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CANADÁ: Un hombre de 1’90 m, que se dice trans y que está acusado de exhibirse ante chicas en el vestuario de la piscina, editó sus fotos para parecer menor de edad

Un hombre que se dice trans, que reside en Vernon, Columbia Británica, ha recibido la simpatía de la prensa después de que dos adolescentes denunciaran que había expuesto sus genitales en su presencia cuando usaba el vestuario de mujeres de un centro recreativo local. Amanda Wilson, de 67 años, cuyo nombre de nacimiento no ha sido facilitado, fue acusado de desnudarse en presencia de dos niñas de 14 años en el Centro Acuático Vernon el 27 de enero.

Las niñas se lo contaron rápidamente a sus familiares, y el tío de una de ellas llamó al encargado de la piscina para quejarse.

“A mi sobrina le entró un hombre de 50 años en el vestuario, se desnudó delante de ella y de su amiga, que tiene 14 años, se puso un bañador de mujer y se fue”, relató el tío, identificado solo como Kevin para proteger a las menores implicadas.

‘Amanda Wilson’, 2017. Fuente: Facebook

“Básicamente, dijo que los menores no tienen derechos y que los derechos de las personas transgénero tienen prioridad, esto es algo que creo que los padres deberían saber”, dijo Kevin al medio local Castanet en un artículo publicado el 2 de febrero.

“El encargado de la piscina me dijo que no podía hacer nada a menos que la persona estuviera ‘mirando lascivamente o haciendo gestos abiertamente sexuales hacia las niñas’, pero este tipo estaba desnudo delante de chicas adolescentes y eso no está bien”, agregó.

Wilson, que mide 1’90 (6’2″) y pesa 136 kg (300 libras), ha sido recibido con simpatía por los medios de comunicación, que le han dado el micrófono para que contase su versión de la historia. El veterano de las Fuerzas Armadas canadienses, que escribió una carta a Castanet publicada el 15 de febrero, afirma que las niñas no pudieron haber estado expuestas a genitales masculinos porque, según él, tiene “órganos sexuales femeninos” en lugar de pene.

“Me operaron hace 13 años. Parece que las dos niñas de 14 años (que dijeron haberme visto) nunca me vieron completamente desnuda”, escribió Wilson, acusando a sus detractores de discriminación.

“Las niñas le dijeron a su tío que yo tenía órganos sexuales masculinos, pero tengo órganos sexuales femeninos, al menos por fuera. Tengo un aspecto muy masculino y, por tanto, creo que asumieron que tenía órganos sexuales masculinos. No los tengo. Además, me han crecido algo los pechos. Soy legalmente mujer”, agregó.

“¿Vamos a empezar como sociedad a discriminar a las personas por su aspecto? Si ese es el caso, ¿qué es lo siguiente, prohibir la entrada a personas de distintas razas?… Algunos creen que debería usar un vestuario diferente. Es cierto. Pero, ¿deberíamos obligar también a las personas de otras razas a usar vestuarios diferentes?”

“Me hace sentir como una mujer de segunda clase”, dijo Wilson en otra entrevista. “El hecho de que sea trans anula todas las otras cosas buenas que he hecho”.

Reduxx ha descubierto una cuenta de Facebook perteneciente a Wilson, donde ha publicado imágenes perturbadoras de lo que parece ser su propia cara editada para parecerse a la de una chica muy joven.

En mayo pasado, después de que Wilson actualizara su foto de perfil con la imagen de una joven rubia, algunos de sus amigos se dieron cuenta y le dijeron que el comportamiento era “siniestro”.

La foto fuertemente editada de Wilson junto a algunos de los comentarios que hizo en respuesta a las críticas. REDUXX.INFO

“Eso es siniestro porque no se te parece a ti en nada. Eres mucho mayor”, dijo uno de los comentaristas de Wilson en Facebook. Otro comentó: “Es un poco siniestro, la verdad. Sin ánimo de ofender, amigo”.

Wilson se tomó las críticas con calma, diciendo: “¿No es interesante lo que se puede hacer con un programa informático?”, y añadió: “Deberíais ver lo que puedo hacer con otras personas”.

Las respuestas a una foto alterada anterior compartida por Wilson en noviembre de 2022 fueron igualmente críticas.

“¿Por qué publicar una foto que no se parece en nada a ti?”, preguntó una mujer.

Wilson respondió: “Este sería mi aspecto si Dios no se hubiera equivocado”. Cuando la misma comentarista afirmó que “Dios no se equivocó”, Wilson respondió: “¿Cómo explicas que haya tanta gente transgénero en este mundo? Según la Iglesia, sólo hay dos géneros. Pero mi cerebro, mi yo, es femenino y mi cuerpo era femenino. Algo salió mal”.

Wilson lleva años publicando mensajes en fuerte oposición al primer ministro canadiense Justin Trudeau, incluida una imagen que lo representaba como Hitler.

“Odio es una palabra fuerte. Solo hay una persona en Canadá que realmente odio y es Justin Trudeau”, publicó Wilson en abril del año pasado.

“Hay una especie en peligro de extinción en Canadá que está a punto de ser exterminada”, escribió Wilson en julio de 2023. “Lo llaman Partido Liberal”.

Además, en varias ocasiones ha afirmado haber sido víctima de abusos sexuales en la infancia a manos de su padre.

“Azotar a un niño con la mano en su trasero cubierto es una cosa, pero cuando usas un cinturón de cuero o un trozo de madera sobre su piel desnuda y dejas marcas, moratones y cortes, eso es otra cosa. Demasiados niños son víctimas de adultos que parecen pensar que está bien maltratar a una criatura”, escribió Wilson el 1 de enero. Curiosamente, Wilson sigue en Facebook a un fabricante independiente de látigos personalizados que “hace envíos a todo el mundo”.

El mismo día, Wilson declaró que “todavía sufría por los abusos” que recibió en su infancia.

“La ley de Madagascar permite la castración de los violadores de criaturas”, publicó Wilson en Facebook el 12 de febrero, solo tres días antes de que se publicara su carta a Castanet, en la que afirmaba que le habían extirpado los genitales masculinos.

Wilson también ha compartido informes sobre delitos sexuales cometidos por menores de edad, al tiempo que pedía que los menores fueran juzgados y castigados como adultos.

“Esto de la Ley de Justicia Penal Juvenil es una broma”, dijo Wilson en abril de 2023. “Un niño de doce años es acusado de dos cargos de agresión sexual, pero como es un niño, su nombre no se publica. Encima, lo máximo que le caen son tres años en un centro confortable. Si alguien es capaz de cometer un delito, debe ser juzgado como un adulto”.

Parece que Justin Trudeau apoya que los menores tengan acceso a sitios porno.

El incidente de la desnudez de Wilson en el vestuario de mujeres no ha tenido mucha repercusión, pero provocó algunas críticas. Después de que Castanet hablara con Kevin, Anne Gunion, vecina de la comunidad, escribió una carta al medio criticando la legislación que permite que una identidad de género autodeclarada tenga prioridad sobre el sexo biológico. El proyecto de ley C-16, que se agregó a la Ley de Derechos Humanos de Canadá en junio de 2017, consagró el concepto de identidad de género como una característica protegida por la ley.

“El proyecto de ley C-16 ha dado acceso a los depredadores a espacios que antes eran seguros para las mujeres”, escribió Gunion, cuyos comentarios fueron publicados por Castanet el 8 de febrero. “¿Por qué los sentimientos de alguien que se identifica como de otro género son más importantes que la seguridad emocional y física de las mujeres? ¿Por qué tienen prioridad los derechos de los transgénero?”

“Se me parte el corazón al pensar en las mujeres que han sufrido abusos sexuales, y compartir un vestuario con un hombre causa daño emocional”, continuó. “¿Por qué los sentimientos de alguien que se identifica como de otro género son más importantes que la seguridad de una criatura? Eso no es igualdad. Las mujeres han luchado mucho por la igualdad, y permitir la entrada de hombres biológicos en nuestros espacios seguros es un paso atrás para los derechos de las mujeres”.

Reduxx es una nueva plataforma a favor de los derechos de las mujeres y de los menores con noticias y artículos. ¡Somos 100% independientes! Colabora con nuestro proyecto uniéndote a nuestro Patreon.

Former Deputy Prime Minister Of Canada Claims Males Who Identify As “Women” Do Not Have Male Anatomy

Canada’s former Deputy Prime Minister is under fire by users on social media after repeatedly denying that biological males who identify as “women” have “male anatomy.”

Sheila Copps first entered politics in 1981 after being elected to serve as the Liberal Party Member of Parliament for Hamilton Centre. In 1984, she was elected Member of Parliament for the riding of Hamilton East and was re-elected in five successive elections.

Copps was the first woman to ever hold the position of Deputy Prime Minister and served for ten years in the federal cabinet, both as Minister of the Environment and Minister of Canadian Heritage.

Though her political career ended in 2004 after a messy nomination loss in which she accused another Liberal Party member of electoral impropriety, Copps continued to be a prominent figure in Canadian politics. In 2014, she revealed she had been the victim of two sexual assaults in her life, once while a young politician, in an effort to call attention to the lack of resources on Parliament Hill for survivors.

While Copps has been well-regarded as as staunch advocate for women’s rights, her latest comments have sparked backlash from Canadian women after she defended trans-identified males being able to access female-only spaces.

Controversy first erupted on February 22 after Copps slammed Conservative Party leader Pierre Poilievre after he announced he would seek to enforce sex-segregated spaces if elected Prime Minister.

“He has taken a ‘tough’ stance on transgendered women who want to use women’s washrooms. How courageous,” Copps sarcastically wrote on X.

Her replies were quickly filled with women supporting Poilievre’s sentiment, and questioning Copps’ understanding of the issue.

“Sheila. Sheila. The parents of Canada do NOT want their daughters/granddaughters experiencing the anatomy and more, of biological males in the women’s wash/change rooms. Changing in and out of their bathing suits. Read the room here,” political commentator Patrice O’Hamilton wrote.

Copps quoted the user, bizarrely claiming “transgendered women do not have male anatomy.”

In subsequent responses, Copps has doubled-down, seemingly asserting that in all cases where a male identifies as a “woman,” genital surgery is included, and that genital surgery results in the change of biological sex.

Canadian women’s rights advocate Meghan Murphy replied to Copps: “You should know that men can identify as women without any surgeries or hormone treatments at all. I am baffled at how you can have been in your position with the government for so many years and not know this. Bill C-16 was a Liberal Party bill. Have you not been paying attention at all?”

Others noted that an exceedingly small percentage of trans-identified males have surgeries to construct the superficial appearance of a vulva.

According to a 2019 academic paper published by researchers from New York University, only 5-13% of males who identify as “women” have had “bottom surgery,” with the number being a scant 1% for males who identify as “non-binary.”

Vaginoplasties involve the removal of the scrotum and testicles, and the re-configuration of the penile tissues, sometimes with supplemental tissue from the colon, to create a shallow “canal.” The canal then has to be dilated for the remainder of the individual’s life, as the body will try to close it. The underlying male anatomy is not transformed into female anatomy.

While Copps appears to be under the impression that only postoperative trans-identified males have been permitted to enter women’s spaces, Canadian legislation provides broad protections on the basis of self-declared “gender identity” and does not require an individual to have undergone any medical transitioning to be treated as the gender with which they claim.

Copps’ former political party, the Liberal Party of Canada, was instrumental in pushing through legislation which amended the Canadian Human Rights Act and Criminal Code to include “gender identity” and “gender expression” as protected characteristics. The amendments granted men access to single-sex female spaces like washrooms, changerooms, prisons, and rape shelters on the basis of their identity.

While the Canadian government claimed the bill had been assessed for its impact on women prior to approval, it has refused to release any details of the assessment’s findings. In 2020, a copy of the assessment was given to journalist Anna Slatz via an Access To Information Request but was 96% redacted.

Since Bill C-16 was enacted in 2017, a number of disturbing incidents have been reported involving males being protected in their access to women’s spaces.

As previously reported by Reduxx, a man who raped a baby was transferred to a women’s prison after identifying as a “woman.”

Tara Desousa, also known as Adam Laboucan, sexually assaulted a three-month-old baby boy in Quesnel, British Columbia in 1997. The infant was so brutally injured by the attack that he had to be flown to Vancouver, 410 miles away, to undergo reconstructive surgery. After declaring a transgender status, Desousa was transferred to the Fraser Valley Institution for Women, where he is one of multiple trans-identified males with a history of sexual violence at the facility.

In addition to males being transferred into women’s prisons, Canadian women have reported incidents involving “obvious males” in women’s changing rooms across the country.

In February of 2023, parents in the oceanside community of Nanaimo, British Columbia sounded the alarm about a man who claimed to identify as “female” behaving in what they say was a predatory manner while using the women’s facilities at the local Aquatic Centre.

One mother who complained to the Aquatic Centre’s staff was threatened with arrest, with both the male and staff asserting the man had a “right” to use the facilities.

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Reino Unido: el sádico que se dice trans, que está siendo juzgado por el asesinato de un español, ya había torturado a animales y metido a un gato en una licuadora

Un hombre que se dice trans de Oxford está siendo juzgado acusado del asesinato de otro hombre. Scarlet Blake, de quien los medios de comunicación británicos informaron en un principio que era “mujer”, parece haber asesinado al ciudadano español Jorge Martín Carreño y torturado animales.

El jurado ha escuchado un perturbador audio en el que Blake mata sádicamente al gato de su vecino y se le han mostrado pruebas de su obsesión enfermiza por la violencia, los pedófilos y las asesinas en serie. También se dice que Blake fantaseó con matar a sus propios padres por negarse a aceptar su identidad transgénero, y le dijo a una ex pareja: “Necesito sangre, esto es grave”.

El asesinato de Carreño tuvo lugar durante la madrugada del 25 de julio de 2021. Carreño, que trabajaba para BMW y que había salido de copas con sus compañeros, sufrió golpes en la cabeza, fue estrangulado y luego ahogado en el río Cherwell. La policía en un principio no abrió una investigación por asesinato cuando unas personas que paseaban a sus perros encontraron el cadáver el 26 de julio.

Los agentes que investigaron el hallazgo no descartaron la posibilidad de un accidente o un suicidio. Sin embargo, recuperaron un video de CCTV de Carreño con una persona no identificada a quien la policía cree que no conocía antes de esa noche. Las cámaras de seguridad muestran al sospechoso no identificado antes de encontrarse con Carreño, caminando solo por las calles, y parece estar buscando una víctima.

Scarlet Blake no fue detenido por el asesinato hasta más de dos años después, en agosto de 2023, tras una compleja investigación de la Policía de Thames Valley.

Tras su detención, los medios de comunicación comenzaron a comparar el caso con la serie documental de Netflix “DON’T F*CK WITH CATS”.

El documental se centra en el caso del prostituto travesti, Luka Magnotta, que comenzó a torturar gatos y a colgar los videos en internet antes de llegar al asesinato. Magnotta se inspiró en la película Instinto básico para cometer un horrible asesinato durante una relación sexual y, según los informes, tenía una fijación con la actriz Sharon Stone, hasta el punto de pintar de plateado el destornillador que usó como arma homicida para que se pareciera al hacha utilizada en la película. Magnotta usaba el nombre de “Catherine” en internet, como referencia al personaje interpretado por Stone.

El “asesino de estrellas porno” Magnotta fue localizado en Berlín en 2012 tras una persecución internacional. Antes de su arresto, las autoridades habían advertido que Magnotta podría haberse disfrazado de mujer, que usaba maquillaje y vestidos con frecuencia, y que se había teñido el pelo de rubio.

La asociación entre los crímenes de Blake y el documental sobre crímenes reales se hizo después de que se descubriera que sólo unos meses antes del asesinato, Blake se había filmado a sí mismo metiendo a un gato en una licuadora. Según los informes, habló sobre el documental durante una retransmisión en directo del brutal maltrato animal y dijo a sus amigos que deseaba matar personas de la misma manera que mataba gatos.

Blake ha negado estar implicado en el asesinato de Carreño. Sin embargo, admitió haber robado, torturado y diseccionado el gato de su vecino, y haber metido al animal en una licuadora. La fiscalía contó al Tribunal de la Corona de Oxford que un veterinario había determinado que el animal había sufrido durante tres minutos enteros o más, ya que el corazón le fue arrancado mientras aún estaba vivo. El juez dijo a los miembros del jurado que no se les exigiría que vieran las imágenes de video.

Durante un fragmento de audio, se puede escuchar a Blake decir: “Me tiemblan las manos… Me puto encanta… mira a esa puta perra, estoy seguro de que todavía está vivo”.

El juicio por asesinato de Blake se inició a principios de este mes. El tribunal escuchó cómo, tras el asesinato, Blake viajó a Estados Unidos para encontrarse con su entonces novia de larga distancia, Ashlynn Bell, en Colorado. Parece ser que la pareja tuvo una discusión y Blake volvió al Reino Unido. A su regreso, Bell se puso en contacto con la policía para decir que él había confesado haber matado a un hombre. Bell contó a la policía que Blake había afirmado haber estrangulado a Carreño por detrás con un garrote casero mientras estaban apoyados contra un árbol.

Durante el juicio, la fiscalía mostró al jurado mensajes entre Blake y Bell en los que ella decía que él quería matar a sus padres. “Asesinaría a mi madre por ti… Yo también quiero matar a mi padre algún día… tal vez cuando sean viejos pueda ponerles un respirador con nitrógeno puro en la cara mientras duermen”. Al ser interrogado, dijo que los mensajes eran una “metáfora” de que no lo aceptaban inmediatamente como transgénero.

El sargento detective James Macro, de la policía de Thames Valley, revisó los mensajes intercambiados entre Bell y Blake.

Blake dijo: “Joder, necesito sangre, ¿y si soy bipolar?”, y “Zorra, mato gente porque mi amante dijo que sería excitante… La última vez que encontré a alguien así de borracho, murió”.

Blake negó su participación en el asesinato, alegando que los mensajes entre Bell y él eran “fantasía para la gratificación sexual”.

“En resumen, es una fantasía disfrazada de decir que estoy dolido por la forma en que me criaron y que estoy triste por ello”, dijo Blake al tribunal.

“Cuando tenía 12 años salí del armario como transgénero. Eso ha hecho muy infeliz a mi padre y a mi madre también, y ha provocado una gran ruptura emocional entre nosotros… Tengo muchas necesidades parentales insatisfechas. Me siento muy abandonado, supongo”, continuó.

“Siempre quise ser una niña. Hasta esa edad [12] no me di cuenta de que había procedimientos que se podían hacer y que me cambiarían de hombre a mujer”. Luego admitió haber empezado a tomar bloqueadores de testosterona a los 17 años y argumentó que su fuerza física era la de una “mujer que no está en forma”.

El jurado también escuchó el testimonio del patólogo experto Dr. Brett Lockyer, quien testificó que Carreño había sufrido un “traumatismo por objeto contundente” en la parte posterior de la cabeza. Lockyer dijo que una botella de vodka “utilizada como arma” habría causado el tipo de lesión bajo el cráneo que encontró al realizar una autopsia.

Los registros financieros muestran que Blake compró una botella de vodka por internet antes del presunto asesinato. Se encontró un tapón rojo de una botella de vodka Smirnoff a la orilla del río junto al cuerpo de Carreño y contenía rastros de ADN identificados como pertenecientes a Blake.

El tribunal también escuchó cómo Blake tenía una obsesión enfermiza con la violencia y las asesinas en serie. En su teléfono se encontraron imágenes de nueve asesinas en serie, entre ellas mujeres que habían matado o habían sido acusadas de matar a sus propios hijos. La fiscal, Alison Morgan KC, pintó un cuadro sombrío de Blake al describir su fascinación por la violencia y la muerte, y dijo que conseguía “gratificación sexual” del contenido gráfico en su posesión.

“[Carreño] murió porque conoció a una persona que tenía una fijación con la violencia y con saber lo que se sentiría al matar a alguien”.

“En un momento en que el Sr. Carreño se separó de sus amigos y tal vez estaba perdido y vulnerable, el Sr. Carreño tuvo la gran desgracia de ser abordado por el acusado en la madrugada del 25 de julio de 2021”.

“El acusado estaba en las calles de Oxford esa noche buscando una víctima. [Él] lo atacó y lo llevó a Parsons Pleasure, donde [él] lo mató, dejando su cuerpo para que otros lo descubrieran más de 24 horas después”.

Alison Morgan explicó que durante la investigación policial los detectives habían construido un perfil de los antecedentes de Blake. “La fiscalía alega que este acusado tenía un interés extremo en la muerte y en hacer daño”, dijo al jurado.

“Era un interés que iba más allá de la mera fantasía. [Él] se describía [a sí mismo] a los demás como alguien que obtenía gratificación sexual de la idea de la violencia y de la idea de la muerte”.

Otras imágenes presentadas al jurado incluían una foto de un garrote hecho a mano con dos asas de metal y una cuerda de piano. Otras fotografías mostraban a personas siendo estranguladas. Una imagen titulada “Primera cita” contenía fotos de cinta adhesiva, un cuchillo, una cuerda y una pistola.

Las imágenes recuperadas del dispositivo de Blake lo mostraban “con una de [sus] parejas realizando actos de estrangulamiento, consentidos, en un contexto sexualizado”.

A los miembros del jurado se les dijo que Blake “hablaba con otros sobre cómo sería matar a alguien”.

“[Él] miraba imágenes y las guardaba en sus dispositivos que mostraban un interés en las ligaduras que se aplicaban alrededor del cuello. [Él] habló de hacerse daño a sí mismo”.

El juicio continuará esta semana.

Reduxx es una nueva plataforma a favor de los derechos de las mujeres y de los menores con noticias y artículos. ¡Somos 100% independientes! Colabora con nuestro proyecto uniéndote a nuestro Patreon.

CANADA: 6’2″ Trans-Identified Male Accused of Exposing Himself To Girls In Pool Changing Room Edited His Own Photos To Make Himself Look Like A Minor

A trans-identified male residing in Vernon, British Columbia, has been given sympathetic coverage by the press after two teenage girls reported that he had exposed his genitals in their presence while using the women’s change room of a local recreation center. Amanda Wilson, 67, whose given name has not been reported, was accused of stripping nude in the presence of two 14 year-old girls at the Vernon Aquatic Center on January 27.

The girls quickly told their relatives, and the uncle of one of the girls called the pool’s manager to complain.

“My niece had a 50-year-old man come into the change room, strip naked in front of her and her friend, she’s 14, and put on a woman’s bathing suit and go out,” the uncle, identified only as Kevin in order to protect the minors involved, said.

‘Amanda Wilson,’ 2017. Source: Facebook

“He basically said that the kids have no rights and that the transgender person’s rights take precedence, this is something I think parents should know,” Kevin told local outlet Castanet in an article published on February 2.

“I was told by the pool manager that there was nothing he could do unless the person was ‘leering or making overt sexual gestures toward the girls’ but this guy was naked in front of teenage girls and that’s just not right,” he added.

Wilson, who stands at 6’2″ and weighs 300 pounds, has now been given a sympathetic platform in the media to share his side of the story. Writing to the Castanet in a letter published on February 15, the Canadian Armed Forces veteran has claimed that the girls could not have been exposed to male genitalia because, he says, he has “female sex organs” in place of his penis.

“I had surgery 13 years ago. It appears the two 14-year-old girls (who reported seeing me) never actually saw me completely naked,” Wilson wrote, accusing his critics of discrimination.

“The girls told their uncle I had male sex organs but I have female sex organs, at least on the outside. I am very masculine looking and as a result, I believe they assumed I had male sex organs. I do not. As well, I have some breast growth. I am legally female,” he added.

“Are we as a society going to start discriminating against people based on what they look like? If that is the case, what is next, banning people of different races?… Some believe I could use a separate changing room. That is true. But should we also force people of other races to use separate change rooms?”

“It makes me feel like a second-class woman,” Wilson said in a separate interview. “The fact that I’m trans overrides all the other good things that I’ve done.”

Reduxx has discovered a Facebook account belonging to Wilson, where he has posted disturbing images of what appears to be his own face edited to resemble that of a very young girl.

Last May, after Wilson updated his profile picture to an image of a young blonde girl, some of his friends took notice and told him the behavior was “creepy.”

Wilson’s heavily edited photo alongside some of the comments he made in response to critics. REDUXX.INFO

“That’s creepy because you don’t look like this at all. You are much older,” said one of Wilson’s Facebook commenters. Another remarked, “It is kind of creepy for sure. No offense, my friend.”

Wilson took the criticism in stride, saying: “Isn’t it interesting what you can do with computer software?” and adding: “You should see what I can do with other people.”

Responses to an earlier altered photo shared by Wilson in November 2022 were similarly critical.

“Why post a pic that doesn’t look like you at all?” asked one woman.

Wilson replied: “This is what I would have looked like if God had not made a mistake.” When the same commenter stated that “God didn’t make a mistake,” Wilson said, “How do you explain why so many people in this world are transgender. According to the church, there are only two genders. But my brain, my self, is female and my body was female. Something went wrong.”

For years, Wilson has repeatedly posted strong opposition to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, including one image which depicted him as Hitler.

“Hate is a strong word. There is only one person in Canada that I truly hate and that is Justin Trudeau,” Wilson posted in April of last year.

“There is an endangered species in Canada that is about to be exterminated,” Wilson wrote in July 2023. “They call it the Liberal Party.”

He has also, on several occasions, claimed to be a victim of childhood sexual abuse at the hands of his father.

“Spanking a child using your hand on their clothed rear is one thing, but when you use a leather belt or a piece of wood on their bare skin and leave welts, bruises, and cuts, that is another thing. Too many children are the victims of adults who seem to think that it is okay to brutalize a child,” wrote Wilson on January 1. Curiously, Wilson follows an independent maker of custom whips on Facebook which “ships worldwide.”

On the same day, Wilson stated he was “still suffering from the abuse” he received in his childhood.

“Madagascar law allows the castration of child rapists,” Wilson posted to Facebook on February 12, just three days before his letter to Castanet was published, wherein he claimed to have had his male genitalia removed.

Wilson has also shared reports of sexual crimes committed by minors while calling for children to be tried and punished as adults.

“You have to love the Youth Criminal Justice Act,” Wilson said in April 2023. “A twelve-year-old boy is charged with two counts of sexual assault but because he is a child, his name is not published. On top of that, the most he will get is three years in a comfortable facility. If someone is capable of committing a crime, they should be judged as an adult.”

The incident involving Wilson’s nudity in the women’s change room has not been widely reported, but did spark some criticism. After Castanet spoke with Kevin, community member Anne Gunion wrote a letter to the outlet criticizing legislation which allows for a self-declared gender identity to be prioritized over biological sex. Bill C-16, which was added to the Canadian Human Rights Act in June 2017, enshrined the concept of gender identity as a protected characteristic under the law.

“Bill C-16 has given access for predators to enter zones that were previously safe for women,” wrote Gunion, whose comments were released by Castanet on February 8. “Why are the feelings of someone who identifies as another gender more important than the emotional and physical safety of women? Why do transgender rights take precedence?”

“My heart goes out to women who have a past of sexual abuse and sharing a change room with a male causes emotional harm,” she continued. “Why are the feelings of someone who identifies as another gender more important than a child’s safety? That is not equality. Women have fought long and hard for equality, and allowing biological men into our safe spaces is a step backwards for women’s rights.”

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Trans-Identified Male Set To Compete Against Women As The Reigning Women’s Snooker Champion Following Victory Against 11-Year-Old Girl

A trans-identified male is set to compete against women as the reigning Women’s Snooker Champion at the English Women’s Snooker Championship on May 24 in Walsall, UK. Jamie Hunter, 27, became the top women’s player following a semifinal victory against a young girl last year.

Hunter first rose to prominence during the English Women’s Snooker Champion finals in 2023 after he came out victorious against Mary Talbot-Deegan, finishing 3-1. Hunter had managed to make it to the finals after he beat out Ellise Scott, an 11-year-old rising star in the snooker world, taking 2-0 against her in the semifinal grouping. The event had been Scott’s debut in the tournament, and, prior to her match against Hunter, she had achieved three match victories against experienced female opponents.

Hunter had been participating in women’s cue sports since 2021, just one year after he “came out” as transgender.

Within his first year of competition, he rose to the fourteenth position in the women’s billiards world rankings, and has since won a total of 7 women’s titles. Among them, the 2022 US Women’s Open and 2022 Australian Women’s Open, where he was awarded $9,000 AUD in prize money.

Jamie Hunter.

Prior to transitioning, Hunter played in a mixed-sex amateur league for five years. Speaking with Snooker Zone in 2021, Hunter admitted that he had no intention of competing professionally until he discovered that there was a women’s tour.

“Until this year, cue sports was just a hobby, something I done once, maybe twice a week, but now finding out about the Women’s snooker tour, I believe that will change,” he said at the time. “They make out as if I played snooker as a man, I was rubbish, so decided to do it in the women’s instead. I changed my gender for my wellbeing and my life, not for anything else.”

Hunter received significant backlash after his 2022 US Women’s Open win, when former women’s world champion Maria Catalano criticized the policies enabling males to compete against females. In an interview with The Sportsman, Catalano argued that women’s snooker should exclude males from female categories, as some rugby leagues have, to ensure fairness for women. 

“We have fought so hard for our rights in the past – myself, Reanne Evans and others got people to write letters to allow us to play in leagues and clubs that banned women. I don’t believe that women can compete against men on a level playing field in sport. We are wired differently, we think differently. We are mentally different,” said Catalano. 

The World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association (WPBSA) publishes a mixed sex international ranking of players. The highest-ranking female on their current list, Mink Nutcharut, is listed at 119.

In response to the criticism of his wins against women, Hunter has framed the backlash as transphobia.

“Everybody’s human. Regardless of what choices you make. You should treat everybody with respect,” said Hunter speaking to a BBC journalist last fall. Bizarrely, Hunter was interviewed while he sat in a gaming chair in a dark bedroom — which he refers to as “the dark girl cave.” The room has a transgender pride flag pinned up on the wall behind him.

The upcoming English Women’s Snooker Championship is set for May 24, 2024. It is being organized by the English Partnership for Snooker and Billiards (EPSB), which is the national governing body for the sport in England. They describe their goal as creating a “structured coaching environment that will inspire all regardless of gender, ability, or ethnicity to fulfil their potential in our sport.” 

The EPSB has a diversity, equity, and inclusion policy with a lengthy section on discrimination, including a ban on any “condition, rule or practice [that]… particularly disadvantages people who share a protected characteristic.” As for their list of protected characteristics, the EPSB includes “gender, gender identity, marital status, sexual orientation, race, colour, nationality, religion, age, disability, HIV positivity, working pattern, caring responsibilities, trade union activity or political beliefs.”  

The English Women’s Championship is set to take place at the Landywood Snooker Club in Walsall, UK, on May 24.

This is not the first time a male has dominated women’s cue sports, sparking backlash from players and fans.

Last November, a female pool player refused to compete against a trans-identified male opponent at a women’s championship in Wales. Lynne Pinches received an outpouring of support as video began to circulate showing her walking away from the table after being matched to play against Chris Haynes.

Days later, two more female pool players refused to compete against Haynes in solidarity with Pinches during the Ultimate Pool tournament in Blackpool, UK.

In January, Pinches headed an effort to launch a lawsuit against the World Eightball Pool Federation (WEPF) and Ultimate Pool Group (UPG), accusing the governing bodies of subjecting women “to direct sex discrimination and harassment on the grounds of sex.”

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ESPAÑA: Hombre que se dice trans condenado a seis meses de prisión por comentarios “transfóbicos” contra otro por no haberse operado los genitales

NOTA DE LA EDITORA: una versión anterior de este artículo se refería incorrectamente a una de las partes de este caso como “mujer”. Este artículo ha sido modificado tras la publicación de nueva información, no disponible previamente, que aclara que ambas partes son en realidad varones que se identifican como trans.

La Audiencia de Barcelona ha condenado a un varón que se dice trans a seis meses de prisión tras ser declarado culpable de cometer un delito “contra los derechos humanos fundamentales y las libertades públicas” por publicar comentarios “transfóbicos” en las redes sociales. El hombre, que no ha sido identificado, también ha sido condenada a pagar una multa de 3.850 euros (unos 4.161 dólares estadounidenses).

Los hechos se remontan a 2020, cuando el hombre, al que nos referiremos como P.H., publicó en las redes sociales comentarios sobre un influencer travesti. Aunque los medios españoles no revelan su nombre ahora, Reduxx se enteró de que el hombre que se dice trans de la denuncia es Violeta Ferrer Micó, un ex prostituto y transactivista.

El verano pasado, Ferrer organizó y guio un recorrido por Barcelona, al que llamó la “putivuelta trans”, en el que destacaba zonas clave donde había prosperado la industria del sexo. La gira fue organizada con el apoyo de la compañía de teatro trans TiritiTrans Trans Trans Trans Trans.

En su publicación, P.H. llamó a Ferrer Micó “prototipo de maricón con tetas” y dijo que “no soporta que yo sea mujer y me tiene una inquina patológica”. El argumento de P.H. era que él se consideraba una “auténtica mujer” porque se había sometido a cirugía genital, mientras que Ferrer Micó no era un “auténtico” transgénero porque no lo había hecho.

La publicación llegó al grupo de WhatsApp del trabajo de Ferrer Micó y él afirma que “lo sacó del armario”, e insinuó que nadie sabía que era transgénero antes de los comentarios de P.H.

Según declaraciones que Ferrer Micó hizo a Newtral por aquel entonces: “A partir de ahí, sentía que tenía que dar explicaciones sobre mi identidad de género. Todo el mundo en el trabajo se enteró a través de Twitter de que no me había operado los genitales”.

Violeta Ferrer Micó.

Ferrer Micó denunció la publicación de P.H. a X (antes Twitter) y luego presentó una denuncia penal.

Un tribunal de Barcelona pidió a un grupo de investigación de “radicalismo en internet”, la Unidad de Investigación de Radicalismos en la Red de los Mossos d’Esquadra (UIRAX), que investigara las redes sociales de P.H. y analizara su historial de comentarios para encontrar más “publicaciones que indiquen animadversión hacia el colectivo al que pertenece la víctima”. El informe posterior determinó que el acusado “no sólo era beligerante con las mujeres transgénero que no están operadas, sino también con el colectivo LGTBI”.

Sus pruebas incluían declaraciones que había hecho en contra de la Ley Trans, una ley recientemente implementada en España que facilita significativamente el cambio de nombre legal y el sexo registral de cualquier persona que lo pida. La investigación también descubrió que entre febrero y octubre de 2020, P.H. había publicado varias declaraciones en Facebook, Instagram y X en las que “negaba a las personas transgénero sin reasignación genital el género con el que se identifican”.

Otros mensajes que se consideraron penalmente transfóbicos incluían su afirmación de que “sólo hay dos sexos” y que “las mujeres trans son travestis”. P.H. también dijo que “el colectivo [trans] le provoca un asco infinito”.

El tribunal dictaminó que los “mensajes transfóbicos” habían dado lugar a que Ferrer Micó quedara “expuesto” ante su círculo social y laboral como un hombre que se dice trans, insinuando que ni era obvio ni se sabía hasta ese momento.

Defensoras españolas de los derechos de las mujeres han puesto en duda ese aspecto del caso en las redes sociales, y una usuaria, @OcheRadfem, se pregunta “¿alguien puede creer que en su círculo social no sabían que era un hombre? ¿Ciegos y sordos todos los de su entorno laboral?”.

A la hora de dictar la sentencia, según informó El Periódico, el tribunal dictaminó que “las despectivas expresiones relativas a la identidad de género reflejan el menosprecio que siente hacia el colectivo de personas transgénero que no se han sometido a la operación de reasignación genital, y evidencian, al poner en duda su género, una clara voluntad de ridiculizarla, consiguiendo generar [en la víctima] sentimientos de humillación en menoscabo de su dignidad”.

P.H. aceptó la sentencia impuesta tras llegar a un acuerdo con la fiscalía y renunciar a defenderse.

El tribunal decidió suspender su condena de seis meses de prisión con la condición de que pague a la víctima 3.850 euros en compensación por los “daños morales causados”. También debe realizar un curso sobre igualdad de trato y no discriminación. De no hacerlo, podría ingresar en la cárcel.

Además, P.H. está inhabilitado para ejercer cualquier profesión en el ámbito docente o deportivo durante tres años y medio.

El bufete de abogados que asistió en el proceso contra el hombre se jactó de su victoria en las redes sociales. Olympe Abogados se especializa en asuntos LGBTQ+. Según su página web, se identifican como feministas, LGTBIQ+ y antirracistas.

En declaraciones a Reduxx sobre el caso, la psicóloga y escritora española Carola López Moya, expresó su preocupación por el hecho de que los medios de comunicación se hubieran referido a las dos partes del caso como “mujer”, avivando la confusión y la indignación. Moya es autora de “La secta” y también fue demandada por transactivistas que pedían que la inhabilitaran para ejercer su profesión durante 5 años.

“Este es un ejemplo de cómo el uso de un lenguaje alejado de la realidad biológica genera confusión, afirmó. “Los medios de comunicación deberían haber hablado desde el principio de dos varones que se autoidentifican como mujeres”.

Sobre el caso en sí, Moya tachó de disparatada la discusión entre los dos hombres.

“Que un hombre crea que por amputarse los genitales es una mujer… es una muestra de la disociación que fomenta esta doctrina”, dijo. “Inculca a la gente la creencia de que es posible cambiar realmente de sexo, y no es así”.

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SPAIN: Trans-Identified Male Sentenced To Six Months In Prison After Making “Transphobic” Comments Towards Another Trans-Identified Male For Not Having Genital Surgery

EDITOR’S NOTE: A previous version of this article incorrectly referred to one of the parties in this case as a “woman.” This article has been amended after new, previously-unavailable information was released clarifying that both parties in the case are in fact trans-identified males.

The Barcelona High Court has sentenced a trans-identified male to six months in prison after he was found guilty of committing a crime “against fundamental human rights and public freedoms” for posting “transphobic” comments on social media. The man, who has not been named, has also been ordered to pay a fine of 3,850 Euros (approx. $4,161 USD).

The comments were made in 2020 when the man, who will be anonymously referred to as P.O., took to social media to complain about a transgender influencer. While Spanish media did not release the influencer’s name, Reduxx has learned he is Violeta Ferrer Micó, an ex-prostitute and trans activist.

Last summer, Ferrer Micó organized and led a tour of Barcelona, called a “Trans Whoretour,” highlighting key areas where the sex industry had thrived. The tour was organized with the support of the trans theater company TiritiTrans Trans Trans Trans.

In his post, P.O. called Ferrer Micó a “prototype of a faggot with tits,” and stated “he can’t stand that I’m a woman and has a pathological dislike for me.” P.O.’s contention was that he believed he was a “real woman” because he had undergone genital surgery, while Ferrer Micó was not “genuinely” transgender because he had not.

The post reached Ferrer Micó’s work WhatsApp group and he claims that he was “outed” by them and suggested that no one had known he was transgender prior to P.O.’s remarks.

According to statements Ferrer Micó made to Newtral at the time: “From then on, I felt I had to give explanations about my gender identity. Everyone at work found out through Twitter that I never had genital surgery.”

Violeta Ferrer Micó.

Ferrer Micó reported P.O.’s post to X (formerly Twitter) and then filed a criminal complaint.

A Barcelona court ordered an “internet radicalism” task force to investigate P.O.’s social media and analyze his comment history to find further “publications that indicate animosity towards the group to which the victim belongs.” The subsequent report determined that the accused man was “not only belligerent with transgender women who are not operated, but also with the LGTBI collective.”

Their evidence included statements he had made in opposition of the Trans Law, which was legislation recently implemented in Spain to make changing an individual’s legal name and gender marker significantly easier. The investigation also found that between February and October of 2020, P.O. had posted several statements on Facebook, Instagram, and X in which he “denied transgender people without genital reassignment the gender with which they identify.”

Other messages that were found to be criminally transphobic included him stating that “there are only two sexes,” and that “transwomen are transvestites.” P.O. also said that “[the trans] community makes me feel infinite disgust.”

The court ruled that the “transphobic messages” had resulted in Ferrer Micó being “exposed” to his friend and work circle as a trans-identified male, suggesting that it had not been obvious or known before.

Spanish women’s rights advocates have cast doubt on that aspect of the case on social media, with one user, @OcheRadfem, asking “does anyone believe that they didn’t know he was a man? Are all the people he works with blind and deaf?”

When handing down the sentence, as reported in El Periódico, the court ruled that “the derogatory statements regarding gender identity … reflect the contempt [he] feels towards the group of transgender people who have not undergone genital reassignment surgery, and show, by questioning the gender (of the victim), a clear desire to inflict ridicule, and managing to generate [in the victim] feelings of humiliation to the detriment of [his] dignity.”

P.O. accepted the sentence imposed after coming to an agreement with the prosecution and declining to defend himself.

The court decided to suspend his six-month prison sentence on the condition that he pay the victim 3,850 Euros in compensation for the “emotional damages caused.” He must also take a course on equal treatment and non-discrimination. Failure to do so could lead to incarceration.

In addition, P.O. is disqualified from holding employment in any profession in the fields of teaching or sports for three and a half years.

The law firm who assisted in the man’s prosecution boasted of their victory on social media. The firm, Olympe, specializes in LGBTQ+ matters. According to their website, they identify as feminists, LGTBIQ+ and antiracists.

Speaking to Reduxx on the case, Spanish psychologist and author Carola López Moya, raised concerns about the fact that the media had previously referred to one of the parties in the case as a “woman,” stoking confusion and outrage. Moya is the author of “The Sect,” and was previously sued by trans activists who sought to have her removed from her profession for 5 years.

“This is an example of how the use of language far removed from biological reality generates confusion,” she said. “News media should have been talking about two males who self-identify as women from the beginning.”

On the case itself, Moya disregarded the argument between the two men as nonsensical.

“That a man believes that by amputating his genitals he is a woman… it is a sample of the dissociation that this doctrine fosters,” she said. “It instills in people a belief that it is possible to truly change their sex, and it is not.”

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UK: Sadistic Trans-Identified Male On Trial For Murder Had Previously Tortured Animals, Put Cat In Blender

A trans-identified male in Oxford is currently on trial after being charged with the murder of another man. Scarlet Blake, who was initially reported as being a “woman” by UK media outlets, is said to have murdered Spanish national, Jorge Martin Carreno, and tortured animals.

The jury has heard disturbing audio of Blake sadistically killing his neighbor’s cat and was shown evidence of his sick obsession with violence, pedophiles, and female serial killers. Blake is also said to have fantasized about killing his own parents for refusing to accept his transgender identity, and told a former partner, “I need blood, this is bad.”

The murder of Carreno took place during the early hours of July 25, 2021. Carreno, who worked for BMW and was on a night out with colleagues, suffered blows to his head, was strangled and then drowned in the River Cherwell. A murder investigation was not initially launched after his body was found on July 26 by dog walkers.

Police investigating the discovery did not rule out the possibility of an accident or suicide. However, they recovered CCTV video of Carreno with an unidentified person who police believe he didn’t know before that night. CCTV shows the unidentified suspect searching the streets alone before meeting Carreno, appearing to be on the hunt for a victim.

Scarlet Blake was not arrested for the murder until over two years later in August 2023 following a complex investigation by Thames Valley Police.

Following his arrest, the media began comparing the case to the Netflix documentary series “DON’T F*CK WITH CATS.”

The documentary focuses on the case of transvestite prostitute, Luka Magnotta, who began torturing cats and posting the videos online before escalating to murder. Magnotta drew inspiration for a horrific murder carried out during sexual intercourse from the film Basic Instinct, and reportedly had a fixation with the actress Sharon Stone — going so far as to paint the screwdriver he used as a murder weapon silver in order to resemble the pick axe used in the movie. Online, Magnotta had used the name “Catherine” as a reference to the character Stone portrayed.

The “porn star killer” Magnotta was tracked down in Berlin in 2012 following an international manhunt. Leading up to his arrest, authorities had warned that Magnotta may have disguised himself as a woman, that he frequently wore makeup and dresses, and that he had dyed his hair blonde.

The association between Blake’s crimes and the true crime documentary was made after it was uncovered that only months to the murder, Blake had filmed himself putting a cat in a blender. He reportedly discussed the documentary during a livestream of the brutal animal abuse, and told friends that he desired to kill people in the manner in which he killed cats.

Blake has denied having involvement in the murder of Carreno. He has, however, admitted to stealing his neighbor’s cat, torturing and dissecting it, and putting the animal in a blender. Prosecuting attorneys told Oxford Crown Court that a vet had determined the animal had suffered for a full three minutes or more as its heart was cut out while still alive. The judge told members of the jury that they would not be required to view the video footage.

During one audio excerpt a Blake can be heard saying: “My hands are shaking…I fucking love it…look at that little bitch, I’m pretty sure he’s still alive.”

Blake’s murder trial was launched early this month. The court heard how following the murder, Blake traveled to America to meet his then long-distance girlfriend, Ashlynn Bell, in Colorado. The pair reportedly got into an argument and Blake returned to the UK. After he returned, Bell contacted police to say he had confessed to killing a man. She told police Blake had claimed to have strangled Carreno from behind with a homemade garotte while they leaned against a tree.

During court proceedings, the prosecution showed the jury messages between Blake and Bell where she said he wanted to kill his parents. “I would murder my mum for you…I also want to kill my dad one day…maybe when they are old I can just put a respirator with pure nitrogen on their faces while they sleep.” The messages read. When cross examined, he said the messages were a ‘metaphor’ for them not immediately accepting him as transgender.

Detective Sergeant James Macro from Thames Valley Police reviewed messages exchanged between Bell and Blake.

Blake stated, “Fuck I need blood, what if I’m bipolar,” and “Bitch I kill people because my lover said it would be hot… Last time I found someone this drunk they died.”

Blake denied involvement in the murder, claiming the messages exchanged with Bell were “fantasy for sexual gratification.”

“In short, it’s a fantasy dress-up of saying I’m hurt by the way I was brought up and I’m sad about it,” Blake told the court.

“When I was 12 years old I came out as transgender. That has made my father really unhappy and my mother as well and that caused a very large emotional riff between us… I have a lot of unmet parenthood needs. I feel very forsaken, I suppose,” he continued.

“I always wanted to be a girl. I wasn’t until that age [12] that I realized there were procedures that could be done that would change me from male to female.” He then admitted to beginning taking testosterone blockers at the age of 17 and argued that his physical strength was that of an “unfit female”.

The jury also heard testimony from expert pathologist Dr. Brett Lockyer, who testified that Carreno had suffered a ‘blunt force trauma’ to the back of the head. Lockyer said a vodka bottle ‘used as a weapon’ would have caused the type of injury beneath the skull that he found when carrying out a post-mortem examination.

Financial records show Blake bought a bottle of vodka online prior to the alleged murder. A red bottle top from a Smirnoff vodka bottle was found on the riverbank by Carreno’s body and contained traces of DNA identified as belonging to Blake.

The court also heard how Blake had a sick obsession with violence and female serial killers. Images of nine serial killers were found on his phone, including women who had killed or were accused of killing their own children. The prosecutor, Alison Morgan KC painted a grim picture of Blake while describing his fascination for violence and death, and said he received “sexual gratification” from the graphic content in his possession.

“[Carreno] died because he met a person who had a fixation with violence and with knowing what it would feel like to kill someone.”

“At a time when Mr. Carreno became separated from friends and perhaps lost and vulnerable, Mr. Carreno had the great misfortune of being approached by this defendant in the early hours on July 25 2021.”

“The defendant was out on the streets of Oxford that night looking for a victim. [He] targeted him and took him to Parsons Pleasure, where [he] killed him, leaving his body to be discovered by others over 24 hours later.”

KC Alison Morgan explained that during the police investigation detectives had constructed a profile of Blake’s background. “The prosecution alleges that this defendant had an extreme interest in death and in harm,” she told the jury.

“It was an interest that went beyond mere fantasy. [He] described [himself] to others as being someone who derived sexual gratification from the thought of violence and the thought of death.”

Other images presented to the jury included a photo of handmade garotte fashioned from two metal handles and piano wire. Several other photographs depicted people being strangled. One image titled “First Date” had pictures of duct tape, a knife, rope and a handgun.

Footage recovered from Blake’s device showed him “with one of [his] partners engaging in acts of strangulation, consensually, in a sexualized context.”

Members of the jury were told that Blake “spoke to others about what it would be like to kill someone.”

“[He] looked at imagery and saved it on her devices that showed an interest in ligatures being applied around the neck. [He] talked about harming [himself].”

The trial is set to continue this week.

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Boys Reportedly Sent Home With Condoms, Wooden Phalluses, and Gay Pornography From Canadian School

A mother in Manitoba, Canada, has revealed that teenage students at her son’s school were being provided with wooden phalluses, condoms, and a cartoon flip book featuring gay sex art as part of their “sex education.”

On February 19, Janine Stephanie Penner took to Facebook to express outrage that her teenage son had been provided a number of inappropriate “sex education” aides. In the post, Penner claimed that her son, who is currently in grade 10, had been provided with a “gay porn graphic flip book at school as a method of learning how to use condoms and in addition, received 15 condoms and a wooden pecker for practice.” Penner’s son attends the Virden Collegiate Institute.

The wooden phallus provided to the student is a condom demonstration aide manufactured by Lifestyles.

A photo of the phallic aide, book, and condoms reportedly given to the teen student. Source: Janine Stephanie / FACEBOOK

The flip-book Penner’s son was given is titled “Who’s Got The Condom?” and a digital copy of the book reveals it is 53-pages long and was created in collaboration with CATIE — Canada’s leading HIV and Hepatitis C information charity — as well as Youth2O and “2-Spirited People of the First Nations.”

On the front of the book, a young, slim man can be seen perched over the hips of an older, larger man in what appears to be an Indigenous-style tent. On both the front cover and a page photographed by Penner, the older man is wearing a condom, with the younger man in the process of engaging in sexual activity with him.

The cover page of “Who’s Got the Condom?”

While the book is purported to be an educational resource for condoms, there is no text, instructions, or any other information from pages 2 to 51 of the book. The illustrations simply show a series of progressive actions featuring the younger man masturbating the older man before a bright-pink condom is introduced.

The younger man then climbs on top of the older man and the two engage in intercourse. The final pages of the book, when flipped rapidly, animate the two men thrusting against each other.

The final page of “Who’s Got the Condom” features an advertisement for the BC Centre for Disease Control.

On CATIE’s website, the book is described as “graphically [modeling] condom use between two men.” While the book is just over 50 pages on the CATIE website, Penner stated her son was given a version of it that was approximately “120 pages of this graphic stuff.”

The condoms, wooden phallus, and flip-book were reportedly provided to every boy in grades 9 and 10 at the Virden Collegiate Institute, with Penner reporting her older son, who also attends the school, informing her that only condoms had been given out the year prior.

“Y’all, they don’t even hide this anymore,” Penner wrote. “Robbing our children and seducing their minds. We need to push back… This is what needs to be protested.”

Penner confirmed that she is set to meet with the principal of the school on February 19.

The post, which has gone viral on Facebook and X, attracted many comments from incensed parents.

One father said his daughter attends the same school, and that she had confirmed that the condoms, wooden phallus, and flip-books were also available outside of the school’s office and had been brought in by a public health nurse.

“The teacher, the principal, and the school trustee would be getting an earful from me,” said one concerned parent. “I got my kids out in time, I couldn’t handle my kids being stuck in that system. I was fighting with them all the time about age appropriateness and now it’s just evil content”

Another parent claimed that their 14-year-old child at a school in Ontario had received the same set of items as part of their education.

This article is presented as a joint-release with The Publica.

EXCLUSIVA: Detenidos los “blogueros familiares” transactivistas que vivían en una casa cubierta de excrementos, acusados de poner en peligro el bienestar de su hijo

AVISO DE CONTENIDO: Este artículo contiene descripciones gráficas de negligencia infantil y desechos humanos y puede no ser considerado apto para su visionado en el trabajo. Se agradece tener en cuenta.

Un travesti y su esposa han sido acusados de poner en peligro el bienestar de un menor después de que su hijo autista de 10 años fuera encontrado en condiciones “miserables”. Robert Eugene Plummer, de 45 años, que se identifica como transgénero y usa el nombre de Kirstyn Piper, y su esposa Amy Plummer, de 46 años, fueron detenidos en el condado de Ocean, Nueva Jersey, acusados de poner en peligro el bienestar de su hijo.

Reduxx ha obtenido detalles del inquietante incidente de la Oficina del Fiscal del Condado de Ocean, que revelan que se llamó a la División de Protección y Permanencia Infantil de Nueva Jersey (DCPP) el 8 de diciembre.

Según una declaración jurada escrita por un detective del condado de Ocean, una enfermera de la escuela del niño informó a la DCPP que tenían una “preocupación constante” debido a la higiene y el aspecto del niño.

Los trabajadores de la DCPP fueron a la residencia del niño y se encontraron con unas condiciones horribles. Señalaron que el baño estaba “cubierto de heces” y que había varios cubos de Home Depot (cadena norteamericana de bricolaje) colocados por la residencia, sobre todo en el pasillo, llenos de excrementos humanos.

De la declaración jurada proporcionada a Reduxx por la OCPO.

La DCPP consideró que la vivienda se encontraba en “condiciones deplorables” y señaló otros problemas de seguridad en el hogar. Luego se notificó a la policía y se sacó inmediatamente al niño de la casa.

El 11 de diciembre, un detective del Departamento de Policía del Condado de Ocean entrevistó al niño, que reveló que llevaba un año viviendo en esas condiciones.

El niño explicó que la cisterna del retrete no funcionaba, y que sus padres simplemente esperaban a que el inodoro se llenara de heces para luego sacar los excrementos y ponerlos en cubos. No podía bañarse porque la bañera también estaba llena de heces, y sufría acoso escolar debido a su falta de higiene.

La policía habló luego con la madre del niño, Amy Plummer, que declaró que tenía problemas con las tuberías de su casa desde marzo de 2022. Dijo que llevaba al niño a una tienda cercana para que defecara y se lavara cuando le era posible.

Amy explicó que sufría múltiples discapacidades físicas, lo que le impedía caminar demasiado, y no tenía ingresos, por lo que no podía permitirse contratar a un fontanero.

Señaló que el padre del niño, un hombre que se dice trans que usa el nombre de “Kirstyn Piper” Plummer, había “tomado el control” del asunto y se negaba a pedir ayuda de nadie, lo que empeoró el problema con el tiempo.

En la declaración jurada, se hace referencia a Kirstyn Piper, nacido Robert, usando pronombres femeninos. Una orden de arresto muestra que Robert fue clasificado como “mujer”.

Después de las entrevistas, la Ayudante del Fiscal, Christine Lento, dio el visto bueno para proceder con la denuncia, tanto de Amy como de Kirstyn Piper, por poner en peligro el bienestar de un menor. Los dos fueron llevados a la cárcel del condado de Ocean el 12 de diciembre y puestos en libertad el 19 de diciembre a la espera de juicio.

Según la Fiscalía, su próxima vista está prevista para marzo.

Los Plummer son activos transactivistas y publican con frecuencia en las redes sociales su apoyo a la ideología de identidad de género y a los “temas LGBTQ+”. Su incursión en el activismo parece haber comenzado cuando Robert comenzó a identificarse como “mujer lesbiana” en 2020.

Las publicaciones de Instagram hechas por Robert a través de la cuenta de su negocio de fotografía utilizan hashtags como #lesbianpride#transpride#transgirl y #savetranskids. Robert también parece haber producido y vendido pegatinas y productos con el lema “proteged a la infancia trans”. En algunas fotos, se ve a su hijo con una camiseta que dice “Amo a mis dos mamás”.

Una pegatina diseñada por los Plummers.

La pareja también administraba un blog, que ya ha sido borrado, donde publicaba sobre la crianza de su hijo, que fue diagnosticado con autismo en 2016.

Reduxx no va a publicar la información tanto del blog de Plummer como de las cuentas de redes sociales de Robert para proteger la dignidad y la privacidad del niño involucrado.

En febrero de 2023, Robert escribió una entrada de blog sobre la importancia de exponer a los menores a “temas LGBTQ+ y derechos transgénero” desde una edad temprana.

“Como cuidadores, es nuestra responsabilidad proporcionar un entorno seguro e inclusivo para nuestras criaturas, independientemente de su identidad de género u orientación sexual. Al exponerlos a diversas perspectivas y experiencias, podemos ayudarlas a comprender y apreciar las luchas especiales a las que se enfrentan las personas de diferentes comunidades”, escribió Robert.

“Dar a conocer a nuestras criaturas las cuestiones LGBTQ+ y los derechos de las personas transgénero también puede ayudar a acabar con los estereotipos y estigmas perjudiciales que puedan existir en la sociedad. Normalizar las conversaciones en torno a estos temas puede crear un mundo más tolerante y compasivo para todas las personas”.

Robert Plummer.

Las fotos y videos subidos a las diversas cuentas de redes sociales de Robert indican que él y su esposa Amy habían llevado a su hijo a eventos de temática LGBT en múltiples ocasiones.

Reduxx también descubrió que Robert había estado siguiendo una cuenta de X que publica ficción transgénero de “regresión de edad”.

La cuenta, @darkkitten123, lleva el nombre de “Ashleigh McGregor” y tiene un enlace a una página de Patreon donde dos individuos, al menos uno de los cuales es un hombre que se dice trans, autopublican historias ficticias sobre niños pequeños que se transforman en niñas.

Una parte significativa de las historias escritas por “Dark Kitten” incorporan personajes adolescentes y preadolescentes, así como temas de furrydom (“arte” basado en el fetiche de animales antropomórficos). El estilo sigue el formato de un género conocido como “sissificación”, en el que el público masculino al que va dirigido encuentra placer erótico en la humillación de un niño o un hombre adulto al que se obliga a vestirse o comportarse de forma estereotípicamente femenina.

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