
WPATH - search results

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Academics Involved With Top Transgender Health Authority Publish Paper on “Choosing Castration”

Academics affiliated with a top transgender health association have released a paper in collaboration with participants of a castration fetish forum that hosts fantasy...

Las autoridades sanitarias de Noruega investigan a un conocido mƩdico de gƩnero.

Un mƩdico de gƩnero ya investigado previamente dos veces por las autoridades mƩdicas nacionales estƔ nuevamente bajo escrutinio y se enfrenta a la posibilidad...

Prominent Norwegian Gender Clinician Facing Investigation by Health Authorities

A gender clinician previously investigated twice by national medical authorities is yet again under scrutiny and is facing the possibility of losing his license...

Trans Authority Cites Pedophilic Forum, Reduces Age Restrictions for ‘Puberty Blockers’ and Genital Surgeries

The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) has released a finalized version of their updated Standards of Care guidelines (SOC8). Among the recommendations...

Leading Doctor at Boston Children’s Hospital Gave Cross-Sex Hormones to 13-Year-Old

The co-founder of the pediatric gender identity clinic at Boston Children's Hospital admitted to giving feminizing hormone therapy to a 13-year-old child during a...

MƩdico cofundador de la clƭnica de gƩnero del Hospital Infantil de Boston dio hormonas femeninas a niƱo de 13 aƱos

El cofundador de la clĆ­nica pediĆ”trica de identidad de gĆ©nero del Hospital PediĆ”trico de Boston admitiĆ³ en una conferencia de 2013 haber administrado hormonas...

“Mermaids Must Fall Next”: Is UK Trans Charity Mermaids To Blame For Tavistock?

Social media users have called for the UK-based trans activist charity Mermaids to be shut down following an announcement that the Tavistock Gender Identity...

London’s ‘Eunuch-Maker’ Was A Queer Activist in Leading ‘Gender Diversity’ Organization

A man who came to international attention after being arrested for performing dozens of fetishistic castrations out of his home in North London can be revealed as a Norwegian activist affiliated with a powerful ā€˜Queerā€™ lobby group.

El ‘Eunuch-Maker’ londinense resultĆ³ ser miembro de una organizaciĆ³n ligada al lobby Queer

Un hombre noruego que atrajo la atenciĆ³n internacional despuĆ©s de ser arrestado por realizar docenas de castraciones fetichistas fuera de su casa en el...

NHS Scotland Apologizes for ‘Eunuch Gender Identity’ Document

While the National Health Service (NHS) in Scotland is under fire for uploading a document to its website which recognizes 'eunuch' as a gender...
