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EXCLUSIVA: Un hombre violento que se dice trans agrede sexualmente a una reclusa en una cárcel de mujeres de Washington

Una reclusa del Centro Penitenciario de Mujeres de Washington (WCCW) ha revelado que fue agredida sexualmente por un violento delincuente sexual que se dice transgénero y que fue trasladado a esa prisión de mujeres en 2021.

A efectos de este artículo, nos referiremos a la reclusa como “Mary” con el fin de proteger su intimidad y evitar que sufra repercusiones institucionales.

Reduxx recibió el testimonio de Mary a través de cartas que fue pasando a una fuente interna, y que a su vez pasó la información fuera de la cárcel en su nombre.

Mary explica que el incidente ocurrió en abril de 2022 después de que un recluso que se dice transgénero llamado Christopher Williams pidiera ser trasladado a su celda. Williams había estado cumpliendo su condena en un centro para hombres y tiene antecedentes penales que incluyen delitos sexuales y agresiones violentas.

“Christopher preguntó si podía mudarse a mi habitación porque dijo que su actual compañera de cuarto lo estaba acosando… Yo no tenía ningún problema con que fuera transgénero. Pero luego hacía comentarios extraños como ‘duele cuando se llena de sangre’, como si quisiera que yo supiera cuándo tenía una erección”.

Mary dice que cada vez se sentía más incómoda con el comportamiento de Williams hacia ella, que tenía un trasfondo sexual casi constante. En un momento dado, Williams pareció sentirse frustrado por la falta de interés de Mary hacia él, y comenzó a proferir inquietantes amenazas de violencia sexual.

“Me dijo: ‘No sé por qué no quieres [mi polla]. Todo el mundo la quiere’. Luego empezó a seguirme al baño. Y una vez me dijo: ‘Para que lo sepas, puedo tenerte cuando me dé la gana'”.

Mary dice que contó sus preocupaciones al personal, pero que “prácticamente la ignoraron”.

Christopher Williams. Fuente de la foto: Penacon.com

La situación empeoró cuando a Mary le recetaron pastillas para dormir. Dice que notó que Williams empezaba a sentarse junto a su cama por la noche después de que ella tomara la medicación. Una noche, la despertó el sonido de un oficial de prisiones que aporreaba la puerta de su celda, exigiendo saber por qué Williams estaba sentado junto a su cama. Mary especula que el oficial probablemente vio a Williams tocándola durante sus rondas.

“No estoy segura de cuántas veces me tocó debido a mi medicación. Pero un día regresé a mi celda de un turno de trabajo y él tenía dos consoladores con correa y me pidió que los usara con él. Me negué. Esa noche, me desperté con él tocándome”.

Mary dice que acudió al personal penitenciario de inmediato y les contó lo que había sucedido. Se realizó un registro de la celda y se encontraron los juguetes sexuales. Luego, Mary presentó un informe de Ley de Eliminación de Violaciones en Prisión (PREA), que se determinó que estaba justificado. Williams fue llevado a segregación, y finalmente trasladado a otra celda.

“En octubre o noviembre [de 2022], estábamos los dos en la sala de espera de la clínica médica y él me miraba fijamente. Luego bloqueó la única salida y se quedó mirándome, como si estuviera tratando de intimidarme”. Mary añade que el centro parecía querer mantener el incidente en secreto.

“Actuaron de forma extraña… como si quisieran mantenerlo en secreto, pero [la PREA] era fundada”.

Según los informes, Williams, que no ha cambiado su nombre ni su sexo registral, fue trasladado a WCCW más o menos en la misma época en que el centro vio una oleada de varones que se dicen trans trasladados al módulo de mujeres en 2021.

Antes de su traslado a WCCW, Williams estaba encarcelado en el Centro Penitenciario Stafford Creek en Aberdeen, Washington, donde cumplía una condena por agredir a otro recluso.

Como informó anteriormente ReduxxWilliams fue acusado en 2012 por atacar brutalmente a un hombre llamado Christopher Barrett (artículo en español) mientras cumplía una condena por no registrarse como delincuente sexual infantil.

El oficial que lo atendió escribió que había sido llamado por los compañeros de celda de Williams tras escuchar la confrontación. Barrett fue encontrado cubierto de sangre y con un “corte en la cabeza”, y Williams admitió inmediatamente la agresión, declarando: “Lo hice. Fui yo, fui yo”.

Christopher Williams. Foto cortesía del Departamento Penitenciario de Washington.

Williams admitió haber golpeado a Barrett varias veces con los puños y los codos sin provocación aparente, deteniéndose cuando Barrett dejó escapar un “grito de muerte”.

Las lesiones de la víctima incluían daños en el oído, que al parecer tuvieron que abrir para aliviar la grave inflamación debajo de la piel.

Barrett también tenía huesos rotos debajo del ojo, un corte en la mejilla que requirió “muchos puntos de sutura para cerrarlo”, le faltaba un diente y tenía la nariz tan dañada que necesitó cirugía reconstructiva de urgencia.

En declaraciones a Reduxx, una fuente dentro de WCCW ha dicho que el Departamento de Instituciones Penitenciarias (DOC) niega en gran medida los problemas que rodean a los reclusos de sexo masculino que se dicen trans alojados con mujeres.

“Lo presentan como un acuerdo histórico y exitoso. Hicieron una prueba con unos nuevos sujetadores que quieren poner en venta y eligieron a tantos reclusos trans como mujeres. Han contratado a un montón de personal caro para ayudar a la población trans y han creado un paquete de orientación especial para ellos”, dice.

“Insinúan que ha habido ‘algunos retos’, pero lo presentan en su mayoría como un éxito. El personal y las internas están de acuerdo en que es algo horrible”.

La fuente ya había informado a Reduxx que actualmente hay casi una docena de reclusos varones en el centro. De los 11 nombres facilitados para, 9 fueron condenados por delitos contra mujeres o menores. La fuente afirma que esto revela la magnitud del problema.

“Estos incidentes demuestran aún más a las mujeres de WCCW que no importan y que su seguridad no es tan importante como hacer felices a los reclusos trans”, dice. “Está claro que el DOC tiene miedo de grupos como Disability Rights Washington que siempre están amenazando con denunciar. Mientras tanto, los reclusos trans toman al DOC por tontos”.

Y continúa: “Las mujeres y el personal de WCCW hacen todo lo que pueden para defenderse discretamente, pero temen constantemente las represalias. La política y la práctica actuales en materia de alojamiento permiten a las personas elegir a sus compañeras de celda, de modo que los trans suelen hacerse amigos de las mujeres más vulnerables y las eligen como compañeras de celda, las explotan y éstas acaban en relaciones llenas de violencia doméstica y control”.

Uno de esos casos de “explotación” fue el cometido por Princess Zoe Andromeda Love, un hombre con antecedentes penales que incluían la violación de una niña de 12 años.

Love fue trasladado a WCCW en 2021, donde al parecer agredió sexualmente a una reclusa con discapacidad intelectual justo antes de su puesta en libertad. Según un ex oficial de prisiones de WCCW, muchos de los archivos asociados con el incidente fueron “borrados” del sistema.

Reduxx se puso en contacto con el Departamento Penitenciario de Washington para obtener más información sobre las precauciones que se están tomando para proteger a las mujeres de los reclusos varones que se dicen trans. En una declaración del Director de Relaciones con los Medios, el DOC declaró que “hace especial hincapié en la importancia de la inclusión y la representación al reconocer los desafíos únicos a los que se enfrentan las personas encarceladas no binarias y transgénero. El DOC se toma en serio las acusaciones de delitos y cualquier persona encarcelada en el DOC sospechosa de haber cometido un delito, está sujeta a las mismas leyes e investigaciones, independientemente de dónde esté alojada o de su género”.

La declaración continuaba: “un mito común perpetuado sobre las personas transgénero es que cometen delitos de agresión contra poblaciones vulnerables. Este no es el caso”.

Reduxx es una nueva plataforma a favor de los derechos de las mujeres y de los menores con noticias y artículos. ¡Somos 100% independientes! Colabora con nuestro proyecto uniéndote a nuestro Patreon.

EXCLUSIVE: 24 Women Drop Out of Australian Football Division After FIVE Trans-Identified Males Dominate Women’s League, Leave Female Players Injured

[L] Illustrative photo representing a broken leg. [R] The Flying Bats Football Team

Recent landslide victories secured by a women’s football team with five trans-identified male players have sparked controversy, leading one club manager to reveal that at least 20 female players have excluded themselves from the sport in recent weeks in order to avoid competing against the men.

Frank Parisi, president of St. Patrick’s Football Club, spoke with Reduxx and revealed a range of problems that had arisen as a result of men playing in women’s football matches, as well as an incident in which a female player’s leg was broken in two places.

The Flying Bats Football Club in North West Sydney, Australia, has on its team five males who identify as transgender. The team was awarded a $1,000 prize after winning the North West Sydney League pre-season Beryl Ackroyd Cup on March 24, following a season of winning every game they played in the Women’s Premier League matches, 10-0.

As previously revealed by Reduxx, one of the five men on the women’s football team is trans activist Riley Dennis, who was previously accused of severely injuring women while participating on another women’s team. However, the problems created by the male players on The Flying Bats team aren’t limited to safety risks and fair sport for women. Female players have been self-excluding from the sport by the dozens, says Parisi, in order to avoid competing against the trans-identified men.

The information first came to light when an audio recording of Parisi speaking during a meeting on the evening of March 20 was leaked on social media.

The meeting, held at Christie Park, was organized by the Northwest Sydney Football Association in response to an informal discussion among football club presidents that had taken place three days prior. That initial gathering was convened on March 17 in order to address “concerns around how implausible it has become for any team to win against the Flying Bats as well as physical safety concerns.”

In the audio clip, Parisi can be heard describing an incident that took place “a couple of years” prior in which a female player was so severely injured by a trans-identified male player that she was no longer able to participate in the sport.

“A couple of year ago, one of the Flying Bats players broke one of our players’ legs in a game. It was a clumsy tackle from behind. Our player had her leg broken in two places and she’s no longer playing football. It was a direct result of a real bad, tall player… he didn’t get a red card. Accidents happen, but this could have been avoided,” Parisi said at the meeting.

“One of our players rushed over to try to help her, she was screaming in so much pain. At that time, she made a derogatory remark to the Bats player, which we apologized for. [She was] suspended. The Bats player, nothing happened to [him].” Parisi clarified that following this incident, the player was suspended from matches for a total of eight weeks.

Parisi further revealed that 24 women had recently withdrawn their registration with his football club as a “direct result” of the possibility of competing in a match against the males on the Flying Bats team. “They’ve all said to me, ‘Frank, we do not want to play against the Bats players.’ I’m going to say it straight, there’s men playing in a women’s competition. And that’s wrong.”

Speaking with Reduxx, the president of St. Patrick’s Football Club confirmed that the player who had broken the female player’s leg was a male playing on a Flying Bats team in the 2022 season, but was unable to provide the personal identities of those involved. He emphasized that the male player could not have been Dennis, despite his history of injuring female opponents, as at the time he had not yet transferred to the Flying Bats from Inter Lions, and that the injury occurred in a different division.

Parisi also explained that of the total of 24 women who deregistered from the St. Patrick’s Football Club within the past several weeks, at least 20 stated that they had done so in response to becoming aware that they would be expected to play against The Flying Bats’ male team members.

“There’s a massive impact. I’m a very small club, we’ve only got seven teams in my club, and now I’ve lost both my women’s teams, and it was a direct result of members of The Flying Bats who were male playing in a female competition,” Parisi told Reduxx, though emphasizing that he was hopeful for an eventual resolution.

There are a total of at least nine trans-identified males playing football within the women’s leagues, “not just the five” in The Flying Bats Women’s Premier League, Parisi added, citing a comment made by another of the club presidents in attendance at the March 20 meeting.

According to regulations put forward by the North West Sydney Football Association (NWSFA), “players may register and participate on the basis of their gender identification.”

“This is not about the sexuality of the players, because I have had a lot of players on my team who are lesbians. So it’s got nothing to do with that. It’s the fact that there is a number of males… It’s more than five. And everyone is just remaining silent on this, and it’s just so wrong in so many ways.”

Last year, after winning a title, one of Parisi’s women’s teams turned down the opportunity to be promoted to the Women’s Premier League, the highest level before players can enter state-based competitions.

A Flying Bats Club Committee Member accepting a Fair Play award following the severe injury of a female player in 2022.

“Our girls played in Women’s All Age One, where there were no Flying Bats players. We then by winning that competition should have been promoted up to Women’s Premier League, and our girls rejected that. They didn’t want to play up in the women’s Premier League, because there was that Flying Bats team stacked full of male players.”

He continued: “I told the association, no, that I’ve lost a lot of players, and we can’t do that. They said, Okay, we’ll put you into All Age One, which is the next level down, a competition that we won last year.”

In 2022, the year in which a female player for St. Patrick’s FC had her leg broken by a trans-identified male associated with The Flying Bats, club president for the latter group, Jen Peden, was honored with a Fair Play award presented by the NWSFA – a fact announced to the club’s Facebook page with the comment, “We play nice.”

Last week, massive public outcry ensued after news broke of the five trans-identified players on the WPL Flying Bats team. In response, LGBTI Rights Australia, a Facebook community with over 250,000 followers, made a public statement mocking “TERF Nazis.”

“Congratulations to The Flying Bats Women’s Soccer Club who recently won the Beryl Ackroyd Cup! Transgender women have been proudly part of the Bats for 20 years, yet it took TERF Nazis up until this week to take notice,” reads the post. An image accompanying the statement is captioned, “To all the transphobes complaining, we suggest you train a bit harder.”

Flying Bats president Jen Peden told Daily Mail Australia last week: “As a club, the Flying Bats FC stand strongly for inclusion, and pride ourselves on safe, respectful and fair play, the promotion of a supportive community for LGBTQIA+ players, officials and supporters, and the significant physical, social and mental health benefits that participation in sport brings, especially to marginalized members of the LGBTQIA+ community. We are a club that values our cisgender and transgender players equally.”

She continued: “We strongly support the Australian Human Rights Commission’s guidelines for the inclusion of transgender and gender diverse people in sport.”

During the March 20 meeting, which was attended by CEO of Football NSW John Tsatsimas and convened by CEO of NWSF, Matthew Geracitano, attendees were told that a decision to boycott participation by forfeiting matches against The Flying Bats would result in “disciplinary action” being issued.

“If there was a concerted effort by teams to forfeit games against a particular opposition that would be viewed as an act of discrimination,” said Chris Salmon, Chair of the Board of Directors for NWSF. While incidents of discrimination are weighed on a case-by-case basis, possible penalties include suspensions, from as little as two months to two years.

Football Australia’s Anti-Discrimination Policy defines “excluding people on the basis of their sex and / or gender identity status from participation in a competitive sporting activity” as a prohibited form of discrimination.

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ESCOCIA: Los Scouts echan a un monitor travesti por compartir pornografía en sus perfiles públicos de redes sociales

Los Scouts echan a un travesti de Galashiels de su puesto al descubrir que estaba compartiendo pornografía dura y promociones de drogas en sus perfiles públicos de redes sociales. Gabby Smith, de 41 años, gestionaba los perfiles bajo su propio nombre, sin hacer nada para ocultar su selección de contenido inapropiado.

Aunque no está claro cuánto tiempo llevaba Smith como voluntario de los Scouts, actuaba en calidad de líder con jóvenes de 10 a 15 años. Los Scouts son la mayor organización juvenil mixta dirigida por voluntarios de Escocia, con más de 35.000 jóvenes, algunos de tan sólo 6 años, que participan en los diversos programas que se ofrecen.

Smith participaba en la rama de Melrose de los Scouts en los Scottish Borders, y acababa de recibir la Wood Badge (Insignia de Madera), que se concede a los voluntarios adultos una vez que han completado su entrenamiento de liderazgo.

Gabby Smith, en una publicación de X de 2021.

Smith, cuyo nombre real es Gavin Horstead, fue objeto de escrutinio por parte de los Scouts después de que descubrieran que estaba compartiendo contenido inapropiado bajo su propio nombre en las redes sociales. Smith tiene varios perfiles de Facebook y X que parecen estar dedicados casi exclusivamente a difundir pornografía y a anunciarse para encuentros sexuales.

En su cuenta de X, que abrió en 2019, casi todas las publicaciones que Smith comparte son de naturaleza pornográfica, principalmente de hombres jóvenes en posiciones eróticas o exponiendo sus anos o genitales. Smith parece no haber hecho ningún esfuerzo por ocultar su identidad en sus perfiles explícitos en línea, usando con orgullo su nombre y fotos en todas las plataformas, junto con más información que permite identificarlo fácilmente.

Algunos padres señalaron que si un adulto podía encontrar con facilidad sus cuentas en las redes sociales, también podrían los jóvenes, que tienen amplios conocimientos tecnológicos.

En declaraciones a The Sun, un portavoz de los Scouts dijo: “La seguridad de los jóvenes a nuestro cargo es nuestra prioridad número uno. Gabby Smith tiene prohibido todo contacto con los Scouts mientras se llevan a cabo las investigaciones”.

Esta no es la primera vez que un hombre que se dice trans es expulsado de una organización juvenil en el Reino Unido por conducta pública inapropiada. En 2022, se montó un escándalo cuando un travesti con un inquietante historial en las redes sociales se convirtió en el delegado principal de la división Southwell de Girlguiding, la franquicia de Niñas Guías, o Guidismo, del país.

Monica Sulley, un hombre que se identifica como mujer, se convirtió en el delegado principal de la división Southwell de Guidismo en julio de 2021, pero se volvió muy conocido más tarde ese mismo año cuando salieron a la luz publicaciones preocupantes en las redes sociales.

Sulley había publicado en múltiples plataformas fotos suyas posando con armas, vestido con ropa de bondage y refiriéndose a sí mismo como “Ama”.

La policía se puso en contacto con algunos miembros del público que intentaron presentar quejas sobre Sulley a Guidismo y amenazaron con arrestarlos.

Reduxx es una nueva plataforma a favor de los derechos de las mujeres y de los menores con noticias y artículos. ¡Somos 100% independientes! Colabora con nuestro proyecto uniéndote a nuestro Patreon.

EXCLUSIVE: Queer S&M “Cutter” Member of Forum Cited by Leading Transgender Health Group WPATH

Content Notice: This article contains graphic descriptions of genital mutilation which may not be considered safe for work. Reader discretion is appreciated.

The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) cited a castration forum in their most recent standards of care, which hosts child sexual exploitation fantasies and videos of “gender affirming” surgeries used as pornography. One of the members of the forum, known only as “Gelding,” performed clandestine genital surgeries for sexual pleasure.

As previously revealed by Reduxx, WPATH, which creates medical guidelines for the ‘transitioning’ of children, previously collaborated with academics involved in a castration fetish forum known as the Eunuch Archive. The online community hosts and produces sadomasochistic erotica featuring the castration, sexual torture, and rape of children. Transgender lobby group WPATH linked directly to the site’s Fiction Archive in a 2021 release of their Standards of Care version 8, but had been working with academics representing the interests of forum members since as early as 2009.

Reduxx has also seen video footage of castration surgeries offered for sale through the community. The video footage is often used by members for sexual gratification in the same manner as pornography.

Photo of “Gelding” circa 1997.

One notable member of the Eunuch Archive community had himself performed castrations for fetishistic reasons, while filming and circulating footage of the procedures as pornographic content.

According to an interview published in 2000 by the Miami New Times, Gelding, a former computer consultant for the U.S. Air Force and Vietnam war veteran, was motivated by his participation in sadomasochism (S&M) communities to perform genital surgeries free of charge, which led to him becoming a “legendary figure” in his circles, and a “den mother for the genitally obsessed.”

In the interview, Gelding said: “One of the reasons why I am doing this is to help other guys avoid the problems. In that respect it is humanitarian. In another respect, I will admit to a certain amount of sexual excitement from the whole idea.” He would also film the genital surgeries as pornographic content in order to fulfill a sexual fantasy.

Leading up to his sexual obsession with castration, Gelding produced “graphic sexual writing” for the gay BDSM magazine Drummer, which currently continues to operate online as a pornographic fetish site featuring fictional stories.

In a section of the site titled “Origins,” the publication describes itself as “the most successful of the American leather magazines and sold overseas. The publication had a major impact on spreading gay leather as a lifestyle and masculinity as a gay ideal.”

Gelding was castrated in 1994 by a “cutter” in San Francisco after a botched attempt that he undertook himself in 1991. However, when recanting the story, he has admitted to fabricating a scenario wherein he was abducted by a gay “leather couple.”

“They asked me to tell them about what I had gotten into, and I told them I liked butt play and also bondage and ball play. I volunteered information that I liked to tie up my own balls and even put hypodermic needles into them as I played with mental fantasies about castration,” he recalled in an explicit 1997 interview with Body Modification Ezine (BME), which contained photos of his genitals.

“These two both asked if I had frequent jerk off fantasies about castration. I admitted I did, that the whole idea somehow turned me on. One felt me up and found I was hard in my jeans. They invited me to come to their playroom with them, then handcuffed me and blindfolded me for the drive home.”

The men then gave Gelding amyl nitrate, known in slang as ‘poppers,’ and strapped him naked to a table before performing the procedure. After sewing the sutures, they engaged in intercourse while taunting him by calling him “a harem boy toy, a eunuch made for pleasuring males.”

Gelding told BME that following the illicit procedure, he was in “complete mental shock,” continuing: “I was mellow due to what drugs they had given me. I had experienced a realization of a deeply felt though publicly hidden and suppressed sexual fantasy. Feelings of loss fought with feelings of accomplishment.”

At the time of the Miami New Times interview published in 2000, Gelding claimed to have performed approximately 50 clandestine fetishistic surgeries, in addition to allegedly having “counseled” an estimated 4,000 men, acting as a liason between “cutters” and potential eunuchs. During this period, practicing medicine without a license was a third-degree felony in the state of Florida, punishable by up to five years in prison.

Describing regret in his role in castrating an unwilling man he refers to as an S&M slave at the behest of the slave’s master, Gelding said, “In this case it was the master’s idea, and he had set up the whole scene, the whole situation. He explained in a logical, plausible manner that it was the boy’s idea, that he wanted to make the ultimate sacrifice to bond their relationship.”

Gelding’s 1999 Geocities website.

While it is unclear how long Gelding was active in the community due to the use of private chat systems, his earliest posts in the Eunuch Archive’s public Usenet forum indicate he began offering to castrate men beginning in March 2000.

In January that year, one user called “GayandOK” addressed a message to Gelding asking if he could “help potential slaves” find a “master” via surgical removal of the penis.

“If you want to be castrated, perhaps I can help,” he replied. Gelding would also respond to another man soon after inquiring as to whether anyone in the group was “serious” about going forward with the procedures.

“It’s a matter of getting candidate and cutter together at the planned moment. It’s often quite difficult to arrange this. Once castrated, males are often suddenly reluctant to discuss their castration. I’ve done many and found this to be generally true. One exception of my eunuchs is the one nullo in Michigan,” Gelding remarked.

The following year, a participant called Kerry Max Cook of Plano, Texas, wrote, “I am seeking castration. I am non-fantasy-oriented and ask that only serious cutters reply. I have autographed my sac so that it can be kept as a ‘trophy.’ Please, only a serious cutter reply. I have tried to do it myself twice but it has only ended up with me having to go to the hospital. If it were humanly possible I would like a full penectomy, but I realize that requires an experienced cutter.”

Another individual replied with Gelding’s contact information, and suggested that “he is what you are looking for… he is a very experienced cutter, and is also a eunuch.”

Last year, Reduxx unmasked another member of the Eunuch Archive community as a sadistic pedophile who had performed a makeshift “gender reassignment surgery” on a young man and claimed to have conducted over 100 similar procedures. Jack Wayne Rogers is currently incarcerated at the Federal Corrections Institute in Miami after investigators discovered child pornography on his devices that included sadistic abuse of prepubescent children.

Rogers was found to have been sharing, via e-mail attachments, materials “showing male children engaged in sexually explicit content, including photographs of children chained and bound by ropes,” according to court records. But upon further examination, investigators discovered numerous additional photographs of Rogers “posing with severed male genitals, wearing them on his head, placing them in his mouth and apparently chewing them, placing them in a coffee cup or on a plate, and attaching severed penises together.”

But while Gelding and Rogers were among the men in the forum conducting illegal surgeries, many participants had historically recommended a doctor in Philadelphia willing to perform the fetishistic surgeries. Dr. Felix Spector, now deceased, had advertised his services on his website, where he stated that he specialized in “the treatment of the transgendered and those with overactive sex drive,” and boasted of decades of experience working with “the transgendered and those in need of libido control.”

Some Eunuch Archive members estimated the total number of such surgeries as between 4,000 to 6,000. According to a 2008 obituary for Dr. Spector, 40-50% of his practice consisted of “voluntary eunuchs.”

“Although a number of men who have been castrated talk about achieving a ‘eunuch calm’—a state of pleasant enjoyment of the world, undistracted by aggressive tendencies and sexual urges—the outcomes of castration were another cause of controversy,” reads the obituary.

“A few of the men went on to commit murders, some were depressed, and others didn’t necessarily end up with the sought-after lessening or termination of sexuality they desired; medical reviews showed that some eunuchs continued to have full erections and considerable sexual interests long after castration.”

One man who was chemically castrated by Dr. Spector has since gone on to become a psychiatrist and registered member of WPATH.

Dr. Jame Agapoff.

Dr. James ‘Jame’ Agapoff said, in a video he published to YouTube, that he was an adolescent, aged “less than fifteen,” when he began participating in the Eunuch Archive forum. Through the website, Agapoff initiated an email correspondence with Spector, who wrote him a prescription for Medroxyprogesterone, and stated that he believed Agapoff would be a “good candidate” for a castration procedure in the future.

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SCOTLAND: Trans-Identified Male Suspended From Scouts Position After Sharing Pornography On Public Social Media Profiles

A trans-identified male from Galashiels has been suspended from his position with the Scouts after it was learned that he was sharing hardcore pornography and drug promotions on his public social media profiles. Gabby Smith, 41, operated the profiles under his own name, doing nothing to obscure his curation of inappropriate content.

While it is unclear how long Smith had been a volunteer with Scouts, he acted in the capacity of a leader with youth ages 10 to 15 years old. Scouts is the largest mixed volunteer-led organization for young people in Scotland, with over 35,000 youth as young as 6 involved in the various programs being offered.

Smith was involved at the Melrose branch of Scouts in the Scottish Borders, and had just recently been awarded the Wood Badge, which is issued to adult volunteers once they have completed their leadership training.

Gabby Smith as seen in a 2021 X post.

Smith, whose real name is Gavin Horstead, came under scrutiny by Scouts after they discovered he was sharing inappropriate content under his own name on social media. Smith operates multiple Facebook and X profiles which appear to be almost exclusively dedicated to circulating pornography and advertising himself for sex.

On his X account, which was first established in 2019, almost every single post shared by Smith is pornographic in nature, primarily featuring young men in erotic positions or exposing their anuses or genitalia. Smith appears to have made no effort to obscure his identity in his explicit online profiles, proudly using his name and photos across all platforms, along with a number of other pieces of identifying information.

Some parents noted that if an adult was easily able to find his social media accounts, so would tech-savvy youth.

Speaking to The Sun, a Scouts spokesperson said: “The safety of young people in our care is our number one priority. Gabby Smith is prohibited from all contact with Scouts whilst inquiries are conducted.”

This is not the first time a trans-identified male has been removed from a youth organization in the UK for inappropriate public conduct. In 2022, a frenzy was sparked in the United Kingdom after a trans-identified male with a disturbing social media history became the lead Commissioner for the Southwell division of Girlguding, the nation’s Girl Guides franchise.

Monica Sulley, a male who identifies as a woman, became the lead Commissioner for the Southwell division of Girlguiding in July of 2021, but came to widespread attention later on in the year after concerning social media posts emerged.

Sulley had made posts on multiple platforms of photos of himself posing with weapons, dressed in bondage gear, and referring to himself as “Mistress.”

Some members of the public who attempted to contact Girlguiding to submit complaints about Sulley were later contacted by police and threatened with arrest.

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EXCLUSIVA: El Youtuber travesti que lesionó a varias jugadoras es uno de los cinco hombres que forman parte del equipo de fútbol femenino de Australia

Reduxx puede confirmar que un Youtuber transactivista se encuentra entre los cinco hombres que se dicen trans que participan actualmente en un equipo de fútbol femenino en el noroeste de Sídney, Australia. Riley Dennis, que fue acusado anteriormente de lesionar gravemente a mujeres cuando jugaba en otro equipo femenino, ahora juega para The Flying Bats, que ha estado dominando el fútbol femenino en la región.

Las Flying Bats Football Club consiguieron una victoria por 4-0 contra las Macquarie Dragons el 24 de marzo, y de sus cinco jugadores que se dicen trans, el máximo goleador es un transactivista de sexo masculino que lesionó a dos jugadoras durante un partido el año pasado.

El equipo recibió un premio de 1.000 dólares por ganar la Copa Beryl Ackroyd de pretemporada de la North West Sydney League, después de ganar todos los partidos de la temporada que disputaron en la Premier League femenina, 10-0.

Reduxx se ha enterado de las identidades de los cinco deportistas varones que se dicen trans, y entre ellos se encuentra un ex Youtuber que recibió críticas el año pasado por lesionar al menos a dos jugadoras. Riley Dennis, nacido Justin, de 31 años, actualmente juega para The Flying Bats, pero el año pasado fue miembro del equipo Inter Lions en Nueva Gales del Sur.

El 21 de mayo de 2023, durante un partido entre los clubes de fútbol Inter Lions y St. George en la Majors Bay Reserve, Dennis lanzó a su oponente de sexo femenino, mucho más pequeña, contra una valla metálica mediante una entrada agresiva cuando los dos perseguían el balón.

Reduxx recibió imágenes del partido, en las que se veía a la jugadora tendida de lado, inmóvil, mientras el jugador travesti se alejaba despreocupadamente.

El mes anterior, parece que Dennis había lesionado a otra jugadora, quien supuestamente tuvo que ser hospitalizada como resultado de la lesión. Kirralie Smith, portavoz de Binary Australia, lanzó una campaña de envío de cartas, animando a aquellos preocupados a ponerse en contacto con Football New South Wales, que según se informa recibió más de 12.000 escritos (artículo en español).

Por su papel en la concientización sobre las lesiones sufridas por las deportistas de sexo femenino, la Policía de Nueva Gales del Sur (artículo en español) visitó a Smith y le impuso una Orden de Detención por Violencia (AVO) el 30 de marzo de ese año, en la que se le exigía que no hablara ni se acercara a Dennis. Las autoridades retiraron la orden en septiembre.

Según la información vista por Reduxx y obtenida a través de la aplicación Dribl, que fue creada “para elevar el fútbol base”, actualmente la información personal de Dennis aparece como “Riley Riley”, y su perfil es el único de todos los miembros del equipo que carece de foto.

El año pasado se produjo un encubrimiento similar. Tras la polémica suscitada por las lesiones, Football NSW borró a Dennis de su sitio web, sustituyendo su nombre por “Inter Player”.

Una fuente anónima cercana a la situación explicó a Reduxx que Dennis abandonó el equipo Inter Lions tras la polémica del año pasado. La fuente declaró que Dennis presentó al menos tres solicitudes en otros equipos, que no fueron aceptadas. Las Flying Bats, sin embargo, aprobaron su solicitud para unirse al equipo. El sitio web oficial del club de fútbol afirma que es “el club de fútbol femenino y no binario LGBTQIA+ más grande del mundo”, y que fue fundado en 1985.

Reduxx ha recibido fiable información de que los otros cuatro hombres que juegan para The Flying Bats son Raili Haagensen, Josephine Massingham, Mattie Noble y Lian Sinclair.

Josephine Massingham en una publicación de Facebook de Flying Bats de 2022.

En respuesta a la aplastante victoria de The Flying Bats debido a su decisión de incluir jugadores masculinos en un equipo femenino, otros seis clubes de fútbol que habían competido contra ellos organizaron una reunión informal que se celebró el 17 de marzo en el Hotel Ranch en North Ryde.

Según John Ruddick, miembro del Parlamento de Nueva Gales del Sur (NSW), la intención de la reunión era “hablar sobre sus preocupaciones acerca de lo imposible que se ha vuelto para cualquier equipo ganar contra las Flying Bats, así como las preocupaciones por la seguridad física”.

Entre las soluciones propuestas figuraba el boicot a los partidos programados contra The Flying Bats.

La Asociación de Fútbol del Noroeste de Sídney se enteró de la conversación y convocó una reunión formal. El director ejecutivo de North West Sydney Football, Matthew Geracitano, envió un correo electrónico a los presidentes de los clubes, con instrucciones de que asistieran a una reunión la tarde del 20 de marzo en Christie Park.

“En los últimos días, varios clubes se han puesto en contacto con la asociación para hablar de la elegibilidad de los jugadores en varias competiciones”, rezaba el mensaje.

“Hemos estado en contacto con Football NSW sobre este asunto. Aunque existe una Política de Diversidad de Género de Fútbol de Nueva Gales del Sur, ésta sólo se aplica a las competiciones de NPL NSW Womens, FNSW League One y FNSW Girls Youth League One … Football NSW ha reiterado que se adhiere a las directrices de la Comisión de Derechos Humanos e Igualdad de Oportunidades, que establece que los jugadores del fútbol base son libres de jugar en las competiciones que escojan dependiendo del género con el que se identifiquen”. Dado que la NWSF compite en competiciones sancionadas por Football NSW, nos adherimos a estas directrices”.

Durante la reunión, a la que asistió el Director General de Football NSW, John Tsatsimas, se les dijo a los asistentes que la decisión de boicotear la participación mediante el abandono de partidos contra The Flying Bats daría lugar a la adopción de “medidas disciplinarias”.

“Si hubiera un esfuerzo concertado por parte de los equipos para abandonar partidos contra un determinado rival, se consideraría un acto de discriminación”, dijo Chris Salmon, presidente de la Junta Directiva de la NWSF.

La Política de Diversidad de Género de Football New South Wales prohíbe “la discriminación contra una persona por razón de sexo o identidad de género” y define la identidad de género como: “La identidad relacionada con el género, la apariencia o los manierismos u otras características relacionadas con el género de una persona (ya sea mediante intervención médica o no), con o sin tener en cuenta el sexo designado al nacer de la persona”.

“La discriminación o el acoso de los jugadores que practican el fútbol no se tolera en ningún nivel del juego. La legislación federal y estatal australiana prohíbe la discriminación contra una persona por razón de su sexo o identidad de género, incluso en el deporte”, dice la política. “Sin embargo, la Ley de Discriminación por Razón de Sexo de 1984 establece una excepción que permite la discriminación en el deporte por razón de sexo, identidad de género o condición de intersexual cuando la diferencia relativa de fuerza, resistencia o físico de un jugador es significativa en el sentido de que tiene un efecto considerable en su capacidad para competir”.

También se incluía en el correo electrónico enviado a los presidentes de los clubes de fútbol un paquete titulado “Discurso de odio en línea” elaborado por la Comisión de Seguridad Electrónica. Sobre el archivo adjunto, se destacaba en amarillo la siguiente frase: “Si los responsables de la publicación de material gravemente perjudicial no cumplen con un aviso de retirada, podemos solicitar sanciones civiles o multas contra los autores (hasta 111.000 dólares)”.

La Comisión de Seguridad Electrónica ha arremetido repetidamente contra declaraciones hechas en línea que ha considerado actos de “discriminación”. Por identificar a Dennis como el individuo responsable de múltiples lesiones a jugadoras, el gobierno australiano se puso en contacto con Reduxx y le avisó que borrara el artículo.

Reduxx es una nueva plataforma a favor de los derechos de las mujeres y de los menores con noticias y artículos. ¡Somos 100% independientes! Colabora con nuestro proyecto uniéndote a nuestro Patreon.

EXCLUSIVE: Transgender YouTuber Who Injured Female Athletes Among Five Males On Australian Women’s Soccer Team

Reduxx can confirm that a trans activist YouTuber is among five trans-identified males currently participating on a women’s football team in North West Sydney, Australia. Riley Dennis, who was previously accused of severely injuring women while participating on another women’s team, is now playing for The Flying Bats, which has been dominating women’s football in the region.

The Flying Bats Football Club secured a 4-0 victory against the Macquarie Dragons on March 24, and of their five trans-identified players, the highest goal-scorer is a male trans activist who injured two female players during a match last year.

The team was awarded a $1,000 prize after winning the North West Sydney League pre-season Beryl Ackroyd Cup, following a season of winning every game they played in the Women’s Premier League matches, 10-0.

Reduxx has now learned the identities of the five trans-identified male athletes, and among them is a former YouTuber who drew criticism last year after injuring at least two female players. Riley Dennis, born Justin, 31, currently plays for The Flying Bats, but last year was a member of the Inter Lions team in New South Wales.

On May 21, 2023, during a game between the Inter Lions and the St. George football clubs at the Majors Bay Reserve, Dennis launched his smaller female opponent towards a metal fence using an aggressive tackle as the two chased down the ball.

Reduxx was provided footage of the match, which showed the female player laying on her side, unmoving, as the transgender player casually walked away.

The month prior, Dennis was said to have injured another female player, who reportedly had to seek hospital attention as a result of her injury. A letter-writing campaign was launched by Kirralie Smith, a spokeswoman with Binary Australia, encouraging concerned individuals to contact Football New South Wales, which reportedly then received over 12,000 submissions.

For her role in bringing awareness to the injuries sustained by female athletes, Smith was visited by New South Wales Police and handed an Apprehended Violence Order (AVO) on March 30 that year requiring that she neither discuss nor approach Dennis. The AVO was withdrawn by authorities in September.

According to information seen by Reduxx and obtained through the application Dribl, which was created “to elevate grassroots football,” currently Dennis’ personal information has been set to “Riley Riley,” and his profile is the only one out of all the team members to lack a photo.

A similar cover-up occurred last year. Following the controversy surrounding the injuries. Football NSW scrubbed Dennis from their website, replacing his name with “Inter Player.”

An anonymous source close to the situation explained to Reduxx that Dennis left the Inter Lions team following last year’s controversy. The source stated that Dennis then submitted at least three applications of interest for other teams, which were not accepted. The Flying Bats, however, approved his application to join the team. The football club’s official website states it is “the biggest LGBTQIA+ women’s and non-binary football club in the world”, having been founded in 1985.

Reduxx has also been reliably informed that the four other males playing for The Flying Bats are Raili Haagensen, Josephine Massingham, Mattie Noble, and Lian Sinclair.

Josephine Massingham as seen in a Flying Bats Facebook post from 2022.

In response to the landslide victory by The Flying Bats due to its decision to include male players on a women’s team, six other football clubs who had competed against them organized an informal meeting to be held on March 17 at the Ranch Hotel in North Ryde.

According to John Ruddick, the Parliament Member for New South Wales, the intent of the meeting was to “discuss their concerns around how implausible it has become for any team to win against the Flying Bats as well as physical safety concerns.”

Among the proposed solutions included boycotting games scheduled to be held against The Flying Bats.

The Northwest Sydney Football Association became aware of the conversation and scheduled a formal meeting. An email was sent out to the club presidents from the CEO of North West Sydney Football, Matthew Geracitano, instructing them to attend a meeting on the evening of March 20 at Christie Park.

“Over the past few days, we have had a number of clubs reach out to the association to discuss the eligibility of players across a number of competitions,” read the message.

“We have been in contact with Football NSW about this matter. While there is a Football NSW Gender Diversity Policy, this is only applicable to the NPL NSW Womens, FNSW League One and FNSW Girls Youth League One Competitions … Football NSW have reiterated that they adhere to the Human Rights and Equal Opportunities Commission guidelines which states players in grassroots football are free to play in competitions where they identify.’ Given that NWSF compete in Football NSW sanctioned competitions we adhere to these guidelines.”

During the meeting, which was attended by CEO of Football NSW John Tsatsimas, attendees were told that a decision to boycott participation by forfeiting matches against The Flying Bats would result in “disciplinary action” being issued.

“If there was a concerted effort by teams to forfeit games against a particular opposition that would be viewed as an act of discrimination,” said Chris Salmon, Chair of the Board of Directors for NWSF.

The Football New South Wales Gender Diversity Policy prohibits “discrimination against a person on the basis of their sex or gender identity,” and defines gender identity as: “The gender related identity, appearance or mannerisms or other gender-related characteristics of a person (whether by way of medical intervention or not), with or without regard to the person’s designated sex at birth.”

“Discrimination or harassment of players engaging in Football is not tolerated at any level of the Game. Australian Federal and State legislation prohibits discrimination against a person on the basis of their Sex or Gender Identity, including in sport,” reads the policy. “However, an exemption arises under the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 to permit discrimination in sport on the basis of sex, gender identity orintersex status where the relative difference in strength, stamina or physique of a player is significant in the sense that it has a considerable effect on their ability to compete.”

Also included in the email sent to football club presidents was a packet titled “Online Hate Speech” produced by the eSafety Commission. Above the attachment, the following sentence was highlighted in yellow: “If individuals responsible for posting seriously harmful material do not comply with a removal notice, we can seek civil penalties or fines against perpetrators (up to $111,000).”

The eSafety Commission has repeatedly targeted statements made online which it has deemed to be acts of “discrimination.” For identifying Dennis as the individual responsible for multiple injuries to female players, Reduxx was contacted by the Australian government and advised to delete the article.

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JAPÓN: Un trabajador sanitario travesti es condenado a prisión por violar y agredir sexualmente a sus empleadas

Un travesti que agredió sexualmente a tres empleadas de una organización de apoyo a personas con discapacidad de la que era representante, ha sido condenado a seis años de prisión por sus delitos. Kazumi Watanabe, de 57 años, quien afirma “tener corazón de mujer”, recibió su sentencia el 27 de marzo en la sede de Sakai del Tribunal de Distrito de Osaka.

Watanabe fue detenido el 7 de febrero de 2023, acusado de agresión sexual por varias empleadas. En el momento de su detención, Watanabe era el propietario y director de Aoi Sodanshitsu, una empresa pública que prestaba servicios a personas discapacitadas o desfavorecidas y a sus familias. La empresa tenía un acuerdo con el gobierno municipal de Takaishi, en la prefectura de Osaka, que derivaba a las personas con vulnerabilidades a Aoi Sodanshitsu para que recibieran asistencia cuando la necesitaran. Watanabe y su personal ofrecían entonces consultas de apoyo y derivaciones a los servicios de asistencia social pertinentes.

Según la acusación, Watanabe agredió sexualmente a varias empleadas y clientas del negocio en 2021, engañándolas con el pretexto de darles un “masaje” hasta que se encontraban en una posición vulnerable. Para que sus víctimas se sintieran lo suficientemente cómodas como para confiar en él, les decía que no se sentía atraído sexualmente por las mujeres y que tenía “corazón de mujer”. Después de que le permitieran tocar sus cuerpos, las agredía sexualmente. En al menos uno de los casos, Watanabe violó a una víctima mediante penetración forzada.

Una mujer, de unos cuarenta años, era clienta del proyecto de asesoramiento sobre discapacidades. Cuando Watanabe comenzó a darle un masaje, sobándole los pechos y los genitales, hizo comentarios sobre tocarle el “hueso púbico”, sugirió que le podía aumentar los pechos y la hizo caminar en ropa interior.

En su decisión, el Tribunal de Distrito declaró: “El método de cometer el delito bajo el pretexto de ofrecer un masaje mintiendo sobre su identidad de género fue astuto, y el hecho de que lo repitiera demuestra claramente que tenía distorsiones sexuales. También se aprovechó de su posición. Esta es una condena contundente”.

Kazumi Watanabe. Fuente: Facebook

Watanabe a menudo les decía a las personas de su entorno que su “cuerpo era de hombre”, pero que su “corazón era de mujer”. Se vestía con ropa de mujer, se hacía la manicura y afirmaba tener “disforia de género”, un diagnóstico que no se sabe si es oficial.

Una de las víctimas, una mujer de unos 50 años, habló con los medios locales y dijo que se sintió “engañada” por su antiguo empleador.

“Me engañó… y usó mis debilidades contra mí. Jugó sucio y es imperdonable”.

La víctima llevaba sólo unos meses trabajando en la empresa cuando ocurrió el incidente. Parte de sus funciones laborales consistía en apoyar a clientes discapacitados o desfavorecidos y a sus familias, escuchando sus preocupaciones y participando en consultas. Dijo que disfrutaba de su trabajo, que estaba bajo la supervisión directa de Watanabe.

La víctima explica que en mayo de 2021, Watanabe se acercó a ella cuando estaban solos en el lugar de trabajo. Le ofreció un masaje para aliviar su postura estresada. Aunque en un principio la víctima parece haberse mostrado reacia a que Watanabe le tocara el cuerpo, el hombre le dijo rápidamente: “Tengo un trastorno de identidad de género. No me interesan los cuerpos femeninos”.

La mujer acabó accediendo porque tenía miedo de faltarle el respeto a su jefe y perder su trabajo. Con la guardia baja por las afirmaciones de Watanabe sobre su identidad, la víctima permitió que le diera un masaje. Dice que empezó por los hombros, pero que fue bajando gradualmente hasta que Watanabe empezó a tocarle la parte inferior del cuerpo. Y luego, la agredió.

Tras la agresión, Watanabe amenazó a la empleada con quitarle su certificación si dejaba el trabajo. Tras la amenaza, ella denunció el caso a la policía.

Aoi Sodanshitsu, un establecimiento en Takaishi, Osaka, que ofrece servicios de consulta y apoyo, dirigido por Kazumi Watanabe (Mainichi/Minhyang Hong)

Otra víctima, una trabajadora a tiempo parcial de unos 30 años, había sido engañada para ir a un hotel de Osaka con el pretexto de que Watanabe, quien afirmaba ser un esteticista titulado, le daría un masaje para aliviar sus dolores físicos. La mujer denunció a la policía haber sido agredida sexualmente en el hotel en abril de 2021.

Watanabe negó las acusaciones, primero diciendo: “La mujer se bajó los pantalones y la ropa interior y lo obligó a tocarla”, pero también afirmando que la sala de masajes era “demasiado pequeña para actos obscenos”. El abogado defensor de Watanabe presentó el argumento de que las mujeres habían accedido a la agresión.

Durante el proceso judicial, la fiscalía declaró que Watanabe se valió de la confianza que había generado al dirigir un negocio de apoyo psicológico para personas con discapacidades para aprovecharse de su posición y cometer delitos sexuales contra empleadas y clientas.

“No sólo se trata de una táctica conocida, sino que también se reconoce que se aprovechó de la posición de la víctima e intentó ocultar el delito, que es extremadamente desagradable, y no hay ninguna circunstancia a favor de Watanabe”, dijo el fiscal.

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EXCLUSIVE: Female Inmate Sexually Assaulted By Violent Trans-Identified Male At Washington Women’s Prison

Note: Image was resized from its original 600x800 using AI.

A female inmate at the Women’s Correctional Center in Washington has come forward to reveal that she was sexually assaulted by a violent transgender sex offender who was transferred into the women’s prison in 2021.

For the purposes of this article, the female inmate will be referred to as “Mary” in order to protect her privacy and prevent her from experiencing institutional repercussions.

Reduxx was provided Mary’s testimony through letters she passed on to an internal source, who then relayed the information out of the institution on her behalf.

Mary explains that the incident occurred in April of 2022 after a transgender inmate named Christopher Williams asked to be moved into her cell. Williams had previously been serving his sentence at a male facility, and has a criminal history including sex offenses and violent assault.

“Christopher asked if he could move into my room because he said his current roommate was bullying him … I had no issues with him being a transgender. But then he would make weird comments like ‘it hurts when it fills up with blood,’ like he wanted me to know when he was having an erection.”

Mary says that she became increasingly uncomfortable with Williams’ behavior towards her, which had a near-constant sexual undertone. At one point, Williams appeared to become frustrated with Mary’s lack of interest in him, and started issuing disturbing threats of sexual violence.

“He said to me, ‘I don’t know why you don’t want [my dick]. Everyone else does.’ Then he started to follow me into the bathroom. And one time he told me, ‘Just so you know, I can get you wherever I want.'”

Mary says she was voicing her concerns to staff, but was “pretty much being ignored.”

Christopher Williams. Photo Source: Penacon.com

The situation took a turn for the worse after Mary was prescribed sleeping medication to help with her restless nights. She says she noticed that Williams began to sit next to her bed at night after she took her medication. One night, she was woken up to the sound of an officer pounding on their cell door, demanding to know why Williams was sitting next to her bed. Mary speculates that the officer likely saw Williams touching her during her rounds.

“I’m not sure how many times he touched me because of my [meds]. But one day I came back to my cell from a work shift and he had two strap-on dildos and asked me to use them on him. I refused. That night, I was woken up to him touching me.”

Mary says she went to correctional staff immediately and told them what had happened. A search was conducted of the cell, and the sex toys were found. Mary then filed a Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) report, which was determined to be substantiated. Williams was taken into segregation, and eventually moved out of Mary’s cell.

“In October or November [2022], we were both in the medical clinic waiting room and he was glaring at me. Then he blocked the only exit and was just staring at me, like he was trying to intimidate me.” Mary goes on to note that the facility appeared to want to keep the incident under wraps.

“They acted weird about it… like they wanted to keep it secret, but the [PREA] was founded.”

Williams, who has not changed his legal name or sex, was reportedly transferred into WCCW around the same time the facility saw a wave of transgender males being moved into the female estate in 2021.

Prior to being transferred to WCCW, Williams was incarcerated at the Stafford Creek Corrections Center in Aberdeen, Washington, where he was serving a sentence for assaulting another inmate. 

As previously reported by Reduxx, Williams was charged in 2012 after brutally attacking a man named Christopher Barrett while serving a sentence for failing to register as a child sex offender.

The attending officer wrote that he had been called by Williams’ cellmates after they heard the confrontation. Barrett was found covered in blood and with a “gash in his head,” and Williams immediately admitted to the assault, stating: “I did it. It’s me, it’s me.”

Christopher Williams. Photo Courtesy of the Washington Department of Corrections.

Williams admitted to having struck Barrett multiple times with his fists and elbows without any apparent provocation, stopping when Barrett let out a “death scream.” 

The victim’s injuries included damage to his ear, which reportedly had to be cut open in order to relieve the severe swelling occurring under the skin.

Barrett also had broken bones under his eye, a gash on his cheek requiring “extensive stitching to close,” a missing tooth, and a nose that had been so damaged that he required emergency reconstructive surgery.

Speaking to Reduxx, a source within WCCW has said that the Department of Corrections (DOC) is largely in denial about the issues surrounding trans-identified male inmates being housed with women.

“They present it as a historic and successful arrangement. They did a trial run on some new bras they want to make available to order and they picked as many trans inmates as women. They have hired a ton of expensive staff to help the trans population and created a special orientation packet for them,” he says.

“They hint that there have been ‘some challenges’ but mostly present this as a success. Staff and inmates are in agreement that it’s a horrible thing.”

The source has previously informed Reduxx that there are currently almost one dozen male inmates at the facility. Of the 11 names provided for review, 9 were convicted of crimes against women or children. The source states that this reveals the extent of the problem.

“These incidents further show the women at WCCW that they don’t matter, and that their safety isn’t as important as making the trans inmates happy,” he says. “DOC is clearly running scared of groups like Disability Rights Washington that are always threatening a lawsuit. Meanwhile the trans inmates are playing DOC for fools.”

He continues: “The women and staff at WCCW do whatever they can to quietly fight back but constantly fear retaliation. Current housing policy and practice allows the individuals to pick their cell mates so the trans ones usually befriend more vulnerable women and pick them as cellmates and exploit them and end up in relationships full of domestic violence and control.”

One such instance of “exploitation” was committed by Princess Zoe Andromeda Love, a biological male with a criminal history that included the rape of a 12-year-old girl. 

Love was transferred into WCCW in 2021 where he reportedly sexually assaulted a developmentally disabled female inmate just prior to his release. According to a former correctional officer at WCCW, many of the files associated with the incident were “erased” from the system.

Reduxx reached out to the Washington Department of Corrections for more information on the precautions being taken to protect women from trans-identified male inmates. In a statement from the Media Relations Manager, the DOC stated it “strongly emphasizes the importance of inclusion and representation by recognizing the unique challenges that non-binary and transgender incarcerated people face. DOC takes allegations of crimes seriously and any person incarcerated at DOC suspected of committing a crime, is subject to the same laws and investigations regardless of where they are housed or their gender.”

The statement continued that “a common myth perpetuated about people who are transgender is that they will commit crimes of assault against vulnerable populations. This is not the case.”

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Un drag queen transactivista, a juicio por grooming y abusos sexuales a un menor en 2019

Un drag queen transactivista está siendo juzgado por cargos presentados en 2019 relacionados con el abuso sexual de un adolescente que conoció a través de la aplicación de conexión gay Grindr. Dwight Evan Chisolm, también conocido como “Sno Wight” (suena como “Blancanieves”), ya estaba inscrito de por vida en el registro de delincuentes sexuales cuando comenzó a hacerle grooming al joven.

Como informó anteriormente Reduxx (artículo en español), Chisolm ya había sido condenado en 2011 por cargos de agresión sexual a un menor y sentenciado a tres años de prisión en el condado de Brown.

Tras su puesta en libertad en 2015, Chisolm figuraba en los registros oficiales como sin hogar, por lo que se le ordenó informar semanalmente de su paradero a las autoridades. Pero dos años después, el Departamento Penitenciario de Wisconsin perdió la pista de Chisolm, que había dejado de hacer las declaraciones semanales obligatorias sobre su paradero. Durante el año y medio siguiente, las autoridades fueron incapaces de localizarlo.

En diciembre de 2018, la Fiscalía del estado acusó a Chisolm de no proporcionar información como delincuente sexual y un juez firmó una orden de arresto contra él.

En 2019, Chisolm fue arrestado nuevamente y acusado de 8 cargos relacionados con el abuso sexual de un chico de 17 años que conoció en Grindr, una aplicación de contactos gay. Según las actas judiciales obtenidas por Reduxx, Chisolm usó Grindr y Snapchat para comunicarse con el joven, y había mentido sobre su propia edad en un aparente intento de infundir confianza.

El adolescente dijo a las autoridades que se había reunido dos veces con Chisolm, quien abusó sexualmente de él en el garaje de un inmueble en el lado este de Green Bay, que figuraba como la residencia de Chisolm. La vivienda estaba situada frente al instituto Green Bay East High School.

Chisolm fue acusado de una serie de delitos relacionados con el abuso sexual del chico, que incluían la exposición de sus genitales a un menor, la seducción de un menor y las relaciones sexuales con un menor.

Los cargos presentados en 2019.

Chisolm fue puesto en libertad bajo fianza a la espera de juicio en 2021 y se le impusieron condiciones estrictas de no tener ningún contacto no supervisado con menores.

Pero en 2023, Chisolm fue arrestado una vez más cuando la policía se enteró de que había sido voluntario en Wolves Cave Studio en Green Bay, donde había estado dando clases de baile a menores usando los apodos de “Coach Sno” y “Sno Wight”.

Por aquel entonces, las noticias locales informaron que la propietaria del estudio había confirmado que Chisolm había estado de voluntario allí, pero declinó ser nombrada. La propietaria declaró a NBC 26 que no estaba al tanto de los antecedentes de abuso sexual de menores de Chisolm y, al no ser un empleado remunerado, no se le había ocurrido realizar una comprobación de antecedentes.

Como reveló anteriormente Reduxx (artículo en español), Chisolm había estado operando dos perfiles de Facebook bajo el nombre de “Sno Wight” donde se le veía anunciando sus clases de baile para niños y niñas de 6 a 19 años. La imagen promocional contenía fotos de chicas jóvenes en poses sugerentes.

En ambos perfiles, Chisolm había publicado videos de niños haciendo drag.

A pesar de ser un delincuente sexual registrado, Chisolm había logrado ganar cierta notoriedad en la comunidad activista LGBT de Green Bay en los dos años en que estuvo en libertad bajo fianza.

En un video subido a sus redes sociales, se le veía bailando en el escenario de un bar no especificado, con una larga peluca rubia. El acto formaba parte de una serie de festividades asociadas con Pride Alive, una organización LGBT promovida por la Human Rights Campaign (Campaña de Derechos Humanos). En las fotos subidas a la página de Facebook del grupo, se puede ver a menores de espectadores en espectáculos de drag y dando dinero a los artistas adultos.

En otro video de Chisolm disponible en su perfil de TikTok aparece amenazando al que use “pronombres incorrectos” para dirigirse a él. También ha compartido un video en el que hace twerking en ropa interior, con la leyenda: “No importa lo que tenga entre las piernas, sigo siendo una mujer”.

En una serie de videos publicados en diciembre del año pasado, Chisolm despotrica contra “las personas negras que discriminan a la comunidad LGBT”.

“No tolero la discriminación. No tolero el odio. Me vas a aceptar y amar por lo que soy. Todo lo que hago es sangrar amor y gracia. Eres  quien me convierte en el monstruo, eres tú quien me hace enfadar”, amenaza Chisolm. “Soy una persona muy cariñosa y atenta, pero cuando se trata de discriminación, te voy a escupir en tu putera cara, zorra”.

Según las actas judiciales, Chisolm intentó que lo sacaran del registro de delincuentes sexuales en 2021 mientras esperaba una audiencia sobre los cargos de 2019, pero la moción fue denegada.

Por esa época, fue invitado a actuar como drag en el Teatro Tarlton para conmemorar el Día de la Memoria Trans como parte de una compañía llamada Divaluscious. Las fotos compartidas en la cuenta de Facebook de Chisolm lo muestran a la puerta del edificio sosteniendo una bandera del orgullo transgénero. Por su activismo, se le dio un altavoz y ABC 2 lo entrevistó.

Los registros del Departamento Correccional muestran que Chisolm ha estado en la cárcel desde su última detención en 2023.

El 7 de febrero, Chisolm fue declarado culpable de trabajar con menores a pesar de ser un delincuente sexual registrado, y fue enviado a la Institución Penitenciaria Doge para cumplir su sentencia. Su caso relacionado con el abuso sexual del adolescente en 2019 sigue avanzando en el sistema judicial, y el travesti es trasladado de vez en cuando de vuelta a la cárcel del condado de Brown para asistir a audiencias en el Juzgado del condado de Brown.

Recientemente, tuvo una cita en la cárcel del condado de Brown para una audiencia el 21 de marzo, y regresará el 2 de julio.

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