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Toddler Rapist Now Award-Winning Trans Rights Activist

A convicted child sex offender is performing community outreach for an organization that advises incarcerated men on how to declare a transgender status and legally change their identification.

Xena Grandichelli, born Jeffrey Willsea, is a biological male who now identifies as a woman. In 1994, Grandichelli pleaded guilty to 11 counts of sexual abuse involving a 3 year-old girl and was designated a sexually violent offender. His sex offender registration categorizes him as a risk level 3, which denotes the highest recidivist risk and a threat to public safety. New York State law restricts level 3 sex offenders from being within 1,000 feet of a school.

Yet since his release from prison, Grandichelli has become a highly-regarded trans activist and has spoken at top-tier universities. In 2017, he was a panelist representing “women’s experiences of incarceration” at Columbia University. In 2016, Grandichelli spoke at NYU on the topic of incarceration and trauma. In the same year, he led a workshop on trans issues for the National Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender People of Color Health Conference.

Notably, he has also partnered with the Sylvia Rivera Law Project (SRLP) and was designated as a Movement Building Team member. In a letter posted to the SRLP website, Grandichelli describes how team members from the organization actively worked to recruit him while he was still incarcerated for sexually abusing a child.

The SRLP has a pattern of overlooking the crimes of violent men who claim a transgender status. For instance, in 2014, the SRLP launched a petition to pressure New York’s Department of Corrections and Community Supervision (DOCCS) to remove child rapist and killer Synthia China Blast from isolated confinement.

Blast, whose birth name is Luis Morales, repeatedly raped and brutally tortured Ebony Nicole Williams, a 13-year-old girl from Harlem. According to researcher Diana Shaw, “While he was dressed in a skirt, 22-year-old Mr. Blast carried and disposed of the young girl’s mutilated body in a Bronx underpass, and set the body on fire,” then proceeded to brag about the killing to friends.

When advocating on behalf of Blast, the SRLP stated: “[He] wants to prepare for [his] parole board hearing in four years by obtaining [his] GED and to complete other programs that will help [him] to heal from the trauma of [his] childhood and [his] time in prison.” Trans-identified male actor Laverne Cox, speaking as a representative for the SRLP, released a video in which he read aloud a letter from Blast portraying him in a sympathetic light.

Upon learning of the brutal nature of Blast’s crimes, Cox responded, “I was not aware of the charges for which [he] was convicted. If I had been aware of those charges, I would have never agreed to read the letter.” Yet information pertaining to Blast’s crimes would not have been readily available, owing to his name change, as media reports and court documents from the time period referred to him as Luis Morales.

Despite this, resources included on the SRLP website provide explicit guidance on the process of changing one’s legal name and identification, stating, “For the grounds of your application, say whatever you want the judge to know about why you want a name change. You don’t have to share everything… Under the law, trans people are not required to show medical evidence of our transitions to change our names. Most of the time, judges correctly follow the law.”

As with Synthia China Blast, SRLP representative Grandichelli’s crime has been obscured by his self-declared transgender status. By claiming a female identity, Grandichelli has been afforded a platform by two of the most prestigious universities in the nation, and in 2017, he was presented with a Community Hero award by the Anti-Violence Project.

Reduxx is a newly-launched, independent source of pro-woman, pro-child safeguarding news and commentary. We’re able to continue our work exposing predators and reporting the truth thanks to the generous support of our readers.

Disabled Woman Arrested, Interrogated Over Domestic Violence Stickers

Twitter users are outraged today after it was revealed that a disabled woman was arrested by Gwent Police in South Wales for posting stickers related to domestic violence and women’s rights.

On January 24, Twitter user @quetiapina1 posted that she had been subjected to police detention and interrogation after being reported for committing a hate crime. The woman, who lives in the Newport area in Wales, says police had been called after she was declared a “threat to the [trans] community” due to stickers and posters she had put up in her area.

The user says she was arrested in a way painful to her splinted arm and brought to the Newport Central Station by Gwent Police, who kept her in a cell and seized her watch and phone. While detained, her house was searched and a number of stickers and posters were seized by police. She notes that none of them mentioned transgender people or directly referenced trans issues, and were more generally about women’s rights.

The woman, who is disabled and requires medication, says she was interrogated around 1:30 a.m while being denied her prescriptions. She says she was released at 3:30 a.m without her phone or any transportation, and was left to navigate a very steep hill in the city centre with her mobility scooter.

“I am on [bail]. Conditional in that I don’t do stickering and postering in all of Newport,” she concluded, stating that she is allowed to do leafletting and she will continue to do so out of passion for her causes.

In her thread, @quetiapina1 posted one example of a trans activist complaining about a poster she’d put in the area — one which stated quite simply “No Men in Women’s Prisons” on a stylistic background. But some others she’d made have since emerged, with one set of stickers in particular simply declaring a statistic on domestic violence. These stickers were also allegedly branded as transphobic hate speech.

Many social media users responded to the horrifying story in a similar way, asking Gwent Police through their Newport account whether or not they had any “real crime” to solve. As it turns out, Gwent Police should have plenty.

According to recent data acquired through a Freedom of Information request, over 580 rapes were reported to Gwent Police last year, but only 5 charges were made and over 430 are still “under investigation.”

In April of 2021, Gwent Police made national headlines after allegedly informing a woman who tried to report a sexual assault that she hadn’t been raped, telling her “you can’t be pressured into sex.”

Similarly in November, Gwent Police were forced to apologize to female officers who attempted to report a senior male colleague’s abusive behaviour towards them. The man, Clarke Joslyn, was forced to resign in 2019, but had subjected women on the force to a campaign of terror for almost a decade, using his position of power over young female trainees to groom and intimidate them into relationships. One woman was pinned against a wall and had a knife pulled on her by Joslyn, who threatened another woman if she ever “humiliated” him. Higher-ups at Gwent Police effectively ignored the women’s reports and calls for help, and failed to act on Joslyn’s behaviour.

Reduxx is a newly-launched, independent source of pro-woman, pro-child safeguarding news and commentary. We’re able to continue our work exposing predators and reporting the truth thanks to the generous support of our readers.

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John Money: The Pro-Pedophile Pervert Who Invented “Gender”

“Gender identity” is a hot-topic today and has become a focal point of not just social discourse, but legal policy and procedure. But few people know the concept’s disturbing origins.

Dr. John Money, a sexologist and psychologist from New Zealand who practiced at Johns Hopkins, is considered the first to coin the terms “gender identity” and “gender role,” describing the “internal experience of sexuality” and the “social expectations of male and female behavior” respectively. These concepts are prominently featured in trans activism today, and are used to bolster claims of “gender fluidity.”

But Money’s history is a dark and controversial one, the details of which are often neglected when discussing his contribution to the popularization of “gender vs. sex” discourses.

Like many sexologists, Money believed pedophilia was a harmless sexuality which, when practiced “properly,” led to the child suffering no harm. In fact, Money’s theories on pedophilia were so sympathetic that, to this day, his work is prominently featured on the website of the North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA)– one of the longest-established pederast rights groups.
In the 1990s, Money allowed himself to be featured in interviews with Paidika, a pedophile psychology journal named after the Greek adjective for “boyish,” and has been used by pedophile rights activists to refer to the younger partner in a pederastic relationship.

In a 1991 interview for the journal, Money is quoted as saying:

“If I were to see the case of a boy aged ten or eleven who’s intensely erotically attracted toward a man in his twenties or thirties, if the relationship is totally mutual, and the bonding is genuinely totally mutual, then I would not call it pathological in any way.”

Money also noted that he “never” reported any pedophiles to police, even those who were actively abusing children due to his belief that adult-child sex was normal and “often beneficial.”

But Money’s views on pedophilia hardly touch the darkest and most depraved facets of his history, those being reserved for the case of David (born Bruce) Reimer.

Born in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada in 1965, Reimer was the victim of a botched medical circumcision when he was 6 months old. The procedure sought to address a urination problem Reimer was experiencing, but instead left his penis mutilated beyond repair.

Reimer’s parents took him to Baltimore to see Money in 1967, concerned about his future sexual and romantic prospects. At the time, Money was known for his research with intersex people, and was considered a pioneer of gender reassignment. Money recommended Reimer be subjected to a genital reconstruction to create a vulva, and suggested to his parents that raising him as a girl would be in his best interests. He was convinced that “gender” could be socially learned, and Reimer provided an ideal subject through which to test his theories due to having a twin brother, Brian, that could be used as a male control.

Throughout his early childhood, Reimer was never told he was born a male, and he was subjected to hormone therapy early on in order to lead him through a female puberty. Reimer was regularly seen by Money, who tracked his progress in an effort to demonstrate his theory that gender was malleable.

During check-ups, Money would subject the twin boys to disturbing experiments. They were forced to replicate sexual intercourse with each other, touch and inspect each other’s genitals, and watch pornography. Money would show the twins photos from smut magazines and “explicit” sexual photos of kids. He would then prod them about their sexual arousal, and question their attractions. The children were also expected to comply in front of audiences of as many as 6 other adults, and some reports state Money also took photos and videos of the children engaged in rehearsed sexual activity. At the time, both of the twins were just 6 years old.

Later testimony from one of the twins stated that Money had “two sides” to his personality — one when their parents were around, and one when they were alone. When alone with the children, Money was abusive and got irate with them for refusing to perform for him. In a later statement, they both recall fearing he would “whup” them if they did not do as he asked and strip their clothes.

As David Reimer aged, he became increasingly resistant to seeing Money, and begged his parents not to force him to go to Baltimore for check-ups. Despite feminizing hormones and surgery, Reimer identified as a male and refused to believe he was a girl though he had never been told he was born a boy — a catastrophic rebuttal of Money’s theories on gender.

By the age of 14, Reimer was experiencing suicidal ideations and refused any further contact with Money. He demanded the truth from his parents, which they eventually told him in 1980.

Despite that, Money proceeded to declare his experiments a success, and his “findings” were used in later studies to justify genital surgeries imposed on some intersex children with ambiguous genitalia.

Both Reimer and his brother would take their own lives, with Brian committing suicide via drug overdose in 2002 after a life-long battle with schizophrenia, and David shooting himself in the head in 2004 at the age of 38. Their parents stated that they attributed their son’s deaths to the trauma imparted upon them from Money’s methods.

Despite the disturbing origins, Money’s legacy lives on in the concept of “gender” as a unique and quantifiable element apart from sex. It also lives on in the existence of gender identity clinics, the first of which was established by Money at Johns Hopkins in 1965.

While proponents of trans ideology sometimes misappropriate Money’s abusive experiments on Reimer as “proof” that a person cannot be forced to live as a “gender” they are not — they gloss over the critical reality that Reimer’s experience demonstrates a person cannot be something they are not, full stop.

No amount of female hormones, clothes, surgery, or sexualization made David Reimer act or think any differently than his very male self promulgated. Even a synthetic, half-cocked feminized puberty did not change David Reimer. Reimer was introduced to the bells and whistles of another “gender identity” from the earliest moments of his life as an infant and was still a male — a total refutation of gender activist demands that “trans kids” be provided chemical interventions as early as possible for more “successful” transition outcomes.

In fact, the results of a 30 year-long study conducted in Sweden also confirm this fact. Performed by six distinguished researchers from the Karolinska Institute, the study found that “transwomen” demonstrated male patterns of criminal behaviour which persisted even after a full medical and surgical transition. It also found that surgical gender interventions did not make any difference in the suicide rates of transgender patients.

These results have largely been disregarded by trans activists, who continue to insist that a man who injects himself with estrogen and wears dresses is no longer a man, and does not “think” or “act” like a man. It is here — in the face of a total lack of evidence — where trans activism then takes on its religious qualities, and begins deferring to magical gendered brains and souls, the solution to which seems to be a therapist and an exorcist, respectively.

John Money was a pervert. He was a child abuser. He was a pedophile sympathizer, if not a pedophile himself. And if a movement finds its origins in a man like John Money, it is time for that movement to do some (gendered) soul searching.

Reduxx is a newly-launched, independent source of pro-woman, pro-child safeguarding news and commentary. We’re able to continue our work exposing predators and reporting the truth thanks to the generous support of our readers.

Teachers Convinced Child to Identify as Transgender: Lawsuit

A mother has filed a legal case against a California school district claiming teachers secretly persuaded her then-11-year-old daughter to change her gender identity and name.

Jessica Konen said two middle school teachers at Spreckels Union School District who ran an Equality Club — later renamed to UBU (You Be You) — suggested to her daughter that she was bisexual in 6th grade, and then subsequently manipulated her into believing that she was transgender.

Spreckels Union School District was responsible for “extreme and outrageous conduct” that placed the girl on a path toward medical transition and incited conflict between the mother and her child, according to the claim filed Wednesday by conservative group The Center for American Liberty (CAL).

Konen had not known her daughter had begun identifying as a boy and using a male name until she was called to a meeting at the Buena Vista Middle School principal’s office in December 2019. At the time, her daughter was in 7th grade.

Konen was also not informed of the reason for the meeting until her daughter entered the room and her teacher, Lori Caldeira, broke the news.

“I literally was caught off guard. I was blindsided,” Konen said. “I didn’t even know what to feel like because I didn’t even know where it came from.”

Konen said she began to cry, and that her daughter was also taken by surprise. The girl had notified teachers that she wanted to tell her mother about her decision, but had not been made aware of the meeting until she was called to attend.

Konen said her daughter began returning to her “old self” when schools implemented remote learning during March 2020, and now uses her given name.

However, Konen had not questioned how her daughter was being influenced by staff and teachers until Abigail Shrier published the contents of a leaked recording of a California Teachers Association conference.

In the recording, her daughter’s teacher Lori Caldeira and another teacher named Kelly Baraki were discussing their tactics for keeping UBU meetings private and described how they “stalked” students to recruit.

“When we were doing our virtual learning — we totally stalked what they were doing on Google, when they weren’t doing school work,” Baraki said. “One of them was googling ‘Trans Day of Visibility.’ And we’re like, ‘Check.’ We’re going to invite that kid when we get back on campus.”

After their comments were made public, Caldeira told the San Francisco Chronicle the quotes were misrepresented and that the “stalking” comment was intended as a joke.

In the lawsuit, the two teachers were accused of keeping club UBU, along with its policies and roster, hidden from parents.

“Ms. Caldiera and Ms. Baraki: (1) instructed students that they should not tell their parents about their new LGBT+ identities and expression; (2) failed to keep Equality Club rosters or records so that parents could not discover their children’s participation in the club or new LGBT+ identities through a review of school records; and (3) held Equality Club meetings during lunch—as opposed to after school—so that students, who were too young to drive, could better hide their participation in the club and their new LGBT+ identities and expression from their parents,” claims the lawsuit.

The legal claim alleges that the school put a “Parental Secrecy Policy” into place. According to the document, “Under the Parental Secrecy Policy, Buena Vista teachers and staff would keep secret from parents that their children had articulated confusion about their gender identity, evinced a desire to change their gender identity, or assumed or expressed a new gender identity, unless the student expressly authorized the parents to be informed.”

The suit also alleges deliberate infliction of emotional distress against the student, known only as A.G, and the mother:

“Respondents’ acts have driven a wedge between Ms. Konen and her daughter, sending the message to A.G. that her mother cannot be trusted and does not support her. By cutting Ms. Konen out of the decision-making process for A.G. on matters relating to her gender expression and identity, Ms. Konen and A.G. have both suffered and are continuing to suffer severe emotional distress, mental anguish, psychological damage, and damage to their family dynamic of such a substantial or enduring quality that no reasonable person in a civilized society should be expected to endure it and reasonable people would be unable adequately to cope with it.”

Teachers Caldeira and Baraki were placed on administrative leave in November. The school district has hired a professional law firm to investigate, which is ongoing, and the UBU club has been suspended.

In December of 2021, Konen went viral after a video recording of her tearing into the school board at a district meeting was published on the internet.

In the recording, Konen is audibly upset, and asserts that her daughter almost “lost her life” because of the emotional manipulation of the teachers and the damage it did to her self-perception.

Reduxx is a newly-launched, independent source of pro-woman, pro-child safeguarding news and commentary. We’re able to continue our work exposing predators and reporting the truth thanks to the generous support of our readers.

Mother Sues Meta, Snap Over Suicide of 11-Year-Old Daughter

Meta Platforms Inc. and Snap Inc. are responsible for the suicide of an 11-year-old girl who suffered from depression after becoming addicted to Instagram and Snapchat, according to a lawsuit filed by the girl’s mother.

The woman claims her daughter Selena Rodriguez struggled for two years with an “extreme addiction” to the social media platforms before taking her own life last year.

Instagram and Snapchat have deliberately designed algorithms that keep teens hooked onto their platforms and “promote problematic and excessive use that they know is indicative of addictive and self-destructive use,” according to the lawsuit, filed in San Francisco’s federal court.

Mother Tammy Rodriguez, who lives in Connecticut, said her daughter ran away from home when she tried to impose limitations on Selena’s access to the platforms. She then took her daughter to a therapist who said “she had never seen a patient as addicted to social media as Selena.”

The lawsuit also notes that: “While on Instagram and Snapchat, Selena was constantly solicited for sexually exploitive content. She succumbed to the pressure and sent sexually explicit images using Snapchat, which were leaked and shared with her classmates, increasing the ridicule and embarrassment she experienced at school.”

Attorney Matthew Bergman, who founded the Social Media Victims Law Center in Seattle and represents Rodriguez’s mother, says the case is one of the first of its kind against Meta, formerly known as Facebook Inc.

A separate suit filed by Bergman last week involves a mother in Oregon who blames Meta and Snap for her 15-year-old daughter developing “numerous mental health conditions including multiple inpatient psychiatric admissions, an eating disorder, self-harm, and physically and mentally abusive behaviors toward her mother and siblings.”

The suit also states that the teen was “frequently messaged and solicited for sexually exploitive content and acts by adult men through the applications.”

Bergman added that he anticipates many more such lawsuits in the future, particularly after former Facebook employee Frances Haugen testified before the U.S. Senate Commerce Committee in October of last year.

“I am here today because I believe Facebook’s products harm children,” whistleblower Haugen told the Senate. A consumer protection investigation of Meta, based on documents shared by Haugen, was launched the following month, with a particular focus on how Meta was both aware of and intentionally hid evidence that Instagram harms children and teenagers.

In 2017, 14 year-old Molly Russell took her own life after becoming addicted to self-harm content uploaded to Instagram. Her father, Ian Russell, accused Facebook-owned Instagram of “helping to kill” his daughter. Haugen suggested that Instagram’s algorithms may have shown Molly harmful content before she had even searched for it.

Molly Russell

In 2021, the Russell family had an app using their deceased daughter’s likeness for pornographic content removed from the Google Play Store. Molly’s photograph had been stolen by a “forced feminization” fetishist and used in male “sissy kink” stories.

According to a decade-long study published in 2021 in the Journal of Youth and Adolescence, “girls who started using social media at two to three hours a day or more at age 13, and then increased [that use] over time, had the highest levels of suicide risk in emerging adulthood.” Among boys, however, no such pattern emerged.

In the 2020 Netflix documentary The Social Dilemma, social psychologist Jonathan Haidt explains that suicide rates among young women and girls have skyrocketed since 2009 – the year that social media first became available on smartphones.

Reduxx is a newly-launched, independent source of pro-woman, pro-child safeguarding news and commentary. We’re able to continue our work exposing predators and reporting the truth thanks to the generous support of our readers.

Lesbian Conference Invites Male As Keynote Speaker

The University of Cork is hosting the 25th “Lesbian Lives” conference, but one of its main keynote speakers is a biological male who identifies as a lesbian.

Susan Stryker, a transgender Professor of gender studies at the University of Arizona, is the first of three keynote presenters at the 25th Lesbian Lives conference, which is being held March 4th and 5th at the University of Cork in Ireland. Its 2022 theme is “solidarity.”

Stryker was one of the first academics who sought to apply critical race theorist Kimberlé Crenshaw’s concept of “intersectionality” to males who insisted they could become women. In 2020, Stryker wrote an article for Time Magazine drawing and relying on the history of racial segregation to claim that women were merely a social construct. Such comparisons have been extensively decried by Black feminists.

But Stryker’s most infamous work is a 1993 essay subtitled Preforming Transgender Rage, in which he describes himself as a “Harley-straddling, dildo-packing leatherdyke from hell.” One part of the essay is an extended journal entry from Stryker gratuitously detailing the graphic nature of his wife’s childbirth, which devolves into a parable from Stryker complaining about his emotional state once he arrived home.

“For days, as I had accompanied my partner on her journey, I had been progressively opening myself and preparing to let go of whatever was deepest within. Now everything in me flowed out, moving up from inside and out through my throat, my mouth because these things could never pass between the lips of my cunt.”

In 2008, Stryker lashed out against Vancouver Rape Relief — Canada’s oldest rape crisis shelter — denouncing the concept of “segregated spaces” for women. Stryker’s comments came following the conclusion of a lengthy human rights case brought against the shelter by Kimberly Nixon, a trans-identified male who demanded the right to work with the vulnerable women and was denied on the basis of his biological sex. Vancouver Rape Relief was ultimately affirmed by higher-level courts to have no obligation to accommodate him, and Nixon lost all subsequent appeals. In 2007, he was ordered by the Supreme Court of Canada to pay the shelter’s legal fees, which he refused to do.

Canadian feminist and lesbian activist Eva Kurilova of Gender Dissent says she was “disappointed” to learn Stryker had been invited to represent lesbianism. Speaking to Reduxx, she says that “by making this choice, the conference is pushing the idea that lesbianism is nothing more than an ‘identity’ rather than a material reality, and contributing to the erasure of lesbians.”

Kurilova says that by platforming Stryker, the University of Cork is pushing regressive ideas about lesbianism, noting that attempts to define the sexuality as exclusively referring to female homosexuals are often met with “toxic derision” due to ideas about inclusivity.

“In queer and woke spaces, lesbians are no longer allowed to describe ourselves as same-sex attracted, as this is not seen as inclusive,” she says, continuing: “Instead, we have to be open to biological males in our spaces, on our dating apps, and in our sex lives.”

Kurilova took particular issue with a reading from Stryker’s Performing Transgender Rage essay, singling out a passage where he defines his sexuality as wanting “intimacy with women more than intimacy with men” while calling it a queer attraction.

“What he is describing is heterosexuality. He is not and can never be a woman who wants and seeks intimacy with other women.”

But Kurilova ends with hoping that Stryker’s attendance will contribute to the recent surge in backlash against trans-identified males seeking acceptance and accommodation within lesbian spaces.

“Many lesbians are, unfortunately, used to taking a backseat to men who think they can speak on our behalf. I can only hope the conference sheds some light on what is going on and inspires more pushback.”

Reduxx is a newly-launched, independent source of pro-woman, pro-child safeguarding news and commentary. We’re able to continue our work exposing predators and reporting the truth thanks to the generous support of our readers.

Thai Trans-Identified Male Arrested for Child Sex Trafficking

A Thai man who self-identifies as transgender was arrested on January 20 at a hotel in Phuket, for allegedly arranging human trafficking and the sexual exploitation of children under the age of 18 years.

Supalak Chumphan, 37, was wanted by local police for the exploitation of children through the sex trafficking of mostly girls under the age of 18. Chumphan offered the children for sale on Twitter, reportedly using the name “Pepsi” on his account to find potential buyers before contacting johns on the mobile application Line.

Undercover police officers contacted the Twitter account, stating that they wanted to procure a sexual encounter at a local hotel in the Mueang district. The suspect was discovered sending young girls to the arranged location on Wednesday, when police were able to make the arrest.

Chumphan confessed to allegations of human trafficking, procuring, and arranging the exploitation of children between the ages of 15 to 18 years old. He will be transferred for further interrogation and legal proceedings in Bangkok.

Local media outlets have consistently referred to Chumphan as a woman.

Thailand is a major international hub for sex trafficking, particularly of children. An estimated 31% of tourists to the nation are sex buyers and the nation has an international reputation for clinics offering so-called “sex reassignment” surgeries, as well as the preponderance of “ladyboys” in the sex trafficking industry.

In 2020, Cambodian trans-identified male Wan Jo was arrested for pimping underage girls in Bangkok. Last year, it was reported that notorious Australian heroin dealer and convicted rapist David John Kelleher had relocated to Thailand to “live as a woman.”

Reduxx is a newly-launched, independent source of pro-woman, pro-child safeguarding news and commentary. We’re able to continue our work exposing predators and reporting the truth thanks to the generous support of our readers.

Sex Doll Company Used Model’s Likeness Without Her Consent

Israeli Instagram model Yael Cohen Aris has taken legal action against a Chinese company that manufactures sex dolls after discovering that her likeness was stolen for the prototype of a head.

Chinese company Irontech Dolls advertises sex dolls that include the option of detachable heads which can be traded out. One of the heads it produces, along with a life-size doll, is called the “Yael” and has Cohen Aris’s facial structure, hair color, eyeglasses, and beauty mark.

“It’s not just about a beauty mark and my name, because sex dolls are still just dolls and there is a limit to how much they can look like a human being,” Cohen Aris told ITV’s This Morning show. “But once it was connected to my identity and image and videos, social media, there is no mistake here.”

Cohen Aris was first tipped off by a fan in 2019, who sent her a link to a forum where the product was being discussed. At the time, the “Yael” head was priced at $420. A full Irontech Doll complete with “Yael” head is currently being marketed on websites for over $1,400. Her social media photographs and videos were also being used without her knowledge to promote the prototype.

Cohen Aris is taking legal action and demanding the full removal of her likeness from the company’s product line. She has stated that she would not agree to settle on a share of the company’s profits.

I think first of all it should get off the shelves, and then maybe we could talk about what happened and how things went wrong and why,” she said. “I’m not talking about compensation, I think learning a lesson from this would be the best thing to come out of this story, and this is also what I hope to achieve by raising awareness — that is what I am trying to pursue.”

She told British TV talk show This Morning that she wants to “bring a real conversation about our privacy, if we want to share ourselves online,” Cohen Aris said, continuing “We need to have this conversation about how we can protect our identities.”

Reduxx is a newly-launched, independent source of pro-woman, pro-child safeguarding news and commentary. We’re able to continue our work exposing predators and reporting the truth thanks to the generous support of our readers.

New York Gov. Proposes Gender “Inclusive” Prison Policies

New York Governor Kathy Hochul has proposed a policy to allow trans-identifying male inmates to be transferred into women’s prisons on the basis of a self-declared “gender identity.”

The policy states that inmates who have a ‘gender identity’ that differs from their biological sex will have the right to request placement in prison housing “with persons of the gender that is consistent with such person’s gender identity.”

Inmates who claim a transgender status also must “have access to department-issued undergarments and clothing that are consistent with the individuals’ gender identity, and shall have the ability to receive undergarments, clothing and personal care items through package procedures,” according to Hochul’s $216.3 billion budget proposal, which covers the state Department of Correctional Services and Supervision (DOCCS).

The proposed budget plan also orders the DOCCS commissioner to draft rules and train officers to “forbid discrimination against transgender inmates,” according to the New York Post.

This stipulation contradicts language in the proposal ostensibly granting wardens the final say on transfer requests, stating that decisions may be made on a “case-by-case basis” that takes into account “safety, security or health concerns.”

One inmate who may be eligible for transfer to a women’s facility is multi-convicted killer “Rona Sugar Love”, born Alberto Rodriguez Marrero, who shot and killed a homeless man for making a comment that he didn’t like while on parole for stabbing another individual 42 times. Marrero was also convicted in 1992 of shooting a woman point-blank in the head. Just prior to his third arrest for murder, Marrero was consulted by the Legal Action Committee on parolee needs.

Another future transfer could include Robert Glanowski, who claims a female identity and is currently a wanted fugitive after the rape of a 10 year-old child.

Leading news outlet The New York Times did not mention the gender identity policy when reporting on Gov. Hochul’s budget plan, which she has promoted as a spending plan for a “post-pandemic future” and a “more inclusive version of the American Dream.”

Including controversial measures in a budget proposal is a strategy for passing policies without public knowledge. Hochul’s tactic mirrors that of her predecessor, former governor Andrew Cuomo, who passed a strongly-contested policy legalizing commercial surrogacy by attaching it to a budget proposal designed to provide financial relief during the COVID-19 outbreak.

Trans Swimmer Intentionally Lost Race, Alleges Teammate

A teammate of trans-identified male swimmer Lia Thomas has come forward to anonymously disclose that she believes Thomas colluded with another swimmer to intentionally lose the recent 100 Freestyle race.

Speaking exclusively to Outkick, a sports magazine, a University of Pennsylvania swimmer and teammate of male-to-female swimmer Lia Thomas disclosed that she believed Thomas intentionally lost the race by colluding with Yale female-to-male swimmer Iszac Henig during the January 8th race. The woman remained anonymous due to fear of backlash and concerns about “threats.”

The results of the 100 Freestyle made international headlines after Thomas lost to Henig. Henig was still competing on the women’s team because she had not yet started testosterone hormone replacement therapy.

On the baffling results of the race, the anonymous swimmer told Outkick: “Looking at [Lia’s] time, I don’t think [he] was trying … I know they’re friends and I know they were talking before the meet. I think [Thomas] let [Henig] win to prove the point that, ‘Oh see, a female-to-male beat me.’”

The swimmer went on to state that she “wouldn’t be shocked” if evidence soon came out to demonstrate her conviction was correct.

“I was on deck and said to a friend, ‘[Thomas is] literally not trying.’ You could just tell,” The swimmer said. “It was blatantly obvious. I was watching the 200 free and [Thomas] was literally keeping pace with the other girls.”

Thomas has dominated the female NCAA swimming categories since being cleared to compete earlier this year. He swam as Will Thomas with the UPenn male division for years prior to announcing he identified as female. Thomas had been competing in the male category as recently as 2019.

Since identifying as a woman, Thomas has outperformed every female he has competed against, as well as broken multiple US women’s swimming records.

Thomas’ teammates have been expressing displeasure with his appropriation of female athletic spaces, with multiple women having come out with harsh criticisms of his behavior and performance.

Just this week, it was reported that Thomas had compared himself to Jackie Robinson — the first African American player in Major League Baseball, and a pioneer of desegregated sports.

In December, Cynthia Millen, who has been an official with USA Swimming for 30 years, had stepped down in protest of Thomas’ continued participation in women’s leagues, saying: “I can’t do this … I can’t support this.”

Millen officially resigned on December 17, in the midst of preparations to officiate the US Paralympics Swimming National Championships in Greensboro, North Carolina.