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UK: Senior Woman Interrogated by Police After Taking Photograph Of Sticker Critical Of Gender Ideology

A senior woman in the United Kingdom was visited by police after being caught taking a photograph of a sticker critical of gender ideology. Eve, whose identity is being protected at her request, was questioned at her home for over 30 minutes by officers of the West Yorkshire Police.

Speaking to Reduxx, Eve explained that the ordeal began in March after she spotted a sticker she thought was interesting while on a walk. The small sticker, which read “Keep Males Out Of Women-Only Spaces” had been placed on top of a large trans pride poster outside of Happy Valley Pride, a Hebden Bridge pride organization. Finding it interesting, Eve says she snapped a photo before continuing on her walk.

The photograph taken by Eve which was investigated by West Yorkshire Police.

Four weeks later, on April 30, Eve says West Yorkshire Police showed up at her home to question her on the photo she had taken.

Eve, who is in her 70s, explained to Reduxx that she was home with her partner when the two male police officers knocked at the door. 

Upon seeing the officers, Eve says she had at first thought they could have been bringing news of a death in the family and became distressed.

“I could only think they must be bringing dreadful and tragic news about a family member. I could not think why else they would come. I was extremely shocked and upset,” she said.

But Eve explained that after she opened the door to them, their opening remark was: “We have received a complaint so we have a duty to investigate it.”

After inviting the officers into her home, Eve says they “gave a sermon” and explained that her personal information “had been given to them by Happy Valley Pride.”

The police commented that they had no previous information on Eve in their systems which made it difficult for them to trace her. They told her they were investigating the complaint on behalf of Happy Valley Pride because of “the sensitivity … for members of the LGBT community.”

While still expressing confusion as to how Happy Valley Pride ascertained her identity, Eve speculates that the organization obtained CCTV footage of her from Town Hall. She further says that Happy Valley Pride may have “stalked” her Facebook page where she sometimes expresses pro-woman views.

“Of course, this has been denied,” Eve said. “So there has been no explanation of who gave my full name, address, and post code to the police.” 

Police questioned Eve for 30 minutes, apparently attempting to determine if she had been the individual responsible for placing the pro-woman sticker on the trans pride poster.

After the interrogation, the police advised Eve that “no crime had taken place.” But, through a Freedom of Information Request she later submitted, Eve says that the investigation into her was catalogued as a “non-crime hate incident” by West Yorkshire Police. According to the force’s website, a non-crime hate incident is defined as “any non-crime incident which is perceived by the victim or any other person to be motivated by hostility or prejudice.”

Speaking to Reduxx, Eve questioned how police decided to proceed in “investigating” her for “taking a photograph of an inanimate object on the pavement outside a building,” and said she submitted a complaint to police following the ordeal.

“No crime or potential was committed, even with a suspicion of a sticker being put on a poster. At most this should have been dealt with as a council matter,” Eve wrote.

“Due to clear investigations having been launched despite no evidence of crime, it is clear a crime was recorded on police systems and resources dedicated to requesting CCTV and supervisory decision making in sending out a resource by way of a doorstep police visit. Who is responsible for the decision making on this case and what is their recorded rationale for pursuing the matter as a police issue?”

She concluded that the police pursued “a politicized matter on behalf of the complainant” and expressed that their response was “overreach” and is part of a larger pattern of treatment towards those who hold views critical of gender ideology.

“I see this as police intimidation to censor my thoughts and to try and gag any voice of dissent,” Eve said, noting that most burglaries in her area do not result in an in-person police visit.

In addition to her complaint, Eve also made a Freedom of Information request to the police who sent her their police entry log in response and shared both her request and the police response with Reduxx

In the response, an officer confirmed the visit to Eve’s residence, and wrote: “She denied placing the sticker there and stated she was merely taking a photo of it. Words of advice were given regards the harassment and alarm that this sticker could potentially cause the community.”

Reduxx reached out to West Yorkshire Police but did not receive a response.

This is not the first time West Yorkshire Police have been accused of having misplaced, politicized motivations.

On August 7, a 16-year-old autistic girl in Leeds was brutally arrested by West Yorkshire Police after one of the officers accused her of making a “homophobic” remark. The incident occurred after police had been called to provide a safe escort home for the vulnerable girl.

The mother of the child, who was interviewed by Reduxx, said her daughter had made a would-be innocent remark about one of the female officers who had assisted in bringing her home.

“She said ‘I think she’s a lesbian like nanna Julie,’” the mother recounted, noting that the female officer had short blonde hair. Police then “launched” themselves into her home and tried grabbing the 16-year-old girl, who ran into a cupboard under the stairs and began crying and self-harming in stress.

In shocking footage recorded by the girl’s mother, the officer is heard saying that she “doesn’t care” that the girl has autism, and that additional units were being called to have her arrested.

The child was ultimately arrested and spent 20 hours in custody.

After international backlash, West Yorkshire Police announced that “no further action” would be taken against the girl, and that the Professional Standards Directorate was “continuing to carry out a review of the circumstances after receiving a complaint in relation to the incident.”

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NORUEGA: Un médico que se dice trans, cuya licencia fue suspendida por “transicionar” a menores en privado, recibe un premio a su trayectoria feminista

Un médico de género y sexólogo que recientemente vio suspendida su licencia médica a raíz de una investigación de la Autoridad Sanitaria Noruega (NHA) recibió un premio que lleva el nombre de una prominente feminista noruega. El Dr. Esben ‘Esther Pirelli’ Benestad, un hombre que se identifica como transgénero, recibió el premio Ottesen de la organización sin ánimo de lucro Sex og Politikk a pesar de que a principios de este año se le retiró su licencia médica debido a “incumplimiento sustancial del deber”.

El premio Ottesen lleva el nombre de la activista por los derechos de las mujeres y trabajadora social noruego-sueca Elise Ottesen-Jensen, quien participó en la fundación de la Federación Internacional de Planificación de la Familia (IPPF) en 1953. Benestad, de 74 años, recibió el premio por su trayectoria como “abanderada de las personas trans y transexuales en Noruega y embajadora de la diversidad de género y sexualidad en la sociedad noruega”, informó el medio noruego Psykologisk.

Al concederle el premio, que fue entregado en una ceremonia el 12 de julio en Oslo, los representantes de Sex og Politikk elogiaron a Benestad como “una importante médica de pacientes con incongruencia de género”.

“Hemos vivido un año con un nivel de ruido relativamente alto en el debate trans y de género, y Esben Esther Pirelli Benestad se ha mantenido firme, aunque algo controvertida, en esta tormenta. En la lucha por los derechos sexuales, Esben Esther ha mantenido el estandarte en alto, es una auténtica heredera de Elise”, rezaba el comunicado oficial.

Sex og Politikk también elogió a Benestad por actuar en el papel de Jesucristo el año pasado en una obra titulada “Evangeliet etern Jesus, Himmelens drøning” o “El Evangelio según Jesús, la Reina de los Cielos”. Señalaron que “los conservadores cristianos se sintieron tan provocados que fue necesaria la protección policial en varias de las representaciones”.

El Dr. Esben ‘Esther Pirelli’ Benestad, en su papel de una versión femenina de Jesús.

Sin embargo, la justificación oficial para concederle el premio a Benestad no mencionó que al antiguo médico de género de WPATH (Asociación Mundial de Profesionales de la Salud Transgénero) se le ha revocado recientemente su licencia médica después de ser investigado por la Autoridad de Salud de Noruega (NHA) en múltiples ocasiones a lo largo de su carrera.

En enero, la NHA emitió un informe de 42 páginas (artículo en español) en el que se detallaban los motivos de su decisión de revocar la licencia de Benestad para ejercer como médico. Las autoridades sanitarias afirmaron que Benestad fue declarado “no apto para ejercer de manera responsable debido a una falta sustancial de perspectiva profesional, actividad irresponsable e incumplimientos sustanciales del deber”.

Aunque el informe reconoce que Benestad ha recibido el apoyo y los elogios de algunos de sus clientes, los inspectores señalaron varios casos específicos de los que tuvieron conocimiento a través de denuncias presentadas por familiares o por personas no identificadas.

Lo que preocupaba especialmente a las autoridades sanitarias era la tendencia de Benestad a ignorar tanto las opiniones de sus colegas como los protocolos recomendados a nivel nacional. “Consideramos que usted no coopera suficientemente con el resto del personal sanitario”, afirmaban las autoridades en su informe.

“La Inspección Sanitaria Nacional también ha evaluado que usted no sigue las directrices nacionales de la Autoridad Sanitaria Noruega en su tratamiento de pacientes con incongruencia de género. Consideramos preocupante que justifique esto diciendo que nadie más tiene suficiente experiencia o recursos para proporcionar este tratamiento, o que defienden un método de tratamiento con el que usted no está de acuerdo”.

Benestad había administrado fármacos para detener la pubertad a adolescentes en circunstancias cuestionables.

El tratamiento de la “incongruencia de género” está supervisado por el Hospital Universitario de Oslo, o Rikshospitalet, que requiere que se realice una evaluación psiquiátrica antes de implementar la intervención médica. A pesar de esta normativa, Benestad había suministrado repetidamente hormonas y fármacos para detener la pubertad a pacientes a quienes se les había denegado después de una evaluación realizada por profesionales de Rikshospitalet.

Se suprimieron las edades de los pacientes para proteger su identidad, por lo que no está claro qué edad tenían los menores en el momento del inicio de la intervención médica. Sin embargo, en el pasado, Benestad ha indicado que ha recetado medicamentos para detener la pubertad a un niño al que empezó a tratar con nueve años, incidente que provocó la primera investigación sobre su práctica por parte de las autoridades sanitarias.

La NHA ya había investigado en dos ocasiones a Benestad (artículo en español) por ignorar las políticas recomendadas de prácticas seguras en su tratamiento médico de menores.

En 2021 se reveló que había administrado en privado fármacos y hormonas bloqueadoras de la pubertad a un adolescente que acabó suicidándose.

Los padres del menor dieron permiso a los medios de comunicación para publicar su experiencia. En declaraciones a la revista Blikk, explicaron que el Servicio Nacional de Tratamiento de la Incongruencia de Género (NBTK) puso al joven en un tratamiento de fármacos para detener la pubertad en Rikshospitalet. El NBTK, que entonces se llamaba Servicio Nacional de Tratamiento para la Transexualidad, depende del Hospital Universitario de Oslo.

Al tiempo que tomaba bloqueadores de la pubertad, el Dr. Benestad, destacado sexólogo que se identifica como trans, también le administraba hormonas en privado, lo que iba en contra de la política del NBTK de prohibir las hormonas de sexo cruzado a menores de 16 años. Poco después, el NBTK se hizo cargo del tratamiento del joven. Aproximadamente cuatro meses después, el menor no identificado se suicidó.

Benestad ha calculado recientemente que el número de pacientes que ha atendido en sus 37 años de carrera oscila entre 1.800 y 2.000. Antes de administrar fármacos bloqueadores de la pubertad a menores de 18 años, Benestad trataba pederastas, a los que llama “pedosexuales”, e insiste en que la pedofilia es un rasgo humano común.

“Todos hemos sido pedosexuales alguna vez”, dijo Benestad a VG en 1998, y citó “nociones tabú imperantes” en torno a la pedofilia como causa de los abusos sexuales a menores.

Además de su trabajo clínico, Benestad tiene una carrera académica que abarca dos décadas, centrada principalmente en las parafilias. Es profesor emérito de la Universidad de Adger.

Benestad ha abogado por normalizar los fetiches sexuales y, junto con su esposa y coprofesora, Elsa Almås, fundadora de la Asociación Noruega de Sexología Clínica (NFKS) fue coautor de un artículo en el Journal of Sexual Medicine titulado, Autogynephilia and Autoandrophilia Revisited, que argumenta que la excitación sexual que experimentan los hombres a través del travestismo debería normalizarse.

Benestad también figuraba como miembro de la Asociación Mundial de Profesionales para la Salud Transgénero (WPATH) hasta noviembre. El médico de género también ha hablado y asistido a conferencias organizadas por WPATH y ha ejercido influencia en sus políticas.

Benestad estuvo presente en una conferencia de WPATH celebrada en junio de 2009, donde académicos involucrados en un foro de fetichismo pedófilo y sadomasoquista (artículo en español) presentaron un concepto de identidad de género “eunuco”. El concepto se incorporaría más tarde a la guía más reciente de normas de atención de WPATH, y la conferencia de WPATH y la presentación de académicos involucrados en el foro fetichista parecen haber influido en el propio interés de Benestad en el tema.

La activista por los derechos de las mujeres y representante noruega de Women’s Declaration International dijo a Reduxx que estaba decepcionada con el silencio de la comunidad feminista con respecto no sólo a la carrera de Benestad, sino también a su reciente premio. Señaló un activo grupo de campaña feminista de Noruega que lleva el nombre de Elise Ottesen-Jensen, cuyo trabajo inspiró el premio.

El lema personal de Ottesen-Jensen era “Sueño con el día en que cada niño recién nacido sea bienvenido, en que hombres y mujeres sean iguales, y en que la sexualidad sea una expresión de intimidad, alegría y ternura”. Escribió para el periódico anarcosindicalista sueco Arbetaren (El Obrero) bajo el seudónimo de Ottar. Reduxx se puso en contacto con el grupo feminista Kvinnegruppa Ottar para obtener comentarios, pero no recibió una respuesta a tiempo para la publicación de este artículo.

“Observamos que el grupo feminista radical Ottar, que se ha negado deliberadamente a tomar una posición en contra del borrado de los derechos de las mujeres basados en el sexo, continúa guardando silencio incluso cuando los transactivistas se apropian y pervierten a figuras históricas como Elise Ottesen ‘Ottar’ Jensen”, dijo Ellingsen.

“Esta falta de reacción nos parece muy reveladora, ya que ejemplifica el alcance de la conformidad con la ideología trans. Muchas mujeres han encontrado ideas de valor incalculable en las pensadoras feministas radicales y en el activismo para la liberación de las mujeres del patriarcado, la cosificación y la explotación. Desgraciadamente, demasiadas organizaciones feministas radicales ignoran el patriarcado, la cosificación y la explotación llevada a cabo por hombres en womanface, como Benestad. Es una vergüenza”.

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EXCLUSIVA: Entrenador que se dice trans se desnuda varias veces en el vestuario de las chicas y el Distrito Escolar de Pensilvania tapa el asunto.

Un instituto de Gettysburg, Pensilvania, está siendo noticia por el debate del consejo escolar sobre si volver a contratar o no a un entrenador que se dice trans para el equipo de tenis femenino de la escuela. Según los informes, Sasha Yates, nacido David, ha sido objeto de quejas después de frecuentar los vestuarios y baños de las niñas en varias ocasiones.

Reduxx habló directamente con Michelle Smyers, miembro del consejo, quien revisó la primera amonestación a Yates

La amonestación describía dos incidentes distintos en septiembre de 2022, en los que Yates se había desnudado en el vestuario de las niñas.

Aunque un informe anterior de The Epoch Times había dado a conocer al público dos de los sucesos, Smyers reveló que de hecho eran tres: dos veces en septiembre del año pasado, y una vez más este mes de abril. Al utilizar los vestuarios y baños de las niñas, Yates provocó el miedo y la incomodidad de las alumnas, además de la preocupación de sus progenitores.

Yates había sido contratado por el Distrito Escolar del Área de Gettysburg en 2018 cuando aún se identificaba como hombre, pero en 2022, comenzó a usar el nombre de Sasha después de declarar que era transgénero. Reduxx se enteró de que tenía dos hijos que parecen vivir en el Reino Unido con su madre.

En el otoño de 2022, poco después de que Yates comenzara a “identificarse como mujer” y a usar las instalaciones femeninas, se desnudó hasta quedar sólo “en sujetador y bragas” en el vestuario de las chicas donde se cambia el equipo adolescente de fútbol.

Un miembro de la junta del distrito le dijo a The Epoch Times en su exclusiva que las alumnas informaron que “estaba claro, a la luz de lo que vieron, que el Sr. Yates era un hombre completo”.

Dos miembros del consejo escolar tienen hijas que juegan en el equipo de fútbol, una de las cuales estaba presente cuando se produjo el incidente.

Pero ha salido a la luz un tercer incidente después de que Smyers y otros miembros del consejo tuvieran finalmente acceso a la amonestación de la administración contra él del otoño pasado. Para su sorpresa, en septiembre se describieron no uno, sino dos casos. Smyers dijo que cree que Yates dio el mismo documento al Gettysburg Times al saber que finalmente el consejo era consciente de los hechos.

Smyers confirmó que en el primer incidente Yates se desnudó hasta quedarse “en sujetador y bragas”, como se había informado anteriormente.

Según la amonestación a Yates, muchas de las estudiantes dijeron que se sentían incómodas con la presencia del hombre en las instalaciones, así como con los comentarios que hacía a las chicas.

“No podía cerrar la boca del asombro”, dijo Smyers. “Porque el segundo incidente describía que había entrado en el mismo vestuario y que se puso a hablar con las chicas que estaban allí, hablando con ellas sobre sus ciclos menstruales y qué tipo de bragas les gusta usar”.

Smyers expresó su incredulidad ante las revelaciones, que iban mucho más allá del simple uso del vestuario por parte de Yates.

Sasha Yates. Fuente de la foto: Sasha Yates / FACEBOOK

“Jerry Sandusky era de Pensilvania, por el amor de dios. ¿No aprendimos nada de Jerry Sandusky? ¿Como que los adultos no deben estar en el vestuario mientras los menores se visten?”, comentó Smyers, refiriéndose al famoso pederasta en serie que abusó sexualmente de al menos ocho niños cuando trabajaba como entrenador de fútbol en el Central Mountain High School.

Smyers también se preguntó por qué Yates se había desnudado, para empezar.

“Es tenis… ¿Por qué te cambias? ¿Eres un entrenador a tiempo parcial, no vienes a los entrenamientos ya preparado para entrenar?”

El 12 de abril, meses después de que la escuela lo amonestara por primera vez, Yates se tomó la libertad de usar el baño de chicas cuando una alumna de 16 años ya estaba dentro. Siguió a la chica hasta el baño y “trató de entablar una conversación” con la menor, pero ella salió de las instalaciones.

La niña le envió un mensaje de texto a su entrenadora de softball mientras aún estaba dentro del baño y expresó preocupación por su seguridad. Su padre, Steve Carbaugh, le dijo a The Epoch Times que esto hizo que su hija se sintiera muy incómoda, ya que sólo estaban ella y Yates en el baño.

Carbaugh dijo: “Mi trabajo como padre es proteger a mi hija. Y él no tenía por qué ir a ese baño, y sus acciones demostraron que no se puede confiar en él. Entró en un vestuario de chicas y se cambió mientras el equipo de fútbol femenino estaba allí. Hablaron con él al respecto. Y entró en el baño de las chicas. ¿Cuándo vamos a decir basta? No se le sanciona por lo que se llama a sí mismo. Necesita ser penalizado por sus actos y por el hecho de que no puede acatar órdenes. Se trata de un hombre adulto, entrando en un baño con una chica menor de edad. Eso es un problema. Ese es un gran problema”.

Ese mes se le comunicó al Sr. Carbaugh que el Sr. Yates no regresaría como entrenador de tenis para la temporada siguiente, por lo que decidió dejar pasar el asunto.

Yates proporcionó Gettysburg Times la carta de amonestación que Smyers revisó, pero negó haber tenido la conversación con las adolescentes sobre ciclos menstruales, diciendo que no la recordaba. Yates admitió que los otros incidentes sí habían ocurrido, “pero no de la manera que se ha informado anteriormente”.

También reveló que, tras la amonestación, se le dio una llave para usar un baño de un solo cubículo que está asignado para el uso del personal de deportes, como los árbitros, pero afirmó que la ley federal le permite usar “cualquier baño”.

A pesar de las quejas de padres y alumnos, el Dr. Leigh Dalton, abogado de la escuela, “convenció” a los miembros del consejo de que no despidieran a Yates de inmediato, y en su lugar insistió en que la escuela simplemente se negara a volver a contratarlo para la siguiente temporada debido a la preocupación por los litigios.

Pero el nombre de Yates reapareció en julio en la lista de contratación para el puesto de entrenador.

Smyers le dijo a Reduxx que cuando vio el nombre “Sasha”, en un principio pensó que estaba revisando si contratarían o no a una nueva entrenadora. No se había enterado de la identidad de Yates “como mujer” hasta el otoño pasado, pero tras el incidente del baño le habían dicho que “se estaban ocupando del asunto” y que no volverían a contratar a Yates.

A principios de este mes, el 7 de agosto, el consejo escolar celebró una votación sobre si Yates debía o no ser contratado de nuevo. La votación fue de 3-3, con la abstención de una persona.

Dalton parece haber emitido entonces una advertencia “instando al consejo a volver a contratar al Sr. Yates para evitar el riesgo de litigio”.

La siguiente reunión, que se celebró el 21 de agosto, incluyó en el orden del día la contratación de Yates para que los miembros del consejo votaran de nuevo. En el orden del día se indicaba que el salario de entrenador de Yates era de 2,682 dólares. El día de la segunda reunión de la junta, America First Legal reveló que iba a representar a Smyers debido a la preocupación de que Yates pudiera emprender acciones legales contra ella o el distrito en caso de que votaran en contra de volver a contratarlo.

Crédito de la foto: Gettysburg Area High School.

Reduxx asistió a la reunión más reciente del consejo y oyó a más de 25 miembros del público dar su opinión sobre si creían que Yates debiera ser contratado otra vez como entrenador de tenis de las chicas.

Varios de los oradores mostraron un claro desprecio por Smyers, acusándola de “transfobia” y alegando que ha hecho “comentarios odiosos y tendenciosos contra la comunidad LGBTQ”. Estas personas, en algunos casos, recibieron fuertes aplausos y una gran ovación en pie de los presentes a la reunión.

Muchos oradores citaron las tasas de suicidio en adolescentes transgénero como razón para la recontratación de Yates en la escuela.

Un padre leyó una carta en nombre de su hijo, que no estaba presente. Este ex jugador de tenis del instituto declaró: “Sasha es una mujer. En los últimos cuatro años la he visto darse cuenta de ello, y he visto cómo ha hecho la transición a su verdadero yo”, y luego instó a aquellos que pedían que no se volviera a contratar a Yates a que “arreglaran sus corazones”.

La madre del joven, la doctora Sonya Deltredici, habló después de su marido y se identificó como líder de un “programa de salud LGBT” en el Hospital de York. Dijo: “No les hace daño a nuestros hijos estar en presencia de personas trans … Lo que hace daño a nuestros hijos es la discriminación contra las personas trans”.

Otro hombre en defensa de Yates, que contó que daba clase de teoría crítica de la raza, dijo: “Si alguno de mis nietos jugara al tenis … Francamente, no me preocuparía que estuvieran bajo la instrucción y el cuidado del entrenador Yates porque confío en que Dios cuidará de ellos”.

Solo tres de los oradores tocaron el tema de que Yates usara los espacios privados de las niñas. 

Eddy Fleming, padre y ciudadano preocupado, se hizo eco de la declaración de la mujer y dijo: “Estoy muy preocupado porque esta noche ha habido muchas personas muy cultas y muy apasionadas que han confundido esta cuestión y la han convertido en una cuestión trans… De lo que se trata es de que había un entrenador adulto que entró en el baño de las estudiantes, que entró en el vestuario de las estudiantes y que se cambió allí … De eso es de lo que se trata realmente, y tenemos que proteger a nuestras alumnas…”

Smyers cree que la administración se está “escondiendo detrás del Título XII”, que impide  la discriminación basada en una característica protegida, pero contó que no cree que deba otorgar a nadie privilegios especiales.

Reiteró que estas acciones le parecían inapropiadas, independientemente del miembro del personal de que se tratara.

Smyers dijo que cree que muchos progenitores y otros miembros de la comunidad tienen miedo de hablar en contra de Yates porque podrían enfrentarse a las mismas acusaciones de “transfobia” y “odio” a las que ella se ha enfrentado.

Dijo a Reduxx que las afirmaciones que la tachan de intolerante son “absurdas y evidentemente falsas”, pero cree que la reacción violenta contra ella ha servido de advertencia para otros.

“Recibirán la reacción que he recibido, y nadie quiere eso. La gente no quiere que la tachen de esto. No quieren que los demás piensen que son transfóbicos o anti-gay… Tienen miedo de eso. Olvidan que esas palabras no significan nada. Son sólo palabras. Pero, ya sabes, es una guerra psicológica”, dijo Smyers.

“Yo no soy esa persona, nunca he sido esa persona. Creo que me llaman [transfóbica e incitadora al odio] porque soy la presidenta de la sección de Moms for Liberty (Mamás por la Libertad)”.

Smyers explicó que se ha enfrentado a abusos por parte de activistas trans en el pasado, y recordó un evento de Moms for Liberty al que asistió a principios de este verano en Filadelfia, donde le gritaron comentarios misóginos sobre su cuerpo a través de un megáfono.

Dijo a Reduxx que también “tuvo que aguantar mucha mierda” del público en el pasado porque “fue a por algunos libros inapropiados en [la] escuela”. Smyers dijo que había denunciado el libro “All Boys Aren’t Blue” (No todos los niños son azules), no porque el autor fuera gay, sino porque el libro hablaba de condones de sabores utilizados por dos niños menores de edad que practicaban sexo anal.

Smyers afirmó que no tiene intención de votar a favor de contratar a Yates, y dijo que no confía en él. Aunque explicó que no estaba hablando en nombre de sus compañeros del consejo, sí cree que puede haber al menos otros dos que votarán en contra de la contratación de Yates.

En la reunión del consejo del 21 de agosto se aplazó la decisión de readmitir a Yates. La próxima reunión está prevista para el 5 de septiembre. Mientras tanto, el equipo de tenis femenino carece actualmente de un entrenador oficial, pero jugó su primer juego el 22 de agosto, el primer día del año escolar.

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NORWAY: Transgender Doctor Whose License was Suspended After Privately Transitioning Minors Given Feminist Achievement Award

A gender clinician and sexologist who recently had his medical license suspended following an investigation by the Norwegian Health Authority (NHA) has been granted an award named after a prominent Norwegian feminist. Dr. Esben ‘Esther Pirelli’ Benestad, a male who identifies as transgender, was given the Ottesen award by non-profit membership organization Sex og Politikk despite having had his medical license revoked at the start of this year due to “substantial breaches of duty.”

The Ottesen award is the namesake of Norwegian-Swedish women’s rights activist and social worker Elise Ottesen-Jensen, who was involved in the foundation of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) in 1953. Benestad, 74, was presented with the award for his career as a “standard-bearer for trans people and transsexuals in Norway and an ambassador for gender and sexuality diversity in Norwegian society,” reported Norwegian outlet Psykologisk.

When issuing the award, which was presented at a ceremony on July 12 in Oslo, Sex og Politikk representatives praised Benestad as “an important practitioner of patients with gender incongruence.”

“We have been through a year with a relatively high noise level in the trans and gender debate, and Esben Esther Pirelli Benestad has stood tall, if somewhat controversial, in this storm. In the fight for sexual rights, Esben Esther has held the banner high, she is a genuine heir to Elise,” read the official statement.

Sex og Politikk also celebrated Benestad for acting in the role of Jesus Christ last year in a play titled “Evangeliet etern Jesus, Himmelens drøning,” or, “The Gospel according to Jesus, Heaven’s Queen.” They noted that “Christian conservatives became so provoked that police protection was necessary at several of the performances.”

Dr. Esben ‘Esther Pirelli’ Benestad, in his role as a female version of Jesus.

However, the official justification for honoring Benestad with the award failed to mention that the former WPATH gender clinician has recently had his medical license revoked after being investigated by the Norwegian Health Authority (NHA) on multiple occasions throughout his career.

In January, the NHA handed down a 42-page report detailing the rationale behind their decision to revoke Benestad’s license to practice as a clinician. The health authorities stated that Benestad was declared “unfit to practice responsibly due to a substantial lack of professional insight, irresponsible activity, and substantial breaches of duty.”

Though the report acknowledges that Benestad has had support and praise from some of his clients, the inspectors pointed to several specific cases which were made known to them through complaints lodged by either family members or unnamed individuals. 

Of particular concern to the health authorities was Benestad’s tendency to neglect both the opinions of colleagues and nationally recommended protocols. “We consider that you do not cooperate with other health personnel to a sufficient extent,” stated the authorities in their report.

“The National Health Inspectorate has also assessed that you do not follow the Norwegian Health Authority’s national guidance in your treatment of patients with gender incongruence. We consider it worrying that you justify this by saying that no one else has enough expertise or resources to provide this treatment, or that they advocate a method of treatment that you do not agree with.”

Benestad had been giving puberty-halting drugs to adolescents under questionable circumstances. 

The treatment of “gender incongruence” is overseen by Oslo University Hospital, or Rikshospitalet, which requires that a psychiatric assessment be undertaken prior to the implementation of medical intervention. Despite this regulation, Benestad had been repeatedly providing hormones and puberty-halting drugs to patients who were refused the medications following an assessment by professionals at Rikshospitalet.

The ages of the patients were redacted to protect their identities, and therefore it is unclear how young the children were at the time that medical intervention was initiated. However, in the past, Benestad has indicated that he has prescribed puberty-halting drugs to a boy that he began treating at the age of nine, an incident that spurred the first investigation into his practice by health authorities.

Benestad was previously investigated twice by the NHA for disregarding recommended safe practice policies in his medical treatment of minors.

In 2021 it was revealed that he had privately administered puberty-blocking drugs and hormones to a teenager who went on to die by suicide.

The parents of the minor gave permission to the media to publish on their experience. Speaking with Blikk Magazine, they explained that the youth was placed on drugs to halt puberty by National Treatment Service for Gender Incongruence (NBTK) at Rikshospitalet. The NBTK, which was then called the National Treatment Service for Transsexualism, is under the authority of Oslo University Hospital.

While on puberty blockers, the teen was also privately being administered hormones by prominent sexologist and trans-identified Dr. Benestad, thereby undermining the NBTK’s policy banning cross-sex hormones for minors under the age of 16. Shortly after, the youth’s treatment was again overtaken by NBTK. Approximately four months later, the unnamed minor took their own life.

Benestad has recently estimated the number of patients he has seen in his 37-year-long career to be between approximately 1,800–2,000 in total. Prior to administering puberty-blocking drugs to under-18’s, Benestad was treating child sexual abusers, which he has referred to as “pedosexuals,” and insisted pedophilia was a common human trait.

“We’ve all been pedosexuals once,” Benestad told VG in 1998, and cited “prevailing taboo notions” around pedophilia as a cause for child sexual abuse.

In addition to his clinical work, Benestad has an academic career which spans two decades, with his primary focus being on paraphilias. He is a professor emeritus at the University of Adger. 

Benestad has advocated for normalizing sexual fetishes and, along with his spouse and co-professor, Elsa Almås, founder of the Norwegian Association for Clinical Sexology (NFKS) co-authored an article in the Journal of Sexual Medicine titled, Autogynephilia and Autoandrophilia Revisited, which argues that the sexual arousal men experience through transvestic crossdressing should be normalized.

Benestad was also listed as a member of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) until as recently as November. The gender clinician has also spoken at and attended conferences hosted by WPATH and has exerted influence on their policies. 

Benestad was present at a WPATH conference held in June of 2009 where academics involved in a pedophilic and sadomasochistic fetish forum presented a concept of a “eunuch” gender identity. The concept would later be incorporated into the most recent WPATH Standards of Care guidance, and the WPATH conference and presentation by academics involved with the fetish forum appears to have influenced Benestad’s own interest in the subject.

Women’s rights campaigner and the Norwegian representative for Women’s Declaration International told Reduxx that she was disappointed with the silence from the feminist community regarding not only Benestad’s career, but also his recent award. She pointed to one active feminist campaign group in Norway which is named after Elise Ottesen-Jensen, whose work inspired the prize.

Ottesen-Jensen’s personal motto was “I dream of the day when every new born child is welcome, when men and women are equal, and when sexuality is an expression of intimacy, joy and tenderness.” She wrote for the Swedish anarcho-syndicalist paper Arbetaren (The Worker) under the pseudonym Ottar. Reduxx reached out to feminist group Kvinnegruppa Ottar for comment, but did not receive a response in time for publication.

“We note that the radical feminist group Ottar, who has deliberately refused to take a stand against the erasure of women’s sex-based rights, continue to stay silent even as trans activists appropriate and pervert historical figures such as Elise Ottesen ‘Ottar’ Jensen,” Ellingsen said.

“We find this lack of reaction very telling, as it exemplifies the reach of conformity to trans ideology. Many women have found priceless insights in radical feminist thinkers and activism for the liberation of women from patriarchy, objectification and exploitation. Unfortunately, too many radical feminist organizations ignore the patriarchy, objectification and exploitation conducted by men doing woman-face, such as Benestad. It is a shame.”

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EXCLUSIVE: Trans-Identified Male Coach Used Girls’ Locker Room to Undress Multiple Times, Incidents Kept Quiet by Pennsylvania School District

A Gettysburg, Pennsylvania High School is making headlines over the school board’s debate on whether or not to re-hire a trans-identified male coach for the school’s female tennis team. Sasha Yates, born David, has reportedly been subject to complaint after he frequented the girls’ locker rooms and bathrooms on several occasions.

Reduxx spoke directly to board member Michelle Smyers, who reviewed the reprimand against Yates for the first time.

The reprimand outlined two separate incidents in September of 2022 involving Yates undressing in the girls’ locker room.

While a previous report by the Epoch Times had made the public aware of two of the occurrences, Smyers revealed that there were in fact three: twice in September of last year, and once again this past April. While using the girls’ locker rooms and restrooms, Yates sparked fear and discomfort from female students in addition to concern from their parents.

Yates had initially been hired by Gettysburg Area School District in 2018 while still identifying as a male, but in 2022, he began using the name Sasha after he declared that he was transgender. Reduxx learned that he had two children who appear to live in the United Kingdom with their mother.

In the fall of 2022, shortly after Yates began “identifying” as female and using women’s facilities, he stripped down to “a bra and panties” in the girls’ locker room where the teen soccer team was changing.

A board member with the district told The Epoch Times in their exclusive that the female students reported that “it was clear from what they saw that Mr. Yates was still fully a man.”

Two members of the school board have daughters playing on the soccer team, one of whom was present when the incident took place. 

But a third incident has now been brought to light after Smyers and other board members were finally granted access to the administration’s reprimand against him from last fall. To their shock, not one, but two instances were outlined in September. Smyers said she believes that Yates released the same document to the Gettysburg Times upon knowing that it was finally revealed to the board.

Smyers confirmed that the first incident did involve Yates undressing down to his “bra and panties,” as previously reported. 

According to the reprimand issued to Yates, many of the female students said they were uncomfortable with the man’s presence in the facility, as well as with the comments he made to the girls.

“I was too busy picking my jaw up off the floor when I read it,” Smyers said. “Because the second incident outlined where he’d gone into the same locker room and was discussing with the girls in there — talking to them about their menstrual cycles and what type of panties they like to wear.”

Smyers expressed that she was incredulous at the revelations, which went far beyond Yates simply using the changing area.

Sasha Yates. Photo Source: Sasha Yates / FACEBOOK

“Jerry Sandusky was from Pennsylvania, for crying out loud. Didn’t we learn anything from Jerry Sandusky? You know? Adults don’t belong in the locker room while kids are in there dressing,” Smyers remarked, referring to the notorious serial child molester who sexually abused at least eight young boys at Central Mountain High School while working as a football coach.

Smyers also questioned why Yates had been undressing in the first place.

“It’s tennis… why are you changing? You’re a part-time coach, you didn’t come to practice ready to coach?”

On April 12, months after his initial reprimand was issued by the school, Yates still took the liberty of using the girls’ restroom while one 16-year-old student was already inside. He followed the girl into the bathroom and “tried to strike up a conversation” with the minor, but she walked out of the facilities.

The girl texted her softball coach while she was still inside the restroom and expressed her concern for her safety. Her father, Steve Carbaugh, told The Epoch Times that this made his daughter very uncomfortable as it was just her and Yates alone in the bathroom.

Carbaugh said, “My job as a parent is to protect my child. And he had no business going into that bathroom, and his actions proved that he cannot be trusted. He went into a girls’ locker room and changed while the girls varsity soccer team was in there. They talked to him about it. And he went into a girls’ restroom facility. When is enough enough? He is not being penalized because of what he calls himself. He needs to be penalized because of his actions and the fact that he can’t follow directions. This is a grown man, going into a bathroom with a juvenile female. That’s a problem. That’s a huge problem.”

Mr. Carbaugh was told that month that Mr. Yates would not return as the tennis coach for the following season, so he decided to let the matter go.

Yates provided Gettysburg Times with the reprimand letter that Smyers reviewed, but denied having the conversation with the teens about menstruation cycles, saying he didn’t recall it. Yates did admit that the other incidents occurred, “but not in the way that has been previously reported.”

He also revealed that after the reprimand was issued, he was given a key to use a single-stall restroom that sports personnel, such as referees, are designated to use, but asserted that federal law allows him to use “any bathroom.”

Despite the complaints from parents and students, Dr. Leigh Dalton, a solicitor for the school, “convinced” members of the board not to fire Yates immediately, and instead insisted the school simply decline to re-hire him for the following season due to concerns about litigation.

But Yates’ name reappeared in July on the hiring list for the coaching post. 

Smyers told Reduxx that when she saw the name “Sasha,” she initially thought she was reviewing whether or not they’d be hiring a new female coach. She had only learned about Yates’ identity “as a woman” last fall but had been told after the bathroom incident that “the issue was being taken care of,” and that Yates would not be brought back.

Earlier this month, on August 7, the school board held a vote on whether or not Yates should be rehired. The vote was 3-3, with one person abstaining from voting.

Dalton then allegedly issued a warning “urging the board to rehire Mr. Yates to avoid the risk of litigation.” 

The next meeting, which was held August 21, had Yates’ employment on its agenda to be voted on by board members once again. The agenda noted Yates’ coaching salary as $2,682. The day of the second board meeting, America First Legal revealed they were representing Smyers due to concerns that Yates may take legal action against her or the district in the event they voted against re-hiring him.

Photo Credit: Gettysburg Area High School.

Reduxx attended the most recent board meeting and witnessed over 25 members of the public provide input on whether they felt Yates should be again retained as girl’s tennis coach.

Several of the speakers held clear contempt for Smyers, accusing her of “transphobia” and alleging that she has made “hateful and biased comments against the LGBTQ community.” These individuals, in some cases, received loud applause and a standing ovation from those present at the meeting. 

Many speakers cited suicide rates in transgender adolescents in their defense of retaining Yates’ employment with the school.

One father read a letter on behalf of his son, who was not present. The former tennis player for the high school stated: “Sasha is a woman. Over the past four years I have watched her realize this, and have watched as she has transitioned into her true self,” going on to urge those motioning not to rehire Yates to “fix their hearts.” 

That young man’s mother, Dr. Sonya Deltredici, spoke after her husband and identified herself as a leader of an “LGBT health curriculum” at York Hospital. She said, “It does not hurt our children to be in the presence of trans people… What hurts our children is discrimination against trans people.” 

Another man in defense of Yates, who shared that he teaches critical race theory, said: “If any of my grandchildren play tennis… I’m frankly not worried about this if they come under coach Yates’ teaching and care because I trust God to take care of them.”

Only three of the speakers addressed Yates’ use of the girls’ private spaces.

Eddy Fleming, father and concerned citizen, echoed the woman’s statement, saying: “I’m really gravely concerned because there’s been a lot of very well-educated and very impassioned people tonight conflating this issue and making this a trans issue … what this is about is that there was an adult coach who went into the students’ bathroom, went into the students locker room and changed there … that’s really what this is about, and we have to protect our students…” 

Smyers believes that the administration is “hiding behind Title XII” which prevents discrimination on the basis of a protected characteristic, but shared that she doesn’t believe it should grant anyone special privileges. 

She reiterated that she would find these actions inappropriate regardless of what staff member it was.

Smyers said she believes a lot of parents and other community members are afraid to speak out against Yates because they could face the same accusations of “transphobia” and “hate” that she’s faced.

She told Reduxx that the claims labeling her a bigot are “absurd and patently false,” but feels the backlash towards her has served as a warning for others.

“They’ll get the reaction that I’ve gotten, and people don’t want that. They don’t want to be labelled. They don’t want other people to think that they’re transphobic or anti-gay… they’re afraid of that. They forget that those words don’t mean anything. They’re just words. But, you know, it’s a psychological warfare,” Smyers said.

“I’m not that person, I’ve never been that person. I think they call me [transphobic and hateful] because I’m the chapter chair of Moms for Liberty.”

Smyers explained that she has faced abuse from trans activists in the past, and recalled a Moms for Liberty event she attended earlier this summer in Philadelphia where she was subject to misogynistic remarks about her body being yelled at her through a bullhorn. 

She told Reduxx that she also “took a lot of crap” from the public in the past because she “went after some of inappropriate books in [the] school.” Smyers said she had condemned the book “All Boys Aren’t Blue,” not because the author is gay but because the book discussed flavored condoms used between two juvenile boys engaging in anal sex. 

Smyers asserted she has no intentions of voting to retain Yates, and said she doesn’t trust him. While she explained that she was not speaking for her fellow board members, she does believe there may be at least two others who will vote against Yates’ employment.

The August 21 board meeting moved to postpone the decision to reinstate Yates. The next meeting is scheduled for September 5. In the interim, the girls’ tennis team does not currently have an official coach, but had their first match on August 22, their first day of the school year.

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Reino Unido: Usuario de redes sociales recibe una amonestación policial por expresar su preocupación por un hombre que se viste de bebé y da charlas a menores en las escuelas

La policía se puso en contacto con un usuario de las redes sociales crítico con la ideología de género por escribir un hilo expresando su preocupación por un “bebé adulto” que da charlas en las escuelas a niños y niñas.

El 15 de agosto, Gender is Harmful publicó un hilo de varias partes en X (antes Twitter) en el que daba información sobre un hombre llamado Richard Smith, el jefe de un grupo de formación en concienciación sobre el autismo conocido como Awesometistic (una mezcla entre awesome, fantástico, y autistic).

En el hilo, el usuario señalaba que Smith tenía un historial preocupante de vestirse como niña pequeña, así como de usar pañales, biberones, osos de peluche y otros accesorios infantiles. Aunque Smith afirma que fue “cruelmente desatendido cuando era bebé” y usa estos artículos como un método para “ayudar” a su autodescubrimiento, este comportamiento se asocia más comúnmente con una subcultura fetichista conocida como el “estilo de vida de pañales para bebés adultos”.

Aunque su historial de las redes sociales revela que Smith vestía con normalidad en torno al lanzamiento de su grupo, comenzó a adoptar colores y vestimenta infantiles en 2021, lo que parece haber ido en un aumento continuo a medida que adoptaba más hábitos y ropa infantiles relacionados con los bebés.

En el hilo del 15 de agosto, Gender is Harmful señalaba que Smith había adoptado a dos menores vulnerables y había sido invitado a escuelas locales para dar charlas a estudiantes con autismo. Smith ha declarado que cuando va a las escuelas, usa sus osos de peluche y otras “ayudas” con el fin de “mostrar a los niños y niñas una persona segura de sí misma con autismo”.

En 2019, una tienda local de supercoches le regaló a Smith un Ford Mustang para promocionar su organización benéfica. Smith dijo que el coche sería una forma de interactuar con los niños al “darle el aspecto de Bumblebee de Transformers, que a los niños les encanta”.

En 2023, Smith anunció que iba a conducir un nuevo supercoche, aunque nunca especificó explícitamente si el automóvil estaba totalmente patrocinado o parcialmente pagado con fondos de la organización benéfica Awesometistic.

El Lotus Emira, valorado en unos 100,000 dólares, estaba envuelto en rosa y azul con la marca Awesometistic. Desde que se hizo con el vehículo, Smith ha organizado eventos en centros comerciales locales, exhibiendo el coche e informando a los menores sobre autismo.

La labor de Smith ha adquirido una gran notoriedad, y en 2022 la duquesa de Cornualles le concedió el codiciado premio Platinum Champion con motivo de las celebraciones del jubileo de la difunta reina Isabel.

Pero mientras que el breve hilo publicado por Gender is Harmful sólo proporcionaba información general que ya era de dominio público, el usuario fue rápidamente contactado por la policía de Northumbria. Curiosamente, Smith ya había trabajado con esta fuerza del orden en el pasado, proporcionando formación sobre “cómo apoyar mejor a las personas con autismo que están bajo custodia policial“.

En declaraciones a Reduxx, Gender is Harmful, quien desea permanecer en el anonimato por su seguridad, proporcionó copias de los múltiples correos electrónicos que le envió el agente de policía Will Sutton.

En el primero, Sutton pide hablar con el responsable de la cuenta de X de Gender is Harmful, a lo que el usuario se negó. Sutton luego volvió a escribir poco después, esta vez aclarando los motivos de su petición y afirmando que era necesaria una “conversación adulta”. En un email plagado de errores gramaticales, Sutton escribió:

“Quiero hablar con elle sobre una publicación que ha causado muchos comentarios negativos y abuso que en este momento puede que sea capaz de tratar a través de una conversación adulta con los involucrados aunque si continúa podría dar lugar a cuestiones penales relacionadas con el acoso o las comunicaciones maliciosas así que si pudiera decirme quién es me sería útil. Si es necesario tendré que acudir a los canales pertinentes”, escribió Sutton. “Espero su respuesta decente, útil y respetuosa con la ley”.

Unos minutos más tarde, Sutton escribía otra vez.

“La publicación en cuestión está relacionaba con Richard Smith y Awesometistic. ¿Podría borrar la publicación por favor como mencioné puede dar lugar a nuevas medidas?”.

Gender is Harmful dijo que estaba “sorprendido” al ver que la policía se había puesto en contacto con él por su hilo sobre Smith.

“Cuando repasé mi breve hilo, no pude ver qué había hecho que justificara tal acción. No había etiquetado al Sr. Smith ni a su empresa, Awesometistic, y me limité a describir, con la ayuda de publicaciones hechas por él mismo, lo que estaba haciendo”, explicó Gender is Harmful. “Nunca antes se había puesto la policía en contacto conmigo por mis publicaciones en las redes sociales, así que fue un poco desconcertante”.

Tras la comunicación inicial, Gender is Harmful se puso en contacto con Fair Cop, una organización compuesta por personas preocupadas por los intentos de la policía de criminalizar a la gente por expresar opiniones que en realidad no contravienen ninguna ley.

Fair Cop redactó una carta que envió a la policía de Northumberland en apoyo de Gender is Harmful, cuestionando por qué los agentes parecían estar amenazando al usuario con acciones penales y animándoles a revisar las leyes de derechos humanos pertinentes.

Aunque Gender is Harmful dice que no está seguro de cuál será el desenlace del caso, cree que la situación es “enormemente escalofriante” y representa un problema más amplio con la policía en el Reino Unido, que vigila las opiniones en lugar de combatir la delincuencia.

“Cuando en el Reino Unido hay mujeres asesinadas dos o tres veces por semana y la violencia doméstica contra las mujeres es un problema grave, parece una extraordinaria pérdida de tiempo de la policía que actúen en nombre de alguien que ha sido criticado por padres preocupados por sus hijos autistas”, dice, señalando que Smith había sido objeto de quejas de los padres en el pasado, ante lo que amenazó con denuncias a la policía.

Gender is Harmful proporcionó copias de una publicación de Facebook de 2020 realizada por Smith en la que anunciaba que se había puesto en contacto con la policía después de que un grupo que se hacía llamar Progenitores de Niños Autistas y con Trastornos Asociados del Noreste expresara su preocupación por que él no era el mejor representante para el diagnóstico.

En una carta, los progenitores señalaban que Smith no estaba calificado profesionalmente para “enseñar, formar o asesorar” a nadie sobre autismo, y ponían en duda su propia historia con el diagnóstico.

“Ritchie está exagerando su autismo y fabricando una mentira para todo el mundo”, afirmaba la carta. “Está observando a niños con autismo e imitando su comportamiento para aparentar que él también muestra esos rasgos. Es un completo disparate”.

Después de que la carta comenzara a circular, Smith publicó una post en Facebook en el que llamaba a los padres “gente horrible y celosa” y afirmaba que “se había llamado a la policía”.

Gender is Harmful se hizo eco de algunas de las preocupaciones expresadas por los padres.

“Después de haber trabajado con alumnos autistas y junto a colegas autistas durante muchos años, me alarmó ver los mensajes que Smith parece estar difundiendo a las escuelas y al personal”, dijo. “Aunque no puedo cuestionar el autismo de Smith en sí, hace una serie de cosas que plantean más preguntas y preocupaciones. Afirma ser incontinente, pero va más allá y habla de jugar con sus propias heces y en lugar de decir que usa toallas sanitarias, que es el término más comúnmente aceptado para niños más mayores y adultos, usa la palabra “pañales”. También dice que necesita juguetes para masticar, pero de nuevo, lo ha llevado más allá y chupa un chupete. También usa baberos y se viste como una niña pequeña”.

Gender is Harmful va más allá y dice que algunos progenitores de menores autistas le han dicho que la posibilidad de que Smith interactúe con sus hijos les parece “aterradora”, porque promueve comportamientos que en gran medida no son representativos de la persona promedio con autismo.

“Mi experiencia de trabajar con jóvenes autistas, algunos de los cuales podrían tener la esperanza de seguir estudiando u obtener un empleo, no acabaría bien si jugaran con sus propias heces o se vistieran como un bebé adulto”.

Gender is Harmful también señala el preocupante elemento de salvaguardia, afirmando que quienes están en contacto con niños deben estar abiertos a las críticas.

“Una contratación más segura consiste en estar abierto a criticar las malas prácticas y abordar cualquier inquietud de una forma profesional… Y aunque [Smith] se presenta como una ‘superestrella’, está claro que se enfada mucho cuando se le critica”.

Gender is Harmful concluye: “Cuanto más acceso tiene alguien a los niños, y este hombre tiene mucho, más estrictas deben ser las salvaguardas y, en esta situación en particular, parece que las medidas de salvaguardia se han descuidado, y mucho. Si Smith siente que puede conseguir que la policía, con la que claramente ha trabajado, amenace a los progenitores que hacen preguntas sobre su forma de trabajar y sobre las salvaguardas existentes, eso le da acceso sin restricciones a las escuelas y los menores”.

Reduxx se puso en contacto con la Policía de Northumbria, pero no recibió una respuesta a tiempo para la publicación de este artículo.

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UK: Social Media User Warned By Police After Expressing Concerns About Man Who Dresses Like A Baby, Speaks To Children In Schools

A social media user critical of gender ideology was contacted by police after writing a thread expressing concerns about an “adult baby” who had been speaking in schools to children.

On August 15, Gender is Harmful posted a multi-part thread on X (formerly Twitter) providing details about a man named Richard Smith, the head of an autism-awareness training group known as Awesometistic.

In the thread, the user noted that Smith had a concerning history of dressing like a baby girl as well as utilizing diapers, bottles, teddy bears, and other child-related accessories. While Smith claims he was “cruelly neglected as a baby” and uses these items as a method to “aid” his self-discovery, the behavior is more commonly associated with a fetish subculture known as the “adult baby-diaper lifestyle.”

While social media history reveals that Smith dressed normally around the launch of his group, he began adopting child-like colors and dress in 2021, which appears to have continuously escalated over the years as he adopted more infant-associated wear and habits.

In the August 15 thread, Gender is Harmful noted that Smith had adopted two vulnerable children, and had been invited into local schools to speak to students with autism. Smith has stated that when he goes into the schools, he uses his teddy bears and other “aids” in order “show children a confident person with autism.”

In 2019, Smith was gifted a yellow Ford Mustang by a local supercar shop in order to promote his charity. Smith claimed the car would be a way to engage with children by “giving it the look of Bumblebee from Transformers, which the kids love.”

In 2023, Smith announced he was set to drive a new supercar, though never explicitly specified if the car was fully sponsored or in-part paid for with Awesometistic charity funds.

The Lotus Emira, valued at approximately $100,000 USD, was wrapped in pink and blue with Awesometistic branding. Since acquiring the vehicle, Smith has done events in local shopping centers, showing off the car and providing information to children on autism awareness.

Smith’s advocacy has gained substantial notoriety, and he was recognized by the Duchess of Cornwall in 2022 with a coveted Platinum Champion award as part of the late Queen Elizabeth’s jubilee celebrations.

But while the short thread posted by Gender is Harmful provided only general information already in the public domain, the user was quickly contacted by Northumbria police. Curiously, the force is one Smith has worked with in the past, providing training on “how to better support people with autism who come into police custody.”

Speaking to Reduxx, Gender is Harmful, who wished to stay anonymous for his safety, provided copies of the multiple emails he was sent by police constable Will Sutton.

In the first, Sutton asks to speak to whoever is responsible for the Gender is Harmful X account, to which the user declined. Sutton then wrote once again shortly after, this time clarifying his reasons for communications and stating a “grown up conversation” was required. In an email littered with grammatical errors, Sutton wrote:

“I’m wanting to speak to them regarding a post that has caused a lot of negative comments and abuse which at this stage I may be able to deal with via a grown up conversation with those involved although if it continues it might lead to criminal matters around harassment or malicious communications so if you could let me know who it is that would be useful. If needs be I’ll have to go through relevant channels,” Sutton wrote. “I look forward to your decent, helpful and law abiding response.”

A few minutes later, Sutton wrote once more.

“The post in question related to a Richard Smith and Awesometistic. Could the post be taken down please as I mentioned it may lead to further action.”

Gender is Harmful said he was “surprised” to see police had contacted him over his thread on Smith.

“As I looked back over my short thread, I couldn’t see what I had done which would have warranted such an action. I hadn’t tagged Mr. Smith or his company, Awesometistic and I simply outlined, with the aid of posts made by himself, what it was that he was doing,” Gender is Harmful explained. “I’ve never been contacted by the police before over my social media posts, so it was a little unnerving.”

Following the initial communication, Gender is Harmful reached to Fair Cop, an organization comprised of individuals concerned about police attempts to criminalize people for expressing opinions that don’t actually contravene any laws.

Fair Cop drafted a letter which was sent to Northumberland Police in support of Gender is Harmful, questioning why officers appeared to be threatening the user with criminal action and encouraging them to review the relevant human rights laws.

While Gender is Harmful says he is unsure of what the outcome in the situation will be, he believes the situation is “hugely chilling” and represents a wider issue with police in the United Kingdom monitoring opinions rather than tackling crime.

“When women in the UK are being murdered two to three times each week and domestic violence against women is a serious issue, it feels like an extraordinary waste of police time for them to be acting on behalf of someone who has been criticized by concerned parents of autistic children,” he says, noting that Smith had been subject to parental complaint in the past, to which he threatened police action.

Gender is Harmful provided copies of a 2020 Facebook post made by Smith in which he announced he had contacted the police after a group calling themselves Parents of Autistic and Associated Disordered Children in the North East expressed concerns that he was not the best representative for the diagnosis.

In a letter, the parents noted that Smith was not professionally qualified to be “teaching, training, or advising” anyone on autism, and called into question his own history with the diagnosis.

“Ritchie is upscaling his autism and fabricating a lie to everyone,” the letter claimed. “He is watching children on the spectrum and mimicking their behaviors to make out he also displays these traits. It’s complete nonsense.”

After the letter began to circulate, Smith published a Facebook post calling the parents “horrible, jealous people,” and stating “police have been called.”

Gender is Harmful echoed some of the concerns expressed by the parents.

“Having worked with autistic learners and alongside autistic colleagues over many years, I was alarmed to see the messages Smith appears to be spreading to schools and staff,” he said. “While I can’t question Smith’s autism itself, there are a number of things he does which raise more questions and concerns. He claims to be incontinent, but goes further and talks about playing with his own feces and instead of saying he wears pads, which is the more commonly accepted term for older children/adults, he uses the term ‘nappies.’ He also says he needs to have chew toys, but again, has taken it further and sucks a dummy. He also wears bibs and dresses like a baby girl.”

Gender is Harmful goes further and says that some parents of autistic children have expressed to him that they find the prospect of Smith interacting with their kids “scary” because he promotes behaviors that are largely unrepresentative of the average person with autism.

“My experience of working with young autistic people, some of whom might be hopeful of going on to further study or gain employment, would not fare well if they were to play with their own feces or say, dress like an adult baby.”

Gender is Harmful also notes the concerning safeguarding element, asserting that those in a position of contact with children should open to criticism.

“Safer recruitment is about being open to criticising poor practise and addressing any concerns professionally … And while [Smith] uses a ‘superstar’ persona, he clearly gets very angry when criticized.”

Gender is Harmful concluded: “The more access someone has to children, as this man has plenty, the tighter the safeguards need to be and in this particular situation, it seems that the safeguarding measures have been neglected, very badly. If Smith feels he can get the police, who he has clearly worked with, to threaten parents who ask questions about the way he works and what safeguards are in place, then that effectively gives him unfettered access to schools and children.”

Reduxx reached out to the Northumbria Constabulary but did not receive a response in time for publication.

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Trans Activist Known For Defending Violent Trans Inmate Reportedly Prepped Talk TV Journalist for Interview with Graham Linehan

A notorious trans activist known for sending pornographic images to woman critical of gender ideology reportedly prepared Talk TV presenter Rosanna Lockwood for her disastrous interview with Father Ted creator Graham Linehan. Rosanna Lockwood drew ample controversy after conducting what many described as an “ambush.”

Lockwood was blasted on social media following her interview with Linehan, a critic of transgender ideology, in which she called his views “extreme.” Linehan had appeared on Talk TV under the purported intention of discussing the cancellation of his comedy show due to his criticism of gender ideology.

During the segment, which is usually hosted by Piers Morgan, Lockwood repeatedly interrupted Linehan and fired off a number of hostile accusations at Linehan, leading social media users to criticize Lockwood as being “biased.”

Many noted that Lockwood did not treat other guests during the segment the same way, allowing infamous LGBT activist Peter Tachtell to speak uninterrupted. Despite calling into question the validity and appropriateness of Linehan’s views, Lockwood did not interrogate Tatchell on his history of pro-pedophilia sentiment.

Tatchell infamously called for lowering the age of consent, wrote chapters in two books where he argued that laws criminalizing adults for sexually abusing children do more harm than the abuse itself, and said during an interview that not all sex between adults and children is “harmful.” Tatchell has also been linked to members of the Pedophile Information Exchange, a now-defunct pedophile rights group.

While Lockwood failed to challenge Tatchell on his views, she also prevented Linehan from making the point himself by interrupting him repeatedly. After doing so, she allowed Tatchell to accuse Linehan of sending violent threats on twitter uninterrupted.

Following the online backlash, Lockwood addressed the criticism on the show the following day, instructing others to “keep it civilized.”

It has now been claimed that Lockwood spoke with notorious trans activist, Freda Wallace, prior to the controversial interview.

Wallace is speculated to have influenced Lockwood’s biased interview by sending her a Medium opinion piece he wrote on Linehan. The piece, which offers no examples or sources, includes a tweet which calls for Linehan to be arrested and accused him of “abuse, hatred, lies, defamation and libel … akin to Nazi dehumanization.”

Wallace admitted on social media that he was in communication with producers of UnCensored and Lockwood prior to Linehan’s interview.

GB News presenter Andrew Doyle stated that Wallace claimed he was in contact with Lockwood prior to the interview. Doyle had organized the cancelled comedy show Linehan was set to perform at, Comedy Unleashed.

On Twitter, Wallace also admitted to having worked with Talk TV to prepare Lockwood for her interview, boasting of the interview’s disastrous impression of Linehan.

Wallace also wrote an article which was published on Talk TV‘s website, addressing the cancellation of Linehan’s comedy show. In his article, he argued that the UK’s Equality Act 2010 protects “bigoted beliefs” but this does not mean venues are required to platform people with those beliefs.

Wallace is a trans-identified male and an outspoken trans-activist known for having a friendship with attempted murderer Sarah Jane Baker, another trans-identified male dubbed the UK’s longest-serving transgender inmate.

He appeared on Talk TV on August 11, speaking with Lockwood to argue in favor of gender self-identification in the UK, suggesting that the media used “rare” examples of trans-identified male sex offenders to oppose it.

Wallace has previously received backlash after he uploaded pornographic images to an X (formerly Twitter) conversation with a disabled woman and disabled rights campaigner.

Henrietta Freeman has received abuse and harassment from trans activists for being outspoken about disabled women’s right to request same-sex care. During one X dispute, Wallace sent her an image of himself receiving oral sex from another man in a fetish club. Wallace claims the photos were obtained from a fetish club website and were already public available online. He captioned the “Dads worship female penis.”

Wallace is also a known friend and supporter of Sarah Jane Baker. Baker has been labeled the UK’s longest serving trans-identified prisoner, having spent 30 years incarcerated for multiple violent crimes.

Baker was initially sentenced to 9 years for kidnapping and torturing his stepmother’s brother, but, while in prison, he received additional time for attempting to murder a cellmate. He is currently back in prison after he called for violence against women critical of gender ideology at a Trans Pride rally in London. At the rally, he took the microphone and shouted “If you see a TERF punch them in the fucking face.”

Wallace has used social media to alert people to Baker’s most recent arrest and initially uploaded footage of the arrest to YouTube, deleting it shortly after.

Wallace also wrote a Medium article in defence of Baker, arguing that TERF is not a “gendered term” so Baker was not calling specifically for violence against women.

“The language of the oppressed is often violent in tone. Even the popular phrase ‘smash the patriarchy’ could be read as incitement of violence against men with an unkind interpretation,” Wallace argued in defense of Baker.

Wallace also uploaded a remix of Bakers speech to Spotify titled “Sarah Bakers Bop.”

Baker, 54, is currently in a men’s prison and awaiting trial. A hearing is scheduled to be held at City of London magistrates court on August 31 in front of Deputy Chief Magistrate Tan Ikram.

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Ciclistas varones ocupan los primeros puestos en DOS carreras femeninas en EEUU y Suiza

Esta semana, dos ciclistas varones que se dicen trans ocuparon los primeros puestos en sendas pruebas celebradas en EEUU y Suiza. Uno de ellos se impuso a dos chicas adolescentes, y el otro privó a sus competidoras de un premio en metálico de 567 dólares.

Este sábado, en Zúrich, la ciudad más grande de Suiza, Kiana Gysin se hizo con el primer puesto en la final femenina de piñón fijo, dentro del evento Zuricrit que se celebraba en el centro de la ciudad.

Gysin, un hombre que se identifica como mujer, ya había conseguido el primer lugar en la prueba de cualificación de mujeres.

Gysin, que recibió un premio en metálico de 500 francos suizos, equivalente a 567 dólares estadounidenses o 522 euros, superó a la segunda clasificada, la estadounidense Dani Morsehead, al superar su mejor tiempo por un solo segundo, según los resultados oficiales de la carrera. Como consecuencia de la participación de Gysin, Morsehead recibió el segundo premio de 300 francos, equivalente a 341 dólares o 313 euros.

A pesar de la participación del hombre, el periódico nacional suizo Tages-Anzeiger se jactó de que la carrera había atraído a talentos internacionales, “y más mujeres ciclistas que nunca”.

El día anterior en Richmond, Washington, otro ciclista varón se hizo con el título femenino, venciendo a dos adolescentes para proclamarse Campeona de Eliminación del Noroeste 1/2/3 en el Velódromo Jerry Baker.

El ingeniero de software de Amazon, Claire Law, de 35 años, derrotó a varias corredoras junior el viernes 20 de agosto en la carrera de eliminación femenina. En una carrera por eliminación, el último corredor que cruza la línea de meta en cada vuelta abandona, hasta que sólo queda uno.

En una transmisión en vivo del evento, se vio a Law machacar a sus contrincantes adolescentes.

Cuando la tercera clasificada, Lucy Dorer, de 15 años, quedó eliminada, se pudo ver a la segunda, Lucy Scoville, de 17 años, abandonar por completo en la última vuelta, sin molestarse siquiera en competir con Law, que iba en cabeza hacia lo que parecía una fácil victoria.

“Law está tan fuerte en general, que no hay competición”, señaló el comentarista durante la carrera.

El Consejo Independiente del Deporte Femenino, una red de mujeres atletas que abogan por categorías femeninas protegidas en el deporte, señaló que Law “lleva años subiéndose a los podios femeninos y es uno de los 50 hombres que compiten en ciclismo femenino en los últimos años”.

En julio, el organismo rector del ciclismo mundial, UCI, prohibió a los atletas que se dicen trans participar en los eventos si habían pasado por la pubertad masculina. La UCI determinó que la barrera anterior, que restringía los niveles de testosterona, no era “suficiente para eliminar por completo los beneficios de la testosterona durante la pubertad en los hombres”, rezaba su declaración.

“Dado el estado actual del conocimiento científico, también es imposible descartar la posibilidad de que factores biomecánicos como la forma y disposición de los huesos de las extremidades puedan constituir una ventaja duradera para los atletas que se dicen trans”, se lee en el comunicado.

David Lappartient, presidente de la UCI, dijo que el organismo rector tenía el “deber de garantizar, por encima de todo, la igualdad de oportunidades” para todos los competidores en las competiciones de ciclismo.

“Es este imperativo el que llevó a la UCI a concluir que, dado que el estado actual del conocimiento científico no garantiza tal igualdad de oportunidades entre los atletas que se dicen trans y las participantes cisgénero, no era posible, como medida de precaución, autorizar a los primeros a competir en las categorías femeninas”, explicó.

British Cycling introdujo su propia política dos meses antes, creando una tercera categoría “abierta” donde cualquier persona de cualquier identidad de género y cualquiera de los dos sexos pudiera competir. La categoría femenina sería exclusivamente para mujeres biológicas, incluidas aquellas que se identifican como trans, pero que aún no se han sometido a terapia hormonal.

Como señaló el Consejo Independiente del Deporte Femenino, USA Cycling no había adoptado estas nuevas políticas más estrictas que impedían a los hombres biológicos competir contra mujeres y niñas, lo que permitió a Law ganar el campeonato el viernes.

Gysin, que también se convirtió en campeona del mundo de bicicletas de piñón fijo en junio, había protestado contra la decisión de la UCI como parte de FemMess, un club ciclista de Zúrich que “promueve … debates feministas interseccionales” en ciclismo.

“Desde FemMess CC condenamos enérgicamente la decisión de la UCI de prohibir esencialmente a las mujeres trans tomar parte en el ciclismo de competición, esta decisión no tiene base científica y sólo se ha implementado debido al clima político transmisógino actual y a la presión de las organizaciones trans excluyentes. No asistiremos a ningún evento que siga las pautas de la UCI, ya que no apoyaremos económicamente a organizaciones como esta”, publicó el grupo en Instagram, donde se puede ver a Gysin en una foto.

“Defendemos un enfoque feminista interseccional del deporte y el bioesencialismo es peligroso para todos, no se detendrán con la mujer trans. ¡Que le den por c*lo a la UCI!”, concluyó el grupo.

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Male Cyclists Take Top Spots At TWO Female Races In Washington and Switzerland

Two trans-identified male cyclists took the top spots at events in Washington and Switzerland this week, with one beating out two teenage girls, and the other depriving his competitors of $550 cash prize.

This Saturday, in Switzerland’s largest city of Zürich, Kiana Gysin took first place at the women’s fixed gear racing final as part of the Zuricrit event that was being held in the middle of the city.

Gysin, a biological male who identifies as a woman, had also seized first place in the women’s heat event.

Gysin, who was awarded prize money totalling 500 Swiss Francs, equal to $566.86 USD, edged out the second placed American Dani Morsehead, by beating out her best lap time by a single second, according to the official race results. As a result of Gysin’s participation, Morsehead received the second prize of 300 Francs, equal to $340.58 USD.

Despite his participation, Swiss national paper Tages-Anzeiger boasted that the race had attracted international talent, “and more female riders than ever before.”

The day prior in Richmond, Washington, another male cyclist took home a women’s title — beating out two teenage girls to become the 1/2/3 Women’s Northwest Elimination Champion at the Jerry Baker Velodrome.

Amazon software engineer Claire Law, 35, defeated a number of junior female racers on Friday, August 20, at the women’s elimination race. An elimination race involves the last-placed rider who crosses the finish line each lap dropping out, until only one person is left.

In a livestream of the event, Law was seen crushing his teenaged opponents.

As the third place rider Lucy Dorer, 15, was eliminated, second place rider Lucy Scoville, aged 17 can be seen completely dropping back for the last lap, and not even bothering to compete with Law, who sailed ahead to what appeared to be an easy victory.

“Law is just such in overall strong form, that the contest won’t be there,” the commentator noted during the competition.

The Independent Council on Women’s Sports, a network of women athletes who advocate for female protected categories in sports, noted that Law has “appeared on women’s podiums consistently for years and joins over 50 men competing in women’s cycling in recent years.”

In July, the world governing body for cycling, UCI, banned transgender athletes from participating in any of their events if they had gone through male puberty. UCI determined that the previous barrier, restricting testosterone levels, was not “sufficient to completely eliminate the benefits of testosterone during puberty in men,” their statement noted.

“Given the current state of scientific knowledge, it is also impossible to rule out the possibility that biomechanical factors such as the shape and arrangement of the bones in their limbs may constitute a lasting advantage for female transgender athletes,” the statement read.

David Lappartient, the president of UCI, said that the governing body had a “duty to guarantee, above all, equal opportunities” for all competitors in cycling competitions.

“It is this imperative that led the UCI to conclude that, given the current state of scientific knowledge does not guarantee such equality of opportunity between transgender female athletes and cisgender female participants, it was not possible, as a precautionary measure, to authorize the former to race in the female categories,” he explained.

British Cycling had introduced their own policy two months prior, creating an “open” third category where anyone of any gender identity and sex would be allowed to compete. The female category would be restricted only to biological women, including those who identified as transgender, but who had yet to undertake hormone therapy.

As the Independent Council on Women’s Sports noted, USA Cycling had not adopted these new stricter policies that prevented biological males from competing with and beating women and girls, which permitted Law to take the championship on Friday.

Gysin, who also became the fixed gear bicycle female world champion in June, had in fact protested against the UCI’s decision as part of FemMess, a Zürich cycle club that “promotes … intersectional feminist discussions” in cycling.

“We from FemMess CC strongly condemn UCI’s decision to essentially ban trans woman from competitive cycling, this decision has no basis in scientific findings and has only been implemented because of the current transmisogynistic political climate and pressure from trans exclusionary organizations. We won’t be attending any event that follows UCI Guidelines as we won’t financially support organizations like this,” the group posted on Instagram, where Gysin can be seen in a photo.

“We stand for an intersectional feminist approach to the sport and bio essentialism is dangerous for everyone, they won’t stop with trans woman. F**k UCI!” the group concluded.

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