de A.

El agente señaló que A había sido registrado como mujer y que el certificado de nacimiento en el archivo de la escuela no tenía un marcador de sexo. Más tarde encontró una declaración jurada de paternidad que indicaba que A era hombre.

El informe policial indica que la madre de A fue a recoger a su hijo. La madre parece haber intentado culpar a la víctima por el asalto, alegando que la niña se había “burlado” de A por ser transgénero. La madre también confirmó que A “nació varón pero se identificaba como mujer”. El informe policial usó pronombres femeninos para referirse a A.

El estudiante transidentificado fue acusado de asalto, agresión y alteración del orden público, y recibió citaciones judiciales por dichos cargos, cosa que Emily Ward, especialista en información pública del Departamento de Policía de Edmond, pudo confirmar.

Después del incidente en la escuela, el agresor supuestamente publicó algo perturbador en su Snapchat dirigido a la estudiante que había intervenido en la pelea. Si bien no se proporcionan detalles sobre la naturaleza de la publicación, la policía preguntó a los padres de la niña si querían presentar cargos. Los padres de la niña se negaron, alegando que ya estaba denunciado.

La madre del estudiante transgénero también informó que las víctimas habían escrito “publicaciones de ciberacoso” dirigidas a su hijo en las redes sociales, y la policía contactó a las familias de las niñas y les pidió que las borraran en un aparente intento de calmar la situación.

A principios de este año, el estado de Oklahoma aprobó el Proyecto de Ley del Senado 615, que requería que todas las escuelas públicas tuvieran instalaciones exclusivamente de un solo sexo, y que los estudiantes y el personal utilizaran el baño de acuerdo con el sexo biológico en su certificado de nacimiento.

Para aquellos que no querían usar baños comunales, una cláusula les permitía el uso de instalaciones individuales.

Susan Parks-Schlepp, Directora de Comunicaciones de las Escuelas Públicas de Edmond, respondió a una solicitud de declaraciones y confirmó algunos detalles del incidente del 26 de octubre.

“Los administradores de Edmond Memorial High School investigaron una pelea con lesiones que involucraba a dos estudiantes en un baño de mujeres. Durante el curso de la investigación, se descubrió que uno de los estudiantes involucrados en la pelea era transgénero y estaba usando el baño de mujeres en violación de la ley estatal que requiere que los estudiantes usen los baños de acuerdo con el sexo en su certificado de nacimiento”, declaró Parks-Schlepp.

“Los involucrados en la pelea han recibido consecuencias de acuerdo con la política del distrito y la ley estatal”.

Parks-Schlepp no proporcionó ninguna sugerencia acerca de cómo el asalto pudo haber tenido lugar, teniendo en cuenta el supuesto cumplimiento de la escuela con el Proyecto de Ley del Senado 615, ni tampoco dio ninguna información sobre si un miembro del personal de la escuela había dado permiso informal al estudiante transgénero para usar las instalaciones de mujeres.

El incidente recuerda al caso de 2021 del condado de Loudoun, Virginia, donde se descubrió que un estudiante varón transidentificado había agredido sexualmente a dos estudiantes en dos escuelas distintas del distrito. La primera, que tuvo lugar en mayo de 2021, ocurrió en el baño de mujeres de Stone Bridge High School.

El pequeño condado se convirtió en un foco de discusión y atención internacional después de que el padre de una de las víctimas hablara con los medios sobre lo que le había sucedido a su hija. La policía había físicamente expulsado a Scott Smith de una reunión de la junta escolar después de mencionar el asalto a su hija.

Al final se descubrió que la junta escolar en el centro de la polémica había intentado esconder la agresión sexual debajo de la alfombra para no llamar la atención, y proceder con el avance de sus políticas propuestas que consagrarían la capacidad de los estudiantes de usar el baño que desearan basándose solo en la identidad de género.

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Trans Activists Attack JK Rowling After She Funds New Resource Center for Female Survivors of Sexual Violence

Prolific author JK Rowling is under fire from trans activists after throwing her support behind a new counseling service for female survivors of sexual violence in the Edinburgh area, leading many pro-woman advocates to question the priorities of her detractors.

On December 12, Rowling announced via Twitter that she was funding Beira’s Place, a facility described as being women-led and catering to female survivors of sexual violence. The service will provide support, advocacy, and information to women aged 16 and over.

In an exclusive interview with columnist and women’s rights advocate Suzanne Moore about her new project, Rowling stated that she was driven by her own experience with sexual violence, and had noticed a gap in available resources to provide exclusively woman-centered care.

“As a survivor of sexual assault myself, I know how important it is that survivors have the option of women-centred and women-delivered care at such a vulnerable time,” Rowling said.

Many on social media celebrated the opening of Beira’s Place, including Vancouver Rape Relief, a Canadian rape crisis shelter that was stripped of Vancouver city funding in 2019 after refusing to change their female-only mandate. The center was vandalized for their sex-based policy, with trans activists nailing a dead rat to the door of the building during the public battle.

“Sisterhood is powerful! Congratulations @beirasplace and @jk_rowling for the new women-only sexual assault support centre for women and girls in Edinburgh and the Lothians,” tweeted Vancouver Rape Relief from their official account.

One Twitter user responded to the Rowling’s announcement, saying: “I’m crying. This is amazing. THIS is what protecting women and being a true feminist looks like. Thank you to @jk_rowling on behalf of #YoungGCFeminists and women everywhere.”

But the response was not uniformly positive, with many trans activists immediately jumping to condemn Rowling for supporting a shelter with a female-only mandate.

Responding to the news, several critics speculated that a policy which excludes men would inevitably result in “masculine-presenting” or “butch” women being turned away.

“Imagine being a slightly masc[uline] presenting cis woman and going to a shelter like that at your worst moment and your greeting is somewhere between the 3rd degree about your birth sex and an actual call to prove it somehow,” said one Twitter user.

“I would love to know what the process is for checking that any woman using this service is definitely not trans, what kinds of checks will you be doing to the already vulnerable sexual/domestic abuse victims? I have major concerns for women’s safety here,” tweeted another.

Multiple trans activists accused Rowling of funding Beira’s Place with the specific intention of “spiting” trans-identified males.

“I think it’s actually quite telling as to the vindictive nature of JK Rowling that’s she’s had the means, resources and power to set up a crisis center for over 20 years, and she’s only decided to do it now so she can use it as some bizarre point scoring against trans victims.”

Yet Rowling has a history of using her substantial wealth to contribute to humanitarian causes. In 2012, she was famously removed from Forbes‘ billionaire list due partly to her hefty charitable contributions. At the time, it was estimated that she had given away approximately $160 million during the course of the year.

Jen Ives, an activist who also identifies as a comedian, mocked the support service and victims of sexual violence in response to Rowling’s announcement.

Ives had previously gone after Rowling during his set at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival earlier this year. However, when the audience failed to laugh at his jokes, a fellow comedian complained that Ives was a victim of “transphobia,” and the audience’s cold response was a “hate crime.”

Another trans activist who uses the moniker ‘Cathy Brennan’ called the opening of Beira’s Place “one of the most sinister moves” he’s seen from “UK transphobes.” Brennan infamously harassed feminist campaigner Julie Bindel after she gave a speech at Edinburgh University in 2019.

As Bindel left the building after giving a speech on male violence against women, Brennan “lunged” at her while calling her derogatory names. Bindel reported that Brennan had attempted to punch her in the face but a security guard pulled him away.

Former TV presenter and Big Brother contestant, Jonathan “India” Willoughby also tweeted in response to the news about Beira’s Place, comparing masculine women to males.

“The whole point of JK Rowling’s new centre is banning women who happen to be trans. But what happens to butch women who could be men?” Willoughby tweeted.

This is not the first time Willoughby has compared masculine women to men. Willoughby has previously said that butch lesbians have effectively “transitioned” and “behave like blokes.”

Willoughby had recently come under fire for racist and sexist comments he made towards broadcaster Esther Krakue, calling her a “talentless bigoted blackwomen [sic]” and a “b*tch.”

But the anti-woman backlash wasn’t isolated to social media.

Earlier today, The Independent published an op-ed from Ryan Coogan, who compared a single-sex rape crisis shelter to opening a “whites-only orphanage,” while LGBT outlet INTO used a graphic featuring JK Rowling and devil heads.

The Times reported that Rape Crisis Scotland has released a statement regarding Beira’s Place stating that while they welcome any new services with “rigorous safeguarding procedures,” they urged the service to be opened to trans-identified males as well.

The CEO of Edinburgh Rape Crisis is a trans-identified male, Mridul Wadhwa. He was hired for the position despite the job advertisement for the role specifying it was open only to women.

Wadhwa came under fire last year for comments he made during a podcast interview in which he stated that “bigoted” sex abuse victims who request female-only support should expect to be “challenged on their prejudices” and told to “reframe their trauma.”

The mixed-sex policy at Edinburgh Rape Crisis in part motivated Rowling to set up Beira’s Place. Rowling said that the single sex service fills an “unmet need for women in the Lothians area.”

Wadhwa’s position as CEO of Rape Crisis has been highly criticized by feminists as he is reportedly still legally male and does not hold a gender recognition certificate. Tensions are currently high in Scotland between trans activists and feminists as SNP leader and Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon aims to push through reforms to the Gender Recognition Act. This will remove all safe guarding requirements to obtaining a GRC such as the need for a gender dysphoria diagnosis.

Ahead of the proposed reforms, For Women Scotland, a feminist campaign group, had petitioned the Scottish government to protect sex in law. But a Scottish judge ruled against them the day after Rowling’s announcement.

“Sex is not limited to biological or birth sex, but includes those in possession of a [Gender Recognition Certificate] obtained in accordance with the 2004 Act stating their acquired gender, and thus their sex,” the Judgement handed down on December 13 read.

The verdict means that a male who holds a legal document indicating a gender change should be treated as a “female” across the board in all areas of law. This has concerned women’s rights advocates as Gender Recognition Certificates will soon be available to almost any applicant, with very limited requirements.

Rowling has become a target for abuse since first speaking out against gender identity ideology in December of 2019. Rowling had tweeted in support of Maya Forstater, a researcher who was involved in a high-profile tribunal case after her employer did not renew her contract on the basis of her belief that biological sex cannot be changed and is relevant to public policies. Rowling then went on to publish a detailed essay in 2020 outlining her concerns with gender ideology.

The celebrated children’s author has since refused to back down to the trans activist mob and has continued to use her platform to spread awareness about how gender ideology impacts the rights and safety of women and girls. This has led to her receiving countless death threats over the years. Several trans activists even picketed her home before posting her address online last November.

Reduxx is a newly-launched independent source of pro-woman, pro-child safeguarding news and commentary. We’re 100% reader-funded! Support our mission by joining our Patreon, or consider making a one-time donation.

“Men Are Men”: Norwegian Artist Facing Criminal Charges, Potential Prison Sentence Over Gender Comments

A woman in Norway is facing criminal charges and a possible prison sentence of up to three years for stating that men can not be lesbians. Tonje Gjevjon, a lesbian artist, was notified on November 17 that she was under police investigation for hate speech over a statement she posted to Facebook.

In her post, Gjevjon railed against trans-identified males who call themselves “lesbians,” and condemned trans activists who seek to criminalize women who oppose gender ideology.

“It’s just as impossible for men to become lesbian as it is for men to become pregnant,” Gjevjon wrote, “Men are men regardless of their sexual fetishes.”

Norwegian artist Tonje Gjevjon is facing hate speech charges

Gjevjon particularly singled-out the actions of prominent Norwegian trans activist, Christine Jentoft – a man who claims to be a lesbian mother, and who currently serves as a representative for the nation’s leading trans activist group, Foreningen FRI.

Jentoft has been at the center of a clash between women’s rights activists and Norway’s hate speech legislation, which was revised in 2020. The amendments, which went into effect last year, included the category of “gender identity or gender expression” – a move women’s rights campaigners in the nation warned would result in a chill over free speech, especially where it related to the reality of biological sex.

Earlier this year, Jentoft filed criminal charges against Christina Ellingsen, a representative of Women’s Declaration International (WDI) Norway, for stating that men can neither be lesbians nor mothers. As reported by Reduxx in May, a police investigation was launched into Ellingsen’s alleged “transphobia,” and, like Gjevjon, she is facing up to three years in prison if found guilty.

Gjevjon says her Facebook statement had been a deliberate effort to call attention to the hate speech law. She did this by quoting the first statement prosecuted as hate speech by the law, where a man was convicted over the use of the sentence “men who perma-live as though they are little girls” in reference to trans-identified males.

In addition to calling out Jentoft, Gjevjon also turned her attention towards Norwegian politicians who have supported the legislative adoption of “gender identity” at the expense of women’s rights. One such politician, Anette Trettebergstuen of the Labour Party, is the current Minister of Culture and Equality and the only openly lesbian politician Norway’s Parliament.

During an open discussion hosted by the Labour Party last year, Gjevjon confronted Trettebergstuen, questioning how she intended to protect the rights of women and girls, and whether she believed that men could be lesbians.

Official notification of hate speech investigation against Tonje Gjevjon.

“I believe it is absolutely necessary to place biological sex as the basis in all contexts where sex has legal, cultural, or practical relevance, and that equating sex with gender identity has harmful, discriminatory consequences for women and girls – especially lesbians,” Gjevjon stated during her question.

“Will the Equality Minister take action to ensure that lesbian women’s human rights are safeguarded, by making it clear that there are no lesbians with penises, that males cannot be lesbians regardless of their gender identity, and by tidying up the mess of the harmful gender policies left behind by the previous government?”

Trettebergstuen responded: “I do not share an understanding of reality where the only two biological sexes are to be understood as sex. Gender identity is also important.”

Last year, while in the role of Equality Minister, Trettebergstuen was featured in a video promoting the political goal of a government-sanctioned “third gender” category. The short film portrayed women dressed in the uniforms seen in the popular television series The Handmaid’s Tale, acting as the “birthing women” for gay men.

Gjevjon first began expressing criticism of gender identity ideology, which she calls the “queer patriarchy,” in 2017 after English feminist author Julie Bindel had her invitation to speak at a university revoked over claims of “transphobia.”

Since becoming more vocal with her “gender critical” views, Gjevjon has been blacklisted by Norway’s artistic community – a scene she had previously been flourishing in.

Writing for Klassekampen in February, Gjevjon detailed her experiences with being disavowed by the art world, her exhibitions cancelled, and labelled as “dangerous” by trans activists.

Gjevjon is the creator of an all-lesbian group called the Hungry Hearts, an art project that produces music, live performances, and installations. In 2017, the Haugar Art Museum invited Gjevjon’s Hungry Hearts to participate in an exhibition on gender fluidity. At the time, Gjevjon warned the museum’s curator that trans activists would pressure management to exclude her.

Tonje Gjevjon on stage with her group Hungry Hearts during the Pride festival in Stockholm in 2017 / PHOTO: HUNGRYHEARTS.NO

Just a few days prior to the exhibition’s opening, Gjevjon was informed by museum management that they had received multiple complaints about her work, and in particular, the lyrics to a song she had produced that referenced vaginal anatomy. Her contributions were removed from the exhibition after the museum asserted her safety could not be guaranteed.

One critic, a trans-identified male who uses the name Ingrid Frivold, went so far as to compare Gjevjon to a Holocaust denier in a message he sent to the Haugar Art Museum, saying: “for many trans people this feels as inflammatory as if David Irwing had been asked to speak at the opening of an exhibition about the Holocaust.”

Notably, Frivold was interviewed sympathetically in an article in 2018 for Oslo news outlet Dagsavisen titled “A Penis in the Women’s Locker Room” wherein he compared his genitals to a “cameltoe” and argued that women must become comfortable with seeing male genitalia in locker rooms and other areas of undress.

In 2020, Frivold was appointed to the advisory board for trans activist group Foreningen FRI. He currently serves as a member of the board for “queer representation” at Norway’s National Museum.

Gjevjon was further censored in 2020 by the Kunstplass Contemporary Art Museum in Oslo, where she had been invited to curate a solo exhibition featuring the works of deceased lesbian artist Marianne Rovas Olsen.

When providing rationale for cancelling her invitation, the museum’s curator told Gjevjon it would be “ruinous to her reputation” to be associated with her. In November 2021, she was again uninvited from displaying her own work at the Women’s Museum.

“I have stated that women are female, that lesbians do not have penises, that children should not be responsible for decisions they do not have the capacity to understand the scope of, and that no-platforming is harmful to democracy. For these opinions I have been canceled several times,” Gjevjon wrote in Klassekampen.

Tonje Gjevjon is being investigated for a crime of hate speech over criticisms of gender ideology

She went on to note that, after more than 15 years of participating in Norway’s art and music scene, she had never received such censorship until she began criticizing the belief that a man can identify as a woman.

“I was not prepared for the extent of how queer organizations, politicians and activists would demonize a lesbian artist who was not in step. Trans activists contact people I work with, portraying me as hateful and warning against being associated with me,” Gjevjon said.

Speaking with Reduxx, Gjevjon said that she had been told point-blank by a museum official that she was blacklisted from the community for her views, and that attempts had been made to have her wife’s employment terminated.

She expressed frustration with Equality Minister Trettebergstuen for refusing to support the rights of lesbians to their same-sex attraction, and emphasized how much funding and support the gender identity belief system receives from the government.

“The Government, with the Minister of Equality and Culture, gives tens of millions in state support to queer organizations that carry out LGBTQI activism which includes the demonization of lesbians and women who think like me,” Gjevjon said.

“The agenda of queer organizations is largely about queer men’s craving for increased access to children and women’s bodies: legalization of surrogacy, legalization of pimping, glorification and romanticization of prostitution, and the special protection of sexual fetishes such as BDSM in law,” she added.

Gjevjon pointed to a culture of “pornification” and “objectification” as intertwined with a “removal of language that precisely describes what it means to be a woman.”

“I recognize this as the degradation and dehumanization of girls, women and lesbians. I don’t believe in the concept of gender identity. And males cannot be or become women or lesbians,” Gjevjon said.

Since 1997, Foreningen FRI was working towards the repeal of sexual paraphilias and fetishes as mental health diagnoses in both Norway and abroad. In 2010, many paraphilia-related diagnoses were removed from Norwegian medical literature, and in 2018 the World Health Organization (WHO) followed suit.

FRI’s campaigns successfully resulted in sadomasochism, transvestic fetishism, and general fetishism being re-classified as variants in sexual arousal in the WHO’s 11th edition of the International Classification of Diseases.

The first discrimination charge lodged on the basis of gender identity was filed in 2017 by a trans-identified male against a woman who had asked him not to shower in the women’s locker room of a sports center.

Though she was later cleared of all charges against her, the majority of tribunal members involved with the case chastised the woman for complaining. The tribunal emphasized “that transgender people are vulnerable and need special protection against harassment.”

The trans-identified male who brought the discrimination charge against her credited pornography and BDSM for inspiring his transgender identity, and has recently made a video game about violently slaughtering women.

Reduxx is a newly-launched independent source of pro-woman, pro-child safeguarding news and commentary. We’re 100% reader-funded! Support our mission by joining our Patreon, or consider making a one-time donation.

Trans Student Charged After Reportedly Assaulting Two Female Students in School Washroom

Edmond Memorial High School. Photo / THE EDMOND WAY

Two female students have been left with injuries after reportedly being assaulted by a trans-identified male student in the women’s restroom at a high school in Edmond, Oklahoma.

Reduxx has obtained a police report related to a violent assault that took place in a women’s washroom at Edmond Memorial High School. The report, dated October 26, reveals that a trans-identified male student was handed a juvenile summons after two female students were left with injuries following a fight he had reportedly initiated with them in the women’s washroom.

On October 26 at approximately 8 a.m., police responded to reports of a fight that had broken out at Memorial High School in the small community of Edmond, Oklahoma. Upon arriving, the officer found a female student with injuries to her face and head at the nurse’s station.

The attending officer noted the female victim had “several red areas” on her face, and that both of her eyes were beginning to swell. The officer conducted an interview with the victim, whose full name was redacted due to her age.

The female student advised the officer that a trans-identified student, indicated by the letter A, had approached her in the women’s washroom while she was speaking to friends. She explained that A had tried to talk to her and she had ignored him, at which point A began to get angry and asked if she “wanted to fight” while approaching her with balled fists.

The victim said that the trans-identified student then hit her in the face, and she indicated in her statement that she was not strong enough to fight back due to the force of the blow.

The transgender student pulled the girl’s hair and forced her to the ground, at which point he began to kick her in the face and punch her repeatedly.

The victim’s friends, who had been in the washroom at the time, witnessed the incident and were pleading with A to stop his assault. One of the other female students attempted to intervene, and was punched twice on the left side of her face by the assailant.

One witness indicated that the girl had tried to step in because A “is a man,” and she felt her friend’s life was at risk.

From the police report provided to Reduxx by the Edmond Police Department.

The female student who was initially attacked is listed as having injuries to her “eye, face, and head with a possible concussion.” She was also experiencing blurry vision, dizziness, and nausea at the time of the police report.

Two other witnesses appeared to corroborate the victim’s story, with one stating that the transgender student struck the victim repeatedly and “knocked her out clean on the floor” without any retaliation from the victim.

A statement from the transgender student indicates he had initiated conversation with the victim because he was trying to “pay her back” for clothes he had stolen from her. The student also contradicts the victim and witness statements, and provides details that are inconsistent with the girls’ injuries as recorded by police.

The attending officer reported that there was great confusion over A’s gender identity, and had pursued more information from the school administration due to conflicting data on A’s biological sex.

The officer noted that A had been registered as a female student, and that the birth certificate on file with the school had no indicated gender marker. The officer then found a paternity affidavit which indicated that A was male.

The police report indicates that A’s parent arrived to pick her child up. The parent appears to have attempted to blame the victim for the assault, claiming the girl had “made fun” of A for being transgender. The parent also confirmed that A was “born male but identified as female.” The police report utilized feminine pronouns to refer to A.

The trans-identified student was charged with Assault and Battery and Disorderly Conduct, and was handed summons on both counts, details confirmed by Emily Ward, Edmond Police Department’s public information specialist.

Following the incident at the school, the assailant allegedly posted something disturbing to his Snapchat story directed at the female student who had intervened in the fight. While details are not provided on the nature of the post, police approached the girl’s parents and asked if they wanted charges to be pressed. The girl’s parents declined, referring to the charges that were already being pursued.

The transgender student’s parent also reported that the victims had made “cyberbullying posts” directed at her child on social media, and police contacted the families of the girls and requested the posts be taken down in an apparent effort to de-escalate the situation.

Earlier this year, the state of Oklahoma passed into law Senate Bill 615, which required all public schools to have exclusively single-sex facilities, and for students and staff to utilize the washroom in accordance with the biological sex on their birth certificate.

Accommodations were made available in a clause that permitted single-use facilities to be available for those who did not wish to use multiple occupancy restrooms.

Susan Parks-Schlepp, Director of Communications for Edmond Public Schools, responded to a request for comment, and confirmed some details of the October 26 incident.

“Administrators at Edmond Memorial High School investigated an injury fight involving two students in a women’s restroom. During the course of the investigation, it was discovered that one of the students involved in the fight is transgender and was using the women’s restroom in violation of state law which requires students to use restrooms according to the sex on their birth certificate,” Parks-Schlepp stated.

“Those involved in the fight have received consequences in accordance with both district policy and state law.”

Parks-Schlepp did not provide any insight into how the assault had been able to take place considering the school’s alleged compliance with Senate Bill 615, or provide insight into whether a member of the school’s staff had provided the transgender student with informal permission to use the women’s facilities.

The incident recalls the 2021 blowout in Loudoun County, Virginia, where a trans-identified male student was found to have sexually assaulted two female students at two separate schools in the district. The first, which had taken place in May of 2021, had occurred in the female restroom at Stone Bridge High School.

The small county then became a hotbed of discussion and international attention after the father of one of the victims spoke to media about what had happened to his daughter. Scott Smith had previously been physically ejected out of a school board meeting by police after bringing forward his daughter’s assault during a school board meeting.

The school board at the center of the controversy was ultimately found to have attempted to brush the sexual assault under the rug in order to not attract attention, as well as proceed with the advancement of their proposed policies that would enshrine the ability for students to use whatever bathroom they desired based on gender identity alone.

Reduxx is a newly-launched independent source of pro-woman, pro-child safeguarding news and commentary. We’re 100% reader-funded! Support our mission by joining our Patreon, or consider making a one-time donation.

Former Head of Twitter Trust and Safety Under Scrutiny For Past Tweets, PhD Thesis

Twitter’s former Global Head of Trust and Safety is under scrutiny for past comments in which he appeared to question the age at which youth can consent to sexual activity. Following the public resignation of Yoel Roth, who had worked for the social media giant for seven years, netizens began circulating his PhD thesis – which argues that minors under the age of 18 should be able to access applications for adults.

On December 10, Twitter CEO Elon Musk caused waves after sharing a screenshot from Roth’s PhD thesis which appeared to imply that minors should be permitted to use Grindr, an application used by adult gay men to facilitate sexual encounters.

“It’s worth considering how, if at all, the current generation of popular sites of gay networked sociability might fit into an overall queer social landscape that increasingly includes individuals under the age of 18,” reads Roth’s thesis, which was titled “Gay Data” and submitted in 2016 at the University of Pennsylvania.

Musk’s tweet was in response to human trafficking survivor and vocal anti-trafficking advocate Eliza Bleu. Bleu has been drawing attention to instances of child sex trafficking that have occurred on or been facilitated through the Twitter platform.

Bleu highlighted a 2010 tweet from Roth which posed the question, “Can high school students ever meaningfully consent to sex with their teachers?” Roth included a link to a Salon article titled, “Student-teacher sex: When is it OK?”

The article details the case of a former high school teacher in Washington state who had sexual relations with a student in the days leading up to her graduation. Matthew Hirschfelder, then 33, was charged with first degree sexual misconduct with a minor, though the female student was 18 at the time.

The court’s ruling in Hirschfelder’s case reads, “That the legislature saw fit to criminalize sex between school employees and high school students — even those who reach the age of majority while registered as students — is a policy choice that recognizes the special position of trust and authority teachers hold over their students.”

The Salon piece boosted by Roth on his Twitter contests this statement and appears to advocate for sexual encounters between teenagers and adults: “The ruling essentially recasts all registered students between the age of 16 and 21 as incapable of consenting to sex.” The article concludes by agreeing with the sole dissenting judge in the court case, who asserted that the majority opinion cautioning against teacher-student sex “does not, ultimately, make sense.”

Roth operated a personal blog until very recently, when the same URL began to host a very bland profile of himself displaying nothing more than his Twitter feed and his upcoming speaking engagements. In his earliest posts, he complains about dating apps, STDs, and being labelled a “slut” by friends.

“Being sexually active for a number of years, this was by no means my first HIV test, but it was the first that triggered anything other than a temporary sense of relief; I felt, somehow, vindicated, as if karmically, all my previous choices had been validated by writ of not having ‘won’ the STI roulette,” Roth wrote in a 2010 post titled “Slut.”

In addition to his own blog, Roth wrote on other platforms.

In 2016, shortly after the release of his PhD thesis on Grindr, Roth penned a Medium post in which he admitted to maliciously investigating and releasing personal details on the identity of an anonymous man he had seen on Grindr, doxing him for no discernible reason.

“One afternoon, a new profile showed up, listed a few hundred feet away,” Roth wrote, explaining he had been browsing the dating app one afternoon looking for a match. “The profile picture showed a white guy in a Swarthmore basketball uniform, head cropped out of the frame, with a single letter listed as his name.”

He continued: “… For no reason except boredom and prurience and a mild, irrational dislike for athletes left over from high school, I made it my mission to discover the mystery basketball player’s true identity.” Roth then explained that he went on to publicly post “steps” that would lead any user to discover this person’s identity.

“Fortunately, I had the decency not to post his name; but I posted enough that anyone sufficiently interested could follow my steps. Mission accomplished.”

He added that his PhD thesis was inspired by this experience, and that having exposed the man’s personal information was not necessarily “wrong” or something he should actually have felt bad about.

“I went on to write an entire dissertation about privacy, safety, and identity on Grindr, to try to deal with my guilt for an afternoon of college stupidity, targeted at someone I’d never even met, for doing something that wasn’t shameful or wrong or really remarkable at all.”

Roth has a long history of sexually-charged tweets, and appeared to frequently bring pornographic paraphernalia and visuals into professional and public spaces.

In 2014, Roth tweeted out a link to a 34th Street submission titled “Sharing Semen.” While the post was submitted under an anonymous byline, Roth’s accompanying Tweet suggested he may have been responsible for the post.

From “Sharing Semen.”

The controversy surrounding Roth comes just as concerns regarding Twitter’s historical moderation process have once again been thrust into the spotlight.

Advocates have raised alarms for years on both the facilitation of sex trafficking and the widespread distribution of child sexual exploitation materials which have taken place on the platform. Twitter’s response has routinely been labelled inadequate, if not outright dismissive.

Earlier this year, Twitter scrapped plans to launch a subscription-based adult content service inspired by OnlyFans after a team of 84 employees suggested it would allow exploitative materials to further flourish on the platform.

“Twitter cannot accurately detect child sexual exploitation and non-consensual nudity at scale,” concluded the Twitter team, which found that the company lacked the ability to verify users’ ages.

Since Elon Musk took over the company, internal information regarding political censorship carried out by top-ranking Twitter personnel has been intentionally revealed to the public. Musk handed over documents to a select group of journalists, who have collaborated on a project known as “The Twitter Files.”

In the second installment, journalist Bari Weiss authored a break-down of censorship methods used by leading staff members, including Roth, such as the utilization of blacklists designed to limit the visibility of user viewpoints that employees disliked.

One such notable account, @libsoftiktok, frequently shares videos of trans activists taken from TikTok accounts. The account’s owner, Chaya Raichik, is critical of drag queen events for children and opposes the teaching of gender identity ideology in schools.

Despite Twitter personnel internally admitting that Raichik had “not directly engaged in behavior violative of the Hateful Conduct policy,” her account has been suspended six times in 2022 alone on the basis of “hateful conduct.”

Beyond the accounts directly named in the recent revelations from The Twitter Files, many users have taken the information as an admission of widely shared speculation on the biased and ineffective ways Twitter has moderated content.

Users who oppose gender ideology on the platform have asserted they are disproportionately targeted by the moderation system, which they say favors mainstream political viewpoints.

Sam Barber has maintained a running list of over 400 “gender critical” women who have been suspended or penalized by Twitter, most of whom posted relatively benign comments. Barber often juxtaposes those Tweets against far more violent and abusive messages posted by pro-gender ideology users which Twitter often refuses to take action on.

In November, a convicted child murderer began making accounts on Twitter to harass Reduxx writers and supporters. Synthia China Blast, who was recently discharged from parole after serving 25 years in prison, utilized photos of Reduxx contributor Jennifer Gingrich and Editor-in-Chief Anna Slatz, and posted threatening and sexual comments about them. Blast had targeted Reduxx following an October 24 report on his parole status.

Users who reported Blast’s accounts in an effort to have him removed from the platform often reported that Twitter found “no violations” in his content. In contrast, Gingrich received a temporary ban from the platform after responding to Blast and condemning his harassment campaign.

But the inconsistency in moderation was perhaps most dramatically exposed last year, after a survivor of child sexual abuse filed a lawsuit against Twitter alleging that the platform refused to take down widely shared pornographic images and videos of his abuse because it did not violate the company’s policies.

Reduxx is a newly-launched independent source of pro-woman, pro-child safeguarding news and commentary. We’re 100% reader-funded! Support our mission by joining our Patreon, or consider making a one-time donation.

Mujer despedida por expresar su preocupación por un asesino en serie transgénero que vive en un refugio para personas mayores

Una ex trabajadora social de un refugio para personas mayores de Manhattan presentó una demanda contra su ex empleador, alegando que perdió su trabajo por advertir a sus jefes que un asesino en serie convicto la había amenazado de muerte cuando trabajaba en ese centro.

Monica Archer fue despedida de su trabajo en George Daly House, una vivienda alternativa a corto plazo para residentes ancianos en Alphabet City, incluso después de que el asesino en serie convicto Harvey Marcelin fuera acusado del brutal asesinato y desmembramiento de una ex residente. Marcelin se identifica como mujer lesbiana, y a menudo usa el nombre de “Marceline Harvey”.

La demanda, presentada el lunes, se refería a la decisión del refugio de admitir a Marcelin, de 84 años, quien ha sido puesto en libertad condicional de por vida después de pasar 50 años en prisión por el homicidio y desmembramiento de dos mujeres.

Según una exclusiva publicada en el New York Post, Marcelin “hizo amenazas repetidas de matar” a Archer y otro miembro de la plantilla, y se le permitió tener un arma en las instalaciones.

Monica Archer alega que sus empleadores tomaron represalias contra ella por hablar sobre un asesino que se identifica como trans. FOTOGRAFÍA: William C. Lopez/NYPOST

Archer había propuesto a sus supervisores transferir a Marcelin a un centro especializado en trastornos de salud mental, pero fue ignorada. También había recomendado que Marcelin fuera puesto en un “entorno apropiado para el asesino en serie que tiene problemas que yo no puedo abordar”.

Pero Archer dice que la administración continuó permitiendo que Marcelin residiera en el refugio, a pesar de “saber que había sido acusado y condenado por varios asesinatos, supuestamente poseía un arma y amenazaba regularmente con matar a los miembros del personal”.

Marcelin también empezó a seguir a Archer cuando ésta salía del trabajo por la noche, dejando a la trabajadora social tan asustada que comenzó a usar rutas alternativas para volver a casa después del trabajo.

A pesar del comportamiento “errático” y “peligroso” de Marcelin, le permitieron salir del refugio para ancianos para vivir de forma independiente. Sin embargo, Archer seguía preocupada por su comportamiento y presentó una queja contra el centro ante la Administración de Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional de los Estados Unidos por exponerla a riesgos.

Ella alega que la gerencia luego tomó represalias contra ella, poniéndola en servicio de limpieza y prohibiéndole el trabajo remoto.

El 4 de marzo, apenas una semana después de mudarse a un apartamento, Marcelin fue arrestado por el espeluznante asesinato y desmembramiento de Susan Leyden, de 68 años, que había sido una ex residente en el mismo centro para personas mayores.

El cuerpo de Leyden fue encontrado en pedazos esparcidos por todo el vecindario y algunas partes no aparecieron hasta el día siguiente. El torso sin cabeza fue encontrado por un transeúnte en un carrito de compras a unas manzanas de distancia del apartamento de Marcelin el 3 de marzo, lo que llevó a la policía a interrogar a Marcelin sobre el horrible descubrimiento.

Dos meses después de que Marcelin fuera detenido, Archer alega que fue despedida por insubordinación, una medida que dice ser un castigo por haber dado la alarma desde un principio.

“En detrimento del público, cuando [Marcelin] fue devuelto a la sociedad para vivir en su propio apartamento, supuestamente asesinó a una ex residente no más de una semana más tarde, claramente en contra de los mejores intereses de la seguridad pública”, dice la demanda.

La noticia de que Marcelin había sido acusado de homicidio no fue “una sorpresa” para Archer, según la demanda.

Antes del asesinato de Susan Leyden, Marcelin era muy conocido por la policía, ya que había sido condenado por la brutal muerte de otras dos mujeres en dos ocasiones distintas.

En 1963, Marcelin fue arrestado por dispararle a su entonces novia Jacqueline Bonds tres veces en su apartamento de Manhattan. Fue sentenciado de 20 años a cadena perpetua y fue puesto en libertad condicional en 1984. Después de su puesta en libertad, apuñaló a otra mujer, su pareja en aquel momento, hasta la muerte, metió su cadáver en una bolsa de basura y la dejó tirada en la calle cerca de Central Park.

Marcelin fue arrestado en 1986 por el segundo asesinato, pero una vez más fue puesto en libertad condicional en 2019. En aquel momento, le dijo a un supervisor de libertad condicional que tenía “un problema con las mujeres”.

Antes de los asesinatos, Marcelin fue acusado de intento de violación cuando tenía solo 14 años; La denuncia fue hecha por una niña de 8 años.

Un examen psiquiátrico de 1963 realizado por tres médicos en el Hospital Psiquiátrico Bellevue concluyó que Marcelin tenía “personalidad esquizoide con rasgos sociopáticos”, pero no fue considerado criminalmente loco ni psicótico. Los informes del hospital de 1962 insinúan que podía tener “grandiosidad delirante”, “indicaciones de esquizofrenia crónica” y “personalidad de reacción paranoide”.

Marcelin comenzó a identificarse como una mujer cuando estaba en la prisión estatal de Auburn por su segundo asesinato, y comenzó a tomar Premarin, un tipo de estrógeno destinado a mujeres posmenopáusicas, después de conocer a un preso transidentificado en la cárcel. El asesino parece tratar a sus personajes “masculinos” y “femeninos” como dos entidades separadas. En una entrevista que dio al New York Post a principios de este año, Marcelin afirmó que era su personaje “masculino” el responsable de sus crímenes.

“Harvey no es un buen tipo, es un tipo duro”, dijo Marcelin, “Marceline es agradable, gentil y amorosa, ya sabes, unas risas, es divertido estar con ella. Ella es la que es perfectamente normal”.

Marcelin parece haber conocido a Leyden poco después de ser puesto en libertad condicional en 2019.

Uno de sus muchos perfiles de Facebook revela que estaba en contacto con Leyden por aquel entonces, y que parecía haberse obsesionado un poco con ella, hasta el punto de usar sus fotos en lugar de las suyas propias.

Una captura de pantalla de una de las cuentas de Facebook de Marcelin, usando fotos de Susan Leyden como propias.

En octubre de 2021, pocos meses antes de asesinar a Leyden, Marcelin le respondió en Facebook con el comentario: “Amor personificado”.

Sin embargo, algunas respuestas hechas desde la cuenta de Facebook de Leyden indican que el sentimiento estaba lejos de ser mutuo.

En noviembre de 2020, Marcelin subió la foto de una joven rubia, de identidad desconocida, como su foto de perfil principal. Debajo de la foto, Leyden comentó: “Esa foto no es de Marceline Harvey … [él] es agradable pero está loco … Marcaline [sic] es un friki”.

2020 comentarios de Leyden a Marcelin.

Archer no fue la única mujer que expresó su preocupación por Marcelin antes del asesinato de Susan Leyden.

En julio, una enfermera que trabaja en un refugio en el Bronx dijo al New York Times que le preocupaba mucho que a Marcelin se le permitiera el acceso a la sección de mujeres del centro.

Anne Brennan cuestionó que a Marcelin se le permitiera residir en el área de mujeres del refugio, pero sus supervisores la obligaron a aceptarlo allí.

“Aparentemente, sus sentimientos e identidad eran mucho más importantes que todas las otras mujeres que estaban aterrorizadas de él”, dijo.

Marcelin está actualmente fichado como un prisionero “de sexo femenino” en el Departamento de Prisiones de la Ciudad de Nueva York, y está alojado en el Centro Rose M. Singer, la única instalación para mujeres en Rikers Island.

La próxima cita de Marcelin con los tribunales está programada para el 25 de enero.

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Trans Comedian Exposing Penis on Live TV “Shortlisted” For Broadcast Award

A transgender “comedian” has reportedly been shortlisted for a television award after stripping naked on live television and playing the piano with his penis.

On October 21, trans-identified male comedian Jordan Gray was featured on the Friday Night Live revival event marking Channel 4’s 40th anniversary. During the performance, Gray ripped off his clothing to expose his entire naked body, and attempted to play his keyboard with his penis. This was during Gray’s rendition of his song “Better Than You,” which featured lyrics intended to mock females.

“I’m a perfect woman, my tits will never shrink. I’m guaranteed to squirt, and I do anal by default … I am the lizard king, and I can do anything that any other woman can’t … I used to be a man, now I’m better than you,” Gray sang to an audience of delighted onlookers who cheered as he then tore off his clothes and exposed his naked body.

Mainstream media coverage of Gray’s performance has been overwhelmingly positive. PinkNews, a UK-based outlet, referred to Gray’s song as “rousing” and called the performance “iconic,” and characterized any opposition to the performer’s exposure of his genitals on television as “anti-trans.” The sentiment was shared by some LGBT activists on Twitter. The Daily Mail referred to Gray’s penis using feminine pronouns, sparking widespread mockery of the outlet.

On December 8, Broadcast published a longlist for the TV Moment of the Year awards, inviting members of the public to vote on their top three favorite moments to make it to the shortlist.

While the vote still appears to be active and Broadcast has stated that nominations will not be publicly displayed until the new year, Gray announced on his Twitter that he had already been “shortlisted” for the award. It is unclear whether this is a confusion on Gray’s part or he was informed in advance.

Other moments nominated alongside Gray’s on the longlist included a Sky News reporter being shot at while doing frontline reporting in Ukraine, and BBC‘s Huw Edwards announcing the death of Queen Elizabeth II.

Following his nudist performance on Channel 4, Gray was removed from a children’s charity where he had been a patron.

On October 26, just days after his appearance, Educate & Celebrate issued a statement announcing Gray’s removal from his role, but claimed that Gray had “never gone into schools” and had limited interaction with children throughout his tenure. That was quickly discovered to be misleading, with internet sleuths unearthing a 2016 interview with Gray for GuysLikeU in which he directly claimed to do just that.

“Young minds are very accepting,” Gray said to GuysLikeU. “It’s teenagers who are harder to get through to. It’s good to educate these kids when they are young.”

In addition to the interview, a video from two years ago of Gray speaking at Passmores Academy in Essex County, England began to circulate on social media. The discoveries raised questions about Educate & Celebrate’s credibility, as their statement appeared to directly contradict fact.

On Twitter, some users expressed upset at Gray’s announcement, noting that he his performance had been greatly offensive to women.

“Why? Lots of men hate women, have a small willie and know how to take their clothes off,” user Marilyn Irish tweeted in response to Gray’s announcement.

“Peaking Moment of the Year. People who saw this could see the woman-hating misogyny if they hadn’t before,” Louise Ashworth added.

Many women pointed out that even aside from Gray’s public nudity, the lyrics to the song he sang at Channel 4‘s event had deeply offensive lyrics in which Gray painted himself as “better” than women due to certain aspects of his sexual reciprocity.

“So it’s ok for the TV moment of the year to be the most sexist and hold a load of complaints too? Most sexist TV moment of the year,” user Raging Suffragette wrote.

Following Gray’s Friday Night Live performance, over 1,600 people submitted complaints to the independent regulation body responsible for broadcasting in the United Kingdom, with many expressing concern over being unwittingly subjected to nudity without warning. 

A further 172 complaints were made regarding Gray’s performance one week after the episode aired.

Reduxx is a newly-launched independent source of pro-woman, pro-child safeguarding news and commentary. We’re 100% reader-funded! Support our mission by joining our Patreon, or consider making a one-time donation.

Una casa de subastas propiedad del jefe de la empresa matriz de Balenciaga vende “maniquíes sexuales infantiles”

Advertencia de contenido: Este artículo contiene detalles gráficos relacionados con representaciones sexuales perturbadoras de niños. Se agradece la discreción del lector.

Balenciaga se enfrenta una vez más a las críticas después de que se revelara que el jefe de su empresa matriz era el propietario de una casa de subastas que facilitó la venta de maniquíes sexuales infantiles perturbadores.

El 3 de diciembre, la locutora británica Dominique Samuels llamó la atención sobre lo que parece ser la siguiente entrega del escándalo “pederasta-chic” de Balenciaga que causó una protesta viral el mes pasado.

Samuels señala en su hilo de siete publicaciones, que François-Henri Pinault, el multimillonario francés al frente de la empresa matriz de Balenciaga, Kering, también posee una casa de subastas que supervisó la venta de “mutantes sexuales” infantiles extremadamente gráficos.

El escándalo de #Balenciagapedos continua. El CEO de la empresa matriz, Kering, vende maniquíes sexuales infantiles asquerosos. Este es solo un ejemplo. El nombre del CEO es François-Henri Pinault y es el marido de @salmahayek.

Christie’s, una casa de subastas de arte de alta gama, cuyo dueño y administrador es el Groupe Artémis de Pinault, fue fundada por su padre como vehículo de inversión para la fortuna de Pinault. Cuenta con docenas de piezas de Jake y Dinos Chapman, la mayoría de las cuales ya se han vendido pero permanecen en exhibición en el sitio web de Christie’s.

Los hermanos Chapman son muy conocidos por sus obras de arte, que a menudo se describen como intencionalmente provocativas. A mediados y finales de los años 90, los artistas crearon una serie de maniquíes destinados a representar a niños con horribles mutaciones sexuales en una colección titulada Fuck Face. Algunas de las piezas de la línea “pedofilia grotesca” se han vendido por cientos de miles de dólares.

En el hilo de Twitter de Samuels se ve una serie de capturas de pantalla de las obras sacadas de los catálogos de la casa de subastas.

Uno de los maniquíes, que lleva el mismo nombre que la colección, es un niño pequeño que tiene un ano abierto en vez de boca y un pene erecto en vez de nariz.

“Fuck Face”, 1994.

Christie’s, que vendió la pieza por más de $ 141,000 USD en 2010, describe el trabajo como revelador de “verdades incómodas” en el ensayo que acompaña al lote.

“Tanto el título de Fuck Face como el apéndice que domina su cara están de una forma muy discordante en conflicto con el aire de inocencia y curiosidad infantil de este niño tambaleante, lo que se suma al factor de choque y la sensación de lo extraño que lo empapa”.

Otras obras en la colección Fuck Face incluyen cuerpos de niños con anos abiertos en lugar de cabezas, niñas pequeñas fusionadas por la vagina y gemelas unidas con vaginas abiertas o penes que sobresalen de entre sus caras.

[izq..] “Platinum Joey” (1996) y [dcha.] “Disasters of yoGA” (1997)

Se confirma que el jefe de la empresa matriz de Balenciaga, François-Henri Pinault, posee algunas obras de arte creadas por los hermanos Chapman, pero ninguna de las piezas de la colección Fuck Face está presente en las colecciones de sus galerías.

El hilo de Samuels sobre la conexión entre la empresa matriz de Balenciaga y la casa de subastas que vende las perturbadoras obras ha atraído una atención considerable de los horrorizados internautas.

“Esto es tan perturbadoramente increíble. Me hace sentir ingenuo con lo que realmente está sucediendo en el mundo”, tuiteó un usuario en respuesta a Samuels.

“La maldad en este mundo me está poniendo enferma. Se salen con la suya debido al dinero y al poder, el silencio en los medios y de las celebridades sobre esto #BalenciagaPedos es repugnante. No podemos dejar de hablar de ello. Están esperando a que se olvide”, escribió Sophie Karakaya.

Otros especularon sobre cuál sería la reacción de Pinault o su compañía, haciendo referencia a la reciente reacción tibia de Balenciaga.

La casa de moda de lujo Balenciaga se convirtió en objeto de indignación generalizada en noviembre después de lanzar una campaña publicitaria de regalos navideños con niños muy pequeños posando con osos de peluche con accesorios BDSM.

El incidente se volvió aún más complejo después de un descubrimiento inquietante adicional en otra sesión de fotos publicada en el sitio web oficial para anunciar la colaboración de la marca con Adidas.

En la foto, que no incluía a los modelos infantiles, se veía uno de los bolsos de Adidas sobre un escritorio lleno de papeles. Entre los documentos había uno extraído del caso de la Corte Suprema United States v. Williams.

El caso involucraba a un hombre llamado Michael Williams que, en abril de 2004, utilizó un foro público de chat en Internet para publicar un mensaje ofreciendo intercambiar materiales de abuso sexual infantil con otros usuarios del grupo. El mensaje decía: “El papá de la niña tiene ‘buenas’ fotos de ella y yo para intercambiar por las fotos de tu niño pequeño, o las imágenes de cámara en directo”.

El agente del Servicio Secreto Timothy Devine respondió al ofrecimiento de Williams en una conversación privada donde los dos procedieron a compartir fotos no sexuales de niños. Después de esto, Williams afirmó tener imágenes desnudas de su hija de cuatro años siendo abusada sexualmente, y prometió enseñárselas si Devine correspondía con otras.

Cuando Devine no le mandó contenido pornográfico de menores, Williams le dio el enlace de un chat público que lo condujo a siete archivos que contenían imágenes sexualmente explícitas de niños de cinco a quince años. El agente Devine pudo obtener una orden de registro para la casa de Williams, donde, según los documentos judiciales, los agentes confiscaron dos discos duros que contenían “al menos 22 imágenes de niños reales involucrados en conductas sexualmente explícitas, algunas de ellas sadomasoquistas”.

Williams fue acusado de un cargo de “proxenetismo” o promoción de pornografía infantil y un cargo de posesión de pornografía infantil. Williams se declaró culpable de ambos cargos, pero se reservó el derecho de impugnar la condena en un tribunal de apelaciones. El Tribunal de Distrito de Florida sentenció a Williams a 60 meses de prisión.

Williams luego presentó una moción para desestimar el cargo de proxenetismo sobre la base de que el estatuto legal era demasiado amplio e infringía sus derechos de libertad de expresión según la Primera Enmienda. El Tribunal de Apelaciones de los Estados Unidos para el Undécimo Circuito estuvo de acuerdo con Williams, pasando así la decisión final a la Corte Suprema, que finalmente dictaminó que las protecciones de la libertad de expresión no se extendían a las ofertas para propagar materiales de abuso sexual infantil.

Tras la reacción internacional, Balenciaga eliminó ambas campañas de su sitio web y perfiles de redes sociales, y emitió una declaración apresurada en Instagram disculpándose por la “ofensa” causada por las sesiones de fotos. Poco después, la compañía anunció que iba a demandar a la compañía responsable de diseñar el set utilizado para anunciar el bolso Adidas.

Pero justo ayer, la marca de lujo declaró que estaba desechando sus planes de litigio, lo que llevó a algunos, como Dominique Samuels, a especular que la medida había sido puramente “performativa”.

El director de diseño creativo de la marca, Demna Gvasalia, también emitió una disculpa por su papel en la sesión de fotos con los niños.

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“Genderfluid” Nuclear Hire Charged With Felony in SECOND Luggage Theft Incident

The “genderfluid” U.S. Department of Energy official who made headlines last week after being accused of stealing a woman’s luggage at a Minneapolis airport has now been charged in a second incident of luggage theft in Las Vegas.

Sam Brinton, the deputy assistant secretary of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition at the Office of Nuclear Energy, has been charged with grand larceny with a value between $1,200 and $5,000, according to 8 News Now.

Sam Brinton / LINKEDIN

The charges relate to an alleged incident of luggage theft occurring at Las Vegas’ Harry Reid International Airport. The news comes just one week after it was revealed Brinton had been charged for a similar incident in Minnesota related to the theft of a woman’s suitcase at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport in September.

Investigators contacted Brinton in October after reviewing security camera footage which showed him using the woman’s luggage, which was worth over $2,000, after it had been snatched from the carousel.

“If I had taken the wrong bag, I am happy to return it, but I don’t have any clothes for another individual. That was my clothes when I opened the bag,” he told police at the time.

He reportedly contacted authorities two hours later and apologized for not being “completely honest,” before admitting he took the woman’s suitcase. Brinton was instructed to return the luggage on October 9, but after failing to do so, charges were filed on October 27.

Brinton, who identifies as genderfluid and uses they/them pronouns, was quietly shuffled into his post at the Office of Nuclear Energy in January, but rapidly raised eyebrows after his history in the “kink lifestyle” began to circulate publicly.

In 2016, Brinton was profiled by Metro Weekly in a piece called Puppy Love. Brinton was photographed with his leather “pup,” another adult male who was photographed with what appeared to be an anal plug “tail.”

Brinton and “Nubi,” featured in Metro Weekly.

In the article, Brinton is one of many fetishists interviewed on his experience in the leather pup lifestyle. He is quoted as describing his relationship with “Nubi,” his human dog.

“I can hear when Pup needs something faster, because of the difference in the grunts or the moans,” Brinton said. “I actually have trouble when we transition from pup play to having sex. Like, ‘No, I can’t have you whimper like that when we’re having sex,’ because I don’t want to mix that world. It’s interesting, because he doesn’t have to come out of pup mode to have me f*ck him.”

According to the National Pulse, Brinton has also given lectures at Universities on LGBTQ kink and BDSM.

An archived article from The Polytechnic, the campus newspaper of the Rensselear Polytechnic Institute, reveals Brinton gave a kink seminar there in 2017. The lecture was titled “Ropes, Whips, & Kinks, Oh My!!” The Polytechnic notes that Brinton discussed various sexual fetishes, including adult babies, diaper play, humiliation, degradation, and more. He also reviewed “how to safely choke [a] partner” and demonstrated various rope bondage techniques on students.

In addition to his kink advocacy, Brinton is also a drag queen who goes by the stage name Sister Ray Dee O’Active. Though his career in LGBTQ activism spans a decade, questions are being raised about the details Brinton has given about his past.

Criticism of Brinton’s narrative of having been a victim of “conversion therapy” was recently explored in LGBTQ Nation, with the author concluding that “the red flags regarding Brinton were overwhelming and obvious to all who cared to see them.”

In 2020, Brinton spoke at an LGBTQ+ event hosted by two Emerson College organizations, during which he claimed minors should not be challenged on their gender identity, stating: “When you question our gender identity or our sexual orientation, you are literally questioning whether you should exist. That’s how you get really young youths potentially considering suicide.”

Academic research suggests a correlation between theft and an escalation in crime, particularly in cases which involve a sexual component.

A 2013 paper published by the Department of Psychology at Ryerson University, Toronto, investigated 82 instances of “fetish burglary,” which is defined as the sexually motivated theft of another individual’s personal belongings – especially women’s clothing and undergarments.

“Criminal history narrative studies reveal an escalation in sexual offender behaviour from non-contact to contact offending, with an ever-increasing likelihood of sexual violence and homicide. In particular, researchers have found that sexual offenders often have a history of committing burglaries prior to contact offences,” reads the paper’s abstract.

The study’s authors note that prior research highlighted a connection between fetish burglaries, sexual violence, and transvestism – a sexual fetish most often associated with men who experience arousal at wearing “women’s” clothing.

“In an early study by Revitch (1978), transvestism was found to be associated with fetish burglaries. Later, in a sample of 52 serial sexual homicides, Schlesinger and Revitch (1999) found that over a third of the sexual murderers had prior convictions for burglary. In those cases, the theft of fetishistic objects was found to be directly related to escalation to obtain (more of) the object and then, although less frequently, to assault or murder the female.”

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