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WALES: Pedophile Announces “Transition” After Being Caught For Second Time With Horrific Child Abuse Images

A “transitioning” pedophile who was previously spared imprisonment after being found with horrific child sexual abuse materials has now been jailed after authorities learned he was hoarding more of the same materials while serving his sentence in the community.

Jonathan Adrian Meadows, 30, was initially arrested in 2019 after attempting to message a 15-year-old girl on social media. The girl was disturbed by his communications and immediately reported them to her adult older sister.

The older sister replied to Meadows in an apparent effort to determine why he was messaging her underage sibling, to which Meadows replied asking asked if she liked “illegal sexual stuff.” He also claimed to have abused children. Police were called and arrested Meadows at his home in the Gower area of Swansea, Wales.

When interviewed by police after his arrest, Meadows claimed to have a “bucket load” of child sexual abuse materials accumulated after “stumbling upon” an illicit website.

On Meadows’ devices, officers found almost 1,000 images and videos of an extreme nature involving the abuse of children and animals, with more than 100 of them being classified as Category A. Images and video in this category can depict penetrative sexual activity, bestiality, and/or sexual sadism.

Police also found that Meadows had initiated hundreds of conversations through social media with the apparent intention of locating other individuals interested in child sexual abuse materials.

According to a 2020 Wales Online report, Meadows was ultimately charged with three counts of making indecent images of children, three counts of distributing indecent images of children, and one count of possessing extreme pornographic images of bestiality. He pleaded guilty to all of the charges, but was spared jail after being handed an 18-month sentence which was suspended for two years.

In the United Kingdom, a suspended sentence indicates that the offender avoids jail completely and is instead released into the community and expected not to commit another offense within a time period specified by the court.

Meadows was also placed under a 10-year Sexual Harm Prevention order and is being required to participate in a rehabilitation program.

But Meadows was re-arrested in April of this year after his probation officer noticed some red flags during a routine check-in.

The officer had visited Meadows’ home and inspected his devices, quickly finding he was in breach of his release conditions. Meadows was using social media accounts under names he had not registered with police, including one Discord account in which he called himself “Julie Shepherd.”

According to Wales Live, the prosecutor said the discovery of the unauthorized social media name led the officer to seize Meadows’ electronic devices.

On his phone and a memory card, police subsequently uncovered a total of 95 child sexual abuse images, including 17 pictures and videos which were classified as Category A and showed the most extreme forms of abuse including rape. The collection also included 56 prohibited images, and five images of extreme pornography. During the hearing, the prosecutor stated that the estimated age of the youngest child in the photographs was between six months and one year.

Meadows’ defense attorney stated that there was no “sinister” motive for his client having the Discord handle under the name “Julie Shepherd,” explaining that Meadows was in the process of transitioning to a woman and wanted to change his name.

Meadows ultimately pleaded guilty to three counts of possessing indecent images, possession of prohibited images of children, possession of extreme pornography, and breaching a sexual harm prevention order.

In June, Meadows appeared at Swansea Crown Court for sentencing, and was chastised by the judge for making light of what had been a “significant chance” to remain in the community with his previous suspended sentence.

With a discount for his guilty pleas, Meadows was sentenced to 21 months in prison, but is only expected to serve up to half of that period in custody before being released with conditions.

He will be a registered sex offender for the next 10 years, and the existing Sexual Harm Prevention Order will be maintained.

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“A Sexual Preference That Deviates From The Norm” : Pedophiles Profiled Sympathetically On National Public Radio In Germany

A German national public radio program recently celebrated three men who describe themselves as “non-offending pedophiles” and portrayed them as benevolent.

Public radio broadcaster Deutschlandfunk (DLF) released the episode, titled “Under Control – How Pedophiles Live With Their Addiction” on July 26, and included the perspective of a mother who had asked one of the pedophiles to look after her children.

Berlin-based journalist Judith Basad reviewed the contents of the episode and outlined how DLF promoted sympathy for the idea that pedophilia was a sexual orientation or preference.

During the episode, listeners are first introduced to a pedophile named “Max” who argues that heterosexual men do not “attack every woman” that they find sexually attractive. Max claims that pedophilia is simply a “sexual preference that deviates from the norm.”

Disturbingly, Max also claims to work with an association of men with child abuse fantasies seeking to “promote self-help among pedophiles” called Destiny and Challenge (Schicksal Und Herausforderung). The group states it works to “combating the enormous stigma and making information about this sexual preference easily accessible,” according to its website.

In his personal profile found on the Destiny and Challenge site, Max writes that he is attracted to young girls aged from 5 to 12 years of age.

“I’m primarily attracted to girls before and during the onset of puberty, but I’m also attracted to teenage and adult women,” he says.

In 2019, three of the men involved in Destiny and Challenge were invited to speak at the University of Heidelberg for a “pedophilia theme day” by two student associations.

“The students came from the medical and psychological departments and were generally quite enthusiastic about this opportunity to learn more about this topic. They complained that not enough of this appeared in their curriculum, so they organized this event themselves. The interest and enthusiasm of the students was very encouraging,” reads the event’s description on the group’s page.

Destiny and Challenge claims to have also been involved in the production of a short film titled “Children’s Friends.” Max is said to have been involved in the development of the film, offering advice “from the point of view of a pedophile.”

The film is set to be presented at a film festival later this month.

Another pedophile who was featured on the radio program, using the name Franz, states that he views violent child sexual abuse pornography and had fantasies involving cannibalism.

“I want to dominate. It’s like omnipotence: to destroy the child, to have power over the child, to humiliate and torment them all, and sadistic stuff like that,” Franz said.

The reporter interviewing the speakers, Philine Sauvageot, then introduces a mother named Anna who allows a self-described pedophile named Pascal to babysit her children, and compares her tolerance towards his predatory desires as being linked to her personal experiences with sexism.

During the episode, Pascal admits to becoming sexually aroused while seeing Anna’s children walking through the apartment in the nude. Anna asserts that the experience is not problematic because she has told her children to reject advances from adults, instructing them to “push his hands away.”

At one point, Pascal reveals that he has worked with children, and advocates for pedophiles to be permitted to interact with minors as a form of therapy.

“Overall, the pedophiles are portrayed as strong and courageous people who, despite suicidal thoughts and social ostracism, dare to go public to prevent other pedos from becoming violent,” Basad wrote in her report for Nius.

Basad spoke with Reduxx about the radio episode and expressed her concern about how men with urges to abuse children were being held up as praiseworthy. “It is evident that this aims to normalize pedophilia as a sexual identity. Men with perverse rape fantasies involving children are depicted as victims deserving of sympathy,” she said.

“It is concerning enough when such normalization comes from individual pedophile groups. What is even more shocking is that one of Germany’s most reputable media brands is providing a platform for these dreadful demands, with the support of the state.”

Last year, the German national government and the Berlin Senate funded a play about about “Minor-Attracted People” that cast child abusers in a sympathetic light.

“A MAP’s Tale” told the story of a character named Adam, who is portrayed as a young man grappling with his sexual attraction to children. The script is based on the true story of a pedophile named “Adam” who was interviewed by journalist Luke Malone. In the play’s description, pedophilia was labeled a “sexual preference disorder” and a “sexual orientation.”

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Reino Unido: Pederasta que se dice trans condenado a 4 años de cárcel tras ser sorprendido en dos redadas contra depredadores

Un hombre que se dice trans que fue sorprendido en repetidas ocasiones intentando abusar sexualmente de menores, ha sido condenado a 4 años de prisión gracias a los esfuerzos de cazadores de depredadores voluntarios. Danielle Edney, de 30 años, se declaró culpable en el Tribunal de la Corona de Lewes el 28 de julio tras ser arrestado por segunda vez en una redada contra depredadores.

Edney, que a veces se hace llamar “Ariana Grande” (artículo en español), fue pillado por primera vez en mayo de 2022 cuando intentaba quedar con quien creía que era una niña de 13 años para abusar sexualmente de ella. La niña era una cuenta señuelo gestionada por el equipo de caza de depredadores Secretly Tracking Online Predators (STOP) Stings.

STOP reveló que Edney le había dicho al señuelo que se hacía pasar por una niña de 13 años que “hiciera una maleta para pasar la noche y se trajera el uniforme escolar y el bikini”. Según los informes, también mandó a la niña a una clínica de salud sexual a buscar condones antes del encuentro y habló de usar correas de sujeción con la menor. En el lugar de encuentro previsto, Edney se encontró con los cazadores de pedófilos que entregaron las pruebas a la policía.

El anuncio de una redada de mayo publicado en Facebook por STOP Stings

Meses después, Edney fue capturado de nuevo en una operación distinta cuando intentaba quedar con una niña de 14 años para abusar sexualmente de ella.

Aunque Edney creía que se estaba comunicando con una niña, la cuenta era en realidad otro señuelo, esta vez gestionado por Predators Exposed Sting Team (PEST). En un principio, el grupo desconocía los antecedentes penales de Edney.

Steve, miembro del equipo de PEST, contó a Reduxx que solo se enteró de que Edney era reincidente cuando se encontró con el video de la primera redada en línea.

“Cuando empecé a investigar a Danielle Edney, no sabía que ya había caído en otra redada previa y que otro equipo de voluntarios lo había denunciado a la policía hasta 72 horas antes de mi propia redada”, explicó Steve. “Me topé con algo de información en línea durante mi investigación para los preparativos para la interceptación de Danielle y encontré imágenes de video en Facebook y YouTube de la primera redada de Danielle”.

Durante la segunda redada, cuando se le preguntó por qué buscaba a menores para tener sexo, Edney insistió repetidamente en que tenía “impulsos sexuales incontrolables”. Declaró que nunca había tenido relaciones sexuales, y que consumía pornografía, además de usar juguetes sexuales para satisfacer sus deseos.

“Porque nunca he tenido relaciones sexuales en mi vida porque no he tenido lo que vosotros tenéis, que es una relación auténtica”, dijo Edney a los cazadores de PEST Stacey y Steve, quienes señalaron que el hombre le había dicho a la niña que quería “embarazarla”.

Tras ser detenido por la policía de Sussex, profesionales de salud mental hicieron una evaluación de Edney y determinaron que tenía problemas leves de aprendizaje, pero coincidieron en que era un peligro para los menores.

En declaraciones a Reduxx, Steve de PEST reveló que se le había pedido que testificara contra Edney, pero finalmente no fue necesario que lo hiciera porque el pedófilo se declaró culpable de los cargos que se le imputaban. Steve explicó que era algo habitual, ya que los depredadores suelen admitir los cargos una vez que son confrontados con las pruebas de alta calidad que su equipo proporciona a la policía.

“Nunca he entrado en un tribunal para declarar en ninguno de los casos que he presentado ante los tribunales. Siempre me preguntan si puedo asistir para declarar, y siempre acepto seguir mis casos hasta el final. Incluso he viajado por todo el Reino Unido y he llegado hasta los escalones del juzgado en alguna ocasión. Pero siempre me informan que ya no me necesitan y que el acusado ha cambiado su declaración a culpable tras las pruebas presentadas a los tribunales por mi equipo”, dice Steve.

Gracias al trabajo de los cazadores de depredadores involucrados, el tribunal de Lewes condenó a Edney a 4 años de prisión el 28 de julio. También tiene una condena indefinida en el registro de delincuentes sexuales, una orden indefinida de prevención de daños sexuales, y tendrá que pagar un recargo de 228 libras (aproximadamente 265 euros) a organizaciones benéficas. Tras su puesta en libertad, a Edney también tiene prohibido usar cualquier tipo de chaleco de alta visibilidad, ya que había abusado de tales prendas en el pasado para hacerse pasar por agente de policía.

Según los informes, Edney cumplirá su condena en una prisión masculina.

Steve de PEST expresó cierta decepción por la sentencia, ya que cree que fue demasiado indulgente y que los cazadores de depredadores encontrarán a Edney otra vez en línea en cuestión de unos años. También alentó a los padres a vigilar el paradero digital de sus hijos para que no caigan en manos de un depredador.

“La protección comienza en casa. Revisad los dispositivos de vuestros hijos”, dijo Steve a Reduxx.

Según su perfil de Facebook, Edney es el fundador de “Transgender Trust”. Edney intentó anteriormente recaudar 13.000 libras para su “organización benéfica”, pero no consiguió dinero alguno. En la descripción del crowdfunding describía a Transgender Trust como una “organización benéfica” y a sí mismo como el “director de la organización benéfica”. Al parecer, Transgender Trust nunca se registró en la comisión benéfica del Reino Unido.

Reduxx también se enteró de que después de su detención, Edney abrió un perfil en un sitio de citas LGBTQ en el que usó la foto de su ficha policial como selfie.

“Mi nombre es señorita Danielle Louise, y soy una mujer transgénero que está haciendo una transición gradual de hombre a mujer. Soy una joven extremadamente estricta, honesta, fiel, amable y educada”, escribió Edney en su biografía.

“Estoy buscando una mujer que me quiera por cómo soy y no por quién quiere que sea, y estoy buscando a alguien a la que le gusten las mismas cosas que a mí y que apoye a la comunidad LGBTQ”.

Edney señaló que la edad preferida de su pareja era “18-19”, el rango de edad más bajo posible permitido por el sitio.

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UK: Trans-Identified Pedophile Sentenced To 4 Years In Prison After Being Caught In TWO Separate Predator Stings

A trans-identified male who was repeatedly caught attempting to sexually abuse children has now been sentenced to 4 years in prison thanks to the efforts of volunteer predator hunters. Danielle Edney, 30, pleaded guilty in Lewes Crown Court on July 28 after being arrested following his second time being caught in a predator sting.

Edney, who sometimes goes by the name “Ariana Grande,” was first caught in May of 2022 while attempting to meet who he believed to be a 13-year-old girl for sexual abuse. The child was a decoy account managed by the predator hunting team Secretly Tracking Online Predators (STOP) Stings.

STOP revealed that Edney had told the decoy posing as a 13-year-old to “pack an overnight bag and bring her school uniform and bikini.” He also reportedly instructed the girl to visit a sexual health clinic for condoms prior to the meeting and spoke of using restraints on her. At the intended meet-up spot, Edney was confronted by the pedophile hunters who then passed the evidence over to police.

A May sting announcement posted to Facebook by STOP Stings

Months later, Edney was caught yet again in an unrelated sting while attempting to meet a 14-year-old girl for sexual abuse.

While Edney believed he was communicating with a child, the account was in fact another decoy, this time managed by the Predators Exposed Sting Team (PEST). The group was initially unaware of Edney’s past criminal history.

Steve, a team member at PEST, told Reduxx that he only learned that Edney was a re-offender when he came across the video of the first sting online.

“When I was initially investigating Danielle Edney, I had no idea he had previously been stung and reported to the police by another voluntary team until 72 hours before my sting operation,” Steve explained. “I came across some information online during my research on the build up to the interception of Danielle and found video footage on Facebook and YouTube of Danielle’s first sting.”

During the second sting, when asked why he pursued children for sex, Edney repeatedly insisted that he had “uncontrollable sexual urges.” He stated he had never had sexual relations before, and consumed pornography as well as used sex toys to address his desires.

“Because I’ve not had sex in my entire life because I’ve not had what you guys have got which is a proper relationship,” Edney told PEST hunters Stacey and Steve, who noted that he had told the child he wanted to “impregnate” her.

After his arrest by Sussex Police, Edney was evaluated by mental health professionals who determined he had minor learning disabilities but agreed that he was a danger to children.

Speaking to Reduxx, Steve from PEST revealed that he had been asked to testify against Edney, but ultimately was not required to after the pedophile pleaded guilty to the charges against him. Steve explained this was a common occurrence, with the predators often admitting to the charges after being faced with the high-quality evidence his team provides law enforcement.

“I have never actually walked in to a court room to give evidence on any case I have put forward towards the courts. I am always asked if I can attend to give evidence, and I agree every time to follow my cases through to the end. I have even travelled across the UK and got as far as the steps at the court house before. But they always inform me I am no longer required and that the defendant has changed their plea to guilty following the evidence presented to the courts from my team,” Steve says.

Thanks to the work of the predator hunters involved, Edney was sentenced to 4 years in prison at Lewes Crown Court on July 28. He also has an indefinite term on the sex offender’s register, an indefinite sexual harm prevention order, and will have to pay a £228 (approx. $400 USD) surcharge to the Court Charities. Upon release, Edney will also be banned from wearing any kind of high-visibility vest as he had abused such garments in the past to impersonate police officers.

Edney will reportedly be serving his sentence in a male prison.

Steve of PEST expressed some disappointment at the sentence as he believes it was too lenient and that the predator hunters will see Edney back online in a matter of a few short years. He also encouraged parents to keep an eye on the digital whereabouts of their kids so that they won’t fall into the hands of a predator.

“Safeguarding starts at home. Check your children’s devices,” Steve told Reduxx.

According to his Facebook profile, Edney is the founder of “Transgender Trust.” Edney previously attempted to crowdfund £13,000 for his “charity” but failed to raise any money whatsoever. In the crowd funder description he described Transgender Trust as a “charity” and himself as the “charity’s director.” Transgender Trust never appears to have been registered with the UK’s charity commission.

Reduxx also learned that following his arrest, Edney established a profile on an LGBTQ dating site in which he used his mugshot as a selfie.

“My name is Miss Danielle Louise, and I am a transgender woman who is making a gradual transition from male to female. I am extremely strict, honest, faithful, and friendly and polite young lady,” Edney wrote in his biography.

“I am looking for a woman who will love me for the way I am and not who they want me to be and I am looking for someone who loves the same things that I do and supports the LGBTQ community.”

Edney noted that his partner’s preferred age was “18-19,” the lowest possible age range allowed by the site.

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NORUEGA: Un estudiante se cambia de “género” para ser admitido en una prestigiosa universidad que da prioridad a las candidatas de sexo femenino.

Un estudiante noruego se aprovechó de las indulgentes leyes de autoidentificación de género de su país para obtener la admisión a la Universidad Noruega de Ciencia y Tecnología (NTNU). El estudiante dijo que cambiar de género con el propósito de obtener puntos extra de admisión fue “casi tan fácil como cambiar de plan de móvil”.

Según su página web, la NTNU tiene un “plan de desarrollo para la igualdad de género y la diversidad” en el que afirma que “… hay un desequilibrio de género en muchas disciplinas y las mujeres todavía están infrarrepresentadas en puestos académicos de alto nivel”.

Para combatir la sobrerrepresentación de un sexo en varios programas, la Universidad ha adoptado una política singular que otorga a aquellos que se inscriben como “mujeres” puntos extra para su admisión en los casos en que el programa presente un desequilibrio extremo de sexos. La política no se aplica en los programas donde no hay desequilibrio de sexos.

Las autoridades aprobaron la política y el sistema de puntos se introdujo antes de la admisión de este año.

Según Finansavisen, un estudiante varón no identificado se aprovechó de esta política cuando no pudo cumplir con los criterios basados en los méritos. Para obtener puntos de admisión adicionales, el estudiante cambió su marcador de género, lo que le permitió reunir los puntos suficientes para ser admitido en el programa de Economía Industrial y Gestión de Tecnología (Indøk). El programa tenía una bonificación de dos “puntos de género” para los candidatos “de género femenino”.

En declaraciones a Finansavisen, el estudiante dijo que cambiar su marcador de género con el propósito de conseguir la admisión fue “casi tan fácil” como cambiar su plan telefónico.

“El cambio de género tardó unas siete semanas en completarse”, dijo el estudiante, que contó que otros estudiantes varones también habían “cambiado su género legal” para asegurarse una plaza en la Universidad.

A pesar de la revelación, la decana de la Facultad de Económicas de la NTNU, Monica Rolfsen, dijo a Khrono que no tenía ninguna intención de investigar el asunto. Rolfsen afirmó que el cambio de género era legítimo y que la facultad no tiene por qué intervenir.

“No tenemos nada que ver con el tipo de género de los alumnos, ni con el hecho de que un alumno cambie de género, ni por qué. Es un asunto privado”, explicó.

En un principio, la escuela había adoptado la política de otorgar a las candidatas de sexo femenino “puntos de género” adicionales para compensar la elevada proporción de estudiantes varones.

Pero este año, de los 252 estudiantes admitidos en Economía Industrial y Gestión de Tecnología en la NTNU, 170 afirmaron ser mujeres.

Rolfsen también dice que la proporción de mujeres ha alcanzado el 40% de la población total de la facultad y que el sistema de “puntos de género” se reevaluará en otoño.

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Reino Unido: La policía detiene de una forma brutal a una adolescente autista por un comentario “homófobo”

Una madre de Leeds, Reino Unido, ha revelado que su hija autista de 16 años fue detenida por la policía de West Yorkshire después de que una de los agentes la acusara de “homofobia”. El incidente ocurrió después de que se llamara a la policía para que acompañara a casa a la joven, que se encontraba en una situación vulnerable.

La mujer, que usa el nombre de Nikita Snow en redes sociales, explicó a Reduxx que la noche del 7 de agosto su hija mayor, que tiene 18 años, había salido con amigos y que su hija pequeña, de 16, la acompañó.

Snow dice que creía que su hija menor, Amanda*, estaba en casa de una amiga. Pero debido a que la niña no tenía una rutina en la casa de su amiga similar a la que tenía en casa, salió a buscar a su hermana mayor. Cuando se encontraron, la hermana de Amanda empezó a preocuparse porque su hermana menor actuaba de forma “insegura” e intentó ponerse en contacto con su madre, pero no pudo localizarla.

Sin otro modo de comunicación, la mayor llamó a la comisaría local de la policía de West Yorkshire para pedir ayuda, explicándoles que su hermana era autista y necesitaba una escolta segura que la llevara de vuelta a casa.

“Dijeron que vendrían a ayudarla a llevarla casa, ya que es vulnerable, está diagnosticada de autismo”, dice Snow. “Cuando llegaron donde estaban mis dos hijas, Amanda se negó a ir sola con ellos y quería que su hermana la acompañara, así que la hermana aceptó”.

Snow cuenta que se despertó a la una de la madrugada al oír que llamaban al timbre, y se encontró a la policía de West Yorkshire a su puerta con sus dos hijas.

“Dijeron que sólo la traían a casa sana y salva … [Pero] uno de los agentes tenía agarrada a Amanda por el brazo y se lo apretaba muy fuerte. Me pidió que le dijera al policía que le soltara el brazo porque le dolía, así que llevé a mi hija adentro”.

Pero justo cuando la joven estaba entrando, hizo un comentario inocente sobre la agente que estaba en el grupo de policías de West Yorkshire que la había llevado a casa.

“Dijo: ‘Creo que es lesbiana como la abuela Julie'”, cuenta Snow, señalando que la agente tenía el pelo corto y rubio. “Sentí una sacudida en la espalda … la agente entró y se lanzó contra mí y Amanda. La estaba agarrando”.

Snow dice que su hija corrió a un armario debajo de las escaleras y comenzó a llorar y disculparse, insegura de lo que estaba pasando. Amanda también comenzó a autolesionarse debido al estrés.

La agente de policía de West Yorkshire que pidió que detuvieran a Amanda por “homofobia”.

“Estaba llorando y pidiendo perdón a la mujer policía. Fue entonces cuando cogí el teléfono y empecé a grabar”.

En aterradoras imágenes eliminadas dos veces por TikTok, se puede oír a Amanda gritar y llorar mientras varios agentes de policía de West Yorkshire rodean el armario en el que se había metido para ponerse a salvo.

“La van a detener”, dice la agente con firmeza. “Ya viene otra unidad, no te preocupes … Te digo que viene otra unidad, la van a detener esta noche”.

En el video, se oye a Snow suplicar a la agente que sea más comprensiva con el autismo de su hija.

“Tiene autismo, quédese ahí, por favor. Está en un armario, no puede ir a ninguna parte”, dice Snow, con voz tensa. “¿La va a sacar por qué? ¿Por decir la palabra lesbiana? Su abuela es lesbiana, está casada con una mujer. ¡No es homófoba!”

Snow luego señala que la agente continuaba apretando los puños.

“Mírese, apretando los puños. ¡Por favor, aléjese de mi hija adolescente! ¿Qué le pasa?”.

El video termina con un grupo de seis policías sacando a Amanda de la casa llorando. Al salir, parece caer al suelo, momento en el que los agentes empiezan a retorcerle los brazos detrás de la espalda para obligarla a levantarse.

Snow intentó explicar que su hija padece una escoliosis grave y que sus articulaciones no pueden ser manipuladas de esa manera. En el video, se ve a la niña tratando de agarrarse el hombro con la mano libre y gritando de dolor.

Mientras el montón de policías trata a la joven con crueldad, la agente que provocó la intervención está de pie a un lado mirando.

“A Amanda nunca le leyeron sus derechos, nunca la amonestaron, y la mujer policía no tenía una orden judicial y no fue invitada a entrar [en mi casa]”, dice Snow.

Al final, Amanda estuvo bajo custodia policial durante 20 horas, según su madre, y fue puesta en libertad bajo “fianza incondicional” a pesar de no tener ninguna documentación formal de que se hubieran presentado cargos contra ella.

“Amanda no ha sido acusada, pero pasó 20 horas detenida”, dice Snow. “Ha sido puesta en libertad bajo fianza incondicional. La policía nos dijo que estaba en libertad bajo fianza … No soy muy entendida en lo que se refiere a la policía y las detenciones.”

Snow explicó a Reduxx que ni siquiera estaba segura de lo que significaba “fianza incondicional”, ya que nadie se lo había explicado. Ahora está en contacto con un abogado para que la ayude.

“He presentado una queja completa ante el sargento y la policía ha obtenido las imágenes de la cámara corporal de la agente para verlas”, dice Snow. “A Amanda nunca se le leyeron sus derechos, no fue amonestada, y la mujer policía no tenía una orden judicial y no fue invitada a entrar [en mi casa]. También me agredió a mí, y si no amonestó a Amanda, eso también es agresión a los ojos de la ley. También es una detención ilegal, ya que no se siguieron las normas correctamente”, afirma.

La policía de West Yorkshire ha emitido un comunicado sobre el incidente, alegando que el video que Snow subió inicialmente a TikTok mostraba una “imagen limitada” de lo sucedido.

La policía afirma que Amanda estaba ebria y que hizo comentarios “que dieron lugar a la detención de la joven como sospechosa de un delito homófobo de orden público”.

El comunicado continúa: “Estamos revisando a fondo las circunstancias de este incidente y pedimos a la gente que evite sacar conclusiones al respecto basándose únicamente en el video de las redes sociales”.

*Reduxx ha cambiado el nombre de la menor para proteger su privacidad.

Reduxx es una nueva plataforma a favor de los derechos de las mujeres y de los menores con noticias y artículos. ¡Somos 100% independientes! Colabora con nuestro proyecto uniéndote a nuestro Patreon.

UK: Autistic Teen Girl Brutally Arrested By Police For “Homophobic” Remark

A mother in Leeds, UK, has revealed that her 16-year-old autistic daughter was arrested by West Yorkshire police after one of the officers accused her of “homophobia.” The incident occurred after police had been called to provide a safe escort home for the vulnerable girl.

The woman, who goes by the name Nikita Snow on social media, explained to Reduxx that on the evening of August 6 her eldest daughter, who is 18, had been out with friends when her youngest, who is 16, tagged along.

Snow says she had believed her younger daughter, Amanda*, was at a sleepover. But because the girl did not have a routine at her friend’s house similar to one at home, she instead wandered outside to find her older sister. After the two met up, Amanda’s sister began to experience concerns about her younger sibling acting in “unsafe ways,” and attempted to contact her mother but was unable to reach her.

Without another mode of communication, the older girl called their local West Yorkshire Police dispatch for help, explaining to them that her sister was autistic and needed a safe escort back home.

“They said they would come assist in getting her home as she is vulnerable, with her being diagnosed with autism,” Snow says. “When they arrived where my two daughters were, Amanda refused to travel alone with them and wanted her sister to come with her, so she agreed.”

Snow says she was woken up at 1 a.m. by the sound of knocking at her door, and found West Yorkshire Police at her step with her two daughters.

“They said they were just bringing her home safely… [But] one of the officers had hold of Amanda and was squeezing her arm very tightly. She asked me to get [the officer] off her arm as it was hurting so I guided my daughter inside.”

But just as she brought her daughter in, the girl made a would-be innocent remark about the female officer who had been amongst the West Yorkshire police escorting her.

“She said ‘I think she’s a lesbian like nanna Julie,'” Snow recounts, noting that the female officer had short blonde hair. “I just felt a jolt on my back… the officer had launcher herself in my home at me and Amanda. She was grabbing her.”

Snow says her daughter scampered into a cupboard under the stairs and began crying and apologizing, unsure of what was going on. Amanda also began self-harming out of stress.

The female West Yorkshire Police officer who called for Amanda to be arrested for “homophobia.”

“She was crying and saying sorry to the police woman. That’s when I grabbed my phone and started recording.”

In terrifying footage twice-removed by TikTok, Amanda is heard screaming and crying as multiple West Yorkshire Police officers surround the cupboard she had backed herself into for safety.

“She’s getting arrested,” the female officer says firmly. “Another unit’s coming, don’t worry … I’m telling you another unit is coming, she is going to get arrested tonight.”

In the clip, Snow is heard pleading with the female officer to be more understanding of her daughter’s autism.

“She’s got autism, can you just stand there please? She’s in a cupboard, she can’t go anywhere,” Snow is saying, voice strained. “You’re going to remove her for what? Because she said the word lesbian? Her nana is a lesbian, she’s married to a woman. She’s not homophobic!”

Snow then points out that the female officer’s hands keep clenching.

“Look at you, clenching your fists. Please go away from my teenage daughter! There’s something wrong with you, mate.”

The clip ends with Amanda being led out of the house in tears by a group of six police officers. As she is walked outside, she appears to fall to the ground, at which point the officers begin twisting her arms behind her back in an effort to force her to stand.

Snow attempted to explain that her daughter has severe scoliosis and that her joints should not be manipulated in such a way. In the video, the girl is seen trying to grab at her shoulder with her free hand and screaming in what appears to be obvious pain.

As the girl is being ruthlessly manhandled by the crowd of police, the female officer who prompted the response is standing off to the side watching.

“Amanda was never read her rights, was not cautioned, and the police woman did not have a warrant and was not invited inside [my home],” Snow says.

Amanda was ultimately in police custody for 20 hours, according to her mother, and was released on “unconditional bail” despite not having any formal documentation of any charges that were filed against her.

“Amanda has not been charged but spent 20 hours under arrest,” Snow says. “She has been placed on unconditional bail. Police told us she was on bail … I’m not really savvy when it comes to police and arrests.”

Snow explained to Reduxx that she wasn’t even sure of what “unconditional bail” meant as no one had defined it for her. She has since been in touch with a solicitor for assistance.

“I have put a full complaint in to the Sergeant and they have obtained her body cam footage for viewing,” Snow says. “Amanda was never read her rights, was not cautioned, and the police woman did not have a warrant and was not invited inside [my home]. She also assaulted me, and if she didn’t caution Amanda that’s also assault in the eyes of the law. It’s also unlawful arrest as policies weren’t followed properly,” she claims.

West Yorkshire Police have since issued a statement on the incident, claiming the video Snow initially uploaded to TikTok showed an “limited snapshot” of what happened.

Police claim Amanda was intoxicated, and that she made comments “which resulted in the girl being arrested on suspicion of a homophobic public order offense.”

The statement continues: “We are fully reviewing the circumstances of this incident and ask that people avoid reaching any conclusions about it solely on the basis of the social media video.”

*The name of the minor involved has been changed by Reduxx to protect her privacy.

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SPAIN: Trans-Identified Male Prisoner Transferred To Women’s Prison Impregnated Female Inmate

A violent male convict who was transferred to a women’s prison after claiming to be transgender has reportedly impregnated a female inmate at the Alicante Cumplimiento Penitentiary Center in the Fontcalent region of Spain.

As first reported by Okdiario, the incident involved an unnamed male inmate who is said to be of Bulgarian nationality. The inmate was originally detained in the men’s ward of the Alicante prison for repeated violent criminal convictions, including kidnapping and robbery.

While incarcerated, he began using a feminine name, one which is reported to have been adopted from a popular Spanish singer, and declared that he identified as a woman. He did not undergo surgery, and is not known to be on any hormone regimen whatsoever.

Despite this, his request for a transfer into the women’s ward was approved by prison officials.

While in the women’s wing of the facility, he declared that he felt like a “lesbian” and began an intimate relationship with a female inmate.

Sources from within the prison told the press that the male transfer was being permitted to shower with female inmates.

“They all showered together: the biological women with the transsexuals and had sex in the showers,” one anonymous source said.

The issue of sexual activity in the women’s showers became such a problem that management intervened and instituted shifts in an attempt to prevent further intimate relations from taking place. but one woman reportedly became pregnant as a result. The woman has chosen to carry the pregnancy to term, and is no longer at the Alicante facility.

After prison officials become aware of the pregnancy, the man was removed from the facility.

Okdiario contacted prison authorities, who declined to comment on the basis that the issue was “a personal matter.” According to figures provided to the outlet by the government, at present, there are 79 known trans-identifying individuals in Spanish prisons, excluding Catalonia and the Basque Country.

Spain has recently become the subject of international controversy after introducing new legislation surrounding gender identity and “non-discrimination.”

On February 16, the government passed a controversial law that enshrined gender self-identification as a right, and allowed for citizens over the age of 16 to change their legal sex markers on official documents with extreme ease.

The Trans Law, or Ley Trans, was ardently opposed by women’s rights campaigners and became the subject of significant social debate in the nation. While proponents attached the issue to a broader civil rights campaign for the rights of same-sex attracted individuals, critics of the Trans Law pointed to the conflict presented by sex self-identification and women’s rights to single-sex services and facilities.

The gender self-identification measure has not yet been applied to prison policies and is still under review by the Ministry of the Interior. In March, The Objective reported that the General Secretariat of Penitentiary Institutions was considering implementing sex self-identification into a 2006 guidance titled the Prison Integration of Transsexual Persons.

“Since this [Trans] law began to be processed, we were already warned that the differentiating fact of prisons had to be taken into account. The Penitentiary Law is one of the few, if not the only one, that segregates by sex and this is something that has not been taken into account,” an unnamed source told Okdiario.

“The instruction states that, regardless of whether there has been a registry change or not, when a person perceives themself to be of a different sex than what their physical attributes indicate, they must undergo a psychological study to see what ward they are assigned to, even if they have not initiated the process of sex change, whether he is undergoing hormone treatment or not. But with the [Trans] Law, this instruction has been dropped,” explained the source, who is well acquainted with the regulation.

The male inmate in question reportedly had not undergone a psychological assessment prior to being transferred to the female estate, despite this process remaining a requirement under the 2006 policy.

Though relatively recently adopted, the Trans Law is apparently emboldening male predators. In July, Reduxx reported that a sadistic man who bludgeoned his cousin to death before sexually desecrating her corpse has recently requested transfer to a women’s prison. Lorena Robaina, formerly known as Jonathan de Jesús, is currently serving 38 years in prison for the sick crime.

Robaina declared a transgender identity almost immediately after the trial commenced and attempted to use his gender identity as a mitigating factor in an effort to have certain charges dropped. In hopes of peeling 15 years off of the potential sentence, Robaina’s lawyers began to argue that there was no sexual motivation to the crime because Robaina was a woman who was sexually attracted to men.

Just 12 days after the Trans Law was passed, the director of the prison Robaina is being held at signed an internal order requiring staff use Robaina’s new “feminine” name when addressing him. It was also decreed that Robaina be provided a private cell and private searches. According to Okdiario, the Department of the Interior has stated Robaina will be allowed to move to a women’s prison after he develops “a more feminine phenotype.”

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NORWAY:  Male Student Changes “Gender”To Gain Admission To Esteemed NTNU Program Which Prioritized Female Applicants

A male student in Norway took advantage of the nation’s lenient gender self-identification laws to gain admission to the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). The student said changing his gender for the purposes of gaining extra admission points was “about as easy as switching mobile plans.”

According to their website, NTNU has a “development plan for gender equality and diversity” in which they state that “…there is gender imbalance in many disciplines and women are still under-represented in top-level academic positions.”

To combat over-representation of one sex in several programs, the University has adopted a unique policy to award those who apply as “female” extra points towards admission in instances where the program has an extreme gender imbalance. The policy does not apply in programs where there is no gender imbalance.

Authorities approved the policy and the points system was introduced before this year’s admission.

According to Finansavisen, an unnamed male student took advantage of the policy after failing to meet merit-based standards. Seeking to gain extra admission points, the student changed his gender marker, allowing him to collect just enough points to be admitted into the Industrial Economics and Technology Management (Indøk) program. The program had a bonus two “gender points” for “female” applicants.

Speaking to Finansavisen, the male student said that changing his gender marker for the purposes of gaining admission was “about as easy” as changing his phone plan.

“It took approximately 7 weeks for the gender change to be completed,” the student said, also stating that other male students have also “changed their legal gender” to secure their own spots in the University. 

Despite the revelation, NTNU’s Faculty of Economics Dean Monica Rolfsen spoke to Khrono and said she had no intention of following up on the matter. Rolfsen maintained that the gender change was legitimate, and that the school has no place to intervene.

“What kind of gender the student has and whether a student changes gender, and why, we really have nothing to do with that. It is a private matter,” she explained.

The school originally adopted the policy of awarding female applicants extra “gender points” to make up for the high proportion of male students. 

But this year, out of the 252 students admitted to Industrial Economics and Technology Management at NTNU this year, 170 claimed to be women.

Rolfsen also says that the proportion of women has reached 40% of the school’s overall population and the “gender points” system will be reevaluated in the fall. 

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ALEMANIA: Una asociación de educación sexual recomienda a las guarderías crear “juegos sexuales” y “salas de exploración” nudistas

La principal asociación profesional de Alemania sobre sexualidad y pareja, Pro Familia, es objeto de críticas tras publicar una recomendación para que las guarderías implementen “salas de exploración corporal” y “juegos sexuales” para niños y niñas pequeños.

El asunto salió a la luz cuando el diario BILD reveló que una guardería Arbeiterwohlfahrt (AWO) de la región de Hannover había enviado a los padres y madres un correo electrónico con una lista de diez normas en las que se explicaba cómo se animaría a las criaturas en la “sala de exploración corporal” a “acariciarse y examinarse” a sí mismas y a otras criaturas.

“Todos las criaturas, especialmente las de preescolar, son conscientes de los lugares en el centro en los que pueden tener lugar la desnudez y la exploración corporal”, dice el mensaje. “Cada menor decide por sí mismo si quiere jugar a juegos físicos y sexuales y con quién. Las niñas y los niños se acarician y examinan mutuamente sólo en la medida en que les resulte cómodo a ellos y a los demás niños y niñas”.

Imagen de un correo electrónico enviado a los padres en el que se exponen las normas de los “juegos sexuales” para niños. Fuente: BILD

Otras reglas en el comunicado estipulan que los niños deben estar dentro del mismo grupo de edad, con una diferencia no superior a dos años, y que en ningún momento puede una criatura “meter nada en las aberturas del cuerpo de otra”.

Un padre horrorizado declaró a BILD: “Mi hija tiene cinco años. No quiero que los niños la manoseen. Tengo otro hijo en otra guardería [donde] no hay tal cosa [sala de exploración]”.

Otro padre respondió: “Estoy destrozado. Nos dijeron que esto lo determinaba el Ministerio de Educación. Como padres, nos sentimos intimidados. ¿Qué opciones tienes si no quieres esto?”

El Ministerio de Educación de Baja Sajonia respondió a los preocupados padres poniendo fin al programa antes de que entrara en vigor. Un representante dijo a BILD que, a fines de mayo, “la oficina estatal de bienestar juvenil informó al Ministerio de Educación que el concepto pedagógico de las salas de exploración física en las guarderías no puede durar, y que pone en riesgo el bienestar de la criatura”.

Sin embargo, Dirk von der Osten, Presidente de la Junta Directiva de la Región AWO en Hannover, no está de acuerdo. “Explorar el propio cuerpo forma parte del desarrollo infantil, durante el cual también aprenden a reconocer sus propios límites, a expresarlos claramente y a desarrollar la vergüenza”, dijo von der Osten. “Las criaturas también juegan a juegos de rol en sus salas de grupo. No vemos en ello ningún peligro para el bienestar infantil”.

No es la primera vez que se cuestiona una política recomendada por Pro Familia. En 2013, Deutsche Welle afirmó que “Pro Familia está atrapada en la ciénaga de la pedofilia”, y enfatizó cómo la organización de educación sexual ha publicado repetidamente los trabajos de grupos de presión pro-pedófilos.

El periódico berlinés Tagesspiegel investigó artículos publicados por la revista de Pro Familia y descubrió que los puntos de vista pro-pedófilos estaban representados en trabajos publicados en las décadas de 1980 y 1990. Un artículo del psicólogo y educador Wolf Vogel, que data de 1987, por ejemplo, reflexiona “sin prejuicios” sobre las causas del deseo pedófilo.

Pro Familia también ha servido de plataforma a Rüdiger Lautmann, sociólogo y defensor de los derechos de los homosexuales que tiene un largo historial de normalización de la pedofilia. Lautmann escribió un libro titulado The Lust for Children: A Portrait of Pedophiles (El Deseo Hacia los Menores: Retrato de los Pedófilos). El libro se basa en sus entrevistas con 60 hombres que admitieron haber abusado sexualmente de criaturas, principalmente niños.

“Aman de verdad a las criaturas, adivinan todos sus deseos, organizan viajes, compran juguetes y sólo se sienten cómodos rodeados de menores”, dice Lautmann sobre los 60 pedófilos que entrevistó.

Publicado en 1994, el libro se hizo popular entre los pedófilos por su retrato comprensivo de la atracción adulta hacia los menores, que Lautmann describió como una orientación sexual, y sus repetidas afirmaciones de que las criaturas son capaces de autonomía sexual.

“Para mí, está muy claro que existen relaciones que no requieren ninguna intervención”, escribió Lautmann, “Las criaturas se aferran a sus amantes y pueden abandonarlos en cualquier momento si así lo desean”.

En 1995, Lautmann repitió la tesis de su libro en un artículo para Pro Familia, una importante ONG que proporciona recursos sobre salud sexual. En la revista oficial de Pro Familia, el artículo de Lautmann dice: “Nuestro estudio define el término pedófilo, lo distingue del incesto, el abuso y el sadismo. Demostramos que tales hombres existen. La tesis es, por tanto: El deseo hacia una criatura es una forma sexual independiente y diferenciada. La pedofilia es, por tanto, una orientación sexual como cualquier otra y ya no es una perversión”.

Pro Familia publicó de nuevo un artículo de Lautmann en 2013, titulado “la investigación sexual puede cambiar la realidad”.

El año pasado, tras las protestas públicas, se impidió a Lautmann participar en la creación de guarderías (artículo en español) coordinadas con el Departamento de Juventud, Educación y Familia del Senado de Berlín. En un principio había sido uno de los miembros de la junta que supervisaba aspectos del proyecto.

Los críticos también han señalado que uno de los principales responsables de Pro Familia, Uwe Sielert, tiene puntos de vista cuestionables con respecto a la sexualidad y los menores, y está vinculado al polémico sexólogo Helmut Kentler, que ha sido descrito como un mentor paternal de Sielert.

Kentler, quien hizo campaña durante toda su vida a favor de la abolición de las leyes que prohibían el abuso sexual de niños menores de 14 años, fue el responsable de un proyecto financiado por el Estado en el que niños sufrieron abusos sexuales por parte de pedófilos en un “experimento” para demostrar que el sexo entre adultos y niños era inofensivo.

A partir de 1969, el proyecto de Kentler había colocado a menores de acogida en hogares de pedófilos (artículo en español) en un intento de probar su teoría de que los pedófilos podrían ser buenos padres de acogida. Kentler había teorizado que la atracción del pedófilo por los niños se traduciría en un fuerte impulso para cuidar de ellos.

“Estas personas fueron capaces de aguantar a estas criaturas [mentalmente] retrasadas sólo porque estaban enamorados de ellas, encaprichados con ellas, locos por ellas”, explicó Kentler en 1970.

El proyecto de Kentler fue aprobado por el Senado de Berlín, y los padres de acogida pedófilos recibían subsidios mensuales del gobierno para cuidar de los huérfanos.

Según Frank Herrath, profesor de sexología y cofundador del Instituto de Educación Sexual (Institut für Sexualpädagogik – ISP), “la educación sexual en Alemania fue moldeada por Helmut Kentler y Uwe Sielert”.

“La educación sexual no sería lo que hoy es si Uwe Sielert no hubiera ayudado a configurarla durante más de un cuarto de siglo, por ser algo muy cercano a su corazón. Al igual que su amigo y figura paterna Helmut Kentler, Uwe Sielert fue y es extremadamente importante, tanto para la teoría de la educación sexual, como para la práctica del apoyo profesional a la sexualidad, a lo largo de los años siempre innovador y con iniciativa, manteniendo la curiosidad por lo nuevo y con un efecto duradero “, escribió Herrath en 2009.

Sielert, cofundador de la Sociedad para la Educación Sexual (Gesellschaft für Sexualpädagogik – GSP), es asesor científico del Instituto de Educación Sexual de Dortmund y profesor de educación de la Universidad de Kiel. Es autor de varios libros sobre sexualidad infantil. Como ejemplo, Sielert es coautor con Herrath de un libro de educación sexual dirigido a criaturas de 4 a 8 años, en el que se muestra actividad sexual explícita entre menores y se anima a los lectores a imitar la masturbación y las interacciones sexuales.

El año pasado, Reduxx informó sobre una obra sobre “personas atraídas por menores” que fue financiada por el gobierno nacional alemán y el Senado de Berlín. Titulada “A MAP’s Tale” (“La Historia de un MAP”, Persona Atraída por Menores, en sus siglas en inglés), y basada en la historia real de un pedófilo llamado “Adam” que fue entrevistado por el periodista Luke Malone, la obra se estrenó en febrero de 2023 en el Teatro Unterm Dach de Berlín. En la descripción de la obra, la pedofilia se clasifica de “trastorno de preferencia sexual” y de “orientación sexual”.

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