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BBC’s “Top 100 Women” List Honors Trans Politician Attempting to Have a Feminist Imprisoned for Misgendering Him

The BBC is under fire after honoring a trans-identified male as one of 2022’s most “inspiring and influential women.” Erika Hilton, a transgender politician in Brazil, is currently seeking to have a women’s rights advocate imprisoned for misgendering him.

Hilton was elected to São Paulo’s municipal government in November of 2020, winning his seat by a landslide. At the time of his victory, he was celebrated by international media as being a “symbolic triumph” for transgender people. Hilton was amongst the top 10 most-voted for candidates in all of Brazil, and was touted as the “only woman” to make the cut. 

Hilton was featured in this year’s iteration of BBC‘s 100 women from around the world who are “influential and inspiring women.” The theme for 2022 was “progress that has been made across different areas over the past decade.”

The BBC‘s list includes Hilton in their “politics and activism” category, lauding him with a description that reads: “The first black trans woman ever elected to a seat in the National Congress of Brazil. Erika Hilton is an activist who campaigns against racism, and for LGBTQ+ and human rights.”

But earlier this year, it was revealed that Hilton had been attempting to have an anti-domestic violence advocate imprisoned for calling him a “man.”

Isabella Cêpa, Brazilian feminist influencer, is well-known in Brazil for her advocacy on the issues of sexual and domestic violence. In 2020, shortly after Hilton’s election, Cêpa made a quick remark on her Instagram on the claims Hilton was the “most voted for woman” in Brazil.

Speaking exclusively to Reduxx in June, Cêpa said she hadn’t even known who Hilton was when she made her remarks, and had simply said she was “disappointed to hear that the most voted-for woman in São Paulo – later found out that it was in the entire country – was a man.”

Almost two years later, Cêpa discovered she was being charged with criminal transphobia for misgendering Hilton.

Cêpa’s mother was tracked down by police who questioned her on her daughter’s whereabouts and told her to visit a police station. After she spoke with police and learned it was over a complaint from Hilton, Cêpa was in the dark about the status against her until she read about them in Brazil’s national news, Folha, where an article on her case stated she was being charged with 5 counts of “social racism.” Some of the charges relate to Hilton, and others are from the Public Prosecutor combing through her social media feed to find other “transphobic” statements she had reportedly made.

In addition to learning about the charges, Folha announced Cêpa was facing up to 25 years in prison, a figure she says was manufactured to discourage other feminists from speaking out on similar issues.

Cêpa says Hilton appeared to be using the threat of suing feminists as a re-election strategy last year, rallying his supporters around the idea he will sue “transphobes” after having them criminally convicted, and then give his settlement money to other trans-identified males.

Speaking to Reduxx on Hilton’s nomination to the BBC‘s 100 Women list, Cêpa expressed amusement.

“What can I say? I think he shoudn’t be included for being a man, there’s nothing else to be said, even if he was the greatest man,” Cêpa says. “But still, that’s not even the case here. This guy hates women and has no shame in showing it.”

Cêpa has informed Reduxx she is not entirely sure what the status of her case currently is, and still has yet to receive any formal documentation on her charges.

Hilton’s inclusion on the list comes in stark contrast to the female nominations, all of whom have an impressive laundry list of achievements that benefit women and girls.

Of them, one was nominated by prolific writer Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, who was recently made a target by trans activists for noting the differences in life experience between trans-identified males and women.

Adichie nominated Joy Ngozi Ezeilo, a Nigerian law professor and founding director of the Women Aid Collective (WACOL). Ezeilo’s organization has provided free legal aid and shelter to 60,000 women in Nigeria in the last 25 years. She also provides rapid response to victims/survivors of abuse through her Tamar Sexual Assault Referral Centre. Ezeilo was lauded by Adichie, who said she has “impacted many lives… especially to women and girls whose human rights have been violated.”

Other women on the list include Geraldina Guerra Garcés, an Ecuadorian anti-femicide activist who works to protect female victims of violence in Ecuador, and Zahra Joya, an Afghan journalist who disguised herself as a boy for over 6 years in order to attend school under Taliban rule.

On social media, some have begun to call out BBC for Hilton’s name making the list, along with another trans-identified male who was similarly included. Efrat Tilma, an Israeli police officer, was also included in the 2022 iteration of BBC‘s list of 100 women.

Efrat Tilma [L] with Israel’s Deputy Foreign Minister, Idan Roll, in 2021.

Graham Linehan’s newsletter, The Glinner Update, announced Hilton and Tilma’s inclusion on the list. Glinner contributor JL pointed out that this was not the first time BBC‘s 100 Women list included males.

“No doubt, like most of the trans-identified males included in previous years, Hilton and Tilma are brilliant campaigners and activists and more than deserving of praise and recognition. But they do not belong on a list that is intended to celebrate women,” JL wrote. “… Even with approximately 3.905 billion females to choose from, the BBC has seen fit to include trans-identified males on a list supposedly dedicated to celebrating the achievements of just 100 women.”

On social media, women voiced their concerns by replying to the BBC‘s Twitter post, with some even asserting they would take their complaint to Ofcom, the UK’s media regulation body.

“This isn’t a women’s list, stop gaslighting,” Henrietta Freeman wrote, with her reply wracking up more ‘likes’ than the BBC‘s post itself.

Hilton’s nomination to a list intended to honor 100 “women” comes just weeks after Glamour Brazil awarded a male influencer with the prestigious Woman of the Year award at its annual Generation Glamour ceremony. Linn da Quebrada, a “transvestite” social media celebrity, took home the top award despite the fact he has stated he does not identify as a woman, and does not even believe women ‘exist.’

On December 1, it was revealed that another trans-identified male in Brazil was seeking criminal penalties for a female gym owner who denied him membership due to the facility being single-sex. The charges being pursued are similar to those pressed against Isabella Cêpa.

Reduxx is a newly-launched independent source of pro-woman, pro-child safeguarding news and commentary. We’re 100% reader-funded! Support our mission by joining our Patreon, or consider making a one-time donation.

Durham College invita a un hombre transidentificado a hablar sobre la violencia contra las mujeres en un evento que conmemoraba un feminicidio

Fae Johnstone. Fuente de la foto: Hamilton Business Bureau

Una universidad canadiense invitó a un hombre transidentificado a hablar sobre la violencia contra las mujeres en conmemoración del 33 aniversario de un acto de feminicidio masivo.

Fae Johnstone, un hombre transidentificado, dio un discurso de apertura hoy en Durham College en North Oshawa, Ontario, como parte de la Ceremonia del Día Nacional del Recuerdo de la escuela universitaria, que marca el aniversario de una masacre que dejó 14 mujeres muertas.

Johnstone, quien se describe a sí mismo como “trans femenino y no binario”, es el Director Ejecutivo de Wisdom2Action, una consultoría centrada en todo lo LGBT. El sitio web de Johnstone lo describe como un “orador público, consultor, educador y organizador comunitario en territorio no cedido del pueblo Algonquín”.

En Twitter, Johnstone anunció que su discurso era parte de los “16 días de activismo” de la escuela para poner fin a la “violencia de género”.

“¡Acabo de llegar a Oshawa! Me estoy instalando y dando los toques finales a mi presentación para el discurso de apertura en @durhamcollege mañana como parte de sus #16DaysOfActivism para poner fin a los eventos de violencia basada en el género.”

El evento en el que Johnstone habló hoy se describe en el sitio web de Durham College como una conmemoración del Día Nacional de Recuerdo y Acción sobre la Violencia contra la Mujer en Canadá.

El Día fue inaugurado por el Parlamento en 1991 como una forma de honrar las vidas perdidas en la masacre de la École Polytechnique, que tuvo lugar el 6 de diciembre de 1989 en Montreal, Quebec. En el campus de la universidad científica, un hombre que se identificaba como “antifeminista” seleccionó a las estudiantes para matarlas.

Antes de disparar a todas las mujeres en una clase de ingeniería mecánica, Marc Lépine, nacido Gamil Rodrigue Liass Gharbi, les dijo a los estudiantes varones que abandonaran la clase. Luego les dijo a las mujeres que estaba “luchando contra el feminismo” y expresó su odio hacia el derecho de las mujeres a la educación.

“Vosotras sois mujeres, vais a ser ingenieras. Sois un puñado de feministas. Odio a las feministas”, dijo Lépine, antes de abrir fuego contra las estudiantes. Lépine más tarde se suicidó en el campus después de acabar con la vida de 14 mujeres y herir a 10 personas más.

En total, Lépine asesinó a 14 mujeres en un acto que desde entonces ha sido reconocido como un acto de terrorismo.

Las víctimas de la masacre de 1989.

Jennifer Anne, una defensora canadiense de los derechos de las mujeres que ha estado trabajando para asegurar la publicación del análisis que se realizó sobre la legislación de autoidentificación de género en Canadá, confrontó a Johnstone después de su discurso en Durham College esta noche.

Anne asistió al evento y grabó parte del discurso de Johnstone antes de lanzarle una pregunta cuando la anfitriona del evento le dio la oportunidad.

“Hoy es el día en que conmemoramos a las 14 mujeres que fueron asesinadas en Montreal por un hombre que las escogió simplemente porque eran mujeres. Es violencia basada en el sexo, no violencia de género. Soy una mujer”, se escucha decir a Anne, que luego enumera ejemplos en los que la autoidentificación conduce a la victimización de las mujeres.

“Me pregunto por qué, en este día, tenemos a un hombre disfrazado de mujer para hablarnos sobre la violencia sexual y cómo mantener a las mujeres seguras. ¿Cómo pueden las mujeres mantenerse seguras en este ambiente?”

Johnstone responde bruscamente: “Gracias. ¡Siguiente pregunta!”

“¿En serio? ¿Así que no vas a responderla porque sabes que tengo razón?” Anne le dice. Luego se escucha a la anfitriona del evento, así como a otros administradores, tratando de disuadir a Anne de continuar con su pregunta.

Anne subió las grabaciones a su cuenta de Twitter.

“Asistí a un evento para honrar a las mujeres asesinadas en @durhamcollege donde @faejohnstone
(hombre transidentificado) habló sobre la violencia de género. Fae se negó a responder mi pregunta sobre los derechos de las mujeres basados en el sexo. Aquí está la grabación.”

La consultoría de Johnstone, Wisdom2Action, marcó el aniversario de las muertes de las mujeres publicando una infografía titulada “Queering GBV”, que afirmaba que “la violencia de género afecta desproporcionadamente a las personas 2SLGBTQ + (2S es Dos Espíritus), BIPOC (Negras, Indígenas y de Color, en sus siglas en inglés), transfemeninas, bisexuales, jóvenes, recién llegadas, discapacitadas, sin hogar y/o involucradas en el trabajo sexual”.

Un ministerio del Gobierno de Canadá “homenajeó” a Johnstone en octubre por su trabajo con personas “2SLGBTQI+” con ocasión del Mes de la Historia de la Mujer Canadiense.

“¿Sabías que las niñas y los jóvenes #2SLGBTQI+ a menudo se enfrentan a niveles desproporcionados de acoso y victimización por ciberacoso?. #OnThisDay, nos vestimos de morado 💜 en solidaridad con los jóvenes 2SLGBTQI+ y para honrar a las víctimas de la violencia o el suicidio. #WHM2022”

Johnstone había criticado previamente al Observatorio Canadiense de Feminicidios por “retuitear a TERFs y la retórica TERF”. TERF es un término despectivo que se aplica con mayor frecuencia a las mujeres que reconocen dos grupos sexuales distintos.

También afirmó que la Declaración sobre los Derechos De Las Mujeres Basados en el Sexo era una “hoja de ruta para borrar a las personas trans de la vida pública, para negar nuestros derechos y restringir nuestra atención médica”.

Johnstone no es el primer hombre transidentificado al que se le da una plataforma para hablar en el Día Nacional de Recuerdo y Acción contra la Violencia contra la Mujer.

El 6 de diciembre del año pasado, el Consejo Asesor sobre la Condición Jurídica y Social de la Mujer de la Isla del Príncipe Eduardo invitó a Anastasia Preston, un hombre biológico que se identifica como mujer, a hablar sobre la “violencia de género” en una vigilia en honor a las mujeres asesinadas en la masacre de la École Polytechnique.

Preston, un “coordinador de divulgación de la comunidad trans” en un servicio de recursos de enfermedades de transmisión sexual, se convirtió en objeto de indignación generalizada en las redes sociales tras ser entrevistado por la sección de la CBC de la Isla del Príncipe Eduardo y afirmar que a los hombres transidentificados no se les dieron suficientes oportunidades para hablar sobre la violencia contra las mujeres.

“Durante décadas, las “mujeres trans” se han mantenido fuera de la conversación sobre la violencia de género”, dijo Preston, y luego afirmó que tenía la intención de “hablar sobre algunas de sus experiencias de acoso en P.E.I. (Prince Edward Island)” en el evento que conmemora a las 14 mujeres que fueron asesinadas.

Una vez que el artículo empezó a circular, CBC P.E.I se vio tan inundado de quejas que tuvieron que desactivar la sección de comentarios de Twitter. Johnstone defendió a Preston en aquel momento, llamándolo un “héroe y un campeón”.

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Woman Fired After Raising Concerns About Transgender Serial Killer Living in a Senior Shelter

A former social worker at a Manhattan senior shelter has filed a lawsuit against her ex-employer, claiming she lost her job after she warned her bosses that a convicted serial killer had made threats against her life while she worked at the facility.

Monica Archer was let go from her position at George Daly House, a short-term housing alternative for elderly residents in Alphabet City, even after convicted serial killer Harvey Marcelin was charged with the brutal slaying and dismemberment of a former resident. Marcelin identifies as a lesbian woman, and often uses the name “Marceline Harvey.”

The lawsuit, filed on Monday, concerned the shelter’s decision to admit Marcelin, 84, who has been placed on lifetime parole after spending 50 years in prison for the homicide and dismemberment of two women.

According to an exclusive published in the New York Post, Marcelin “made constant threats to kill” Archer and other personnel, and was permitted to keep a gun on the premises.

Archer had suggested to her supervisors that Marcelin be transferred to a facility specializing in mental health disorders, but was ignored. She had also recommended Marcelin be placed in an “appropriate setting for the serial killer who has issues that I can’t address.”

But Archer says that management continued to allow Marcelin to reside at the shelter, despite “knowing that [he] had been accused of and convicted of several murders, allegedly possessed a gun, and regularly threatened to kill staff members.”

Marcelin had also reportedly begun following Archer after she left work for the evening, leaving the social worker so frightened that she began using alternative routes to commute after work.

Despite Marcelin’s “erratic” and “dangerous” behavior, he was released from the senior care shelter to live independently. Yet Archer remained troubled by his behavior and filed a complaint against the facility with the US Occupational Safety and Health Administration for exposing her to risk.

She alleges that management then retaliated against her, putting her on janitorial duty and refusing to let her work remotely.

On March 4, just one week after moving into an apartment, Marcelin was arrested for the grisly murder and dismemberment of Susan Leyden, 68, who had been a former resident at the same senior facility.

Leyden’s body was found in pieces scattered across the neighborhood, with parts being found on two separate days. Her headless torso was found by a passerby in a shopping cart blocks away from Marcelin’s apartment on March 3, prompting police to question Marcelin on the gruesome discovery.

Two months after Marcelin was taken into custody, Archer alleges she was fired for insubordination, a move she says was punishment for raising the alarm in the first place.

“To the detriment of the public, when [Marcelin] was placed into society in [his] own apartment, [he] allegedly murdered a former resident no more than a week later, clearly inapposite to the best interests of public safety,” the lawsuit reads.

The news that Marcelin had been charged with homicide came as “no surprise” to Archer, according to the suit.

Prior to the murder of Susan Leyden, Marcelin was well-known to police, having been convicted in the brutal deaths of two other women on two separate occasions.

In 1963, Marcelin was arrested for shooting his then-girlfriend Jacqueline Bonds three times inside their Manhattan apartmet. He was sentenced to 20 years to life and was paroled in 1984. After his release, he went on to stab another female sexual partner to death, stuffing her corpse in a garbage bag and then dumping it on the street near Central Park.

Marcelin was arrested in 1986 for the second murder, but was once again released on parole in 2019. At the time, he told a parole officer that he had “a problem with women.”

Prior to the murders, Marcelin was accused of attempted rape when he was just 14 years-old; the allegation was made by a girl aged 8.

A 1963 psychiatric examination conducted by three doctors at Bellevue Psychiatric Hospital concluded Marcelin had “schizoid personality with sociopathic features” but was not deemed criminally insane nor psychotic. A hospital record from 1962 suggested he may have had “delusional grandiosity,” “suggestions of chronic schizophrenia” and “paranoid reaction personality.”

Marcelin began identifying as a woman while at Auburn State Prison for his second slaying, and started taking Premarin, a type of estrogen intended for post-menopausal women, after meeting trans-identified male inmate at the facility. The killer appears to treat his “male” and “female” personas as two separate entities. In an interview he gave to the New York Post earlier this year, Marcelin claimed it was his “male” persona that was responsible for his history of crime.

“Harvey’s not a good guy, he’s a tough guy,” Marcelin said, “Marceline’s nice and gentle and loving, you know, lots of laughter, fun to be with. She’s the one who’s perfectly normal.”

Marcelin appears to have become acquainted with Leyden shortly after being paroled in 2019.

One of his many Facebook profiles reveals that he had communication with Leyden around that time, and appeared to become somewhat obsessed with her, using her photos in place of his own.

A screen capture of one of Marcelin’s Facebook accounts, using photos of Susan Leyden as his own.

In October 2021, just months before murdering Leyden, Marcelin responded to her on Facebook with the comment, “Love personified.”

Yet a few replies made from Leyden’s Facebook account suggest that the feeling was far from mutual. 

In November 2020, Marcelin uploaded a picture of a young blond woman as his main profile photo, the identity of whom is unknown. Beneath the photo, Leyden commented: “That is not a picture of Marceline Harvey… [he] is nice but crazy… Marcaline [sic] is a freak.”

2020 comments from Leyden to Marcelin.

Archer was not the only woman to raise concerns about Marcelin prior to the murder of Susan Leyden.

In July, a nurse who works intake for a shelter in the Bronx spoke to the New York Times and revealed she had great concerns about Marcelin being allowed access to the women’s section of the facility.

Anne Brennan questioned whether Marcelin should be permitted to reside in the women’s area of the shelter, but was told by her supervisors to grant Marcelin entry.

“Apparently his feelings and identity were far more important than all the other women that were terrified of him,” she said.

Marcelin is currently booked as a “female” detainee with the New York City Department of Corrections, and is being housed at the Rose M. Singer Center — the only women’s facility on Rikers Island.

Marcelin’s next court date is scheduled for January 25.

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Durham College Invites Trans-Identified Male to Speak at on Violence Against Women at Femicide Memorial Event

Fae Johnstone. Photo Source: Hamilton Business Bureau

A Canadian college invited a trans-identified male to speak on violence against women in observation of the 33rd anniversary of an act of mass femicide.

Fae Johnstone, a trans-identified male, gave a keynote address today at Durham College in North Oshawa, Ontario as part of the school’s National Day of Remembrance Ceremony marking the anniversary of a massacre that left 14 women dead.

Johnstone, who describes himself as “trans feminine and non-binary,” is the Executive Director at Wisdom2Action, an LGBT-focused consulting firm. Johnstone’s website lists him as a “public speaker, consultant, educator and community organizer on unceded, unsurrended Algonquin territory.”

On Twitter, Johnstone announced his speech was part of the school’s “16 Days of Activism” to end “GBV [gender-based violence].”

The event Johnstone spoke at today is described on the Durham College website as commemorating the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence against Women in Canada.

The Day was first inaugurated by Parliament in 1991 as a way to honor the lives lost during the École Polytechnique massacre, which took place on December 6, 1989 in Montreal, Quebec. On the campus of the scientific university, a man identifying as an “anti-feminist” targeted female students for slaughter

Prior to shooting all of the women in a mechanical engineering class, Marc Lépine, born Gamil Rodrigue Liass Gharbi, told the male students to leave the room. He then told the women he was “fighting feminism” and expressed a hatred of women’s rights to an education.

“You’re women, you’re going to be engineers. You’re all a bunch of feminists. I hate feminists,” Lépine said, before opening fire on the female students. Lépine later committed suicide on the campus after taking 14 women’s lives, and injuring 10 more people.

In total, Lépine murdered 14 women in an act that has since been recognized an act of terrorism.

The victims of the 1989 massacre.

After his speech at Durham College tonight, Johnstone was confronted by Jennifer Anne, a Canadian women’s rights advocate who has been working to secure the release of the analysis that was done on gender self-identification legislation in Canada.

Anne attended the event and recorded some of Johnstone’s address before proposing a question when given the opportunity by the event’s host.

“Today is the day we mark 14 women who were killed in Montreal by a man who subjected them simply because they were female. It is sex-based violence, not gender based violence. I am a female,” Anne is heard saying, before listing off examples where self-identification lead to the victimization of women.

“I am wondering why, on this day, we would have a man dressed in women’s garb to talk to us about sex-based violence and keeping women safe? How can women stay safe in this environment?”

Johnstone replies curtly: “Thank you. Next question!”

“Really? So you’re not going to answer it because you know I’m right?” Anne responds. The host of the event, as well as other administrators, are then heard trying to discourage Anne from continuing to assert her question.

Anne uploaded the recordings to her Twitter account.

Johnstone’s consulting firm, Wisdom2Action, marked the anniversary of the women’s deaths by posting an infographic titled “Queering GBV,” which asserted that “gender based violence disproportionately impacts 2SLGBTQ+ people who are BIPOC, transfeminine, bisexual, youth, newcomers, disabled, homeless, and/or involved in sex work.”

For Canadian Women’s History Month in October, Johnstone was “honored” by a Government ministry for his work with “2SLGBTQI+” people.

Johnstone had previously slammed the Canadian Femicide Observatory for “retweeting TERF and TERF rhetoric.” TERF is a derogatory term most frequently applied to women who acknowledge two distinct sex groups.

He also claimed the Declaration on Women’s Sex Based Rights was a “roadmap for erasing trans people from public life, denying our rights and restricting our healthcare.”

Johnstone is not the first trans-identified male be given a platform to speak on the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence against Women.

Last year on December 6, the Prince Edward Island Advisory Council on the Status of Women invited Anastasia Preston, a biological male who identifies as a woman, to speak on “gender-based violence” at a vigil honoring the women murdered in the École Polytechnique massacre.

Preston, a “trans community outreach coordinator” at a sexually transmitted disease resource service, became the subject of widespread outrage on social media after he was interviewed by the Prince Edward Island branch of the CBC and claimed that trans-identified males were not given enough opportunities to speak on violence against women.

“For decades, trans women have been kept out of the conversation around gender-based violence,” Preston was quoted as saying, going on to assert that he intended to “speak about some of [his] experiences of harassment on P.E.I.” at the event memorializing the 14 women who were murdered.

After the article began to circulate, CBC P.E.I was so inundated with backlash they had to turn off their Twitter comment section. Johnstone defended Preston at the time, calling him a “hero and a champion.”

Reduxx is a newly-launched independent source of pro-woman, pro-child safeguarding news and commentary. We’re 100% reader-funded! Support our mission by joining our Patreon, or consider making a one-time donation.

Women Assaulted by Trans Activists While Demonstrating Against Potential Placement of Trans-Identified Murderer in Women’s Prison

Photo Credit: Kara Dansky / Twitter

Women protesting the placement of trans-identified males in women’s prisons were met with violence from trans activists yesterday at the Alameda County Courthouse in Oakland, California.

Led by author and women’s rights advocate Kara Dansky, the small group peacefully began their protest on the steps of the courthouse, with the women carrying banners which read “No Men in Women’s Prisons” and “Dana Rivers is a Man.” Some of the demonstrators gave speeches on the importance of keeping prisons sex-segregated for the safety and dignity of female inmates.

The women, most of whom were advocates with Women’s Declaration International USA, had gathered specifically to voice opposition to the possibility that biologically male convicted murderer Dana Rivers may be housed in a women’s prison.

But it wasn’t long before the female protesters were attacked by trans activists who had reportedly arrived with the intention of intimidating them into ending their demonstration.

Speaking to Reduxx, Women’s Liberation Front founder Lierre Keith says the protest had initially been off to a good start — with members of the public expressing support for the women’s signage. But after the group moved their demonstration to the sidewalk across from the courthouse, black-clad trans activists ambushed them.

“Antifa had been lingering for a while. We saw them watching us, but they were afraid to act while we were near the courthouse, presumably because law enforcement is present,” Keith said, noting that the demonstrators had been engaged in conversation with a passerby curious about their protest when the activists struck.

“One man rammed into Kara with an umbrella. Others attacked us by slamming things into our faces and heads. Kara also got eggs smashed into her head and body. There’s a photo of actual blood behind her ear from the force.”

Keith continued that she had “minor” swelling in her eyes from the incident after a whipped cream pie was forcefully thrown at her face.

“It was over really quickly. These things are a blur in the moment. Another man came at us from the other side on a bicycle, trying to knock women down or scare us. He came very close to seriously injuring women.”

The two banners the women had been holding were also targeted, with dramatic footage emerging from the scene of multiple trans activists successfully wrestling the signs from the women. Keith estimates that there were eight trans activists who participated in the assaults, most or all of whom were male.

Keith says that the passerby who had stopped to talk to the group just before the violent attack was “horrified” by what she had witnessed.

“We tried to explain to her then that these are the men who want to get into women’s prisons — violent, abusive misogynists who take delight in hurting women for fun [and] that this has been going for over a decade. Women have lost our ability to speak and gather in public if we disagree with men. The [trans activists] did our job for us. They showed her who they are better than we ever could have!”

Police were contacted immediately following the incident.

Many who had tuned into the Facebook livestream of the event were shocked by the attack, pointing out that the female demonstrators had been there specifically to protest a man convicted of murdering a family.

Dana Rivers, a man who identifies as a transgender woman, was recently found guilty in the triple homicide of a lesbian couple and their son. After a lengthy delay in court proceedings, Rivers was finally convicted last month of murder in the first degree for the 2016 slayings of Charlotte Reed, Patricia Wright, and Benny Diambu-Wright.

Prior to the killings, Rivers was a prominent trans activist known for fighting against “gender discrimination.”

Rivers first gained notoriety in 1999 after he was fired from his job teaching at Center High School in Sacramento County, California, for openly discussing his “sexuality and the importance of gender self-determination” in class with students. Rivers launched a highly-publicized “discrimination” lawsuit and was awarded $150,000 in compensation.

Dana Rivers appearing on TV in the early 2000s.

Following the suit, Rivers became a well-known advocate for trans-identified males. He was invited to speak as a guest lecturer at several universities, including Stanford and UC Davis, and served as a Board Member for the International Foundation for Gender Education (IFGE).

Rivers was also a keynote speaker for the National Center for Lesbian Rights as well as for The Tiffany Club, an organization founded to promote the political interests of those with “gender confusion.”

Rivers was arrested on November 11, 2016 as he was fleeing the home of Wright and Reed. Neighbors had called the police after hearing gunshots sounding from the house.

When authorities arrived, they found Rivers covered in blood and gasoline and running from the property, which had been set ablaze. When officers searched Rivers, they found a bloody screwdriver, a knife, brass knuckles, bullets, pepper spray, and Benny Diambu-Wright’s iPod.

According to police reports, Rivers “began to make spontaneous statements about [his] involvement in the murders” while being arrested. Rivers ultimately confessed to killing the two women and their son, but entered a plea of not guilty on charges of triple homicide in 2017.

The case had first been set for trial in 2019, but was repeatedly delayed in order to accommodate an investigation into Rivers’ mental health. The trial finally began on October 31, and Rivers was convicted just weeks later in mid-November.

The court reconvened on December 5 to begin considerations for Rivers’ insanity claim. If accepted, Rivers will likely be sent to a psychiatric institution rather than a prison. But if rejected, there is a strong possibility Rivers will be placed in a women’s correctional facility in accordance with California state law.

California has one of the most liberal prisons self-identification policies in the country, something that has become a point of contention for women’s rights advocates.

S.B-132, also known as the Transgender Respect, Agency, and Dignity Act, was signed into effect in January of 2021 by California Governor Gavin Newsom. The law provides inmates housing based on their self-declared gender identity status. 

The Act has resulted in hundreds of male inmates to issue requests for transfer to women’s institutions, many of whom have been accepted regardless of their legal gender status or conviction history.

According to the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, as of November 27, 342 male inmates currently housed in men’s prisons have requested to be moved to a female institution. The Department has previously confirmed to Reduxx that male inmates do not need to be on any hormones or have had any “gender affirming” surgeries in order to be considered for placement in a women’s facility.

Male inmates don’t even need to identify as transgender to request a transfer, and can simply mark themselves as gender non-conforming, non-binary, or not presently utilizing “he/him” pronouns.

Earlier this year, Reduxx reported that a pedophile who had molested a 4-year-old girl had been moved to the California Institution for Women despite having been denied a gender and name change, and still legally being a male.

Reduxx is a newly-launched independent source of pro-woman, pro-child safeguarding news and commentary. We’re 100% reader-funded! Support our mission by joining our Patreon, or consider making a one-time donation.

La organización benéfica transactivista Mermaids está siendo formalmente investigada.

La Charity Commission (organismo regulador de las organizaciones benéficas en Inglaterra y Gales) ha anunciado una investigación formal sobre la polémica organización transactivista Mermaids. El anuncio se produce apenas dos meses después de que se presentaran denuncias tras descubrirse que uno de los miembros de su consejo de administración tenía opiniones favorables sobre los pedófilos, y que la organización había enviado compresores de pecho a niñas sin el consentimiento de los padres.

Mermaids es una conocida organización benéfica registrada en el Reino Unido cuya intención es servir a “niños y jóvenes transgénero, no binarios y de género diverso y a sus familias”. Establecida en 1995, Mermaids aboga por un enfoque único de afirmación para la disforia de género en los jóvenes, promoviendo el uso de bloqueadores de la pubertad, hormonas sexuales cruzadas y cirugías para menores que afirman ser transgénero.

La organización ha sido recientemente objeto de un especial escrutinio público después de lanzar una campaña legal contra otra organización benéfica con sede en el Reino Unido, LGB Alliance, que se opone a su enfoque pro-transición para menores, citando preocupaciones sobre la transición de jóvenes no conformes con el género que de hecho pueden ser homosexuales.

Mermaids argumentaba que la misión de LGB Alliance no era benéfica, y que la verdadera intención de LGB Alliance era “la denigración de las personas trans y la destrucción de las organizaciones que las apoyan, en particular a través de un lobby político y de hacer campaña para cambiar la ley. Estos no son fines benéficos para el beneficio público, son objetivos políticos diseñados para revertir las protecciones legales para las personas trans”.

Pero en septiembre, la Charity Commission abrió un expediente de cumplimiento normativo sobre Mermaids después de que se plantearan preocupaciones sobre la protección de la infancia tras descubrir que la organización había estado enviando a niñas de tan solo 13 años compresores de pecho sin el consentimiento de los padres. The Telegraph informó que incluso enviaban los compresores a diferentes direcciones para evitar las sospechas de los padres.

Pero la Comisión ha abierto una investigación estatutaria completa sobre la organización, y el comunicado de prensa señala específicamente preocupaciones particulares sobre su gestión.

“Hemos abierto una investigación legal sobre Mermaids, después de identificar preocupaciones sobre su gobierno y gestión.”

De los tres puntos en cuestión que la Comisión está tratando de examinar, dos en particular se centran en el comportamiento de los miembros del consejo de administración.

La investigación se produce pocas semanas después de que se descubriese que uno de los administradores de Mermaids había expresado opiniones pro-pedófilas, e incluso había dado una charla en una conferencia organizada por una organización que fue fundada por un pederasta convicto.

El Dr. Jacob Breslow, profesor adjunto de género y sexualidad en la London School of Economics, se convirtió en miembro del consejo de administración de Mermaids en julio de 2022.

En octubre, Reduxx informó que Breslow había dado una charla en un simposio celebrado por B4U-Act, una organización benéfica fundada en 2003 por el violador de niños convicto Michael Melsheimer para promover los derechos de los pedófilos (artículo en español).

La presentación de Breslow se tituló Alineación sexual: crítica de la orientación sexual, el pedófilo y el DSM V. Durante su presentación, Breslow leyó un artículo en el que rechazaba la interpretación de la atracción pedófila hacia los niños como inherentemente dañina, y apoyaba la idea de que la pedofilia se clasifique como una orientación sexual o política.

Desde que dio la presentación en el simposio B4U-ACT, Breslow ha publicado trabajos como “Coqueteando con el Estado Islámico: Infancia Queer con un toque de política sexual contemporánea” e “Infancias ambivalentes: futuros especulativos y la vida psíquica del niño“.

También salió a la luz que Breslow había tenido un blog de WordPress de 2009 a 2017, y muchas de sus entradas abogaban por reformular la pedofilia como una identidad sexual comparable a la homosexualidad.

Breslow describe en varias publicaciones su interés en las revistas pornográficas centradas en la sexualización de los adolescentes. En particular, Breslow elogia a la revista Destroyer. Breslow describe Destroyer como “una revista dedicada a la belleza del niño” y elogia la “crítica académica y la apreciación estética de la niñez, la perversión y la comunidad LGBT” de Andersson. Destroyer es una publicación creada por Karl Andersson en la que salen fotos sexualizadas de modelos que son anunciados como jóvenes a veces de tan solo 15 años.

Tras la revelación de su historial de apologismo de la pedofilia, Breslow dimitió rápidamente de su puesto en Mermaids y la organización benéfica emitió una declaración que abordaba la polémica.

“Hemos explicado que no fue hasta el 3 de octubre cuando nos dimos cuenta de su participación en una conferencia de 2011 que lo habría descalificado para convertirse en administrador. Una vez notificados, inmediatamente iniciamos una investigación y el Dr. Breslow presentó su dimisión ese mismo día”, se puede leer en la declaración de Mermaids.

Afirman que habían informado a la Charity Commission del incidente.

El 28 de noviembre de 2022 se inició una investigación formal sobre Mermaids.

En una declaración publicada el 2 de diciembre, la Comisión señaló que investigaría “los problemas regulatorios para determinar si indican una falla sistémica grave en el gobierno y la gestión de la organización benéfica”.

Este anuncio viene después de la repentina salida de Mermaids de su CEO, Susie Green, quien dimitió abruptamente después de 6 años con la organización benéfica.

Green había sido objeto de críticas generalizadas durante su cargo, en particular debido a las circunstancias que rodearon la transición de su propio hijo.

Susie Green y su hijo, “Jackie”.

En un TedTalk que Green dio en 2018, describió cómo especuló que su hijo era gay a la edad de dos años porque le gustaba jugar con juguetes de “niñas”. Green señaló que su ex esposo no aceptaba el comportamiento del niño, por lo que lo castigaban quitándole los juguetes y criticando su comportamiento afeminado.

“Y de repente, un niño confiado y feliz se volvió bastante callado, retraído, muy dependiente y llorica”, explicó. Green contó que fue poco después de este incidente que su hijo comenzó a decir que quería ser una niña.

Green se puso en contacto con Mermaids en busca de apoyo, y se volvería tan activa dentro de la organización que más tarde se convertiría en la CEO.

Green facilitó la transición médica de su hijo desde que éste tenía 13 años. Lo llevó a Estados Unidos para que le recetaran “bloqueadores de la pubertad” y estrógeno antes de que tales tratamientos fueran legales en el Reino Unido. Cuando el niño tenía 16 años, Green lo llevó a Tailandia para que le hicieran una vaginoplastia completa ya que era ilegal que los menores en el Reino Unido se sometieran a un procedimiento tan grave.

Green ahora figura como colaboradora del desarrollo de las pautas de Estándares de Atención de la Asociación Mundial de Profesionales para la Salud Transgénero en niños a pesar de no tener calificaciones médicas. Las últimas pautas de WPATH eliminan los requisitos de límite de edad para la mayoría de las intervenciones de medicina transgénero.

Mermaids no ha declarado por qué Green ha dejado la organización, pero le agradeció “todo lo que ha hecho en los últimos seis años para apoyar a los jóvenes trans, no binarios y de género diverso y sus familias”.

Tras el anuncio de la Charity Commission, un informante habló anónimamente con el Telegraph y afirmó que Green había sido “expulsada” de la organización debido a su “incompetente liderazgo”. En particular, el informante señaló las consecuencias del incidente de octubre con Jacob Breslow, con el que Green no fue capaz de lidiar de una forma competente, clara y responsable.

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AUS: Tasmania Court Rules Woman-Only Events are “Discriminatory” Against Trans-Identified Males

Jessica Hoyle, LGB Tasmania

A Tasmanian court has ruled that woman-only events are discriminatory towards men who claim that they are women, on the basis of their self-declared “gender identity.” The ruling was in response to an application filed by lesbian women seeking to hold women-only events at a venue in Launceston.

In May 2021, Jessica Hoyle, a representative for LGB Tasmania, contacted Equal Opportunity Tasmania (EOT) to apply for an exemption under the Anti-Discrimination Act 1998 (ADA), requesting the right to exclude males from lesbian-focused events on the basis of their biological sex. Hoyle explained she was affiliated with LGB Alliance Australia (LGBAA) at the time of the filing, and as a result, the Commissioner treated the appeal as an exemption sought on behalf of the LGBAA.

“We wish to hold an event primarily for Lesbians and women (those who are adult human females, or female-bodied humans),” Hoyle stated in her filing. “We do not want participants who are male-bodied humans attending regardless of how they identify. Lesbians are homosexuals, this is an event to celebrate lesbians and in particular, provide a safe venue without unwanted presence, attention or aggression of male-bodied people.”

In her filing, Hoyle also pointed to the loss of single-sex spaces as an infringement of lesbian rights.

“We have seen in recent times the rights of women and lesbians erased,” she said. “We have found in the LGBTQ community despite the mantra of ‘inclusion and diversity’ many female people are finding themselves excluded and feel invisible.”

As evidence of this phenomenon, Hoyle highlighted the disappearance of lesbian venues across Australia, saying, “Of the 102 spaces and events that used to exist, 99 no longer exist.”

Nevertheless, Anti‑Discrimination Commissioner Sarah Bolt refused Hoyle’s application in July. In her justification, Commissioner Bolt claimed “sex” was not a protected attribute, but gender identity was.

“As I understand it, the exemption is sought to permit discrimination on the basis of sex, specifically against ‘biological men’. Sex is not a protected attribute.”

The Anti-Discrimination Act, passed in 1998, was amended in 2019 to include the subjective category of gender identity, but does not provide legal protections on the basis of biological sex.

The Commissioner’s decision to refuse Hoyle’s request was justified on the grounds that granting the exemption would permit discrimination on the basis of gender identity – despite Hoyle having clarified that her intention was to only exclude “individuals who are male, regardless of their gender identity,” and asserting that “females are welcome no matter how they identify.”

Undeterred, Hoyle contacted the Anti‑Discrimination Tribunal (ADT) on July 16 of last year, requesting a review of the Commissioner’s rejection. After reviewing the case, the Tribunal sided with the Anti‑Discrimination Commissioner, and, on November 24, refused Hoyle’s request to permit women-only events.

In the ruling, Kate Cuthbertson of the ADT emphasized again that neither the terms “sex” nor “biological sex” are protected characteristics under the Anti-Discrimination Act.

“The Act does not expressly proscribe discrimination on the basis of such attributes in those terms. That has always been the case in Tasmania. The predecessor to the Act, the Sex Discrimination Act 1994, also proscribed discrimination on the basis of gender,” reads the ruling.

Cuthbertson took particular issue with an argument made in Hoyle’s request regarding “males who claim to ‘identify’ as lesbian.”

In defense of her application, Hoyle pointed to the academic literature which describes autogynephilia.

“Many of these men have a sexual fetish called autogynephilia. There are a myriad of academic articles written about this fetish,” Hoyle said. “Many autogynephilic males come into lesbian spaces in order to achieve sexual gratification for themselves, at the expense of lesbians. This is widely documented.”

Hoyle referred generally to instances of lesbians being harassed by men who identify as transgender, with same-sex attracted women being labelled as “transphobic” for refusing to date trans-identifying males. She further described the term “cotton ceiling,” a term coined by porn star and trans activist Drew DeVeaux in 2015.

“Cotton ceiling” is inspired by the concept of the “glass ceiling,” which is used to describe discrimination women face in the workplace that prevents them for reaching upper management levels. The “cotton” refers to the material of a women’s underwear, and frames a lesbian’s refusal to have sexual relations with males as a form of discrimination.

Yet Cuthbertson denied the existence of such harassment, and chided Hoyle for bringing up the issue, saying that such arguments “do a great disservice to transgender and transsexual” people.

“Many of the assertions, particularly those regarding paraphilias, patterns of criminality and nefarious motivations for attending female-only events were unsupported by empirical research or compelling evidence,” Cuthbertson stated in the ruling.

Speaking with Reduxx, Hoyle referred to a specific case in Tasmania involving a trans-identified male who was convicted of possessing child exploitation material last year.

Anna Koizumi Umpisa Simmons was found in possession of “anime and cartoon images of children in sexual poses,” but was not required to register as a sex offender. According to Hoyle, Simmons had also complained to staff at the Devonport swimming center after being refused entry to the women’s changing area.

Last October, The BBC reported on the testimonies of lesbians who had received violent threats, including of sexual assault, for refusing to accept the idea that “a penis can be a female sex organ“. Women were told they were bigoted and were called “genital fetishists” for being same-sex attracted. The BBC released a statement revealing that a flood of complaints had been received following the article’s publication.

Hoyle personally experienced similar abuse. Speaking with Sky News Australia, Hoyle told of how a man in a Facebook group for lesbians tried to “coerce” her into a sexual relationship. “He tried to coerce me and wanted to come spend a week with me… I said, ‘I’m sorry, I’m same-sex attracted. The next thing I know, I’m getting abused on Facebook messenger and being called a ‘genital fetishist’.”

“It is pretty clear by this ruling that lesbians and women have zero rights to freedom of association, nor are seen as belonging to a minority group. This ruling is misogynistic and lesbophobic in nature,” Hoyle told Reduxx.

A legal recognition of biological sex is necessary for the preservation of the rights of women and of the gay and lesbian community, Hoyle said. “If sex is not a protected attribute, women and same-sex attracted people are not protected. Men claim to be lesbians in order to harass same-sex attracted women.”

“Tasmanian men and women did not know this had happened,” she added, referring to the implementation of gender identity policies in law. “These laws where rushed through with no proper community consultation.”

In nations around the world – including England, Wales, Germany – lesbian women have reported being terrorized for asserting their same-sex attraction. In Norway, a woman is facing up to three years in prison for saying that men cannot be lesbians. In the United States, a prominent trans activist and trans-identifying male was recently convicted of the 2016 murders of a lesbian couple and their son.

Until 1997, Tasmanian law criminalized homosexuality, and allowed for a maximum prison sentence of 21 years, the harshest penalty in the Western world. The legislation repealing the law against homosexuality passed by just a single vote. 

Hoyle has confirmed that she intends to appeal the ruling barring her from hosting women-only events, provided she is able to raise the legal funds required to proceed.

Reduxx is a newly-launched independent source of pro-woman, pro-child safeguarding news and commentary. We’re 100% reader-funded! Support our mission by joining our Patreon, or consider making a one-time donation.

“Child Sex Mannequins” Sold in Auction House Owned by Head of Balenciaga Parent Company

Content Warning: This article contains graphic details related to disturbing sexual representations of children. Reader discretion is appreciated.

Balenciaga is once again facing backlash after the head of its parent company was revealed to be the owner of an auction house that facilitated the sale of disturbing child sex mannequins.

On December 3, British broadcaster Dominique Samuels called attention to what appears to be the next layer in the Balenciaga “pedo-chic” scandal that caused a viral outcry last month.

In her seven-post thread, Samuels points out that François-Henri Pinault, the French multi-billionaire at the helm of Balenciaga’s parent company, Kering, also owns an auction house which oversaw the sale of extremely graphic child “sex mutants.”

Christie’s, a high-end art auctioneer, is owned and managed by Pinault’s Groupe Artémis, which was founded by his father to be an investment vehicle for the Pinault fortune. It features dozens of pieces from Jake and Dinos Chapman, most of which have already been sold but remain on display on the Christie’s website.

The Chapman brothers are well-known for their artwork, which is often portrayed as intentionally provocative. In the mid-to-late ’90s, the artists created a number of mannequins intended to represent children with horrific sexual mutations in a collection titled Fuck Face. Some of the pieces in the “pedophilic grotesque” line have sold for hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Samuels’ Twitter thread features a number of screenshots from the existing auction house profiles on the works.

One mannequin, which bears the same name as the collection, is a small toddler shown as having an open anus for a mouth and an erect penis for a nose.

“Fuck Face,” 1994.

Christie’s, which sold the piece for over $141,000 USD in 2010, describes the work as revealing “uncomfortable truths” in the essay accompanying the lot.

“Both the title of Fuck Face and the appendage that dominates the features are jarringly at odds with the air of childish innocence and inquiry of this stumbling toddler, adding to the shock factor and sense of the uncanny with which it is drenched.”

Other works in the Fuck Face collection include children’s bodies with gaping anuses in place of their heads, little girls fused together at the vagina, and toddler conjoined twins with open vaginas or protruding penises between their faces.

[L] “Platinum Joey” (1996) and [R] “Disasters of yoGA” (1997)

Balenciaga parent company head François-Henri Pinault is confirmed to own some artwork created by the Chapman brothers, but none of the pieces from the Fuck Face collection are featured in his collection galleries.

Samuels’ thread on the connection between Balenciaga’s parent company and the auction house selling the disturbing works has attracted considerable attention from horrified netizens.

“This is so upsettingly unbelievable. It makes me feel naive to what is actually happening in the world,” one user tweeted in response to Samuels.

“The evil in this world is just sickening to my stomach. They get away with it because of money and power the silence in the media and celebrities about this #BalenciagaPedos is disgusting. We should not let it rest. They’re hoping it will blow over,” Sophie Karakaya wrote.

Others speculated on what the reaction from Pinault or his company would be, referencing the recent tepid direction taken by Balenciaga.

Luxury fashion house Balenciaga became the subject of widespread outrage in November after launching a holiday gift shop ad campaign featuring very young children posing with teddy bears accessorized in BDSM gear.

The incident became even more complex following an additional disturbing discovery in another photoshoot published on the official website to advertise the brand’s Adidas collaboration.

In the photo, which did not include the child models, one of the Adidas handbags was seen laying on a desk littered with paperwork. Among the papers was a document pulled from the Supreme Court case United States v. Williams.

The case involved a man named Michael Williams who, in April 2004, used a public internet chat forum to post a message offering to exchange child sexual abuse materials with other users in the group. The message read: “Dad of toddler has ‘good’ pics of her an [sic] me for swap of your toddler pics, or live cam.”

Secret Service agent Timothy Devine responded to Williams’ offer in a private discussion where the two proceeded to share non-sexual photos of children. Following this, Williams claimed to have nude images of his four-year-old daughter being sexually abused, and promised to produce them if Devine would reciprocate. 

When Devine did not send on pornographic content of minors, Williams provided a link in the public chat that led to seven files containing sexually explicit images of children ages five to fifteen. Agent Devine was then able to procure a search warrant for Williams’ home, where, according to court records, agents seized two hard drives containing “at least 22 images of real children engaged in sexually explicit conduct, some of it sadomasochistic.”

Williams was charged with one count of “pandering”, or promoting, child pornography and one count of possessing child pornography. Williams pleaded guilty to both charges but reserved his right to challenge the conviction in a court of appeals. The District Court of Florida sentenced Williams to 60 months in prison.

Williams then filed a motion to dismiss the pandering charge on the basis that the legal statue was overly broad and infringed on his First Amendment free speech rights. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit agreed with Williams, thereby sending the final decision to the Supreme Court, which ultimately ruled that freedom of speech protections did not extend to offers to proliferate child sexual abuse materials.

Following international backlash, Balenciaga scrubbed both campaigns from its website and social media profiles, and issued a hasty Instagram statement apologizing for the “offense” caused by the photoshoots. Shortly after, the company announced it was going to sue the production company responsible for designing the set used to advertise the Adidas handbag.

But just yesterday, the luxury brand stated it was scrapping its plans for litigation, leading some, like Dominique Samuels, to speculate the move had been purely “performative.”

The brand’s creative design director, Demna Gvasalia, has also issued an apology for his role in the photoshoot featuring the children.

Reduxx is a newly-launched independent source of pro-woman, pro-child safeguarding news and commentary. We’re 100% reader-funded! Support our mission by joining our Patreon, or consider making a one-time donation.

Trans Activist Charity Mermaids Now Under Formal Investigation By Charity Watchdog

The Charity Commission for England and Wales has announced a formal inquiry into controversial trans activist organization Mermaids. The announcement comes just two months after complaints were filed after it was revealed that one of their trustees held views sympathetic to pedophiles, and that the organization had sent breast binders to female children without parental consent.

Mermaids is a well-known registered charity in the UK which purports to serve “transgender, nonbinary and gender-diverse children, young people, and their families.” Established in 1995, Mermaids advocates for an affirmation-only approach to gender dysphoria in young people, promoting the use of puberty blockers, cross sex hormones, and surgeries for minors who claim to be transgender.

The organization had recently come under additional public scrutiny after launching a legal campaign against another UK-based charity, LGB Alliance, which opposes its pro-transition approach for minors, citing concerns about the transitioning of gender non-conforming youth who may in fact be homosexual.

Mermaids argued that LGB Alliance’s mission was not a charitable one, claiming LGB Alliance’s real intention was “the denigration of trans people and the destruction of organizations that support them, in particular through political lobbying and campaigning for changes to the law. These are not charitable purposes for the public benefit; they are political objectives designed to roll back legal protections for trans people.”

But in September, the Charity Commission opened a regulatory compliance case into Mermaids after child safeguarding concerns were raised following the revelation that Mermaids had been sending girls as young as 13 breast binders without parental consent. The Telegraph reported that the organization had even been sending the binders to different addresses to avoid suspicion from parents.

But the Commission has now opened a full statutory inquiry into the organization, with the press release specifically noting particular concerns over its governance.

Of the three points of issue the Commission is seeking to examine, two in particular focus on the behavior of trustees.

The inquiry comes just weeks after it was learned that one of Mermaids’ trustees had expressed extensive views sympathetic to pedophiles, and had even given a lecture at a conference held by an organization founded by a convicted child rapist.

Dr. Jacob Breslow, an Associate Professor of Gender and Sexuality at the London School of Economics, became a trustee for Mermaids in July of 2022.

In October, Reduxx reported that Breslow had spoken at a symposium held by B4U-Act — a charity founded in 2003 by convicted child rapist Michael Melsheimer to advance the rights of pedophiles.  

Breslow’s presentation was titled Sexual Alignment: Critiquing Sexual Orientation, The Pedophile, and the DSM V. During his presentation, Breslow read from a paper in which he rejected the understanding of pedophilic attraction to children as being inherently harmful, and supported the concept of pedophilia being classified as a sexual or political orientation.

Since giving the presentation at B4U-ACTs symposium, Breslow has published work such as  “Flirting with the Islamic State: Queer Childhood with a Touch of Contemporary Sexual Politics” and “Ambivalent Childhoods: Speculative Futures and the Psychic Life of the Child.”

It also came to light Breslow had run a WordPress blog from 2009 to 2017, with many of its entries advocating for reframing pedophilia as a sexual identity comparable to homosexuality. 

In several posts, Breslow describes his interest in pornographic magazines centered on the sexualization of teenage boys. In particular, Breslow praises Destroyer Magazine. Breslow describes Destroyer as “a magazine dedicated to the beauty of the boy” and praises Andersson’s “academic(ish) critique and aesthetic appreciation of boyhood, deviance, and the LGBT community.” Destroyer is a publication created by Karl Andersson which features sexualized photos of models that are advertised as being as young as 15 years old.

Following the revelation of Breslow’s history of pedophile apologism, he quickly resigned from Mermaids and the charity released a statement addressing the controversy.

“We have explained that it was only on the 3rd October that we became aware of his participation in a 2011 conference that would have disqualified him from becoming a trustee. Once notified, we immediately launched an investigation and Dr. Breslow tendered his notice that same day,” the Mermaids statement read.

They continued by stating they had informed the Charity Commission of the incident.

A formal inquiry was launched into Mermaids on 28th November 2022.

In a statement released on December 2, the Commission noted that it would be investigating “the regulatory issues to determine whether they indicate serious systemic failing in the charity’s governance and management.”

This announcement follows a sudden departure by Mermaids’ CEO, Susie Green, who abruptly resigned after 6 years with the charity.

Green had been the subject of ample criticism during her tenure, in particular due to the circumstances surrounding her own child’s transition.

Susie Green and her child, “Jackie.”

During a TedTalk Green gave in 2018, she described how she speculated her son was gay at the age of two because he enjoyed playing with “girl’s” toys. Green noted that her ex-husband did not approve of the child’s behavior, so they penalized their son by removing his toys and condemning his effeminate behavior.

“And suddenly, a confident, happy little boy became quite quiet, withdrawn, very clingy, and tearful,” she explained. Green then asserted that it was shortly after this incident that her son began to say he wanted to be a girl.

Green reached out to Mermaids for support, and would become so active within the organization she would later become the CEO.

Green facilitated her son’s medical transitioning beginning at the age of 13. She took her child to America for “puberty blockers” and estrogen before such treatments were legal in the UK. When the child was was 16, Green took him to Thailand for a full vaginoplasty due to it having been illegal for minors in the United Kingdom to undergo such a serious procedure.

Green is now listed as a contributor to the development of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health’s Standards of Care guidelines on children despite having no clinical qualifications. WPATH’s latest guidelines removes age limit requirements for most transgender medicine interventions.

Mermaids have not stated why Green has left the charity but thanked her for “everything she has done over the last six years to support trans, non-binary and gender-diverse young people and their families.”

Following the Charity Commission’s announcement, a whistleblower anonymously spoke to the Telegraph and claimed that Green had been “forced out” of the organization due to her “incapable leadership.” In particular, the whistleblower noted the fallout from the October incident with Jacob Breslow, which was met with a lack of accountability or clear direction from Green.

Reduxx is a newly-launched independent source of pro-woman, pro-child safeguarding news and commentary. We’re 100% reader-funded! Support our mission by joining our Patreon, or consider making a one-time donation.

UK: Cross-Dressing Man Caught in Predator Sting After Reportedly Sending “Sissification” Porn to 13 Year-Old Girl

Shaun Hawkes. Photos: FACEBOOK

A self-proclaimed “sissy” has been caught in a predator sting after sending graphic sexual messages and pornography to a decoy social media account he believed to belong to a young girl.

Shaun Hawkes, 30, of Kent, England, was arrested at his mother’s home on November 27 following a sting conducted by the Justice for Innocence Project (JIP), an organization of volunteers formed in June 2021.

A JIP team member had set up a decoy social media profile intended to to represent a 13-year-old girl. Hawkes had initiated contact with the profile, and, over the course of two weeks, sent extremely graphic content and messages to the decoy.

Speaking with Reduxx, an anonymous representative from the JIP stated that the exchange took place over Facebook. The representative declined to share logs directly, stating that they were extremely explicit and amongst the worst the group had ever seen.

“[It] was a very sexual chat log, one of the worst we have dealt with,” the representative said, noting that it had included Hawkes “speaking of sexual acts on an animal.”

Hawkes encouraged the child decoy to masturbate and to watch pornographic material, even sending her images and videos of himself dressed in lingerie and performing sexual acts on other men.

He sent a pornographic image of a woman that he claimed was his mother and boasted of performing sexual acts with a horse. He also attempted to arrange a meeting with the child, stating that he would arrive “dressed as Gabby,” referring to his cross-dressing feminine persona.

“Gabrielle Gabby”, Shaun Hawkes / Facebook

When confronted and questioned about his behavior, Hawkes claimed to have known all along that he wasn’t speaking with a child, despite the age being made known to him from the first message.

In one message, Hawkes had referred to himself as a “pedo,” a comment that he dismissed during the sting as “banter.”

In a video of the sting live-streamed to the Justice for Innocence Facebook page, one of the team members read out a message sent from Hawkes to the girl in which Hawkes explicitly noted the child’s age, and stated his desire to be sexually submissive to her.

“I’m a submissive sissy, I’ll do as you say. I don’t care if you’re 13,” he told the child.

“Sissy” refers to men who participate in forms of “feminizing” humiliation or consume related pornography. Often, the genre includes males being “transformed” into women or young girls and forced to perform humiliating and degrading acts.

During the sting, one of the JIP members asked Hawkes whether he knew he had done something wrong.

“You knew she was 13, and you went along with it because of her age. And you know it’s wrong, don’t you?” The JIP member stated. Hawkes repeatedly refused to answer questions posed to him and denied his involvement.

“Gabrielle Gabby”, Shaun Hawkes / Facebook

Hawkes goes by the name Gabrielle Gabby on social media, where he posts photos of himself dressed in high heels and makeup. Facebook pages that Hawkes followed were related to highly sexual content, including a sissy dating group, a sex toy shop, and a “cuckold convention” page posting suggestive captioned images.

Another page linked to through Hawkes’ profile, “Trans Queen,” is dedicated to “trans and trans lovers,” and posts photos of men who identify as transgender.

Two of the pages followed by Hawkes feature photos and videos of school-aged children in Thailand. One page description states that the page is a “social media gathering place for modern teenagers,” while the other solely shares photos of very young Thai women, some of them teenagers in braces.

JIP advised Reduxx that Hawkes was detained by police, but declined to provide identifying information with regards to where the sting had been conducted.

In response to an email inquiry from Reduxx, Kent Police stated that due to privacy law, until formal charges were brought they could not confirm or deny whether Hawkes’ had been arrested or was presently being investigated.

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