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Trans-Identified Male Seizes Top Women’s Title At USA Cycling Cyclocross National Championships

A trans-identified male cyclist has won the Women’s Singlespeed national title at the 2023 USA Cycling Cyclocross National Championships, outraging women’s rights advocates. Kylie Small, formerly known as Kyle Small, had been competing in men’s races earlier this year.

Though Small has begun participating in women’s events, he was competing in the male division at USA Cycling competitions under his birth name as recently as April. Last season, Small came in 44th place in the CX Male Senior 18-22 division, and largely floundered while competing as a cyclist in men’s competitions.

But on December 8, Small competed as a “woman” at the USA Cyclocross National Championships in Louisville, Kentucky, taking gold in the Women’s Single Speed division with a time of 38 minutes and 19 seconds.

The fastest female in the race was Jennifer Malik, who was awarded second place. The results of the race led the International Council on Women’s Sports (ICONS) to condemn USA Cycling for continuing to allow males to self-identify into the women’s category.

After the championship, Small was interviewed on his success in women’s cycling by Evie Edwards, a representative from ICONS.

Smalls made no mention of his sex, instead crediting his win to “pushing gaps” and “clean dismounts.” During the interview, Small stated that the idea to compete in the women’s single speed competition came from one of his coaches who persuaded him to join the competition.

This is not the first time a male has taken first place in a women’s cycling championship in recent months.

Just weeks ago, two trans-identified males dominated a women’s category at the Illinois State Cyclocross Championships, topping the podium in the Women’s Single Speed category and taking home medals set aside for female racers. Tessa Johnson and Evelyn Williamson placed first and second, respectively, in the competition, leaving space for only one biological woman – Kristin Chalmers – on the podium.

Johnson also seized the gold in both the Women’s Single Speed and Category 1/2 races at the Chicago CycloCross Cup in October, with the latter also coming with $150 in prize money.

In June, trans-identified male Austin Killips took first place in the women’s category of a North Carolina cycling tour known as The Belgian Waffle Ride, adding to his expansive list of victories against female cyclists. Killips also placed first in the 2022 Tour of the Gila, an internationally-recognized elite cycling competition. Notably, the 2022 Tour was the first in the competition’s history where the prize money for both the male and female categories was equal. But following Killips’ win, two biological males walked away with the prize pots.

But the issue of males dominating women’s cycling competitions is not isolated to the United States.

Emily Bridges and Lilly Chant, two trans-identified males, took the first and second place spots, respectively, at the ThunderCrit race at the Herne Hill Velodrome in London in June of 2022. Jo Smith was the only female to step onto the winner’s podium, and was seen standing at third place with her child in a photo that began to circulate on social media after the race had finished.

In March of this year, after British cycling announced their plans to ban males from female cycling competitions, Bridges responded in a statement posted on his social media, calling the move a “violent act” and claiming British Cycling was furthering trans “genocide.”

USA Cycling also recently announced an update to their policy regarding trans-identified male athletes competing in women’s competitions.

Announced in June, the update will come into effect on January 1 of 2024. In a statement, the sporting body said that “trans athletes” will be divided into two categories; category A and category B. Category A cyclists will be required to reduce their testosterone below 2.5 nmol/L for at least two years and provide medical evidence of this at least 3 months before a competition. Category B cyclists will only need to complete a gender self identification form to move from the male competitions to the female competitions. These standards only apply when competing domestically.

Commenting on the policy update, USA Cycling’s CEO said: “The revision of our Transgender Participation Policy was a complex process guided by several factors. Foremost was the direction of our Board of Directors, who asked us to prioritize the balance between fairness and inclusion.”

“Our work encompassed a study of the UCI’s most recent review of the latest scientific literature, an assessment of the U.S. legal environment and similar policies from other sports organizations, and outreach to our athletes, club and team managers, and event organizers. As U.S. law and scientific findings evolve, we will use this as an opportunity to do further review and revisions of this policy as needed.”

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AUSTRALIA: Una concejala se enfrenta a una investigación judicial y a cargos de “incitación al odio” por decir que “las mujeres trans son hombres”

Una concejala del ayuntamiento de Hobart está siendo investigada por el Comisionado contra la Discriminación por “incitación al odio” después de declarar que “las mujeres trans son hombres”. Louise Elliot se enfrenta ahora a una costosa investigación formal por parte del Tribunal Civil y Administrativo de Tasmania en un caso que puede restringir la libertad de expresión. Si el tribunal falla en contra de Elliot, es posible que se le ordene disculparse públicamente y pagar una multa de hasta 4.000 dólares.

En marzo, Elliot asistió a una manifestación de Let Women Speak (Dejad Hablar a las Mujeres) organizada por Standing for Women y dirigida por la activista británica por los derechos de las mujeres Kellie Jay-Keen. El acto pretendía ofrecer a las mujeres una plataforma donde expresar sus preocupaciones o críticas a la ideología de género.

Como parte de un discurso preparado que pronunció durante el evento, Elliot declaró que era imposible cambiar de sexo, que “las mujeres trans son mujeres trans y siguen siendo hombres biológicos”.

Durante su discurso, Elliot también destacó cómo la ideología de género plantea riesgos de salvaguarda, señalando cómo estas políticas afectan a las mujeres y las niñas.

“Aunque la mayoría de los hombres son personas decentes, amables y cariñosas, los hombres representan un peligro inherente para las mujeres. La gran mayoría de los delincuentes sexuales y agresores son hombres. Es completamente comprensible que las mujeres quieran espacios sólo para mujeres, especialmente espacios vulnerables como vestuarios, aseos y duchas. Es una absoluta locura que tengamos una ley que permita a un hombre declarar a las 10 de la mañana que es una mujer y a las 11 de la mañana estar compartiendo vestuarios y duchas con niñas pequeñas”.

El 5 de mayo, Elliot recibió una carta del Comisionado contra la Discriminación de Tasmania (ADC) en la que se le informaba de que habían recibido una queja por sus declaraciones y que habían abierto una investigación sobre sus actividades por “incitación al odio” en virtud de la Ley contra la Discriminación de Tasmania.

El denunciante, que no puede ser nombrado mientras la investigación esté en curso, también se mostró en desacuerdo con unas declaraciones hechas por Elliot en el contexto de la violencia machista y la defensa de los espacios sólo para mujeres, en las que afirmaba: “No te pueden violar con un pene si no hay pene”.

En noviembre, la ADC de Tasmania, Sarah Bolt, dictaminó que el caso de Elliot pasaría a una investigación judicial. En respuesta, Elliot ha hablado sobre su situación en X (antes Twitter) y ha prometido recurrir su caso ante el Tribunal Superior si es declarada culpable de incitación al odio.

“Si se determina que he incitado al odio con estas declaraciones precisas, objetivas, exactas y verdaderas, no lo voy a tolerar. Y sé que la mayoría de los australianos no creen que la verdad pueda ser odio. Así que lo llevaremos hasta el Tribunal Supremo, porque se trata de una extralimitación masiva en nuestro derecho implícito a la libertad de creencias, la libertad de expresión, la comunicación política, y tenemos que defender esto”, dijo Elliot a Ben Fordham Live.

Elliot también señaló que el ataque legal en su contra está siendo financiado por los contribuyentes. “El umbral para incitar al odio debe ser muy alto. No puede ser sólo porque alguien se sienta ofendido. Lo que realmente me molesta es que sea el dinero de nuestros contribuyentes el que financie este ataque a la libertad de expresión”.

Sin embargo, se espera que Elliot pague sus honorarios legales de su propio bolsillo, y está haciendo crowdfunding para cubrir los costes. En caso de un fallo en su contra y un recurso ante el Tribunal Superior, Elliot ha dicho que calcula que el proceso costará 100.000 dólares.

Además del litigio, Elliot dice que también ha estado sufrido acoso por parte de sus compañeros por criticar la ideología de identidad de género. En un video que compartió en X en octubre, Elliot describía cómo había sido señalada por sus puntos de vista.

“En los últimos meses, he estado lidiando con un acoso bastante fuerte por parte de algunos de los concejales de Hobart, y de todo el consejo como colectivo. En el Ayuntamiento de Hobart se habla mucho de inclusión, diversidad y de ser acogedores y amables… Pero la inclusión es bienvenida si estás de acuerdo con su forma de pensar. Si no estás de acuerdo, te excluyen, te persiguen y te acosan”, dijo.

Elliot continuó explicando que no cree que los humanos puedan cambiar de sexo, y que las mujeres y las niñas tienen derecho a espacios y deportes segregados por sexo.

Durante una reunión, la concejala Helen Burnet, teniente de alcalde, presentó una moción para que el concejo escribiera a tres organizaciones diferentes para quejarse de Elliot. Los concejales escribieron a la Comisión de Integridad, a la Comisión contra la Discriminación y a los funcionarios del gobierno local para solicitar que se tomaran medidas contra Elliot por una serie de publicaciones que hizo en X.

“Tuvimos una sesión de formación impartida por una organización local, y cuestioné algunos de los detalles que figuraban en su hoja informativa. Algunos de los detalles me parecieron bastante preocupantes, por ejemplo, las afirmaciones de que ‘las mujeres trans no están dominando el deporte femenino’. No estuve de acuerdo con eso y tuiteé algunas fotos de mujeres trans jugando en el fútbol femenino, y está sucediendo en todo el mundo”, dijo Elliot.

“En la hoja informativa que teníamos, también trataron de decir que, puesto que las mujeres negras son mujeres, las mujeres trans también son mujeres. Y me pareció una declaración realmente inquietante, bastante racista y alejada de la verdad”.

La hoja informativa presentada durante la sesión de formación sobre diversidad, impartida en septiembre por Working It Out Tasmania, también sostenía que los hombres identificados como trans no representan un riesgo en espacios exclusivos para mujeres.

“Hay muy pocas pruebas de que en los espacios de las mujeres se infiltren en secreto personas con motivos criminales, por ejemplo, agresión sexual. Casi todas las historias que han aparecido en los medios de comunicación o en las investigaciones al respecto han sido desmentidas o desacreditadas”, señala el documento.

Elliot reveló además que la teniente de alcalde, la concejala Helen Burnet, le había enviado una carta en la que la reprendía por sus opiniones.

“Te has pronunciado constantemente en contra de las personas transgénero y has negado públicamente que las mujeres transgénero sean mujeres”, decía la carta. A petición de Burnet, el ayuntamiento pidió al Comisionado contra la Discriminación que considerara que, en su opinión, Elliot había infringido la Ley contra la Discriminación de 1998, que fue modificada en 2019 para incluir la categoría subjetiva de identidad de género, pero que actualmente no ofrece protección legal basada en el sexo biológico.

Elliot ha dicho que ha recibido una avalancha de mensajes de apoyo de los electores. En septiembre, se celebró una pequeña manifestación frente al Ayuntamiento de Hobart, en donde los manifestantes pidieron a la teniente de alcalde que “suspendiera la caza de brujas” contra Elliot.

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UK: Transgender Greens Candidate Reportedly Shared “Sissification” Porn Content On Social Media Board

A trans-identified male recently selected to be a political candidate for the UK Green Party has prompted backlash after describing himself as a “proud lesbian” and accusing critics of “transphobia.” Melissa Poulton, previously known as Matthew Viner, has a disturbing history of sharing pornographic “sissification” content on social media.

On December 2, Poulton announced his candidacy for the Bromsgrove Constituency in a post he shared to X. Over the next two days, as word of his bid for office spread on social media, critics responded to his post with disbelief, accusing the Green Party of having lost credibility.

A biography of Poulton describes him as a “proud lesbian” who has been involved with the Green Party since 2020. He is also a member of LGBTQIA+ Greens, Green Party Women, and an Equality and Diversity Committee Member since October, according to his LinkedIn profile.

Reactions across X ranged from disbelief to anger, with some responses particularly critical of his claim to be a lesbian.

Following the significant backlash, Poulton locked his X account.

Some critics also pointed to Poulton’s 2019 run for the Wyre Forest Council Elections while representing the Conservative Party. During his campaign, he did not yet describe himself as transgender, wore a suit, and still used his birth name, Matthew Viner.

On December 9, Conservative Party MP Rachel Maclean was slammed by her political opponents after she shared a post from Reduxx co-founder Genevieve Gluck which referred to Poulton as a “man who wears a wig.” Maclean commented on the post, writing: “While the Greens don’t know what a woman is, my Worcestershire neighbours, the people of Bromsgrove certainly do.”

Poulton was given a platform on BBC to complain about Maclean, stating: “Without a shadow of a doubt it is a transphobic comment.”

While Maclean ultimately deleted her post, she stood firm on its contents after GB News alleged she had “apologized” to Poulton.

“In fact I did NOT apologize for my comments relating to the Green Party’s extreme policies on gender and self ID ideology and am happy to come on to your program to explain my position in more detail. As Deputy Chair for Women, I am clear that the law allows me to say what a woman is and the difference between a woman and a trans woman. Both deserve respect and freedom to live their lives but it is not transphobic to say they are not the same thing,” she wrote in a multi-part thread.

Reduxx has now discovered a Pinterest account believed to belong to Poulton. Within his Pinterest board, populated when he still “identified” as male, Poulton had saved images related to sissification pornography, a genre which involves men being transformed into young women or even into little girls.

Several images saved by Poulton under a collection titled “AMAB” were sourced from sissification and forced feminization pornography blogs hosted on Tumblr.

One animated gif shared by Poulton depicts what appears to be a young man in a blond wig and a pink high school chearleading uniform, sitting seductively on a bed covered with rose petals. The text written across the photo reads, “Is there any doubt left sissy? Go full time.”

In another image shared by Poulton, “instructions” were provided for men who identify as women to follow, including always smiling at males who make eye contact with them in an apparent show of submissiveness.

Another post shared by Poulton reads: “Femininity is more than appearance. It’s an air… composed of starched petticoats, a ribbon or two, and an indefinable plus. And how do you do it? It doesn’t matter. You’re a woman now, so make the most of it. Apply your makeup with a delicate hand. Let your clothes reflect your womanliness.”

Accounts followed by Poulton on Pinterest similarly share fetishistic content, including images of the BDSM practice of sissification in which men wear highly sexualized maid uniforms and perform degrading tasks. In other instances, a type of content known as sissy captions are shared. The images are of women posed in a pornographic fashion alongside text intended to encourage male viewers to begin taking estrogen.

One account followed by Poulton on Pinterest shares content known as sissy captions.

This is not the first controversy involving trans-identified males in the UK Green Party.

Just months ago, Heather Herbert, a trans-identified male currently standing with the Green Party, came under fire on social media after uploading photos of himself using a bathroom intended for women with disabilities to “dilate” himself.

Herbert posted an image of himself lying on the floor the bathroom, which was at Gatwick airport, captioning it: “Found a disabled toilet… not the most fun I’ve had.” Dilation refers to a process in which trans-identified males insert a rod into their surgically-constructed genital hole, often referred to as a “neo-vagina.” Dilation is often done for the rest of a patient’s life following “gender affirming” genital surgery.

In 2019, the party was accused of not properly vetting Aimee Challenor prior to allowing him to run for the position of Deputy Leader. Challenor, who was the party’s “equality spokeswoman” was a top contender for the position until it was learned he had hired his pedophile father to serve as his election agent.

At the time, Challenor’s father was out on bail after being charged for the rape and torture of a 10-year-old girl. Challenor nevertheless hid his father’s past from the public before it was discovered in what the party would later call a “major safeguarding risk.” David Challenor was ultimately sentenced to 22 years in prison for the horrific crime.

While under scrutiny, Challenor’s romantic partner was similarly embroiled in controversy after netizens discovered he had admitted to becoming aroused while fantasizing about children being sexually abused

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UK: Trans-Identified Male Pedophile Reported As “Woman” By Media And Police Following Sexual Abuse Of Toddler

A trans-identified male and his partner have been sentenced to a combined total of 16 years and 9 months in prison for their roles in the horrific sexual abuse of a 4 year-old boy. Naomi O’Brien, born Nathan, reportedly encouraged his lover, Jonathan Walker, to sexually abuse the toddler.

Walker and O’Brien were arrested earlier this year after a complex, joint investigation undertaken by the Greater Manchester Police and the South Wales Police. The UK authorities had first become aware of the situation after being tipped off by the FBI, who had discovered that Walker was sharing disturbing images of child rape through messaging application Kik.

With O’Brien’s explicit direction, Walker sexually assaulted the young boy and filmed himself performing sex acts in front of the boy. He recorded the sickening abuse and shared the videos with pedophiles online. In addition to raping the toddler, Walker had also been downloading horrific videos of children and babies being abused and raped.

Investigators analyzed chat logs containing messages exchanged between Walker and O’Brien that indicated their sexual interest in children. O’Brien was discovered to have encouraged and aided Walker in sexually abusing the young victim on several occasions in March 2023.

Walker, 33, was found guilty of sexually abusing the 4-year-old boy, along with engaging in sexual activity in the presence of a child and possession of indecent images. He was sentenced to 12-and-a-half years in prison, while O’Brien, 31, pleaded guilty to multiple counts including intentionally encouraging and assisting another to commit a sexual assault against a child, intentionally encouraging and assisting another to engage in sexual activity in the presence of a child, and engaging in sexual activity in the presence of a child.

For his crimes, O’Brien was sentenced at Manchester’s Minshull Street Crown Court to 4 years and 3 months in prison, with a 4 years and 4 months Sexual Harm Prevention Order and Sex Offender Notification Requirements for life.

Disturbingly, O’Brien was referred to as a “woman” and “female” by police.

“Following a tenacious and lengthy investigation of 1,865 messages, our dedicated team was able to prove that the female suspects’ chats were not simply a case of role play or fantasy – she had knowledge that the male had an interest in sexually abusing a young boy on the direction of her,” said Detective Inspector Zoe Marsden, of the Greater Manchester Police’s Online Child Abuse Investigation Team, while referring to O’Brien as a “female” and using feminine pronouns for him.

“This is a significant result for what is a very vulnerable and innocent 4-year-old child who was subjected to multiple counts of abuse, but also for all other children in the community who could have been subject to similar offending by a predatory female who was inciting others to commit acts of sexual harm against the most vulnerable in society,” Marsden added.

O’Brien frequently posted highly sexualized images of himself on his public social media profiles, where he uses the name Morgan Naomi Clarke, and appeared to work in the sex trade.

Following the announcement of his sentencing, multiple news outlets reporting on the case took lead from the police and referred to O’Brien as a “woman” or as “female.” The BBC labeled O’Brien a “predatory woman,” as has The Oldham Times. The UK Sex Offenders Database has also listed O’Brien as a woman, having used the information that was provided by the Greater Manchester Police to the public.

On Facebook and Instagram, O’Brien had regularly shared photos of himself in women’s lingerie. In some instances, O’Brien can be seen pretending to be a young girl as part of a pornographic schoolgirl aesthetic. One such photo from March 2020 depicts O’Brien in a girl’s school uniform, tagged with the term “ddlgprincess,” a reference to the incestuous fetish subculture known as “Daddy Dom-Little Girl.”

The convicted sex offender also ran an OnlyFans account and sold sex through the website AdultWork under the moniker TS Taboo Goddess. O’Brien shared pornographic content of himself on OnlyFans while using hashtags related to the “age play community,” used to connote adults who have a sexual interest in pretending to be children.

“I am a pro-domme, have been since young and ‘innocent,'” reads O’Brien’s Adult Work bio. “No limits, Daddy. The more debauched, the better.”

On his X account, O’Brien shared a brief video of himself watching pornography that appears to depict minors with another man. The pornography is digitally rendered, and the ages of the characters depicted are unclear. Yet O’Brien tagged the clip with terms such as “teen,” “barely legal” and “no limits.”

In 2015 O’Brien was positively profiled by The Sun for his attempts to win a national beauty pageant, Miss Transgender UK. During the interview, O’Brien stated that he began identifying as transgender at the age of 21.

“It wasn’t until my late teens that I had the opportunity to dress as a girl as often as possible. When I did this I felt more confident and happy, I felt like the person I always wanted to be. It wasn’t until I was 21 that I realized I could live fulfilled this way and gained the bravery to change my body and my life,” O’Brien told the outlet.

O’Brien was similarly spotlighted by Caters TV for his bid to win the beauty pageant in a video produced by the program. In the clip, O’Brien cautioned viewers against discrimination.

Special thank you to Dalton Report for his contribution in bringing this case to light.

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AUSTRALIA: Councilor Facing Tribunal Inquiry and “Inciting Hatred” Charges for Stating “Trans Women are Men”

A Hobart City Council member is under investigation by the Anti-Discrimination Commissioner for “inciting hatred” after declaring “trans women are men.” Louise Elliot is now facing a costly formal inquiry by the Tasmanian Civil and Administrative Tribunal in a case which has the potential to restrict freedom of speech. If the tribunal rules against Elliot, she may be ordered to publicly apologize and pay a fine of up to $4,000.

In March, Elliot attended a Let Women Speak demonstration organized by Standing for Women and led by British women’s rights campaigner Kellie Jay-Keen. The event was intended to provide women with a platform to express their concerns or criticisms of gender ideology.

As part of a prepared speech she gave during the event, Elliot stated that it was impossible to change sex, that “trans women are trans women and remain biological men.”

During her speech, Elliot also highlighted how gender ideology poses safeguarding risks, noting how such policies impact women and girls.

“While the majority of men are decent, kind and caring people, men present an inherent danger to women. The vast majority of sex offenders and violence perpetrators are men. It is completely understandable that women would want spaces for females only, especially vulnerable spaces like changerooms, toilets, and showers. It is absolute insanity that we have a law that allows a man to at 10am declare he’s a woman and by 11am be sharing changerooms and showers with young girls.”

On May 5, Elliot received a letter from the Tasmanian Anti-Discrimination Commissioner (ADC) informing her that they had received a complaint about her statements and had opened an investigation into her activities for “inciting hatred” under the Tasmanian Anti-Discrimination Act.

The complainant, who cannot be named during the ongoing investigation, also took issue with a statement made by Elliot in the context of male violence and the defense of women-only spaces, wherein she stated, “You cannot be raped with a penis if there is no penis present.”

In November, Tasmanian ADC Sarah Bolt ruled that Elliot’s case would proceed to a tribunal inquiry. In response, Elliot has been vocal about her situation on X (formerly Twitter), and has promised to appeal her case to the High Court should she be found guilty of inciting hatred.

“If it is found that I have incited hatred with these accurate, factual, accurate, and true statements, then I won’t be standing for that. And I know that the majority of Australians don’t believe the truth can be hate. So we will absolutely be taking it all the way to the High Court, because this is a massive overreach on our implied right to freedom of belief, freedom of expression, political communication, and we need to defend that,” Elliot told Ben Fordham Live.

Elliot also noted that the legal attack against her is being funded by taxpayers. “The threshold for inciting hatred needs to be really high. It can’t be just because someone is offended. What really gets me is that it’s our taxpayer money that is funding this attack on freedom of speech.”

However, Elliot is expected to pay her legal fees out of her own pocket, and is crowdfunding to cover costs. In the event of a ruling against her and an appeal to the High Court, Elliot has said she estimates the process to cost $100,000.

In addition to the litigation, Elliot says she’s also been experiencing harassment from her colleagues for criticizing gender identity ideology. In a video she shared to X in October, Elliot described how she had been singled out for her views.

“Over the past several months, I’ve been copping some pretty heavy bullying by some of the Hobart City Councillors, and collectively as a council. You hear the Hobart City Council talking a lot about inclusion, diversity, and being welcoming and kind… But inclusion is welcomed if you agree with their thinking. If you don’t agree, then you are heavily excluded and targeted and bullied,” she said.

Elliot went on to explain that she does not believe that humans can change sex, and that women and girls are entitled to single-sex spaces and sports.

During one meeting, the Deputy Lord Mayor Councilor Helen Burnet put forward a motion that the council write to three different organizations to complain about Elliot. The councilors wrote to the Integrity Commission, the Anti-Discrimination Commission, and local government officials to request action be taken against Elliot over a series of posts she made on X.

“We had a training session from a local organization, and I questioned some of the details that were in their fact sheet. Some of the details I found quite concerning, for example, statements that, ‘Trans women are not dominating women’s sport.’ I disagreed with that and tweeted some pictures of trans women playing in women’s soccer, and it’s happening globally,” Elliot said.

“In the fact sheet we had, they also tried to say that because black women are women, trans women are women. And I found that really quite a disturbing statement, quite racist and far from the truth.”

The fact sheet presented during the diversity training session, run in September by Working It Out Tasmania, also argued that trans-identified males do not pose a risk in female-only spaces.

“There is very little evidence of women’s spaces being secretly infiltrated by people with criminal motives, eg, sexual assault. Nearly every story that has emerged in the media or research regarding this has been disproven or discredited,” the document stated.

Elliot further revealed that she had been sent a letter by Deputy Lord Mayor Councillor Helen Burnet chastising her for her views.

“You have consistently spoken out against transgender people and have on the public record refuted that transgender women are women,” the letter read. At Burnet’s request the city council asked the Anti-Discrimination Commissioner to consider that Elliot had, in their view, breached the Anti-Discrimination Act of 1998, which was amended in 2019 to include the subjective category of gender identity, but does not presently provide legal protections on the basis of biological sex.

Elliot has said she has received a flood of supportive messages from constituents. In September, a small demonstration was held outside of Hobart City Council Town Hall, wherein protesters called on the Deputy Mayor to “call off the witch hunt” against Elliot.

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Hombre que se dice trans y que domina las competiciones de ciclismo femenino, tiene el fetiche de la “feminización forzada”

Un hombre que se dice trans, que recientemente hizo la “transición”, ha estado dominando las competiciones de ciclismo femenino por toda la costa este de los Estados Unidos mientras trabajaba con el comité de Diversidad, Equidad e Inclusión de la Universidad de Vermont. Reduxx se ha enterado de que Roger “Roxanne” Bombardier, de 57 años, también es miembro de una subcultura fetichista que asocia la feminidad con la servidumbre sexual.

El 2 de diciembre, Bombardier obtuvo el primer pueto en la categoría femenina de Fat Bike en la carrera Ice Weasels Cometh en Southwick, Massachusetts. La noticia de su victoria fue compartida en X (antes Twitter) por @i_heart__bikes, que es una cuenta que documenta el rápido aumento de hombres que participan en eventos de ciclismo femenino basándose en su identidad de género.

Desde 2021, Bombardier ha competido en 19 eventos en la categoría femenina, quedando primero en cinco carreras y segundo en dos. En octubre de 2021, Bombardier quedó en primer lugar en el evento Women’s Masters 50+ en Wrightsville, Vermont, donde fue uno de los dos únicos participantes inscritos. En esa carrera, Bombardier se impuso a Fran Plaisted, que no ha participado en otra competición desde entonces. En otros dos de los eventos en los que Bombardier ha conseguido el primer puesto, fue el único competidor.

Bombardier, un veterano de combate de la guerra en Irak, había participado previamente en carreras en la división masculina. En 2018, ganó el oro en su división para hombres de 50 a 54 años en una carrera de ruta de 40 km celebrada en los Juegos para Mayores de Vermont / Maine.

Durante una entrevista en 2020 para Vermont Sports, Bombardier declaró: “Soy trans desde que tenía 11 años, así que es algo con lo que estoy acostumbrado a luchar y por lo que he estado en el armario. Era algo que solo compartía con ciertas personas. Me vestí de travesti durante mucho tiempo y me ponía la ropa a escondidas”.

Agregó que el “catalizador” para declarar públicamente que se identifica como transgénero fue ver a “Bruce Jenner… convertirse en Caitlyn Jenner”, así como la “transición” pública del ex candidato a gobernador de Vermont Christine Hallquist, que se identifica como trans.

Inquietantemente, Reduxx se ha enterado de que Bombardier ha estado siguiendo e interactuando con cuentas de SoundCloud que crean pistas de audio de “hipnosis de sisificación” (artículo en español)” durante un período de tiempo que coincide con su participación en eventos de mujeres.

Según el perfil de Bombardier, ha estado siguiendo múltiples cuentas que producen contenido conocido como “hipnosis de sisificación”, generalmente abreviado como sissy hypno. En la plataforma SoundCloud, sissy hypno se compone de archivos de audio en los que una locutora narra, en formato de hipnosis, instrucciones al oyente para que se disocie de su yo masculino y adopte una nueva identidad femenina.

Una cuenta seguida por Bombardier, emi.transfemme, gestionaba un sitio de microblogueo pornográfico ahora desaparecido llamado Sissy Nexus, que animaba a los visitantes de sexo masculino a “abrazar plenamente el deseo incesante de ser mujer”. En su página principal de SoundCloudemi.transfemme ha recopilado docenas de archivos de audio sissy en una lista de reproducción titulada “Normalizar la feminización” y muestra un avatar del ano de un hombre. También anuncia su perfil FetLife, donde usa el nombre de Piper Bream y enumera una serie de fetiches relacionados con el BDSM.

Los títulos de los temas destacados por emi.transfemme incluyen “Ladies & Sissies (The Sissy Maker)”, “Limp and Obedient” (“Flácido y Obediente”), “Bimbo Mantra”, “Accept Faggotry” (“Acepta la Mariconería”), “Permanent Princess” y “The Curse of the Teeny Weenie” (“La Maldición del Mini Pipí”). Todos están producidos con la intención de animar a los oyentes a feminizarse y varios repiten tropos sobre las mujeres típicamente encontrados en la pornografía.

Roxy, antes Roger, Bombardier.

Una voz femenina de Inteligencia Artificial recita “Bimbo Mantra” en bucle: “Me gusta cuando mi mente se queda en blanco. Me gusta cuando mi mente explota. Me encanta vaciarme y dejar caer mi mente. Me encanta mostrar mis tetas de plástico y llenarme la cabeza de aire. No tengo más que reírme tontamente y escuchar bien. Me encanta quedarme en blanco y descerebrada. Es mucho mejor tocar mis tetas de plástico que pensar”.

Otra cuenta que sigue Bombardier, Hypnosissteps, pretende ayudar a los hombres a “liberar a la mujer que llevan dentro”. Una canción titulada “Crossdresser Feminization Hypnosis” (“Hipnosis de Feminización Travesti”), narrada por una voz femenina, anima a los hombres con un fetiche travesti a “permitir que tu subconsciente tome el control” para “que cree una mujer interior para ti”.

“Las niñas aprenden a caminar, hablar y actuar como mujeres alrededor de los doce años… no les sale de forma natural. La manera de caminar y hablar de las mujeres se las enseña la sociedad cuando son niñas… Simplemente siendo ellas mismas, disfrutan de que los hombres las adulen… y de que otras mujeres piensen en ellas como competidoras. Así de fácil puede ser para ti”, dice la narradora.

En un tema titulado “Hipnosis de feminización transgénero”, la narradora habla lentamente por encima del sonido de agua corriente y describe a una mujer con un “aura mágica” y un “brillo seductor chispeante”.

“Qué voz tan perfecta tiene. Seductora, femenina, redonda y hermosa. Esta mujer reúne todos los rasgos femeninos que siempre has deseado para ti, exactamente de la manera que siempre has soñado. ¡En un instante, todo tu ser se asombra cuando la miras a la cara y de repente te das cuenta de que esta mujer eres en realidad tú!”

Bombardier también ha interactuado con un audio de sisificación, y hace tres años comentó sobre un tema llamado “Long Feminization” del usuario Gondolkodom Most.

“Escúchame y sumérgete un poco más… Cuanto más profundo te sumerges, más difícil es recordar tu antigua plantilla corporal. La imagen lo es todo. Si una persona usa ropa interior adecuadamente femenina, esas cosas se convertirán en una parte agradable y placentera de su día a día… con el tiempo, habrán reconstruido su autoimagen… la antigua plantilla corporal ha sido desechada”.

“ME ENCANTA ESTO”, gracias por hacerlo. Me encantaría que hicieras más audios de feminización”, respondió Bombardier.

En su página de Facebook, Bombardier ha comparado la legislación que pretende restringir las categorías deportivas en función del sexo con la persecución de los atletas judíos durante el régimen nazi alemán.

En julio, la competición ciclista Belgian Waffle Ride (BWR) anunció la creación de una categoría “abierta” en aras de preservar “la igualdad de acceso y oportunidades”. A partir del 1 de agosto, BWR declaró que sólo se permitiría entrar en la clasificación femenina a “corredoras que hubieran nacido mujeres”, y lo mismo para la designación masculina. La categoría abierta sería para “todos los corredores, independientemente de su identificación de género”.

Bombardier arremetió contra la organización en Instagram en una diatriba que equiparaba las clasificaciones por categorías al racismo contra los afroamericanos en Estados Unidos durante la época de los derechos civiles.

“Los intolerante [sic] están constantemente atacando a las mujeres cisgénero, acusándolas de ser transgénero por tener el pelo corto o una mandíbula cuadrada. Esto me recuerda a las afirmaciones históricas de que las razas no blancas son más adecuadas para otros tipos de trabajo debido a su biología. Esto es INTOLERANCIA pura y dura”, escribió Bombardier. El BWR borraría la publicación de sus redes sociales poco después.

Bombardier figura actualmente como miembro del comité de Diversidad, Equidad e Inclusión de la Universidad de Vermont, que supervisó el desarrollo de un “Plan de Acción de Excelencia Inclusiva” lanzado en 2022. Según las directrices, los objetivos declarados incluyen aumentar “la participación del profesorado y el personal de la facultad en formaciones, conferencias y eventos de desarrollo profesional relacionados con la diversidad, equidad e inclusión”.

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La Universidad de Toronto invita a un hombre que se dice “mujer trans no binaria” a pronunciar un discurso sobre “transmisoginia” en el aniversario de un feminicidio masivo

La Universidad de Toronto invitó a un hombre que se dice trans a hablar en una ceremonia conmemorativa dedicada a las mujeres que perdieron la vida durante la masacre de la École Polytechnique. A pesar de ser el Día Nacional de Conmemoración y Acción sobre la Violencia contra las Mujeres en Canadá, el discurso se centró en “abordar la transmisoginia”.

Organizado por el Centro de Apoyo y Prevención de la Violencia Sexual de la Universidad, el evento se celebró hoy en el campus de St. George, en el centro de Toronto. Aunque en el anuncio oficial se afirmaba que el evento tenía por objeto conmemorar a las 14 mujeres asesinadas durante la masacre de la École Polytechnique, el discurso principal no guardaba casi relación con el horrible tiroteo.

El evento fue presentado por dos estudiantes de la Universidad que comenzaron con un discurso en el que indicaban que las culturas indígenas precoloniales no practicaban ninguna forma de violencia contra las mujeres. Los ponentes, uno de los cuales se identificó a sí mismo como “una femme queer no binaria racializada”, también invitaron a los asistentes a participar en “garabatos conscientes” si se sentían angustiados por los temas tratados. (“femme”: hombre que dice tener una identidad de género femenina, nota de la traductora)

La alcaldesa de Toronto, Olivia Chow, y la vicerrectora, Sandy Welsh, también tomaron la palabra antes de presentar el discurso de apertura, y Welsh entregó una serie de premios “en reconocimiento a las personas que han demostrado su compromiso para poner fin a la violencia de género”.

El discurso de apertura corrió a cargo Kai Cheng Thom, un hombre que se dice trans, que se centró en el “aumento de la transmisoginia y la violencia contra las mujeres queer y trans en todo el mundo”. Thom, escritor y ex prostituto, se identifica como “mujer trans no binaria” y colabora desde hace años con una columna de consejos en Xtra Magazine. También es un abolicionista de las prisiones, y con frecuencia habla en contra del encarcelamiento, incluso de los delincuentes más violentos.

Durante su discurso, Thom leyó poemas escritos por un hombre que se dice trans y criticó a quienes se opusieron a su intervención en el evento.

“La transfobia y la misoginia me afectan muy profundamente. No me dejan dormir por la noche, me persiguen con preguntas para las que no tengo respuestas”, dijo, para luego pronunciar unas palabras sobre la atención pediátrica transgénero y los baños transinclusivos.

La gran mayoría del discurso de Thom hacía referencia a los hombres que se dicen trans y sus experiencias con la violencia, a pesar de que ningún hombre que se dice trans ha sido asesinado en Canadá desde que comenzaron los primeros registros, en 2008.

Del Instagram de Thom.

Durante el discurso de apertura, la Universidad de Toronto puso a disposición del público un enlace a una página web en la que se podían proponer preguntas para que Thom respondiera durante el turno de preguntas y respuestas. El enlace se cerró rápidamente después de recibir un aluvión de preguntas sobre por qué se había invitado a Thom a hablar sobre la transmisoginia en un día en el que se conmemoraba un feminicidio.

“¿Por qué invitaron a un hombre a dar un discurso de apertura durante un evento destinado a conmemorar un feminicidio?”, decía una pregunta, mientras que otra preguntaba: “¿Cómo se gestiona la calvicie masculina de una manera que afirme el género?”.

Las preguntas se borraban rápidamente a medida que iban llegando, y el formulario acabó cerrándose.

El Día Nacional de Conmemoración y Acción contra la Violencia hacia la Mujer en Canadá fue inaugurado por el Parlamento en 1991 como una forma de honrar a las víctimas de la masacre de la École Polytechnique, que tuvo lugar el 6 de diciembre de 1989 en Montreal, Quebec. En el campus de la universidad científica, un hombre que se identificaba como “antifeminista” buscó a las alumnas para matarlas.

Antes de disparar a todas las mujeres de una clase de ingeniería mecánica, Marc Lépine, nacido Gamil Rodrigue Liass Gharbi, les dijo a los estudiantes de sexo masculino que abandonaran la sala. Luego les dijo a las mujeres que estaba “luchando contra el feminismo” y expresó su odio por el derecho de las mujeres a la educación.

Las víctimas de la masacre de la École Polytechnique.

“Sois mujeres, vais a ser ingenieras. Sois todas unas feministas. Odio a las feministas”, dijo Lépine, antes de abrir fuego contra las estudiantes. Posteriormente, Lépine se suicidó en el campus tras acabar con las vidas de 14 mujeres y herir a 10 personas más.

En total, Lépine asesinó a 14 mujeres en un acto que desde entonces ha sido reconocido como un acto terrorista.

Este es el tercer año consecutivo en el que un evento conmemorativo de la masacre tiene como orador principal a un hombre que se dice trans, y que se centra en la transfobia y no en el feminicidio.

En 2022, Fae Johnstone, un hombre que se dice trans, pronunció un discurso de apertura en el Durham College en North Oshawa, Ontario, durante el 33º aniversario de la masacre.

Tras el discurso, Johnstone fue confrontado por Jennifer Anne, una defensora canadiense de los derechos de las mujeres que ha estado trabajando para conseguir la publicación del análisis que se hizo sobre la legislación de autoidentificación de género en Canadá. Después de que Anne intentara cuestionar por qué se le permitió a Johnstone dar el discurso, su pregunta fue rápidamente desestimada y se le prohibió volver a hablar.

El año anterior, en 2021, el Consejo Asesor de la Condición Jurídica y Social de la Mujer de la Isla del Príncipe Eduardo invitó a Anastasia Preston, un hombre que dice ser mujer, a hablar sobre la “violencia de género” en una vigilia en homenaje a las mujeres asesinadas en la masacre de la École Polytechnique.

Preston, un “coordinador de divulgación comunitaria trans” de un servicio de recursos sobre enfermedades de transmisión sexual, se convirtió en objeto de indignación generalizada en las redes sociales tras ser entrevistado por la filial de la CBC de la Isla del Príncipe Eduardo, donde afirmó que los hombres que se dicen trans no tenían suficientes oportunidades para hablar sobre la violencia contra las mujeres.

“Durante décadas, se ha mantenido a las mujeres trans al margen de la conversación sobre la violencia de género”, dijo Preston, afirmando a continuación que tenía la intención de “hablar sobre algunas de sus experiencias de acoso en la Isla del Príncipe Eduardo” en el acto en memoria de las 14 mujeres asesinadas.

Una vez que el artículo comenzó a circular, CBC Isla del Príncipe Eduardo recibió tal avalancha de críticas, que tuvieron que desactivar su sección de comentarios de Twitter. Johnstone defendió a Preston en su momento, llamándolo “héroe y campeón”.

Reduxx es una nueva plataforma a favor de los derechos de las mujeres y de los menores con noticias y artículos. ¡Somos 100% independientes! Colabora con nuestro proyecto uniéndote a nuestro Patreon.

University of Toronto Invites “Non-Binary Trans Woman” To Give Keynote Speech On “Transmisogyny” During Anniversary Of Mass Femicide

The University of Toronto invited a trans-identified male to speak at a memorial ceremony dedicated to the women who lost their lives during the École Polytechnique massacre. Despite it being the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence against Women in Canada, the speech instead focused on “addressing transmisogyny.”

Hosted by the University’s Sexual Violence Prevention and Support Center, the event was held today at the St. George Campus in downtown Toronto. While the official announcement claimed the event was intended to memorialize the 14 women slaughtered during the École Polytechnique massacre, the keynote speech was almost completely unrelated to the horrific shooting.

The event was first introduced by two students of the University who began with a speech suggesting that pre-colonial Indigenous cultures did not practice any form of violence against women. The speakers, one of whom identified herself as a “racialized queer non binary femme,” also invited people to partake in “mindful doodling” if they became distressed by the subjects being discussed.

Toronto Mayor Olivia Chow and Vice-Provost Sandy Welsh also spoke before the keynote was introduced, with Welsh giving out a number of awards “recognizing individuals who’ve shown a commitment to ending gender-based violence.”

The keynote address was delivered by trans-identified male Kai Cheng Thom, who focused on the “rise in transmisogyny and violence against queer and trans women globally.” Thom, a writer and former prostitute, identifies as a “non-binary trans woman,” and has contributed an advice column to Xtra Magazine for a number of years. He is also a prison abolitionist, and frequently speaks out against the incarceration of even the most violent criminals.

During his speech, Thom read his poetry and subtly condemned those who opposed his platforming at the event.

“I am affected to my core by transphobia and misogyny. They keep me up at night, haunting me with questions for which I do not have answers,” he said, later offering words on transgender pediatric care and trans-inclusive washrooms.

The vast majority of Thom’s speech referred back to trans-identified males and their experiences with violence, despite the fact that no trans-identified males have been murdered in Canada since the earliest existing recordings began in 2008.

From Thom’s Instagram.

During the keynote, the University of Toronto provided audience members with a website link they could use to propose questions for Thom to be asked during the Q&A. The submission link was quickly shut down after a barrage of inquiries were submitted asking why Thom had been invited to speak on transmisogyny on a day intended to commemorate a femicide.

“Why did you invite a male to give a keynote address during an event intended to commemorate femicide?” one question read, while another asked: “How do you deal with male pattern baldness in a gender-affirming way?”

The questions were quickly scrubbed as they came through, and the form was eventually shuttered.

The National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence against Women in Canada was first inaugurated by Parliament in 1991 as a way to honor the lives lost during the École Polytechnique massacre, which took place on December 6, 1989 in Montreal, Quebec. On the campus of the scientific university, a man identifying as an “anti-feminist” targeted female students for slaughter

Prior to shooting all of the women in a mechanical engineering class, Marc Lépine, born Gamil Rodrigue Liass Gharbi, told the male students to leave the room. He then told the women he was “fighting feminism” and expressed a hatred of women’s rights to an education.

The victims of the École Polytechnique massacre.

“You’re women, you’re going to be engineers. You’re all a bunch of feminists. I hate feminists,” Lépine said, before opening fire on the female students. Lépine later committed suicide on the campus after taking 14 women’s lives, and injuring 10 more people.

In total, Lépine murdered 14 women in an act that has since been recognized an act of terrorism.

This represents the third year in a row where an event commemorating the massacre centered a trans-identified male speaker focusing on transphobia rather than the femicide.

In 2022, Fae Johnstone, a trans-identified male, gave a keynote address at Durham College in North Oshawa, Ontario, during the 33rd anniversary of the massacre.

Following his speech, Johnstone was confronted by Jennifer Anne, a Canadian women’s rights advocate who has been working to secure the release of the analysis that was done on gender self-identification legislation in Canada. After Anne attempted to question why Johnstone was permitted to give the address, her question was quickly dismissed and she was prohibited from speaking again.

The previous year, in 2021, the Prince Edward Island Advisory Council on the Status of Women invited Anastasia Preston, a biological male who identifies as a woman, to speak on “gender-based violence” at a vigil honoring the women murdered in the École Polytechnique massacre.

Preston, a “trans community outreach coordinator” at a sexually transmitted disease resource service, became the subject of widespread outrage on social media after he was interviewed by the Prince Edward Island branch of the CBC and claimed that trans-identified males were not given enough opportunities to speak on violence against women.

“For decades, trans women have been kept out of the conversation around gender-based violence,” Preston was quoted as saying, going on to assert that he intended to “speak about some of [his] experiences of harassment on P.E.I.” at the event memorializing the 14 women who were murdered.

After the article began to circulate, CBC P.E.I was so inundated with backlash they had to turn off their Twitter comment section. Johnstone defended Preston at the time, calling him a “hero and a champion.”

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Trans-Identified Male Dominating Women’s Cycling Competitions Has “Forced Feminization” Fetish

A trans-identified male who recently transitioned has been dominating women’s cycling events along the east coast while working with the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion committee at the University of Vermont. Reduxx has learned that Roger “Roxanne” Bombardier, 57, is also a member of a fetish subculture that associates womanhood with sexual servitude.

On December 2, Bombardier took first place in the women’s Fat Bike category at the Ice Weasels Cometh race in Southwick, Massachusetts. News of his win was shared on X (formerly Twitter) by @i_heart__bikes, an account documenting the rapid increase in men participating in women’s cycling events on the basis of gender identity.

Since 2021, Bombardier has competed in 19 events in the women’s category, coming in first in five races, and second in two. In October 2021, Bombardier came in first in the Women’s Masters 50+ event in Wrightsville, Vermont, where he was one of only two listed participants. During that race, Bombardier beat Fran Plaisted, who has not entered another competition since. In two other events where Bombardier has taken first place, he was the only competitor.

Bombardier, a combat veteran of the war in Iraq, had previously participated in races in the men’s division. In 2018, he won gold in his division for men aged 50-54 in a 40K road race held at the Vermont/Maine Senior Games.

During a 2020 interview for Vermont Sports, Bombardier stated: “I’ve been trans since I was 11, so I it’s something I’m used to fighting, and being in the closet about. It was something I only shared with certain people. I presented as a transvestite for a long time and would dress in secret.”

He added that the “catalyst” for publicly declaring that he identifies as transgender was seeing “Bruce Jenner… become Caitlyn Jenner,” as well as the public “transition” of trans-identified former Vermont gubernatorial candidate Christine Hallquist.

Disturbingly, Reduxx has learned that Bombardier has been following and interacting with SoundCloud accounts that create “sissification hypnosis” audio tracks during a time period that coincides with his participation in women’s events.

According to Bomarbier’s profile, he has been following multiple accounts that produce content known as “sissification hypnosis,” typically shortened to sissy hypno. On the SoundCloud platform, sissy hypno is comprised of audio files wherein a speaker narrates, in a hypnosis format, instructing the listener to dissociate from their male self and to adopt a new, feminine identity.

One account followed by Bombardier, emi.transfemme, operated a now-defunct pornographic microblogging site called Sissy Nexus which encouraged male visitors to “fully embrace the unceasing desire to be a woman.” On his main SoundCloud page, emi.transfemme has compiled dozens of sissy audio files in a playlist titled “Normalize Feminization,” and features an avatar of a man’s anus. He also advertises his FetLife profile, where he uses the name Piper Bream and lists a series of BDSM-related fetishes.

Track titles highlighted by emi.transfemme include “Ladies & Sissies (The Sissy Maker),” “Limp and Obedient,” “Bimbo Mantra,” “Accept Faggotry,” “Permanent Princess,” and “The Curse of the Teeny Weenie.” All are produced with the intention of encouraging listeners to feminize themselves and several repeat tropes about women typically found in pornography.

Roxy, formerly Roger, Bombardier.

“Bimbo Mantra” is recited by a feminine AI voice on loop: “I like it when my mind goes blank. I like it when my mind goes pop. I love getting empty and letting my mind drop. I love to show off my plastic tits and fill my head with air. I just need to giggle and listen so good. I love getting blank and brainless. So much better to touch my plastic tits than to think.”

Another account followed by Bombardier, hypnosissteps, purports to help men “unleash your inner woman.” A track titled “Crossdresser Feminization Hypnosis,” narrated by a female voice, encourages men with a transvestic fetish to “allow your subconscious to take over” in order to “create an inner woman for you.”

“Girls learn how to walk, talk and act like women around the age of twelve… it does not come to them naturally. The way women walk and talk is taught to them by society when they are girls… Simply being themselves, they enjoy men fawning over them… and other women thinking of them as competitors. This is how easy it can be for you,” the narrator says.

In a track titled “Transgender Feminization Hypnosis,” the narrator speaks slowly over the sound of running water, and describes a woman with a “magical aura” and a “sparkling seductive shine.”

“What a perfect voice she has. Seductive, feminine, round and beautiful. This woman combines every feminine feature you have ever wanted for yourself, in exactly the way you’ve always dreamed of. In a flash, your whole being is amazed as you look at her face and suddenly realize that this woman is actually you!”

Bombardier has also interacted with sissification audio, and three years ago commented on one track called “Long Feminization” by user Gondolkodom Most.

“Listen to me and sink a little deeper… The deeper you sink, the harder it is to remember your old body template at all. Image is everything. If a person wears appropriately feminine underwear, those things will become a pleasant and enjoyable part of how they go about their days… eventually they will have re-crafted their self-image… the old body template has been cast aside.”

“LOVE THIS,” thank you for making it. Would love it if you made more feminization audios,” Bombardier responded.

On his Facebook page, Bombardier has compared legislation seeking to restrict sports categories on the basis of sex to the persecution of Jewish athletes during Germany’s Nazi regime.

In July, cycling competition Belgian Waffle Ride announced the creation of an “open” category in the interest of preserving “equal access and opportunities.” Beginning from August 1, BWR stated, only “racers who were born female” would be permitted to enter the female classification, and likewise for the male designation. The open category would be for “all racers, regardless of gender identification.”

Bombardier lashed out at the organization on Instagram in a rant which equated the category classifications to racism against African Americans in the United States during the Civil Rights era.

“Bigot [sic] are constantly in the process of attacking cisgender women accusing them of being transgender for having short hair or a sqaure jaw. I am reminded of historical claims that non-white races are better suited for other types of work due to their biology. This is BIGOTRY pure and simple,” Bombardier wrote. The BWR would delete the post from their social media shortly after.

Bombardier is currently listed as a member of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion committee at the University of Vermont which oversaw the development of an “Inclusive Excellence Action Plan” launched in 2022. According to the guidelines, stated goals include increasing “faculty/staff participation in DEI-related trainings, conferences, and professional development events.”

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Hombre que se dice trans, acusado de abusar sexualmente de una bebé, contrata a un abogado transactivista

[Izq] Maria Childres. Crédito de la foto: Cárcel del condado de McCracken. [D] Madison Leach. Crédito de la foto: WPSD Local 6.

AVISO DE CONTENIDO: Este artículo contiene una descripción gráfica del abuso sexual de un bebé. Se agradece tener en cuenta.

Un hombre que se dice trans del condado de McCracken, en Kentucky, se enfrenta a cargos de abuso sexual infantil tras el presunto abuso sexual de una bebé a su cargo. Maria Childres, de 25 años, trabajaba en una guardería en Paducah, Kentucky, cuando se produjeron los abusos.

Childres fue detenido en febrero de este año después de que el Departamento de Servicios Comunitarios (DCBS) recibiera una denuncia anónima en la que se detallaba un presunto incidente de abuso ocurrido en noviembre de 2022. La denuncia, supuestamente escrita por una de las compañeras de trabajo de Childres, lo acusaba de hacer comentarios inapropiados hacia una bebé mientras le cambiaba el pañal y de tocarlo de manera inapropiada.

María Childres. Fuente de la foto: FACEBOOK

Tras recibir el informe de DCBS, la policía de Paducah fue a Explore Learning Academy, el lugar de trabajo de Childres, para investigar. Hablaron con una testigo que corroboró los detalles de la denuncia anónima y con la directora de la Academia, que parecía haber estado al tanto del comportamiento de Childres con la bebé. A pesar de saber lo que había ocurrido, la directora sólo le había dado un “aviso”.

Reduxx ha obtenido la citación del Departamento de Policía de Paducah en la que se detalla la denuncia, donde se hace referencia a Childres usando pronombres femeninos a pesar de que su sexo legal es masculino.

Según la citación, otra compañera de trabajo confrontó a Childres cuando cambiaba a la bebé, preocupada de que la estuviera lastimando mientras le limpiaba el área genital.

En respuesta, Childres dijo que “esa era su zona del clítoris y le gusta. Seguro que le alegró el día”.

La testigo con la que habló la policía también declaró que vio a Childres frotar la zona vaginal de la bebé con los dedos mientras hacía el repugnante comentario.

Cortesía del Departamento de Policía de Paducah.

Tras ser llevado a comisaría para interrogarlo, Childres inicialmente negó haber cambiado el pañal de la bebé. Más tarde admitió haberlo hecho después de que un agente le presentara como prueba un mensaje de texto que había enviado al director de la guardería, confirmando que había cambiado el pañal de la bebé.

Childres mantuvo que no había hecho comentarios inapropiados ni tocado sexualmente a la bebé, y que “a menudo dice cosas que se sacan de contexto”.

Childres fue acusado de abuso sexual en primer grado de una víctima menor de 12 años, y desde entonces se encuentra en la cárcel del condado de McCracken. Ha habido cierta confusión sobre la ortografía de su apellido, ya que los tribunales, la policía y sus redes sociales tienen diferentes grafías que alternan entre “Childers” y “Childres”. El tribunal de Justicia de Kentucky tiene el nombre escrito como “Childres”.

Según su página de Facebook, Childres afirma haber estudiado desarrollo infantil en el Campus Global de la Universidad de Arizona, una universidad en línea que ha sido objeto de problemas de acreditación en los últimos años. En otra cuenta de Facebook diferente que también pertenece a Childres aparece como “mujer”.

Después de hablar con un empleado del Tribunal de Justicia del Condado de McCracken, Reduxx ha confirmado que Childres ha contratado por su cuenta a un conocido abogado que se dice transgénero para que lo defienda durante las próximas vistas.

Leach ondeando la bandera del orgullo transgénero.

Madison Leach, un hombre que comenzó a identificarse como “mujer” hace seis años, fue el primer candidato abiertamente transgénero en presentarse para un cargo público en el oeste de Kentucky, donde se postuló para el puesto de fiscal del condado de Calloway por los Demócratas. Leach decidió recientemente irse de Kentucky debido al Proyecto de Ley 150 del Senado, que haría opcional que los maestros de escuelas públicas usaran los pronombres preferidos del alumnado.

“Para mí, esto es la guinda del pastel. La calidad de vida en Nueva York va a ser mejor para mí, y creo que muchos padres de jóvenes trans u otras personas trans se lo están pensando también”, dijo Leach en marzo, afirmando que tenía la intención de trasladar su bufete a Nueva York.

Childres tiene prevista una audiencia previa al juicio esta semana, en la que él y Leach presentarán una declaración o negociarán una posible resolución con la fiscalía.

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