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EXCLUSIVA: Influyente transactivista que aboga por la transición infantil trabajó con un lobby de pornografía extrema que hizo campaña contra la penalización de imágenes sexuales de menores

Reduxx ha sabido que un transactivista británico que ha influido en la política de género del Reino Unido y ha abogado por la transición médica de menores había presionado en el pasado para que se legalizara la pornografía extrema y las imágenes sexuales de menores.

Mallory Moore, de 40 años, que también ha utilizado el alias de Phoebe Queen y se describe a sí mismo como “una bruja bollera punk feminista“, figura en los registros públicos como director de empresa de un blog llamado Trans Safety Network (TSN, Red de Seguridad Trans), a través del cual la Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU) le dio un altavoz y habló en una conferencia de 2022 junto a un diputado laborista. Bell Ribeiro-Addy.

La TSN también fue citada como recurso por el mayor grupo de presión LGBT de Europa, Stonewall, durante una campaña de 2022 contra la Comisión de Igualdad y Derechos Humanos (EHRC) en respuesta a las modificaciones propuestas a la Ley de Igualdad que reforzarían los derechos de las mujeres basados en el sexo, incluido el derecho a instalaciones y servicios segregados por sexo.

En una declaración de la TSN publicada en el sitio web de Stonewall se afirma que las políticas que protegen los servicios exclusivos para mujeres “suponen una seria amenaza para los derechos humanos de las personas trans”, y que tales protecciones son “institucionalmente inadecuadas para su propósito”.

La Red de Seguridad Trans (TSN) se lanzó en 2020 como “un colectivo de investigación que explora y analiza el daño institucional y organizado contra las personas trans en el Reino Unido”, e inicialmente citó “pegatinas engañosas puestas a la vista del público” como la razón para la creación del grupo. Moore, junto con otros miembros de la TSN, documentan y denuncian con frecuencia pegatinas y letreros que consideran “ofensivos” para las personas que dicen ser trans.

Moore también ha documentado algunas de estas pegatinas, dando a entender que son ilegales. Por su parte, el sitio web de la TSN afirma que las pegatinas tienen la intención de “molestar al público para que tome represalias contra las personas trans”.

Entre los diseños de pegatinas que son blancos de la TSN se encuentran peticiones de baños segregados por sexo para preservar la intimidad, y lemas como la definición de “mujer” como “hembra humana adulta”.

De manera inquietante, Moore, que practica BDSM desde hace mucho tiempo y se describe a sí mismo como un sádico, también es miembro de la Red de Acción de Adultos que Consienten (CAAN), que ha promovido la pornografía extrema y ha hecho campaña a favor de la legalización de las imágenes sexuales de jóvenes de 16 y 17 años.

En una declaración publicada en el sitio de la CAAN en 2008, el año en que se creó, se critica la legislación que estaba estudiando el gobierno para penalizar la posesión de contenido pornográfico en el que aparezcan jóvenes de 16 y 17 años, calificando la enmienda a la Ley de Delitos Sexuales de 2003 como “equivocada y desproporcionada”.

“Esta trampa legal en particular está diseñada para crear otra área de incertidumbre, donde los adultos deben arriesgarse a ser tachados de pedófilos (o no) dependiendo de si siempre pueden distinguir visualmente entre un o una joven de 17 años y uno o una de 18”, reza el comunicado de la CAAN.

“Añadir al Registro de Delincuentes Sexuales los nombres de individuos cuyo único delito es que les excitan seres humanos biológicamente maduros devalúa el Registro. También proporciona una opción de exclusión voluntaria para los pederastas de verdad, que pueden argumentar que si una interacción sexual ordinaria puede llevar a alguien al Registro de Delincuentes Sexuales, lo que hayan hecho no puede haber sido tan grave”.

Escribiendo para The Register en 2008, el transactivista travesti Jane Fae, figura destacada de la CAAN junto con Moore y Lewis, volvió a plantear la cuestión específica de que la normativa había tipificado como delito la pornografía en la que salían jóvenes de 16 años.

Según Stephen Ruddell, de la Unidad de Política de Derecho Penal, Fae subraya que “la edad del o la menor, con respecto a la posesión de fotografías indecentes de menores, se subió de menos de 16 a menos de 18 años en la Ley de Delitos Sexuales de 2003. Este cambio en la ley significó que las personas tenían que considerar y, si era necesario, eliminar o destruir el material que hasta entonces era legal poseer”.

De manera preocupante, la cuenta oficial de redes sociales de la CAAN ofrecía apoyo al notable activista LGBT Peter Tatchell, que tiene un extenso historial de apología de la pederastia y que en el pasado abogó por rebajar la edad legal de consentimiento (artículo en español). En 1986, Tatchell contribuyó con un capítulo a un libro compilado por Warren Middleton, ex vicepresidente del Intercambio de Información sobre Pedofilia (PIE), en el que argumentaba que las leyes que penalizan a los adultos por abusar sexualmente de menores hacen más daño que el abuso en sí.

Un artículo escrito por Tatchell y compartido a través de las redes sociales de la CAAN argumenta que “el smut (género de fanfiction con contenido sexual explícito) en realidad salva vidas” al prevenir el cáncer de próstata, y descalifica a los detractores como “moralistas” y “feministas de derechas”.

“Para justificar su cruzada contra la pornografía, los nuevos puritanos señalan las películas snuff, la pornografía infantil, los videos de violaciones, las actrices víctimas de trata o coaccionadas y las imágenes degradantes y humillantes de mujeres. Claro, estas cosas son viles y están mal, y algunas de ellas deberían penalizarse para proteger a los más vulnerables”, escribe Tatchell.

Sin embargo, añade, “es cruel e inhumano negar a las personas aisladas, discapacitadas, con sobrepeso, feas y ancianas la satisfacción erótica que puede proporcionarles el porno… Hacerse pajas es bueno para la salud. Por lo tanto, las revistas y películas porno que contribuyen a la masturbación frecuente están ayudando indirectamente a salvar miles de vidas”.

La CAAN también ha pedido la legalización de la “pornografía extrema”, definida en la legislación británica como “contenido pornográfico explícito que muestra actividades sexuales que ponen en peligro la vida, zoofilia, necrofilia y cualquier acto “que implique la penetración no consentida de la vagina, el ano o la boca de una persona por parte de otra con el pene de la otra persona o parte del cuerpo de la otra persona o cualquier otra cosa (violación o agresión con penetración)”.

En vísperas de la aplicación de la legislación que tipifica como delito la posesión de pornografía extrema, la CAAN pidió a sus partidarios que enviaran “pruebas pornográficas extremas” con el fin de crear una base de datos “para ver si [las personas que la poseen] corren el riesgo de ser encarceladas y de figurar en el Registro de Delincuentes Sexuales”.

Sin embargo, mientras hacía campaña a favor de la pornografía extrema, la CAAN aparentemente se olvidó de mencionar el violento asesinato que motivó el cambio en la legislación.

En 2003, la profesora británica de educación especial Jane Longhurst murió estrangulada a manos de un hombre con una adicción a la pornografía sadomasoquista. Graham Coutts, que declaró ante el tribunal de Old Bailey durante su juicio que desde los 15 años tenía fantasías asesinas sexualmente excitantes con mujeres, y que había estado viendo pornografía extrema el día antes de matar a Longhurst enrollándole un par de medias de nailon alrededor del cuello.

Mallory Moore. Fuente de la foto: FACEBOOK

Coutts, que había estado saliendo con la mejor amiga de Longhurst, argumentó que la muerte fue el resultado accidental de una relación sexual sadomasoquista consensuada, mientras que la fiscalía afirmó que había violado a Longhurst y que la había matado para “satisfacer su interés sexual pervertido y de siempre en la violencia contra las mujeres”.

Un grupo público de Facebook para miembros de la CAAN está dirigido por tres personas: Jane Fae, transactivista y hombre que se dice trans, una mujer llamada Hannah Mantel y Dennis Queen, el nombre elegido de una mujer antes conocida como Clair Lewis, a quien Moore ha descrito como su “esposa”. Moore aparece como miembro del grupo de Facebook con el nombre de Phoebe Queen.

Lewis, que ha ostentado el título de Coordinadora Nacional de la CAAN, es “una practicante abierta del BDSM y poliamorista desde hace 24 años”, según una publicación de Facebook de 2017. En una entrevista anterior con el grupo de campaña Polyamory UK, Lewis aconseja a los lectores que “desafíen las preocupaciones infundadas” que pueden surgir en una relación polígama y que “permitan que el amor controle su comportamiento, no los celos”.

En mayo de 2019, Moore publicó en X que era “pro kink” (“a favor de la perversión sexual”) y apoyaba los actos sexuales potencialmente mortales en respuesta a las crecientes preocupaciones de las mujeres que están siendo asesinadas durante los llamados “juegos sexuales”.

Escribió: “Soy bastante pro-kink y estoy a favor de que adultos hagan cosas potencialmente muy atrevidas de forma voluntaria. Un contratiempo durante el sexo es una cosa, alguna gnte [sic] ha muerto al caerse en la ducha, morirán ocasionalmente durante los juegos sexuales”.

Además de su campaña a través de la Red de Seguridad Trans y su afiliación a la Red de Acción de Adultos que Consienten, Moore ha abogado repetidamente por la “transición” médica de la juventud.

Pero sobre todo, Moore afirma haber participado en discusiones que tuvieron lugar durante una revisión independiente de las prácticas clínicas en torno a la “transición” médica de criaturas y jóvenes mediante hormonas y fármacos para detener la pubertad.

El informe provisional de Cass, publicado en marzo de 2022 y dirigido por la Dra. Hilary Cass, examinó el “aumento significativo de las derivaciones” de menores y jóvenes al Servicio de Desarrollo de la Identidad de Género (GIDS) de la Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust. El informe determinaba que había “lagunas en la evidencia” en torno a los servicios de género para menores, y destacaba los posibles efectos adversos para la salud de los fármacos para detener la pubertad, pero también afirmaba que “no hacer nada no puede considerarse un acto neutral”.

Moore ha criticado el Informe Cass y el proceso involucrado, y lo ha definido de sesgado y “anti-trans”, y divulgó que había estado presente en reuniones con la Dra. Hilary Cass mientras se realizaba el informe. Además, ha calificado de “pánico moral” la preocupación por la transición médica de menores, y ha declarado que el “prototipo de persona transgénero era una criatura trans”. A través de la TSN, Moore también ha defendido que se permita a las personas autistas y discapacitadas someterse a cirugías e intervenciones transgénero.

Es más, el grupo de presión LGBT más grande de Europa, Stonewall, consultó a Moore durante las recientes actualizaciones realizadas a la guía de salvaguardia legal Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE Manteniendo a los Menores a Salvo en la Educación). Nancy Kelley, ex directora ejecutiva de Stonewall, dijo en su declaración cuando dejó el puesto en julio de 2023 que alterar la edición de 2022 para KCSIE fue uno de los logros de los que se siente más orgullosa de su cargo.

En respuesta a Moore en X (antes Twitter) en marzo de 2022, después de que él declarara que se había “colado accidentalmente en una reunión académica sobre la investigación de delitos de odio”, la entonces directora ejecutiva Kelley comentó: “Eres, con mucho, la persona más impresionantemente bien informada y reflexiva que he escuchado hablar sobre este tema, y he escuchado a cientos de investigadores profesionales de todos los niveles hablar de ello. Les [sic] dejas fuera de combate”.

Durante el período en que Kelley y Moore aparentemente compartieron una relación de trabajo, la guía de KCSIE se modificó para agregar un requisito para la “inclusión LGBT” dentro del plan de estudios de Relaciones y Educación Sexual y Educación para la Salud Sexual (RSE), para contrarrestar el “acoso transfóbico”. Actualmente, el párrafo 205 de la política de KCSIE remite a los lectores a la guía de RSE del gobierno en donde aparecen los propios planes de lecciones de Stonewall para escuelas primarias y secundarias como únicos recursos sobre la inclusión LGBT.

Además de haber participado en campañas a favor de la pornografía extrema y la transición médica de menores, Moore ha intentado en repetidas ocasiones que se clausuren o censuren eventos e individuos críticos con la ideología de identidad de género, y ya ha mostrado en el pasado un comportamiento amenazante hacia las mujeres que se oponen a la ideología de identidad de género.

“Llevo más de 2 años denunciando a terapeutas de conversión a organismos médicos y terapéuticos profesionales del Reino Unido”, escribió Moore en marzo de 2023, refiriéndose a los especialistas clínicos que ofrecen a los jóvenes alternativas a la transición médica, una práctica que él denuncia como “terapia de conversión”.

Hablando en defensa de un transactivista escocés que ha pedido el asesinato de una mujer política y fue filmado gritando insultos a las mujeres, Moore respondió al grupo de defensa de los derechos de las mujeres Sex Matters, diciendo: “Si quieréis ver transactivismo extremo, haced que los cánticos en las calles sean ilegales. Cuando se eliminan los recursos legales para resistir la opresión, sólo nos quedan los ilegales. Tened cuidado con lo que pedís”.

En las imágenes de vídeo grabadas justo antes de proferir su comentario amenazador, se puede ver a Moore siguiendo por la calle a Helen Joye, representante de Sex Matters, a la salida de una reunión celebrada en Manchester el 11 de septiembre.

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UK: Trans-Identified Male Arrested After Campaign Of Harassment Against Female Neighbor Referred To As “She/Her” In Court

A trans-identified male in Newcastle, England, has been charged after waging a campaign of harassment and abuse against his female neighbor. Andrew Fleming, who goes by the name Susan Hope, was referred to with “she/her” pronouns by the Newcastle Crown Court.

According to ChronicleLive, the harassment first began after his female neighbor, who has lived in the building with her husband for over 30 years, allowed Fleming to charge his phone when his electricity was out after he moved in last February.

Despite the woman’s efforts to be a good neighbor to the new tenant, Prosecutor Rachel Glover told the court that Fleming began tormenting her regularly, demanding more and more from her by way of favors.

“The defendant began knocking on their door at all hours, asking for her phone to be charged and for phone calls to be made on her behalf. (The woman) said she tried to be a good neighbour, but it got too much, and she began to say no and asked her to stop knocking on her door.”

In response, Glover explained that Fleming, who has autism and bipolar disorder, became combative and threatened her, saying: “I will remember this.”

Although 51-year-old Fleming was away from his home from February until June of 2023, he reportedly began harassing his neighbor shortly after his return. From June until August, Fleming tormented his neighbors, sometimes yelling through their door for hours. In multiple instances, after claiming to be locked out of his place, he violently banged on their door, demanding their assistance.

On June 29, after enjoying a meal out, the woman was horrified to learn that Fleming had been stalking her and was “standing across the road, staring at her,” which Glover informed the court she found extremely intimidating to the point where “she was terrified and returned home shaking.”

Several days later, after being berated for hours in the morning, the woman went to her car to leave, where Fleming continued to shout threats at her, including that he wanted to kill her and “punch her face in.”

“She could see the defendant standing at her front window with the window open, shouting at her. (The victim) was frightened, crying and shaking, and her husband called the police,” explained the prosecution.

“She is absolutely terrified of the defendant. It’s causing her distress all the time. She’s terrified of what they are capable of doing,” explained Glover, using gender neutral pronouns for Fleming. “It frightens her. She’s lived there more than 30 years with no issues but no longer feels safe and doesn’t want to live there anymore.”

Referring to the victim’s husband, Glover added: “It has made him feel anxious in his own home. He’s worried for his wife because of the threats made towards her. He has taken time off work. His wife doesn’t like to be in the address on her own, and he is constantly worried about what will happen.”

Fleming was arrested and taken to the police station where, despite assaulting a police officer, he was released on bail “with conditions not to contact the victims.”

Fleming, violating his bail conditions, continued to harass his neighbors, relentlessly knocking on their door and shouting verbal threats to the point where the victims had to install a ring doorbell. In an effort to calm her down, the woman’s husband would also drive her around town until she felt comfortable enough to return home.

Fleming’s lawyer, Shada Mellor, told the court that he had been previously detained under the Mental Health Act, which covers the assessment, treatment, and rights of people with a mental health disorder, and has served a 14-month pre-trial detention.

Although Fleming missed his sentencing hearing, he was sentenced to just over nine months in prison and was “given a restraining order not to contact the victims” after pleading guilty to harassment and assaulting a police officer.

Despite the courts referring to Fleming as a woman throughout the proceedings, as of February last year, the United Kingdom introduced new measures prohibiting transgender offenders who have male genitalia from serving their sentence in a women’s prison.

“Safety has to come first in our prisons and this new policy sets out a clear, common-sense approach to the housing of transgender prisoners,” explained Dominic Raab, the UK’s Deputy Prime Minister. “With these sensible new measures in place, transgender offenders who have committed sexual or violent crimes or retain male genitalia will not serve their sentence in a women’s prison, unless explicitly approved at the highest level.”

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Supreme Court of Canada Argues Lower Court Judge Made “Unfortunate, Confusing” Decision In Referring To Female Rape Victim As “A Woman”

The Supreme Court of Canada has asserted that a lower court judge should not have referred to a sexual assault victim as “a woman,” a term which they claim was “unfortunate and engendered confusion.” The ruling, published on March 8, goes on to imply that the more effective term would be “person with a vagina.”

The case being discussed was that of Christopher James Kruk, a man from Maple Ridge, British Columbia who had been convicted of sexually assaulting a woman in 2020. According to past news coverage of the initial charges, the incident occurred the night of May 26, 2017, after Kruk encountered a heavily intoxicated woman in the city’s urban center. Kruk reportedly offered to ensure the woman got home safely, and then brought her to his residence via the SkyTrain and a taxi.

At some point during the journey, he called the woman’s mother on his cellphone to let her know that he was going to bring her daughter home. But instead, the woman reportedly passed out or fell asleep at Kruk’s home. Meanwhile, her mother was frantically calling Kruk, ringing him more than 20 times over an almost two-hour period without any response from the man.

The victim testified at the first trial that she woke up to find Kruk penetrating her, and that she tried and failed to push him off through her disorientation.

At around 4 a.m., many hours after Kruk had initially called her mother and told her she would be brought home, the woman’s father and brother managed to track down Kruk’s address using information from taxi cab drivers, and arrived in his neighborhood. When the woman heard her father’s voice calling out for her from the street, the woman rushed out the door wearing only her sweatshirt and underwear. She told her brother she had been raped, and filed a police complaint.

In his defense, Kruk claimed he never penetrated the woman, and that she had simply become startled when he had tried to wake her up, misinterpreting the sudden sensation as rape. He also claimed her pants were off because she had spilled water on them and that she had removed them herself while intoxicated earlier that evening.

Finding Kruk’s defense “fanciful,” Justice Michael Tammen found Kruk guilty of sexual assault in 2020, in part because he asserted that it would have been “extremely unlikely that a woman would be mistaken” about the feeling of penile penetration.

But a 2022 appeals court overruled Kruk’s conviction and ordered a new trial, arguing that Tammen had “engaged in speculative reasoning” and “made an assumption on a matter that was not so well known as to be notorious, that was not capable of immediate and accurate proof by resort to a readily accessible source of indisputable accuracy, or that was a matter of common sense.”

The Supreme Court of Canada has now found the appeals court erred in overturning Tammen’s conviction of Kruk, determining that Tammen had acted appropriately in the case. But despite upholding Tammen’s initial arguments, Justice Sheilah Martin took issue with Tammen’s description of the victim as “a woman.”

While she disagreed with the appeals court’s argument that Tammen’s ruling relied on “speculation” as to whether the sensation of penile penetration was readily identifiable, Martin did imply that the terminology needed to be changed.

“Where a person with a vagina testifies credibly and with certainty that they felt penile‑vaginal penetration, a trial judge must be entitled to conclude that they are unlikely to be mistaken,” Martin wrote.

“While the choice of the trial judge to use the words ‘a woman’ may have been unfortunate and engendered confusion, in context, it is clear the judge was reasoning that it was extremely unlikely that the complainant would be mistaken about the feeling of penile‑vaginal penetration because people generally, even if intoxicated, are not mistaken about that sensation.”

Martin does not specify what about the word “woman” could have “engendered confusion.”

The ruling, first highlighted by Canadian journalist Tristin Hopper, comes on the heels of recent controversy surrounding an updated guidebook on general practice issued by the Federal Court of Canada which references pronoun use.

According to the guidebook, “the Court invites counsel, parties and witnesses to provide information about the correct pronunciation of their names (phonetic or syllabic spelling), titles (Dr., Mrs., Mr., Ms., Miss, Mx., etc.) and pronouns (she, he, they, etc.) prior to and at the outset of proceedings.”

While amended in late December of 2023, screenshots from the guidebook began circulating on social media in February of this year, prompting backlash from those concerned with gender ideology’s impact on Canada’s judicial system. While some feared the process may be mandatory, Reduxx reached out to the Federal Court and was informed that was not the case.

“It is important to note that this is simply an invitation. Participants before the Court remain free to proceed in the manner that they prefer,” the Office of the Chief Justice of the Federal Court stated.

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Una compañía norteamericana de viajes compartidos se asocia con un travesti para promocionar su nueva función de seguridad “Mujeres+”

Un conductor de sexo masculino que se dice trans de Lyft (empresa norteamericana que ofrece soluciones para el transporte de pasajeros a través de conductores con coche propio, tipo Cabify) ha recibido dinero de Lyft por promocionar su función Women+ Connect en sus redes sociales. Lanzada en febrero en todo Estados Unidos, la función tenía como objetivo hacer que las pasajeras se sintieran más seguras a la hora de usar el servicio al permitirles optar por una conductora de sexo femenino.

“Ya está disponible en todo el país Women+ Connect, una función muy solicitada que permite a las mujeres y a las conductoras no binarias viajar juntas más a menudo”, dijo Lyft en un comunicado de prensa en su sitio web tras la puesta en marcha del programa.

“Lo pidieron las conductoras y las usuarias, y Lyft es la única compañía de viajes compartidos con Women+ Connect en EE. UU.”, dijo el CEO de Lyft, David Risher. “Cuando los viajes compartidos son mejores para las mujeres y las personas no binarias, los viajes compartidos son mejores para todos. Estamos orgullosos de llevar la comodidad y la camaradería de Women+ Connect a millones de personas de todo el país”.

Cuando la función se introdujo por primera vez el pasado mes de septiembre, muchos se apresuraron a señalar que permitir que los hombres se autoidentifiquen como trans o no binarios para convertirse en pasajeros o conductores de Women+ Connect frustraba el propósito de dicha función y no ayudaba a mantener la seguridad de las mujeres.

“A simple vista, diría que es una GRAN idea. ¿Pero os dais cuenta de que ahora les dais a los HOMBRES la opción de solicitar una mujer conductora/[pasajera], simplemente diciendo que son no binarios? Es una gran idea, pero consigue el efecto contrario cuando dejáis que vuestra ideología se interponga en el camino del pensamiento lógico”, respondió una persona a la empresa.

Otra cuenta comentó: “Lyft lo llama Women+ porque involucra a hombres en womanface. Hola @lyft, ¿sabes que los hombres con autoginefilia cometen más delitos sexuales que los hombres que no la tienen? ¿Sabes cuánto envidian y odian a las mujeres reales? Esto pone a las mujeres MÁS en riesgo, no menos. Repugnante”.

Aunque muchos especularon en un principio que la función les daba a los hombres la oportunidad de abusar de la autoidentificación de género para recoger pasajeras, Lyft ha dejado ahora claro que no se trata de una consecuencia inesperada de la función, sino algo que ellos fomentan.

La aplicación de viajes compartidos se asoció con Davie Felton, un TikToker varón que se dice trans, para promocionar la función. Felton tiene 900.000 seguidores en TikTok y se dedica principalmente a crear contenido sobre ideología de género.

Felton no empezó a identificarse como mujer hasta agosto de 2023, pero afirma haber sido conductor de Lyft durante más de 6 años.

En el video promocional, publicado en la cuenta de TikTok de Felton, él mismo demuestra lo fácil que le resulta activar la función Women+ Connect para hacer match con pasajeras “mujeres y no binarias”.

“Estoy muy emocionada, la función ofrece más control sobre la experiencia de conducción para las mujeres y las personas no binarias”, dijo Felton en el anuncio.

La cuenta @LeftismForU publicó el vídeo de TikTok en X, e inmediatamente provocó la indignación entre las usuarias de viajes compartidos.

“Estos hombres parafílicos suponen un riesgo importante para la seguridad de mujeres y menores. Vergüenza debería darles a @lyft poner en peligro a mujeres y menores. No volveré a utilizar sus servicios”, dijo una mujer en respuesta al vídeo.

“Como mujer, esta es la última función que utilizaría. Prefiero que me lleve un hombre normal a elegir una opción a la que van a parar todos los AGP”, dijo otra.

Antes de identificarse como mujer, Felton lucía una larga barba blanca y fue voluntario para hacer de Papá Noel en una tienda desde 2008 hasta 2022, donde preguntaba a las criaturas su nombre y sus pronombres. Felton admitió que se dejó crecer la barba para hacer el papel de Santa, pero después de empezar a identificarse como mujer, cambió su personaje a “Sandra” Claus.

“Gracias por proporcionarle a Papá Noel un espacio seguro para hacerles a los críos las preguntas que realmente les importan”, dijo Felton en un video publicado en su cuenta de YouTube.

En su cuenta de X, Felton ha expresado regularmente su ira hacia las mujeres que critican el transgenerismo.

Felton también se ha burlado de las preocupaciones de las mujeres por querer espacios segregados por sexo. Ha publicado selfis en baños de mujeres y ha dicho que continuará usando los espacios de mujeres sin importarle lo que diga de la ley.

“¡Las personas trans no están haciendo ningún daño a otras mujeres en los baños! Eso es hipérbole y alarmismo. ¡Hombres en el clero, ahí es donde tenéis que estar mirando!” Felton dijo en una publicación en X.

La necesidad de una función exclusiva para mujeres en las aplicaciones de viajes compartidos surgió debido a la prevalencia del acoso y la agresión sexual a la que se enfrentan tanto las conductoras como las pasajeras. De 2017 a 2019, Lyft registró 4,158 denuncias por agresión sexual. Sin embargo, en su material promocional para su función Women+ Connect, Lyft se centró menos en el aspecto de seguridad de la función y la presentó como una forma de que las mujeres y los hombres que se dicen trans se hicieran amigos y estrecharan lazos.

En uno de los primeros anuncios publicados en el propio TikTok de Lyft se ve a una conductora eligiendo a dos pasajeros, uno de los cuales es un travesti, y muestra a dicha conductora actuando de terapeuta con ellos para luego invitarlos a un batido.

En reacción al anuncio por aquel entonces, una mujer dijo en X: “Llegados a este punto, están jugando con la vida de las mujeres porque las mujeres han sido atacadas tanto por conductores de Lyft como de Uber. He estado en varios Uber con conductores masculinos repulsivos. Los depredadores no se lo pensarán dos veces en decir que son no binarios. Lo último que quieres por la noche es que un hombre te vaya a buscar”.

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Se registra un “incidente de odio no delictivo” contra JK Rowling por “malgenerizar” a un locutor

El locutor británico India Willoughby afirma que la policía de Northumbria ha registrado un “incidente de odio no delictivo” contra la creadora de Harry Potter, JK Rowling, después de que él denunciara a la adorada escritora por “malgenerizarlo”.

Aunque Willoughby lleva mucho tiempo expresando su desprecio hacia Rowling, habiendo hecho cientos de tuits sobre sus declaraciones críticas de género a lo largo de los años, la tensión llegó a un punto crítico esta semana cuando Rowling declaró que Willoughby no se había “convertido en una mujer”.

El 3 de marzo, Rowling hizo una publicación en apoyo de los espacios de mujeres separados por sexo, que los transactivistas rápidamente empezaron a criticar.

“¿Por qué se obliga a las mujeres trans a usar espacios masculinos? ¿No entiendes lo humillante que es para nosotras? ¿O no te importa? preguntó un usuario, a lo que Rowling respondió: “Alguien debería haberte explicado que tus sentimientos heridos no están por encima de los derechos de los demás, y que las mujeres y las niñas no somos accesorios de validación ni mantas de seguridad emocional”.

Otro usuario, llamado Socialist Stanley, se enfrentó a Rowling con un gif del locutor británico y transactivista India Willoughby, escribiendo: “Hola Joanne, ¿entonces estás diciendo que esta señora debería usar el vestuario de hombres?”.

Rowling respondió: “India no se convirtió en una mujer. India está disfrazando de una fantasía masculina misógina de lo que es una mujer”.

Willoughby, nacido Jonathan, empezó a decir que era una mujer en 2015 a la edad de 50 años, convirtiéndose oficialmente en el primer presentador de noticias transgénero del Reino Unido. Antes ya había recibido críticas por presumir de tener una “vagina de diseño”, que dijo haber escogido en un catálogo como si fuera “ir a cortarse el pelo”.

El comentario de Rowling provocó la indignación generalizada entre los transactivistas, y Willoughby no tardó en darse cuenta e insistir en que era, de hecho, una mujer. Citó los comentarios de Rowling y escribió: “el debate sobre si JK Rowling es tránsfoba ha terminado”.

En un tuit posterior, Rowling afirmó su derecho a sexar correctamente a los hombres que dicen ser trans.

“Sexar correctamente a los hombres que se dicen trans que mandan insultos misóginos a las mujeres no es discriminación. ‘ Hombre’ no es un insulto… No existe el derecho humano a la validación universal”.

Pero Willoughby procedió a hacer la situación más intensa, llegando a insinuar que Rowling sería la responsable en caso de que lo asesinaran, escribiendo: “Si alguna vez me asesinan, ya sabéis a quién culpar. #StochasticTerrorism”. El término “terrorismo estocástico” se refiere a cuando figuras populares demonizan públicamente a una persona o grupo de tal manera que inspira a sus seguidores a cometer un acto violento contra el blanco del discurso.

El 6 de marzo, Willoughby anunció que había denunciado a Rowling a la policía de Northumbria por haberlo “malgenerizado”. En una entrevista con Byline TV, Willoughby se jactó de que fue una “ofensa clara”. En el pie de foto de la entrevista, Byline TV, un medio ostensiblemente pro-trans, afirmó que “esto podría llevar al arresto de Rowling”.

Pero ayer, la policía de Northumbria anunció que no investigaría a Rowling basándose en el informe, señalando que la denuncia “no alcanzaba el umbral penal”.

En X (antes Twitter), Willoughby afirmó que la policía le había dicho que los comentarios de Rowling “cumplían con los criterios de odio”, pero no cumplían con todos los requisitos para ser procesados como un delito de odio. Esto se debe probablemente a que los “delitos de odio” en el Reino Unido requieren que se haya producido un delito penal subyacente.

Pero Willoughby declaró que la policía había registrado el suceso como un “incidente de odio no delictivo”.

Según el College of Policing, la organización que establece normas e imparte formación a los que trabajan en el ámbito policial en Inglaterra y Gales, los incidentes de odio no delictivos se definen como un incidente que no constituye un delito, pero que puede haber estado motivado “total o parcialmente por la animosidad”.

Los incidentes pueden ser utilizados para constituir posteriormente una acusación penal real. Las presuntas víctimas de incidentes de odio no delictivos suelen ser remitidas a los servicios de atención a las víctimas.

Pero, si se confirma, la Policía de Northumbria parece haber aplicado incorrectamente la designación de Incidente de Odio No Delictivo. Como señaló la defensora de los derechos de las mujeres Maya Forstater, el Código de Práctica Oficial de Incidentes de Odio No Delictivos detalla claramente la libertad de expresión en el contexto de la expresión de opiniones críticas con la ideología de género.

El Reino Unido ha sido considerado durante mucho tiempo como el epicentro de gran parte del debate sobre la ideología de género, con historias que surgen periódicamente en el país sobre mujeres arrestadas o criminalizadas por no validar adecuadamente la identidad de un hombre que se dice trans.

En 2019, una madre de Hertfordshire fue detenida delante de sus hijos y retenida durante más de 7 horas tras ser denunciada por “malgenerizar” en Twitter a un hombre que se identificaba como mujer. La condena de Kate Scottow fue finalmente anulada en apelación al año siguiente, pero este se sumó a los muchos casos similares que surgirían.

La aplicación incorrecta de “delitos de odio” e “incidentes de odio no delictivos” en el país también ha sido objeto de un escrutinio cada vez mayor en los últimos años, y varias fuerzas policiales han demostrado un sesgo ideológico en su aplicación de la ley.

En octubre de 2022, la policía de Leicestershire se vio obligada a retractarse de una campaña en las redes sociales (artículo en español) por sugerir incorrectamente que llamar a una persona que se dice trans por un nombre no preferido se consideraría un delito de odio denunciable.

La policía de Sussex también emitió una disculpa después de reprender a los usuarios de las redes sociales por referirse a un pederasta en serie que se dice trans como “un hombre”. Ese cuerpo policial acabó borrando una serie de publicaciones en X que tenían lo que muchos consideraron amenazas apenas veladas de persecución hacia las mujeres que habían criticado un comunicado de prensa en el que se refería al violador de menores como “mujer”.

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EXCLUSIVE: Influential Trans Activist Advocating For Child Transitioning Worked With Extreme Porn Lobby Group Which Campaigned Against Criminalizing Sexual Images Of Minors

Reduxx has learned that a British trans activist who has influenced gender policy in the United Kingdom and advocated for the medical transitioning of minors had previously lobbied for extreme pornography and sexual images of minors to be legalized.

Mallory Moore, 40, who also has used the alias Phoebe Queen and describes himself as a “feminist punk dyke witch,” is listed on public record as the Company Director of a blog called Trans Safety Network (TSN), through which he has been platformed by the United Nations (UN) and spoke at a 2022 conference alongside a Labour MP, Bell Ribeiro-Addy.

The TSN was also referenced as a resource by the largest LGBT lobby group in Europe, Stonewall, during a 2022 campaign against the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) in response to proposed alterations to the Equality Act which would strengthen women’s sex-based rights, including the right to single-sex facilities and services.

A statement from TSN published to Stonewall’s website said that policies which protect women-only policies “pose a serious threat to the human rights of trans individuals,” and that such protections are “institutionally unfit for purpose.”

The Trans Safety Network (TSN) was launched in 2020 as “a research collective exploring and analyzing institutional and organized harm against trans people in the UK,” and initially cited “misleading stickers being placed in public view” as a motivation for the group’s creation. Moore, along with other members of the TSN, frequently document and report stickers and signage they find “offensive” to trans people.

Moore has also documented some of these stickers, implying that they are illegal. Correspondingly, the TSN website claims the stickers are intended to “disturb the public into retaliating against trans individuals.”

Among the sticker designs targeted by the TSN are calls for single-sex restrooms in order to preserve privacy, and slogans such as the definition of “woman” as “adult human female.”

Disturbingly, Moore, who is a longtime practitioner of BDSM and a self-described sadist, is also a member of the Consenting Adult Action Network (CAAN), which has promoted extreme pornography and campaigned for legalizing sexual images of youth aged 16 and 17.

A statement posted on the CAAN site in 2008, the year it was created, criticizes legislation that was being considered by the government to criminalize the possession of pornographic content involving 16 and 17 year-olds, calling the amendment to the Sexual Offences Act 2003 “misguided and disproportionate.”

“This particular legal booby-trap is designed to create yet another area of uncertainty, where adults must risk being branded paedophile (or not) depending to whether they can always distinguish visually between a 17-year-old and an 18-year-old,” reads the CAAN statement.

“Adding to the Sex Offenders’ Register the names of individuals whose sole offence is that they are turned on by biologically mature human beings devalues the Register. It also provides an opt-out for genuine paedophiles, who can argue that if ordinary sexual interaction can land someone on the SOR, then whatever they did could not have been that serious.”

Writing for The Register in 2008, male trans activist Jane Fae, a leading figure in CAAN alongside Moore and Lewis, again raised the specific issue that the regulation had criminalized pornography involving 16 year-olds.

According to Stephen Ruddell of the Criminal Law Policy Unit, Fae emphasizes, “the age of the child – in respect of possession of indecent photographs of children – was raised from under 16 to under 18 in the Sexual Offences Act 2003. This change in the law meant that people had to consider and, if necessary, delete or destroy material which until then had been legal to possess.”

Worryingly, CAAN’s official social media account was offering support to notable LGBT activist Peter Tatchell, who has an extensive history of pedophilia apologism, and previously advocated for lowering the legal age of consent. In 1986, Tatchell contributed a chapter to a book compiled by Warren Middleton, former vice-chairman of the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE), arguing that laws criminalizing adults for sexually abusing children do more harm than the abuse itself.

One article penned by Tatchell and shared via CAAN’s social media argues that “smut actually saves lives” by preventing prostate cancer, and disparages critics as “moralists” and “right-wing feminists.”

“To justify their anti-porn crusade, the new puritans point to snuff movies, kiddie porn, rape videos, trafficked or coerced actors and degrading, humiliating images of women. Sure, this stuff is vile and wrong – and some of it should be criminalized to protect the vulnerable,” writes Tatchell.

However, he adds, “It is cruel and inhuman to deny isolated, disabled, overweight, ugly and elderly people the erotic fulfilment that porn can provide… jerking off is good for your health. Porno magazines and films that aid frequent masturbation are therefore indirectly helping save thousands of lives.”

CAAN has also called for the legalization of “extreme pornography,” which is defined in British law as “explicit pornographic content which depicts life-threatening sexual activities, bestiality, necrophilia, and any act “which involves the non-consensual penetration of a person’s vagina, anus or mouth by another with the other person’s penis or part of the other person’s body or anything else (rape or assault by penetration).”

Leading up to the implementation of legislation criminalizing possession of extreme pornography, CAAN called on supporters to send in “extreme pornographic evidence” in order to establish a database “to see if [the individuals in possession] are at risk of imprisonment and a listing on the Sex Offender Register.”

Yet while campaigning for extreme pornography, CAAN apparently neglected to mention the violent murder which motivated the change in legislation.

In 2003, British special-needs teacher Jane Longhurst was strangled to death by a man with an addiction to sadomasochistic pornography. Graham Coutts, who told the Old Bailey court during his trial that he had had sexually-arousing murderous fantasies about women since the age of 15, had been viewing extreme pornography the day before killing Longhurst by wrapping a pair of nylons around her neck.

Mallory Moore. Photo Source: FACEBOOK

Coutts, who had been dating Longhurst’s best friend, argued that the death was an accidental result of consensual sadomasochistic intercourse, whereas the prosecution asserted that he had raped Longhurst while killing her to “satisfy his very long-standing and perverted sexual interest in violence to women.”

A public Facebook group for CAAN members is run by three individuals: vocal trans activist and trans-identified male Jane Fae, a woman named Hannah Mantel, and Dennis Queen, the chosen name of a woman previously known as Clair Lewis, whom Moore has described as his “wife.” Moore is listed as a member of the Facebook group under the name Phoebe Queen.

Lewis, who has held the title of National Convenor for CAAN, is “an out practitioner of BDSM, and has been a polyamorist for 24 years now,” according to a 2017 Facebook post. In an earlier interview with campaign group Polyamory UK, Lewis advises readers to “challenge unfounded concerns” that may arise in a polygamous relationship, and to “allow love to control your behavior, not jealousy.”

In May of 2019, Moore posted to X that he was “pro-kink” and supportive of potentially life-threatening sexual acts in response to growing concerns of women being murdered during so-called “sex games.”

He wrote: “I’m pretty pro-kink and consenting adults doing potentially very edgy stuff. Misadventure during sex is one thing, ppl [sic] have died falling in the shower, they will die occasionally during sex games.”

In addition to his campaigning through the Trans Safety Network and affiliation with the Consenting Adults Action Network, Moore has repeatedly advocated for the medical “transitioning” of youth.

Crucially, Moore claims to have been involved in discussions which took place during an independent review of clinical practices surrounding medical “transitioning” of children and youth via hormones and puberty-halting drugs.

The Cass Interim Review, published in March 2022 and led by Dr. Hilary Cass, examined the “significant increase in referrals” for children and youth to the Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS) at the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust. The report concluded that there were “gaps in evidence” surrounding children’s gender services, and highlighted potential adverse health effects of puberty-halting drugs, but also stated that “doing nothing cannot be considered a neutral act.”

Moore has condemned the Cass Review and the process involved as biased and “anti-trans,” and divulged that he had been present in meetings with Dr. Hilary Cass while the report was underway. He additionally framed concern around the medical transitioning of minors as a “moral panic,” and has stated that the “prototype transgender person was a trans kid.” Through TSN, Moore has also argued for autistic and disabled individuals to be permitted to undergo transgender surgeries and interventions.

Moreover, Moore was consulted by Europe’s largest LGBT lobby group, Stonewall, during recent updates made to statutory safeguarding guidance Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE). Nancy Kelley, the former CEO of Stonewall, said in her outgoing statement in July 2023 that altering the 2022 edition for KCSIE was one of her proudest achievements in the role.

Responding to Moore on X (formerly Twitter) in March 2022, after he stated that he had “accidentally crashed a properly academic meeting on hate crime research,” then-CEO Kelley remarked, “You are easily, and by about 1000 miles the most impressively well informed and thoughtful person I’ve heard speak on this topic, and I’ve heard 100s of professional researchers at all levels speak on it. You knock em [sic] out of the park.”

During the period that Kelley and Moore apparently shared a working relationship, the KCSIE guidance was amended to add a requirement for “LGBT inclusion” within Relationships and Sex Education and Sex Health Education (RSE) curriculum, to counter “transphobic abuse.” Currently paragraph 205 of the KCSIE policy directs readers to government RSE guidance that lists Stonewall’s own lesson plans for primary and secondary schools as the only resources on LGBT inclusivity.

In addition to having been involved in campaigning for extreme pornography and the medical transitioning of minors, Moore has repeatedly attempted to have events and individuals critical of gender identity ideology shut down or censored, and has a track record of displaying threatening behavior towards women who oppose gender identity ideology.

“I’ve been reporting conversion therapists to professional medical and therapeutic bodies in the UK for over 2 years,” wrote Moore in March 2023, referring to clinical specialists who offer young people alternatives to medical transition, a practice he condemns as “conversion therapy.”

Speaking in defense of a Scottish trans activist who has called for the murder of a female politician and was filmed screaming insults at women, Moore replied to women’s rights advocacy group Sex Matters, saying, “If you want to see extreme trans activism, make chanting in the streets illegal. When you take away legal recourse to resisting oppression, you leave us only illegal recourse. Be careful what you wish for.”

Moore can be seen in video footage shot just prior to his threatening remark following Sex Matters representative Helen Joyce down the street after she left a Manchester meeting on September 11.

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EEUU: Condenan a una mujer por “delito de odio” por “malgenerizar” a un travesti durante un altercado

Una camarera fuera de servicio ha sido condenada por un delito motivado por el “odio” después de empujar y “malgenerizar” a un hombre que se dice trans en los lavabos de un bar. El 6 de marzo, Cassandra McIntyre fue declarada culpable de un delito de prejuicio en segundo grado y cargos de acoso derivados de un enfrentamiento en 2022 con un hombre que se identifica como “mujer”.

Según el periodista Andy Ngo, McIntyre acababa de terminar su turno en Jake’s Place, un bar deportivo de Portland, Oregón, cuando se encontró con el activista de extrema izquierda Riis Larsen, antes Ronald A. Larsen, en el baño de mujeres. Claramente asustada, McIntyre le dijo a Larsen que “saliera” de aquel espacio íntimo.

Las imágenes de las cámaras de seguridad muestran a McIntyre empujando ligeramente a Larsen, quien se identifica como una “mujer trans queer demi-binaria”, después de que él empujara a otra persona para colarse en la cola del baño.

A principios de esta semana, Larsen, de 25 años, testificó ante el tribunal, donde dijo que McIntyre lo había acorralado y “malgenerizado” tras salir del baño de mujeres.

Durante el enfrentamiento, Larsen le explicó a McIntyre su “identidad de género”, pero dijo que ella continuó refiriéndose a él como hombre. Después de empujarlo ligeramente, McIntyre le pidió que “saliera” de las instalaciones femeninas. Las cámaras de seguridad pudieron captar la confrontación física, pero no grabaron lo que dijo McIntyre.

Larsen dijo al jurado que después pagó su cuenta y salió del bar “llorando y llamó al 911 más tarde esa misma noche”.

Durante el juicio, Larsen se sentó en la tribuna y afirmó que estaba “sufriendo” ante la idea de que el jurado fallara a favor de McIntyre, quejándose de la inminente “transfobia” y “borrado”.

Declaró: “Porque esa es la esencia del sesgo transfóbico: el borrado. Es no ser creído. En nuestro sistema, las personas son inocentes hasta que se demuestre su culpabilidad, pero en el mundo real, fui juzgado y sentenciado en cuestión de momentos cuando la Sra. McIntyre decidió acosarme”.

Aunque un testigo, R.J. Stangland, confirmó que McIntyre se dirigió a Larsen con los “pronombres incorrectos”, McIntyre dijo al tribunal que fue accidental. En su testimonio, confirmó que Larsen empujó a otra clienta para colarse en la fila del baño de mujeres, y aunque McIntyre admitió que interceptó a Larsen, no tenía idea de que lo estaba “malgenerizando”.

“No estaba tratando de malgenerizarla- tuve que buscar qué era transgénero en el diccionario. Estábamos sólo discutiendo sobre leche derramada”, dijo McIntyre, refiriéndose a Larsen en el tribunal usando pronombres femeninos.

En cuanto a la acusación de que había empujado a Larsen, McIntyre explicó que no lo había empujado, sino que estaba “haciendo espacio”.

A pesar de referirse sin querer a Larsen como hombre, Ngo compartió en X, antes Twitter, que se puso en contacto con el fiscal de distrito Mike Schmidt sobre el procesamiento de McIntyre y señaló que los fiscales estaban obsesionados con la supuesta “malgenerización” y continuaron argumentando que era un “delito de prejuicio de segundo grado”.

Durante los alegatos finales, el fiscal Charlie Weiss subrayó ante el jurado que Larsen “es examinado de una manera diferente a como somos examinados la mayoría de nosotros en nuestro día a día”, y se quejó de que la identidad de género de Larsen lo convertía en un blanco.

Aunque se disculpó ante el tribunal y prometió abstenerse de ir a ningún otro bar del barrio para que Larsen “tuviera un lugar al que ir sin preocupaciones”, el juez Christopher Marshall condenó a McIntyre a “50 horas de servicio comunitario y dos años de libertad condicional”.

Además de la biografía de Instagram de Larsen que lo describe como “una revolubricantearia chicagata muñecacaliente bimboacadémica artista poliamorosa reina del meme zorraabrazadora vülva marxista trans carpintera supernormal de clase trabajadora”, también tiene un SoundCloud donde comparte grabaciones de música original.

Hace tres años, Larsen organizó una transmisión en vivo en su canal de YouTube, con un vestido amarillo y coletas, donde habló de sí mismo de una manera obsesiva ante la cámara durante 14 minutos, divagando sobre su viaje como “mujer trans”.

“Um, esta soy yo tratando de averiguar, cómo tratar, tratar de averiguar cómo existir de una manera que sea agradable para [mí]”, dijo Larsen, y agregó: “las coletas definitivamente ayudan y son buenas”.

Reduxx es una nueva plataforma a favor de los derechos de las mujeres y de los menores con noticias y artículos. ¡Somos 100% independientes! Colabora con nuestro proyecto uniéndote a nuestro Patreon.

Lyft Partners With Trans-Identified Male To Promote New “Women+” Safety Feature

A trans-identified male lyft driver has been given a paid partnership with Lyft to promote their Women+ Connect feature on his social media. Launched throughout the US in February, the feature was intended to make female passengers feel safer when using the service by allowing them to opt for a female driver.

“Women+ Connect, a highly-requested feature that lets women and nonbinary riders and drivers ride together more often, is now available nationwide,” Lyft said in a press statement on their website following the roll-out of the program.

“Drivers and riders asked for it, and Lyft is the only rideshare company with Women+ Connect in the US,” said Lyft CEO David Risher. “When rideshare is better for women and nonbinary people, rideshare is better for everyone. We’re proud to bring the comfort and camaraderie of Women+ Connect to millions across the country.”

When the feature was first introduced last September, many were quick to point out that allowing men to self-identify as trans or non-binary to become either a Women+ Connect passenger or driver defeated the purpose of such a feature and didn’t help keep women safe.

“On the surface, I would have to say this is a GREAT idea. But you do realize now you give MEN the option to request a woman driver/[passenger], just by saying they are non-binary? Such a great idea, but get the opposite effect when you let your ideology get in the way of logical thinking,” one person replied to the company.

Another user commented: “Lyft is calling it Women+ because it involves men in womanface. Hey @lyft, do you know men with autogynphilia commit more sexual offenses than men without? Do you know much they envy and hate real women? This puts women MORE at risk than less. Disgusting.”

While many initially speculated that the feature gave males the opportunity to abuse gender self-identification to pick up female passengers, Lyft has now made it apparent that this is not an unintended consequence of the feature, but something they encourage.

The ride share app entered into a paid partnership with a trans-identified male TikToker Davie Felton to promote the feature. Felton has 900,000 TikTok followers and primarily makes content about gender ideology.

Felton only began identifying as a woman in August 2023 but claims to have been a driver for Lyft for over 6 years.

In the promotional video, posted to Felton’s TikTok account, he demonstrated how easily he was able to turn on the Women+ Connect feature to match with “women and non-binary” passengers.

“I’m so excited, the feature offers more control over the driving experience for women and non-binary people”, Felton said in the ad.

The TikTok video was reposted to X by @LeftismForU, and immediately prompted outrage amongst female ride share users.

“These paraphilic men pose a significant risk to the safety of women and children. Shame on @lyft for putting women and children in danger. I will no longer use their services,” one woman said in response to the video.

“As a woman, this is the last feature I would use. I would much rather be driven by a normal man than choose an option AGPs will gravitate to,” said another.

Prior to identifying as a woman, Felton sported a long white beard and previously volunteered as a store Santa Claus from 2008 until 2022 where he would ask young children for their name and pronouns. Felton admitted to growing out his beard for the role of Santa, but after he began identifying as a woman he changed his character to “Sandra” Claus.

“Thank you for providing Santa a safe space to ask the kiddos the questions that really matter to them,” Felton said in a video posted on his YouTube account.

On his X account, Felton has regularly expressed anger towards women who are critical of transgenderism.

Felton has also mocked women’s concerns for wanting single sex spaces. He has posted selfies in women’s bathrooms and said he will continue to use women’s spaces regardless of the law.

“Trans people aren’t harming other women in bathrooms! That’s hyperbole and fear-mongering. Men in clergy, that’s where you wanna be looking!” Felton said in one post to X.

The need for a women-only feature on ride sharing apps emerged due to the prevalence of sexual harassment and assault that both female drivers and passengers face. From 2017 to 2019, Lyft logged 4,158 Sexual Assault Reports. However, in their promotional material for their Women+ Connect feature, Lyft focused less on the safety aspect of the feature and presented it as a way for women and trans-identified males to make friends and bond.

One of the first ads posted on Lyft’s own TikTok shows a female driver picking two passengers, one of whom is a trans-identified male, and shows the driver acting as a therapist for the passengers before taking them for milkshakes.

Reacting to the ad at the time, one woman said on X: “They’re playing with women’s lives at this point because women have been attacked by both Lyft and Uber drivers. I’ve been in several Ubers with creepy male drivers. Predators won’t think twice to claim they’re non-binary. The last thing you want at night is a man picking you up.”

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“Non-Crime Hate Incident” Reportedly Logged Against JK Rowling After She “Misgendered” Male Broadcaster

British broadcaster India Willoughby is claiming that Northumbria Police have logged a “Non Crime Hate Incident” against Harry Potter creator JK Rowling after he reported the beloved author for “misgendering” him.

While Willoughby has long expressed his contempt of Rowling, having made hundreds of tweets about her gender critical statements over the years, the tension came to a head this week after Rowling stated that Willoughby did not “become a woman.”

On March 3, Rowling made a post in support of women’s single-sex spaces, which trans activists quickly clamored under to interrogate.

“Why should trans women be forced to use male spaces? Don’t you understand just how humiliating for us that would be? Or don’t you care?” one user questioned, to which Rowling replied: “Somebody really should have explained to you that your hurt feelings don’t trump other people’s rights, nor are women and girls validation props or comfort blankets.”

Another user, by the name of Socialist Stanley, then confronted Rowling with a gif of British broadcaster and trans activist India Willoughby, writing: “Hi Joanne, so you are saying this lady should use the men’s locker room then?!”

Rowling responded: “India didn’t become a woman. India is cosplaying a misogynistic male fantasy of what a woman is.”

Willoughby, born Jonathan, began claiming to be a woman in 2015 at the age of 50, officially becoming the UK’s first transgender newsreader. He has previously incited criticism for boasting of getting a “designer vagina,” which he said he chose from a catalogue like “going for a haircut.”

Rowling’s comment sparked widespread outrage amongst trans activists, with Willoughby quickly noticing and insisting he was, in fact, a woman. He quote-posted Rowling’s comments, writing: “the debate about whether JK Rowling is a transphobe is over.”

In a later tweet, Rowling affirmed her right to accurately sex trans-identified males.

“Accurately sexing trans-identified men who send misogynistic abuse to women is not discrimination. ‘Man’ is not a slur… there is no human right to universal validation.”

But Willoughby continued to escalate the situation, going so far as to suggest that Rowling would be responsible in the event of his murder, writing: “If I ever get murdered, you know who to blame. #StochasticTerrorism.” The term “stochastic terrorism” refers to when popular figures publicly demonize a person or group in such a way that inspires their supporters to commit a violent act against the target of the speech.

On March 6, Willoughby announced that he had reported Rowling to Northumbria Police for misgendering him. In an interview with Byline TV, Willoughby boasted that it was a “cut and dry offense.” In their caption of the interview, Byline TV, an ostensibly pro-trans outlet, claimed that “this could lead to Rowling’s arrest.”

But yesterday, Northumbria Police announced they would not be investigating Rowling based on the report, noting that the complaint “did not meet the criminal threshold.”

On X (formerly Twitter), Willoughby claimed that police had told him that Rowling’s comments “met the criteria for hate” but did not meet the full requirement for prosecution of a hate crime. This is presumably because “hate crimes” in the United Kingdom require an underlying criminal offense to have occurred.

But Willoughby did state that police had recorded event as a “non-crime hate incident.”

According to the College of Police, non-crime hate incidents are defined as an incident that is not a criminal offense, but may have been motivated “wholly or partially by hostility.”

The incidents may be utilized to later constitute an actual criminal charge. Alleged victims of non-crime hate incidents are often referred to victims services.

But, if confirmed, Northumbria Police appears to have incorrectly applied the Non-Crime Hate Incident designation. As noted by women’s rights advocate Maya Forstater, the official Non-Crime Hate Incident Code of Practice clearly details Freedom of Expression in the context of expressing views critical of gender ideology.

The United Kingdom has long been seen as ground-zero for much of the gender ideology debate, with stories routinely emerging from the nation about women being arrested or criminalized for not adequately validating a trans-identified male’s identity.

In 2019, a mother in Hertfordshire was arrested in front of her children and held for over 7 hours after being reported for “misgendering” a man who identified as a woman on Twitter. Kate Scottow’s conviction was ultimately overturned on appeal the next year, but was just one of many similar cases that would emerge. 

The incorrect application of “hate crime” and “non-crime hate incidents” in the nation has also come under increasing scrutiny in recent years, with several police forces demonstrating an ideological bias in their application of the law.

In October of 2022, Leicestershire Police were forced to retract a social media campaign after incorrectly suggesting that calling a transgender person by a non-preferred name would be considered a reportable hate crime.

Sussex Police also issued an apology after scolding users on social media for referring to a transgender serial pedophile as “a man.” The force deleted a number of posts on X with what many considered to be thinly-veiled threats of prosecution towards women who had condemned a press release referring to the child rapist as “female.”

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Oregon Woman Convicted Of “Hate Crime” After Misgendering Trans-Identified Male During Confrontation

An off-duty bartender has been convicted of a “hate” motivated crime after shoving and misgendering a trans-identified male in the washroom of a bar. On March 6, Cassandra McIntyre was found guilty of second-degree bias crime and harassment charges stemming from a 2022 confrontation with a man who identifies as a “woman.”

According to journalist Andy Ngo, McIntyre had just finished her shift at Jake’s Place, a sports bar in Portland, when she encountered far-left activist Riis Larsen, formerly Ronald A. Larsen, in the women’s washroom. Clearly startled, McIntyre told Larsen to “get out” of the intimate space.

Surveillance footage shows McIntyre lightly pushing Larsen, who identifies as a “queer demi-binary trans woman,” after he shoved another person to cut in line for the washroom. 

Earlier this week, 25-year-old Larsen testified before the court, claiming that he had been cornered and misgendered by McIntyre after stepping out of the women’s bathroom. 

During the confrontation, Larsen told McIntyre about his “gender identity” but said she continued to refer to him as a man. After shoving him lightly, McIntyre reportedly asked him to “get out” of the female facilities. Surveillance was able to capture the physical confrontation but did not record what McIntyre said.

Afterwards, Larsen told the jury that he paid his tab and left the bar “in tears and called 911 later that night.”

Throughout the trial, Larsen sat in the gallery and claimed he was “suffering” at the thought of the jury ruling in McIntyre’s favor, complaining of impending “transphobia” and “erasure.”

He stated: “Because that’s the essence of transphobic bias — erasure. It’s not being believed. In our system, people are innocent until they’re proven guilty, but in the real world, I was judged and sentenced within moments when Ms. McIntyre decided to harass me.”

Although one witness, R.J. Stangland, confirmed that McIntyre was referring to Larsen by the “wrong pronouns,” McIntyre told the court this was accidental. In her testimony, she confirmed that Larsen pushed another customer butting in line for the women’s bathroom, and while McIntyre admitted that she intercepted Larsen, she had no idea she was “misgendering” him.

“I wasn’t trying to misgender her — I had to look up what transgender was in the dictionary. We were just arguing over spilt milk,” said McIntyre, referring to Larsen in court using “she/her” pronouns.

Regarding the allegation that she had pushed Larsen, McIntyre explained she did not shove him but instead was “making space.”

Despite unintentionally referring to Larsen as a male, Ngo shared on X, formerly Twitter, that he reached out to District Attorney Mike Schmidt about McIntyre’s prosecution and noted that prosecutors were fixated on the alleged misgendering and continued to argue that it was a “second-degree bias crime.”

During closing arguments, Prosecutor Charlie Weiss stressed to the jury that Larsen “is scrutinized in a different way than most of us in our day-to-day lives are scrutinized,” and complained that Larsen’s gender identity made him a target.

Although she apologized before the court and vowed to refrain from going to another bar in the neighborhood so Larsen “would have a place to go without worry,” McIntyre was sentenced by Judge Christopher Marshall to “50 hours of community service and two years of probation.”

In addition to Larsen’s Instagram bio describing him as a “super average working class revolubetionary catgirl hornydoll bimboscholar polayamorous artist memequeen cuddleslut völva marxist trans carpentress,” he also has a SoundCloud where he shares original music recordings.

Three years ago, Larsen hosted a livestream on his YouTube channel, wearing a yellow dress and pigtails, where he obsesses over himself to the camera for 14 minutes, rambling about his journey as a “trans woman.”

“Um, this is me trying to figure it out, how to try to, try to figure out how to exist in a way that is pleasing to [me],” said Larsen, adding: “the pigtails are definitely helping and are good.”